Enterprise Minor Name : ____________________________________________________________________________

Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies
Enterprise Minor
Degree Services
Registrar’s Office
Name (please print): ____________________________________________________________________________
Student Number: ___________________________
Primary Major: _____________________________ Expected Major Completion Term: _________________
Required Courses - Select one of the following.
_____ ENT2961* Teaming in the Enterprise (2) and ENT2962* Communication Contexts (1) OR
_____ MGT2000 Team Dynamics and Decision Making (3)
Required Project Work Courses
_____ ENT3950 Enterprise Project Work III (1)
_____ ENT3960 Enterprise Project Work IV (1)
_____ ENT4950 Enterprise Project Work V (2) OR ENT4900 Senior Enterprise Project Work I for NonEngineering Majors (2)
_____ ENT4960 Enterprise Project Work VI (2) OR ENT4910 Senior Enterprise Project Work II for
Non-Engineering Majors (2)
Required Courses - Select at least 1 communication credit from the following
______ ENT3962* Communication Strategies (1)
______ ENT4952* Complex Communication Practices (1)
______ HU3120* Scientific and Technical Communications (3)
______ CM3410* Technical Communication for Chemical Engineers (3)
Required Courses - Select at least 5 credits from the following.
______EC3400* Economic Decision Analysis (3)
______EC2001* Principles of Economics (3)
______ENT3954 Enterprise Market Principles (1) OR
MKT 3000 Principles of Marketing (3)
______ENT3961* Enterprise Strategic Leadership (1) OR AF3001* USAF Leadership Studies I (3) OR MGT 3100
Leadership Development
______ENT3963 Technology Commercialization (1) OR
MGT 3650/SS 3650 Intellectual Property Management (3) OR
MGT 3800 Entrepreneurship (3)
______ENT3964 Project Management (1) OR
OSM 3200 Project Management (3) OR
OSM 4300 / SSE 4300 Project Planning and Management for Engineers (3)
______ENT3971 Seven Habits of Effective People (1)
______ENT3976 Personal Brand Management (1)
______ENT4951 Business Plans & Budgeting/Enterprise (1)
______ENT4954* Global Competition (1)
Elective Courses - Select remaining credits from the list below, or from any list above if not already used.
______ENT1960 OR ENT2950 OR ENT2960 OR ENT4961 (1)
______ENT2964 Machine Tool Fundamentals & Applications (1)
______ENT3956 Industrial Health and Safety (1) OR
CM4310 Chemical Process Safety/Environment (3)
______ENT3957 Fundamentals of Engineering & Technology (1)
______ENT3958 Ethics in Engineering Design and Implementation (1) OR
CE3331 Professional Practice (2)
______ENT3966 Design for Manufacturing (1)
______ENT3967 Fundamentals of Product/Process Development (1)
______ENT3972 Practical Electronic Circuit Design and Fabrication (1)
______ENT3973 Intro to Geohydrologic Techniques (1)
______ENT3974/CM3975 Fuel Cell Fundamentals (1)
______ENT3975 Intro to Vehicle Design and System Modeling (1)
______ENT3977/CM3977 Fundamentals of Hydrogen as and Energy Carrier (1)
______ENT3978/CM3978 Hydrogen Measurements Lab (1)
______ ENT4310/MY4310 Practical Scanning Probe Microscopy (1)
Credits Required = 20
Total Credits _______
Director, Enterprise Program
*May be used to satisfy HASS Distribution Course Requirements if not required by major.
Information and Guidelines
The Enterprise Minor will require 20 semester credit hours. The Minor must include at least 6 semester credit hours
of 3000 level or higher courses which are not required for the Major degree program except as free electives.
A minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 is required for courses in this minor.
It is recommended that students consider the Enterprise Minor as early as possible in their program of study. Students
desiring this minor should indicate their intent by filing a "Curriculum Change" form with the Office of Student
Records and Registration no later than the first semester of their junior year.
This form must be submitted to the Director of the Enterprise Program in the Institute of Interdisciplinary Studies two semesters
prior to completion of the requirements for the Minor. The director will approve and forward this form to Degree Services. Once
on file with Degree Services, any change of intent to pursue the minor must be reported directly to the Degree Services Office,
487-2395. Failure to do so could delay the awarding of the undergraduate degree. Any changes to the requirements, e.g. course
substitutions, must be indicated on a "Petition to Alter Degree Requirements" form which should then be submitted for approval to the
Director of the Enterprise Program.
Courses listed in this minor have the following prerequisites (shown in parenthesis). Concurrency is illustrated by the letter C: CM3410 (UN2001 and UN2002),
ENT2961 (UN2002 C), ENT2962 (UN1002 or UN1003), EC3400 (UN2002), HU3120 (UN1002 or UN1003), ENT4961 (ENT3950 and ENT3960 and ENT4950 and
ENT4960), ENT4952 (ENT3962 and (UN1002 or UN1003)), ENT3962 (ENT2962 and (UN1002 or UN1003)), ENT3961 (ENT2961 and UN2002), EC3001 (UN2002
and MA1032 or higher), ENT4954 (ENT2961 and UN2002), AF3001 (UN2002), CM4310 (CM3120 and CM3220), ENT3958 (ENG1101 or (ENG1100 and
ENG1001)), ENT3966 (ENG1102), ENT3974 (CH1100 or CH1110), ENT3975 (ENG1102)
Academic Year 2011-12