THE JURIST TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY: SCHOOL OF LAW LUBBOCK, TEXAS NINETEEN HUNDRED EIGHTY-SEVEN VOLUME V -' TABLE OF CONTENTS From the Editor, Year after year, Tf!%(J,J Tech University School of Low brings prestige to its name and adds to a growing reputation of quality legal education. Yet, the formal education we received at Tech cannot compare to what we have learned from each other. Combining talents and knowledge, we learned to compromise with people and work together. Our experiences throug1wut the year brought us much success and many happy memories. It is my fondest wish that the Jurist has captured at least a few of these memories. D~ to budget cuts, the 1987 Jurist was forced to be reduced by one-haif, Hopefully, / have been able to capture the highlights of the /986-87 school year. I have attempted to inclulk as many students as possible in this yearbook. Thanks to HoUy Lytle for fu!r assistance. Without her, many of these p1wto& would not be lowe a very specUd thanks to my mom for helping me put this yearbook together. Without her fu!lp, the Jurist would have been an impossibility! ApruSmith At yearbooll photographer, lipent IDOlIt olthe year lille this. 1987 Jurist Editor, April Smith. EDITOR'S PAGE LAWSCHOOL. GRADUATION. ORGANIZATIONS STUDENT BODY . FACULTY AND STAFF 2 4 36 46 61 73 Tommy LaFon, Johnny Page, William Elliot and wife, andJana Allison at Mardi Graa. Ken Good studying for finals. Walter Brocato, gueat, Steve Southers and Evan Farrington at Mardi Gras. Rob Wagstaff and Liz Cherry. Greg Curry and Diann Han$On. Luke Jordan shows Baynetta his 8eQuins John Reeder checks oul each player's hand. Concentration? PARTIES! PARTIES! Ear] Netibitt visits with Jan Turner and Joe Bob Shirley at the Delt Smoker. Tim Womack, Ray Cozby and Jim Williams take a breather from their flag football game. Zaffrin Jordan, Shane Jackson and April Smith enjoy the Legal Forum's Wine and Cheese Tasting Party David Webber, Mary Ann Borchers, Jane Backus. David Backus and Brian Wendt throw a party. Lucy Zavala, Zaffrin Jordan and Pat Salcido Montes at the Wine and Cheese Tasting Party sponsored by the Legal Forum Charlie Martin, Ray Cozby and David Backus play in the snow since classes wel'f! cancelled Charles Geilich, Roger Fuller, Ronnie Baugh, Mary Wilcox and Kevin Crean enjoy the food at Professor Quilliam's home following the Spring Advanced Moot Court Final Round. Profel>8Or Lee tries to continue hi$ Commercial Law class after the eventful morning. Melody Burke and Shane Jackson visit at the Legal Forom Wine and CheeaeTasting Party. Jay Francis restrains Walter Brocato from escaping via the back door when his April Fool's Day surprise girl arrives with balloons and sings a special measage. This surprise was courtesy of Walter's best friends! Charlie Hoedebeck and Wendi Ervin listen to the message. Kathy Strech and Tracy Droce at the Delt Initiation party. David Ryan and Jay Francis enjoy Walter's special surprise. Such a long walk frQm Commuter Parking. Karen Hendershot and Gary Harger. Wayne Howell, Hank Wade.nd Rafe Fo~mansamp1e food at the reception following the Sprilll Advanced Moot Court Competition. Law School parking lot after a rain. HQW many hours have y()U apent he~? 10 SteVe Kotara Imilell aa he buY' hillaat "blue booka" from Jan Blackkxk. Greg Curry and Rafe Foreman display their thooghtt of the lituation aa Rosa Pringle catchea I few winkt after an "all nighter." & Berry and Frank Gonulet ....mple hQl's d'<le\lvns. THIRD YEAR SOFTBALL Student Bar Association Blood Drive RiekBlackwelloompletestheneceM8.ryfoflllllinorderto participate in the SSA blood drive. Front row: Jeff Harriton, MuviD Moorr, Tim Purin and David BricUm.- Middle row: Roy Monk and Tnvia. Trey Wood. Marpm. Slaton, team IpOnIOf and Lou Knabncbuh. Back row: Steve Kot.ar1l, Mike Donohue. David Nil: and Keith Sheedy. MID Strike! Pitcher. D.vld NiI. Beau Jacob looks on u Mike G«Ides Pves blood and another atudeDtrecove:n. Left. and Right: Tim Perrin plays at ahorUtop. 13 12 FIRST YEAR INTRAMURAL SOFTBALL Front row: Kevin Lungwit~ Beau Jacob, Don Morehart and Lany Ltwia. Middle row: Robert Wagstaff, Kyle Tatom and Blair Clarke. Back row: Pat $ehurr, Jim Arkell and Rick Blac~lI. Pat Schurr 'N.i~ (or the hit that will bring him home. Pat Schurr is ready (or the ned play. Kevin Lungwitz lap a player for the out. Don Morehart ready to ateal another base. Beau Jacoband Kyle Tatom plan game strategy. Beau Jacob. Playeraandap«tatoraen;Oythea:ame. Kyle Tatom releasea another pitch. Oops!! " JudgeJustice, at Tech tojudge the final round of Advanced Mock Trial Competition, visits with Profeaaor Edgar. KeUy Thompson and Mark Blankenship. Beau Jacob and Evan Kramer. Dean Schoen chats with students at the reception forJllrlge William Justice, U.S. District Judge in Tyler, TeJ:lIII. DlIvePoiter. PHI ALPHA DELTA Negotiation in pr0gre88. David Oliveira, ProfeSllOr BenllOD and Professor Murray. Don Raphel. Fifllt years prepare for clan. Chris Freu, Olive Poiter,Jay Francis, Eve Sanden and Reeves Winn. 16 Dean Schoen and Candy Norris. Lowry Mmin, Shane Stokes and Amy Harris visit at the reception forJudgeJuatice. PHI ALPHA DELTA "~~~,,,~ . Fort,~·t{ . " Qc).\~ '\ :!O . / Mo. rlo.m LL\nq - MARDI GRAS BARRISTER'S BALL .. ~ Mike Kravik, Susan Paul, Steve Mooney, Lt.ura Lf,yooclr., P,u1 Hood and Lisa Maye. Abow: SU$llD. Jones and SUll8.ll HutchillonpaintMark Blankenship'. and Steve Reuter'. r_. Above: Entertainment: Mike KeUy. Left.: Luke and 8aynetta Jordan. 18 19 HOOPS BASKETBALL BackfOw:TimWh~~'~::ll~~~er. Thif'CiYearB8h~t~:"c;~~,SteveKotara, - Moore,RoyMo , C!!II! . . and Mike Jarrett. Front row: Marvin ------t=w:m5------ --- ;, Roy Monk guard!! Rob WagstaffwhileShllllnon S mithennangettreadyto81lSist. 20 21 Briu Mkhals lI.nCI Chria Rhodes danoeII.t the Dell Smoker. Marvin Moore, Alan WinD lI.nCI Tracy Druce .t the DeltSmoker. April Smith enjoys $prine Break in the Rockiea. Ron Hoyle and Frank Gonw" take. breu in the Forum. Everyonejoin. in for PAD'. fund raiser. Right.: Formal or ClI.IIual? Russell Power i. prepared for anything. Left: PAD memben will do anything ror. cold beer. Charlie Hoedebeek, Locke Wiliams, Fuon Webb, Rick Montaomery, and Luke and &ynettaJordan. Mike JlI.lJ'et.t, Julie K.y, Geoflie Cunningham, Betay Brumbelow and Mike Kelly enjoy tbe SBA party.t Studebaker'... 22 23 PHI ALPHA DELTA "BARN BURNER" PHI DELTA PHI - TACOS AND TEQUILA Kerry Curnutt, Dena Reecer and Lisa Cumutt enjoy Phi Delta Phi's Tacos and Tequila party at Queso's. Holly Neff and Alan Winn dance to the live band. Byron Johnson, Ron McLaurin and Cathy Carper seem to be having a great time at the Tacos and Tequila party. Paul Q'Briant and Byron Boyd share ajQke. 24 FALL ADVANCED MOOT COURT NATIONAL MOOT COURT TEAM U, ,..--_1 Charles Gentry of Shank, Irwin & Conant, sponllOrs of the Fall Advanced Moot Court competition, congratulates the winners ofthe Best Brief Award: Charlie Hoedebe<:k, MikeJarrett, and Tom Murphy. Pictured with Alvin Allison, the sponsor, are team members Wayne Howell, Lin Hughes, Guy Kidd, and Lea Hatch PARTICIPANTS AND JUDGES IN THE COMPETITION - Back row: June Higgins, Semie Bass, JUlItie.: Franklin Spell'll ortbe Texas Supn!me Court, Profe!lllOr Charlea Bubany, and Kevin Young. Front row: Al South, Scala Byers, and Wendi Ervin (winning team). Left: JUlIticeSpeanl vi6itswithDean Conboy. Right: Taine Conboy villitswithPattySmith while John Zuhosky and Wayne Howell Lell Hatch, Guy Kidd, and Lin Hughes watch the Superbowl at the Acme Bar and Grill in Greenwich Village, 26 congratulateWendi Ervin. 27 PHI DELTA PHI <Athy Bennett. Lisa Moye, and Jeff Harriton ret in line for free t.-.. LiM can't llHm to dedde w"-.t &be wanta on her tacoL TACOS AND TEQUILA Susan Paul finfh it harder to amub the pin.a~ Ibn it had _med before the blindfold and lbotoftequi\a.. Tim Womack tries to convince HoI.Iy Neff abe aboulddanc:ewithbim. LiM Meisch and April Smith enjoy the chip' and bot sauce. Geolltl Murff turns around to ' " who is makq the li&hta nub... 28 29 DELTA THETA PHI-BLUE HAWAIIAN Th4i Gang'. All Ht~l Top row: Roy Mollk, and Sherry Smith. Middlerovr. Mike Donohue, Laura ~,Marvin Moore, Lita Moye, Katie Monk, and David Nix. Bottom row: Cheri Kaufman, Steve Kotara, Donna Winfield, Jelf HarriIon, and Mal)' Nanny. Law Itucknu enjoy the Blue HawaiiaD. Take the Neste. plunge! 31 SUPREME TORT A Petrick Schurr and Joe Bob Shirley ...ure everyonl, "YtI, we carry the Amerian Exprellll card." Reeves WinD prepuua drink at the SSA New Year,Eve porty. The Church Lady (June HigiDI) chat. with Tim Wom.ack. RafeJtciaoh and band members Dic:k LeMastell and Steve DarIinr AD( an "Ode to the Hooor Code." Reeves WinD andFUOh Webb MIld. party fevollet PAD', Mardi Gru pmy. April Smith ... ~tlat the .ifPOrt for. flight to Dallufor.jobinteme.... K.tie Whelan and SUMO Hutchillon participate in Taxerei$e. 32 Kathy DiSorbo ia unrobed hy Phil Doepfner, Monty Bond and Let H.tch. 33 s u P R E M E T o R T Eric: Codey and Don Rapbel apoof.tudentt .tudyinc in the library late at night.. Emily LateUa (Tom Murphy). Mike Clark interviews Carnsck the Magnificent (Keith Madole). Monty Bond and Trey Wood u Krahmer and Kwaroa Outfitten. Mark Chouw.u, Chn. Rhodes and Gres Cuny abow UlI bow to • mobintbefonJD:l- David Letterman (Bn.n Cartwriebt). 35 GRADUATION 1987 Graduate receives C(lncntulations from family and frif,nd$. A TUM Teeh ensemble provided music for theeeremony. Faculty mtmbel'll laugh attheguestspeaker'sjokes. FlIC\Ilty mtmbtnprf'Pll"' for the hooding eeremooy. Hoodinceeremony. 36 Marvin Moore, Clus Speaker, takes a pK:tureof the graduating c.... Guett Speaker, Walter GeUhom. April Smith durine processional. Thank God it'. over! 37 Ron McLauren visitll with friends.. Jeff Huriton and Marvin Moore. ....- Larry SIaU&hter and wife It the r«ept>on with Cathy Smith and Man: JohnllOn. John Zuhoeky and his dad visit with friends. Stacy SharpJohnllOn visill with family. Steve KO!.lrl. 38 Don Rose. Amy Harris and Eddie Is.hmael enjoy the reception from the bakony. Henry Hardwickchata ...ith friends. Pat Rake. 39 Jimmy Granberry and Henry Hardwick. Ron McLaurin and Mike Shepherd congratulate each other on their graduation. LaUrlI Laycock. Vim Szeto and April Smith. Jan Blacklock and date celebrate her graduation. CarlWylerandftienda. Emilio Abeyta and ramily. Jimmy Granberry, Henry H.rdwick and John Reedercelebrate. JerrH'nUoD, Charlie Hoedebed, Marvin Moore and Randy HarrieoD. D.vid Nil; with ramily and rriends. Rosa Pringle and Dave Polter 'hare their es.citement with gunt&. 42 Jimmy Granberry and Melody Bell. 43 GRADUATION PARTY Greg Novak and Reevet WinD I18mple the burret. St8cy Sallee and Mike Jarrett an ,reat polka ..-... IWldy Walker and lrift. It" been ,IoDI day! June Higgins takes a break on the lapt of HoUy Neff and Jeff Leonard .. Janet Miller Rowland and Denise Conn look on. J-.yFrancia. AI Smith and wife, Patty, rnlly get into the lWIST. HoUy Neff and Jeff Leonard dance to • oountly ud_temtonc- Erin Buck and d.te. KeUy'Thompeon, Jim Finley and Kelly's mom dan<:e theCottoD-Eyed Joe. _ J~ ~D Marvel and friends dance the Cotton- Rob MilJeruked, ~Doyou know wNt they do to people in RuIIi-. ....ho take pictures?" Heon' }hrdwklr.. Rob Miller and. Mary Wiko. rtlu: between dances. LAW PARTNERS I I Jane Ben.eon anticipates the oeIt play. omcen: Front row: Nancy Wyatt, Gayle Elliot, Penny Cuner, Jenee OhrvaU and Anne Linsteadt. Standing: Charmone Bednarz and Nannette Poole. SBA SPRING, RELIEF ~1. ACT ~f. '- Volleyball competition laated Ulltil8;OO p.m. Baby Shower ror6 DlOIlUI-to·be. Easter Egg Hunt. .. Robert Newsom, Charles Kennedy and children. Chow time! (Bar-B-Q and all the trimmings). RUlllIell Power and John Ree!kr enjoy a game of horseshoes. GUEST SPEAKERS Mike Mitchell and June Higgins visit with Justice J. R. Baldock of the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeal8 following his speech. He spoke on SU!l8Jl Jones and Jay Old visit with Don Dean oethe Amarillo law firm of Underwood, WilBOn, Berry, Stein and Johnson. Mr. Dean was the apeaker at the Strasburger and Price Leeture. "Judicial Re$uaintand Individual Rt'BponaibiJity." '.' Phi Delta Phi Officen: FfOllt row; Karen Marvfl, 0iaJm H&IlIOn, AI Smith, 8uMn Paul. Back row: ChN Greisel. Brian Cartwricbt, Ron Hoy(, Dena Reecer, Liu. Cumutt.llIId Alan Taggart. rf ,. ",' '\ Juatice Baldock and Eric Coil. Omep Lambda Phi Offioers: Mary Fullmer, Johnny p• • c.ndaoe Nonia, Tom Brown and Gary Harger. Rear Admiral Hugb Campbell oCthe U.S. Navy JAG eo.... 48 49 LAW REVIEW LAW REVIEW Front row; Hank Wade, Catherine Bennett, Ron Hoyl, Debra Herau! and David Poole. Back row: Jay Old, Kevin Young, Mark Siefken and Michael Northrup Front row; Rhonda Rhodell, Lori Thomas, Elaine Lee, Julie Kay and Michael Knight. Back row: Johnny Merritt, James Elliot, Richard Casner, Rankin Gasaway and Mike Hrsbal. ~~~~SkiPMcCormick, SUIWl HutchillOn, Amy Harris and Stacy Sallee. Back row: Paul Hood, Lou Knabeschuh, Tim Perrin, MikeJarrett and Brian 50 51 Christian Legal Society Omcers: Front row: John Reeder, Eric CoD and Michael Knight. Back row: Rusty Ladd and Shane Stokes. Officel'8 of the Legal Forum include Sharmyn Lumsden, Barbara Campanelli, Synthia Morris and Zaffrin Jordan. Editorial Board Members ofTex8S Bank Lawyer: David NiJO, Susan Paul and Steve Darling. Back row: Chris Rhodea and Dan Adcock. Delta Theta Phi Officers: Le8 Hatch, Catherine Baen, Jane Benson. Phil I>oepfner, Alan Winn and Chris Rhodes. Legal Research Board Members: Front row: Barbara Campanelli, Betsy Brumbelow, Mary Ann Borchers, Karen Marvel. Back row: Charles Morse, Dewey Britt. Nick Bray, Lowry Martin, and Ross Griffith. Phi Alpha Delta Officers: Steve Mooney. Susan Hutchison. Steve Reuter, Rick Montgomery, Charles Kennedy, Dave Polter and Guy Kidd. 52 53 A S T BOARD OF BARRISTERS S S o U B C D A I E R A N T Se<:ond Year omcus: Lynda Bailey, Ron Hoyl, Melanie McKenzie, Bobbye Hill and Betsy Brumbelow. T:' I Board of Barristers Officers: Jim Finley, Katherine DiSorbo, RoDDie Agnew, Mary Wilcox, and Chuck Slaughter. o N First Year Officei'll: Mike Geddes, Sunny Horton, Greg Curry and Beau Jacob. Board Members: Front row: Ron Huff, Scala Byers, Tom Murphy, Kathy DiSorbo,June Higgins. Back row: Mike Janett, AI Smith, Brian Cartwright, Lowry Martin, Lin Hughes, Kelly ThompSOD, and Joe Lovell. ABA and TBA Representatives: Lowry Martin and Jan Blacklock. AI Smith, 2Dd VP; Erin Buck, Pres.; James Andel'llOn, 2nd VP. Board Members: Front row: KareD Marvel, AI Smith, Rob Miller, Cathy Smith, Nick Bray. Middle row: Wendi Ervin, Janet Miller Rowland, Diane MacFarlane, Joe Lovell, Wayne Howell. Back row: Jeff King, Eddie Ishmael, Russell Power, Roger Fuller and Charlie Hoedebeck. Third Year Officei'll: Pat Rake, Tom Murphy, Kelly Thompson, Diana Porter, Mark Remington andJoe LovelL 54 55 MOOT COURT TEAMS ABA NatKmal AppeUateAdv~Tgm: Scab. Byelll and Jan Turner. Not Pictured: LeI Hatch. SPRING ADVANCED MOOT COURT Fint Year Moot Court Finaliata:: Tooda o..ny and Ronnie BaUCh. Judges Joe Geary Richard Countisl and Will Dodson &fe pictured with thewinnin«; team afRall! Foreman, Lany and Randy f"iabu. Larry was voted MBatOrali.t. L.dd. ~'int Year Moot Court Winners; Lee Plmley, Greg Curry and Ken Good. Benton National Moot Court Team: Katherine DiSorbo, June Higgins, Janet Rowland and Jan Thrner. ABA National APPf:llate Advocacy Team: Katherine DiSorbo, Guy Kidd, June Higgins and Terry Hamilton. ,. M 1"hejudgescongratulate finaliltt Katie Whelan and Alan Taggart for havinllhe "Bat Brier." Team member June Higgins ill DOl pictured. 57 MOCK TRIAL TEAMS National Mock Trial Team: Larry Ladd, Scala Byers and Keith Madole. ATLA National Mock Trial Team: David Fisher, Coach Hunt, Tom Murphy and Rob Miller. Thelen, Marrin, Johnson and Bridges National Mock Trial Team: Ronnie Agnew and Brian Cartwright. Fall Advanced Mock Trial Winnen; Joe Lovell and Tom Murphy. First Year Mock Trial Winners: Anllelia We$Ch and Tommy LaFon. 58 First Year Mock Trial Finalista: Heather Harris and Kenneth Good. 59 NEGOTIATION AND CLIENT COUNSELING THIRD YEARS Abbott, W. Clay; Boulder, Co.; B.A. in Hiltory, Lubbock Christian CoUege,l984. Apew, RoDD.1oeL.; New Deal; B.A. in~ycboloc:Y.AbileneChristiaD University, 1m. BI.aekloek,J_L.;MidIand; D.B.A. iD General Busin-. Sui ao.. S""teUnivenity, 1981. BriPam. David Travis; Midland; B.B.A. in Petroleum Land ManacemeDl, Univel'llity ofTnaa at Austin,l983. Hila, Erin; DalliuI; B.A. in Political Science, DePauw University,l9M. Byer'll, Scala D.; Amarillo: B.B.A. in Accounting, Univel'llity of Texas at AUlltin, 1984. Clark, Michael; AWltin; B.A. in Psychology, Univenity ofTUM at Austin,1979. DiSorbo, Katherine; New Milford, Ct.; B.A.inFnnch,Universityof Conneeticut,1984. Doaobut, Michael; Dallas; B.B.A. in Pet.rolau:n Land Management, Winnertohbe Fall Negotiation Competition were Mate Nanny and Karen &ru.m. UnivenityorTex.uatAuatin..l979. EQOD, Steve; Winnsboro; BA in Politklal Science, Southem Met.hodistUnivenity,l983. FulJer. Roc"el'; 8ryan,B.5. in Civil Encineerinr, TeUll A&M Univenity,I983. Gilmow', Michele; Amarillo; B.S. in Education, Tu.. Tech Univel"llity, 1966. Gonu.1ez, Julie; El PlUlO; B.B.A. in Aocounting,UnivenityorTe:lMat EIPlUlO,1984. HallburtoD, Kerry; Waco; B.B.A. in Accounting, Tuu Tech Univenity,1983. HaUOD. Diann; Odeasa; B.B.A. in Management,UnivenityofTe:lM Permian Suin, 1984. BarrO;. Amy; McKinney; B.B.A. in Finance, Tesu Tech University, ,.... Client CouDKIinr Competition Winnua: Jeny Muon and Chuck Rowland HarrU;on. Jeffrey W.; Mesquite; B.BA in Finaoce, North Teus StateUnivemty,I984. Hood. PauJ M.; A....tiD; BA in Govunmmt, Univemty orTeus at A....tin,I984. HuP-,LiD;Lubbock:; F.ndiab and Gowmment, Tarletoa State Univenity, 1969, M.A., Ph.D. in PoliticaJ brICe, North Tesu StateUnivemty,I981. Hutch.Ulon, 8QaD.; Ancho~,~ BA in Eqliah, West Te:lM State Univeraity, 1983. 61 60 THIRD YEARS JacUon. Shane Greea; Odeua; B.A. in English, Sui Roa State University, 1984. Jarrett. Michael E.; Grand Prairie; B.A. in Politital Stien<:e, Austin Colle,e, 1984. JonN, Sunn; Amarillo; B.A. in Hilltory, We.tTe... State University, 1984. Kelly. Michael T.; DaI1as; B.B.A. in Finance, Unwerlityo( T_atAustin,I984. Keanedy, Charla; Lubbock; B.B.A. in, Te... Tech Univenity, 1979. Kiae, Rebecca; Borrer. as. in Secondary Edutation, Mc:Mufl)' THIRD YEARS Ogdea, Daniel Mark; Dallal; B.G.S. in Political Science and Hiltory,UnivenityofKIllUU,1979, M.A. in IntemationalBulineM Management, Univenity ofTuu.t Dallal, 1984. Paul. Suaan Eliubeth; DaI.Iu; B.B.A. in Finance and Real Eatate, TeUliChriltianUnivenity, 1984. PeaIr., Gary; Eutland; B.A. in Marlr.eting,UnivenityofTu...t AUltin,I984. &!=~i~Ul~t~~: Science, TezuTech Univenlty, 1986. ~.I968. Laycock. Laura; Canyoa; B.s. in Politital Science and History, Te... Tecb Uninnity,l982.. Lovell, Joe L.; Dumas; as. in AcritUIturai Eoonomica, T _ Tech Univenity, 1980. McCormiclr.llI. Clyde R.; San Antoaio; B.A. in N.tura1 Science and Lite:ratu~, HmdrU. ColIece. 1964,M.A.inP~,St.. Mary'IUniversity, 1978. Marvel. Karea; San Antonio; B.A. in EngiillhlWritin&: and PlYtbology, McMufl)' .... ,.... eon., \ MeiKh. Lisa; Marlin; B.A. in Political Science and History, Southern Methodist Univerlity, Montgomery, Rick; Lubbock; B.B.A. ill Petroleum Land Man.gement, Tuu Tech Univerlity, 1984. Mooney. Stephen W.; Ft. Worth; B.S. in Indultrial Management, Geol'(ia Inltitute ofTe<:hnology, 1983. Moore. Marvin L.; Midland; B.A. in Marketing, Tuu Tech University, 1984. Moran, James P.; C.rmel, Ca.; B.A. in P8ychology, University of Colorado,1978. Moye, LiBa; DaiJaa; B.A. in Speech Communic.tion, TUaI Tech Univerlity, 1983. Rowland, Janet Miller; Wichita Falls; B.A. in Speech, Univerlity of Tuu at AUltin, 1984. Sallee, Stacy; Baytown; B.A. in Chmiel, UnivenityofTeusat AUltin,1984. Slaughter, Larry Charlet "Chuck"; Amarillo; B.A. in Political Science, University of Tuu at San Antonio, 1978. Smith. Alwin; Austin; B.A. in Political Science, Tens Tech Univenity, 1984. Neff, Holland Ann; Colorado City; B.B.A. in Finaoce, UnivenityofTe....tAustin, \983. Ne", Robert E.; Sulphur Sprinp; B.A. in Apiculture, E8It Tezu State Univertity, 1974. NiJl, David; Temple; BA. in General Bulineu, Stephen F. Austin State Univenity, 1984. Novak. Greg; Corpus Cbrilti; B.A. in Economica and Politital Science, Rice Univeraity, 1980. 62 63 THIRD YEARS Tatum, Jettery Deu; Odesll8.; B.A. in Sociology, TuasTech SECOND YEARS Aguilar, Kelly D.; EI Paso; B.B.A. in Buaineu Education, Teus Tech Univerllity, 1984. Anlitti, RePna; EI PalO; B.A. in Philosophy, UnivenityofTexu at E1Paso,l980. Arth, JamN C.; Austin; B.B.A. in Finance,UnivenityofTuuat Austin,I981. BacluUl, David P.; Oallu; B.A. in Psychology, South"'fttern Univenity, 1985. Unive~itY,I983. T->,Ior, Theeia Aune; Falfurn..; BS. in Criminal Justice, Southwest Tuas State Unive~ity,I984. Thompson, Cindy; Tyler, B.A. in SecondaryE'.duaotion, UnivenityofTexual Tyler, 1981. Thompson, Kelly; Arlington; B.A. in Eronomicl, Uoive~ity of TexuatAuttin,I983. Thompson, Luther; Cleveland; B.A.AS.inMedicaJTecbnolOlY and Health Education, Sam Houston State Univenity,I980. Vau,hn, Charle.; DalJu; B.BA in ~meol,Teua A&.MUnivenity, 1984. Walker, Randall; White Deer, BS. in History, Welt Teua State Univenity, 1984. Wend.IaDdl, Cavitt; Autlln; BS in Criminal Justice, Soutbwell Teua State Univerllity, 1981. Baen, Catherine; Mathia; B.A. in History, Teua Tech Univerllity, 1985. Bennett, Catherine L.; Corpus ChrilIti; B.A. in History, Texu A&.M Uniwrsity, 1985. BeldOn, ,llllte; San Antonkl; BS.W. in Social Work, University of Tuu at Austin, 1981. Berry, 80; Wylie; BA. in Enctish Litentun!, Austin CoUeee, 1985. 8orehen, MIII")'Aun; New Braunfeq; B.A. in Liberal An., University ofTexu at Austin, 1985. Broome, Amy HodgN; Sterlin( City; BS. in Animal ScleDCe, Texu A&M University, 1m, M.AJr. in Agricultural EcoDOmica, Tuu A&M Univelllity, 1981. Brumbelow, 8elta:y;Tyler, B.A. in Political Science, North Teus Slate Univenity, 19M. Buck, TerNia Jane; Lubbock; B.A. in History, Texu Tech Uoiversity, 1985. WikolJ, Mary Erin; Amarillo; B.A. in Political ScieDCe,Tuu TechUnivenity,l983. WilliUl8, Don; Lubbock; B.B.A. in Mana.rement, Teua TechUnivenilY, 1976. WilliUl8, Locke A1dell; Ft. Worth; B.B.A. in Marketin&;. UniverllityofTexu at Arlington; 1984. Zimmermu, Stacey; Amarillo; B.A. in Agricultural Eronomicl. Tuas Tech Univenity, 1983. ZuhOlky, John Alan; AUltin; B.A. in Philo.ophy,UniverllityofTulIBat Auatin,1980. CampaneUi, Barbaraj Ft. Worth; B.A. in Bilingual Secn!laria1 Adminilltration, Tuas Tech Univenity, 1973. Carmody, Dawn; San Antonio; B.S. in Political Science, Tuas A&M Univenity, 1983. CuneI', Richard; Lubbock; B.S. in Range Science; Teua Tecb Univenity, 1984. C<NJhy m, Raymond W.; Tyler, B.A. in Geology, University ofTe"... atAuatin,1983. Curnutt, Lisa Lee; Bronte; B.B.A. in Finance and Real Estate, Anj:e10 Slat!Univenity, 1985. Ecton, Beverly Aull; NII~le, n.; B.A. in Politkal Science, West Teus State UniversitY,l985. Elliot, JamN J.; Ada. Ok.; BS. in Accountin" Oklahoma Slate Univenity, 1983. fuber, Oavid.J.; Longview; B..... in History, Southwestern Univenity, 1985. .. " SECOND YEARS CU;aW&y, Rulli; DalIu; B.A. mGovtmmmt,Unn-eraityoi TuuIt AuatiD,1986. Godfrey, Amy; Mtmpbla; B.s. in MierobioIot:Y.TuaTeeh University,l975o GrimtJa,~;Ft.Worth;B.S. iD Political Scimet. Ttut AAM UDiveraity,I98S. ~u;:~~~ Tec:hUIlivt:rsity,1985. Montes, Pat Sakldo; EI PlIO; B.S. inSocill Wort. Uni>·tlSityofTuu ItElPuo,I984. Moo1'tlllJ, Williacn 0.; Dallu: B.A. in Political san-, VilIIncwa Univenity,198$. Morris, Syatbla;.,Iualin; B.B.A. in Administrttive Maaqotmmt, North Tt:lll~tlUniveraitY.I98t. M.H.A.mHOIIpitllAdln.iniitratklon. Trinity Univeraity,l986. Morrow, Bill; HarIiDpn; 8.A. in Political SritDCe and HWary. Soutbena MtthodiIt Univtn.!t)', ,.... Fhtdl, LM: I..ubbod; B.s. iD Polilkal Sdt.:lot, TUM AltM UDiversily, 1985. Old J'r"J--. a.; 8Mummt; B.s. in PoIitlcaI ScitDce, TUM A6.M :s.~Ilf'='::C:;~ PooIe,Oarid;POIIl;BS.iD TnMSUteUDiversity.I98I. Dill, Bobbye: Wbedtr, B.A. in F.actilLb Littn.ture Ind AtMricaa HiItoIy,Ua.ivenityoiTaae PmDiIIl B.i.n, 1975. HobI»,Loa.aie:StmiDoLt;B.A. in PotitQl SdMc.. Me:Muny CoUtp.lm. HOUM, Trida; Auatin; BA iD A_rie:a.Il SWdis, &,.lor Ua.ivt:rtity.l98$. Hoy5e, Roll.; Caayon; B.B.A. iD Finance, UllivelSity ofTUM It AUltin,l98$. J'orda.a, Zatfria.; Ptrf)'\OCl; BA iD Endiab, UllivtlSityofTuu It AUllin.I919. Keelb, &ott M.; Sbenllln; BA inPoIitiealScitnce,UnivelSitYOf Tu.. It AriirlctGn. 1983. KeUl:, Kathy; Tequr, B.B.A. ira M&nICeIl:lent, Univtrtityo( TualitAUItira,I98I. KAlpt, Mic.bael; 8eMllt; B.A. inBUlioetI. UnivtlSityofTtut ItAUltin,I9&t. Lee, Ela1lle; Tulia; B.B.A. in Finance, UniveraityofTtutlt B~~k;I:~: LeVidt,Johll P.; in Zoooqy, Univtrsityof OkllholDl.l976,M.s.InZoo1ocY. Tt:lll Tecb Univtraity,I919. Marb, Robert; Ft.. Worth; BA in Hiatory,Tt:lllChriatian University, 1985. Mal'1Jo, Cbarlie: Dallu; B.s. ill Bw.u- Adm.i.nistrttion, WubinflODlnd Lee Univeraity, ,.... Mc:Doaald, Melody; Crowley; B.A.m ~nuDftltandEaclilb, Anctio Stlte Ua.ivt:rsity, 19lI6.,Melaale;Ft. Stoc:k1on; B.S. in Politicll Scinx:e. TUM Tecb Univnsity, ,.... . SECOND YEARS UD~y.I985. PtttoItwn~riIlc.TUNTecb Univertity,l9lW. Reeoer, De..... S~viDt; BA ill Govotmmea.t; AUItiD,I986. RbodeI, C1ui8; A-m. D.BA iD Finance.TuuAAMUlIi\otfIIty, ..... IlhodeiI. Rhoa.da; Bovi-: B.Ed. ill Ecb:atioa.,LubbodChriltiitl ColItp.I977. Rodeo, RuaMU H.: Me.quite; B.A. iaBuaintteAclzniDi:ttrationand History, AUIlin CoIIep, 1983. Rocnmer, Crecr DavW; Arbn,toa.; B.A.inPolitical~,Univ....ity orTuu at Ariiztctoa. 1984. Srader, Sabra; Sundown; 8.A. ill Hiatory. TOM Tech Univtraity. ,.... Soutbera, Steve.; San Antonio; B.s. in Bio&ocY, Univemty orTu.. .t San Antonio, 1m. Taggart, Alao K.; DalIu; B.B.A. iD Finance and Markttinc, Bayklr Uni\·traity, 1983. Tatocn, Kyle D.; Bracty. B.S. in phyakalF..duu.tion,TarlttonStlte Univtrtity,1979. Thorna, Lori R.; Yankton, S.D.; B.A.inPI)"Cho1oo,UnivtlSityor South Dltota. 19'76. Todd,Mel"';I~BAiD Joomalitm, UnivfftityorTtut at Auatin.I986. .- Tuner,Jan; Eaclith. Anpkl State Univt-mty, Turner, Shelley 0.; Abikne'; B.s. ia Law Enrornment, HardiJI.Simmons Univtrtity,I977. Vru.a, Mike; PIIno; DA. iD GoV'tmlDtnt,U.iYenityorTuu at AUItin,l982. SECOND YEARS Webb. ",onatban Brent; I..nrisville; B.S. in Civil £ncineering. Teus A&M Webber, D'Vi~;n~':u~~~:I~: in Politiel,Waahington and Lee University, 1985. Wendt, Bryan: Dallas; B.S. in Radio, Television and Film, UnivefllilyofTuA8atAuuin, 1982. Whelan, Katie: Richardton; B.A. in Political Scieoee. Tua. A&M UniV('l'$ily, 1983. White, Timothy: Porumouth. N.H.; B.A. in Engliaband Political Science, Teua Tech University, 19M. Wino, Reevetl: Lubbock; B.A. in Political Seieneeand History, TuasTechUniversity,1984. Womack, Tim: Hughell Spring; B.A,inPoJiliealScience,Auatin College, 1985. Young, John S.: Dallu;B.A. in Government, University ofTuu .tAustin,1983. FIRST YEARS Allbricht, Jeaq.; Lon,vjew; B.A. inPolitiealScieDCe.Bay!or Univefllity,l985. aaugh, Ronnie Va.a; Sluiwnee; Ok: B.A. in Finance, Oklahoma Baptist Univeriaty,I966. Burt, R. Neal: Taft; B.S. in Social ,.... Scieoeea, SouthwelIl.ern University, Chandler. Frank D.; Plano; B.A. iD PolitK:al Science and Criminal Jtatice, Stephen F. A..tin Sl.Ilte Univenity,l985. Clelter, Kelli L.; AIIttin; B.B.A. ill Multetinc,StepbenF.A..tillState Uniwnity,1981,M.B.A.ill Management, Stephen F. Austin Ste.teUniveRity, 1982. Cook, Pamela; Amarillo; B.S. ill Agricultural Communicationll, TulUl TechUnivefllity,I983,M.A.ill Agriculture, Tuu Tech University, 1985. Coli:. Lewis; RoaweU, N.M.; B.B.A. ill AC!COUntillg, Eastern New Muico Uniwraity,l986. Curry, TODdaL.; DalIu; B.A. ill Print Jownaliam, Bob Jones Univenity, 1985. Druce. Tracy W.; Baytown; B.S. ill Civil En(ineerinc,TuuA&M Univefllity, 1986. DuggaD. Chriatopher; Auatill; B.B.A. in Finance, Univefllity of Tuaa at Austin, 1986. Elliot, William; Bryan; B.S. in lndtatrial Distribution, TUM A&M Univenity, 1982. Fletcher, Richard R.; Goodland. KI;BS.illAoc:ountinJ,Lubboclt Chrittian CoUqe, 1981. Garcia, DiaDe; DalIu; B.A. ill P.ychoJocy, Uniwnity ofTu.. at Austin, 1985. Geddea, D. Michael; Mason City, la.: B.S. ill Business and Biology, lowaStateUnivefllity,1981. Goodwin, Jim: Cedar bland, N.C.; B.A. in Liberal Am, Baylor Univerllity,I966, Counseling and Pastoral Ministry, South_tern Baptitt Theological Seminary, 1975. Grantham. Mary; Grand Prairie; B.B.A. in Aecountinc. Tu.. Tech UniWfllity, 198fi. Hardy, Brent; San Antonio; B.S. in Eeonomic:a and Bu.ines., Vanderbilt UnivcflIity, 1986. Harger, Cary; Lubbock; B.A. in Speech Communication, TUlia Tech Univenity, 1976. Hawk II, Kenneth R.; Plano; B.A. in Political Science, Tens A&M UnivcrlIity, 1986. Hendershot, Karen; Austin; Marketinc,Univefllityof TeuaatAUIltin,l983. . " FIRST YEARS Manage=~!{:r: UnivenitY,I9ll6. H~rrington! Le:ll; Quitlque; B.S. '!" M~hanical Encinec!r1ng. Umvel'lllty ofTeus atAuatin, 1986. Holland, Brennan; Los Almoa, N.M.; B.M.Ed. in Muaic Education; Abilene Chriatian Univeraity, 1984. Hopkin., Jean, HOUlton' B.B.A. in Accounting, Tu~ Tech University, 1986. FIRST YEAR Nesbitt, E.r1; McKinney; B.B.A. in Businesa Adminilltrst)on, University ofTeus at Austin, 1983. Newby, Byron; Del!Uo; B.B.A. in Finance,TeusTeo::hUniveraity, ,.... Nicbols, Roger; Winters; B.A. in Politic:al Science, McMurry College, 1973. Nolen, Ben; Coleman: B.B.A. in Finance and Real Estate. Tnu TechUnivel'llity, 1986. Novak, Lan.; Temple; B.B.A. in Eeonomies, Southern Methodillt Univenity,l986. Nurent. Carla; Sundown; B.A. in M.thematies,Teu.sTeo::h University, 1982.. O'Briaat, Robert P.W; New Deal; BS. in Apieultural Economies, Teus Tech University, 1982. Orren. Gary; Lubbock; B.B.A. in Accountinl,AhileneChmtian University, 1976. Prigm.ore, Jana; Midland; B.B.A. in Marketinl.BaylorUniveraity. '985. RumUMen, Caroline A.; Dallal; B.A. in Psychology and ZooJocy, UniversityofTnas.tAustin,I985. Ricciua, Renee; Irvin&; BS. in EducatM:m, Texas Tech University, '985. Saader1l, Eve Marie; PftatonhurJ, Ky.; B.A. in Math.Univenityof Louisville,I981. Junl", J:tevin; Lubbock: B.A. in Journal~m, UniversityofTuu atAuatin,1986. Kemp, Kerry, Hukell; B.S. in Education, West Tnas Stau iB~i;;r;L~~~~~ University, 1981. Lindley. Todd; ML Vernon' B.S. in Political Scltnce, TenS ChmtianUniversity, 1985. LulllSden, Sbarmyn; Wibcm; B.S. in Educ:at.ion, University of Teus.tAuatin, 1975. Lunpitz, Kevin; Houston: B.S. in Hilltory and Polit)cal Science, Southwestern L.utke,~~:~~~; Ml~d; B.A. in Hiatory, UniversltyofTuu at Austin, Miller. Paul; Raton, ~~:f.; B.B.A. ~f~=~~i~~'pU~:et:';?' 70 Saader1l. Jeff L.; Austin; B.A. in Government, Univenity orTuu at Austin, 1934. Schult:r., George R.; New Braunfe15: B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Tn8ll A&M Univel'llity, 1985. Schurr. PatrickJ.; Dallu: B.A. in Politic:al Science and Economics, Vanderbilt University, 1986. Sbirley, Joe Bob; Amarillo; B.A. in Eeonomica, UniversityofTn....t Austin,1986. Soza, Robert; Alpine; B.A. in E~iIh, UniversityofTnu.t Austin,l986. Smith. Ste'phell. C.; San AntonM>; B.A.inPolitiealScie~,University ofTe....tSanAntonM>,1986. Strech, Kathy; HOUlton; B.A. in Psychology, Univel'llityofTuu at Austin,l986. Summerford, Leslie, El Puo: B.B.A. in Accounting, Tuu Tech Univei"lity, 1984. FIRST YEARS Tolar, William K.; Ft. Worth; B.A. in HirltOly,Baylor University, 1983. Tyer. TaDy.: Hale Center; B.S. in Agricultural Education, Teu8 TechUnivel'llity,I986. Vance, TeeDa; Glen Rose; B.S. in Criminal Justice, Tarleton StateUnivel'llity, 1986. Wagoner. Ruth A.; Iowa Park; B.A. in History, Tufts Tech University,1985. Wheeler, Doreen L.; AUlItin; B.B.A. in Ckneral Business; Univelllity ofTu8lI at Austin, 1981,B.A. in Government, Univel'tityof TuasatAustin,1982. Willingham, David C.; Abilene; B.B.A. in Management and Marketing, Abilene Christian University, 1979, M.B.A. in General Butiness, Abilene Christian University, 1985. Wyatt, Chris; Lubbock; B.A. in Liberal ArUI, University or TeJ:8IlatAustin, 1986. Office Staff: Front row: Rosa Duran, Ann Burbridge, Linda Kamp, Nina Klinkenberg, Linda Taylor. Back row: Genia Tillinghast, Donna Williams, Sandra Wels, Sandy McDonald, Camille Kimbro, Norma Tanner, Teri Martin. STAFF Library Staff: Front row: Pat Sain, Sharon Blackburn. Middle row: Olivia Esquibel, June Chressanthis, Rosalee Hardwick, Carolie Mullan. Back row· Brenda Haddo:l, Norma Reger, Barbara McCormick, Jane Olm, Teri Mankin, Cheri Livermore, Joyce Kiker. 73 DEANS PROFESSORS "_ph B. Conboy, AMociate Dean. 1982. B.S., CaniailUl College; 1956; J.D., GeorJdOwD VDin-rlity Law Center, 1956; LL.M.• George Washington National La.... Center, 1972. Admitted to practice in New York and TeUll. Thomas E. Baker. Auociat.t ProfesllOr of ~w. 1979. B.S., .Florida State University, 1974: J.D., The University of Flonda. 1977. AdmItted to pracliceinFlorida. Hal M. Bateman, Proreasor of Law, 1972. B.A., Rice University. 19&1; J.D., Southern Methodist University, 1956. Admitted to practice in Miasouri and Tuu. W. Frank NeW1on, Dea.n, 1985.J.D.,8ayiorUnivenity, 1967; LL.M., New York Univeraity School oU"",•• 1969; Columbia Law School, 1978. LL.M~ Dell.. W. Lee, Professor of Law, 1974. LL.B., University or British Columbia, 1959; LL.M.. University of Illinois, 1962; S.J.D., University of Michigan, 1969. Admitted to practice in British Columbia. Roderlc B. Schoen, A8IOCiate Dean and Profe..or of Law, 1971. B.A., University olColorado, 1956;J.D., Univel'9ityof New MesiC(l, 1966. Admitted to practice in New Mexico and TUM. Carolyn J. Thomas, AlIIIl)(:iate Dean, 1982. B.S., TUM A&M University, 1977; J.D., TUM Tech Univerllity, 1980. Admitted to practice in Tn... Daniel H. Ben80D. Profeuor of Law, 197~. B.A., Unive~ilyofTexas,. 1958: J.D., 1961; M.A., Texas Tech University, 1974. AdmItted to practice in the DistrictorColumbia.nd Tuaa. 77 Da:-r id ,? Cummi,,:', ProfellllOr of Law, 1970. B.S., University of Idaho, 1957; J.D., Umv~nl~y ofW~hlngton, 1960; LL.M.• New York Univenity, 1969. Admitted to practl~ In Washmgton and Tnas. Jobn E. Krahmer. Profe88orofLaw.1971. B.A.• Univerllity of Iowa, 1965; J.D., 1966; LL.M., Harvard Univerllity, 1967. Admitted to practice in Iowa. Bl"uce Kramel", Profeaor of Law, 1974. B.A., Univenity ofCalifomia at to. Angeles, 1968; J.D.• 1m; LL.M., Univenityoflllinni$. 1975. Admitted topracticeinCalifomia. Wi!-,ia-,,:, R. Casto, Aaaociate ProfesllOrof 14w, 1983. B.A., Umven~lY of.Ten~essee at Knozville, 1970; J.D.• 1973; J.D.5., Columb... Unlvenlty. 1983. Admitted to practice in Tennessee. DeU.. W. Lee, ProfellllOr of Law. 1974. LL.B., Uni"enilyof British Columbia, 1959; LL.M., Univenityof 11linnis, 1962; 5..1.0.• Univenity of Michigan. 1969. Admitted to practice in British Columbia. James!:t. E~iogel", Profeaor ofr...... 1972. W.rtbul'J: Col~, 1960; J.D.• UmvenutyofNorth DakOla,I!l64.Admittedtopracticein North Duotaand Tezu. Roderie B. Schoea, Associate Dean and Profe..orof r...... 1971. B.A.• Univenity ofColorado. 1956;J.D.• Univenityof New Mnioo. 1966. Admitted to practice in New Mnioo and TeJ:Q. Murl A. Larkin, Profeaor of 14.... 1968. LL.B., Southeastern University. 1939. Admitted to practice in the District of Columbia and Tens. 17 Richard W. Maxwell, AMociate Profl!S$OrofLaw, 1975. B.A., West Tuas State Uni~-ersity, 1954; J.D., Tens Tech Univertity, 1970. Admitted 10 practW:e inTuu. Annetle W. Marple, As&OCial.e Professor of Law. 1973. A.B., University of Rochester, 1949; M.A., University of Illinois, 19~3;J.D., Tuu Tech University, 1973. Admitted to practice m Texss. John S: Murray, As&OCiate Pffifessor of Law. 1982. B.A., Com.ell Univertity, 1961; M.A., ColumbIa Univertity. 1962; J.D., University of Iowa, 1968. AdmItted to practice in Iowa and New York. 78 Marilyn E. Phelan, Pffifessor of Law, 1974. B.A., Tuaa Tech UniveMlity.I959; M.B.A.. I967;D.B.A .. 1971;J.D., University of Tuaa. 1972. Admitted to practice in Tuaa. W. Reed Quilliam, Professor of Law, 1969. B.A.. University of Tuu, 1949; B.B.A., 1951;J.D., 1953; LL.M., Harvard University, 1969. Admitted to practice in Tuas. Frank F. Skillern, Professor of Law, 1971. B.A., University of Chicago, 1964;J.D., University of Denver, 1966; LL.M.. UniverllityofMichigan, 1969. Admitted:o practice in Colorado and Tuaa. 79 RobertA. Weninger. ProfeMOrofLlw, 1974. B.B.A., Univel'1lityofWW::onain, 1955: LL.B., I96/); LL.M., Univenity ofChieaco, 1964. Admitted to practice in Cal.ifomia and Wiaronain. Jeremy C. Wicker, Professor of Llw, 1972. B.E.E., Georgia Inatituteof Technology, 1965: J.D., Uoivenity of Houston, 1970; LL.M., Yale Univenity, 1972. Admitted to practice in Tuu. 80