Bachelor of Science Degree Audit 200408 Requirements Major Program: Economics Name: Concentration: N/A ID#: BECUG Program Code: Expected Graduation Term: Major Requirements Course Number (BECMAJR) Credits Course Status Code (44-48) M, R, P, WVD, SUB* 3 3/4 BA 1200 BA2100/MA2720/ MA3710 BA 2200/HU 2701 or 3 any CS programming course BA 3790/HU 3120 3 Choose 4 of the following: BA 2300, BA 2310, BA 2500, BA 3400, or BA 3690/BA 2110 BA ____ 3 BA ____ 3 BA ____ 3 BA ____ 3 MA 1032/MA 1033 and MA 1150/ MA 1160 /MA 1151/MA 1161 and MA 2150/MA 2160 OR MAT 1115 and MAT 1125 and MAT 2215 4/3 4/5 Concentration Requirements (BECCON) Credits Course Status Code Course Number (27) M, R, P, WVD, SUB* EC 3002 3 EC 3003 3 EC 4000 3 EC 4200 3 Choose 15 credits from the following: EC 3020 3 EC 3030 3 EC 3100 3 EC 3300 3 EC 3500 3 EC 3700 3 EC 4400 3 EC 4600 3 EC 4610 3 EC 4620 3 EC 4700 3 EC 4800 3 EC 4900 1-4 EC 4990 1-4 4 5 5 3 Credits Subtotal One lab science course from BL, CH, FW, GE, or PH 3/4 Modern Language** 6 ** 3 credits of this requirement plus UN1003 replaces UN1002 under the General Education area. Credits Subtotal * M-Passed with valid grade, transfer, or Adv. Placement credit; Registered in course; Plan to take in future, WVD-Waived course or credit (does not reduce total degree credits required), SUB-Petitioned as substitute course. 04/28/04 11:09 AM General Education Requirements Course Number UN 1001 UN 1003** and Language OR UN 1002 UN 2001 UN 2002 Free Electives (BECGENED) Credits Course Status Code (28) M, R, P, WVD, SUB* 3 1 Course Number (BECFREE) Credits Course Status Code (28-32) M, R, P, WVD, SUB* 4 3 3 Distribution Courses: 15 total credits required*** - Six credits maximum at the 2000 level. A. 6 credits from World Cultures (WCUL attribute) 3 3 B. 6 credits from Institutions (INST attribute) EC 3001 3 3 C. 3 remaining credits from either World Cultures or Institutions. 3 ***NOTE: As a second option, all 15 credits of the distribution requirement may be filled with modern language credits providing they are not the student’s native language, meet the upper division requirement (3000-4000 level) of 9 credits, and any distribution course specified by the major is also taken. HU 3 HU 3 HU 3 HU 3 HU 3 Credits Subtotal ** This degree requires six credits of modern language under the major requirements. Students should concurrently enroll in UN1003 and a modern language unless they have already taken UN1002. Credits Subtotal Additional Information (check all that apply) Currently Enrolled in: ¨ Certificate Program: ______________ ¨ Double Major: ___________________ ¨ Minor: _________________________ Co-Curricular Activities .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 Required for graduation, but not included in the calculation of the GPA, or in the overall credits required for the degree. ¨ Second Degree:___________________ For Advisor Use Only Total Credits Required: 128 Total Credits Completed: Total Credits Needed: Student Signature Date Departmental Approval Date