Michigan TechnologicalUniversity 1400TownsendDrive IloughtonoMichigan Interim Financial Statements for the nine months ending March 31r 2009 and 2008 Preparedand Submitted by Michigan TechAccountingServices edu/acctlreports/FY2OO9 More information can be found at: www.admin.mtu. GeneralInformation Since199Bthe mostrecentquarterly financialreportshavebeenpostedto thiswebsite. Althoughthe reportformatsare not as "dressedup"as our annualauditedfinancialstatements, theyfairlyreflectthe University's financialcondition.The formatof theseinterimreportsreflectsthe adoptionof the GovernmentalAccountinq StandardsBoard('GASB')Statement No.35 financial reporting.Fund accountinqreportsare alsoprovidedfor managerial review. Sincetheseareonlyunaudited interimfinancial statements, immaterial discrepancies maybe included in thesestatements. However, thesediscrepancies havebeennotedandthe appropriate corrections will be madein thesubsequent month. The University hasadoptedGASB39 (inclusion of the Michigan TechFund(MTF)financial statements).However, we are includingMTFonlyon our year-endfinancialstatements.Thereis no inclusionof (MTF)activityin the MichiganTechinterimfinancialreporting.lf youwouldliketo see the MTF interimreports,clickhere: http://www.mtf.mtu.edu/trustee site/financial.php Have any questions? Visitour FrequentlvAsked Questions section. Financial Highlights The Bottom Line: The University had$2.5millionof net incomefor the ninemonthsendingMarch31,2009.Thisis $1.4 period'snetincomeof $3.9million. millionlessthanthe FY08equivalent Thedifference is dueto the increasein operatingexpensesbeinggreaterthanthe increasein operatingrevenues. BaI ance Sheef Varian ces: Accounts Receivable: For a detailedanalysissee the Supportinq Schedules- Accounts receivable. Deposits: BlueCrossBlueShieldof Michigan (BCBS)required the University to maintain a $560thousand deposit.Aetna,our newhealthcare administrator, doesnot requirea deposit. Investments: The Universitypreviously dollar-cost-averaged approximately $7 milliondollarsof R&lfundcashback intothe equitymarkets.Thiswasconsistent withthe University SenateProposal: http://wwr,rtr.ad min.mtu.edu/usenate/propose/8-05. htm Withthe marketadjusting downward, investments havedecreased $1.5millionfromJune30,2008. Deferredrevenue: Researchactivitydeferredrevenueis down$gqZthousand. Insuranceand BenefitsReserves: The University hasbookedits GASB45 projected AnnualRequiredContribution (ARC)of $1 million. This is the secondyearof the GASB45 (Accounting and FinanciatReportingby Emptoyersfor Postemployment BenefitsOtherThanPensions) implementation. The University is exploringoptionsto decrease the FY09annualrequired contribution. lf successful, thenwe willalsoreduceour liability. Notesand BondsPayable:The University issueda newbondfor $6.15million. GapitalLeaseObligations: paymenton thefour-yearDellLease. Thisdecreaserepresents FundsDueto MichiganTech Fund: Decreaserepresents MichiganTech'srepayment to the MichiganTechFundfor the moniesadvanced to acquireMTRI,ourAnn Arborresearchfacility. lncome StatementVariances: NaturalGlassificationReporting Safariesand wagesare up 7Yo.Thisis a functionof bothraisesand additional employees. Frinqebenefits: ffi tfre FY09Combined fundssummaryfringebenefitshaveincreased (9%)whichis greaterthanthe increasein salaries(7Vo).The University hasredesigned its healthcareplansto betterpositionitselfto addressfuturehealthcareexpenditures. Beginningon January1,2OOg approximately one-thirdof the University employees decidedto participate in the newHealthSavings Account(HSA). Suppliesand Services: Thisincreasein expenseis due to the increaseof sponsored researchactivity. CombinedBalanceSheet(Statementof NetAssets) As of: 3t31t09 CurrentYear Assets Cashandcashequivalents Accountsand notesreceivable/net Inventories Deposits Prepaidexpenses Totalcurrentassets Studentloansreceivable/net lnvestments of depreciation Capitalassets/net Otherassets assets Totalnon-current Totalassets 25,941,630 $ 13,185,571 1,486,419 20,000 708,967 41,342,587 13,770,936 4,757,071 222,717,454 978,544 242,224,005 293,566,592 Liabilities Accountspayable Otheraccruedliabilities Deferredrevenue Currentportionof L/T liabilities Totalcurrentliabilities Fundsheldfor others Insurance and benefitsreserves Notesand bondspayable Capitalleaseobligations TechFund FundsdueMichigan liabilities Totalnon-current Totalliabilities 24,881,310 14,325,921 1,528,344 581,229 660,990 41,977,794 13,595,498 6,390,657 220,981,124 978,544 241,945,823 283,923,617 (2,011,843) (1,875,924) (9,414,427) (10,351 ,089) (2,468,458) (3,463,529) (3,613,832) (2,982,553) (18,309,303) (17,872,352) (725,800) (734,950) (1,614,842) (2,664,700) (54,558,786) (49,051,794) (641,e70) (437,024) Change Amount $ (2,483,284) 47,977 (635,207) 175,438 (1,633,586) 1,736,330 1o/o -260/o 1o/o 0% as?,0n oy" 135,919 (936,662) 995.071 (631,279) (436,951) -7o/o 10o/o -29o/o 21o/o 2To 9,150 (1,049,858) (5,506,992) 204,946 900,000 't,437,184 6,236,724 (283,566,594) $ (283'923,613) 7o/o -2o/o Ao/o 278,182 4,799,540 $ Percent 4o/o r,060,320 ( 1 , 1 4 0 , 3 5 0 ) '8o/o -3% (41,925) -97Yo (561,22s) (5,442,754\ (5,879,705) Net(increase)decreasein netassets July1 Net(Assets), Total net assets Total liabilitesand net assets 3/30/08 PriorYear 357,019 -1o/o 6SVo 11% -32% -90% 10o/o 8Yo -37o/o -2Yo -!Yo GombinedIncomeStatementby Object (Statementof revenues,Expenses,and Ghangesin Net Assets) As of: 03/31/09 GurrentYear 03/31/08 PriorYear Variance Amount Percent StudentTuitionand Fees $ 5 9 , 2 6 1 , 0 1 3$ 5 1 , 0 4 9 , 1 9 6$ 8,211,816 16% -1Oo/o FederalGrantsand Contracts 17,879,597 1 9 , 7 6 3 , 3 1 3 (1,883,726) State/LocalGrantsand Contracts 2,651,162 2,077,064 574,098 28% Nongovernmental Grantsand Contracts 8,216,643 8,041,446 175.197 2% -9% EducationalActivities 2 , 8 1 5 , 9 8 0 3,089,244 (273,264) g% StudentResidentFees 1 8 , 1 0 6 , 6 4 6 16,620,899 1,485,747 Salesand Servicesof DeptActivities I 2,300 OPERATINGREVENUES Salaries& Wages FringeBenefits Suppliesand Services Scholarships and Fellowships Utilities Depreciation OPERATINGEXPENSES Operating loss FederalGrants Stateappropriations, Operating Gift lncome Investment Income(loss) InterestExpense Loss on Disposalof CapitalAssets NET NONOPERATING REVENUES Income (loss) before other revenues CapitalAppropriations CapitalGrantsand Gifts OTHERREVENUES Net increase(decrease)in Net Assets Net Assets,Beginningof Year Net Assets,End of Period ( 7 3 , 5 9 1 , 8 9 7 )( 6 9 , 0 6 1 , 9 3 1 ) (4,530,056) (28,092,676) (25,659,949) (2,432,727) (35,946,749) (34,035,095) ( 1 , 9 1 1 , 6 6 4 ) (5,950,191) (4,951,611) (998,579) (5,733,272) (6,012,719) 279,446 I (40,268,2441 (38,722,2321 (1,546,0121 3,676,513 3,075,475 33,012,330 32,695,464 8,907,763 7,434,077 (1,673,655) (2,045,607) 0 41,877,3M 1,609,100 (179,424) (1,664,743) (90,337) 41,260,512 2,539,290 601,038 326,866 1,473,686 (1,494,231) (380,864) 4o/o 2oo/o 1o/o 200/o 833o/o 23o/o 90,337 -100o/o 616,832 (929,180) -37% 1o/o o% 874.186 2,483,296 -37% 1,382,165 3,920,45 (1,437,159) 4,799 -37% CombinedIncomeStatementby Function (Statementof Revenues,Expenses,and Changesin NetAssets) As of Date StudentTuitionand Fees FederalGrantsand Contracts State/Local GrantsandContracts Nongovernmental Grantsand Contract Educational Activities StudentResidentFees SalesandServicesof DeptActivities OPERATING REVENUES 03/31/09 Gurrent $ 5 9 , 2 6 1 , 0 1 3$ 17,879,587 2,651,162 8,216,643 2,815,980 18,106,646 8,440,500 117,371,531 03/31/08 Prior 5 1 , 0 4 9 , 1 9 6$ Variance Amount Percent 8,211,816 1 9 , 7 6 3 , 3 1 3 (1,883,726) 2,077,064 574,098 8,041,446 175,197 (273,264) 3,089,244 16,620,899 1,485,747 8,682,800 109,323,962 (242,300) 9,047,569 16% -10o/o 28% ZYo -9o/o 9Yo -3o/o 7% Instruction Research PublicService Academic Support StudentServices Institutional Support Operation & Maintenance of Plant Student Financial Support Auxiliary Activities SalesandServicesof DeptActivities StudentResidents Depreciation OPERATING EXPENSES Operatingloss (45,493,582) (41,794,003) (3,699,579) 9% (34,261,677) (34,144,178) (117,499) 0o/o (4,927,804) (3,909,897) (1,017,9O7) 26Yo -7o/o (7,488,552) (8,046,578) 558,026 (5,576,778) (5,464,938) (111,840) 2% (21,837,090) ( 1 7 , 1 5 5 , 7 5 3 ) (4,681,337) 27o/o -15o/o (7,255,357) (8,500,914) 1,245,557 (2,145,494\ (1,472,264) (673,229) 46% FederalGrants Stateappropriations, Operating Giftlncome lnvestment Income(loss) InterestExpense Losson Disposalof CapitalAssets NETNONOPERATING REVENUES Income(loss) beforeother revenues 3,676,513 3,O75,475 601,038 33,012,330 32,685,464 326,866 8,907,763 7,434,077 1,473,686 (1,673,655) (179,424) (1,494,231) (2,045,607) (1,664,743) (380,864) (e0,337) 0 90,337 CapitalAppropriations CapitalGrants andGifts OTHERREVENUES Net increase(decrease) in NetAssets NetAssets,Beginning of Year NetAssets,Endof Period (10,272,194',) (9,706,199) (10,056,262) (9,526,448\ (565,985) (529,814) 0o/o 6% 6% 20% 1% 200/o g33o/o 23o/o -100% s74JB; 874,186 1382:.6; 1,382,165 (507,979) 0o/o -37o/o (507,979) -37% 2,483,292 3,920,467 (1,437,1851 -37o/o -2o/o 4, - SUPPLEMENTARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SCHEDULES CASHAND CASHEQUIVALENTS: 03/31/09 UNRESTRICTED BY FUNDGROUPS: GENERAL FUND DESIGNATED FUND AUXILIARY FUND RETIREMENT FUND PLANTFUND(Unrestricted funds) BANKFUND DESIGNATED/RESTRICTED BY FUNDGROUPS: RETIREMENT FUND EXPENDABLE RESTR]CTED FUND STUDENTLOANFUND PLANTFUND(includesnewconstruction outlays,2003& 2004 bondproceedsplusdebtservicereservesfor the 1gg8bond series) AGENCYFUND TOTALCASH& EQUIVALENTS BY GENERALLEDGERAGGOUNT: Gommingledcash and equivalents: PETTYCASH WELLSFARGOBANK FIFTH/THIRD BANK MNGE BANK-CALUMET & LL BANK SUPERIOR NATIONAL Comingled cashtotal Designated/Restricted cash and equivalents: FIFTHTHIRDBANK MONEYMKT R&IFUND- SCUDDER BONDISSUEFUNDS 2OO3 2006BONDISSUEFUNDS TOTAL (12,297,749.0O) 't5,812,124.00 06/30/07 06/30/06 06/30/05 16,192,967.00 (451,203.'t1) (5,060,721.00) (12,041,032.00) 12,580,735.00 7,013,945.00 (537,331.00) (3,716,957.00) 14,205,417.89 3,299,360.00 4,483,795.64 3,885,306.57 1,178,834.95 1,391,737.O0 (38,757.00) 1,543,960.00 (423,745.00) 118,481.00 1,477,510.69 (504,284.00) 761,386.00 2,746,942.32 (155,530.00) 850,747.00 8,230,163.00 974,233.00 9,123,801.00 1,746,603,00 7,357,935.00 14,534,743.00 1,106,035.00 1,296.512.00 (15,343,859.00) (14,371,965.00) 11,963,505.00 12,154,843.00 8,217,248.0O 6,s96,882.00 (120,526.36) 1,654,761.57 (3,556,404.00) (2,149,215.00) 3,323,832.00 11,736,210.95 12,109,100.00 10,198,582.69 19,273.414.32 25,941,628.84 15,409,460.00 14,682,378.33 23,158,720.99 108,323.00 0.00 21,216,386.51 4,000,000.00 (561,e15.47) 89,789.00 0.00 13,091,973.00 10,076.33 652,804.00 76,589.25 91,218.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12,855,768.00 10,907,210.88 191,354.75 2,390.78 24,762,794.04 13,844,642.33 12.949.377.53 11,175,154.88 0.00 1,178,834.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,543,960.00 0.00 19,857.26 255,489.74 1,477,510.69 0.00 0.00 641,926.35 2,746,942.32 0.00 8,594,697.54 1,178,834.95 1,563,817.26 1,733,000.43 11,983,566.21 25,941,628.99 15,408,459.59 14,692,377.96 23,158,721.O9 . SUPPLEMENTARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SCHEDULES ACCOUNTS AND NOTESREGEIVA,BLE: ALL ACCOUNTSRECEIVABLE: STATEOF MICHIGAN-APPROPRIATIONS STATEOF MICHIGAN-OTHER RESEARCH: BILLED (mostlycurrentmonth) UNBILLED STUDENTRELATED VENDORRELATED MISCELLANEOUS ALLOWANCE FORDOUBTFUL A/C'S TOTALACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 03/31/09 06/30/08 06/30/07 6,002,237 959,919 8,914,217 116,773 8,046,161 91,885 2,604,689 2,037,962 4,642,651 2,781,692 093,766 6,875,449 2,722,785 4,464,483 7,187,269 318,020 309,032 1,145,597 (6s,122) 400,862 368,761 3,349,639 (65,122) 967,942 312,602 364,885 (64,663) 13,185,572 17,613,965 19.379.453 06,30108 1,634,523 605,517 255,409 158,591 127,643 06,30,07 1,769,498 474,309 167,890 107,517 203,570 2,781,682$ 2,722,784 RESEARCH BILLED. AGINGOFACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE: (rNDOLLARS) 03131/09 CURRENT ACCOUNTS 1,374,624 OTO 30 DAYSPASTDUE 747,718 31 TO 60 DAYSPASTDUE 289,276 61 TO 90 DAYSPASTDUE 102,781 OVER90 DAYSPASTDUE 90,289 TOTALRESEARCH B]LLED 2,604,689$ RESEARGH BILLED.AGINGOFACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE: (rNPERCENTAGE) 03/31/09 CURRENT ACCOUNTS 53o/o OTO 30 DAYSPASTDUE 29% 31 TO 60 DAYSPASTDUE 11Yo 61 TO 90 DAYSPASTDUE 40h OVER90 DAYSPASTDUE 3% 06/30/08 59% 22o/o 9o/o 6Yo 5o/o P:\MonthEnd Support\FY20O9\Mar 2009\Mar09 ReceivablesFlNAL.xls 06/30/07 65% 17% 6% 4o/o 7% Gompanv ArchWoodProtection Argonne NationalLaboratory AspenProducts Group,Inc BMTDesigners lnc & Planners Central Michigan University CFDResearch Corporation Cleveland MedicalDeviceslnc ConnorSportsFlooring Corporation Daimler-Chrysler DanaCorporation DelphiSteeringSystems Dynetics, Inc. EatonCorporation ElectroSonics EverWood Solutions, Inc. GeneralDynamicsAdvancedInformation Systems Institute Georgia of Technology GreatLakesCommission Integrity Applications Incorporated International Truck& EngineCorporation lnternet2 JohnDeereWaterlooWorks Lesktech, Limited LogosTechnologies, Inc. Louisiana-Pacific Corporation Marquette GeneralHealthSystem Massachusetts Institute of Technology MayoClinic MayoClinicRochester MichiganDepartmentof Environmental Quality Michigan EconomicDevelopment Corporation Michigan Department of Labor& Economic Growth Minnesota Power Michigan PublicServiceCommission Mississippi StateUniversity Michigan Department of Transportation National Academies Officeof NavalResearch OregonStateUniversity Pennsylvania StateUniversity ProteosInc RochesterInstituteof Technology Science Applications International Corporation SETCorporation SomeroEnterprises Inc SRICOlnc Syracuse University Teledyne LLC Scientific Company, TitanTire TrexCompanyInc TropicalForestryServicesLimited TycoFireand Security Argonne,LLC UChicago Universidad del Turabo University of AlaskaFairbanks University of Arkansas University of CentralFlorida University of Georgia University of Maryland, CollegePark University of Michigan University of Nevada-Reno University of Rhodelsland Universi$of Texasat Austin University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee of Agriculture US Department of theArmy US Department U.S.Bureauof LandManagement Current 0to30 31 to 60 61 to 90 Over90 32,895.00 7,253.08 414.84 45,389.00 759.'18 2,720.67 - 4,852.00 11 5 , 4 1 0 . 0 8 4,398.39 3,695.00 18,855.00 2,277.44 11,837.00 27,895.74 9,384.46 2,381.00 ,,rtl* 13,108.00 . - 7,148.00 4,672.U 4,014.52 7,636.18 12,000.00 60,727.50 5'1,096.00 7,273.11 1,416.67 6,577.37 8,586.62 20,000.00 8,020.00 52,377.00 9,211.25 15,000.00 624.99 10,166.46 29,611.00 8,562.48 2,000.00 77,850.09 12,536.95 1,972.44 221,629.76 72,853.98 200J20.0'l 26,476.16 378,034.16 305,778.85 5,619.60 8,142.30 4,859.81 34,219.62 59,945.05 13,557.68 101.05 9,442.40 16,024.39 18,994.80 23,946.00 5,400.00 25.00 10,000.00 3,828.76 2,689.61 21,804.44 9,518.70 7,258.00 1,579.09 12,558.06 31,480.17 3,082.70 2,724.19 1,464.42 53,671.80 10,055.02 16,874.35 39,949.74 5,153.97 1o,o00.oo 4,556.76 22,937.36 1,740.20 14.731.65 Account Balance 32,895.00 7,253.08 414.84 45,389.00 759.1 8 2,720.67 13,108.00 4,852.00 123,814.36 3,695.00 18,855.00 2,277.44 11,837.00 37,280.20 9,529.00 4,672.84 4,014.52 7,636.18 12,000.00 60,727.50 51,096.00 27,273.11 1,416.67 6,577.37 8,020.00 52,377.00 17,797.87 15,000.00 624.99 10,166.46 29,61 1.00 8,562.48 2,000.00 90,387.04 1,972.44 558,330.57 26,476.16 700,687.36 5,619.60 8,142.30 4,859.81 34,219.62 59,945.05 13,557.68 101.05 49,392.14 16,024.39 18,994.80 23,946.00 5,400.00 25.00 10,000.00 3,828.76 7,843.58 21,804.44 9,518.70 7,258.00 1,579.09 12,558.06 31,480.17 3,082.70 2,724.19 1,464.42 10,000.00 4,556.76 22,937.36 16,471.85 Comoanv US NationalParkService FederalHighwayAdministration US Department of Transportation US Deptof Transportation V . l . O .I,n c . WaterEnvironment Research Foundation WestEd Weyerhauser Company Wolverine PowerCooperative XcelEnergyServicesInc Current 2,651.39 1 5 , 8 6.18 6 1,360.67 23,026.74 0to30 - 31to60 14,963.37 16,768.55 11,686.18 26,899.30 10,087.50 6,270.58 5,742.87 2,632.00 14,294.75 00 Over90 Account Balance 17,614.76 15,861 .86 18j29.22 61,612.22 10,087.50 6,270.58 5,742.87 2,632.00 14,294.75 33,000.00 FINANCIALSTATEMENTS- SUPPLEMENTARYSGHEDULES OTHERGURRENT ASSETSANDSTUDENTLOANS: OTHERCURRENT ASSETS INVENTORIES: BOOKSTORE UNIVERSITY IMAGES CENTML HEATING OIL IT TELCOM CENTRALSTORES CHEMISTRY STORES oTHER(UNDER$70K) TOTALINVENTORIES TOTALDEPOSITS DEFERRED EXPENSES: LIBMRY PERIODICALS & OTHER MTRIRENT AETNAHEALTHSAVINGSPAYMENT PLANTFUNDBUILDING MATERIALS TOTALDEFERRED EXPENSES STUDENTLOANS: FEDERAL PERKINS LOANS.net TECHAIDLOANS TOTALSTUDENTLOANS 06/30/08 06/30/07 06/30/06 535,464 188,735 228,292 210,586 0 114,667 208,675 577,469 153,454 236,716 210,586 0 114,667 195,898 $467,672 143,701 259,378 206,295 114,549 108,435 166,534 $1,466,564 $465,036 194,327 271,268 256,093 82,750 108,173 212,679 $t 419 DEPOSITS: WORKER'S COMP BC/BSOF MICHADVANCE TOTALCURRENTOTHERASSETS 03/31/09 $1 20,000 0 20,000 617,597 20,000 561,229 20,000 466,526 20.000 637.597 581.229 486.526 695,442 13,525 0 0 29,957 13,524 0 0 34,784 13,524 0 14,760 36,675 0 0 14,760 708,967 43,481 63,068 51,435 $2,215,386 $2,169,969 $2,110,961 $2,128,297 $12,558,474 1,212,462 $12,061 ,145 1.233.203 $12,176,622 1,327,648 $11,493,323 1,261,627 $1 $1 936 FINANCIALSTATEMENTS- SUPPLEMENTARYSCHEDULES 03/31/09 06/30/08 06/30/07 06/30/06 $812,555 87,764 9,519 766,085 200,000 1, $4,244,075 40,831 4,253 399,836 1,042,869 731 $3,270,342 38,970 9,723 806,633 1,286,890 412,558 $3,818,473 13,243 71 794,724 2,647,667 $2,697,388 133,755 3,243,006 (3,825) 934,878 3,347,574 $10,352,776 $2,586,580 393,648 1,544,254 (2,185) 638,023 3,347,574 $8,507,894 $2,820,535 479,612 1,459,023 (2,167) 737,615 2,964,550 $8,459,168 $2,675,877 389,837 1,443,846 1,899 720,731 2,706,704 $7,e38,894 $2,468,458 $2,554,640 $3,487,937 $2,720,689 CURRENTLIABILITIES: Accounts pavable VOUCHERS MISCELLANEOUS SALESTAX & MISC BENEFITSPAYABLE ACCRUAL TOTAL $7,274,178 Other accrued liabilities ACCRUEDPAYROLL& TAXES DEDUCTIONSPAYABLE DEFERREDPAYROLLLIABILIry BENEFITSPAYABLE DEPOSITSPAYABLE& MISC VACATIONACCRUAL TOTAL DeferredRevenue Gurrentoortion of lonq term liabilities BANKLINEOF CREDIT BONDSPAYABLE- UNDER1 YR MITELEQUIPMENT NOTES TELEPHONESYSTEMNOTE OTHERCAPITALLEASES NOTEPAYABLE SUBTOTAL - CURRENT(& ESP) HEALTH& LIABTLTTY - IBNR HEALTH& LIABILITY HEALTH&LIABILIry-RSVP - W/C (& MUSIC) HEALTH& LTABTLTTY TIAA/CREFPAYABLE TOTAL TOTAL CURRENTLIABILITIES $o 950,000 0 0 204,945 500,000 1,654,945 208,088 1,432,799 0 318,000 0 $18,310,989 $o 1,050,000 0 0 198,836 400,000 1,648,836 208,088 1,432,799 502,225 318,000 0 109,948 $20,904,346 $0 1,030,000 0 0 0 322,310 1,352,310 208,088 1,225,629 572,517 300,000 0 $21,018,207 $o 955,000 0 285,290 0 0 1,240,290 333,027 1,288,309 595,898 323,000 0 780,524 $21,714,285 . SUPPLEMENTARY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SGHEDULES NONCURRENT LIABILITIES: Insuranceand benefitreserves ACCRUED CLAIMS MISC- LONGTERMPORTION ESPLONGTERMPORTION GASB45 TOTAL DUETO MICHIGAN TECHFUND 0 267,876 792,342 099 $2,015,3't7 $0 216,766 980,813 0 $o 211,565 1,165,588 0 PROPERW, PLANT and EQUIPMENT Nondepreciable capitalassets LAND MINERAL MUSEUMEXHIBITS TIMBER CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS Depreciablecapitalassets LANDIMPROVEMENTS INFRASTRUCTURE BUILDINGS DEFERRED FINANCING COSTS EOUIPMENT LIBRARYBOOKS Total cost of capital assets LessAccumulatedDepreciation CAPITALASSETS,net BeginningBalance Julv 1. 2008 EndingBalance MAR2OO9 $9,113,443 4,702,610 368.394 1,867,133 16,051,580 2,259,240.57 2,565,611 1,323,100 4,848,127 293,665,452 2,037,304 29,601,254 882.923 0.00 174,890.26 4,777,204.29 338,9s1.88 2,428,688.67 0.00 $9,113,443 5,009,980 368,394 4,125,374 18,617,190 1, 3 2 3 , 1 0 0 5,023,018 298,442,656 2,376,256 32,029,942 882,923 332,358,159 7,719,735 340,077,894 349,409,739 10,285,346 358,695,084 (126,161,186) (4,625,000) (130,786,186) $222,248,552 $5,660,346 $227,909,899 NOTESAND BONDSPAYABLE FYO9 LONGTERMPORTIONOF BONDSPAYABLE: 2OO3ISSUE 4,295,000 4,600,000 4,700,000 2004tssuE 30,145,000 32,195,000 33,865,608 2006tssuE 2,840,000 2,940,000 2OOSISSUE 15,785,000 TOTAL 53,065,000 38,965,000 1 39,735,000 I 0 39,565,609