FORTRAN 90 Lecturer : Rafel Hekmat Hameed University of Babylon Subject : Fortran 90 College of Engineering Year : Second B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering Dep. Q Qϭϭ //G GAA Write a fortran 90 program to calculate sin(x) from the following series ଷ ହ ሺሻ ൌ െ െ ڮ ͵Ǩ ͷǨ Ǩ The program will terminate if the absolute value of term is less than tolerance say 1e-6 . [Input the value of ࢞ by degree]. Use format statement to print your result. program sin_series implicit none real,parameter:: pi=3.141592, error=1e-5 integer::i,j,f real::sum , term , x read(*,*)x x=(x*pi)/180 i=1 do f=1 do j=1,i f=f*j ; enddo term=(-1)**(i/2)*x**i/f if(abs(term).lt.error)exit sum=sum+term ϭ i=i+2 enddo x=(x*180)/pi write(*,50) x,sum 50 format(2x,"sin(",f5.2,")=",1x,f9.6) end Q QϮϮ //G GAA Write afortran90 program to read all positive three digits integer numbers which its middle digits is less than other two digits. Use format statement to print your result. program digit implicit none integer::i,l1,l2,l3 do i=100,999 l1=i/100 l2=i/10-l1*10 l3=i-l1*100-l2*10 if( write(*,5) i 5 format (2x,i4) endif enddo end Ϯ Q Qϭϭ //G GBB Write a program in Fortran 90 to find the value of ( Z ) from series bellow: ݖൌͳെ ሺ ݔെ ͳሻଶ ሺ ݔെ ʹሻସ ሺ ݔെ ͵ሻ െ ڮ ͵Ǩ ͷǨ Ǩ The program will be terminated if the absolute value of term is less than tolerance say 1e-6. program series implicit none real,parameter::error=1e-6 real::term,sum=1,x integer::i,j,f read(*,*)x i=1 do f=1 do j=1,(2*i+1) f=f*j enddo term=(-1)**i*(x-i)**(2*i)/f if(abs(term)<error)exit sum=sum+term i=i+1 enddo write(*,56)sum 56 format(1x,"z=",1x,e15.10) End ϯ Q QϮϮ //G GBB Write afortran90 program to read all positive three digits integer numbers which its middle digits equal the summation of square other digits. Print your result in output file. Ex: 390 , 251 , 240 , …. program digit1 implicit none integer::i,l1,l2,l3 open(unit=3,file="xx.dat") do i=100,999 l1=i/100 l2=i/10-l1*10 l3=i-l1*100-l2*10 if(l2==l1**2+l3**2)then write(3,5)i 5 format (2x,i4) endif enddo end Out put 110 121 152 240 251 282 390 ϰ