Introductory Laboratory Manual Reporting Sheets This record book belongs to: ……………………………………. Name…………………………… Workplace protocols 1. Safety Procedures (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Consult Safety Data sheets* and method of analysis for advice on hazards and precautions to be taken Wear appropriate PPE Use fume hood etc as necessary Maintain tidy workspace Exercise care not to endanger other people Observe emergency procedures Report spillages and all accidents 2. Recording and Reporting (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) (m) (n) (o) Register samples into laboratory system Label samples Record which tests the sample should undergo Record sample description, compare with specification, record and report discrepancies Record calibration results for instruments/equipment in tables and/or charts, following quality system Keep records of calibration status and calibration schedule for instruments / equipment Report faulty equipment Keep records of solutions prepared, by expected use-by date, and by name of person who prepared them Record results legibly, and chart when required to identify trends Interpret trends Identify and report atypical results promptly to appropriate personnel Record approved results into workplace system Comply with quality system Report all accidents and potential hazards Maintain confidentiality of workplace information 3. Sample Handling (a) (b) Maintain sample integrity Prepare sample and standards for test 4. Testing (a) Refer to workplace procedures manual for standard method Conduct tests according to workplace procedures Clean up spills promptly Record results according to workplace procedures, without alteration Calculate results, checking against expected values and correcting errors Trouble shoot basic problems with procedure or equipment which have led to atypical results (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) 5. Equipment and Reagents (a) (b) (g) Set up equipment and reagents Check calibration status of equipment; calibrate if necessary Monitor shelf-life of working solutions Prepare solutions when necessary, label and log into laboratory register Clean and care for test equipment and work space Dispose of faulty equipment or quarantine it for repair Store unused reagents 6. Wastes (a) (b) Minimise generation of wastes Collect, sort and dispose of wastes in accordance with procedures identified in SDS 7. (a) Environmentally specific Equipment not in use is turned off at the power switch Lights are off when laboratory is unattended Fume cupboards are off when not in use Non-conformances with environmental standards are reported (c) (d) (e) (f) (b) (c) (d) * SDS’s were up until January 1 2012 referred to as MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets) 2 Name…………………………… Work place Protocols Sign-off sheet This sign-off sheet is to be completed after each laboratory session. It is to be handed in at the end of semester 1 and will be used as evidence for the Participation in Environmentally Sustainable Workpractice Unit Date Time Non-conformance Action Signature 3 Name…………………………… Date Time Non-conformance Action Signature 4 Name…………………………… Safety in the Laboratory Purpose: This section is designed to provide a brief overview of work safety in the laboratory. You will need to refer to the text for laboratory safety for additional information. Occupational health and safety laws have greatly improved safety and well being in the workplace. All employers must provide safe and healthy work conditions, all workers must work within the safety systems and both groups must accept responsibility for identifying and controlling hazards and minimising risk of harm. These laws are continually being reviewed and the current Work Health and Safety Act 2011 resulted in a change from 1 January 2012. Any laboratory has a range of hazards that need to be controlled to minimise the risk of harm. A working laboratory is really not much different to working in your home kitchen! What is a hazard? What is risk? What does hazard control mean? What controls are available for different hazards? 5 Name…………………………… Chemicals can be hazardous because of a range of properties. They may be: toxic/poisonous irritating flammable explosive corrosive mutagenic, carcinogenic, teratogenic Effects may be acute or chronic. A chemical is only dangerous if it enters your body. This can only occur by: inhalation absorption ingestion injection 6 Name…………………………… What controls exist for each of these chemical hazards? The law (Work Health & Safety 2011) now requires information sources about hazardous chemicals to be supplied. They are called Safety Data sheets (SDS) and they help you to find out about dangerous properties of chemicals and what measures to take to reduce harmful effects. Typically a SDS provides information about: common names and identification codes for the material physical properties major hazards of the material acute and chronic symptoms of exposure exposure standards medical advice spill and other emergency responses others Use the SDS provided and identify information relating to the hazardous nature of the material. 7 Name…………………………… Laboratory rules and regulations 1. Always wash your hands before you leave the laboratory 2. Only supervised work is permitted in the laboratory 3. Chemicals and equipment are not to be taken from the laboratory 4. Safety glasses, laboratory coats and appropriate shoes must be worn in the laboratory at all times 5. Clean-up spills immediately 6. Act responsibly - the laboratory is not a playground, racetrack or amusement parlour 7. Long hair must be tied back 8. You must be aware of the location and operation of safety equipment 9. All accidents and incidents must be reported 10. Consult the SDS for unfamiliar chemicals 11. Spillage of any chemical on the skin or eyes should be immediately treated with copious quantities of water and the supervisor’s attention sought 12. Eating and drinking in the laboratory is banned 13. Fume cupboards should be used for work involving dangerous gases or vapours The Laboratory is a safe place to work if you follow the rules 8 Name…………………………… Practical 1.1 Laboratory Layout Date completed: Purpose _____________________ Teacher Check _______________ Analyst signature ____________ To become familiar with the layout of the work area, in particular, those areas and pieces of equipment dealing with safety. Procedure: Draw a map of the laboratory, which shows the location of the following features: Fire extinguishers, fire exits, fire control equipment; special storage cupboards, safety showers, eye wash stations, first-aid, fume cupboards, antidotes, laboratory store, ovens, balances, waste disposal facilities. 9 Name…………………………… Practical 1.5 Safety in the laboratory Date Completed: _____________________ Teacher Check ______________ Procedure: Analyst signature ____________ Observe the demonstrations on safety in the laboratory Give a brief description of the demonstration List the observations you made during the class and in the next laboratory session Comment on aspects of the demonstration that you found interesting, disturbing, informative etc Results: Test/ Demonstration Observation Comments Hydrochloric acid HCl + Meat Sulfuric acid H2SO4 + Meat 10 Name…………………………… Test/ Demonstration Observation Comments Nitric Acid HNO3 + Meat Sodium Hydroxide NaOH + Meat Ammonium hydroxide NH4OH + Meat 11 Name…………………………… Test/ Demonstration Observation Comments Propanone Acetone CH3COCH3 + Meat 12 Name…………………………… Practical 1.2 Date Completed: Laboratory signs and labels ___________________ Teacher check _____________ Procedure Analyst signature ____________ Observe the laboratory signs and labels in the laboratory and throughout the building. Fill in the table below with at least six examples to show your understanding of each column heading: Sign identifier eg exit, fire, no smoking, etc Message being conveyed Significant aspects of the colour scheme Location 13 Name…………………………… Sign identifier eg exit, fire, no smoking, etc Message being conveyed Significant aspects of the colour scheme Location Questions: Answer the following general questions about the signs and labels found in the laboratory and surrounding areas 1. Why are signs important in the laboratory? 14 Name…………………………… 2. List: other signs and labels which you believe could be necessary places in the laboratory where these missing signs should be located 3. Why do you think that smoking is not allowed within 10 metres of the building? 15 Name…………………………… Practical 1.3 Date Completed: Procedure: Laboratory hazards __________________ Teacher check ___________________ Analyst signature ____________ Identify the hazards that you have found in the laboratory and indicate how you can work safely with these hazards. Use the table of physical, chemical and biological hazards given earlier for some ideas. Results: Hazard Possible effects of hazard Control measures 16 Name…………………………… Hazard Possible effects of hazard Control measures 17 Name…………………………… Observation skills are particularly important in aspects of laboratory work. We use all senses to assist in working safely and also in noting aspects of our practical work Take a candle and: 1. Make as many observations as you can about your candle. 2. Light your candle and record all your observations 3. Blow out your candle and record your observations 4. Identify your observations as qualitative or quantitative 18 Name…………………………… Practical Equipment identification (Part 1) Date Completed: __________________ Teacher check ___________________ Procedure: Analyst signature ____________ The following table lists basic apparatus used in the laboratory. Complete the table by giving a use for the equipment and any safety features that need to be considered. Diagram Name Use / Safety/ Range of sizes 19 Name…………………………… Diagram Name Use / Safety/ Range of sizes 20 Name…………………………… Diagram Name Use / Safety/ Range of sizes ` 21 Name…………………………… Diagram Name Use / Safety/ Range of sizes 22 Name…………………………… Diagram Name Use / Safety/ Range of sizes 23 Name…………………………… Practical work 5.1 Basic material handling techniques Date Completed: ______________________ Teacher check ________________ Purpose: Analyst signature ____________ All chemicals whether solid, liquid or gas must be handled with caution. This practical looks at the techniques to be employed when transferring solids and liquids. Procedure: Observe the demonstrations of material transfer shown by your trainer. Identify the mistakes and indicate how the process should be completed. Procedure Errors Corrections 24 Name…………………………… Practical Liquid handling Date Completed: ______________________ Teacher check ________________ Purpose: Analyst signature ____________ Use the equipment provided to practice pouring and transferring liquids from one container to another. Complete the following table . Equipment Major Application Convenience of Use Winchester bottle Laboratory storage bottle Aspirator Measuring cylinder Beaker Conical flask Evaporating basin Sample tubes Desiccator 25 Name…………………………… Practical work 5.3A Introductory Volume Handling Measurements Date Completed: ______________________ Teacher check ________________ Procedure: Analyst signature ____________ For all workstations complete the table following the instructions provided Results: Workstation 1 Identify the container, its accuracy and the volume contained. Vessel name Workstation 2 Volume How accurate is your measurement? Identify the equipment needed to transfer the volumes Vessel name Specified volume Teacher’s Signature 26 Name…………………………… Practical work 5.2A Introductory weighing task Date Completed: ______________________ Teacher check ________________ Purpose Analyst signature ____________ The aim of the practical is to become familiar with the different types of balances available in a general laboratory. Your instructor will demonstrate the correct procedures to follow when using a balance. Procedure: Use the range of laboratory balances supplied as shown during your teacher’s demonstrations. You will perform repeated measurements which will be used to check your accuracy and that of the balances. Record the capacity and sensitivity of the balances. Results: Balance Object Code ........ Object Code........ Object Code ........ Triple Beam: Capacity: ........... Sensitivity;.......... 3 dp top pan Capacity: ........... Sensitivity .......... 4 dp analytical Capacity ............ Sensitivity ......... 27 Name…………………………… Practical work 5.5A Simple filtration Date Completed: ______________________ Teacher check ________________ Purpose: Analyst signature _____________ To become familiar with simple filtration techniques, following instructions and noting safety requirements. Note: The chemicals in this practical are very toxic. Ensure that any spills are reported and also ensure that hands are properly washed if skin contact occurs and before leaving the laboratory. 1. Record the identity and quantity of each of the chemicals 2. Dispense an aliquot for each reagent bottle into a clean dry beaker 3. Carefully mix, using a glass stirring rod, the beaker contents over a steam bath for five minutes 4. Cool the beaker in an ice bath 5. Set up a filtration apparatus as shown by your teacher and using a labelled, preweighed filter paper filter your sample. 6. Wash the filter cake well with distilled water 7. Transfer the filter cake and filter paper to a labelled watch-glass and allow to dry 8. Reweigh and determine the amount of solid material. Results: Identity of solution 1 Volume of solution 1 used (mL) Identify of solution 2 Volume of solution 2 used (mL) Mass of empty filter paper (g) Mass of filter paper + precipitate (g) Mass of precipitate (g) 28 Name…………………………… Questions: 1. When is filtration a suitable method of separation? 2. One of the solutions you worked with contained lead. Why is it necessary to be extremely careful when working with this chemical? How would you find out the necessary safety requirements for working with lead solutions? 3. Why was it necessary to stir the solution over a water bath? 4. Why was it necessary to allow the solution to cool before filtration? 5. When filtering the solution is not filled to the top of the filter paper, why? 6. Draw a diagram to represent the simple filtration apparatus. 7. List all the possible places where losses may have occurred. 29 Name…………………………… Practical: 4.4 Heating devices Date Completed: ______________________ Teacher check ________________ Procedure: Analyst signature ____________ Examine the heating equipment on display and complete the following table. Device Description Major Use Safety Hazards Flame dependent devices (Burners) Bunsen Meker Batswing Microburner 30 Name…………………………… Device Description Major Use Safety Hazards non – flame devices Heating mantle Electric hot plate Muffle furnace Laboratory drying oven Heat lamp Steam / water / sand baths Others 31 Name…………………………… Device Description Major Use Safety Hazards 32 Name…………………………… Practical: Application of heating equipment Date Completed: ______________________ Teacher check ________________ Procedure: Analyst signature ____________ Follow the instructions for each task and record the data where required. Task 1 1. Unscrew the stack on each of the supplied burners and examine the features of each burner. Note the gas jet or nipple and the rotatable sleeve which admits air and mixes it with the gas as they moves up the stack. 2. Attempt to light the gas at the nipple. Note - the gas supply may need to be very low for this. 3. Replace the stack and light the Bunsen as demonstrated by your teacher. 4. Note the effect of sleeve positioning on the appearance of the flame. 5. Using the blue flame, turn the gas pressure down slowly so that the flame gets smaller and strikes back down the stack to burn at the gas nipple. This condition is extremely dangerous because: the Bunsen appears to be off and hence is a fire hazard the stack will be heated by the flame and will burn anyone who touches it 6. Repeat the above five steps with the Meker and micro-burners. Draw and label a Bunsen and discuss your observations below 33 Name…………………………… Task 2 Use the supplied thermocouple to measure the temperature of various zones in both the ‘blue’ and ‘yellow’ versions of the Bunsen flame. Complete the following table: Zone of the flame being measured Yellow Flame temperature Blue Flame temperature (OC) (OC) Diagram to locate each zone Approx. 20cm above the tip of the flame At the tip of the flame 20 cm In the heart of the flame (top of blue cone) Level with the stack opening Task 3 This section is designed to investigate the changes which occur to the gas mixture in the flame. Following the demonstrations given by your teacher, examine the presence of zones of unburnt gases in a Bunsen burner as follows: 1. Use a thin glass tube inserted directly into the bottom of the blue cone to tap off some of its contents – attempt to ignite the gases at the other end of the tube 2. Pierce a live match with a pin inserted at right angles approximately half way along the match – suspend this match with its head pointing up, on the stack of an unlit Bunsen. Light the Bunsen, with the air hole open. 34 Name…………………………… Observations Record your observations and provide an explanation of what is happening. Task 4 This section tests the efficiency of heating water in various containers with different heating equipment. You are to report on: the time taken for the water to boil the amount of heating control you have the safety of the method. Each of the containers should be about one third filled and heated as shown by your teacher. Container Heating device Time to boil (sec) Controllability or efficiency Safety hazards micro test tube Bunsen micro test tube micro burner test tube Bunsen test tube micro burner 35 Name…………………………… Container Heating device boiling tube Bunsen boiling tube micro burner Beaker Bunsen Time to boil (sec) Controllability or efficiency Safety hazards (100 - 150mL) Beaker micro burner (100 - 150mL) Beaker steam bath (100 - 150mL) Beaker (100 - electric hotplate 150mL) Questions: What is the major safety hazard when boiling liquids in test tubes? Which of the following would be suitable to heat water to boiling? heating mantle muffle furnace laboratory drying oven hair drier 36 Name…………………………… Practical 5.4A Introductory Solution Preparation Date Completed: ______________________ Teacher check ________________ Procedure: Analyst signature ____________ You are required to prepare and validate known concentration solutions. Using an analytical balance weigh out accurately the mass of each solute indicated in the result sheet table. Quantitatively transfer the solid to a 100mL volumetric flask and make up to the mark with distilled water The teacher will show you the checks to be made on your sample and the previously prepared sample Results: Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate (Labelled as KHP) mass = 1.0 ±0.1g Your Solution readings Standard Sample readings Sample mass: Sample volume: pH reading Conductivity Potassium chloride (labelled as KCl) mass = 5.0 ± 0.5g Your Solution readings Standard Sample readings Sample mass: Sample volume: pH reading Conductivity 37 Name…………………………… Questions: 1. Why is it important that an analytical balance is used to measure the mass? 2. Why is it important that the transfer of solid material is quantitative? 3. Why was a volumetric flasks specified in each case? 38 Name…………………………… Laboratory Safety Checklist Laboratory Date Time Auditors Y/N General Safety Aspects Is t h er e t h e ap p r o p r iat e n u m b er o f t r ain ed f ir st aid p er so n n el o n sit e? Are the first aid cabinets accessible, of the correct type, and up to date? Is laboratory signage correct? Is suitable personal protective equipment available, and properly maintained? Are the staff trained in laboratory safety procedures? Is there an accident incident reporting system in place? Are all the standard operating procedures for the laboratory readily available, and are they followed? Comments Y/N Housekeeping Are the floors clean? Are there any trip hazards or old equipment lying on the floor? Is the shelving the correct height and stable? 39 Name…………………………… Are the walkways clearly marked and free of obstruction? Y/N Environment Are appropriate waste management procedures in place? Are wastes segregated and stored correctly? Are wastes correctly labelled and documented? Is there storage and disposal of broken glass and sharps? Are appropriate waste management procedures in place? Comments Y/N Fire Are suitable fire extinguishers fitted and are there the appropriate number? Are the locations of extinguishers accessible and well identified? Have all extinguishers hydrants and hose reels been checked in the last 12 months? Are all built in fire protection devices unobstructed and operational? Are the staff trained in the use of fire fighting equipment? Is emergency lighting install? Is the emergency evacuation plan displayed, understood by all, and practiced regularly? Are suitable fire extinguishers fitted and are there the appropriate number? Comments Y/N Egress Are all emergency exits clearly marked and unobstructed? Are exit doors unlocked? 40 Name…………………………… Is the number of emergency exits appropriate? Comments Y/N Manual Handling Have all personnel been trained in correct manual handling and lifting techniques? Are lifting aids and trolleys readily available for any devices requiring them? Comments Y/N Emergency Procedures Are all workplace emergency procedures clearly outlined and known by all personnel (fire evacuation, spill procedures etc.)? Are all emergency teams in place and trained in their duties? Is there a display of emergency evacuation plans with appropriate you are here sign indicating a method of egress? Comments What other areas of the TAFE laboratory should be checked in a safety audit? Analyst signature ____________ 41 Name…………………………… Open ended project You have been working in your chemistry class and laboratory class towards an understanding of basic concepts in both the laboratory and chemistry, This task is designed to enable you to show your competence in both areas. You are to devise a simple laboratory project that will allow you to separate a mixture of sand, salt and sawdust and provide the percentage composition of the original mixture. You will be guided in class by your laboratory teacher and also your chemistry teacher. Requirements: 1. Submission to your teacher of a flow chart showing the general laboratory procedure 2. Identification of the physical And/or chemical properties you will use to make the separation 3. A completed laboratory request form for each practical session 4. Completed 5 minute risk assessments for each practical session 5. A work journal indicating how your ideas changed each session 6. A log book that records your data in a scientific manner 7. A written report following the format provided by your teacher You will be required to submit a report at the conclusion of the project. The following questions could be useful as you design your project: What properties of each component could be useful for separation? What equipment will you require for the separation? Is it readily available in the laboratory? What hazards exist in your separation procedures? What SDS will you require? Do you need to know the original mass of the mixture? How many sessions do you need for the separation? Are there other methods that could work? Why did you choose a particular method? Why is it important to have a logbook for your data? 42 Name…………………………… Basic Arithmetic These exercises are designed to give you practice in the basic mathematical concepts required for successful completion of the course. The maths is generally not difficult but the application of the techniques to the chemical world may challenge even the best mathematician . Lots of practice will ensure you are competent and therefore able to successfully complete the assessments. 1. Use of the calculator 2. Estimation 3. Rounding 4. Order of operations 5. Scientific notation 6. Directed numbers 7. Significant figures 8. Substitution into a formula 9. Rearranging a formula 10. Basic graphing 43 Name…………………………… 1. Use of the calculator All calculators operate slightly differently but all should give the same answer for a particular calculation. If the answer is not correct then it is most likely that the operator, you, has incorrectly entered data or not followed appropriate mathematical logic. You should know how the following functions operate on your calculator square root log 10 (normally called log or log10) 10x (often on the same button as log10) memory (store, add, recall) EXP for scientific notation The best way to work our how your calculator operates is to read the manual…but they are very thick and this will most likely not occur. The next best way is to try some calculations that you know the expected answer. Exercise 6 +2 x 3 = (12) 5-4 x 3 = (-7) 16 x 4 + 2 x 3 = (70) 44 Name…………………………… 2. Estimation of result The calculator result is only as good as the operator ie if you enter an incorrect number or do not use correct mathematical logic the answer will be wrong. You should have an idea of the expected answer, not just trust the calculator. Basic process for estimation 1. 2. 3. 4. Round all numbers to one non-zero digit Calculate the values inside any brackets and round the results. Cancel out any zeroes where possible. Calculate estimate. Example Estimate the answer to the calculation from Example 1.2. (63.8 1.94) x 0.0547 0.626 x 10 1. Round all the numbers (60 2) x 0.05 0.6 x 10 2. Calculate inside the brackets and round result. 60 x 0.05 0.6 x 10 3. Remove spare zeroes. 6 x 0 .5 6 x1 4. Calculate estimate. 0.5 (the exact answer was 0.541). 45 Name…………………………… 1. Choose the best approximation A, B or C for these calculations Calculation Approximation A B C 6.93 x 11.2 7.76 77.6 776 7.82 x 5.03 39.3 393 3930 0.31 x 0.186 5.77 0.577 0.0577 5.91 x 21.14 11.9 119 1.190 0.00467 x 3.175 0.0148 0.00148 0.148 426.8 x 0.507 21.62 216.2 2.162 Obtain an approximate answer to each calculation and compare it with the exact value using your calculator a) 72.9 + 8.473 b) 0.0417 + 1.38 + 0.00209 c) 324.1 – 20.69 d) 82.01 + 3.97 -70.16 e) 0.003 x 0.0206 46 Name…………………………… Now try these (i) 0.112 x 25.3 = 12.5 (ii) 24,300 x 16.8 = 8.314 x 298 iii) (23.93 181.69) x 0.123 77.7 = 87.6 1.45 47 Name…………………………… 3. Rounding To round off to a stated accuracy the last figure to be retained is corrected depending on the digit which follows. A typical rounding system states that if the following digit is 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 then the last figure is taken up one. Example Round off correct to the nearest whole number 2463.62 2464 Round off correct to two decimals places 7.2048 7.20 Round off correct to the nearest thousand 849801 850000 Exercise 1. Round off to the nearest whole number 2344.62 16.403 7.9 0.735 829.99 2. Round off correct to the nearest figure as shown in brackets) 6.4137 (2 d.p) 36.45071 (3 d.p) 0.003682 (4 d.p) 5.20196 (2 d.p) 463.9 (tens) 8 420 (hundreds) 46 375.9 (hundreds) 68 420 (ten thousands) 4 724 361 (millions) 89 840 000 (10 millions) 48 Name…………………………… 4. Order of Operations The rules for order of operations are: 1. Brackets first 2. and from left to right second 3. + and – from left to right third Exercise 1. 5 x 4 - 1 = 2. 6 + 10 2 = 3. 27 - 4 x 2 = 4. 2 x (3 + 6) = 5. 6 x 4 2 6. 3 + 4 -2 = = 7. (2 + 3 x 6) + 1 = 8. 4 x 2 + (3 + 1) = 9. 24 4 2 = 10. [(3 + 2) + 4 x 2] + 2 x 2 11. 52 4 8 = 12. 63 63 = 13. 3x 2 3 3 = 14. 8 2 1 5 2 x2 = = 49 Name…………………………… 15. 12 24 6 64 8 = 16. 16 (4 x 2) 56 7 = 17. 4 4 x8 = 18. 122 52 = 19. 12 – (20 – 3 x 6)2 20. 13 31 2 x3 2 = = 50 Name…………………………… 5. Scientific Notation Scientific notation is a method for writing very large and very small numbers in the form of a number between 1 and 10 and a power of 10. Example… Avagadro’s Number, the number of entities in a mole is a number that the mind has difficulty understanding. 602000000000000000000000 Written in Scientifc notation the number is 6.02 x 1023 If the index number is positive it indicates that the number is large and the decimal point has been moved right to left If the index number is negative it indicates the original number is small (less than 1) and the decimal point has been moved left to right Exercises Write in scientific notation 1. 720 000 2. 15 000 000 3. 896.5 4. 8076 5. 0.005 6. 0.000 001 3 7. 0.000 009 8. 10 100 000 9. 0.000 246 10. 21 000 11. 32578.3 12. 0.000489 51 Name…………………………… Write the original number for 13. 5.2 x 106 14. 2.015 x 10-3 15. 4.6 x 104 16. 1.11 x 1011 17. 3.33 x 10-4 18. 3.487 x 103 19. 8.47 x 10- 5 20. 7.010 x 10 4 21. 9.02 x 102 22. 1.587421 x 104 23. 4.59 x 105 24. 3.574 x 10 -3 25. 2.0846154 x 10 4 52 Name…………………………… 6. Directed numbers To multiply or divide Two positive numbers give a positive number Two negative numbers give a positive number A positive and a negative number gives a negative number 1. 6 + 2 (-2) = 2. (-3) + 3 = 3. (-5) x 6 = 4. -15 5 = 5. -8 x -3 = 6. Given a = -1, b= 2, c = -4 d = -3 Evaluate abc = d2 = a3 = a+b+c+d = 2b c = ab – cd = -(-d) = 53 Name…………………………… 7. Significant Figures Significant figures are defined as follows: 1. All non-zero digits are significant 2. Zeros at the end of a whole number or at the beginning of a decimal are not significant 3. Zeroes between non-zero digits are significant 4. Zeroes at the end of a decimal are significant Examples 1. 34 100 has 3 significant figures 2. 6010 has 3 significant figures 3. 0.0042 has 2 significant figures 4. 0.0380 has 3 significant figures Exercise 1. Give the number of significant figures in each of these numbers 478 200 4 606 0.01003 3000 863.9462 2. Rewrite each of these numbers i) correct to 2 sig fig ii) correct to 1 sig fig 62 481.69 459 0.0003816 54 Name…………………………… 0.00204 3.004 86 200 000 0.00004937 2450 55 Name…………………………… 8. Substitution into a formula Often the calculations you will have to do use provided formulae which are supposed to make the process of getting the right answer easier. A formula is simply a calculation where the numbers are replaced by symbols. In substitution the pronumerals are replaced with numerical values and the expression evaluated An application of this is the formula for moisture content in Example 1.1. EXAMPLE 1.1 You are analysing soil for its moisture (water) content. You weigh out soil into a basin weighing 75.2826 g, until the balance records a weight of 85.9837 g. After 2 hours of drying, the basin and dried soil weighs 82.5832 g. m md x 100 Moisture content (%) w m m b w where mb is the mass of the empty basin = 75.2826 md the mass of the basin with dried soil = 82.5832 mw the mass of the basin with wet soil = 85.9837 85.9837 82.5832 x 100 31.78% Moisture content (%) 85.9837 75.2826 Other formulae often used in the laboratory include: C1V1 = C2V2 C1 is the concentration of the first (more concentrated) solution V1 is the volume of the first (more concentrated) solution C2 is the concentration of the second (diluted) solution V2 is the volume of the second (diluted) solution C the dilution equation m V a concentration equation C is the concentration is g/L, m the mass in grams V the volume in L. 56 Name…………………………… Exercise Substitute the given values and find the variable indicated. V = E – IR a= . P = 2(l + b) C= πd A = 2(lb + lh + bh) Find A when l =5, b = 8, h = 13 A = ½ h ( a + b) Find V when E = 4.61, I = 0.78 R = 5.31 uv . u + v Find a when u = 10.82 and v = 7.38 Find P when l = 38 amd v = 7.38 Find C when d =32.6 (check your calculator for π) Find A when h = 39, a = 20, b= 23 57 Name…………………………… 9. Rearranging formula to solve equations If the unknown in an equation is not the subject of the formula than the formula must be rearranged in order to obtain an answer. The process is simple as long as the rules are followed: Equations may be simplified and solved by: 1. 2. 3. 4. adding the same number to both sides subtracting the same number from both sides multiplying both sides by the same number dividing both sides by the same number Example x + 8 =4 (to remove the 8 we need to subtract 8, but from both sides) x = 8–8 = 4–8 x = -4 6 x d = 42 (to remove the 6 we need to divide both sides by 6) 6 x d = 42 6 6 d =7 Exercise Solve the following equations 1. c + 18 = 13 2. t – 8 = - 8 58 Name…………………………… 3. 4a = 2.4 4. 8 t = 4 5. y – 2.8 = 0.6 59 Name…………………………… The same process can be used when substituting into formula Example 1 C m V rearrange to make m the subject of the formula In order to remove the V we need to multiply each side by V CxV = m xV V CxV=m Example 2 C1V1 = C2V2 rearrange to make V1 the subject of the formula In order to remove C1 from the left hand side we need to divide both sides by C 1 C1V1 = C2V2 C1 C1 then V1 = C2 V2 C1 Exercise Rearranging the following formula to make the symbol in brackets the subject. (a) C m (V) V 60 Name…………………………… (b) C1V1 = C2V2 (C2) (c) Tc = 0.556Tf – 17.8 (d) C (Tf) m (m) V 61 Name…………………………… 10. Basic graphing techniques Graphs are one of the clearest and most useful ways to express results. The basic graph is drawn by hand and should follow the following rules: Graph should have a title Graph should have a scale for each axis that is easy to read and interpret and is labelled with the appropriate units Data points should be clearly marked either with a X or סּor something similar A line (or curve) of best fit should be used to identify the trend A more advanced method of determining an unknown value is to work with the equation for the line. This will be dealt with in a later resource. PRESENTATION OF LABORATORY DATA Purpose This exercise examines different formats for the presentation of numerical data. Preliminary information Consider the following pilot plant data : At 12:23 pm the pressure in the vessel was 123.4 kPa. The stirrer was then switched on and the special catalyst was added. Readings of pressure were taken for the next two hours and the following data collected: 12:24 pm 125.6 kPa; 12:25 pm 126.7 kPa; 12:26 pm 127.9 kPa; 12:28 pm 130.1 kPa; 12:30 pm 131.6 kPa; 12:32 pm 135.6 kPa; 12:34 pm 135.1 kPa; 12:41 pm 133.6 kPa; 12:44 pm 129.8 kPa; 12:54 pm 127.6 kPa; 12:59 pm 126.3 kPa; 13:11 pm 125.9 kPa; 13:54 pm 123.8 kPa; no change thereafter. Procedure 1. Organise this data as a table with columns for Time, Elapsed time (min.) and Pressure (kPa). 2. Organise this data as three graphs, each with Pressure on the vertical axis and Time on the horizontal axis. The graphs must have the following formats: • graph 1 — time plotted 00:00–24:00hr and pressure 0–200 kPa. Join the dots. • graph 2 — elapsed time plotted 0–100 min. and pressure 120–140 kPa. Join the dots. • graph 3 — the graph which best eliminates the faults of (i) and (ii) and is fitted with a smooth curve (curve of best fit). Questions 1. Why is a graph so successful in displaying numerical data? 2. Why is graph 1 inferior to graph 2? 3. What information is conveyed in graph 3 about the process? 4. Can you suggest a sensible tactic for deciding how to choose axis dimensions for plotting any set of data? 62 Name…………………………… Now try these graphing questions a. The following results were obtained from an experiment in which the absorbance of various solutions was measured. Concentration (mg/L) Absorbance 50 100 150 200 250 0.13 0.28 0.25 0.53 0.64 1. Plot the data on a graph to show the absorbance as a function of the concentration 2. An error was made in one of the readings. Circle and reject the outlying value 3. Draw a line of best fit using only the reliable data points 4. Find the concentration of a solution with an absorbance of 0.2 5. What would be the absorbance of a 160 mg/L solution b. During the expansion of a particular mass of gas at constant pressure, the following readings were taken Volume (mL) 400 Temperature (oC) 100 600 150 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 200 250 300 350 400 1. Using volume as the vertical axis, plot these points and draw a straight line through them’ 2. What was the volume when the temperature was at 325 oC 3. At what temperature was the volume 520 mL 63 Name…………………………… General Revision of Concepts Given the following data and formulae, calculate the values of the unknown, reporting the result to an appropriate number of significant figures Formula Data (a) C1V1 = C2V2 C1 = 1.2 g/L, V1 = 5 mL, V2 = 250 mL (b) PV = nRT P = 1.024 x 105, V = 0.234, R = 8.314, T = 298.2 (c) Tc = 0.556 (Tf – 32) Tf = 213.3 (d) (e) C 8000 (b 2a) V C1V1 = C2V2 b = 65.2, a = 21.3, V = 10.0 C1 = 1000 mg/L, C2 = 50 mg/L, V2 = 250 mL 64