FORTRAN 90 Lecturer : Rafel Hekmat Hameed University of Babylon Subject : Fortran 90 College of Engineering Year : Second B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering Dep. With this method, the objective is to eliminate one unknown at a time. This can be done by multiplying the terms of any of the equations of the system by a number such that we can add (or subtract) this equation to another equation in the system so that one of the unknowns will be eliminated. Find the solution of the following set of simultaneous equations by using Gauss-Elimination method. 2.37x + 3.06y - 4.28z =1.76 1.46x - 0.78y + 3.75z =4.69 -3.69x + 5.13y + 1.06z =5.74 The augmented matrix is ʹǤ͵ ͵ǤͲ െͶǤʹͺ ͳǤ ͳǤͶ െͲǤͺ ͵Ǥͷ ͶǤͻ൩ െ͵Ǥͻ ͷǤͳ͵ ͳǤͲ ͷǤͶ First step: New Row2=Row2-Row1* ଵǤସ New Row3=Row3-Row1* ିଷǤଽ ଶǤଷ ଶǤଷ ʹǤ͵ ͵ǤͲ െͶǤʹͺ ͳǤ Ͳ െʹǤͷͲ Ǥ͵ͺͷ ͵ǤͲͷͺ൩ Ͳ ͻǤͺͻͶͶ െͷǤͲͶͲ ͺǤͶͺͲ͵ ϭ Second step: New Row3=Row3-Row2* ଽǤ଼ଽସସ ିଶǤହ ʹǤ͵ ͵ǤͲ െͶǤʹͺ ͳǤ Ͳ െʹǤͷͲ Ǥ͵ͺͷ ͵ǤͲͷͺ ൩ Ͳ Ͳ ͳͺǤͳͲʹ ʹͳǤͺ Last step: Back substitution x=0.9337 , y=1.5412 , z=1.2077 program gaussian_elemination implicit none integer,parameter::n=3 real,dimension(n,n+1)::a real,dimension(n)::x integer::i,j,k,jj,ip real::f ,c read(*,*)((a(i,j),j=1,n+1),i=1,n) i=1 2 if(abs(a(i,i)).ne.0.0) goto 4 j=i+1 do ip=j,n if(abs(a(ip,i)).ne.0.0) goto 10 enddo 14 print*,"system has no solution" stop 10 do jj=1,n+1 c=a(i,jj) Ϯ a(i,jj)=a(ip,jj) a(ip,jj)=c enddo i=1+1 if( 2 if( abs (a(n,n)).lt.1.0e-10)goto 14 ! the elimination 4 write(*,*) "start the elimination" do j=1,n-1 do i=j+1,n f=a(i,j)/a(j,j) do k=1,n+1 a(i,k)=a(i,k)-f*a(j,k) enddo;enddo;enddo do i=1,n print 50,(a(i,j),j=1,n+1) 50 format(4(2x,f6.2)) enddo !back substitution do i=n,1,-1 x(i)=a(i,n+1)/a(i,i) do j=1,i-1 a(j,n+1)=a(j,n+1)-x(i)*a(j,i) enddo;enddo print*,"the solution is" print 70,(x(i),i=1,n) 70 format(3(2x,f6.2)) ; end ϯ