(Authoritative English text of this Department Notification No. Fin(Pen)A(3)-l/09-Part-IV, dated 1\ -" - 2014 as required under Clause (3) of Article 348 of the Constitution of India) Government of Himachal Pradesh Finance (Pension) Department ****** No. Fin (Pen) A (3)-1/09-Part-IV Dated: iJ... II November, 2014 NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers eonferrcd by proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India. the Governor. Himachal Pradesh is pleased to make the following rules further to amend the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules. 1972, in their application to the State of Himachal Pradesh. namcly:I. Short title Commencement. and 1. (1) (2) 2. Amendment of'rule 49. 2. These rules may be called the Central Civil Services (Pension) Himachal Pradesh (Amendment) Rules. 2014. These rules shall come into force trom the date of publication in the Rajpatra. Himachal Pradesh. In rule 49 of the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972. in their application to of Himachal the State Pradesh. below sub-rule (2). the following proviso shall be inserted. namely:"Provided that in case of the Government servant retiring in accordance with rule the provisions of 3(2)(a). rule 3(2)(b) and I" proviso to rule 3(2) of the Ilimachal Pradesh Civil (Premature Service Retirement) Rules, 1976, before completing qualifYing service of 33 years, but after completing qualifying service of ten years, the amount of pension shall be proportionate to 33 years of qualifying service and in no case the amount of pension shall be Iess than rupees three thousand and five hundred per mensum." By order, Principal Secretary (Finance) to the Government of IIimachal Pradesh No. Fin (Pen) A (3)-l/09-Part-IV Copy forwarded to:I. 2. 3. 4. 5 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. I I. 12. 13. 14. IS. Dated: 1/ ih. November, 2014 The Spl. Private Secretary to Governor, Himachal Pradesh, Shimla-2 The Senior Private Secretary to Chief Minister, Himachal Pradesh, ShimIa-2. The Private Secretary to Chief Secretary to the Government of Himachal Pradesh. All Administrative Secretaries to the Gov!. of Himachal Pradesh. The Divisional Commissioner Shimla, Mandi and Kangra at Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh. All Heads of Departments in Himachal Pradesh. The Resident Commissioner, Himachal Pradesh, Himachal Bhawan. 27-Sikandra Road, New Delhi-II 000 I. The Principal Accountant General(Audit)Himachal Pradesh, Shimla-3 The Accountant General (A&E). Himachal Pradesh Shimla-3. Corporations/Boards & Public Sector All Universities / Undertakings. The Registrar General, H.P. High Court, Shimla. All Deputy Commissioners in Himachall'radesh. All District and Session Judges in Himachal Pradesh. All Controllers/Joint Controllers/Deputy Controllers/Assn. Controllers/Section OtTicers (F&A) under the control of Treasury & Accounts Organization. All District Treasury Officers/Treasury Orticers in H.P. Special ecretary (Finance) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh. I%'ilill."l 11~~ 'H'eif)I'e f<1m N~) f<r+rflT "fl'~: ~(~~)~ (3)-1 /09 ~ -IV 3~"'iT-lT 309 "* 1% 'i Iill."l 11~~ "* "fl'fcmR "* 311;~G ~"if) &m l1c:ro ~1Fch111r "if>T 11<IT<r ~ ~, f%'ilill."l 11~~ ~ <Pl 31R "fl'mtR "fl'~ qlT 'e I\Tll 4 11."1, 11ffif -;nl'f ~ "'Cl~"I."I" ~ 31R "* ~ ~ 11Rl'lf 1 (~~) ~, 1972 "if>T Rif4l."1 "fIf<fftrur -5; hi f<;j R5I d f.np:J i'FlI d'i (1) ~ ~ II Sir "'Cl~"I."I" (2) 11~~ -;nl'f (~~) ("fl'mtR) f.np:J. -5 I ~ f.np:J 'e1\i14:::l, I%'ilill."l 11~~ ~ 11if)I~ld ~ "'Cl 2 "fl'~ "if>T Ri 1'41."1 "fIf<fftrur f%'ilill."l 2014 3l~ :- vrR qlT dl·-:"m.l 11crm N~ I 11~~ ~ f%'ilill."l "'Cl~"I."I" Ri 1'41."1 "fIf<fftrur ~. 1972 ~ (2) ~"if) "* "* ~ 49 ~ 3Rf: ~ <Pl (~~) -q. ~ ~hifC;jR51d ~ ~ \i11~'11. 3lm-a:, "Provided that in case of Government servant retiring in accordance with rule 3(2)(a). rule 3(2)(h) and I" proviso to rule 3(2) of the Himachal Pradesh Civil Service (Premature Retirement) Rules. 1976. before completing qualifying service of 33 years, but after completing qualifying service of ten years. the amount of pension shall be proportionate to 33 years of qualifying service and in no case the amount of pension shall be less than rupees three thousand and five hundred per mensum," ~~ EIRT. J-mR ~ (fcmr). f% Sj Iil C't lJ<t~ fl '! if> I'! ;1"diif>"1 ~~: 11P-f(q""1")1{" (3)-1/091l"Ti-IV ;;1 RJ ft;t Rl -qfliRr dh:1\&1: 11//1/2014 ~:- 1 ~ 2 Clft"d f.f\ifi 3 f.f\ifi 4 flSj'R1 lJ~llflf.'!if> ~. f%SjlilC't lJ<t~ fl'!if>I'!. ~ISjC't1 2 5 fl'i'R1 SjO'SC'tI'9)lffl. f%SjlilC't lJ<t~ I 6 fl'i'R1 fcr"lI'IIUllff. f%SjlilC't lJ<t~ 7 tftrtc if>~~"1'!. ftOlJO. f%SjlilC't "'l<f"1". 27 fflif>'"G'!1 f.f\ifi ~. ~ Cr\.,i'I ~. '!1"1l41C't I%SjlilC't lJ<t~. ~ISjC't1 2 ~. :!<5ll" :!M Sj ...::>1', f% Sj Iil C't lJ<t~. ~ ISj C't I 2 ~. f%SjlilC't lJ<t~ fl'<if>I'!. ~ISjC't1 2 I ~ 110001 8 lJtTR. ~@if>I'! ("R~ 9 ~\&IIif>I'! 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