No.Per (AP.B)B(11)-1/2013 Government of Himachal Pradesh Department of Personnel Appointment-II -H- --Dated Shimla-2, 2-1''':) Sept., 2014 From Pro Secretary (Personnel) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh To The Pro Secretary (Finance) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh Shimla-171 002 Subject : Regarding APARs. Sir, 1 am directed to refer to letter No. 111(1)16/68Fin(LA) Vol-22-5338 dated 02-09-2014 from Special Secretary (LAD) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh on the subject cited above and say that it has been decided by the Government to follow the procedure for writing of Annual Performance Appraisal Reports (APARs) in respect of the officers/officials working in the Local Audit Department, as prescribed in the statement appended herewith. This also supersedes Local Audit Department Office Order No. 111(1)(16)-Fin(LA) Vol-20-2701 dated 23-04-2013. Yours faithrlly, ~'-{ (Prem Singh Thakur) Deputy Secretary (Personnel) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh Tel No. 0177-2624183 Ends; Statement contd ... 2.. · 2 . STATEMENT Procedure regarding prescribing the reporting, reviewing and accepting authorities for writing Annual Performance Appraisal Reports in respect of the officers/officials working in the Local Audit Department, Himachal Pradesh. S.No. Designation of the post. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Reporting Officer Reviewing Authority Accepting Authority Addl. Director Joint Director/ Joint Controller Deputy Director/ Deputy Controller Pro Secretary Pro Secretary (Finance) (Finance) Pro Secretary Addl. Director Director (Finance) Addl. Director/ Immediate Officer/ Director Pro Secretary (Finance) Asstt. Director/ Asstt. Controller Section Officer (SAS) Junior Accounts Auditor Junior Assistant/ Clerk/ Driver Immediate Officer Director Pro Secretary (Finance) Immediate Officer Immediate Officer Addl. Director Director Immediate Officer Addl. Director Director Director Addl. Director Director ~~[ (prem Singh TIlakur) Deputy Secretary (personnel) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh Tel. Nq0177 - 2624183 *****