Ecological Research (1998) 13, 7±15 Spore dispersal of Dictyophora fungi (Phallaceae) by ¯ies NOBUKO TUNO* Laboratory of Insect Ecology, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University, 606-01, Kitasirakawa Oiwake, Sakyou-ku, Kyoto, Japan The composition and food habits of insects visiting fungi of two Dictyophora species, D. indusiata (Vent. & Pers.) and D. duplicata Fisch, were examined in Furano, northern Japan, and in Kyoto, central Japan. As well as ®eld work being carried out, the quantity and the viability of spores in the recta of drosophilid and muscid ¯ies were examined in vitro. Although the composition of insects varied locally and temporally, most of the insects were observed to feed on gleba, which contains spores. Among the insect assemblies, a few insects were specialized for mycophagy but most were secondarily or not at all mycophagous. Although Dictyophora-feeders rarely attached the spores on their body surfaces, they contained a quantity of spores in their gut, which was estimated to be about 35 000±240 000 for drosophilids and about 1.7 million for muscids. Those spores showed high germination rates, which were not signi®cantly different from the intact spores. Thus, spores of Dictyophora are dispersed as excrement through the gut of Dictyophora-feeding insects but not as adherers on the insect body. Key words: Dictyophora; Drosophilidae; mycophagy; Phallaceae; spore-dispersal. INTRODUCTION Insect±fungus relationships are a major part of biological interactions in biological communities (Crowson 1984; Newton 1984; Pirozynski & Malloch 1988; Hammond & Lawrence 1989). In spite of the importance of this relationship, however, the nature of spore dispersal by insects still remains poorly explored compared with pollen dispersal by insects (Pyrozynski & Malloch 1988). To date, some mutualistic associations between fungi and their insect vectors have been described, such as cecidomyiid midges with speci®c fungi in ambrosia galls (Bissett & Borkent 1988), wood wasps, some coleopteran beetles or fungus-growing termites and wood-rotting fungi (Gilbertson 1984; Beaver 1989; Berryman 1989; *Present address: Department of Medical Entomology, Institute for Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki University, 1-12-4 Sakamotomachi, Nagasaki 852, Japan. Received 26 March 1997. Accepted 10 September 1997. Redfern 1989; Webber & Gibbs 1989; Wood & Thomas 1989). Moreover, among adult females of midges and wasps, morphological adaptations for storing and transporting spores, known as mycangia (Batra 1963), have developed. These associations between the fungi and the insect visitors are characterized as tight and speciesspeci®c ones lasting the entire life history of the insect. The tight and species-speci®c associations are certainly biologically interesting; however, most insect±fungi relationships are diffused and loose (Hackmann & Meinander 1979; Lacy 1984; Hanski 1989; Courtney et al. 1990). To understand insect±fungus relationships comprehensively, such diffused and loose relationships are of critical importance. The stinkhorn fungi (Phallales) attracts various insects with its characteristic strong odour (Ramsbottom 1953; Imazeki & Hongo 1957; Ogawa 1983; Hanski 1989). The biological process of spore dispersal, however, has been little uncovered, and there are contradicting views for the process of spore dispersal: spores of a phalloid fungus are not digested but possibly dispersed through the digestive tract of dipteran ¯ies 8 N. Tuno (Cobb 1906, quoted in Ramsbottom 1953 and Hanski 1989; Beppu 1994), whereas Imazeki and Hongo (1957) and Ogawa (1983) suggested that insects disperse spores attaching on the body surface since phalloid spores within gleba are extremely sticky. However, no further evidence is available to inform us of the nature of the spore dispersal process of phalloids. This paper reports the composition and food habits of insects visiting fungi of two Dictyophora species, D. indusiata and D. duplicata. In addition, as the ®rst step in documenting the process of spore dispersal by insects, the quantity and the viability of spores in the rectum of insects were examined in vitro. METHODS Field observation and insect collection Insect assemblies gathering at sporocarps of Dictyophora spp. were observed and sampled four times during 1990±1996: at sporocarps of D. duplicata in Furano Experimental Forest of the University of Tokyo, Hokkaido in September 1990, and at those of D. indusiata and D. duplicata in the Botanical Garden of the Faculty of Science, Kyoto University in July 1991, and in July and October 1996, respectively (Table 1). In Furano, D. duplicata occurred at mixed coniferous and deciduous forest dominated by Abies sachaliensis (Fr. Schmidt) Masters. In Kyoto, the study Table 1 site is surrounded by human domesticated area. Dictyophora indusiata occurred at bamboo vegetation, whereas D. duplicata occurred where Camellia japonica L. dominated, near the bamboo area. A Dictyophora sporocarp matures at night. A young sporocarp looks spherical, containing gleba inside, but a mature one consists of a cap, stalk and volva. The cap is covered with olive green mucus and the stalk is spongy and hollow. Both of them are quite ephemeral, lasting for 1±3 days. Insect assemblies may change as the sporocarps grow. Among the insect assemblies, only those gathering at the mature stage of the sporocarps are the potential spore dispersers. Thus, observation and collection of insects were made only at the mature sporocarps having spores in order to exclude mere consumers or decomposers, which hardly play a role as spore dispersers. Insects visiting the sporocarps were ®rst observed for their behavior and then collected with a net and an aspirator. Collection of all insects present there was usually accomplished within 15 min. In case there were too many insects to collect all of them, sampling was broken off at 15 min. All insects collected were identi®ed at least to the family level, referring to Ito et al. (1977) and MacAlpine et al. (1981, 1987) for diptera, and Kurosawa et al. (1985), Morimoto and Hayasi (1986) and Ueno et al. (1985) for coleoptera. In particular, drosophilids were identi®ed to species referring to Okada (1988) and Grimaldi (1990). Data of insect samplings from sporocarps of Dictyophora spp. Abbreviation F1 K1 K2 K3 Study site Main vegetation Furanoa Mixed coniferous and deciduous forest Abies sachalinensis dominated D. duplicata 31 Aug. (9:00, 16:00) Kyotob Bamboo Kyotob Broad-leaved evergreen forest Camellia japonica dominated D. duplicata 3 July (15:00) Kyotob Broad-leaved evergreen forest Camellia japonica dominated D. duplicata 29 Oct. (9:00, 12:00, 16:00) 4 July (9:00, 12:00, 16:00) 5 July (9:00, 12:00, 16:00) 30 Oct (9:00, 12:00, 16:00) Host species Date (time) of sampling 1 Sep. (9:00, 16:00) D. indusiata 9 July (14:00, 17:00) 10 July (9:00, 12:00, 17:00) 11 July (8:00, 12:00) a Furano Experimental Forest of the University of Tokyo (43°N, 142°E). University (35°N, 135°E). b Botanical Garden of Faculty of Science, Kyoto Spore dispersal of Dictyophora fungi The drosophilids were ecologically categorized into three feeding-habit groups: mycophagous (M); secondarily mycophagous (MS); and nonmycophagous (S). Here, secondarily mycophagous insects refers to those feeding both on mushrooms and other materials to various degrees. The feeding habit of drosophilids has been categorized by several researchers (Okada 1954; Toda et al. 1972; Kimura 1976; Beppu et al. 1977; Kimura et al. 1977; Minami et al. 1978). These categorizations are quite similar but different in detail. I followed the categorization by Minami et al. (1978). For the drosophilid species not categorized by Minami et al. (1978), I followed Beppu et al. (1977), except for D. sternopleuralis Okada & Kurokawa. The other drosophilids (D. albomicans Duda and D. annulipes Duda) and D. sternopleuralis were categorized based on my personal observation. Examination of spores on the body surface and in the recta of insects and spore viability At the same time as identi®cation of specimens, they were examined under a stereomicroscope to see whether gleba were attached on them. In order to investigate the possibility that insects disperse Dictyophora spores through their gut, the following experiment was conducted. Insect specimens used for this experiment were collected from sporocarps of D. duplicata that occurred on 3 July 1996 in the Botanical Garden of Kyoto University. After collection, the insects were left in a plastic container supplied with only a piece of water-containing cotton for 24 h under the condition of 25°C and 16 h daylight in order to clean out their gut. Then, a mature sporocarp of D. duplicata was provided for them in the container. The insects were allowed to feed on it for 24 h. After this treatment, the following tests were applied. Number of spores contained in the rectum The specimens were ®rst dipped into 70% ethanol for 10 s to sterilize their bodies, and then dissected under a stereomicroscope to take out the recta. The extracted recta were sterilized, only outside, again with 70% ethanol, and then ground with 100 ll sterilized water, individually. The 9 homogenized suspension of the rectum was examined for the density of spores with a hemocytometer. The total number of spores contained in the rectum was estimated from the density. Viability of spores in the rectum The rectal suspension used for the determination of spore density was also used to examine the germination ability of spores. Ten microliters of the rectal suspension was inoculated on PDA medium (39 g potato-dextrose agar in 1 l distilled water) in a petri dish (90 mm ´ 15 mm). In addition, the medium was inoculated with a spore suspension made from the fungus itself as a control, after determining the spore density. Three replicates were made from each rectal suspension and the control. All procedures were conducted on a clean bench to avoid contamination with other molds. The petri dish was incubated at 25°C in 16 h daylight. Colonies of the fungus that occurred in the cultures were identi®ed by comparing species-speci®c colony shapes with those in the control culture. The proportion of germinated spores in each petri dish was examined with a hemocytometer 3 and 5 days after incubation, based only on contamination-free samples. RESULTS Insect assemblies visiting Dictyophora sporocarps Table 2 summarizes the composition of insect families captured at Dictyophora sporocarps. Except for a parasitoid wasp, all the insects collected were observed to feed on the fungus in the following three ways: (i) a few individuals of Macrodorcus recta (Motschulsky) (Lucidae, Coleoptera) and Onthophagus sp. (Scarabaeidae, Coleoptera) fed on whole sporocarps; (ii) individuals of Carpophilus sp. and Haptoncus ocularis (Fairmaire) (Nitidulidae, Coleoptera) fed on stems and caps; and (iii) the rest fed only on gleba. Only the beetles, which fed on whole sporocarps, were observed to attach some spores on their body surfaces. Although the species composition of Dictyophora visitors varied spatiotemporally, the Drosophilidae was always predominant (22.2± 85.3%) among assemblies. 10 N. Tuno Table 2 Composition of insect families captured at sporocarps of Dictyophora spp. in Furano (F1) and Kyoto (K1, K2, K3) Order Family Coleoptera Nitidulidae Scaphidiidae Scarabaeidae Staphylinidae Lucidae Calliphoridae Cecidomyiidae Chloropidae Drosophilidae Dryomyzidae Heleomyzidae Lauxaniidae Muscidae Phoridae Psychodidae Sciaridae Sphaeroceridae Formicidae Ichneumonidae Sminthuridae Diptera Hymenoptera Colembora Spores Feeding type On body Stem Gleba Whole Gleba Whole Gleba Gleba Gleba Gleba Gleba Gleba Gleba Gleba Gleba Gleba Gleba Gleba Gleba Parasitoid Gleba Total number of individuals Relative proportions of drosophilid species and their feeding-habit groups are shown in Tables 3 and 4, respectively. Compositions of drosophilid assemblies were different between Furano and Kyoto: Drosophila immigrans, D. lutescens, D. auraria complex and Scaptodrosophila coracina were dominant in Kyoto, but in Furano D. histrio was dominant. However, it is dif®cult to draw any conclusion due to the small sample size. By contrast, the composition of feeding-habit groups were similar between the two localities, both being dominated by non-obligate fungivors, MS and S (99±100%). Number and viability of spores in the recta of insects Insects that fed on the sporocarps of Dictyophora contained a quantity of spores, but no cell wall fragments were found. These results strongly suggest that the insects do not digest the spores. The quantity of spores in the rectum was estimated to be approximately 35 000±240 000 for drosophilids and approximately 1 680 000 for No No Yes No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No F1 % K1 % ± ± ± 2.8 ± ± 2.8 ± 22.2 ± 5.6 ± 16.7 ± ± ± ± 27.7 ± 22.2 41.4 0.4 0.9 4.3 ± 1.3 0.4 0.4 45.4 ± ± ± 1.7 ± ± 0.4 0.4 3.0 ± ± 36 232 K2 % K3 % 9.6 ± ± ± 0.3 ± ± ± 76.5 0.3 ± ± 1.7 ± 1.7 ± 0.6 9.0 0.3 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 85.3 6.9 ± 0.9 ± 1.7 ± 2.6 1.7 0.9 ± ± 354 116 muscids (Table 5). Those spores showed high germination rates if incubated on PDA medium, approximately 80% on the third day and 90% on the ®fth day, which were not signi®cantly different from the control. Every combination of species/sex was also not signi®cantly different (P > 0.05, post hoc test, ScheffeÂ's F-test). DISCUSSION Most of the insects attracted to Dictyophora sporocarps were observed to feed only on gleba. Among these insect assemblies, the Drosophilidae was usually a major component, although the composition of insect families varied locally and temporally. The drosophilid assemblies were dominated by the D. immigrans and/or the D. melanogaster species groups in the study cases in Kyoto, both of which are known to feed on basically decayed plants and/or fermented fruit (Okada 1962; Toda et al. 1972; Beppu et al. 1977; Kimura et al. 1977; Minami et al. 1978). These results suggest non-obligate mycophagous Spore dispersal of Dictyophora fungi Table 3 11 Relative proportions of drosophilid species collected at sporocarps of Dictyophora spp. Genus (subgenus) Species group Drosophila (D.) bizonata Species histrio immigrans testacea quinaria D. (Sophophora) melanogaster D. (Dorsilopha) Scaptodrosophila Hirtodrosophila Mycodrosophila D. bizonata Kikkawa & Peng D. sternopleuralis Okada & Kurokawa D. histrio Meigen D. albomicans Duda D. annulipes Duda D. curviceps Okada & Kurokawa D. immigrans Sturtevant D. orientacea Grimaldi D. brachynephros Okada D. nigromaculata Kikkawa & Peng D. simulans Sturtevant D. melanogaster Meigen D. lutescens Okada D. suzukii Matsumura D. auraria Peng D. biauraria Bock & Wheeler D. triauraria Bock & Wheeler D. rufa Kikkawa & Peng D. busckii Coquilett Sd. coracina Kikkawa & Peng Hi. confusa Staeger My. gratiosa (de Meijere) Total number of individuals Mycophagous (M) Secondarily mycophagous (MS) Non-mycophagous (S) F1 % K1 % MS ± ± 0.4 15.2 MS ± ± 0.4 ± MS S S S 37.5 ± ± ± ± ± 7.6 ± ± ± ± ± 1.0 2.0 ± 4.0 MS MS MS S ± 25.0 12.5 ± 24.8 ± ± 1.0 83.4 ± ± ± 19.2 ± 1.0 ± S S S S S S S S S MS ± ± ± ± 12.5 ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 2.9 1.0 29.5 ± 1.0 4.8 ± 26.7 ± ± 1.5 ± 5.2 0.4 3.3 ± 4.1 1.5 16.2 4.0 19.2 4.0 ± 3.0 5.1 2.0 ± 4.0 MS M 12.5 ± ± 1.0 ± ± ± ± 8 Table 4 Relative proportions of the three food-habit groups of drosophilid ¯ies Feeding habit* Feeding habit F1 % K1 % K2 % K3 % ± 87.5 1.0 51.4 ± 85.6 ± 40.4 12.5 47.6 14.4 59.6 *See text. insects, in particular some drosophilids play a key role for spore dispersal or spore consumption. The spore-feeding experiment revealed that a large number of undigested spores of Dictyophora were present in the recta of the insects, but no cell walls were found. This con®rms that drosophilid and muscid ¯ies do not digest Dictyophora spores. The spores in the recta retained their 105 K2 % 271 K3 % 99 germination ability as high as the control. Thus, only mucus but not spores of gleba was consumed by insects that were opportunistically attracted to Dictyophora sporocarps but were not obligate fungivorous. In spite of the sticky nature of gleba, it was rarely observed being attached on the insect body surface. Beppu (1994) hypothesized that Dictyophora spores are dispersed through the guts of the insect visitors as the excrement rather than as the adherer on the insect bodies. However, no further lines of evidence have been available until now. This study presents for the ®rst time strong evidence for Beppu's hypothesis. Dictyophora sporocarps are quite ephemeral, lasting only for 1±3 days. It is dif®cult for consumers to specialize to such an ephemeral and unpredictable resource (Jaenike 1978; 12 Table 5 control) N. Tuno Germination rates of Dictyophora duplicata spores extracted from recta of ¯ies or from a sporocarp (as the Family Drosophilidae Muscidae Control Species Sex No. specimens examined D. lutescens D. busckii D. immigrans D. immigrans spp. F F F M F 2 2 3 8 3 No. spores in a rectum (Mean SD) 35 840 27 955 102 400 74 218 240 640 135 765 152 000 102 596 1 681 920 460 231 Germination rate (n) On the 3rd day On the 5th day 0.79 0.87 0.85 0.87 0.74 0.81 0.03 0.06 0.12 0.08 0.06 0.03 (585) (436) (1507) (1521) (526) (227) 0.89 0.99 0.95 0.87 0.95 ± 0.04 0.02 0.07 0.09 0.03 (893) (4219) (1835) (236) (562) Every combination is not signi®cantly different (P > 0.05, post hoc test, ScheffeÂ's F method). Hanski 1989), the condition of which has obliged Dictyophora to recruit opportunistic insects that are usually dependent on other resources. On the other hand, tight and species-speci®c relationships exist between wood-rotting fungi and wood wasps (Gilbertson 1984) and between fungi-growing termites and Macrotermitinae (Wood & Thomas 1989). These fungi persist all the year round, thereby possibly providing stable food resources to those insects. The stable coexistence of fungi and insects may be the ®rst step to mutualistic coevolution. Tight and species-speci®c relationships are restricted to these persisting fungi. This can explain why such relationships have hardly coevolved between ephemeral Dictyophora fungi and those non-obligatory mycophagous insects. How can Dictyophora fungi recruit those non-obligatory mycophagous insects then? Dictyophora sporocarps produce strong odour from gleba. Although most mature mushrooms have an odour to some extent, the odours of phalloid sporocarps including Dictyophora are peculiar and noteworthy (Imazeki & Hongo 1957, 1987; Imazeki et al. 1988). Although the chemical components of the odour of Dictyophora are not known yet, it smells like decayed fallen fruit. The smell possibly attracts generalist decomposers that basically feed on such resources. In addition to drosophilids, Haptoncus ocularis (Nitidulidae, Coleoptera), which is known to swarm on fallen fruits (Kurosawa et al. 1985), was abundant in the two insect assemblies observed in Kyoto (K1 and K2 in Table 2). Insect swarms around Dictyophora sporocarps are attracted by a certain cue, probably by the peculiar odour. This is partly supported by the fact that the three insect assemblies observed on the Dictyophora sporocarps in Kyoto (K1, K2, K3) resembled one another in composition, but were quite different from those at other sympatric fungi (N. Tuno, unpubl. obs.). In addition, the physical nature of Dictyophora's mucilaginous gleba looks quite similar to decayed material. This may allow the Drosophilids to consume the gleba more easily. In general, to digest fungi is potentially dif®cult even for mycophagous insects since the physical nature of fungi requires special digestive adaptations. Thus, mycophagous beetles have developed speci®c morphological adaptations to digest various kinds of substrates that fungi produce (Crowson 1984; Newton 1984; Lawrence 1989). Among mushroom-feeding Drosophilidae, the larval dentition of mouth hooks, which are homologous to the mandible or maxilla, are developed in relation to the increasing hardness of mushrooms consumed (Okada 1968). By contrast, generalist drosophilids have another type of mouth hooks with undeveloped dentition. To recruit generalist drosophilids as spore dispersers, the mushrooms should provide a food reward that is easy to digest. The mucilaginous gleba of Dictyophora may be such an easily digestible reward. The composition of insect assemblies for Dictyophora sporocarps seemed to differ between Kyoto and Furano, suggesting general attractiveness of the fungi for a wide range of insects. The fungi may recruit some generalist mycophagous insects as potential spore dispersers depending on time and place. To con®rm this, further detailed study should be carried out. Spore dispersal of Dictyophora fungi In summary, Dictyophora fungi use the following strategy for spore dispersal. The fungi attract a wide range of generalist mycophagous insects by their strong odour similar to that of decaying plants or fruit. The attracted insects can easily feed on gleba, which is physically similar to their own food resources. Since the attracted insects are not specialized enough in mycophagy to digest spores ef®ciently, they excrete a quantity of viable spores. Thus, instead of establishing a tight relationship with specialists, Dictyophora fungi recruit temporally passing insects as spore dispersers, paying the cost of the odour and mucilaginous gleba which is provided to the insects as a reward. It is still unknown whether the specialist dispersers are fairly restricted, as long as their densities are quite low. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank Drs E. Kuno, M. J. Toda, T. Nishida, K. Beppu and K. Futai for their useful suggestions and revision of the manuscript. Thanks are also offered to Drs K. Kanmiya, T. Okadome and M. J. Toda for their help in identi®cation of the dipteran insects. REFERENCES BATRA L. R. (1963) Ecology of ambrosia fungi and their transmission by beetles. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 66: 213±236. BEAVER R. A. (1989) Insect-fungus relationships in the bark and ambrosia beetles. 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