Bachelor of Science Degree Audit 201208 Requirements Major Program: Social Sciences General Concentration: SSSUG Program Code: Major Requirements Course Number Credits Course Status Code M, R, P, WVD, SUB* (74) HU 2700 3 MA 2720 4 PSY 2000 3 SS 1001 1 Research Methods: 3-4 credits from SS3210, SS4211, SS3220, SS4010, SS4500 SS______ 3 SS 4910 1 Additional 12 credits – one (1) approved lab science course (3-4 credits), including both the lab and corresponding lecture, and nine (9) approved STEM credits. Choose 6 of the following: SS2100, SS2200, SS2400, SS2500, SS2550, SS2600 SS2700, SS3801 SS______ 3 SS______ 3 SS______ 3 SS______ 3 SS______ 3 SS______ 3 Choose 1 from each of the following 5 areas: Anthropology/Archaeology: 3 credits SS2100, SS2200, SS3110, SS3200, SS3210, SS3220, SS3230, SS3240, SS3250, SS3260, SS3270, SS3810, SS3910, SS3920, SS4001, SS4100, SS4200, SS4210, SS4220 SS _____ 3 Geography/Environment: 3 credits SS2100, SS2400, SS3240, SS3300, SS3313, SS3315, SS3400, SS3410, SS3630, SS3760, SS3800, SS3930, SS4200, SS4390, SS4635 SS _____ 3 History: 3 credits SS2500, SS2550, SS2560, SS3260, SS3500, SS3505, SS3510, SS3511, SS3512, SS3515, SS3520, SS3521, SS3530, SS3540, SS3541, SS3550, SS3551, SS3552, SS3560, SS3561, SS3570, SS3580, SS3910, SS3950, SS4210, SS4500, SS4705 SS _____ 3 * M-Passed with valid grade, transfer, or Adv.Continued Placement credit; Next Column Registered in course; Plan to take in future, WVD-Waived course or credit (does not reduce total degree credits required), SUBPetitioned as substitute course. Name: ID#: Expected Graduation Term: Major Requirements (Continued) Course Number Credits 74 Course Status Code M, R, P, WVD, SUB* Sociology: 3 credits SS2700, SS3315, SS3700, SS3710, SS/PSY3720, SS3750, SS3760, SS4001 SS _____ Political Science/STS: 3 credits SS2600, SS2635, SS3801, SS3230, SS3300, SS3410, SS3510, SS3511, SS3520, SS3530, SS3580, SS3600, SS3610, SS3630, SS3640, SS3650, SS3660, SS3661, SS3670, SS3700, SS3760, SS3800, SS3801, SS3820, SS3850, SS4100, SS4510, SS4635 SS _____ Major Approved Electives: 13-14 Credits (Any academic courses, excludes PE, and FA performance courses; 13-14 credits required if Concentration Requirements, below, are 12 credits. Includes EH except: EH1500, EH2220, EH3010, EH3700). Credits Subtotal Concentration Requirements Credits Course Status Code M, R, P, WVD, SUB* Course Number (12) 12 credits in a specific area worked out in consultation with advisor SS _____ 3 SS _____ 3 SS _____ 3 SS _____ 3 Note: If concentration is anthropology or archaeology or a combination of the two, student must take as his/her research methods course SS3210 (3 cr): Credits Subtotal 03/29/12 2:39 PM General Education Requirements Course Number UN 1001 UN 1002** UN 2001 UN 2002 Credits (28) 3 4 3 3 Course Status Code M, R, P, WVD, SUB* Course Number Free Electives Credits (10) Course Status Code M, R, P, WVD, SUB* HASS Distribution Courses: 15 total credits required. Six credits must be at the 3000- or 4000-level. No more than 3 credits from the HASS Creative Endeavors List may be used to satisfy the HASS Distribution List requirements. No more than 3 credits from the HASS Supplemental List may be used to satisfy the HASS Distribution List requirements. EC 2001 3 Credits Subtotal Additional Information (check all that apply) Currently Enrolled in: Credits Subtotal **Two semesters of a single modern language (6 cr) in addition to UN1003 World Cultures Activities (1 cr) can substitute for UN1002 + 3 credits of distribution course requirements. Certificate Program: _______________ Double Major: _____________________ Co-Curricular Activities .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 Required for graduation, but not included in the calculation of the GPA, or in the overall credits required for the degree. Minor: ___________________________ Second Degree: ____________________ For Advisor Use Only Total Credits Required: 124 Total Credits Completed: Total Credits Needed: Student Signature Date Departmental Approval Date