GO\crnmcnt of Himachal Pradc!ilh Finance (Pension) Departmenl ••• * No.Fin(Pen)B(1 0)-7/2005- Vol-t D:lted: Shimla-2, the 1l-f 'h Jan., 2014. OFFICE MEMORA 'DUM Subject:- Constituting of Joint Consultative COlllmittee for the r.edressal of grievances of Himachal Pr~ldesh Pensioners IFamily Pensioners inclusion of additional non-official members. In cOl1linuation of this departmenl Ollice ~Icmorandum of e\ l.'Il number dated 26th D~ccl1lber. 201-l the GO\t;rnmcIlI l)r Ilil11il.::hal PrJdl.'sh hcrt.:b) IJabo pleuscd to include the following persons as non-official members of Joint Consuhmh c Committee (leC) to redress the grie\ances of Pensioners Family Pensioners:- J. Sh. Had Nand Shastri. VPO Dharampur. DisH. Mundi. H.P, Memher 2.. Sh. ~1ohinder \'enna. Retd. Ilead Tent.:her. \'ill. B'lnl.'og. POKalhog. Teh. Thoog. Disll. Shimla. \kmb~r 3. Sh. B.R. Sharma. Reid. Teacher. ViiI. Chikkar. PO-Sandhu. Teh. Theog. DisH. Shimla. Member 4. Sh. O.P. Bhardwaj (Re.d.). VPO- Parol. Teh. I3haoranj. Disll. Hamirpur. \lcm~r 5. Sh. Romesh Bhardwaj (ReId.) O("pUl) Diret.:lOr. l-;.dul.'<Itiol1. \PO Bhadshala. Dbll. L'nn. H.p. \I~mht'r 6. Sh. S.P. Sharmn (Reid. IlAS) VPO- Dalhousie. DisH. Chamba. II.P. t\lember 7. Sh. GO\ ind Ram .shanna. VPO-:-"ehra. G.P. Ghanahalli. Teh. & DisH. Shimla. H.P. ~lem1xr 8. Ganyog. \ in Sh. Shanti Swaroop Sharma (Retd. Principal). ViII. GalLla. PODisH. Una. II.P. ~Iembt:r 9. Sh. Krishan Chand Arya. Retd. Pril1l;ipal. Village Khariri. P.O. Sundemagar. DisH. ~tandi. H.P. ~krnber 10. Sh. Mang"1 Singh (ReId. Re,enue Depl!.) VI'O Beolia. Kasump'i. 1 ch. & DiSl!. Shiml". II.P. Memb~r IL Sh. Sita Rum Shanlla ~R~ld D~. Director h,.Jut.:'Jtionl. \ PO Gopalpur. Teh. Sarkaghal. DisH. landi. II.P. ~lemb~r 12. Sh. T.D. Thakur (Re.d. A.O.) Sultanpur. Kullu. H.P. llllil. t\.lemher COllltl.. PI-2- -213. Sh. Lckh Ram Mehla. ViiI. Baded. 1'0 Ohanahalli. Teh. & Disll. himla. H.I'. 14. Sh. Joyti Lal Mehla (ReId. BI'EO). ViiI. Bonda. 1'0 Jeori. Teh. Member Member Rampur. DisH. Shimla. H.P. 15. Sh. Jas\\anl Singh (ReId. BI'EO) \'1'0 Gehn\in. Disll. Bilaspur. H.I'. \tember The term of the non-official members shall be for one year i.e. up-to 31-12-2015. TAIDA Non-Official members shall be entitled to [raveling Allowance/Dail) Allowance as per their entitlement at the time o[rctircment from Go\'crl1ll1cm scnicc for :mcnding to the lee meetings. The TNDA claim "ould be submined to the concerned Department Office from \\here the non-allicial members of JCC ha\c rClirt'd. Special Secretary (fin'lI1ee) to the GO\crnm('n~f lIimach:ll Pradesh. Ends!. 'o,F'in(Pen)B( I0)-7/2005- Vol-I DOled: Shimla-2. lire 1'1/01 pO 15. Copy fon'varded for intbm18tibn and necesS3f) action to:J. The Deputy ecretar) to the lIon'ble Chief Minister. lIimachal Pradi::sh. 2. The PriVate S~cretar). to the Chief Secrt:tary to the 00\ crnrnent of Himachal Prndesh. 3. All Add!. Chief Secretari~s I Principal Secretaries Ilimachal Pradesh. Secretaries to the Go\crnment of -l. All Oi\ isional Commissioners in Ilimachal Pradesh. 5. All the Heads of Depanmems in Himachal Pradesh. 6. All DepUl) Commissioners in Himachal Pradesh. 7. All Non-ofliciul memhers of the Joint Consultative Committee. 8. All Section Ollicers or finance Dcrartments ill II.P. Secretariat. speci3~n.lnCe) to the Government of Himachal Pntdcsh. I'h. 1'0. 0177-~880726 <lV"" AmritJlnstructions.