Michigan Tech Career Services es Connecting Students to Their Futur


Michigan Tech Career Services

Connecting Students to Their Futur es

Career Services helps is to prepare students for their future. We ensure they have the skills and opportunities to connect with potential employers, and that employers have the opportunity to recruit from our diverse pool of talent. To maximize your recruiting efforts, you have many options to increase your visibility, gain exclusive access to your next generation of employees, and support our professional development education efforts. Your contributions allow us to provide high quality programming and services to our students.

Annual Sponsorship Levels

Copper Silver Gold Platinum

Campus Recruiting Benefits

Corporate Advisory Board (CAB)


Logo on Career Fair Literature

Promotion in Career Services (C2C)


Preferred participant status for Career

Services events





1/4 page

Alumni profile

1/2 page

Alumni profile

Employer Branding/Visibility Benefits

Logo on Career Services promotional material across campus

Digital promotion using campus-wide systems

Annual Employer Branding Benefit Interview Suite or Campus eDisplay

Interview Suite and Campus eDisplay

Interview Suite and Campus eDisplay

Hockey Game Skybox - entertain 25 people at the game of your choice

CareerFEST Tent

Logo displayed on Career Fair lanyard

Corporate Advisory Board (CAB) Membership:

your attendance at our annual meeting will give you the exclusive opportunity to learn about industry trends, academics at Michigan

Tech, and the work Career Services is doing to help students. This annual meeting includes a panel discussion with student leaders, presentations from University administration, and the chance to interact with other CAB members to share recruiting challenges and best practices.

More Ways to Connect

Career Services conducts a variety of events designed to prepare students for their job search and

Michigan Tech’s Career Fair. These attract large audiences of students, and our partners receive priority access to sponsor and participate throughout the year.

Industry Days Workshops

These workshops are hosted by Career Services and are designed with the input from our corporate partners, faculty, and student organizations. These days help students explore careers in different industries to help show the depth and breadth of careers they may experience. Days have focused on steel, petroleum, medical careers, etc. All of these events are created to give students an opportunity to learn about different career paths, to interact with company reps, and to build their network.

Fall and Spring Series

Throughout the year, Career Services hosts a variety of Lunch-n-Learn seminars on a variety of topics

(example: Linked In and job search strategy) to help prepare our students for their future careers.

Career Fair Preparation

Students can take part in the biannual Resume Blitz, Interview Skills week, and a presentation on how to prepare for the Career Fair. Corporate partners get a chance to meet students and help develop their skills.

Campus eDisplay Sponsorship

Enhance your employer branding and increase company awareness by showing students what their future work with your company could look like. Permanent electronic displays showcase both your company and your Michigan Tech alumni team members. These dynamic displays are located in hightraffic areas across campus.

Interview Suite Sponsorships

Gain visibility on campus year-round with your own branded corporate interview room at Career

Services. This sponsorship includes your exclusive use for interviewing whenever you are recruiting on campus, a prominent plaque with your logo, and two framed posters along with other takeaway promotional material inside the room.





Annual Sponsorship Spending Account

$20,000 $10,000

$10,000 $4,000

$5,000 $1,500

$2,500 $500

We know that there is no substitute for meeting with our students face to face. As we continue to develop interactive events for your company to participate in, we want to make it easier for you to join in! The “Career Services Spending Account” funds can be used to register for Career Services student engagement events.

Michigan Technological University is an Equal Opportunity Educational Institution/Equal Opportunity

Employer, which includes providing equal opportunity for protected veterans and individuals with disabilities.
