Document 12823229

 Instructions for Applying or Updating Graduate Admission *You must complete a participation form for each specific course and apply for admission to Michigan Tech. *Current students-­‐ contact to register you for the course. *Former students-­‐ previous MTU graduate students who have not taken a course within the past semester must fill out the Application for Readmission and Reinstatement form found under Current Students, special purpose forms:­‐deadlines/ *New Students: In order to get Michigan Tech graduate credit you will need to complete an online application. 1. Go to 2. Click on the Apply to Michigan Tech box in the middle of the page 3. Under new users, create a Login ID and PIN 4. Once logged in go to Domestic Application under Graduate Applications on the right side of the form 5. Enter Admission Term SUMMER 2016 and your name, click fill out application 6. On the next page you will see eight sections that need to be completed. Click on “Name” – after completing each section hit “Continue” to complete the next section. Items with “*” are required and need to be completed in order to move on. a. Name i.
Select “No” for Partner Degree Program. b. Contact Information (Mailing Address) c. Home/Permanent Address (No changes necessary if same as Mailing Address / Phone Number) d. Personal Information – Provide an email address other than your K-­‐12 email if possible – some schools block emails that are sent from our automated system that you need to gain your Michigan Tech email and MyMichiganTech website access. i.
Select “Yes” to “Are you planning to be non-­‐degree seeking?” e. Planned Course of Study i.
Select Non Degree Seeking (it is the first one on the list.) ii.
Select Teacher Prof Development iii.
Select “No” to Accelerated Master’s program. iv.
Select “No” to the online program question. (EXCEPTION: You will need to select “Yes” if you are participating in Teaching Science in Three Dimensions: The NGSS in Theory and Practice, ED5540.) v.
Select “Yes” for Are you a current k-­‐-­‐-­‐12 teacher. Test Scores – Type “Yes” in the first box verifying that you have read the statement, "I have verified my program's Admission Requirements and understand Michigan Tech must receive official test score reports (if applicable) to complete my enrollment." 2) Previous College/University – Select the “look up college code” link to search for your previous college. You will only need to indicate the last college you attended. 7. When application is complete you will select Submit Application button on the checklist page. Important: You will need to have a current teaching certificate in order to get your reduced tuition rate. Our certification officer will verify your MI certification. If you have certification from another state, you must upload it on your MyMichiganTech website. You will get access to this website and an MTU email within about 72 hours after submitting your application. If you haven’t seen this email in 72 hours, please check your SPAM or Junk mail. For course information or registration questions, please contact: Teacher Professional Development Coordinator, Department of Cognitive and Learning Sciences, (906) 487-­‐2460 1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, MI, 49931 