How fat is the top tail of the wealth distribution? Philip Vermeulen European Central Bank DG-Research Household wealth data and Public Policy, London 9/March/2015 Philip Vermeulen How fat is the top tail 9/March/2015 1 / 44 This slideshow should not be reported as representing the views of the European Central Bank (ECB). The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the ECB. Philip Vermeulen How fat is the top tail 9/March/2015 2 / 44 Intro Wealth distribution and its tail 30 percent of wealth is held by 1 percent of the population (Kennickell, 2009) Piketty “Capital in the Twenty-First Century” Stiglitz “The Price of Inequality: How Today’s Divided Society Endangers Our Future” analysis of tax and redistribution policies needs detailed distributional information Philip Vermeulen How fat is the top tail 9/March/2015 3 / 44 Intro Purpose of the research Philip Vermeulen How fat is the top tail 9/March/2015 4 / 44 Intro Purpose of the research How much wealth is in the tail? Philip Vermeulen How fat is the top tail 9/March/2015 4 / 44 Intro Purpose of the research How much wealth is in the tail? Does survey data give a good account of tail wealth? Philip Vermeulen How fat is the top tail 9/March/2015 4 / 44 Intro Purpose of the research How much wealth is in the tail? Does survey data give a good account of tail wealth? Show the importance of differential unit non-response for tail wealth estimation Philip Vermeulen How fat is the top tail 9/March/2015 4 / 44 Intro Purpose of the research How much wealth is in the tail? Does survey data give a good account of tail wealth? Show the importance of differential unit non-response for tail wealth estimation Improve on the estimation of tail wealth in the presence of differential unit non-response. Philip Vermeulen How fat is the top tail 9/March/2015 4 / 44 Intro Purpose of the research How much wealth is in the tail? Does survey data give a good account of tail wealth? Show the importance of differential unit non-response for tail wealth estimation Improve on the estimation of tail wealth in the presence of differential unit non-response. New estimates of tail wealth: US, UK, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, The Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Finland, Portugal Philip Vermeulen How fat is the top tail 9/March/2015 4 / 44 Intro Wealth distribution data Household wealth surveys US Survey of consumer finances UK Wealth and Assets survey European Household Finance and Consumption Survey Complex survey designs: stratification, clustering, weighting representative of population Philip Vermeulen How fat is the top tail 9/March/2015 5 / 44 Intro Literature: Tail wealth estimation Wealth tax records: Roine and Waldenström (2009), Alvaredo and Saez (2009), Dell, Piketty and Saez (2007) estate tax records: Atkinson and Harrison (1978), Atkinson, Gordon and Harrison (1989), Kopczuk and Saez (2004), Piketty, Postel-Vinay and Rosenthal (2006) Capitalization capital income: Atkinson and Harrison (1978), Saez and Zucman (2014) Philip Vermeulen How fat is the top tail 9/March/2015 6 / 44 Intro 0 2.0e−06 Density 4.0e−06 6.0e−06 Part of the wealth distribution Germany 0 Philip Vermeulen 200000 400000 600000 wealtheuro How fat is the top tail 800000 1000000 9/March/2015 7 / 44 Intro 0 1.0e−06 Density 2.0e−06 3.0e−06 4.0e−06 5.0e−06 Part of the wealth distribution France 0 Philip Vermeulen 200000 400000 600000 wealtheuro How fat is the top tail 800000 1000000 9/March/2015 8 / 44 Intro 0 1.0e−06 Density 2.0e−06 3.0e−06 4.0e−06 Part of the wealth distribution Italy 0 Philip Vermeulen 200000 400000 600000 wealtheuro How fat is the top tail 800000 1000000 9/March/2015 9 / 44 Intro 0 1.0e−06 Density 2.0e−06 3.0e−06 Part of the wealth distribution Spain 0 Philip Vermeulen 200000 400000 600000 wealtheuro How fat is the top tail 800000 1000000 9/March/2015 10 / 44 Intro The wealth distribution is special Practically all familiar distributions: inflation, bond returns, stock returns, growth rates, “mean” and “variance” that makes sense (central tendency and fluctuations around it) wealth distribution in contrast: an astronomically long tail: roughly twenty thousand times larger than the first 95 percent of the distribution Has a “mean” and “variance” that don’t make sense. NEED to sample especially from the tail to estimate its importance Philip Vermeulen How fat is the top tail 9/March/2015 11 / 44 Intro Household wealth survey data: two problems - one solution PROBLEM I = Efficiency: a simple random sample yields an inefficient estimate of the distribution of wealth PROBLEM II = BIAS: survey weights that remain uncorrected for differential unit non-response SOLUTION : Oversample the wealthy Philip Vermeulen How fat is the top tail 9/March/2015 12 / 44 Intro Household wealth survey data: oversampling the rich very different strategies to oversample wealthy households US, UK: income tax files Spain, France: wealth tax files Finland: income register data Germany, Belgium: income of regions Portugal, Austria: metropolitan areas Italy, Netherlands: No oversampling Philip Vermeulen How fat is the top tail 9/March/2015 13 / 44 Intro The effect of different oversampling strategies Number of wealthy households in the samples > 2 million euro Absolute Number vs Pct in sample Sample size Absolute number Pct of sample USA 6482 965 15 Spain 6197 544 9 UK 20165 949 5 France 15006 638 4 Germany 3565 85 2 Italy 7951 78 1 Netherlands 1301 2 0.15 Philip Vermeulen How fat is the top tail 9/March/2015 14 / 44 The data The extreme tail The forbes list (billion euro) USA Germany UK Italy Spain France Austria Netherlands Portugal Belgium Finland Philip Vermeulen Individuals 396 52 37 14 12 11 5 3 2 1 1 Total wealth 978.6 183.3 84.8 46.6 28.3 60.1 13.0 4.8 4.1 1.9 1.0 How fat is the top tail Pct country wealth 2.3 2.4 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.9 1.2 0.4 0.7 0.1 0.2 9/March/2015 15 / 44 The data The Household data: the missing end of the tail USA Spain France UK Finland Germany Belgium Portugal Austria Italy Netherlands Philip Vermeulen MIND THE GAP Max wealth Survey vs Min wealth at Forbes Million euros Max wealth SCF/WAS/HFCS Min wealth Forbes 806 737 409 780 153 810 92 780 15 958 76 818 8 1920 27 1110 22 1560 26 893 5 958 How fat is the top tail 9/March/2015 16 / 44 The data Some observations large gap between the highest wealth household in HFCS sample and the poorest household in Forbes suggest combination of non-response and lack of effective oversampling suggest to estimate the tail of the distribution survey + Forbes data Philip Vermeulen How fat is the top tail 9/March/2015 17 / 44 Tail distributions How to estimate tail wealth Survey Sample only Directly from the observations in the survey samples Assume tail is Pareto:(pseudo) maximum likelihood Assume tail is Pareto: Regression method on survey sample Survey sample + Forbes Assuming tail is Pareto: Regression method on survey sample+Forbes data Philip Vermeulen How fat is the top tail 9/March/2015 18 / 44 Tail distributions A candidate distribution for the tail Pareto distribution (Power law) complementary CDF or tail function P (W > w) = ( wmin α ) w (1) defined on the interval [wmin , ∞[ and α > 0 α tail index determines the fatness of the tail. The lower α, the fatter the tail. Philip Vermeulen How fat is the top tail 9/March/2015 19 / 44 Tail distributions Method 1: Pseudo maximum likelihood Maximum likelihood is impossible, cannot write the likelihood function Pseudo maximum likelihood act ”as if the data were a census” Q L(α, wmin | W ) = f (wi )swi Does not deal with the differential non-response problem Philip Vermeulen How fat is the top tail 9/March/2015 20 / 44 Tail distributions An interesting property of the Pareto complementary CDF or tail function P (W > w) = ( wmin α ) w (2) n(wi ) the number of households that have wealth above wi (rank of the household) wmin α n(wi ) =( ) N wi (3) log(n(wi )) = log(N ) + αlog(wmin ) − αlog(wi ) log of the rank of the household and log of its wealth are on a straigth line. Philip Vermeulen How fat is the top tail 9/March/2015 21 / 44 Tail distributions Method 2: Regression method log(n(wi )) = constant − αlog(wi ) log of the rank of the household and log of its wealth are on a straight line. use survey data to construct n(wi ) also use Forbes data to construct n(wi ) αRH ˆ : survey data only αRHF ˆ : survey data + Forbes data Philip Vermeulen How fat is the top tail 9/March/2015 22 / 44 Tail distributions Log rank of the household and log wealth (USA) 0 5 10 15 20 USA 10 15 20 25 lnwealtheuro g_lnr f_lnr Graphs by country Philip Vermeulen How fat is the top tail 9/March/2015 23 / 44 Tail distributions 0 5 10 15 Log rank of the household and log wealth (Germany) 14 16 18 20 lnwealtheuro ln_rank_hfcs Philip Vermeulen 22 24 ln_rank_forbes How fat is the top tail 9/March/2015 24 / 44 Tail distributions 0 5 10 15 Log rank of the household and log wealth (UK) 14 16 18 20 22 24 lnwealtheuro ln_rank_hfcs Philip Vermeulen ln_rank_forbes How fat is the top tail 9/March/2015 25 / 44 Tail distributions 0 5 10 15 Log rank of the household and log wealth (France) 14 16 18 20 lnwealtheuro ln_rank_hfcs Philip Vermeulen 22 24 ln_rank_forbes How fat is the top tail 9/March/2015 26 / 44 Tail distributions 0 5 10 15 Log rank of the household and log wealth (Italy) 14 16 18 20 lnwealtheuro ln_rank_hfcs Philip Vermeulen 22 24 ln_rank_forbes How fat is the top tail 9/March/2015 27 / 44 Tail distributions 0 5 10 15 Log rank of the household and log wealth (Spain) 14 16 18 20 lnwealtheuro ln_rank_hfcs Philip Vermeulen 22 24 ln_rank_forbes How fat is the top tail 9/March/2015 28 / 44 Tail distributions 0 5 10 15 Log rank of the household and log wealth (Netherlands) 14 16 18 lnwealtheuro ln_rank_hfcs Philip Vermeulen 20 22 ln_rank_forbes How fat is the top tail 9/March/2015 29 / 44 Tail distributions 0 5 10 15 Log rank of the household and log wealth (Belgium) 14 16 18 lnwealtheuro ln_rank_hfcs Philip Vermeulen 20 22 ln_rank_forbes How fat is the top tail 9/March/2015 30 / 44 Tail distributions 0 5 10 15 Log rank of the household and log wealth (Austria) 14 16 18 lnwealtheuro ln_rank_hfcs Philip Vermeulen 20 22 ln_rank_forbes How fat is the top tail 9/March/2015 31 / 44 Tail distributions The effect of differential unit non-response: Monte Carlo 1 million households draw wealth from Pareto distribution with tail index α rich list (households more than 740 million euro) A survey sample is drawn for 750 households: 1) No oversampling: simple random sample 2) Oversampling (4 strata: 75, 150, 225, 300) non-response probability follows 0.097+0.0365*ln(Wealth) Estimate tail index using pseudo maximum likelihood, regression method survey, regression method survey + rich list twenty thousand Monte Carlo iterations Philip Vermeulen How fat is the top tail 9/March/2015 32 / 44 Tail distributions Pareto tail index estimates under differential unit non-response Monte Carlo estimates of Pareto tail index TRUE MAX REGR REGR Resp Rich list α LIK +LIST obs obs (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) No Oversampling 1.50 1.61 1.61 1.49 280 50 1.60 1.50 1.60 0.10 0.13 0.03 13 7 1.71 1.71 1.60 281 26 0.10 0.14 0.04 13 5 Oversampling the rich 1.52 1.57 1.50 273 50 0.04 0.11 0.03 13 7 1.62 1.67 1.60 275 26 0.04 0.12 0.04 13 5 Philip Vermeulen How fat is the top tail 9/March/2015 33 / 44 Tail distributions Tail wealth estimates under differential unit non-response Monte Carlo estimates of tail wealth as a proportion of true tail wealth (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) TRUE survey est. MAX REGR REGR α LIK + LIST No Oversampling 1.50 0.87 0.90 0.91 1.01 1.60 1.50 1.60 0.25 0.10 0.15 0.04 0.90 0.92 0.93 1.01 0.15 0.08 0.12 0.04 Oversampling the rich 0.91 0.97 0.94 1.01 0.23 0.05 0.14 0.04 0.93 0.98 0.95 1.00 0.12 0.04 0.11 0.04 Philip Vermeulen How fat is the top tail 9/March/2015 34 / 44 Tail distributions TAIL WEALTH DISTRIBUTION (MONTE CARLO EXAMPLE) Monte Carlo: Tail of the wealth distribution 0 10 −1 10 −2 10 −3 P(X>=x) 10 −4 10 Empirical ccdf (Sample) Empirical ccdf (Rich list) Regression (SAmple) Regression (Sample and Rich list) TRUE power law −5 10 −6 10 −7 10 0 10 Philip Vermeulen 1 10 2 3 10 10 Wealth (in million euro) How fat is the top tail 4 10 5 10 9/March/2015 35 / 44 Estimation results TAIL WEALTH DISTRIBUTION (Germany) Tail of the wealth distribution 0 10 −1 10 −2 10 −3 P(X>=x) 10 −4 10 Empirical ccdf (Survey) Empirical ccdf (Forbes) Regression (survey) Regression (survey and Forbes) Pseudo Maxlik(survey) −5 10 −6 10 −7 10 0 10 Philip Vermeulen 1 10 2 3 10 10 Wealth (in million euro) How fat is the top tail 4 10 5 10 9/March/2015 36 / 44 Estimation results TAIL WEALTH DISTRIBUTION (USA) Tail of the wealth distribution 0 10 −1 10 −2 10 −3 P(X>=x) 10 −4 10 Empirical ccdf (Survey) Empirical ccdf (Forbes) Regression (survey) Regression (survey and Forbes) Pseudo Maxlik(survey) −5 10 −6 10 −7 10 0 10 Philip Vermeulen 1 10 2 3 10 10 Wealth (in million euro) How fat is the top tail 4 10 5 10 9/March/2015 37 / 44 Estimation results TAIL WEALTH DISTRIBUTION (USA) Tail of the wealth distribution 0 10 −1 10 −2 10 −3 P(X>=x) 10 −4 10 Empirical ccdf (Survey) Empirical ccdf (Forbes) Regression (survey) Regression (survey and Forbes) −5 10 Pseudo Maxlik(survey) −6 10 −7 10 1 10 Philip Vermeulen 2 10 3 10 Wealth (in million euro) How fat is the top tail 4 10 5 10 9/March/2015 38 / 44 Estimation results TAIL WEALTH DISTRIBUTION (UK) Tail of the wealth distribution 0 10 −1 10 −2 10 −3 10 P(X>=x) −4 10 −5 10 Empirical ccdf (Survey) Empirical ccdf (Forbes) Regression (survey) Regression (survey and Forbes) −6 10 −7 10 Pseudo Maxlik(survey) −8 10 −9 10 0 10 Philip Vermeulen 1 10 2 3 10 10 Wealth (in million euro) How fat is the top tail 4 10 5 10 9/March/2015 39 / 44 Estimation results TAIL WEALTH DISTRIBUTION (UK) Tail of the wealth distribution 0 10 −1 10 −2 P(X>=x) 10 −3 10 Empirical ccdf (Survey) Empirical ccdf (Forbes) Regression (survey) Regression (survey and Forbes) −4 10 Pseudo Maxlik(survey) −5 10 1 10 Philip Vermeulen 2 10 3 10 Wealth (in million euro) How fat is the top tail 4 10 5 10 9/March/2015 40 / 44 Estimation results Average Pareto tail index Regres Regres ∆ excl Forbes incl Forbes countries using tax/income records to oversample USA 1.59 1.52 0.07 UK 2.05 1.74 0.31 France 1.76 1.62 0.14 Spain 1.77 1.69 0.07 Finland 2.11 1.88 0.23 other or no oversampling Germany 1.68 1.39 0.29 Austria 1.65 1.46 0.20 Belgium 2.18 1.87 0.31 Portugal 1.45 1.47 -0.02 Italy 2.02 1.58 0.44 Netherlands 5.09 1.48 3.61 Philip Vermeulen How fat is the top tail 9/March/2015 41 / 44 Estimation results Percentage wealth share of top 1 pct of households Regres ∆ SURVEY incl Forbes countries using tax/income records to oversample USA 34 31-37 -3 to +3 UK 13 14-18 +1 to +5 France 18 19-21 +1 to +3 Spain 15 15-17 +0 to +2 Finland 12 13-15 +1 to +3 other or no oversampling Germany 24 32-34 +8 to +10 Austria 23 31-32 +8 to +9 Belgium 12 15-16 +3 to +4 Portugal 21 23-27 +2 to +6 Italy 14 20-21 +6 to +7 Netherlands 9 10-19 +1 to +10 Philip Vermeulen How fat is the top tail 9/March/2015 42 / 44 Estimation results Percentage wealth share of top 5 pct of households Regres ∆ SURVEY incl Forbes countries using tax/income records to oversample USA 61 53-63 -8 to +2 UK 30 31-35 +1 to +5 France 37 38-39 +1 to +2 Spain 31 31-33 +0 to +2 Finland 31 32-33 +1 to +2 other or no oversampling Germany 46 51-54 +5 to +8 Austria 48 52-54 +4 to +6 Belgium 31 33-34 +2 to +3 Portugal 41 42-45 +1 to +4 Italy 32 37-38 +5 to +6 Netherlands 26 27-36 +1 to +10 Philip Vermeulen How fat is the top tail 9/March/2015 43 / 44 Conclusion Conclusion unobserved differential non-response creates substantially downward biased estimates of tail wealth oversampling (using tax records) allows to observe and address (partially) differential non-response combining Forbes/rich lists tail wealth individuals with survey data improves tail wealth estimates Germany, Austria, The Netherlands, Italy have substantially higher tail wealth than can be derived from the HFCS data only Philip Vermeulen How fat is the top tail 9/March/2015 44 / 44