UNIVERSITY MICHIGANTECHNOLOGICAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND FINANCIALREPORTS OMB CIRCULARA.133SUPPLEMENTARY FORTHEYEARENDEDJUNE30,1999 ACCOUNTANTS TOGETHERWITHREPORTOF INDEPENDENT RozsaCenterfor the pefforming Arts I I I t t t I I I I I I I t I T t I I MICHIGANTECHNOLOGICALUNIVERSITY FINANGIAL STATEMENTS ANDSUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION FORTHEYEARSENDEDJUNE30,1999AND1998 TOGETHERWTH REPORTOF INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANTS t T 'l I I I I I I t I I T T t I I I I I I t I I MICHIGANTECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY FINANCIALSTATEMENTS AND SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION CONTENTS fortheyearsendedJune 30, 1999and 1998 Pages Reportof lndependent Accountants ............. ................... 1 Financial Statements: Combined Statements of Financial Condition Combined Statements of Revenues, Expenditures, andChangesin FundBalance ...........2 ........3 j GeneralFund: of FinancialCondition Statements of Changesin FundBalance Statements I Designated Fund: Condition Statements of Financial in FundBalance of Changes Statements ...................... 6 ...........7 t t AuxiliaryActivitiesFund: Condition Statements of Financial of Changesin FundBalance Statements ...................... 8 ........... I t I I I I I t I I 4 5 Fund: Retirement and lnsurance of FinancialCondition Statements of Changesin FundBalance Statements 10 11 Expendable RestrictedFund: of Financial Statements Condition Statements of Changesin FundBalance 12 13 Statements of CurrentFundsRevenues, Expenditures, TransfersandChanges in FundBalance StudentLoanFund: Statements of Financial Condition Statements of Changesin FundBalance PlantFund: Statements of Financial Condition Statements of Changesin Notes,Bonds,CapitalLeaseObligations Payable a n dF u n dB a l a n c e AgencyFundStatements of FinancialCondition Notesto the Financial Statements .....................16 .........17 .....................18 ......................19 ........................20 .......21 MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION CONTENTS, CONTINUED fortheyearsendedJune30, 1999and 1998 Pages Combining Financial Information: - 1999 Combining Statement of Financial Condition ................. 30 combiningstatementof Revenues, Expenditures, Transfers andchangesin F u n dB a l a n c-e 1 9 9 9 C o m b i n i nSgt a t e m e on ft F i n a n c iC a lo n d i t i o- n1 9 9 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3. 1 ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, Transfers andChangesin F u n dB a l a n c-e1 9 9 8 C o m b i n eSdt a t e m e not sf C a s hF l o w -s 1 9 9 9a n d1 9 9 8. . . , . . . . . ........................33 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3. .4. . . . Supplementary Information : Required Supplementary Information, Year2000.......... I I I I I ............ 36 I I I I I I I I T I t t I t I T t T I t I I I t I T I I T I I t Reportof IndependentAccountants LLP PricewaterhouseCoopers 333 BridgeStreet,N.W Suite505 CrandRapidsMl 49504-5356 Telephone(616) 458 7700 Facsimile(616)454 6375 To the Board of Control Michi gan TechnologicalUniversity: In our opinion, the accompanyingcombined and individual funds' statementsof financial condition and the relatedstatementsof revenues,expendituresand changesin fund balancepresentfairly, in all material respects,the combined and individual funds' financial position of Michigan Technological University (the "University") at June 30,1999 and 1998,and the revenues,expenditures,transfersand changesin fund balancefor the years then ended in conformify with generally acceptedaccounting principles. These financial statementsand supplementaryinformation are the responsibility of the University's management;our responsibility is to expressan opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits of these statementsin accordancewith generally acceptedauditing standards,and the standardsapplicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standardsissuedby the ComptrollerGeneralof the United States,which requirethat we plan and performthe audit to obtain reasonableassuranceabout whetherthe financial statementsare free of materialmisstatement.An audit includesexamining,on a test basis,evidencesuppofiingthe amounts and disclosuresin the financial statements,assessingthe accountingprinciples used and significant estimates made by management, and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believethat our auditsprovide a reasonablebasisfor the opinion expressedabove. In accordancewith GovernmentAuditing Standards,we have also issuedour report datedAugust 20, 1999on our considerationof the Universiry'sinternal control over financial reporting and on our tests of its compliancewith certainprovisionsof laws, regulations,contracts,and grants. Our audits were made for the purposeof forming an opinion on the basic combined and individual fund financial statementstaken as a whole. The supplementaryinformation and the scheduleof expendituresof federal awards (pages 5 through 50 of the accompanying OMB Circular A-133 SupplementaryFinancialReports) are presentedfor purposesof additional analysisas requiredby the U.S. Office of Managementand Budget Circular A-133, Audits of States,Local Governmentsand Non-Profit Organizations, and is not a required part of the basic combined and individual fund financial statements.This information has been subjectedto the auditing proceduresapplied in our audits of the basic combined and individual fund financial statementsand, in our opinion, is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the basic combined and individual fund financial statementstaken as a whole. The year 2000 supplementaryinformation on page 36 is not a required part of the basic financial statementsbut is supplementaryinformation requestedby the Government Accounting Standards Board. We have applied certain limited procedures,which consisted primarily of inquiries of management regarding the methods of measurement and presentation of the supplementary information. However, we did not audit the information and do not expressan opinion on it. In addition,we do not provide assurancethat the University is or will becomeyear 2000 compliant,that the University'syear 2000 remediationefforts will be successfulin whole or in part, or that parties with which the University doesbusinessare or will becomeyear 2000 compliant. UP August20,1999 I I UNIVERSITY TECHNOLOGICAL MICHIGAN CONDITION OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS COMBINED t June30,1999and1998 (in thousands) I ASSETS: CURRENTASSETS: Cashand cashequivalents Short term investments Accountsreceivable,net lnventories Prepaidexpensesand other 7,238 7,950 15,403 1,764 827 8,710 20,440 6,692 1,698 654 33,182 38,194 STUDENTLOANSRECEIVABLE,NET 9,423 8,950 INVESTMENTS 8,828 13,403 155,071 1'14,0'11 $ NET PROPERW,PLANTAND EQUIPMENT, TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITTES AND FUNDBALANGES: CURRENTLIABILITIES: Currentportionof notes,bondsand capitallease obligationspayable Accountspayable Accruedpayrolland payrolltaxes Uneamedrevenue Deposits Cunentportionof accruedhealthand liabilityclaims absences Accruedcompensated $ 206,504 $ 411 3,808 4,947 5,192 996 2,673 2,300 $ $ NOTES,BONDSAND CAPITALLEASEOBLIGATIONSPAYABLE TOTALLIABILITIES FUNDBALANCE: Unrestricted Restricted Investedin physicalproperties Deficitto be fundedin subsequentperiods 310 4,012 4,447 6,077 868 2,620 2,308 20,642 20,327 ACGRUEDHEALTHAND LIABILITYCLAIMS 174,558 1,360 1,710 23,280 23,155 45,317 45,157 23,449 12,821 131,380 (6,463) notesare an integralpartof thesefinancialstatements. The accompanying $ 206,504 I I I t l I I I I T I t 161,187 TOTALLIABILITIESAND FUNDBALANCE T $ 174,558 I I I I I I I I I t t I T t I I t t t t I MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGIGAL UNIVERSITY COMBINED STATEMENTS OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGESIN FUNDBALANCE fortheyearsendedJune30, 1999and 1998 (in thousands) 1998 1999 REVENUES: Tuitionand fees operating Stateappropriations, Federalgrantsand contracts capital Stateappropriations, Privategifts, grantsand contracts Investmentincome activities Educational Auxiliaryactivities Mineralmuseumappreciation Decrease(increase)in restrictedrevenueheldfor futureexpenditures $ 34,672 49,027 26,533 30,874 18,260 2,296 6,782 18,819 $ (e07) 186,356 EXPENDITURES: and general: Educational lnstruction Research Publicservice Academicsupport Studentservices lnstitutionalsupport Studentfinancialsupport Operationand maintenance of plant Auxiliaryactivities lnterestexpense allowance Depreciation Capitaladditions,net of retirements REVENUES OVEREXPENDITURES (INCREASE) DECREASE rN RESTRTCTED REVENUES HELD FORFUTUREEXPENDITURES FUNDBALANCE,BEGINNING OF YEAR FUNDBAI-ANCE,ENDOF YEAR The accompanying notesare an integralpartof thesefinancialstatements. $ 44,782 21,7',15 3,402 9,680 4,362 10,899 27,616 9,075 19,396 464 8,358 (4,272) 32,114 47,664 23,891 312 16,668 2,769 6,299 19,630 2,739 361 151,436 $ 43,784 20,494 4,692 9,475 4,097 11,025 25,579 8,724 19,261 165 8,838 (6,202) 155,477 149,932 30,879 1,504 (361) 907 128,258 129,401 $ 161,187 $ 129,401 TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY MICHIGAN GENERALFUND STATEMENTS OF FINANCIALCONDITION June30, 1999and 1998 (in thousands) r998 1999 ASSETS: Cashand cashequivalents Accountsreceivable,lessallowanceof $25in 1999and 1998 lnventories Prepaidexpenses Investments Total assets LIABILITIES: Accountspayable Accruedpayrolland payrolltaxes Uneamedrevenue Deposits Dueto otherfunds Total liabilities DEFICITFUNDBALANGE: Amountobligatedby contractualcommitments Departmentalfunds carriedforward Deficitto be fundedin subsequentyears Totaldeficitfund balance notesare an integralpartof thesefinancialstatements. The accompanying $ 9,204 314 290 263 747 227 311 9,808 7,301 612 3,202 2,417 568 4,269 1,279 3,081 2,303 756 11,069 7,419 957 4,246 (6,463) 457 2,734 (3,309) (1,260) $ (118) I T I l I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSIry GENERALFUND STATEMENTS OF CHANGESIN FUNDBALANCE fortheyearsendedJune30, 1999and 1998 (in thousands) 1999 AT BEGTNN|NG BALANCE(DEFICTT) OFYEAR $ Revenues underexpenditures andtransfers DEFICIT AT ENDOFYEAR The accompanying notesare an integralpartof thesefinancialstatements. (118) (1,142) $ (1,260) 1998 I I I MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSIry DESIGNATED FUND STATEMENTS OF FINANCIALCONDITION June30, 1999and 1999 (in thousands) ASSETS: Cashand cashequivalents Accountsreceivable Prepaidexpenses Duefrom otherfunds I 1999 $: Total assets LIABILITIES: Accountspayable Accruedpayrolland payrolltaxes Unearnedrevenue Deposits Totalliabitities FUNDBALANCE 1998 179 212 5,630 3,897 71 214 827 6,021 4,ggg 144 132 665 72 132 120 659 72 1,013 $ s,oo8 $ 4,016 t I I I I l T I I The accompanying notesare an integralpartof thesefinancialstatements. I I I I I t I I I MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY srArE'=*trTrtlo,jhtjJrlilT?* BALAN.E for the yearsendedJune 30, 1999and 1g98 finthousands) I 1999 I I I BALAN.EAT BEGINNING oF YEAR Revenues overexpenditures andtransfers BALAN.EATENDoFYEAR I I t I I I I I I I I I t7 $ Theaccompanying notesareanintegral partof thesefinancial statements. 4,016 1998 $ 992 $ 5,00q S,ZS+ 782 $ +,otO MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY AUXILIARYACTIVITIESFUND STATEMENTS OF FINANGIALCONDITION June30, 1999and 1998 (in thousands) 1999 ASSETS: Cashand cashequivalents Accountsreceivable,lessallowanceof $2 in 1999and 1998 Inventories Prepaidexpenses Due from otherfunds LIABILITIES: Accountspayable Accruedpayrolland payrolltaxes Unearnedrevenue Deposits Totalliabilities Theaccompanying notesareanintegral partof thesefinancial statements. 272 382 1,471 449 1,450 66 517 Total assets FUNDBALANCE 1998 $ 2,492 2,196 494 401 30 663 336 15 4A 925 1,054 1,557 $ 1,132 r I I I I I MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY AUXILIARYACTIVITIESFUND STATEMENTS OF CHANGESIN FUNDBALANCE for the yearsendedJune30, 'l999 and 199g (in thousands) BALAN.E ATBEGINNING oF YEAR Revenues overexpenditures andtransfers I I BALANCEATENDOFYEAR I I I I I I T t I I I I le Theaccompanying notesarean integral partof thesefinancial statements. t I I T I I I I I I I MIGHIGAN TEGHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSIry RETIREMENT AND INSURANCE FUND STATEMENTS OF CHANGESIN FUNDBALANCE fortheyearsendedJune30, 1999and 19gg (in thousands) 1999 BALANCEAT BEGINNINGOF YEAR Depositsfrom operatingfunds Transfersto operatingfunds Increasein accruedliabilities Benefitpaymentsand self-insured Investmentincome BALANCEAT END OF YEAR I t Theaccompanying notesarean integral partof thesefinancial statements. I $21,729 (s65) (508) (20,503) 247 $- 1998 MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY EXPENDABLE RESTRICTED FUND STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL CONDITION June30, 1999and 1998 (in thousands) ASSETS: Cashand cashequivalents Accountsreceivable,lessallowanceof $40 in 19ggand 199g 1999 $- Total assets LIABILITIES: Accountspayable Accruedpayrolland payrolltaxes Unearnedrevenue Due to otherfunds Totalliabilities FUNDBALANCE $ 1998 $16 5,190 5,457 5 , 1g 0 5,473 555 834 2,'l'10 21A 950 865 3 , 10 0 3,715 4,915 1,465 $ ssa I I I I I I I t I I t I I I I I t Theaccompanying notesarean integral partof thesefinancial statements. I I I T I I I I I MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY EXPENDABLE RESTRIGTED FUND STATEMENTS OF CHANGESIN FUNDBALANCE for theyearsendedJune30, 1999and 1998 (in thousands) {998 BALANCE AT BEGINNING OFYEAR Increase(decrease) in restricted revenues heldforfutureexpenditures BALANCE AT ENDOFYEAR I I I T t I I I I I I I 558 The accompanying notesare an integralpartof thesefinancialstatements. $ (361) 907 $ 1,465 919 $ 558 MICHIGANTECHNOLOGICALUNIVERSITY STATEMENTSOF CURRENTFUNDSREVENUES,EXPENDITURES,TMNSFERS AND CHANGESIN FUNDBALANCE (in thousan$1 General Funds REVENUES: Tuitionandfees Stateappropriations Federalgrantsandcontrac{s Privategifts,grantsandcontracts lndirectcostrecoveries lnvestment income(loss) Educational activities Auxiliary activities (increase) revenues Decrease in restricted heldfor futureexpenditures Auxiliary Activlties Fund Designated Fund $ 34,345 47,871 123 425 4,482 (431) 49 278 $ Expendable Resglcted 306 2,356 $ 178 834 18,819 1,140 34,672 47,871 123 1,887 4,482 1,193 6,546 18,819 1,156 26,169 12,630 (4,482) (49) 236 (907) 115,593 34,753 44,474 2,952 917 9,612 4,074 10,808 10,605 91,146 38,978 - Totalrevenues 90,171 4,115 EXPENDITURES ANDMANDATORY TRANSFERS: Educational andgeneralexpenditures: Instruction Research Publicservice Academicsupport Studentservices Institutional support Studentfinancialsupport Operational andmaintenance of plan 42,356 921 356 9,369 3,938 10,564 10,605 7,554 2,118 2,O31 561 243 't36 218 85,663 5,30E Educational andgeneralexpenditures Mandatory transfers: Research Institutional support Studentfinancialsupport Debtservice Other 20,167 1,140 Total Cunent Sub-Total (e 1,404 a e(a ReUrement & lnsurance Fund YearEnded June30,1999 Total CurrentFunds 34,672 49,027 26,292 14,517 32,114 47,6& 23,567 14,544 1,144 6,782 18,819 (907) 1,789 6,288 18,630 361 150,346 144,957 308 44,782 18,763 2,485 68 288 55 17,011 21,715 3,402 9,680 4,362 10,863 27,616 43,784 20,494 4,652 9,475 4,057 11,002 25,579 130,124 126,324 119 137 200 $ 1-1497,704 668 21 1,122 175 - 166 - 2 (836) (21) (1,003) 836 21 1,122 29(22\--7(7\ Totaleducational andgeneral 87,503 Auxiliaryactivities: Exoenditures Madnatory transfers, debtservice 5,452 : tt'il? : Totialauxiliary activities - - Totalexpenditures andmandatory transfers $87,503 $ 177 - 93,132 37,111 19,396 : ztI 130,243 126,661 19,396 277 19,261 279 19'673 5,452 $ 19,673 $ 177 $112,80s $ 37,111 $149,916 $ 146,201 Theaccompanying notesarean integralpartof thesefinancialstatements. r I I I I I r I r I I I I I I I r I I I I I I I I I I I I r I I r r I I MICHIGANTECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY STATEMENTSoF GURRENTFUNDSREVENUES,EXPENDITURES, TRANSFERS AND CHANGESIN FUNDBALANCE,CONTINUED (in thousands) June Generat Funds Othertransfers: Research Institutional support Studentfinancialsupport Plantimprovement Other REVENUESOVER (UNDER)EXPENDITURESAND TRANSFERS $ '1,684 Designated Actlvities & Inaurance Fund Fund Fund $ (1,623) 365 1,338 147 276 03$ 91,313 3,123 1 15 13 sub-Total Restricted Fund Current Flrnds 61 OT (433) 1,353 984 824 (822\ 19,742 1,3s6 1,140 115 115,318 (1,3s3) (884) (60) 34,753 100 5s 15O,O71 _ (1,142) (1,ooo) 145,4q0 (4s3) (DECREASE)INCREASE!N RESTRICTEDREVENUESHELD FOR FUTUREEXPENDITURES (361) FUND BALANCES (DEFICITS}: Beginningof y€ar FUND BALANCES (DEFIGITS): End of year YearEnded Juno30,1999 Total current Funds (118) 4,016 1,132 -q'-!'269t -q---qpgg- -9---l'ssz- -q- The accompanyingnotes are an integralpart of these financialstjatements. 5,030 558 -q.---1,999--$---ll9!- 5,588 8,442 -$----6'779- -q----9,!gg- I r I I I I MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY STUDENT LOANFUND STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL CONDITION June30, 1999and 1998 (in thousands) 1999 ASSETS: Cashand cashequivalents Studentloansreceivable,lessallowanceof $169in 1999and '1998 $ Total assets FUNDBALANGE: Universitystudent loan funds: Restricted Unrestricted Federal student loan funds: Federalportion Universityportion Totalfundbalance $ 1,590 9,423 $ 1,416 9,950 11 , 0 1 3 10,366 1,196 177 1,215 88 9,210 430 8,633 430 11,013 $ 10,366 t I I I I I I I t The accompanying notesare an integralpartof thesefinancialstatements. I I T I I t I t I I I T T I I I I I I I MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY STUDENTLOANFUND STATEMENTS OF CHANGESIN FUNDBALANCE fortheyearsended#:ra$1999 and1998 Year EndedJune 30, 1999 @ral Student Loan Funds BALANCEAT BEGINNINGOF YEAR ADDTT|ONS (DEDUGTTONS): Federalgovernmentcontribution Giftsand othergrants Transferfrom GeneralFund Investmentincome Studentloan interest Cancellations for teaching,military and bankruptcy BALANCEAT ENDOF YEAR $ 1,303 Student Loan Funds $ 9,063 2 50 18 -q_-],37!_ I $ 10.366 241 6 119 43 204 241 8 119 93 222 324 3 137 69 21',| (36) (36) (23) _q__sqlg__q__ruE_ _$_!n99_ I I t Total Year Ended June 30, 1998 Total Theaccompanying notesarean integral partof thesefinancial statements. MIGHIGANTECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY PLANTFUND STATEMENTS OF FINANCIALCONDITION (inthousands) Renewaland Unexpended Replacement ASSETS: Cashandcashequivalents Shortterminvestments Accountsreceivable, net Prepaidexpenses Intrafundreceivable Interfundreceivable in plant: Investment Landandlandimprovements Buildings Deferredfinancingcosts Equipment andother in progress Construction depreciation Lessaccumulated 5,576 $ - $ Totalassets 8,143 LIABILITIES: Currentportionof notes,bondsandcapital payable leaseobligations Accountspayable payable Notes,bondsandcapitalleaseobligations Totalliabilities Investment In Plant -$ Total $ -7'950- -JO _15 2,503 64 June30,1999 Retirementof lndebtedness (718) 5,576 7,950 36 15 (1,785) (667) 6,165 16,538 172,533 461 8s,692 10,215 (130,368) (130,368) (130,021) 155,071 168,712 137,113 16,538 172,533 461 85,692 10,215 23,691 25,308 23,666 131380 131,380 520 11,504 90,546 419 $ 143,404 Theaccompanying notesarean integralpartof thesefinancialstatements. IIIII 310 zi,zeo 'l:,211 ,',12i 6,158 Totalfundbalance 16,420 130,674 461 87,784 8,693 411 411 463 463 IIIT 2,633 20,440 14 15 64 FUNDBALANCE: properties Investment in physical Restricted Designated IIIIII June30,1998 Total rIII 22,482 $ 113,447 I I I I I I I r I I I I I I I I r I MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY PLANTFUND STATEMENTS OF CHANGESIN NOTES,BONDS, CAPITALLEASEOBLIGATIONS PAYABLEAND FUNDBALANCE (inthousands) Unexpended Renewaland Replacement June 30,1999 Retirementof Indebtedness NOTES,BONDSAND CAPITALLEASE OBLIGATIONSPAYABLE: Balanceoutstanding at beginningof year Proceedsfrom borrowing Paymentson notes,bondsand capitallease Balanceat end of year $ 23,465 600 (374) $- FUNDBALANGE: Balanceat beginningof year Additions(Deductions); Stateappropriations,capital Gifts and othergrants lnvestmentincome Mineralmuseumappreciation Transfersfrom (to) other funds: Generalfund Designatedfund Auxiliaryactivitiesfund Expendablerestrictedfund Bondand othertransfers Expendituresfrom operatingfundsfor equipment Expendituresnot capitalized Expendituresfor capitaladditions Interestexpense Paymentson notes,bondsand capitalleases Plantassetssold or retired,net Depreciation allowance Balanoeat end of year Investment In Plant $- 3,148 874 3,078 $ (ee8) - $ 20,751 525 279 (182) 8 18 (736) 13,232 757 (502) (11,942) (814) Q,472\ Total $ 23,465 600 23,691 90,546 113,447 30,000 ,: 30,874 3,735 837 _ : 5,740 (55) 23,46s 112,177 312 2,115 700 2,739 (464) (165) (8,358) The accompanyingnotesare an integralpart of these financialstatements. $ 5,740 (1,371) (1,468) 6,996 (1,20e) 14,414 (464) (374) $ 3,674 21,000 (614) 36 669 (186) (177) 6,208 (1,523) 4 I 1,156 (736) 381 $ (374) 23,691 186 YearEnded June30,1998 Total (6) (e,838) I MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY AGENGYFUND STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL CONDITION June30, 1999and 1998 (in thousands) 1999 ASSETS: Gashand cashequivalents Accountsreceivable Deposits $72$223 -349 Total assets notesare an integralpartof thesefinancialstatements. The accompanying 53 421 LIABILITIES: Accountspayable Accruedpayrolland payrolltaxes Deposits Totalliabilities 1998 13 82 326 $ azt 276 t t MICHIGANTECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY I (1) t I I T t t t I I t T t I I I I BASISOF PRESENTATION ANDSUMMARYOF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES Basis of Presentation The financialstatementshavebeenpreparedin all materiatrespectsin accordancewith accounting principlesoutlinedin the Manualfor UniformReporting-State of Michigan Collegesand Universffiegas revised,and the AmericanInstitutJof Certifiedpu-ntic Accountants'guide, Auditsof Collegesand tJniversities, and by the Governmental AccountingStandardsBoard. ReportingEntity MichiganTechnological University is an institution of highereducation and is considered to be a componentunit of the State of Michiganbecauseits Board of Control is appointedby the Governorof the State of Michigan. Accordingly,the Universityis includedin the State'sfinancialstatementsas a discretecomponeniunit. Transactions with the Stateof Michiganrelateprimarilyto appropriations for operations,grantsfrom various state agenciesand paymentsto State retirementprogramsfoi University employees. The financialstatementsof all controlledorganizations are includedin the University's financialstatements.Organizations whichare not controlled by the University, suchas the MichiganTech Fundand boosterorganizations, are not includedin the University's financialstatements. Fund Classifications The currentfunds consistof the General,Designated(use restrictedby University policy),AuxiliaryActivities,Retirementand Insurance(usedto accountfor employee benefitsand riskfinancingactivities)and Expendable RestrictedFund(userestrictedby donoror supportingagency).Thesefunds are usedto accountfor transactionsrelated to instructionaland academicprograms(includingrestrictedpurposecontractsand grants, research,extensionand departmentalprograms)and the auxiliaryactivities whichprovideservicesto the studentbody,faculty,staffand public. The accbmpanying statementsof currentfunds revenues,expenditures, transfersand changes in fund balancesare statementsof financialactivitiesof the currentfundsand do not purportto presentthe resultsof operations or the net incomeor lossfor the period. The otherfundsand theirfunctionsare describedas follows:(1) the StudentLoan Fund is used to accountfor transactionsrelatedto loans to students,(2) the plant Fund containsthe transactionsrelatingto investmentin physicalproperties,indebtedness incunedin the financingthereofand reseryesfor maintenance and replacement and (3) the Agency Fund is used to accountfor amountswithheldfrom payrolls,employei portionsof payrolltaxesand variousemployeebenefitsand amounts'held in custodyfor students,University-related organizations or others. UNIVERSITY MICHIGANTECHNOLOGICAL Summaryof SignificantAccounting Policies Accrual Accounting I I I I The accompanyingfinancialstatementshave been preparedon the accrual basis, exceptforthe following,whichare commonpracticesin collegesand universities:(1) interest on student loans is recognizedwhen received, (2) interest expense is recognizedwhen paid, (3) gifts, grantsand pledgesare recognizedwhen receivedor when billable,(4) ExpendableRestrictedFundrevenueis recognizedonlyto the extent for operationsare recognizedwhen receivedor as expended,(5) State appropriations appropriatedby the State for the specifiedfiscal period, and (6) revenue and of an academicterm are reportedin the fiscalyear in whichthe programis expenditures predominantly conducted. t The accrualbasis of accountingprovidesthat expendituresincludeonly amounts includeonlythe unpaid with goodsand servicesreceivedand that liabilities associated outstandingpurchaseorders amountsassociatedwith such expenditures.Accordingly, totaled$21,346(inthousands) notreportedin thefinancialstatements andcommitments and$19,825at June30, 1999and 1998,respectively. I I lncomeTaxes t The Universityis classifiedas a politicalsubdivisionof the State of Michiganunder InternalRevenueCode Section115(A)and is thereforeexemptfrom FederalIncome Taxes. Certainactivitiesof the University,to the extent profitable,may be subjectto businessincome. taxationas unrelated Cash and Cash Equivalents For purposesof the statementof cash flows,the Universityconsidersall highlyliquid investments(includingrestrictedassets)with a maturityof three monthsor less when purchasedto be cashequivalents, lnventories Inventoriesare valuedat the lowerof cost or marketdeterminedon a first-in,first-out basis. lnvestmentsand MarketableSecurifies are included are valuedat market.Changesin the fair valueof investments Investments in the operationsof the periodincurred. I t I I I I I I I I I I l I T I t I I I I I I I I t I I I l MIGHIGANTECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY Capitalized lnterest During1999,total interestcostwas $828(inthousands),of which$364was includedin investmentin plantand $464was includedin expenditures. Property, Plant and Equipment Physicalpropertiesare statedat costwhen purchased.Otheracquisitionsare statedat appraisedvalue on date of receipt. Amountsexpendeddirectlyfrom currentfunds for equipmentor other capitaladditionsare includedin expendituiesor transfersof such funds and are capitalizedin the Plant Fund. Repairand maintenanceand equipment replacementreserveshave been establishedto providefor significantrepair and maintenance coststo residences andcertainotherfacilities. The SeamanMineralMuseumis a worldclassmineralmuseum.In 1998,the University recognizedthe appraisedvalueof this mineralcollection. RevenueRecognition The ExpendableRestrictedFundrevenuesand expenditures for lggg and 1998 each includeapproximately 911.4and $10.Smillion,respgctively, relatingto funds received directlyby the University fromthe federalgovernment underthe Williim D. FordFederal DirectLoanProgram. Previously, thesefundswere receivedand disbursedby outside financialinstitutions. Depreciation Depreciationis providedfor physicalpropertieson a straight line basis over the estimatedusefullifeof the property,as follows: Classification Landlmprovements Buildings ComputerEquipment Equipment LibraryBooks Life 20 years 40 years 5 years 7 years 5 years Reclassifications g"ttti! fiscalyear 1998amountshavebeen reclassified to conformwith the fiscalyear 1999 financialstatementpresentation. MICHIGANTECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY (continued) NOTESTO THE FINANCIALSTATEMENTS (21 cAsH AND TNVESTMENTS Authorizations;The Universityinvestmentpoliciesare governedand authorizedby UniversityBylawsand the Boardof Control. The Universityutilizesthe "pooledcash"methodof accountingfor substantially all of its policies cash and cash equivalents.lnvestment for cash and cash equivalents,as set forth by the Board of Control,authorizethe Universityto invest,with limitations,in commercialpaperratedwithinthe two highestclassifications of primeas establishedby at leastone of the standardratingservices.Investments may alsobe madein securities of the U.S.Treasuryand Federalagencies, and in timesavingsaccounts. Policies regardinginvestmentsand marketablesecuritiesin the current funds and Retirementand InsuranceFund, as set forth by the Board of Control,authorizethe Universityto investin U.S.TreasuryObligations; commercialpaperratedwithinthe two highestclassifications of prime as establishedby at least one of the standardrating services;or Federalagencysecuritiescertificatesof depositissuedby FDIC insurance banks,FSLICinsuredsavingsand loanassociations, or an NCUAcreditunionmember; or Eurodollar timedepositsin Tier1,2, or 3 banks. Deposifs; The cash and cash heldfor investments were as followsas of June 30, (in thousands): 1999 1998 Cash Cashheldfor investments, which earned5.1o/oin 1999and5.5%in 1998 65$ 7,113. 8,676 $_re3q $__qJlq Of the totalbankbalances,$39 (in thousands) at June30, 1999and $121at June30, 1998 were coveredby federal depositoryinsurance. The remainingamountswere uninsuredand uncollateralized, as the Universityis precludedby state law from its collateralizing deposits. I I I I t I I I I I I I I I t 24 I I I I I I I t I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I UNIVERSITY MICHIGANTECHNOLOGICAL lnvestments: ln accordance with GovernmentalAccounting Standards Board's Statement 3, investmentsare classifiedinto three categoriesof custodialcredit risk. MTU's investmentsfit into credit risk categorylll: investmentsthat are uninsuredand with securitiesheldby the counterpartyor by its trustdepartmentor agent, unregistered but not in the University'sname. The Universityhas pooledinvestmentsheld by trust and investedin a varietyof mutualfundsmanagedby investment companies managers. The costs of these investments as of June 30, 1999 and 1998 were $15,132(in thousands) and $32,193,respectively. marketvalueswere $16,778 The corresponding and $33,824.This amounttakes into accountall changesin fair value (including purchasesand sales)that occurredduringthe year. Also, at June 30, 1998,the had $18 investedin a Government University Obligations Fundwhichsoldin 1999. incomefor the yearsendedJune30 is comprised Investment of the following: 1999 lnvestment income: Interest Dividends Net increasein the fair valueof investments Total investmentincome 1998 359 $ 1,234 512 737 703 1.520 $___229q $_2J09 The net increasein the fair valueof investments takesintoaccountall changesin fair purchases (including value and sales)that occured duringthe year. The University gains of $589 (in thousands) in realizednet and $1,991from the sale of investments fiscal years 1999 and 1998, respectively. The calculationof realized gains is independentof the calculation of the net increasein the fair value of investments. Realizedgainson investments thathad beenheldin morethanonefiscalyearand sold in the current year may have been recognizedas an increasein the fair value of investmentsreportedin the prior year. The unrealizedgains and (losses)on heldas of June30, 1999and 1998were$114and$(471),respectively. investments The returnson investments and marketable securities, excludingthe base cash pool reservefor the yearsendedJune30 wereas follows: Shorttermfixedincome lntermediate fixedincome Equityinvestments 25 1999 1998 3.60/o 3.9o/o 18.3o/o 5.9o/o 7.60/o 23.5o/o MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY TO THE FI STA contin (3) BONDSAND CAPITALLEASEOBLIGATION PAYABLE Bonds In fiscalyear 1998,the University issued$21 millionof GeneralRevenueVariableRate DemandBonds('GRVDB").Initiallypricedat 3.45o/o, the bondsare re-pricedweekly. The fundshavebeenand are beingusedto completefourbuildingprojectson campus: the Dow Environmental Sciencesand Engineering building,the RbzsaCenterfor the PerformingArts, the Center for EcosystemScience,and the Harold Meese Career proceedsfromthe bondswere usedto pay off the balanceson the Center. Additionally, Universitylmagesloan and the HaroldMeeseCareerCentermortgage.Annualdebt servicerequirements beginin 2015. The GRVDBissueis collateialized with a $21 millionletterof creditthroughthe Bankof America.The letterwouldonlybe usedif the bondsbecomeunmarketable. In fiscalyear 1994,the University defeasedin substancethe 198g issueof General RevenueBondswith an issueof GeneralRevenueRefundingBondsvaluedat $3,5g5 (in thousands).Thesebondsbear interestat 2.90%to 5.10%and matureat various dates through2008. As of June 30, 1999 and 1999, $1,915 and $2,175 were outstanding. CapitalLease Obligations ln fiscalyear 1999,the University enteredinto a capitalteaseagreementof g600 (in thousands) for the purchaseof telecommunication switchequipment.The interestrate is 5.75o/o withmonthlypayments of $9,993oversevenyears,beginning in October1gg8. Annualmaturities for all remainingbondand capitalleaseobligations are for the fiscal yearendingJune30 as follows(inthousands): 2000 411 $ 2001 426 2002 241 2003 251 2004 256 Thereafter 223A6 $29p91 (4) L|NEOF CREDTT The University has an unusedline of creditarrangement with one bankunderwhichit may borrowup to $10,000,000 at a rateof 5.6%. Thereare no commitment fees and no conditions associated withthislineof credit. 26 I I t I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I l I I I t T I I I I I I I t MICHIGANTECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY TO TH ENTS (5) POST.EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS The Universityoffe.rsparticipationin one of two retirementplans for all qualified employees:the MichiganPublicSchoolEmployees'RetirementSystemlMeSEnS) and 'fund the TeachersInsuranceand AnnuitiesAssociationCollegeRetiiementEquities (T|AA-CREF). MPSERSis a non-contributory definedbenefitretirementplan throughthe Michigan Retirement System Plan(the"Plan"). Dueto Stateof MichiganHoirse !!ate fmployees' Bill HM047, Universityemployeeshired after December31, 1995 can-no longer participatein this retirementplan,unlessthey were previouslyenrolledin the planat ihe Universityor one of the othersix universities that are partof MpsERS. year 1997,the University Dulng_ftsgal implemented thefundingpolicychangesfinalized by MPSERS.An actuarialvaluation was preparedfor MPSERSthat separaled the plan into two components- universitymembersand all other members.'The valuation determinedthe universitymembers'portionof plan assets and unfundedactuarial accruedliability(UAAL). The new fundingpolicycalls for continuedcontributions for activemembersat 6.66%of memberpayroll. To fund the costsof the UAALover the next forty years,the Universitywill make additionalcontributions at a rate that will be determined annually.The fiscalyear 1998rate beganat 3.88%of MpSERSdefined payroll, but was later discontinued. The fiscal year 1999 rate was 0.38%. The Universityis also requiredto pay a $119,400monthlysupplemental contribution for retireehealthcarebenefits. The TIAA-CREFPlan is a definedcontributionretirementplan. All employees, who work at least3/4 time_areeligibleto participatein the TIAA-CREFplan.For-employees hiredafterDecember31, 1995employercontributions begintwo yearsafterdate of hire or age 35 whicheveris sooner. Employeebenefitsvesf immedlately.The University contributesa specifiedpercentageof employeewages and has no iiabilitybeyonditi owncontribution. Contributions and coveredpayrollunderthe plans (excludingparticipants' additional contributions) are summarized as follows(inthousands): YearendedJune30 1999 1998 University contributions to MpSERS I MPSERSretireehealthinsurance t PayrollcoveredunderMPSERS I PayrollcoveredunderTIAA-CREF t MPSERSunfundedpensioncosts $1,018 $ 890 1,364 1,062 9 Universitycontributions to TIAA-CREF 27 199 14,362 14,551 4,694 4,055 37,519 35,552 MICHIGANTECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY NOTESTO THE FINANGIAL (continued) STATEMENTS The Universitysubsidizesa medicalbenefits_plan for TIAA-CREFeligibleUniversity employeeswho haveor will haveretiredfrom October19, lggT throughlune 30, 2OOtd. The Universityrecognizesthe cost of providingthis benefiton a pay-as-you-gobasis, whichis includedin the currentfunds,expenditules. During 1997;_theBoard approveda change in the plan's benefits. With the plan revisionsin 1998,the University matchedthe 1% of salaryemployeecontribution to the employee'sTIM-CREF retirementannuity. During1ggg,th6 Universitymatchedthe employee's 2o/o of salarycontribution. From 1999 to 2006, the retiredemployee'scontribution for healthcare benefitswill increasefrom2Oo/o to 100%. The University's subsidywill likewisedecreasefor fiscal year 2OO7and beyondbecauseretiredemployeeswill be responsiblefor lOOo/o of their healthcarecosts. Retireescan payfor theircoveragewith theirannuity. (6) t LtABtLtry AND pROpERTyTNSURANCE I The Univerltly participatesin the Michigan UniversitiesSelf-lnsuranceCorporation (MUSlc)' which providesindemnityto membersagainstauto,comprehensive general liability,errorsand omissions,and propertylossescommonlycoveredby insJrance. MUSIcalsoprovidesriskmanagement and iosscontrolserviceiandprograms. t t Loss coveragesare structuredon a three layer basiswith each memberretaininga portionof its losses,MUSICcoveringthesecondlayerof lossesand commercial carriers coveringthe third layer. Comprehensive generalliabilitycoverageis providedon an occurrence basis;errorsandomissions coverageis providedon a dlaimsmadebasis. In the eventof excessassets,MUSICwill eitherretumthe surplus,creditthe surplus towardfuture paymentsor providefor increasedcoverages. Recommendedreseryes for both the corporation and each memberare actuariJllydeterminedon an annual basis' The corporationwill be self-sustaining throughmemberpaymentsand will purchasecommercial coverage for claimsin excessof eltablishedannuallimitsfor each line of coverage' Membersmay fund their respectivereservesas they deem appropriate. (7) I I I I I I Premiumsare assessedannuallyfor (1) insurancerisksretainedby MUSlc, (2) costs relatedto excesscoverageand (3) generaland administrative ""p"ni"r. UNtVERStTySUppoRToRGAN|ZAT|ONS The MichiganT.echFund (MTF)is an independentnonprofitcorporationformedfor the exclusivebenefitof the University.MTF is'a tax exemptsupportorganization engaged in traditionalfund raisingprograms. The accompanying financial-statements do not includethe netassetsof MTF.The mostrecentauditedM1F financialstatements are as of June 30, 1999. The net assetsof the MTFwere $50.0million. Includedin the net assetsabove,MTFhad an endowment of $26.3million. Contributions by the MTF on behalfof the University approximated $7.2million. 28 I I I I I I I t I I I I T I I I I I I T T I I I t I I I MICHIGANTECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY OTES NANC TEM (8) COMMTTMENTS AND CONTTNGENCTES Internallyfundedreservesand accruedliabilitiesfor employeebenefitsare includedin the Retirement & Insurancefund. Accruedliabilities are generally basedon actuarial -expected valuationsand representthe present value of unpaid claims, including estimatesof claimsincurredbut not reported. In the normalcourseof business,the Universityis namedpartyto variouslegalactions. Historically,the Universityhas not experiencedsignificantlossesfrom suih actions. After taking into considerationlegal counsel's evaluation of pending actions, managementbelievesthe resolutionof these matterswill not have a materialadverse effecton the university'sfinancialpositionor resultsof operations. The Universityhas completedconstructionof its $44 million Dow Environmental Sciencesand Engineering (ESE) Building. The SBA sold bonds and provided$30 millionfor the construction, whilethe University provided$14 million. T'heUniversity executeda deed t9 the propertyto the SBA and a leaseof the buildingfrom the State and the SBA. Duringthe leaseterm,the SBAwill holdtitleto the iaciliti6s,the Statewill make all annualleasepaymentsto the SBA from generalfund appropriations; and the Universitywill pay all operatingand maintenance costsof the facilities.'At the expiration of the leases,the SBA has agreedto sell each facilityto the Universityfor the sum of one dollar. The Universityhas begunconstruction of its $20 millionRozsaCenterfor the performing Arts. The State of Michiganhas appropriated$5 millionfor the Center, and th6 Universitywill raise$15 millionfromprivatefunds. The Universityhas alsocommittedto buildinga $10 millionCenterFor Ecosystem Science.Construciion beganin the spring of 1999. Th.eSlateof Michiganhas appropriated $7.5 millionto the buildingani tn6 Universitywill raise$2.5millionfromprivatefunds. The Universityhas nearlyCompleted construction of its $2 millionHockeyEducational Center. The Universitywill raiseall of the moniesfrom privatefunds. UNIVERSITY MICHIGANTECHNOLOGICAL COMBININGSTATEMENTOF FINANCIALGONDITION June30,1999 (in thousands) Retlrement Auxluary Deslgnated Fund General Funds ASSETS: Current Assets: Cash and cash equivalents Short term investrnents Accounts receivable, net lnventories Prepaidexpensesand other Due (to) from other tunds $ - - $ 9.204 914 290 (4,269) 5,539 Activltles Fund - $ 179 Expendable $ - $ 6 - $ 212 5,630 244 (1,726\ (216\ 6,021 2,482 (1,476\ 4,964 - INVESTMENTS -- PROPERW, PLANTAND EQUIPMENT,NET LIABILITIESAND FUND BALANCE: Cunent Liabilities: Curr€ntportionof bonds and capital lease obligationspayable Accounts payable Accrued payroll and payroll taxes Unearnedrevenue Deposits Currentportionof accrued health and liabilityclaims Accrued compensationabsences $ I s,s76 7,950 36 Gombined Total Agency Fund 349 7,238 7,950 15,403 't,764 827 421 33,182 72 $ $ 15 64 1,590 13,641 9,423 9,423 8,828 8,828 -------:g__1,s91_ _$__11p19_ S_J68JIL S_____4n__q__?9q!9l _q___$99__$_-e,021_s___2,4n_ !__7352_ Total assets Plant Funds __j_ - STUDENTLOANS RECEIVABLE,NET 1,sso - 5,180 449 1,450 66 517 - Student Loan Fund Restricted Fund & In$urance Fund 612 3,202 2,417 568 $-$-$-$ 144 132 00c s 1,013 13 82 1,617 - 30 72 - 6,799 -$-$411$555 834 2,110 373 296 494 401 326 2.673 2,300 5,642 925 ACCRUEDHEALTHAND LIABILITY CLAIMS 421 2,O28 3,499 20,327 - t,/ tu 411 3,808 4,947 5,192 996 2.673 2,300 1,710 BONDSAND CAPITAL LEASE OBLIGANONS PAYABLE Total liabilities FUND BALANCE: Unrestricted Restricted Investmentin physicalproperties Deficitto be funded in subsequentperiods I I I s203 uloo' (1,250) Total liabilitiesand fund balance I 1,013 (6,463)-: Total fund balance(deficit) I 6,799 I I 1s57 7,352 3,499 - *uu ''t.iil - "'ZZt 1i:t2X 131,380 - 131,380 143,404 - 161187 --5,008 1,557 1,465 11,013 $206,504 $2,4e2$7,352$4,964$'11,013$168,712$421 $5,539$6,0 : :2:1: : I 925 I I I I I I I I I I I ITITTIIIIIII-TTIII I TECHNOLOGICAL MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY EXPENDITURES, CHANGES STATEMENTOF REVENUES, TRANSFERSAND IN FUNDBAI.-ANCES COMBINING for the year endedJune30, 1999 An thousands) General Funds REVENUES: Tuitionandfees operating Stateappropriations, Federalgrants and contracts Stateappropriations, capital Privategifls, grantsand contractg Indirectcost recoveries Inv€strnent income(loss) Educational activities Auxiliaryactivities Decreasein restrictedrevenuesheldfor futurespenditures $34,345 49 $ Auxillary Actlvltios Fund 278 $ Retirement & Insuranco Fund $ Expondable Rostrlctod Fund - $ 47,871 123 4,482 (431) 306 178 1,140 3.356 2.356 834 - 1,404 58 Plant Funds E 30,874 3,735 315 A37 2.296 6,742 564 35,446 186,356 9- $ 241 12,630 (4,482) (49) Combinod Total $ zJo 34,672 49,027 26,533 30,874 18,260 -:18'81s-ino.--tti3l?,' 90,171 4,115 42,356 921 356 9,369 3,938 10,564 10,605 7,554 2,118 2,031 561 243 136 218 ----- Total exoenditures 20,167 - 1 -------:85,663 MANDATORYTRANSFERS: Resarch Institutional support Studentfinancialsupport Debtservic€ Other _-- -6826 149 308 18,763 2,4A5 166 - 38,978 2 (836) (21\ (1,623) 167 15 13 (735) 36 8,358 (t272\ 8,358 (t'2''2\ 5,921 155,477 (11s) <tooa1 - (22' 1,684 365 1,338 147 276 't,371 44,742 21,715 3,42 9,680 4362 10,899 27,616 9,075 36 --------- 175 ] 277 29 - zaa 55 17,011 - 19,396 1,122 REVENUES OVER(UNDER)EXPENDITURES ANDTRANSFERS 34,753 -- zl Tolalexpenditures andtransfers 1,140 1e3e6-:l-o*tt':ff 5,308 668 OTHERTMNSFERS: Ressarch Institutional support Studenttinancialsupport Plantimprovement Other (277) (7) 824 (822't (433) 1,3e6 (1,353) (884) (60) -_ 19,742 1,140 34,753 91,313 3,123 (1:142) 992 425 4,016 1,132 (61) DECREASE IN RESTRICTED REVENUES HELDFORFUTUREEXPENDITURES - - (100) (55) (83) 5,489 155,477 907 (118) FUNDBALANCES,BEGINNING OF YEAR FUNDBALANCES,ENDOF YEAR - Studont Loan Fund 1,156 26,169 425 Total revenues EXPENDITURES: Educational andgeneral: lnstruction Research Publicservic€ Academicaupport Studentservices Institrjtional support Studentfinancialsupport Operationandmaintenance of plant Auxiliaryactivities Interestexpense Depreciationallo^rance Capitaladditions,net of retirement De6ignatod Fund $ (1,260) $ 5,008 $ 1,557 J_ $ - S 907 558 10,366 .113,447 1,465 $ 11,013 $ 1rt3,404 129,401 $ 161.i97 MICHIGANTECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY COMBININGSTATEMENT OF FINANCIALCONDITION J u n e3 0 , 1 9 9 8 (in thousands) Designatod Fund Gonsral Funde ASSETS: CurrentAssetrs: Cash and cash eouivalents Short term investrnents Accounb receivable,net lnventories Prepaidexpensesand other Due (to) from other funds Auxlllary Activitios Fund Retirement & Insuranco Fund Expendable Rostrlctod Fund Student Loan Fund Plant Funds Agency Fund $263$3,8879272$-$16S1,416$2,633$223$8,710 747 227 311 71 382 't,471 214 827 61 4,999 2,186 - _-_ 1,548 21 5,457 (806) 5,473 - 5,753 INVESTMENTS * - 20,440 14 - 15 53 20,440 6,692 1,698 654 23,102 276 38,194 1,416 - STUDENTLOANS RECEIVABLE,NET Gombined Total 8,950 8,950 7,650 13,403 PROPERW, PLANTAND EQUIPMENT,NET Total assets LIABILITIESAND FUNDBALANCE: Cunent Liabilities: Cunent portionof notes, bonds and capital lease obligationspayablo Accounts payable Accrued payrolland payrolltaxes Uneamedrevenue Deposits Currentportionof accrued healthand liabilityclaims Accrued comp€nsationabsences -$-$ 132 120 659 72 $-$ 1,279 3,081 2,303 756 7,419 -o 511 45 563 336 15 40 2.620 2,308 1,054 2.620 Z,SO8 5,484 4,915 511 23.155 NOTES,BONDSAND CAPITALLEASE OBLIGATIONSPAYABLE 7 ,419 FUND BALANCE: Unrestricted Restricted Investmentin physicalproperties Deficitto be funded in subsequentperiods |I - - 1132 10" - 4,915 -uu, I 10.2?2 (3'309) - (118) $ 7,301 r I - --- ',1,132 4,016 $ 4,ees - - $ 2,186 I ---- -:- 6,844 $ I $ I 1,360 - 23.155 45,157 276 *'IXZ - ll:133 - 90,546 10,366 558 - 20.642 - 23,666 90,546 Total liabilitiesand fund balance I 1,054 983 3rsl Total fund balance(deficit) I 276 1,360 ACCRUEDHEALTHAND LIABILITYCLAIMS Total liabilities: 4,012 4,417 6,077 868 276 - 60c 3,100 - 983 -$-$310$-$310 950 qgg_ 113,447 $__-19n99_9_l-%!_9_ n I f 129,401 - zg_ $ I E_1-74!gg_ I C T I I r r II lt I r I r; I r I J r I MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGIGAL UNIVERSITY TRANSFERSAND CHANGESIN FUNDBALANCES COMBININGSTATEMENTOF REVENUES,EXPENDITURES, '""n" %il:;gl'*i'o''nn' Gononl Funds REVENUES: Tuition and fees Stat€ apprcpriations, operating Federal grants and @ntracts State apprcpriations, mpital Private gifts, gEntrs and contracds lndirect cost recovsrias Investmentin@mo (loss) Edu€tional acliviti€s Auxiliary activities MinsEl Museumappreciation Decrease in rsstrict€d revenues held for future exDenditures Tolal Fvenues EXPENDITURES: Educationaland g€neEl: lnsiruc{ion Research Public ssrvice Ac€demicsupport Studont seruices Institutional support Studenl financial support Opsratlon and maintenance of plant Auxiliary activitiss InteFst expense DeDr€ciation allowanc Capilaladditions,nst of retirem8nt Total exDonditures MANDATORYTRANSFERS: Research Institutionalsupport Studsntfinancialsupport Debt servics Other OTHERTRANSFERS: Rosoarch Institulional support Studentfinancialsupport Plant improvement Other Toial exponditures and transfers REVENUESOVER (UNDER)EXPENDITURESAND TRANSFERS s 31.785 Auxlllary Actlvltloa Fund Dorlgnat€d Fund 50 3 S 279 Retlremant & lmurrnca Fund Expendable Rstllctod Fund $ t-3-$ 1,019 ,16,645 108 23,459 1U '1,228 4,093 136 3,078 208 2,396 84 625 18,630 1,42A FUND BAI-ANCES,END OF YEAR Comblnod Total - 324 13,t00 (4,0e3) (67) 189 Plant Funds 3 9 312 2,115 28o 700 z,lw 2,739 -- ------- - 85,999 3,882 41,5U 1,908 1,147 848 2a 118 396 JCJ 9,192 3,748 10,875 10,133 7,113 361 ---: 19,680 1,428 --:- 33,968 -61q 5,866 312 17,797 3,491 (261) -.------84,528 -------j- 4,647 -_-- 149,932 1,523 979 30 1,03'l zw 14 (47e) (15) (1,084) 88,032 3,100 35 (580) 214 (877t 2,01e (1,O71') (192) (39) 1A,922 1,42a 33,968 - 782 3,234 (45) 13 (43e) 45 1,915 23 (1,070) (30) (894) 1,116 394 1,071 192 (1,523) (2,033) --- 37,324 1s1,436 4,324 ,u:o* -------:(175) 19,261 2.769 6,248 18,630 zttJv 2,739 361 165 8,838 (6'202\ 231 (8) 86 32,114 47,664 23,891 312 16,668 43,7U 20,4p4 4,692 9,475 4,O97 11,O25 25,579 a,724 19,261 165 orooo 8.838 (6,202\ 19,261 DECREASEIN RESTRCTED REVENUESHELD FOR FUTUREEXPEND]TURES FUNOBALANCES(DEFICIT),BEGINNINGOF YEAR Studont Loan Fund (361) - (249\ (114) 4,596 727 1,270 149,932 1.504 (361) 374 -9___l!g _g___lpt9_-$___lJ_gL_q_ $_____lg9__9__19p66_ -q_lggz_ -q_l?gJ!L I I t I I MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY COMBINEDSTATEMENTS OF CASHFLOWS for the yearsendedJune30, 1999and 1998 (in thousands) 1999 Cash flow from operatingactivities: Cash provided by operatingactivities: Currentfund activities: Studenttuitionand fees Stateappropriation Auxiliaryactivities Othersources Noncurrentfund activities $ Cash used in operatingactivities: Currentfund activities: Cashpaidto suppliersand employees Cashpaidfor financialaid Noncurrentfund activities: Cashpaidto suppliers Newstudentloans,net of repayments Net cashflow providedby operatingactivities Gashflow from capitalfinancing activities: operating Stateappropriations, Proceedsfromnew borrowings,net Paymentson bondsand capitalleaseobligationspayable Interestpaid Proceedsfrompropertysales net Equipment additions, Librarybooks Landand landimprovements Additionsto buildings in progress Construction 1998 37,600 $ 40,114 18,819 36,275 5,137 137,945 179,092 100,880 27,617 119,757 25,579 7,695 473 22,777 387 136,665 168,500 1,280 10,592 874 600 (374) (464) 187 (85) (73) (11,947) (1,522) 312 20,712 (1,20e) (165) 146 (6,851) (166) (130) (1,06e) (450) (1e,703) 11,130 16,951 (22,716| 16,951 (22,716) (6,8ee) Net cashprovidedby (usedin) capitaland related financingactivities Cash flow from investingactivities: (Purchase)sale of investments, net Net cashflow providedby (usedin) investingactivities (ee4) Decreasein cash and cash equivalents Gashand cashequivalentsat beginningofyear at end ofyear Cashand cashequavalents 35,192 47,664 18,630 53,811 23,795 9,704 $ 7,238 $ 8,710 t I T t I T I I t il I I T I t t I I I MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY COMBINED STATEMENTS OF CASHFLOWS fortheyearsendedJune30, 1999and 1998 (in thousands) I t t t I I I I I t I t I t I I 1998 1 999 Reconciliationof changein net assetsto net cash provided by operatingactivities: Changeinnef assefs Adjustmentsto reconcilechangein net assetsto net cashprovidedby operatingactivities: Depreciation capital Stateappropriations, Netunrealized(gains)losseson investments Giftedproper$and equipment Mineralmuseumappreciation Proceedsfromsurpluspropertysales Losson dispositionof property Interestexpense (lncrease)decreasein accountsreceivable (lncrease)decreasein inventories Increase in prepaidexpenses Increasein studentloansreceivable, net lncrease(decrease)in accountspayable Increasein accruedpayrolland payrolltaxes Increase(decrease)in deposits Increase(decrease)in unearnedrevenue lncrease(decrease)in accruedcompensated absences lncreasein accruedhealthand liabilityclaims Net cash providedby operatingactivities 31,786 $ 8,358 (30,874) (114) (132) 8,838 (312) 471 (386) (2,73s) (146) 6 165 787 118 (48) (387) 1,598 508 (308) 654 84 546 (187) 1,468 464 (8,711) (66) (173',) (473) (204) 500 128 (885) (8) 403 1,280 1J43 $ 10,592 MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY ln october 1998,the Governmental AccountingStandardsBoard (GASB)issuedTechnical Bulletin98-1, Disclosuresabout Year 2000/ss-ues. The provisionsoi in" cnsg technical bulletin, effective for financialstatements on whichthe auditoi'sreportis oaLo afteroctober31, 1998,requirethe University to makedisclosures aboutits stateof readinessin addressing year 2000issuesfor its internalcomputersystemsandequipment. The year 2000 issueis the resultof shortcomings in electronicdata-processing systemsand other equipmentthat.may.adversely affectopeiationsin the y""r isos and beyond. The following stageshavebeenidentified as necessary to implement i yeariooo-.orpliantsystem. AwarenessStage- In thisfirststage,an organization establishes a budgetandproject plan(forexample,a timelineor chartnotingmajortasksand due dates)t6r oeating;ith theyear2000issue. AssessmentStage- Whilein this.stage, an organization beginsthe actualprocessof identifying all of its systems(preparing Ln inveniory)and indiiidualcomponents of the systems.An organization may decideto reviewail'system.orpon"nts for year 2000 complianceor, througha risk analysis,identifyonly mission-critical sysiems equipment-systemsand equipmenicritical t6 conductingoperations-to and check compliance. RemediationStage- Duringthis stage,an organization actuallymakeschangesto systemsand equipment'Thisstageinvolvesthe-iechnical issuesof converting existing systems,or switchingto compliantsystems.Decisionsare madeon how to irake thE systemor processes year2OO0-compliant, andthe requiredsystemchangesare made. Validation/Testing Stage - At this stage,an organization validatesand tests the changesmadeduringthe conversion proclss. Thidevelopr"r,t oitest data and test scripts,the runningof testscripts,andthe reviewof testresultsare crucial for thisstage of the conversion processto be successful.lf the testingresultsshowanomalies, the testedareaneedsto be correctedand re{ested. To addressyear2000issues,the University established the Year2000compliancecommittee. Thecommittee's missio. n is to lead,support,andfacilitate achievement of v"ri zooocompliance throughout the University to ensureuninterrupted serviceto those*" ""*". Based on the identification and evaluationof its mission-critical businesssystemsand equipment, the University has determined.lhat certainsystemswill be modifiedor replacedin orderto functionproperlywith respectto the year 2000and thereafter. The universityhas a writtenstatementfrom systems& computerTechnology corporationtsCi that the current releaseof its Banneradministrative computing softwarei-.y""r 2000compliant.The University hascompleted remediation for all othermajor-mission-critical businessrv"t"rr and expectsto completethe relatedvalidation and testingby December1999. The University has completed its assessment of mission-critical equipment-and expectsto completethe relatedremediation, testingandvalidation by December1999. I I t il t I I I I I t I I l t t I I t I I t t I I I I t I I I t l I T I I l MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY The University has utilized,andwill utilize,bothinternaland externalresources to reprogramor replaceand testthe systemsand equipment for year2000readiness.The costof tire [ro;ecis willbe fundedfromnormaloperation revenuesand is notexpectedto havea materialimpacton the University's financialposition. The Universityhas initiatedcommunications with its mission-critical vendorsand service providersto determinethe extentto whichthe failureto remediate theirownyear2000issues. businessimportance to the University, in particu issuessuccessfully and timely,and suchyear adverseeffecton the University's operations. portionof the revenues A significant of the University are generated fromthreesources:Student feesand tuition,Stateof Michiganappropriations, ind feleral contractsand grants.Assuming the University successfully addressesits year2000 issuesas describedabove,and is ableto generatetuitioninvoicesand otherdocuments requiredto requestfundsfromoutsidesources, therecan be no ass.urance that otherorganizations and governmental agencieswithwhichthe University interacts,includingbanks,the Stateand the fLderalgou"rnr-"nt,will be year 2000 rceivetuitionpaymentsfrom studentswill be t of the bankingsystemafterJanuaryl,2eOO. scheduleto meet its objectives for year 2000 rrames rortheyear 2000. rheuniversity unders,#[r'i#i'1il: [.T,":?lnilHHlyrffilfljli:; andfinancialsystems are decentralized, anddifferentdepartments andagencieshaveachieved differentlevelsof pro.gress towardyear2000compliance.The Universiiyis unableto predict, however,whetherrelevantfederalagencieswill,jn fact, be year 2000 compliantin a timety manner. Moreover,even if both the University's systemsand the systemsof the federal government and otherexternalpartiesare,in fact,compliant in a timelymannerproblemscould arise with communications between.those systems if complianceis achievedthrough inconsistent approaches or methodologies. lar 2000 issue,its effectsand the successof rinableuntilthe year2000andthereafter.The r 2000ready,that the University's remediation rr that partieswith whom the Universitydoes : believesthe University has takenappropriate :eriskto its operations. t t I I I t t t I l I I I I t I I t I I I I I T t I I I t I I I l t I I I I MichiganTechnologicalUniversity OMB GircularA-133SupplementaryFinancialReports Gontents fortheyearendedJune30,1999 Pages Reporton Complianceandon InternalControlsOverFinancialReportingBasedon an Audit of Financial StatementsPerformedin Accordancewith Government AuditingStandards .... I Reporton Compliancewith RequirementsApplicableto EachMajor Programand on lnternalControlsOver Compliancein Accordancewith OMB Circular.{-133 . ... 3 Scheduleof Expendituresof FederalAwards: Awards .... of Expenditures of Federal Schedule Awards of Expenditures of Federal Notesto the Schedule Scheduleof FindingsandQuestionedCosts ..... 5 ........ 51 .. " 52 I I I I t I I t I t I I I t I I I t I t I I I I t t l T I I I I I I t l I I Reporton Complianceand on InternalControls Over FinancialReportingBasedon an Audit of FinancialStatementsPerformedin Accordance with GovernmentAuditing Standards PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP 333 BridgeStreet,N.W Suite505 CrandRapidsMl 49504-5356 Telephone(616) 458 7700 Facsimile(616)454 6375 To the Boardof Control MichiganTechnologicalUniversity: of MichiganTechnologicalUniversity(the "University") We haveauditedthe financialstatements as ofand for the year endedJune30, 1999,andhaveissuedour reportthereondatedAugust 20, 1999. We conductedour audit in accordance with generallyacceptedauditingstandardsand the standardsapplicableto financial auditscontainedin GovernmentAuditing Standards,issuedby the ComptrollerGeneralof the UnitedStates. Compliance As part of obtainingreasonable assurance aboutwhetherthe University'sfinancialstatementsare free of materialmisstatement, we performedtestsof its compliancewith certainprovisions of laws, regulations,conffactsand grants,noncompliancewith which could have a direct and material effect on the determinationof financial statementamounts. However,providing an opinion on compliancewith thoseprovisionswas not an objectiveof our audit and,accordingly, we do not express such an opinion. The results of our tests disclosedno instancesof AuditingStandards. noncompliance that arerequiredto be reportedunderGovernment InternalControlOverFinancialReporting In planning and performing our audit, we consideredthe University'sintemal control over for the purposeof expressingour financialreportingin orderto determineour auditingprocedures opinion on the financial statementsand not to provide assuranceon the internal control over financialreporting. Our consideration of the internalcontrol over financialreportingwould not necessarilydiscloseall mattersin the internal control over financial reportingthat might be is a conditionin which the designor operationof one materialweaknesses.A materialweakness or more of the internalcontrolcomponents doesnot reduceto a relativelylow level the risk that misstatements in amountsthat would be materialin relation to the financial statementsbeing auditedmay occurand not be detectedwithin a timely periodby employeesin the normal course of performingtheir assignedfunctions. We notedno mattersinvolving the intemal control over financialreportingandits operationthatwe considerto be materialweaknesses. This report is intendedsolely for the information and use of the Board of Control, University management,the Departmentof Health and Human Services(the cognizantagency)and Federal grantoragenciesand is not intendedto be and shouldnot be usedby anyoneother than these specifiedparties. However,this report is a matter of public record and its distribution is not limited. /AP August20,1999 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I t I t I I I I I I I I I I t t I Reporton Gompliancewith Requirements Applicableto Each MajorProgramand on Internal ControlsOver Compliancein AccordanceWith OMB GircularA-133 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP 333 BridgeStreet,N.W. Suite505 CrandRapidsMl 49504-5356 Telephone(616)458 7700 Facsimile {616)454 6375 To the Boardof Control MichiganTechnologicalUniversity: Compliance We have auditedthe complianceof MichiganTechnologicalUniversity (the "University")with the fypes of compliancerequirementsdescribedin the U.S. Office of Managementand Budget (OMB) Circular A-133 ComplianceSupplementthat are applicableto eachof its major federal programsfor the year ended June 30, 1999. The University'smajor federal programsare identified in the Summaryof Auditors Resultssectionof the accompanyingSummaryof the of laws,regulations,contracts FindingsandQuestionedCosts.Compliancewith the requirements andgrantsapplicableto eachof its majorfederalprogramsis the responsibilityof the University's management. Our responsibilityis to expressan opinionon the University'scompliancebasedon our audit. We conductedour audit of compliancein accordance with generallyaccepedauditingstandards; the standardsapplicableto financial auditscontainedin GovernmentAuditing Standards,issued by the ComptrollerGeneralof the United States;and OMB Circular A-133,Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Pro/it Organizations.Thosestandardsand OMB CircularA-133 require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonableassuranceabout whether noncompliancewith the types of compliancerequirementsreferredto abovethat could have a direct andmaterialeffecton a majorfederalprogam occurred.An auditincludesexamining,on a test basis,evidenceaboutthe University'scompliancewith thoserequirementsand performing suchotherprocedures aswe considered necessary in the circumstances.We believethat our audit providesa reasonable basisfor our opinion. Our audit doesnot provide alegal determinationon the University'scompliancewith thoserequirements. ln our opinion,Michigan TechnologicalUniversitycomplied,in all materialrespects,with the requirementsreferredto abovethat are applicableto eachof its major federalprogramsfor the yearendedJune30, 1999. governingbilling, recordkeeping, We did not auditthe University'scompliancewith requirements paymentprocessing,reportingand due diligencefunctionsfor the University'sFederalPerkins Loans Programs. Those requirementsgovernfunctionsperformedby University Accounting Service,Inc. Sincewe did not apply auditingproceduresto satisff ourselvesas to compliance with thoserequirements, the scopeof our work wasnot sufficientto enableus to express,andwe do not express,an opinionon compliancewith thoserequirements. governingthe functionsit UniversityAccountingService,Inc.'scompliancewith the requirements performsfor Michigan TechnologicalUniversity was auditedby anotherauditor,whose report was furnishedto us. Basedon our review of the other auditor'sreport,we havedeterminedthat includedin the Departmentof EducationAudit Guidethat are all of the compliancerequirements eitherin our report or applicableto the University'sFederalPerkinsLoan Programare addressed the report of the other auditor. Basedon our review of the other auditor'sreport, we have determinedthat it doesto containany findings of noncompliancepertainingto the servicesthat UniversityAccountingService,Inc. performsfor MichiganTechnologicalUniversity. InternalControlOver Compliance The managementof the University is responsiblefor establishingand maintaining effective internal control over compliancewith requirementsof laws, regulations,contractsand grants applicableto federal programs. In planning and performing our audit, we consideredthe University'sintemal control over compliancewith requirementsthat could have a direct and materialeffect on a major federalprogramin orderto determineour auditingproceduresfor the purposeof expressingour opinion on complianceand to test and reporton internalcontrol over with OMB Circular A-133. compliancein accordance payment The intemal control structurepoliciesandproceduresrelatingto billing, recordkeeping, processing,reportingand due diligencefirnctionsfor the University'sFederalPerkinsLoans are performedat University AccountingService,Inc. For thesecontrol structurecategories,other of the designof relevantpoliciesandprocedures,determined auditorsobtainedan understanding controlrisk. The otherauditor'sreport whetherthey havebeenplacedin operationand assessed hasbeenfurnishedto us; however,the scopeof our work did not extendto theseinternalcontrol structurepolicies and proceduresestablishedand maintainedat UniversityAccountingServicq Inc. Our considerationof the intemal control over compliancewould not necessarilydisclose all mattersin the internal control that might be material weaknesses.A materialweaknessis a condition in which the designor operationof one or more of the internal control componentsdoes not reduceto a relatively low level the risk that noncompliancewith applicablerequirementsof laws, regulations,contractsand grantsthat would be material in relation to a major federal programbeing auditedmay occur andnot be detectedwithin a timely period by employeesin the normalcourseof performingtheir assignedfunctions. We notedno mattersinvolving the internal controlover complianceandits operationthat we considerto bematerialweaknesses. This report is intendedsolely for the informationand use of the Board of Control, University the Departmentof Healthand HumanServices(the cognizantagency)and Federal management, grantoragenciesand is not intendedto be and shouldnot be usedby anyoneother than these specifiedparties. However,this report is a matter of public recordand its distributionis not limited. ef/lP August20,1999 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I l I I t I I I t T I I I I I UNIVERSITY TIC}SIO-CICAI }4ICHIGAII - SurnnryExperseby CFDA# Research to 06/30/1999 Frsn 07l0lll9,9,8 08t16n9gg FTQOPLlsA FundL3 CFDA# Index Fund Orgn Proposal#ContractI Furd Title Apunt l|clntyre Stennis t0.?02 llclntyre Stennis E20064R5092023005 9410098 IIcINIIRESIEi0'|IS Fimrnial llanager: l6-FY97-tkInti re-Stennis RschA&tin E Frayer 656.32 E20072F(5103223005 9712t0 ItINTIRESTENNIS Finarrial l'lanager: Fragentati on 16-FY98-Forest E Frayer 6.773.69 10.202 llclntyre Stennis E20074R5103423005 97tZL0 llclNIIRt SrEM{IS Financiallhnager: Eval A0CT-llondestructive }6-98-ADV E Frayer 3,990.85 10.?02 lhlntyre Stennis E20076Rsl036 23005 971210 ttll{Ilffi sltMls Finarcial llanager: l'6-Ff98-Viabilityof AnimalFoplat R 0 Peterson 5,240.91 10.202 lklntyre Stennis E20077R5103723005 971210 ItIMIIRESlt}$is Finarrial llanager: location/N-Cpli ACCT-C-Al 16-98-ADV K S Pregitzer 4.853.49 t0.202 l4clntyreStennis E20078R5103823005 941009 SIENNIS l'lcINTIRt Financialllanager: Adnini stratiqr f6-FY98-Research E Frayer 70.202 llclntyre Sternis E20079R5115723005 941009 Fragmntation ACCT-Forest ItINTIRESTENI'IIS i.6-99-A0V E Frayer Finarrialflanager: 10.202 ltlntyre Stennis E20080R5ll58 23005 941009 l'lctlfnffi SIENNIS Finarciallhnager: t0.202 l4clntyreStennis E20081R5i159 23005 941009 ACCT-ViabilityAniml Pop STENNIS IS-SS-ADV I'ICINTIRE R 0 Peterson Financiall|amger: 16,973.91 t0.202 ltlntyre Stennis E20082R5116023005 941009 1ocati on/ll-Cycli IkINTIRE STENNIS i6-99-ADVACCT-C-AI K S Pregitzer Finarrial llanager: 13,448.50 r0.202 ltlntyre Stennis E20083Rs116123005 941009 llcll{Ilffi SIEHNIS Finarrialllanager: Adninistrati ve ACCT-Rsch I6-99-ADV E Frayer 43,711.15 t0.202 ltlntyre Stennis E20084R5116223805 941009 ttIllTIRf SIENNIS FinarrialHamger: r Enission Control l6-99-A0VACCT-Ai G 0 llcGinnis 13,178.52 10.202 ltlntyre Stennis E20085R5116323805 941009 AsPen ltltInRE STEN],IIS l6-99-A0YA0CT-Transgenic C Tsai Finarria'l llarnger: n.m2 l|clrrtyre Stennis ve Eval ACCT-llondestructi }6-99-ADV G 0 lkGinnis 66,689.02 L6,U2.@ 13,4,|8.46 12,115.65 2t7.423.t5 TOTAT FORCFDNIO.2O2 Ihe accolpanyirg mtes are an integral part of thesefinancial statemnts. 2t7.423.15 I I UNIYERSITY TEO$nLSICJI. HICIJIGAI{ - Swmry EpensebY CFDA# Research to 06/30/1999 Frcm07/01/1998 0Bt16nwg FKIOPLl&C FurdL3 CfDA# Index Fund Orgn Proposal#ContractI FundTitle U S Deptof Agriculture: E20229R5053524105 922r02A 92-37103-7945 10.206 Finarriallhnager: U S Deptof Agrlculture: 6DA-!bml i gnol/8i osyntletic Enrytne l{ H Canpbell 0.00 0.00 U S Forest Service: , 10.206 U S Forest SerYice: E20269R5083424105 941143 95-37107-1665 Finarrial lbnager: i s Geres/Ectolycorhiza USDA-syrbios G K Podila 73.9U.96 10.206 U S ForestService: E20274R5083824105 9s0255 95-37103-2109 Finarrial l'lanager: cal Structure/Furrtion USDA-Biochenri lJ H Canpbell 74,6n.81 10.206 U S ForestService: E2048 R5092823805 960?12 96-35500-3567 Finarciallbnager: Preserv PressureTrtrnts tSAG'R:Irood P E Laks 38,0U.69 10.206 U S ForestService: E20310R5l0l8 8007 97-35101-4315 Finarrial lbnager: ve Landscapelbnag ttSRGR-RSI/Adpati J Chen 78,4€.7.49 10.206 U S ForestService: 820313R5104622405 961233 97-35103-4897 Finarrial lhrnger: - Load-Duration BehaYior TEAGR l{ H Bul'leit 31,990.26 10.206 U S ForestService: E20316R5105623005 9702W 97-353r4-5W Fimrcial lbnager: gni ng Regeneration Systen TAAGR-Oesi D D Reed 92,911.83 10.206 U S ForestService: E20328R5lt42 23805 980?17 98-351(F-6530 Finarciallbnager: ecular Characterization [.6AGR-l'lo'l C Tsai 10.206 U S ForestService: E20330R51166205 980114 9B-355{14-6556 Finarciallhnager: Chain Archi tecture USAGR-Copolyner G T Caneba 10.206 U S ForestService: E2033f R5u78 24105 980118 98-35103-6533 Finarrial llanager: lbrBotic Genes IJSAGR-ClonirP G K Podila 96n?f 8,643.53 32,976.4 w.32 w2.4W.A r0TArFoRcFDAt10.206 w..4F;0.4 U S ForestService: E20318R5109523005 970433 U S ForestService: 97-X200-5275 Finarriallbnager: notesare an integral part of these financia'l statemnts' Ihe acconpanyirp ly ErEirreeredlrees IJSAGR-Genetical 0 F KarrnskY 58.512.61 I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 08n61t99B FTQOPLlsA FundL3 t t 10.224 U S ForestService: CFDA# Orgn Proposal* Contractf E20319R5109724105 970433 97-%200-5?75 Financiallbnager: FundTitle EngineeredTrees TAAGR-Gerretically 6 K Podila Fffi CMA,N.?24 TOTAT Amunt 73,7U.01 82,zfi.62 U S ForestService: T I I I I I I I I I I I Index Furd sz.?t6.62 t I t I'NIVERSITY }1ICH1GA}'I IECHNOI-OGIC"AI Research- SurnaryEryerseby CFD/* to 06/30/199 Fron 0710111998 SRS33-Cl-97-104 Financialibnager: optirml LogBuckirg l6DA-Extersions JBPickens 38,241.91 2g-94-I2 - ln I Financial lbnager: L6DA-lticrqnaticVegetationard Deco J Chen 18,250.94 10.652 U 5 ForestService: E20247R5101323{105 9701f/2 10.652 U S ForestSerYice: E2O?49R106i3 n505 10.652 U S Forest Service: E20285R508S0A007 %f/mg cyc'lingAspen co-oPAGsfi a-136-AlotsDA-carbon/Nitr€en KSPregitzer Finarcial lhnager: 56,409.23 10.652 U S ForestService: E20288Rl07l1 28505 940510 Ecosvsten Co-OpAs a-918-AfO5 IjSoA-Clinntic/Pollution KSPregitzer Financiallbnager: 30,138.44 10.652 U S ForestService: E20296R5091823005 960818 llatter Distribution IEAGR-organic SRS29-CA-96-093-AI'DI HFJurgersen Finarrial lhnager: 16.413. 16 10.652 U S ForestService: E2030i R5100224105 941039 23-081-A0lO.4 Fjnanciall'larnger: 10.652 U S ForestService: E20312R5103023005 970808 Carbonl|dls/Hydricsoils tsAGR-Soil SR533-CA-97-224-A}O1 HFJurgersen Finarrciallbnager: 10.65? U S ForestService: E20317R5106023805 970809 10.652 U S ForestService: E20321R5ll08 2n05 10.652 U S Forest Service: E2Og25l$ll 2m5 9N302 98-G-3047 ot Insect Pests t$IGR-Biocontrol 6KPodila .n 27,577 18.176.33 of Vtr Emissions TSAGR-Evaluation Firnncial lhnager: DJGardner 971142 ADVACC0tNr Financia'lI'brnger: Studies WoodFiber ACCT IEAGR-ADV GTbrcba g7ll42 PolystyrerBcorposites I TEAGR-Study sRs33-CA-98-427-At"D GTCaneba Financiall'bnager: 2.127.808,000.00 ?tL.f64.99 10.652 IOTALFORCFDA# Theaccoparyir4 mtes are an integral part of these finarrcial staterents. 2n.664.99 lrlc-r.tlGAlt rEclsl0t06lcAuNlvtxslTy - Surnary Epemeby CFDA| Research Fr-on07101/1998 to 05/30/1999 08n6/r9p9 Fr@1l&C FurdL3 CFDAil Index Fund Orgn Proposall ContractI FundTitle lrpunt t U S ForestSeryice: 10.664 U S Forest Serrice: E20271R1068023005 950707 42-95-0015-47 Finarrial l'bnager: RoqtDisease IEDA-Cylindnocladiun |l R Gale 4t.46.7.n 10.664 U S Forest Service: E20308R51005ru05 970609 M-97-0m Finarrial lbnager: Lor-Gradelkhd Lwber TSAGR-|brlets 6 0 llcGinnis B.0n.2l l0.664 U S ForestService: E20327R5114023805 980428 98-6-3U6 Financiallhnager: Characteristics lldwd USAGR-llar? J lf Forslrnn t6.m0.?6 10.664 U S Forest Service: E20331Rsll67 23805 98093i1 M-98-0247 Finarrial lbmger: & Adtlini stration l,BlGR-Coordination P E Laks 10.664 U S ForestService: E20332Rsll68 23805 980932 M-98-0248 Finarrial ltrnger: Biofi ltration tlnit USAGR-lbnitor G D llc6innis 35,557.57 10.664 U S ForestService: t20333 R5l17l 23005 980931 M-98-0249 Financiallbnager: Analysislti Resourc USAG'R-Landscape D D Reed 14,486.83 ?.39.m rn.t44.84 10.664 FM CFDA# TOTAL tB.t4/.u U S Deptof CormrceFedPasslhru: E28493R8061724105 940906P3 P.0. 3000006593 tt.4l7 Finarrciall'lanager: U S Deptof CcnmrceFedPasslhru: Fisheries'in the Fac UNIVE-salrpnid S H BoBn E28494R8061823005 940906P3 P.0. 3000006593 ll.4t7 Finarrial l'lanager: U 5 Deptof CormrceFedPassThru: Fisheries in the Fac UNIVE-Salnpnid A L |bclean 10.46I.24 0.6010.460.64 11.417 FORCFDA# TOTAT 10,460.64 t'lo4AFedPassThru: 11.430 l,l0AAFedPassThru: EZ85l3 R806442405 bl e Assisted Study UNIVE-Submrsi !l R Urban 47,288.I5 ll .430 ll0AAFedPassThru: e-assisted Study 16182l UNIYE-Subnersib'l E28562R8065922405 9708Dm 219-99/FnS Urban N R lbnagen: Finarrial 13,24t-03 9708t7 FW#ZtZl lbrnger: Financial 60,529.18 11.430 ma FoRCFDA# mtes are an lntegral part of these financial statererts. Theacconpanlrirp I I 18 50.529. I I l I I t I I I I I I I T I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I l UNIVERSITI TEOilO-OGICAL HICITIGAI{ Research- Sr,nmryE.PensebY CFD,q# to 06/30/1999 Frqn 0710111998 08/16/1999 FKIOPIlSA FundL3 CFDS Index Fund 6gn Proposal#Contract# I I Arpunt U S Deptof Coonprte: E24832R5091122405 950803 M66GP0375-AD2 11.431 Finarrial l'lanager: U S Deptof Cqrrerce: itrogen O(ide Northlflantic ttSCOl-N R E lbnrath 72.923.23 824833 R509992405 11.431 U S Deptof CcnnBrce: 950803 M66GP0375-Am2 Fimrria'l l'lanager: Oxidellorth Atla USCO'l-RSI/t'titrogen R E lbnrath 24.810.99 E24834R51135n405 11.lB1 U S Deptof CqrnBrce: e70807 M86GP0325 Finarntall4anager: i c lttpocts Ozone t$C0l-Anthropogen R E lbnrath fi.*6.23 136,730.45 11./BI FORCFDA# TOTAL 136.730.45 Office of llaval ResearchFed Pass: 12.300 E28731R80A|6 ?3805 980526 Office of llaval ResearchFed Pass: G0{t621 Firnrria'l l4anager: CcnpositesRecycle t[oSHI-tlood-Based. G D ltGinnis 75,381.56 75.381.56 U S (Xfice of lhval Resbarch: lheory of Crystal Decorpo P0'lR-Basic E21092R5052022505 gW132 N00014-91-J-1953-IO0 12.300 ABKunz Finarriall'lanager: U S Office of ilaval Research: 12.300 E21130R5109422505 980132 U S 0ffice of Naval Research: [rcrgetic So'lids P0NR-Properties N00014-91-J-1953-}S ABKuru !frnager: Finarrial stabilization ilove'l P0FFIC-Epitaxial E21145R5088222705 950919 N00014-96-l-0793-tlo0 l2.300 M Krishrnrurthy l'larnger: Finarrial U S 0ffice of ilaval Research: OiR-ElectronicStructure Ca.lculatio E21152R5099122505 961105 il0@14-97-1-0756/A01 12.300 l{ F Perger lvlanager: Finarrlal U S Office of lhval Research: 12.203.20- 20r.708.n 12.53€.84 tot.272.N 303.316.41 T0TALFoRCF0A#U.300 .97 378.697 U S Anry L?.431 U S Army E20601R510822705 9704z8 lbvel lticrostrtrtur 0Mffi5-98-l-0082-lf0PtsAsl-synthesis Fimrcial l'lanager: T H Courtrey I t Furd Title The acccflpanyirgrptes are an integral part of these finarnial statetents' 9 5l'471'05 TECI.INOIOGIC.AT IJNIVERSITY HIC1IIGAN - Surmary Experseby CfDA# Research to 06/30/1999 From07101/1998 08n6/LW FIQOPLIAA Fund L3 CFOA# Irdex Fund 0rgn Proposa'l#Contractf FundTitle n.431 U S Anry E20603R5108922705 950914 lhrpstructures DAtG55-98-l-0174 tsA$4-Se]f-0rganized SAllackneY Finarriallbnagr: 49,319.n L2.43t U S AntU E20604R5ll85 22705 970428 ibvel Microstnrtur PtsAB|-synthesls DAAG55-98-1-0082-100 TH CourtneY Finarrial lbnager: 3.183. 13 103,973.,10 Office: U S AnnyResearch E20ffi0 ffi0952 2n05 960917 DAAG55-97-1-0084tsAtilt- AtcxnicForceHicroscope r?.431 J G ilil'liams Finarrial lbnager: Office: U S Arfly Research 5,774.80 5,774.80 12.431 T0TAIFoRCFDA# t09,748.20 U S Air Force 12.800 U S Air Force E21l3l R507952605 940907 u.800 E2tL32 R50796n705 9N907 U S Alr Force lnstabiI iti es T6AlR-spatio-Tenpora'l F496m-95-1-0208-P03 E C Aifantis Finarrial }lanager: 15,501.85 o-Terporal Instabilities USAIR-Spnti F49620-95-l-0208-P03 H H Hi'lligan Finarrciallbnager: 1,940.86 12.800 U S Air Force E21146R5089624605 950615 stic-Ad Initio G]culatl USAIR-Atcmi F49620-96-r-0319-P05 Finarrial l'lanager: R Pandey 75,886.34 12.800 U S Air Force E2tL47 F50897 ?2,705 960232 US{IR-Ge Qtntrn-Dots on Silicqt F49620-95-l-0313-P03 KrishnamrrthY H lbnager: Finarrial 11,613.74 72.800 U S Air Force t2ll49 R5094122505 960813 Imagirg USAlR-urronventiornl F496m-97-l-0053/P02 T J Scttulz Financiall{anager: 57,673.67 12.800 U S Air Force E21157R5108{t225{15 980102 1lation Control TEAIR-Scinti F49620-98-l-0?95-P0l H Roggenann Flnanciallbnager: 49,069.83 12.800 U S Air Force E21163R5ll79 22505 980405 F4964-99-1-0088 Financiallbnager: tMlR-l)pperAtmspheric Turbulerce H Roggsnarut 12.800 U S Air Force E3387659010622605 940W7 F49f,m-95-l-0208 Finarrial lbnager: - Xinhai ZhuFellorhip I{TU/IJSAIR E C Aifantis ffi.378.62 1.058.41 ?5,9,1?3.32 U.8O|l TOTAL FORCFDA# Ihe accorpanyirgrotes are an irtegral part of thesefinarrial statemnts- 10 269.L?3.32 I I T I I I I t t I I I I I t I I I t I I I t I t t T I t I I I I TJNIVERSITY }lICltIGAilIEC}O0LGICTI- SunnaryEperse by CFDA# Research Frcn 07/01/1998 to 06130119f9 08n6n989 FTQOPLl&q FundL3 CFDA# Index Furd (hgn Proposal#Contract# thtional Security Agency: E21069R5097524305 951009 tf,p&4-97-l-0072-P02 MTl0-Corbinatorial Configurations tz.90l D L Kreher Finarrial l'lamger: llational Security Agency: 8,744.49 E21159R5110424305 961048 loA904-98-1-0509 MTl0-Applicationof LinearCodes 12.901 J Eierbrauer Finarrial llanager: llational Security Agerrcy: 11,025.00- 2.280.5tI2.9OI FORCFDA# TOTAL 2,280.5t- U 5 GeologicalSurvey: ]latershedEcosysten tFG[O-Boreal E23008R1074624105 970608 1434-Ct-97-AG-0001i 15.975 J H Adler Finarnial i'lanager: Survey: U S Geo'logica'l 90,399_75 90.399.75 15.975 T0rArFoRCFDA# 90.399.75 U 5 Deptof LaborFederalPasslhru 17.600 Efrgn R4f/sgt22W5 860708 FY95AGS,fiL0l0ll94 MIW-Minesfty/Hlth trng. Program Finarrial ltlanager: D H Carlson Labor Federal Passlhru of U S Oept 153.13153.13- 17.600 FORCFDA# TOTAL 1S3.t3- Deptof Tramportation Displayof Traffic Info 20.108 E24790R5091022505 %062L 96-6-032-A100002 FAA-Cockpit J B Burl Finarrial l'lanager: Deptof Transportation 19.341.13 13 19.341. 2O.IO8 FORCFDA# TOTAL t t I I I FundTitle mtes are an integral part of these finarrial statenpnts. lhe accorpanying 11 13 19.341. Fund L3 CFDA# I I I IJNIVERSNY HICHIGAI{ TECI+NLGICAL Research- SunmryE4emebYCFD/* 06/30/1999 wn6llgEp FTQOPLIsA Index Furd 0rgn PropoSalf,ContractI FundTitle llational Science Foundation: E23104R5l08l 2205 47.04r ihtional Scierre Fourdation: 970533 8ES-972651-$1n03 ISF - OpenInterrct-Based llorkslrcp D R Shonnard Finarrial lhnager: Intelligent Info Processor E23108R5109222s05 970714 tCS-97$l/A-l}{) 002 l{SF-Dv1p 47.041 N N Schulz lbnager: Finarrlal lhtional Scierre Foundation: vi tylReactionPath E23109R51102?2205 950424 cTs-9523936-ll0005 NF-RIUConducti 47.04t K H Schulz lhnager: Finarrtal llational ScienceFoundation: 47.04r 94,023-27 2,&5.n 96t910 ttrltirpdia CrseElec Enrgl ECS-961S20-40002i6F-REU L J Botrnann F'inanclallhnager: 3.436.88 E23lll R5n12 22505 960620 ECS-96r5658-ll000l tlsf-(RIU)Wil ity Storml|anageent N ll Schulz Financiallbnager: 8,690. i5 E23ll0 R51103nws llational ScienceFoundation: 47.041 4,832.91 ilational Scierce Foundation: 8ES-9802198 Ez3llg R5ll34 2?705 97t022 47.041 Finarrial l'lamger: Foundation: thtional Scierrce snrsof Fly-Ash NF-Bindingl'lechani S K Kavatra 4.684.9 47.04t E23t2t Rsll4l 22205 980525 8ES-9814504 Finarrcialllanager: ihtional Scierre Foundation: itfg Indust Softr'areChem ISF-Assess D R Shonnard 7,3f,2.08 E23122R5114724205 9S0346 EEC-9872533 47.041 Finarrciallhnager: thtional ScierrceFoundation: ErggEducation l6F-Redesign D A l-yrrh 8,360.61 47.04L E?3123R5114821105 980346 EEC-9872533 Finarrctallbnager: tlationalScienceFoundation: EnggEducation NF-Redesign B P Joyce 1,35r.44 tEc-9872533 Finarrciallhmger: EnggEducation NF-Redesign S A Sorby 5,905.80 E23r28 P5ll52 22005 980346 EEC-987?53B 47.04r Finarrial lhnagr: Foundation: IthtionalScierrce gn ErPgEducation t6F-Redesi M R Plichta 3,435.05 47.04t E23t24 R5tL49 22N5 tlationa'lScierre Foundation: 980346 47.041 E231A R5115322005 98036 llational Scierre Foundation: ffc-9872533 Finarrial llamger: gn ErEgEducltion t6F-Redesi |l R P'lichta 91,909.27 47.041 EAl32 R5ll8l 22005 98846 ihtional ScienceFoundation: EEC-9872533 Financia'llbnager: NF - lfru Project Cost/Share 11R Plichta 20,r78.62 DrI-9875251 Finarcial lhnagr: l6F-HybridProcessesfor l'lachiniry H H l4i11er l?,431.32 f'j'r-9p73P,78 Financial lbnager: Syrergistic Effects NF-N}JRE: J A King 1l,631.09 47.04t E23t40P5n99 z:605 9W726 ilational Sclence Foundation: 47.041 Em44 P5r2t5 2217 9ur2L7 lhtional Sclerre Foundation: Ihe accupanyirgnotes are an integral part of these finarrial statemnts. 12 t I I I I I I I T t I I I T I I I t I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I T l UIIIVERSITY HICHIGA},I TTCHIU.GICA - Sr.urnnry Expemeby CFW Research to 06l30ll9fE Frqn 0710L1t998 08n6tI98p FTQOPLIsA FurdL3 CFDA# Irdex Fund Orgn Proposall CortractI FundTitle 002 NF-DvlpIntelligent Info Processor ECS-9733148-APD 47.04t E23L45R5tn0 22505 9707t4 N N Schulz I'hnager: Finarrial llationalkience FouMation: t.45.73 NF-In Situ SubsurfaceRolpdiation EEC-9420526-A|'0007 0 R Shornard Financiall|anager: 3.253.92 47.04t E24102W0762 22555 940630 EtC-9420526-llD007ISF-InSitu SubsurfaceRemdiation Finarrial i'lanager: A S llayer ilational Scierre Foundation: 6,832.9? 06-9414361-Al'0005NF-Aquiferlleterogenetity Estinnte C T Young Finarrial l'lanager: 5,813.35 v i tylReaction Pattnays 005 l6F-Conducti CTS-954936-A}O K H Schulz Financiall'lanager: 35,t47.74 47.04t E24t0t Pffi7il ?n05 llationalScierreFoundation: 940630 47.04t E?4t06 P50776n555 lhtiornl ScierreFoundation: 94322 47.047 E24120R50il4 ?n\s tlationalScienceFoundation: v50424 lron & Zirr lhits ISF-Reclanation 47.04t E241309508/'7 22705 950427 CT5-9524970-AHD002 lhssaralla C L Finarrial l'lanager: ihtional ScierceFoundation: 47.04t E24t3€ R5087022555 94$n llat'ionalScierceFoundation: 41.04L E24150R509082605 lhtional ScierreFoundation: 950928 fer lleterogenetityEstirate tSF-Aqui O6-94i4351-A1',0005 Finarrial l'lanager: C T Youtg nil-962n46-Nfi 003 tSF-FlorSirulation & l'lo'ldDesign H Gupta Finarrial hnager: at lfTU 002 NF-EnvEnggRschlJndergrads 47.041 E24t55 Rfi942 22405 960920 EEC-961%65-A}O K G Paterson llanager: Finarrial Foundation: Scierrce Nationa'l 23,785.83 2,24r.W 46,099.35 t32.079.57 IntegratedCircuits 002 ISF-Gals-Based 47.041 E24156R5094622505 960916 EEC-961%46-AIO A K 6oel Finarrial llanager: ion: llationa'lkience Foundat 91,621.45 Integrated Circuits 002 tS'F-GaAs-Based 47.04L E?4t57 P$094722W5 960915 EEC-9619646-Al',O Finarrial Hanager: A K Coel lhtiona'lScierceFoundation: 38,615.50 ECS-9615658-Am00ll6F-llti I ity Storml4anagenent 47.04I E24163Rs096922505 9606m N l'l Schulz Finarrial l'lanager: thtional ScienceFoundation: 47.041 E24t67 P50978U05 ihtional Scierre Fourdation: %0924 06-961M91-A}O002NF - StrainGradientPlasticitY Finarrial Hanager: H Krishnarurthy 47.04L E24I70 W0985 22605 9703115 S|I-9628984-AD005 l$F-Greer ArardScientists/Engrs J l{ Sutherland Finarrial l'lanager: llational ScierrceFourdation: _ NF-ltultinediaCourseElec Erergl 47.04t E24U5 R5099622505 960910 ECS-9619320-A}O002 L J Botrnarn Finarrciall'lanager: lhtional ScienceFoundation: mtes are an integral part of these financial statemrts. Ihe accorpanyirg 13 3,210.63 949.00 12,492.63 u0,033.70 ltCHlFtOeICltLhlIvtRsITY HIClltGAll - SwrnaryExpemeby CFDIS Research to 061301199E From07/01/1998 08tI6tL9€p FTQOPLTsA FundL3 CFDA# Index Fund U4179 Wlltl 47.041 tlational ScierrceFoundation: Orgn Proposal#ContractI 2605 %0934 FundTitle 004 NF-Eploration of l,lenDesig Aventl IF,tI-96104tt-Al'D A Chandra Finarrial lhnager: 6,A8.?7 Pr NF-Precisionl'ticrcrnanufacturirp C R Friedrtch 35.916.95 n605 970345 t|,ll-9628984-ll0005 NF-REUCareerAmrd Scientists/Erg 47.04t U4181Rs1015 J ll Suther'land Finarrial lbnager: Foundation: ihtional Scierrce 5.918.75 Interacti onslticrotub I$F-Chem/llech D J 0dde 14,925.06 Rs1012 ?2ffi5 970601 EEC-979f;26 E24180 47.04t Financialllanager: llationalScierreFoundatlon: E24ls2 P5]076 22205 9i0135 8ES-97103!l 47.04t Financiallhnager: ilational SclenceFoundation: E24l84 P.s]:02l2505 47.041 ihtional Scierre Foundation: %0910 tcs-9619320-llD002 t$F-lbltimdia CourseElecErergy N ll Schulz Finarrial llanager: 3,286.53 NF - OpenInternet-Basedlforkshop E24194R5105022205 970633 8ES-9727651-AID003 47.04t 0 R Shonnard Finarrial lhnager: ion: |lati onal ScienceFoundat 38.584.11 BES-972765r-40003NF - 0penInternet-Basedlforkshop D R Shonnard Finarrial lhnagr: 1,738.56 47.04I €24195R51051m05 lhtional ScienceFoundation: 970633 E24197W1062 n605 950928 il11-%U46-Nfi 003 NF-FlonSinulationE I'b1dt)esign 47.Mt H Gupta Financiallbnager: lon: lhtional ScienceFoundat t.027.51 004 NF-Explorationof lbr DesignAvent E24199R5107222605 960934 BII-9610411-A|D 47.04t A Chandra Financiallbnager: tlational ScienceFoundation: 6,L70.32 l|od I ECS97-07800 Finarrial llanager: tI'IIVE-Sirglet CoupledQuantwn-Dots 14 KrishnarurthY 34,5t0.24 98-0-l Finarrcialltnager: Interfacial Chenistry Arnlysi UNIVEJ l{ Drelich 34.373. ll E28639R8094 22605 930825 Sttsf94-152-Am05 47.M| Fimrrial l'lanager: lhtional ScienceFoundationFedPas UNM-ILL-Coalitionl|ach.ToolTech J ll Sutherland 32.W.09 47.041 E3400959016322605 e30825 StB t94-r52-At0 05 Finarrciallbnager: llatlona'lScierre FoundationFedPas MIU- YanYueFello*shiP J lf Sutherland 14.509.41 47.041 E34010 s9016422605 93082s Sttsf94-152-lm 0s Financialllanager: lhtlonal ScierceFoundationFedPas fru - GeShenFellorshiP J lJ Sutherland 14,44L.37 47.04I En49L M0620 22705 %l2ll lhtional Sclerre FoundationFedPas 47.041 E2ffi20 P8,06n ??705 970824 ihtional Science Foundation Fed Pas 47-041 E3409659025122605 9u0726 lhtional Sc'ience Foundation: B,rt-987s251 Finarrcialllanager: MIU- I'leiminfu FellottshiP H H Hil ler 2,180.00 Lt70.?2]6.r4 FoRCrDtt 47.041 ToTAL T I I I I I I I I T I I I I I r.t70.226.t4 I Theaccurpanying rntes are an integral part of thesefinarrcial statemds. 14 t I I I I I I I I t t t I I t I I I I I I l $IYERSITY I{ICHIGAN ]ECIOIOToGICJI Research- Sr.umnry Epenseby CFD/* Frsn 07l0lll99u to 06/30/1999 08t76t1989 FTQOPLISA Fundt,3 CFDA# Idex Fund Orgn Proposal#ContractI FundTitle Ar,punt lhtiona] ScienceFoundation: CircurnstellarInnging E23107R5l09l 24605 960819 ASr-9618803-4n003NF-RSI/Deep 47.049 Ftaclas C l{anager: Finarcial llationa'l Scierre Fourrdation: 15,000.00 N'F-IntegralllethodsScierre/Erg98 B S Bertram 11,901.62 l6F - tEF/CBl6Confin thth Science J Oorp 5,124.55 47.049 E23Ll7 R511312A05 llatiornl ScienceFoundation: 970935 tf6-9800673 Finarrial !'lanager: 47.049 EAl3l R5ir65 24305 %0402 t|6-9813767 Finarrial l'lanager: lhtional ScienceFoundation: 47.049 EAI$ R511882€05 Natiornl ScierreFoundation: 960921 Stnrtures screte Random 003 iSF-RIU/Di tf6-9619889-Al'0 A P Godbole Finarrial llanager: Stnrctures screte Randcm 003 NF-REU/Oi D|6-9619889-tE Ent42 PS12L024305 %0921 47.049 A P Godbole l'lanager: Finarrial ihtional ScienceFoundation: 47.049 E24097W0747 2705 lhtional Scierre Foundation: 940141 E24t23 R508272305 41.049 iht'ional Sc'ierreFoundation: 950253 47.049 t24134 R508592705 llational ScienceFoundation: 950256 Dfl-9410454-AlO002 NF-LateralGrowthInstabilities S A lhckrey Finarrclall'lanager: 4,U4.98 913.05 $a-9521875-A10001NF-IheGrainStructureof Gstirgs Finarrial l,lanager: A llellawell 4,193.48- 004 NF-Epitaxiallloms[ructureSiIicon Ilfl-9624456-AtD FinancialManager: D J Swerson 47.049 824L46P50886,22705 950lll tlationalScienceFoundation: Drfl-9520173 Finarrial l'lanager: 824L44R508€422705 951013 19,396.83 Spec clE-9s12445-AO0l NF-Nuclearl|agnetic Resonarrce P P lturthy Finarrial hnager: thtional Science Foundation: 47.n49 4.W.96 NF-NupricalClass-Hicrostructure A llellawell 24.t74.25 180,352.82 Circwstellar Imgirg NF:FSI/Deep 47.049 E24158R5095824605 960819 AST-9618803-llD003 C Ftaclas Finarrial l'larnger: thtional ScienceFoundation: 35,896.78 Structures screte Random E24159R5095924305 960921 s6-9619889-llD003 NF-R[U/D| 47.049 A P Godbole Financialllanager: llational Scierre Foundatlon: 32,650.35 47.049 E24164P$0972n705 Itlati onal Scierre Foundation: 47.049 961032 E24r7t W0987 ?46,05 960941 llational Scierre Foundation: 47.049 E24176F5L003 22405 970118 ilational Scierrce Foundation: wR-970n63-An 00? NF-GIassFormirEAbility AlloYs Financiall'lanager: 0 J Swenson 52,974.30 delActinideAtqm Pr{Y-9605213-nO 002 N'F-Prop.Lanthani D R Beck Finarrcialllanager: 17.460.08 crf-9709381 Financiallhroger: mtes are an integral part of thesefinarrial statemnts. Ihe accorpany'irg 15 Alkanes NF-Polyhalogenated J A PerlirEer 3,6n.98 CFDA# I UI'IIVERSITY TECH}IOLOGICAL HIOTIGAN - SurnnryExpense by CFO/* Research to 0613011999 Frm 0710111998 08t16/1999 FTQOPLlBA FundL3 Index Fund 0rgn Proposal#Contract# t FundTitle E24178R5100824605 961023 A5T-9701716 47.049 Financial l'lanager: ltati onal ScienceFoundation: Tenporallhivers NF-RSl/understard R J l'leniroff E24185R5102324305 961107 D6-9704471 47.049 Flnarrial ltlanager: lht i onal ScierrceFoundation: NF - llarkovChainllodel T R O'lson E3406359021824605 961023 A5T-9701716 47.049 FinancialhnagPr: |htiornl Scierre Foundation: lfiU - llellesleyPereiraFelloship R J tbniroff I u.552.73 4.786.72 17,589.34 5ll,327.86 47.049 TUIATFORCFDAJ 51t.327.85 E23113R5111522555 980207 EAR-9810773 47.050 Fimncial llanager: llational ScierreFoundation: Rockl'lagretnreter NF-superconduct J F Dieh'l 185,020.00 E23ll8 R5113322555 980122 EAR-9809813 47.050 Financia'lManager: lhtiornl ScierrceFoundation: of tftah'slht'l Parks NF-Geo]oqy J E lhmtoon n .260.50 EAR-%27263 E24136R5086622555 9fi522 47.050 Financiall{anager: Foundation: lhtional Science s/tlrperconcentratdFlo{ l6F-Debri J ll Vallarrce 47.050 8241€ m0883 22555 95t202 EAR-962857s Financialhrnger: ihtional ScienceFoundation: NF-EruptiveHistory |hunt Rrinier J l{ Val'lance I4t.78 27,*4.37 1,870.65 DopplerRadar 002 NF-RSl/Polarinetric E24tN R50W2 24605 950312 AlH-9512685-AlO 47.050 Kostinski A B l'lanager: Finarrial lhtiornl ScierceFoundation: 58,142.61 l ity Variati NF-thgneticSusceptibi J F Dtehl 33.610.52 E24r68 P50982?2555 %nA. 47.050 National ScienceFoundation: EAR-970s718 Financiallbnager: E241ffi F5102824107 970m 47.050 Foundation: tlational Sc'ience Turbidlty Plues wE-g7zffi-,c/o 002 NF-RSI/Hagnitude C (erfoot Finarrial l4anager: 34,913.01 E24187Rsl029 22583 970m 47.0s0 lhtional ScienceFoundation: Turbidity Plms 0ct-9726680-Al0002 l6F-RSl/i'laCIitude J lf Budd Financiallbnager: 81.218.s5 Current of Kareenav E24188R5104022305 970312 w.-971n72-An 002 NSF-RSI/Inpact 47.050 S A 6reen l{anager: Ftnarrial lhtional ScierceFoundation: mtes are an integral part of these finarrial staterents. the accorpanying 16 I I t Foundation: lhttonal Science Volcan.Ash NF-Fate/TransPort E2479 R106M 2:555 931138 EAR-9406093-AlO00l 47.050 Rose l{ I lbnager: Flnarrial thtional ScierrceFourdation: t 179,532.11 I I I I I t I I I I I I t I t I I I I T I I I I I T t l l I l IJNIVERSITY TECH}NI.OGICAT MICHIGAN - Sunnary Experseby CFDA# Research tu A613011999 From07/01/1998 08n6t1999 FTQPLISA FundL3 CFDH Index Fund Orgn Proposal#Contract# FundTitle fipunt Currert ffE-971n72-ltfi 002 NF-RSI/Irpactof Keweenaw E24189R5104124105 9703t2 47.050 C Kerfoot Finarrial l'lanager: ilational Sc'lenceFoundatlon: 73,72..93 Current cr;E-97rn72-Nfr002 ISF-Irpact of the Kedeenav 824190R5104224105 9703t2 47.050 l{ A Auer Fimncial l{anager: lhtional Scierre Foundation: 55,441.94 Current 47.050 E24191R5104i!22555 970312 cf;E-97rn72-Nfl002 NF-RSI/Inpactof Keueenaw If J Budd Finarrial l'lanager: lhtional ScierrceFoundation: %,767.t7 Current E?4192W10U 22445 970312 cr,t-9712872-ND002NF-Inpact of the Kerrcenax 47.0s0 N R Urban Financiallhnager: lhtional ScienceFourdat'ion: 65,434.90 Currert 002 ISF-Inpactof the Kaneenaw E24193R5104522405 970312 EE-97L2872-Am 47.050 M T Auer Financiall'lanager: lhtional ScienceFoundation: 107,310.06 47.050 E24196R5105522555 970541 EAR-97?ffi2 Financiallhnager: ItlationalScienceFourdation: Interact NF-Vol. Cloud/Abnsphere l{ I Rose 63,476.62 &E-97n872-tI'D00? lflU - TcrnFlicker Fel.'lotship 47.050 E3403659019022305 9703t2 S A Green Finarrial |lanager: thtional ScierreFoundation: 12,901.03 JeongFello*shiP 002 HIU - Jaebong E3403959019322405 97031? cf;E-9712872-llfr 47.050 N R Urban ilanager: Finarrial ilationalScienceFoundation: 13,048.37 Fello*hiP Dill Cookman 002 MIU-Becky E3404059019422583 970222 0CE-9726680-IH0 47.050 J lJ Budd Finarrial lbnager: ihtional ScienceFoundation: I,058.33- Fello*shiP 002 MIU- RobertCooknnn WE-91L2872-A}/D 47.050 E3404159019522555 9703t2 J l{ Budd lhnager: Financial tlatlonalScierreFourdation: I,058.34 002 HTU- llargaret 8a'lachorki Fel'lotr 47.050 E3477 590232225&3 970222 0CE-9726680-A|D J l'l Budd l'lanager: Financial ilationalScienceFourdation: 16.645.00 13 l. 133.044. TOTAT FORCFDAI47.05{' 13 l,133,044. thtional Scierre Foundation: 47.070 EAI2O R5113924405 9801/t5 EtA-9871133 Financiall'lanager: lhtional ScierceFoundation: l6F - Csputational Facilities S R Seidel 6.195.98 47.070 E4135 R5119.3 2460s 980145 EIA-9871i33 Finarrial l{anager: llational ScierrceFoundation: NF - Co{Dutational Facilities J A Jaszczak 34.192.08 the accorpanyirprntes are an integral part of these financial staterents. 17 UNIVERSITT TECH}PTMICAL HIC}IIGAII Epeme bY CFD/* Research- Suurnary to 0613011989 From07101/1998 08l16ll99€ FTUOPLlsA FundL3 $DA# Irdex Fund 0r9n Proposal#Contract# FundTitle ArDunt I I l E23136R51194n605 980145 ErA-9871133 47.070 Financialhnager, lhtional ScienceFoundation: NF - CqtputationalFac'llities D J lticha'let 62,197.9 EIA-9871133 E4137 R5ll95 2?555 980!15 47.070 Financiall'lanagr: lhtional ScierceFoundation: Facillties NF - Conputational A S lhyer 40,002-62 EA138 R5119623005 980145 E[A-9871133 Financiall'lanager: lhtional Scierre Foundatlon: NF - CstrputationalFacllities A L |bc'lean 32,000.00 E23139R5119722705 980145 EIA-9871133 47.070 Financiallbnager: lhtional Scierre Foundation: ISF - CottputationalFaci'lities JKLee 36,000.00 APD01 E24ln P50ffi 2%05 941016 MIP-9501163 47.070 Financiall'lanager: tlational Sc'ierreFoundation: NF-Electmn Microscopy& Astronoly T J Schulz r.7a-83 47.070 47.070 824137P&67 244oS 960116 lhtional ScienceFoundatlon: CCR-9696084 Financialhnager: NF-Cyc'lidesin Gecnetricl{odelirg C Shene 71.15 2n,N2.65 47-O7O FORCFDA# TOTAT m,N2.65 lhtional Sc'ienceFoundation: CarbonAl'location 004 l6F-Belon-Ground U3105 R5108423007 960614 DEB-9615509-AID 47.074 K S Pregitzer Financia.ll'lanager: Ithtioml ScienceFoundation: ISF-LIREBTrophlc Dynllolves/l'loose E23130R5116428505 930606 0EB-9317401-A1{)007 47.074 R 0 Peterson Finarrlal l&nager: llational ScienceFoundation: I I I I I t 4,5g8.g2 I 3.e35.01 I TrophicDynlblves/l'loose E24072R5070328505 930606 Dt3-9317401-rlD007iSF-LIREB 47.074 R 0 Peterson Financiall'lanager: ion: lhtional ScienceFoundat q.27r.e2 E24L8 Rs0839 47.074 .24107 950601 DEB-9527358-40003NF-Littoral Connunitiesof Lakes C Kerfoot FinancJall'lanager: llational SclenceFoundation: | 1r,271.94 003 E24t4L w0876 24107 950601 DEB-9527358-Alf 47.074 Finarnia'll'lanager: ilat'ional Scierre Foundation: E24L49R5090623005 960u1 47.074 lhtional Scierre Foudation: DBI-9601942 Finarcialllanager: I$F-Littoral Ccnm;nitiesof Lakes C Kerfoot Faci'lity I$F-l'lonitorirg Equip-FACE D F Karnosky 005 I$F-Cy.clirgtW-N l{. Hrdrd. Forests 0EB-96298,12-II0 E24151R50912z3007 95U08 47.074 K S Pregitzer Flnancialltnager:. lhtional ScierneFoundation: Ihe accorpanyirgrotes are an integral part of these finarrcial statemnts. 18 g,54o.37 I Nt.n I 243.M.71 I I I I I I I I I I I I ThIII/ERSITY IECHNq.OGICAL MICHIGAII Research- SunrmryExperseby $D/* Frqn 07l0llt9E8 to 06/30/1999 08n6t7998 FIQOftTAA FundL3 CFOA# Index Fud Or"gn Proposalf Contract# E24153R5091523005 960419 IBN-9652675 47.074 Financiallhnager: llational Sc'lenceFoundation: t t I I I T I I Dynamics NF-Cormnity & Ecosystem D F Karnosky CarbonAl location 004 N,F-Belon-Ground E24l6L R50ffi 23007 960614 DEB-9615509-AID 47.074 K S Pregitzer Finarrial llanager: tlational ScienceFourdation: 005 l6F-CyclingNq'-NN. Hrdrd. Forests 0EB-9629842-A}{) E24162R5096823007 951a)8 47.074 K S Pregitzer ltnager: Finarrial lhtional ScienceFoundatlon: Amunt 9,880.68 55,385.44 4.%- 00r !6F-Furrtion of llitrate Reductase E24198R5106924105 970737 WB-97279E2-NO 47.074 l{ H Grnpbell Finarrial lbnager: lhtional ScienceFoudation: 97,618.47 E ErprgyFlov E Pl tJtlUI-RSI/Carbon J Chen 66,073.63 EA499 R8061923007 961149 Su8DEB97-07426 47.074 Financial|hnager: FedPas l'lational ScienceFoundation 5%.240.91 t I I I FundTit'le 47.074 FORCFDA# TOTAT 535.240.91 llational ScienceFoundation: EZJLIZ R51114?23,05 980301 Il{T-9811606 47.075 Finarrial lbnager: thtional ScienceFoundation: NF - Lanthanideftnplexes J P Riehl 7.820.t0 -Coal F24090w0749 22705 940307 INI-9415418Al,D004 NF-EntrairnentFroth F'loat. 47.075 S X Karatra Financiallhnager: lhtional ScienceFoundation: t4,055.72 Illl-9613647-AlEo03 NF-Volcanicllazardin El Salvador E24154R509342255s %0519 47.075 Finarrial l'lanager: l{ I Rose lhtional ScienceFoundation: 14,116.00 E24183R510172255s 970526 IMI-9704290 47.075 Finarrial fhnager: thtional ScienceFoundaticxt: l6F-International RschFellox Avard J ll Vallance l0.850.00 Grant E2752. R8063222705 970704 CO8ASE 47.075 Finarrla'l ltnager: FedPas thtional ScienceFoundatiott Fellor,shiP NRC- CO8ASE T H Courtney 5.761.51 52,603.9! FoRCmM47.07s T0TAL 52.603.33 Foundation: llationalScience Ez3rgt P€.I076nMs 47.076 Foundation: llationalScience 960611P3 Dl[-9752660 Financialllanager: Ihe acconparyirgrntes are anintegral part of these financial staterents. 19 NF-ltulti -lledia Softmre lbvelop 3S A Sorby 36'5@.33 IJNIVERSITY TEC]$ftOGICAL I'IICHIGAI'I Research- Sumnry Experseby CFDA# to 06/30/199 Frqn 07/0111998 08tt6tLgpB FKIOPLlSA Furd[3 cF0s Index Fund E23tO2?'nn 47.076 l,lationalScienceFoundation: 47.076 0rgn Proposal# Corfract # !,latJonalScienceFoundation: t rDunt Finarria'l l'lanager: NF-itulti -lledia Softmre lhvelop3B.J Baartrnans t9,E9t.24 DIE-975?244 Finarnial lhnager: NF-Teachirgltultithreaded Progran C Shene 53,735.4! 24p,05 960611K1DUE-9752660 E23103R5107824,f05 970602 FurdTitle E&IL4 p5llh6 22305 971108 DtE-9850700 47.076 Finarcial lhnager: Foundation: lhtional Science lilodelingEryerircnts !6F-Conputer R E Brost 001 lsF-codeGenerationfor ILP 823115R5112324405 980116 CCR-9870871-Aru P H$+earY lhnager: Finarrial Fourdation: ilational Science 47.076 Generatlonfor ILP 001 NF-REU/Code E m 4 3 ffiI212 24/fJ5 980116 CCR-9870871-A|D 47.076 Sweary P H lhnager: Finarrial lhtiona] ScienceFoundation: 8.104.25 \n,9N.67 t,ffi.6 I I I I I I I I I I E?4125Rs083322205 950121 0tE-9553571 47.076 Finarrial }|anager: Foundation: lhtional Science ProcessQeratiors Prg NF-Advanced E R Fisher t74.C93.s9 E24l6o R5096024405 960603 DtE-9653244 47.076 Financialftnager: Foundation: ilational Scierrce rElthdergrads NFGeoretric Conputi C Shere 11.450.46 E24174R5099322605 961130 DtJE-97s0571 47.076 Financial l'lanager: Foundation: lhtional Scierrce NF-Integratedlhermal Scierre Lab N V Suryanarayana 36.094.18 DtE-9750572 E24rn R5100422505 96113l 47.076 l'lanager: Finarnial Foundatlon: Sclence llationa] NF-ProfessionalDesign Laboratory H ESloan 30,616.97 Fellowship 001 HIU - Qrnyanl4angus E34070Sg}ns z1/f/S 980116 CCR-9870871-II'D 47.076 P HSweanY Financiallhnager: l,lationalScienceFoundation: 3,270.00 504.%2.78 47.076 FORCFDA# TOTAL 504,362.78 llational Scierre Fountdation: ve NitrogenOxides NF-RSI/Reacti E23100wlo73 ?2N5 970537 0PP-9725463-M)002 47.078 llonrath R E lhnager: Finarrial llational ScienceFoundation: Ile acconparyirprntes are an integral part of these finarrial statemnts. 20 I I I I I I I m4.607.23 204.607.23 FORCFDN47.078 TOTAT t t 204.607.7J I t t I I t I I UNIVEFSITY TEOINOTffiICAI HICHIGAN Research- Sunary EPensebY CFDA# Frcrt 07l0llI998 to 0613011999 08/16/1999 FKIOPLIsA FundL3 CFDA# Index Fund 0rgn Proposa'l# Contract # U S EnviromntalProtectionAgency: E2Ar7 R51053z%ss %Ltm 66.500 U S Erwirmntal ProtectionAgerrY: cR825697-01-2-Al'02EPA-DesigQrldanceAir SParglrB J S Gier*e Finarrial lbnager: t t39.7%.79 E242t8 R5l05/- ?2&5 66.500 U S Envirmrtal ProtectionAgerrY: 961120 ffi2fi97-0r-2-tro2 Finarrial llanager: Air Spargirp Guidance EPA-Design N J lhrtzler N2.A- E242t9 R5107922N5 66.500 U S ErwiromntalProtectionAgencY: %tt20 Air SPnrglrp Guidance cfil2%97-01-2-Arfr2 EPA-Design D L Perran Financtallbnager: n.9€6.8 E242n R5tL?5?3005 971021 C1826541-01-0 66.500 Financiallbnager: AgencY: US EnvirtmntalProtection EPA-BelorGroundEcosystenFurrtion K S Pregitzer E2An ps.Iu.g225s5 980115 CR826614-01-0 66.500 Financiall'bnager: AgerEy: Protection US Envircrnental tPA - Envirormrtal Renediation A S llayer u,gsz.t2 E?e504R806?422605 971007 248419 66.500 Financial llanager: U S EnvironpntalProt AgcyFedPass Decision U of Toledo-EPA/lbrkovian J lf Sutherland 52,541.68 169,848.95 4n,80?.8 t I I I I I I I T I FundTitle 66.500 FORCFDA# TOTAL 4?8,802.e3 'ProtectionAgncy: U S EnvirqrBntal E24203R5096/-22N5 66.501 U S EnvirqmntalProtectionAgerrY: 960238 R825370-01-2-4102 EPA- EIOOT D lf lhnd Financiallhnager: stic Reactor/ClnSynthesis E24204P5095522205 %023/E R825370-01-2-AID2 EPA-lhuri 66.501 l,l E ltullirs l|anager: Financial Agerrcy: Protection U S EnvirorBntal 76,510.39 25,l3{1.88 E?4205P50964?2405 960238 R82s370-01-3-M)3 EPA CerCnTSubcontracts 66.501 .l C Crittmden Finarrciallhnager: U S EnvirqrBntalPrstectionAgency: 2U,06-24 R825370-01-3-llp3 EPA- CerfITf Adninistration E24m9 W0965 22405 960A8 66.501 J C Crittenden Finarrial llanager: U S EnvirtnBntalProtectionAgerry: 32r.474.9t) E2ryn P509792m5 66.501 U S EnvircnBntalProtectionAgerry: 960238 R8?5370.0I-2-Nfi2 Financiallhnagen: EPA-DesigToo'lsfor ProcessSafety D A Crorl lhste StreamsDiscrete Prod E24211R5098022605 960238 W?5370-0L-2-AtOz EPA-EO| 66.501 J ll Sutherlard Financia'lllanager: U S Envirmertal ProtecttonAgerry: Ihe accurpanyirgmtes are an integral part of these f'lnarrial statenBnts. 21 30,9a.41 13,315.21 FTMPLlSA Furd L3 CFDA# I I IJNIVERSITY TECHI{OI.OGICAL I4ICHIGA}I Research- SurnnryExpenseby CF0A* to 06/3011999 Frsn 0710111998 08n6nw Index Fund Orgn Proposal# Contract# FundTitle t E24212RsW$ nn| 66.501 U S Envlrorpnta'lProtectionAgency: 960238 R825370-01-2-A}O2 EPA-PhvsicalProperty |.tgt Svsten Ftnanciall'lanager: TNRogers 25,504.50 824213 P509.f.2?2N5 ProtectionAgency: U S Envirqrrenta'l 960238 R825370-01-3-AID3EPA- CenCITT/CivilCost Share Finarrial l'lanager: JCCrittenden 35,368.95 CoRE R825370-01-2-AI'D2EPA- CPAS J RBaker Financial|lanager: 82,L12.32 66.s01 66.501 E242L4P509p522405 9602U ProtectionAgency: U S Envirorental ru05 824215P609P.7 65.501 Agency: U S EnviromntalPrptection Aides ProcessArnlysis 960238 R825370-01-2-Am2 EPA-0esign Financiall'lanager: BABarna Arn1ysis/Orylhchinirg W25370-OL-2-NAZ EPA-Econcrnic E?4221R5Ll07 22605 950238 66.s01 Basu S Finarrial lhnager: U S EnvircnpntalProtectionAgency: E2426 F.FIa0I nMs 66.501 U S Envirtnental ProtectionAgency: %0238 Sofbtiare Linkages-P2 R825370-01-3-403 EPA-Autqmted E JOnan Financiall'lanager: of l4ethanolfron lletharp E24226P5lmz ?24X5 960238 R825370-0f-3-AHB EPA-Prod 65.501 Dl{tland llanager: Financial U S Envlromntal ProtectionAgency: 66.501 E242n R5l203 22N5 960238 ProtectionAgerry: U S EnvirorBntal R825370-01-3-AlfXl EPA-lndicesfor Grem ChemlcalProd Firnrrial Hanager: J RHihelcic of P2 Franarork E24m RSr20522405 960238 R825370-01-3-A}O3EPA-Inplementation 66.501 t{ lJard D l4anager: Financial Agency: Protection U S Envirqrental T t t3,4n.w I I I I I I T I I I I I 16.508.51 27,9L2.s7 37,2U.76 6,Lrg.s2 3,8,16.44 Applications of CPAS E24n0 RsL20622m5 960238 R825370-01-3-Al'03EPA-Integrated 66.501 DRShorrnrd lhnager: Finarrial U S EnvironpntalProtectionAgerrcy: 26,665.8 Applications of CPAS E2423tR5r2072?2:05 %0238 R825370-01-3-Am3 EPA-lntegrated 66.501 AAKline lhnager: Finarrial U S EnviroapntalProtection&erry: 7,307.6 Applications of CPAS 824232 R5120822205 96023€ R825370-01-3-AHD3EPA-Integrated 66.501 T ll Rogers l4anager: Financial U S EnvirorpntalProtectionAgency: 11,644.53 E24755R508tl nMs 66.501 U S Envlrorrenta'lProtection Agerry: tPA - PzSCIPS 950627 CR824506-01-0-AM0003 E24783Rs0890ru05 66.501 U S EnvlrormntalProtectionAgency: 9fi627 Finarrial llanager: P P Radecki EPA' PzSCIPS cR824506-01-0-AlD003 T ll Rogers Finarrial lhnager: EPA- PACIPS E247U P50Wr ?2.205 950627 cR824506-01-0-AlO003 66.501 D RShonnard !'lanager: Finarrial U S EnvirolBntalProtectionAgency: 74,813.93 tL,764.89 0.n- r,r45,801.75 66.50I FORCFDA# TOTAL mtes are an integral part of these finarcial staterents. Theacconpanyirg 22 1.1"5,801.75 t I I I I I I I I I t I I t I t t I I I I UNIVERSITY ]ECHNOTOGICAT MIC1IICAII Research- Sr.rrnaryEpeme by CFD/# to 05/30/1999 Frtlrl.0710L11998 08tL6tt9B9 Fr@t18,C FundL3 CFDA# Index Furd 0rgn Proposal# Contract I FundTit]e U S Enviromntal ProtectionAgerry: of l{assTransfer E?4794R5A9E2?%55 %0241 R825405-01-3-llD3 EPA-Investigation 65.504 A S l'layer }hnager: F'inancial Agelty: Protection U S Envlr<rmntal E3,l{)4559020022555 %0241 R825405-01-3-A!D3 lflU - Lirorg ZhongFelloishiP 66.504 A S lhyer Finarrial lhnager: U S EnvirqrBntalProtectionAgqrry: 1S2,235.39 9.158.00 191,393.39 66.504 TOTAT FORCFDA# 191,393.39 U S Envirmental Prot &cy FedPass Effi06 F€0627 n705 66.505 U S Envirmrtal Prot @y FedPass 970825 Poff0000$523 Financial l'lanager: UNIVE-Surface Cheristryof 0il/Sotl J ll Drrlich 12,528.41 v.5n.4l 66.505 TOTAT FORCFDA# t2.528.41 U S EnvircnpntalProtectionAoerrcy: E242t6P51024nqs 66.606 U S Enviromntal PmtectionAgerrY: 9706n iarre AssistanceCenter EPA-Cry,pl cx825919-01-3-Al.O3 Finarrc'lall,lanager: J R Baker EPA-Copl ianceAssistarre Center E2424 PSll76 22405 970623 cx825919-01-3-Af',D3 66.606 J R Baker Finarrial l&nager: U S Envirmntal ProtectionAgencY: E24233R'lz'L ?240s 981253 x995434'01-0 66.606 Finarcial l'lanager: U S EnvircnentalProtectionAgency: ine Sustainability Oata EPA-Base'l K L Bradof 44L,776.90 @.124.14 4,424.n 506,325.81 66.606 FORCFOA# TUTAT 506,325.81 U S EnvirormntalProtectianAgency: 66.951 U S tnvirorcntal E2420 RSuW n$s 97nn NE985794-01-0 Financial llanager: EPA-Canpus VolunteersC.C. Schools J F Schunaker-Chadde TUrAL FoRCmA#66.951 Ihe accolpanyirgmtes are an lntegra'l part of these financial staterBnts. t2,749.64 CFDA# I T UNIVERSITY HICHTGA}I IECHIWI.OGICqI Research- SwnrrY ExpensebY CFDA# to 0613011998 Fron 07/0111998 08tt611999 FrQoPt18A FundL3 Irdex Fund Orgn Proposal# Contract# FundTitle t U S 0ept of ErergY: 81.049 U S Deptof ErerlY: E21661R5068624605 911034 constrOintsi|letalAtooat ooE-strr.rc DEFG02-92ER14282:A07 DRBeck Finarrciallhnager: 81.049 U S Deptof EnrergY: 821674R5084223005 9s0413 AtnnsphereCarbonTrsf USEIE-Forest D[-FG02-95ER62U5-I}E D FKarnoskY Finarnial l'lanager: E21685R511092?2g5 g7L24$ 0€-FG07-98ER14S62L6El€-lleasurmnt& l|odel lhzardous HEltullins Financiallhnager: 42,8L3.@ 81.049 U S Deptof ErergY: 47,937.L7 644,n3.U E25382R4067524105 96Om 81.049 thru: Pass U S Deptof Erergt Fed Cf;€'m7}-$A$d I Financiall$nager: Aspenv/Altered Li CPBRl-Trarsgenic GKPodila 22,n7.67 E28502R8068 z3005 9Nn3 8t.049 Thru: Pass Fed U S Deptof ErcrqY V51573-A}O5 Finarrial l'lanager: Plants& Soll Carbon MICHI-RSI/FIux KSPregitzer 100,996.35 g7-o?1 |yb 2 E28585R4070523005 967127 WrcrtC 81.049 lhnager: F'inarnial lhru: Pass Fed U S Deptof ErnrgY andEnerqvBudgetExch UNIVE-Grbon J Chen .27 50,677 E28635R8054123005 940223 V51573-41{)5 81.049 Finarrial l'hnager: Pass Thru: Fed U S Deptof ErergY MICHI- Flux CarbonPlants & Soil KS Preg'itzer 460.02 I t I I I t 909.416.01 FoRCFol#81.049 T0TAL U S Deptof ErergY: 81.057 U S Deptof ErPr$t: E21683R5105822705 961148 DE-F826-97FT97?L IJSEI€- HighCarbonFIY-Ash S K Kalatra F'inarrciallhnager: 16,371.16 8r.057 U S 0ept of ErrergY: E3/0/SL590n6 22705 961148 Hn - S. JaysonRiPkeFelloshiP DE-FG26-97FT97271 Financial!'lanager: S K Kamtra L4.8n.00 31,198.16 FORCFDA# TOTAL 81.057 31.198.16 U S Oeptof ErergY: 81.086 U S Deptof EnergY: E2I682 ffi102. 23805 970416 voc Prtss Emission AusEl'E-ReducirE DE-FC07-97IIB86-A}0 G0llc€innis Financiallhnager: rntes are an integral part of these financial statemnts. the acconpanyirg 24 I T I I I I I I I I 909.416.01 124.576.41 I I I I I I t t I I I I I t t I I t t UNIVERSITY MICHIGA}I TEC}I}OLOGICAL Research- SumaryEpensebY CfDl# to 06/30/1999 Frqn 07101/19fl8 08116n99B FIQOPLTSA FundL3 cruAt Index Fund 0rgn Proposal# Contract# 980716 FundTitle Arto TechEd (GAIE)PrEn USEIG-Grad 0E-FC02-9SCH10951-Am DLAbata Financialllanager: Anount 81.086 U S kpt of ErerqY: E21690R511542605 81.086 U S [)ept of EnergY: E2169r R5115522S17 gSlgn Al"mirumlfastes DE-fC07-98I013663 t6El€-Recycle/Reuse J lhang Financial l'lanager: 81.086 U S Deptof Ercrgt: E3408559024023805 970416 }larg Fellorship A{ru - Yuh-Shuh DE-FC07-97ID35/6-AI'D Financiallubnager: G D|'lcGinnis 8,7m.00 81.086 U S Deptof EnergY: E3/s1T SgA25?mI| DE-FC07-98I013663MIU- ftiyorq Xu Fellotiship J lhnns Finarrial lhnager: 2,1$.00 980327 $,990.37 n0,57t.t4 463.337.92 81.086 IOTALFORCFDA# 463,337.92 U S Deptof EnergY: [m lbx CoalConbust. USENE-tlt'iliz. DE-.FC2r-9+r3n74/t6 81.089 U S Oeptof EnergY: E21670R1065328305 930730 81.089 U S Oeptof BnrgY: E21684R5109828305 DE-FC26-98FtN324 tSEIE-CoalCcrSustionBy-Products Financiall'lanager: J thanS 81.089 U S Deptof ErergY: E3407659023128305 970410 DE-FC6-9trT4i324 F:inanciallhnager: Financiallhnager: J lhanS MTU- llee-JoonJeonFellorshiP J ltmrp 2U.63 251,35r.48 11,990.00 ?63.576.Lt FORCFDA# 81.089 TOTAL 263,576. ll lhtional Instituteof lha'lth: 93.L72 En4Z3R5l0l0 24N5 950916-P35 R01llG0ls02-02 htationalInstitute of llealth: Finarrial lhnager: Prgn NlH-ParallelDM SeqAssenblY X Huang I Rol 11G01676-01 NlH-GerwricDM Sequences 822424R5107424./f,5 970t27 93.172 X ltuarg llanager: F'inanctal of llealth: |htional Imtitute 15,749.38 19 50.840. En46 R5111924405 950916 5 R01l{G01502-03 93.112 Financial l'|anager: of llea'lth: lhtional Imtitute NlH-ParallelDM SeqAssedlY Prgn X ltuarg 31,934.36 5 Rol 1G01676-02 E22426PSLtn 2440,5 970t?7 93.t72 lbnager: Financia.l of llealth: lhtional Institute NIH-GenfiIicDM Sequerres X Huang 39.r81.44 t37,7tt.37 TOTAT FORcfDN 93.172 notesare an integral part of these finarcial statenerts. Theacconparying 25, t37,7tL.37 OuIT?IT9W Ffqgp11gA FundL3 I TJNIVERSITY IEOINO-OGICAI MICHIGA}I Research: Sumary Epenseby CFDA# Frsn 07/0Ill9.fr8to 06/30/1999 r I ----------r----------. .. ::i-ll:l:--------:y:1.--::i.....:v...::T::lL.:i::i-f.. -.-.::ry..---.I I'tational'Institute of llealth Pass: G]ycopro virus Errcoded Enlgg R8062824L05 970705 L1il.62-?21-O4lLO uNlVE-thique 9i1.859 Gretz H R ltanager: Finarrial Pass: llational lrstitute of llealth 50'089'57 50,089.57 notes are an integral part of these financial statenBnts. Ihe acconparying 26 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 93.859 TOTAL FORCFDA# 9t,089.57 FORCFDA's TOTAL GRAND 10.589,312.89 t I I I t I I t I t I I I t I I I I I I I I'NIYERSITY }IICHIGA}I TECHNOTOGICTT by AgencY SurnaryExpense Fron07l0tll9P,8to 06/30/1999 08tt6n9B9 FIIIOPLlSC fundL3 CFDAT Index 0rgn Fund Proposal* Contract # Page FundTitle FederalHighdayAdrini stration: RelatedDistress DIB6I-%-C-00073-HIFl+lA-TC/ltt1s E24809PJ0724224l,5 %0720 T J VanDam Firnrrial lhnager: FederalHigln"ayAdlini stratlon: Fll{A-TechTrsf AlBr Indian Tri bal Ez4pjl Rr0730240,5 920913F 0lfll6l-93-X-00001-H00 BDAlkire Financlallhnager: FederalHighlay Adninistratlon: Trsf ln Irdian Tribal Flll,lA-TC/Tech EZAAtgRtO754?2405 920913F 0]FllSl-93-)(-00001-lll0 B DAlkire Finarniall'lanager: FederalHigtnmyAdrinistration: n7,523.08 4.140.63 L24.930.23 E248$ n073f 224f.5 970432 DTFi6l-97-P-00401 Fli.lA-ProiectSelection Prograrnlrg 80Alkire Finarciallhnager: Adrinistration: FederalHigln'iay 649.73 98L?32 & Project Estimte DTR59-99-P-00219 T5.TRA-TC/I'OC-ERL TL lkNlnch Fimrrlal l&nager: r,n8.52 E?4817P'tl$z 224f,5 981115 D1Fil61-99-X-00011t5TM-Tribal TechnicalAssist Prgn B D Alkire Finarrial lhnager: 97,74t.U E24€16PJ0776UNs FederalHighhnyAdninistration: FederalHigin*ayMnin 356,283.83 Total for lklntyre Stermis Mru- Doris GerdesFellowshlp E3403559018923007 Financial l'lanager: Itlntyre Stenn'is J Chen 10,660.37 10.660.37 Total for IIASA E2M2 R5r0t9 24605 960919 rBar Maptive Hirror 0003 I!{SA-RSI/Li MG5-6310-S[PPL C Ftaclas Finarpial l'lanager: E24403S1064 22555 970632 MGs-6650 Finarrciallbnager: Envir RemteSemirg IIASA-RSI/CnIr G J Eluth 135,508.96 E24404R5106523005 970632 MGs-6650 Financialllamger: Envir Rspte SensingEd iIASA-Center A L l'laclean 47,476.67 824|05 R5106624605 MG5-6650 Finarnial lbnager: Envir RenpteSensiryEd IIASA-Center J B Rafert t.t62.N E2446 s':067 22405 97W32 MCs-6650 Financiallhnager: Envir RenpteSensirgEd ItASA-Center M C Peterson 3,915.48 E24N7'PF.I0f8 22555 970632 MG5-6650 Financialltnager: Envir RenpteSensirpEd IIASA-Center J ll Budd 28.978.00 i{ASA ll4sA IIASA tusA I{ASA NASA 27 u.426.4 UNIVERSITY 1ECHIOLOGICAL HICHIGAII Surnnry ExPensebY &encY Frm 07/0L1t998to 0613011998 08n61L99B Fr@Pt18C fund t3 CFDA# Index 0rgn Furd Propsal# Cortract # FundTit'le Page 2 Amunt ----_--i-----i E24N8 ffiIOTO 22505 g70g2} Turline conbustorconcepts N|!!SA-Gas MG3-2088-SIPPLU€MI S Yang Finargial l4anager: E24409R5108522705 970305 I ttAGS-l478-SuPPt Financial l'larager: I{ASA I{ASA }TASA 0001 t{lsA-Lsuperior Ice Field l'leasunmt E244r0 R510S524605 9504018 NAGS-7051-SLPPL Finarrial l'larrager: ANPilant E2Mr2 R'Ltt7 asl55 980?02 ttaes.7272 Financial Manager: iusA E244tg Nnz!, z1555 g1tt9 IIASA NASA lnducedsettling ItASA-Gravity T'H Courtney canic Plr.srcArnlysis IIASA-RSI/Vo1 lf I Rose lhzard ltitigatlon 0001 ltlASA-RSI/Volcanic MG5-7576-SUPP GJ Bluth Finarria'l l'lanager: E24788 R5090024605 %A612-13 MG5-3279 Finarrial Manager: r/ErergY iIASA- GRBPulsesChange RJ [bmiroff 63,820.35 6t,639.27 51,167.27 32.621.03 s5,5r5.13 I,192.86 E247W R50W5 22555 951003 MG 5-3260-$pp. I Finarrial Manager: tIASA-RSl/CcrpareTO's & 0CT5Data GJBluth 16,519.86 E247g7p$0g7| 24605 960609 stars Atnosphericl4odels 0003 I'tASA-Cool MG5-3689-SUPPL Finarrciallt'tanager: A BorYsow 55,987.51 E247ggRfigg4 24605 gTIw Lensingtn GRBS 0003 l{ASA-Gravitational MG5-4756-S[PPL RJ htemiroff FinancialManager: E24800R5105724505 960544 InducedAbsorpt'ion 0003 }tASA-Collision ltA65-4534-SuPPt A Borysol FinancialPhnager: M'160'74 E24S0l R5117324605 960609 stars AtrmsphericI'lodels 0003 ItASA-cool MG5-3689-SUPPL A BorYsol Finarnial I'hnager: 286.65 E3407559040 22555 }BOI4f- Riley Fellotship QQ0NASA-Colleen ll6I5-76-SUPPt-B[Nf Financiall4anager: GJBluth 20,ffi.65 E34078590233 ??.555 980304 - SharonBarkerFelloushtp 0001IIASA ICT5{0fS4-SUPPL G J Bluth Financial i'lanager: 20.t28.65 TIASA l'lAsA NASA I{ASA I{ASA I{ASA NASA t I I t I ihtionnl ParkService: E27t8 R509L723005 %0912 InformationSystan l/i430{631095001-}003T5PAR-Geographic H D llYsloP Financial l'larpger: Ez7Zl PsL00024805 9706?2. cA 9910-7-0016 Finarrial l4anager: lht'ional ParkService: 979.77 19 705,194. Total for llational ParkService: I I I I I I I I I LardscapeInventory TEPAR-Cultural P E |hrtin 7%.78 I 6,fi4.92 I t 28 I I I I I I t t I T I I I I t I t I UNIVERSITY I,IICHIGAI,I TECH}IOLOGICAL by AgerEY SunnaryExpense to 0613011999 Frsn 0710111998 08n6n98B FTQOPLTSC furd L3 Index 0r9 CFDA# Fund Proposa'l#Contract# I 3 FundTitle ZgO05 %0912 EZIA. RSL}OG InformationSystem UsPAR-Geographic 1443CA63109600f-lmB H 0 Hyslop Finarrial l'lanager: E227A R5105923005 941157 lbnitoring IPS mD3 UsPAR-llolfllloose 1443CA631095004 R 0 Peterson Finarria'l l'hnager: 2,a,2.9- EZZ7Z4pSltLO 24BOS 980601 615 Lardscape !P2 IISPAR-Industrial 1443CA531096001 P E llartin Finarrial i4anager: 6,940.00 lht'l Ecolosy-voyaseurs 2 TSPAR/l{o]f 144304682098001-100 R0Peterson Finarrial lhnager: ?5,254.21 En7% p5IL?2. 23005 98042, Holf lrgrrt-PicturedRocks tfo 2 IJSPAR-Gray 1443CA6S2098001 Financiall4anager: R0Peterson u,719.4 En727 R5n74 23005 941157 l',lonitorins tfs KD4 TEPAR-llolf/lhose 144304631095004 R0Peterson Financialllanager: 2r, NationalParkServlce: ]htional ParkService: llational ParkService: E22725FSltI} 2gOO5 980322 lhttonal ParkService: lhtional ParkService: lhtional ParkService: E2278 F5,lISg 2ffi05 gg}2l0 NationalParkService: FormationsncrmTrails oRDtl 9902YELL0-l'logul cc$FlF.lINC Financiall4anager: RGAlger 31,913.34 2.500.00 u7.880.83 Total for U S Air Force E2n53 Rr073922605 97058 Assigrnentto BrootsAFB IPAExecuted6lt0l97 USAIR-IPA Finarrcial!4anager: 0 A ilelson 28305 970535 R10741 E21154 Blast lledia Treatabi USAIR-Abrasive F09650-97-C-021-P0L Finarrial lvhnager: J lt"anS Em55 n0747 22505 970926 Proiection/InagirE Beam USAIR-Laser F3&00-97-14-0522-P07 M Roggenarm Financlalhnager: E2n62 Rr07752250s 981146 USAIR-lhui IPAt2l0Ll9t3 $nce Surveillance(IPA) Finarrcial'l'fanager: B E Striblirp E2ll64 R10r/8 28905 990235 IPA 0996/ Financia'llhnager: U S Air Force U S Air Force U S Air Force U S Air Force U S Air Force Bioeffects Lab IJSAIR-CBE/krergy D A llelson Total for 3.954.01 n,8z-g 85,475.67 2,9%.t9 12t.6%.4r U S Arfly E20487R1065628605 9407L9 lloise CarrelI ati on TACOI-Acoustic DME07-93-G-R001/005 JC Rogers Finarrial l{aroger: E20489R1069928605 940704 on SurgeContrPTACCII-Track/Suspensi DME07-94-C-R123-H0 HDOsborne Finarrial l'bnager: U S AntU U S Army t t Page 29 114,109.79 5,545_70 Cft)A# Irdex 0rgn Fund Proposal# Contract# SurgeContr. PTAccIt-Track/suspersion DME07-94-C-R123-]'100 Finarrcialf'lanager: MD 0sborne E2049I R1070128605 }NTM 0ME07-94-C-R123-1fl'PTAccH-Irack/suspensionSurgeContr. 67,198.14 H D 0sborne Finarcial l'lanager: E20492R107052S605 9/f/7o4 surgecontr. PTAccf.I-Track/suspension DME07-94-C-R123-}O0 H D Osborne Financiall'lanager: 8V,0n.23 E20493R1072028505 }NTM SurgeCortr. PTAc0i-Track/suspension 0ME07-94-C-R123-I'00 l1 0 Osbonrc Financial}hnager: 7,279-31 SurgeContr. PTAc0'l-Track/suspension DME07-94-C-R123-1.00 llanager: HD0sborre Finarrcial 151.10 USAmy U S Antry USAnry E2O4y5RIOTZgifj605 gN7O4 Em4g7 R107522705 971008 USAnw U S Army 73,610.07 t I I I I I 91.503.44 MDIProeran t47,4a2.ffi E20499R1076028605 971008 - TARDEC MDI Prosram PTACc[f DAAE07-97-C-X150-1400 Financiall'lanager: G RSirula 26,916.37 E205OLFJO7622tfi05 971008 AADIProgran PTAC$|- TARDEC 0AAE07-97-C-X150-1fl0 Finarrciall4anager: G RSirula 2.454.# E2O5O2 n0767 2ffi05 971008 MDI Program PTACfi- TARDEC DAAE07-97-C-X150-H00 Financiall'larager: G RSirula 337,698.01 E20503RIO17} 22605 980808 lPA8l26l98 Finarrcial l'lanager: E20504R1077428605 971008 - Tl57I TrackShoe PTACCH DIIE07-97-C-X150-H0D H0Osborne Financialibnager: E20505R1078328605 971008 AADIProgran PTACfi- TARDEC DME07-97-C-X150-m0 l'lanager: GRSlmrla Finarrcial U S Army USAmy U S Arnry USAnV U 5 Anty capillary PtnpedLoop TACCII-Deve'lop 0Allelson of srnrqackData E?OW PJO764221f,5 98062?. DAC1{35-98-P-0202tsAB',l-Rsl/Analysis Financiall4anager: D LJohnson r,*57.M 9,959,93 ?72.69 28,943.6 820595R1070428605 960340 & Tl54 BushlruTests DAAC79-%-P-0896 USAF'|-T]3[ Financia'l llanager: GRSirula E20596R1070622605 951034 of [-Hf-Ti Allovs usAF.l-Developcnt DMt0l-96-P-0690/P03 G Subhash Financiall'lanager: 6,634.04 E20605R5126 22605 990313 strength Textile DMD19-99-1-0266 USAFI{-Residual G Subhash Financialihnager: 1.693.34 U S Arflty U S Arfly USAny AusterperedIron PTACO|-Ausformd DME07-97-C-X150-100 K B Rundmn Financialllanager: tlTl;lf'c e71008 2860s R107s3 E204e8 ,,ffi11;rl;Ii:::* U S Army U S Arny FurdTitle I I I E20490R1070028605 94704 USAmV U S An'y Page IJNIVERSIN TECHIIOLOGICAT MICHIGA}I bYAgerrcY SunnaryExpense to 05/30/1999 Fron 07l01l199,8 08n6lr9B8 FrcPPL18C fundL3 30 948.3{l t I I I I I t t I l I I CFDA# I I I I I I I t I I t I I I I t I UNIYERSITY TECHI.IOTOGICIT HICHIGA}'I ExpersebY ASencY Sr-nrnarY to 0613011999 Frsn 0710L11998 08lt6tI99p FT@PL18C fund L3 Index Orgn Fund Proposa'l# Contract * FundTitle BushirqEndurance DAAC79-98-P-0365 USqRil-T-lS0 GRSirula Financiall$nager: E21160R1075828605 980603 U S Arflly Page 5 ArFunt 3,948.87 1.015,326.68 Total for ErELab: U S Co'ldRegionsResearch Plate Loadirg 6'qFil(cFREL)-Circular DICA89-96-K-0009-P0I E20598R1071928605 %0726 R 6 Alger l'lanager: Finarnial Erg Lab: u s cold RegiorsResearch Chal'lerEer55 Ealfjlz RIO7ffi 2ffi05 980331 DICA89-98-H-0207 USARI(CRREL)-CAT R G Alger lbnager: Finarrial EngLab: u s co-ldRegionsResearch 109.70 1,954.85 2.04f.55 Total for U S [)ept of Ccnmrce: E24835 R1078022405 98122I U S Deptof Ccmnerce E24934RII73S n605 %0727n U S Deptof Cotmrce E24935Rr0737 ?2?j05 9s1018 U S Deptof Comerce: 'l0MJ$a0l0B9 Finarrial ltnager: GISDataLayers tSCOl-RSI/Develop D L &hnson 19,653.66 /$MM711786 Finarrial l'lanager: NIST-Integration EnvirorrBntfor A Z Ling 4,N7.08 P0 #43Mlts7BAZ Firancial ltnager: NlST-llenry'sConstantI'basurercnt T ll Rogers 3,6,15.91 Total for ?7,706.65 U S Deptof Erergy: E21678R5090323805 960345 Biofiltration Techn UsEHE-Phys/Chen DE-FC07-961D13440-M) Finarcial l'lanager: 6DltGinnis 174,953.24 E2t67g pSOgM24t05 960345 Biofiltratisn Techn tFENE-Phys/Chen DE-FC07-96I013440-M) STBagleY Finarrial llanager: 19,910.25 6El€-Air SpargingPerfonnance DE-AR21-94fi3082-ArD NJ l[ttzler Financiallbnager: 31,168.60 tr-AR2l-9Of33082'M)tSEt€-Air Spargirg Perfonnance Financiall'lanager: JSGierke 39,278.6 t6ENE-LmCost-BioScrubber D€-AC26-98FT40414-H00 J thans Financial lbnager: 49,615.00 U S Deptof Energy: U S Deptof Ernrgy: E2L680WO7l7 nq| g4ln6 U S Dept of Energy: E21681R1071822555 941226 U S Dept of Ernrgy: E21ffi7 R\OTf8 n8L7 g7LL26 U S Deptof Ernrgy: E21ffi8 Rtl7ll U S Oeplof Ercrgy: 2fr55 g70g2l t6Et€-CalibrationseismicAttribuLe DE-AC26-988C15135-tfi) ll D Pennirgton financlal hnager: 139.S78.56 UNIYERSITY TECH}IOLOGICAL MICHIMN Surrnry E.PensebY AgerrY to 06/30/1999 Frsn 07101/1998 08t16ll9B9 Fr@ft18C fund L3 CFDAf lndex Orgn Furd Proposal#Contract# USEIE- FracturedReservoirs DE-AC26-988C15100-ffi0 J Rl'lood Finarrial llanager: E2t692 R5ll86, 24605 981003 IFEIE-RSI/SIudyHighErergyParticl DE-FG02-99ER41107 80,533.59 0F Nitz Financialllanager: U S Deptof EnergY: U S Dept of EnergY: FundTit-le E2r6s9n0n2 225s5 glltrll U S Oeptof EnergY: Fellorship HIU - l{illiam Everham E34090590245 22ss5 g7O82O DE-AC26-988C15100-|00 Finarrciall4anager: J Rllood 8 92 590247 22555 970821 U S Deptof ErcrgY: E34095590250 22555 970820 U S Dept of EnergY: I I Page 134,066.99 5,450.00 MIU- 0avid Forel Fellowship DE-AC26-988C15135-I00 l{ D Penninqton Financiall'hnager: 5,450.00 HIU - StevenChittick Fello*ship D€-AC26-988C15f00-MI0 J Rllood Finarrcial!'lanager: 2,180.00 682.48/..69 Total for U S Forest Service: E20276R5084023005 950719 Resilierry of Soils USAGR-Long-Term IMr-95112-R.IVA-A!0#2 Finarniall4anager: M F Jurgensen E20n7 n0@4 23805 950604 Preservativ llaphthenate 95-RJVA-2622-A}O1tlS0A-Copper G 0 i'lcGinnis FinancialHanager: E20289R1071223005 960617 Effects Ozore& CoZ Al0 4 USAGR-Scal'ing IC-96-602-RVA Finarcial l''lanager:' D F KarrnskY 155,844,60 E2f.?9Sn07?3 24€,05 960814 U.P- Forest AssessnBnt 4 USAGR-Irpact }|C-96-618-RIVA-AI{D K E lblvorsen Finarrciallhnager: 13.768.33 E20303R1073223005 9702L7 53-56A1-6-01597 Finarrial l'lanager: 820306R10738a005 970143 & HydrologicCntrls 23-97-24-NUA-NJD2tFDA-Geororphic K S Preg'itzer Finarrial lbnager: E20309R1074224€,05 9706?f R910-CS-97-042 FinancialHanager: Collections l,lSAGR-Archaeological S R lhrtin 23005 970804 R10744 E20311 23-97-41-RJVA Financiall''lanager: of Black Ash UsDA-EthrbbotanY K S Pregitzer 19.815.3! E20314R1075023005 970143 23-97-24-NVA-N2 Finarrial |hnager: c-Hydrologic Cntr USDA-RSI/Geqlorphi K S Pregltzer 49.484.88 R10751 23805 9709A E20315 97-RIVA-2958 Financialltnager: Study Bri dge-Extended USAGR-Tinber P E Laks 7,024.59 U S Forest Service: U S Forest Service: U S Forest Service: U S Forest Service: U S Forest Service: U S Forest Service: U S Forest Service: U S Forest Service: U S Forest Servlce: U S ForestService: StudiesSi l viculture I.SDA-Advanced G 0 Hroz 21.198.68 86.48 2t.767.52 8.065.04 1.328.65 I t I I I T I t t I I I I t I I I I I I I I t I t I t I UNIVERSITY TECHNOTOGICAT MICHIGAI'I SurmarYEpense bY Agency to 06/30/1999 Frcm07/01/1998 08t16lL9gg FTQOPLTSC fund L3 CFDA# Index Orgn Fund Proposal# Contract # FundTitle E20320R5110523005 980410 Eperinental Forest I tEAcR-Teakettle PSI{-98-011-RIVA-A}0 J €hen Financial lhnager: 42,1W.62 E20322R51ll3 23805 9804?7 Plates in lhrdr"oods TEAGR:Truss 2 98-R.IVA-3107-M) J RErickson Financiallhnager: 18,000.00 Ezlgn n0763 2/fl05 980505 %-14$''22'M) I Finarrial ltnager: FurnaceSite uSAGffTestirg-Cottage P Eltartin t6,692.8L E20326R1076623005 980810 23-98-/P-RIVA Fimncial lbnager: Avifauna-lttich.U.P. TEAGR-0pen1ard 0J FlasPohler 25,003.49 98-RIVA-3181 Financtallhnager': Alaskanlfood UsAcR-StrenSth.of J RErickson 14,4S!.94 Finarrlal flanager: ogical Synthesis tISAGR-Eco'l S C Saunders 30.531.U R910-CS-99-001 Financiall'tanager: Gollectiors T$AGR-Arctraeological S Rl'lartin U 5 ForestService: U S ForestService: U S ForestServlce: U S Forest-Service: Ez$A Rn77O 2fi05 98Og?9 U 5 Forest Service: t20335 R5118023005 980913 U S ForestService: E20336R5119024805 990324 U S ForestService: E20337R5119124805 990314 a-99-04-ruVA R9l0-cs-99-002 Financial !'lanager: U S ForestService: E20338R5119824805 90405 R907-CCS-99-005 Salnill Project USAGR-Natna D BLandon S R lhrtin E20339R5121123805 990431 99-R^IVA-3256 Financiall'lanager: usA6R- ll0€ of Lakesstates Tirber J RErickson E20341R5121824805 990416 tht'l R907-CCS-99-003 I,SAGR-LandUseChanges-fttara Finarrcial!'lanager: HHDurfee U S ForestServlce: U S ForestServ'ice: U S ForestService: r88.16 3.205.83 Co:llect-Ottaua lht'l TSAGR-Archaeol Finarcial hnager: t I I I I I I I Page 20'85 4,738.27 2.771.79 455,570.98 Total for U S llavy E21161R1075923805 980617 U S ihvY M748-98-H-3017 Finarrial ltnager: Resistarre MVAL-FwpalDecaY P E Laks Total for 8,24.n B,n4.n U S Office of lhval Research: Sensi lhgnetic Resource 0FFIC-Study N00173-98-r-G015-A0l E2108{lR5!t24 24605 980521 B H Suits llanager: Finarrial U S 0ffice of ihval Research: Total for 33 42,n5-74 42,905.74 CFDA# Page IJ}IIVERSIfi ]EOJNOLOGICIT HICHIGAI{ bY AgernY SurnarYExpense to 06/30i1999 Frqs 0710t11998 ogtr6tL999 FrcoPt18C fundL3 Index Orgn Fund Proposal# Contract# I FundTitle U S TankArtqlDtlve Cornnnd: TAC0,- Prisn Target Database E20474R105502860s 930220N DAAE07-93G-R001-m2 G R Sirula !'larnger: Financial U S TankArtcflDtive Ccrnmnd: Spec& Qualification TAC0'l-Bushing E20478Rr057028605 930707 0AAE07-93-C-R143-P05 G R Simla !'lanager: Financial U 5 TankAutonntiveCcnnand: RadarSignatureRed. TACOI-Thenml DME07-93-G-R001/D04 E20583R1064728605 9N602 F ltughes C lhnager: Finarr'lal Comand: U 5 TankAutcnrctive I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 10,600.96 5,t12.ffi 79,800.30 95.514.12 Total for GMNDTOTAT 3,656.513.32 I T t I I I I I I I I I t I I I t I I IJNIVERSITY IECHIbLOGICAI MICHIGAI{ PassthroughGrantsandContracts SumarY Expense to 0613011999 Fron07/01/1998 08t7611998 FI@PL18B FundL3 CFDA# Index Furd 0rgn Proposa'l#Contract# FundTitle Deptof TransPrtation FedPass: FfrDin }ti PCCP'nnt MICHI-TC/Study 61-9471/359-8 22405 g7t2t6 E27055F€l0542, J Dam T Van lbnapr: Finarrial Deptof TramportationFedPass: 34.2$.m 34.243.20 IOTALFORR2 FUNDS 34,243.20 Deptof DefemeFedPassThru: ihtrix conpositeProgra 98-0007ADVAII-Meta'l E25021 R407322WO5 9S0514 p0 S9558/SUB RSirula G l'lanager: Finarrial Pass Thru: Fed Defense Deptof PorrderMill ing L0CKH-l|eta'l E26A4 R4071428305 980218 CPV4{10790X MG!'lcKirPson lfrnager: Finarrial lhru: Pass Fed Deptof Defense 107,366.05 ?96.15 E279 R4067 22W5 951220 @68e5115 ltnager: Finarcia'l Jhru: Pass Fed Deptof lhfense ErfiancerPntand ImageD R0CKlt-Innge TJSchulz 1,618.66 28605 980604 El032l/98-L02 EnnT R40741 Finarrcial Hanager: FedPassThru: Deptof Defense HEVDesign Tool IHERII-Co@rehensive lil D 0sborne 4.3e€.73 113.669.59 Deptof Fish & l{ildlife FedPass: u6936 R4074723005 990110 AIfND149-99 Finarrial !'lanager: Deptof Flsh E llildlife FedPass: MIMT-lhe GraYlblf R 0 Peterson in Michigan t9,w..u 19,V2.W Deptof TransportationFedPass: E2l0l2 R4f.Tn ?24p,5 %r0t?P2 47m Financial!'lanager: Deptof TramportationFedPass: E2700t RN7L5 z4fi5 Deptof TransportationFedPass: ltIlM-TC / 1998Roadsoft T L llcNinch HIIM-TC/Fast-SettirgCorrcrete 980335 98-MIU-4-I/'!3A0 T J VanDam Financiall'lanager: 45566 E27003R4071122405 97t217 Finarrial lihnager: Deptof TransportationFedPass: Ihe accqDaryingnotesare an integral part of these finarrial stateflpnts. 35 on ILLI-SLAB HIIM-TC/llodernizati J Van Dan T 156.369.6 6,676.6 38,8r0.97 CTDA# t t IJI{IVERSITT MICHIGAN TECHMLOGICAT PassThroughGrantsandContracts Eperse SumarY to 06/30/1999 Frsn 07101/19P18 08n6t1999 FIQOPLlsB FundL3 Index Fund 0rgn Proposal# Contract # FundTit'le Record l00T Research HI1RA-TC/1998 E27056R40708224p,5 961034P3 98-ifIU-3/45480 llcNinch L T lhnager: Finarnia'l 0ept of TransPortationFedPass: Ar/punt I I I l I I I 20,449.97 MIIM-TC/99Studyof l'laterials - Re T J VanDam t2,4W.61 E2nr0 R4075328605 9g/0s02 Jc8I 47%2 Finarnial lftnager: Oeptof TransportationFedPass: lllTM-Evaluationof 0e-bondingof R G A19er 15,550.04 E?7166R407@n$s Deptof TramportationFedPass: 47962 990506 Finarrial lhnager: Project Sched HIIM-TC-Constuction K G llattila E27002R40713z$s Deptof TrarsportationFedPass: MIIM-TC/I'D0TLTAP1998Progran w0t30P24 46,0491470rn Finarrla] Manager: T L l'lcNinch nqs E27057R4F.7?5 Deptof TrarsportatlonFedPass: 97034P2 47090 Finarrciall'lanager: E27092R407492NS Deptof TransportationFedPass: 860130P25456214865514ffi54 HITM-LocalTechnica'lAssista .Finarcial l'lanager: T L lkNinch E270U R40745nqs Deptof TransPortationFedPass: JB t 47%2 990tn Finarrciallianager: JoB# 48Et2 E27t27 R407fi 22Ns 990sU Financial Manager: Deptof TransportationFedPass: 1998l'O0TCD-llerl HITRA-TC/ T L llcNinch MllM-Developrnntof intensity-Dur 0 L Johnson 2,n9.16 159,509.19 38,302.51 s2,775.77 5,176.22 538.889.54 I FederalHigthayAdninFedPassthnt VideoTapeProduction HITRA-TC/99 T L l'lcNirrch E27042R407U FederalHigtuayAdrin FedPassthru 97tff,3ra 47579 E27rl3 R40704 Federa'lHigtnmyAdrin FedPassthru 971033 Job* 451?2 Finarcial l$nager: MITRA- l00T VideoTaPeProduction T L llcNirrh Ea7IOLRN6il FederalHighmyldrin FedPassthru 46t7C %0722 Finarcial lhnager: IIIIM-TC/}iALICrashLocationSoftv T L l'lcMirrh 54,257.38 ResearchRecord MIIRA-TC99 T L l'lcilirrch 16,357.09 Finarpial }lanager: E27037R4076 ?2N5 96r$4P4 47e6.7 Finarcial l'lanager: FederalHighlayAffn FedPassthru I TLllll Pavingl|anual HTTRA-TC 45480147%? E2705r R40733?2N5 98092t G R Dercy Finarcial l'bnagei: FederallligtnmyAdninFedPassthru 47962 E27058R44739n405 9ffi524 Finarrial lbnager: FederalHiglnnyAdninFedPassthru an integral part of these firnrgial statemnts. Theacconparying'notes.are 36 Transportaionllaterials HITRA-TC99 G R Dercy 64,88s.14 I 34, I I I 6s, e0,86.28 | I I I I I I I l I t t T I I I t I I I I I I I UNIYERSITY MICHIGNTECHNOLCICJI. PasslhroughGrantsandContracts Sunary 'Frqn Expense 07l0lll9,9l8to 06/30/1999 08n6tr9B9 FKIOPLlSB FundL3 CFDA# Index Fund FundTitle 0rgn Proposal# Contract# E27059R4073522405 961012P3 # 4t1653 Finarrial Manager: FederalHighmyAdrin FedPassthru EZTIU R4070gn405 HighrnyAdninFedPassthru Feder.a'l gTLOtZ Job*,15561 Financial Manager: RoadSoftL999|g9 MITRA-TC T L }lcNinch 276,9W.97 llllM-TC/Fracture Characteristic S J Yitton 303,894.44 m7.225.80 FedPassThru: HASA IIASAFedPasslhru: ExplorationTech COL0R-Subsurface E6378 R4079 22805 990417 P0# P000275 I EGertsch FlnancialHanager: 9.282.60 FedPassJhru: I{ASA E264il Rq637 24605 960336 083095TB Finarnia'll'bnager: Sensor Te'leGuidarrce HUGIE-llubble C Ftaclas 760.75 I{ASA FedPassThru: E26ffj7 R4076 22405 990131 P0 #4888 Finarrial Manager: of the ltu DeveloprBnt IOt'lC0-Further D !l Hand I{ASA FedPassThru: PhaseII }tultifilt ISI€L-Continue *S E?fE6/. RN7r9 22405 9404)1P9 ltASS-4{1369-3460 D RHokanson FinancialHanager: itASAFedPassThru: E26ffi R4074022405 980407 P0 /M63 Finarcial lbnager: Supprt f I0ilEl-lnalyti cal/Research E JOmn itASA FedPassThru: E26659RN7t8 ??505 980219 961384 Finarrial llanager: H itASAFedPassThru: I E?f630 R4072622555 920406 C701107-1fi Finarnial Planager: & llazards Volcanisn UNIVE-Active l.l I Rose IUSAFedPassThru: E28q97R4074i|28e05 980920 5284261PO214465 VIRGI-CBEAutcnrxniclhchani$sOuni 00 18.187. !l H Cooke Financial Hanager: Effect Turbulence JElPR-Atrmspheric Roggenann 41,499.85 8.910.84 2,151.00 1 9 . 0 0. 0 0 n,879.87 t23.67r.9t lnAAFedPassThru: ll04AFedPassThru: le E27039R4p72024105 97052ry2n06761997-19g8 HlMT-lhbitat SelectionJunveni Finarciall'lanager: il A Auer 15.756.85 15.756.85 notesare an lntegral part of these finarria'l statonents. Ihe acccnpanying 37 08n6t1999 FTQOPLlsB Fundt3 I I IJNIVERSITT ]ECH}PLOGICAI I'4ICHIGAI'I PassthroughGrantsard Cortracts ExpenseSurmnrY to 06/30/1999 Frqn0710I/L998 cF0dlndexFurdOrgnProposal#Cortract#FurrdTitleAmur'tl I llationa'l Institute of llealth Pass: E2608LR4072724105 980619 C7ill-M Finarrial }|anager: Pass: of ]lealth lhtional Institute Biornnitorirg Isol R0Rl-Bryophyte J l{ Glime n,18-62 I 8,t66.62 U S Air ForceFedPassJhru: E25780R40724 28305 9e0420 A04790 Finarcial llanagen: U 5 A'ir ForceFedPassThru: SBIRProPosal 0ilAA-OllA M Gl|cK'inpson I I 13,370.55 Highty Sat U'l KESIR-Kestrel E26728R4064g?4605 960605 AF95033.5/(C94-1024 J BRafert llanager: Financia'l U S Air ForceFedPassThru: 3,696.30 sat II.1 Datatual oPTIKESIR-RSI/itighty E26734RN75t 24605 990306 F29601-95-C-0033, J BRafert l4anager: Finarrial U S Air ForceFedPassThru: 3,955.91 TrackirE tn the Prese Sttscoilr sc-0058-99-00MISSI-@tical E26%3 R4075522W5 gg0?9 Rogganarut H l'hnager: Fironcial U S Air ForceFedPassJhru: 2.6%.43 Ye[ave Front Control E26979R4073122505 971030 sc-1353-98-0001 HISSI-Innovati H Roggemnn lbnager: Financial U S Air ForceFedPasslhru: 4t,27s.75 114788 En496 R4066 22405 9702n Financia'lI'hnager: U S Air ForceFedPassThru: Cell Post-TreatrentS UNIVE-Florida D L Perran 252.03 E2&542R407N ?2:505 97042M w 872484 Financiallhnager: U S Air ForceFedPassThru: UNlVE-ltrltifrareBlind Deconvoluti T J Schulz 2.n2.20 t I t I I I I I I I I I I 68.016.18 U 5 AnnyFedPassThru: E26517R4076128605 990619 TS-057-99 Finarrcialllanager: U S ArmyFedPassThru: E26727R4p7r7 n505 980336 980336 Financialltnager: U S Arfly FedPassThru: CrusaderTrack Desig INIEG-Develop G R Sirula l'l EeanAtnosphericTurbule KESIR-Oual Roggsmnn 5.060.83 9,m5.43 t4.266.26 U S 0ept of Agriculture FedPass: E2864 RN737 28605 980210 PO37991 Finarrial ihnager: U S Deptof Agrlculture FedPass: Deve S0€R-FosteringRural Ecormmic R GAlger 39.095.56 39.095.56 'lhe accorparyingnotesare an integral part of thesefinarrcial statemnts. 38 I I I I I I t I I I t I I t t I I I I UNIVERSITY MICHIGA}'I ]ECII}IOI.OGICAI ContracLs PassJhroughGrants.and E4enseSwmnrY to 06/30/i999 Frqn 07/lLlL99l8 08n6tL99g FnoPL188 FutrdL3 CFDA# Index Fund Orgn Proposa'lSContract# FundTitle Aflpurt FedPassThru: U S thpt of Connerce Detectlonof Tornados 01 EIIGIN-Se'isrnic E2fi52 RN698 224f/5 970120 EAI-97-002-Adden Vitton S J Fimrrclal llanager: FedPassThru: U S tbpt of Ccnnerce 3,872.n 3.872.n lhru: U S Deptof EnergyFedP.ass Altl'll-Develop Altnrintn SheetStanpi TC0570040A C05 E25054R4066222605 %0717 K J !,leirnnnn Financiallbnager: U S Deptof ErcrgyFedPassthru; 65,876.35 E?5.t65R4872824605 980704 982102Nr Financiall'lanager: U S Deptof ErprgyFedPassThru: ARG0I'l-l'leteorological QA& Submy L RCoke 92,970.6 kil I 725079 E252ffi R4070024105 970m Financiallhnager: U S Deptof ErcrgyFedPassThru: of Risins 03 andC02 BR00K-Interact GKPodila 75.913./B W 521464 E26032RN759 24605 9904t2 Finarciall4anager: U S Oeptof ErergyFedPassThru: FIS|I-RSIArger ObservatorySouther DFNitz 5,nL.44 STIR KESIR-RSI/Hyperspectral E26732R4070124605 960615 DEFG0396ER86054/A002 J B Rafert Financialllanager: U S Deptof ErergyFedPasslhru: E26725R4077624605 980324 980324 Financial l'lanager: U S Deptof EnergyFedPassThru: E26735R406782S05 U S Oeptof ErergyFedPassThru: Cost OualBandHyper KESIR-RSI/Low J B Rafert Alloying of lk-Cr-l{ P10031196 All A0 5 KNOLL-Mechanic %1118 Finarcial l'lanager: MGlkKitpson 155.39- 8,384.62 t3,t42.24 Interactions Tree Hod3 Lockheed-TerpE0O2 E26825R406L923005 950419 19X-SU082V Finarrciall'lanager: KSPregitzer U S Deptof Ener$/FedPassThru: 30,716.38 & C@ Interactions Trees Mod3 L0CKH-Torp E26826R4073023007 950419 19X-SU082V Finarrciallilanager: KS Pregitzer U S Deptof EnergyFedPassThru: 41.895.00 Syringl -GuaiacylR L0CXll-lletermine E26836R4068323805 9702L8 Im-JP01-9702 Popko JL Financialllanager: U S Deptof EnergyFedPasslhru: E28155R40661n605 U S Deptof EnerqyFedPassThru: SAIOI-YibrationControl Research 960903 AU-304AID 12 Financialllanager: GGParker E28173R40742n555 U S Deptof ErergyFedPassthru: BE-6022 98U13 Finarrial ltnager: Theaccorpanyirgnotesare an integral part of these finarcia'l statemnts' 39 SAIOI-thtaAnalysis for Surfactant ASlbyer 38.15 65,861.57 t,79t.27 CFDAT t t UNIVERSITT MICHIGAI'I]ECHISLOCICAT PassThroughGrantsard Contracts ExpenseSurmrY to 06/?fr11999 Froil 0710t/1998 08n6t1998 FTQOPLlSB Fundt3 Index Fund Orgn Proposal#Contract# FundTitle Characterizationof UNIVE-Structure 100 3 E2S54l RN670 ?,,705 9610s2 963162402 tfackney S A l'lanager: Financial Pass Thru: Fed ErcrgY U S Deptof Atpwt 37,IM.14' 4n,799.6 U S Deptof llousirg & UrbanOeveloP 1,197032 E27624R4f7M 28F,05 97t024 Financialflanager: U S Oeptof lhrsirq & UrbanDeveloP lffiIH-|'lanufacturi rg TechAssistance R E Tieder 76,8t6.L7 76.8t6.L7 Prot AgcyFedPass U S Envircrnental I I I I I I l T I I I I I'bdeliry Sy E28560R4068422N5 970519 l|eF Agnrnt 07107197UPSTA-Catskill/Delayare HTAter llanager: Financial U S EnvirsrpntalProt AgcyFedPass 62,765:08 l'lode]ingsy E28581R40688?2405 970519 ltenD&rnnt 07107/97ItrSTA-Catsk'ill/Delarore N RUrban lhnager: Finarnial Prot AgcyFedPass U S Envir<xrental 28.582.26 91,97.U U S l|arire Corps U S l|arire Corps E25024R4fT5B28r,05 990109 99-0001 Finarrciallbnager: lltr Track lhsign sbir ADVAII-MAV G R Sirula 6.665.80 6,666.80 U S TankAutorptive CfimandFedPas Co-DeveloFentProgranfor E25031R407122f3605 980140 875nrc767918fff.4 ADVAII-A G RSinrula l'lanager: Finarrcial U S Tar* Automtive CcrnardFedPas 2t4,69L.70 specifi Track Performance StpP#rGENER-I'II E26213R407522WO5 990435 P0# 1.JPG019904 GRSimr-la i'lanager: Financial Fdl Pas U S TankAutonptive Ccnmand 6,449.L5 Instrurmtation Plan GEIIER-GOI-S 001 hPG0l8105 ' Financiall'lanager: G R Sirula E26n3 RN722?W05 980615 U S Tar* ArtoflDtive CoflnandFed Pas ffi,593.44 4p,7.7U.8 FORR4FIJIIOS TOTAT Theaccotpanyirgnotesare an integral part of these finarrial statsBnts. 40 2.9fi,8L7.90 t I I I I t I I t t t t I I I I I I I I UNIVERSITT TECHNOI.OGIOAT MICHIGAII PassThroughGrantsard Contracts Epense SumarY Frsn 07/0Lll9B8to 06/30/1999 08n6tr9€9 FRIOPLlBB FundL3 CFoA# Index Fund Orgn Proposal#Contract* Amunt NASA FedPassThru: I'USAFedPassThru: at IIASA/Go'ddard E24414P6ll32 24f,05 980503 Subcontract5025-OZlUNlVE-Sabbatical AB Kostinski Financiall'lanager: 7,747.51 ttASA FedPassThru: at IIASA/Goddard 5035-9l01lut'lNE-sabbatical E244t5 R5Il70 246t5 980503 SUBCO|IRACT Financiall4anager: AB Kostinski 40,02L.17 47,768.ffi FORR5FUNOS TOTAL 47,768.68 Deptof Interior FedPasslhru: Emiss'Cntrl CoalHire PEI$6-Diese'l E27879R8057622605 931130A ITSDITPSU-1155242II04 J HJohnson Hanager: Financial Deptof Interior FedPassfhru: u,1?3.58 11.12!.58 Deptof TrarsPrtation FedPass: E28551R8062622805 970814 H85771 Finarcial lhnager: Fed Oeptof TramPortation Pass: l|ethodfor PressureFoam UNIVE-High 0 F Otuonye 43'592'72 43,592.72 FederalHigtwayAdrin FedPassThru TransportationTechnolog MIIRA-i'OOT M!g4l4lg6l44l97 E27082R8060722405 860130P23 BDAlkire Manager: Finarrial FederalHigtnmyAdninFedPassJhru E27l0s R8060522405 961053 Job f l(|563 Financial lthnager: ldnin FedPassThru FederalHighr,ay E27ln P806L5n405 AdninFedPassThru FederalHiglnday Job # 44196 9703A Finarrial ihnager: 2.N3.06- LTAPlilevaCD I'IIIRA-TC/I997 TL}|cNirrh HIIM-1.00TCDl'f,Rt 1997 T L lihilinch 16,134.04 3,587.3+ MITRA- Roadsoft1997 J08# 44i95 E27074m,0604 224p,5 96t01? l'lanager: Financial FederalHiglidayAdninFedPassThru TL l|cNinch 4,979.30- H85787 t28574 R8058322405 95064 Finarrctall'bnager: FederaiHiqtnmyAdninFedPass-Ihru PropertiesPavemnt U of H-Concrete G RDeweY 9,852.68 15.017.02 t I I I FundTitle Theaccorparyingnotesare an lntegral part of these finarcial staterpnts. 41 UNIVERSTTY MIOIIaAIIIECI.INCI,OGICIL PassThro.tghGranisandContracts ExpenseSumarY to 06/30/1999 Frcrn07/01/1998 08t16ll98p FT@PLI8B FundL3 CFDA#IrrdexFundorgnProposal#CpntracttrFurdTit.|eAlpurt iDSAFedPassThru: E27605RW6472m5 980403 ft f 0383440 E27606R806/€ z//fJs 980415 Chfi383440 Finarrial llanager: FedPassThru: NASA lnSAFedPassThru: Finarrial l'lanager: IrProvedIhennal SP/ff GRANIJAKirtg 6,92.19 TechrnlogiesEnvi sP CEGRA[I-Space D L Johnson 2'500'00 rla Horking lfith Astronony UNIVE-Gi AP&dbole E2U7g W}(f,l 24305 981206 CK# 108337 Finarntallbna$r: Eaxg| RBIffi studv A'ton UNlVE-llicroneurography CHECK # 114921 2g905 9023? ll H Cooke Financialihnager: IIASAFedPass]hru: IIASAFedPassJhru: I I I I 484.00 370.76 t I I I I I I I T I I I I I I |IASAFedPassJhru: E28497R80614 22305 970407 '04619 Finarriallhrnger: UitlVE-ile,'{ bproach for the Preparat PAlleiden 3.130.40 FedPassJhru: I{ASA E28563 R8066024605 981141 cK # 108337 Financialllanager: Optical t sy Spaceborne UNIVE-Usirg ANPilant t.6f.7.00 FedPassJhru: I{ASA c( # 108337 EzBs79Rg066z 2zfj7s gllzo2 Flnarria'lllanager: rp andGeochemical ts,llVE-Hydrologic GJ Bluth L.66.7.00 16,811.35 lhtional Sc'ierre FoundationFedPas E2t505 R8062522605 971003 246710 Financiallhnager: FedPas lhtional ScienceFoundat'ion Decision U of Toledo-NF-l'larkovian J ll Sutherland 16,405.20 16,40s.20 U S Agernyfor Internat'ional [)evel Grantllost Dr Olegllainart NRC-Cast n$t of 06tWg6 E27520W05% 22605 %066 ECAifantis Financiallhnager: U S Agerryfor International Devel E275r7 RW574 U S Agencyfor International Devel 13.038.00 g5l0l0GutkinCastGrarrtNRC-DeforrnationBehaviorlhnophase 2,383.84 Financial!'lanager: ECAifantis 15,421.U U S Air ForceFeilPiss Thru: '95 Scale-tpTechSupport TASC-DRA 7/06/95 LETTER E28363 R8055128305 92t2r9 ll G l.lcKittpson Financial l'lanager: U S Air ForceFedPassThru: rotes anean integral part of these finarrial statenents. Theacconpanying 189.81 I t t I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I HICHIGA}I 1ECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY PassthroughGrantsard Contracts ExpenseSumry to 061301L99B Froln0710111998 08n61Lg99 FIQOPL188 Fundt3 CFDA# Irtdex Furd tz$Al U S Air ForceFedPassThru: Orgn Proposal# Contract# FundTit.le ProductionScale-UPl1l95 TASC-DRA Letter il/28l95 R8058028305 92L279PL9 ll GlhKirpson Financial lbnager: Ad 2 UNM-AF6RWI Hish Cycle Fatique SA1541-22500PG E28W R806f,32?705 %0224 !l ll ltllligan Finarnial ltnager: U S Air ForceFedPassThru: URIHighCycle Fatique Arnd2 IilIVE-AFOSR SA154I-22500PG E28tl7 R8060822605 96024 Ftnarcial l'lanager: ECAifantls U S Air ForceFedPassThru: 893.56 2M.M.2, 18,978.42 n4,746.01 U S Deptof &riculture FedPass: GRfAT-lfilllfatershedlilgnt Focuson E Letter 06/15/98 E262W R8065022405 98012I D L Johnsoft Financial l'lanager: Fed Pass: of Agriculture U S Dept t4.278.6 t4,278.W U S Deptof ErergyFedPassThru: E27707R80645?2705 980213 Ck # 11793 Finarrcialluhnager: U S Oeptof EnergyFedPassThru: OXRl-Fabrication of lfovel Semicond D J S*enson 3,7m.6 3,720.6 U S EnvironertalProt AgcyFedPass storical Industrial Coplex OSCtO-Hi 827i86 R8063324805 970627 vru #970627 T S Reyrnlds Financial Phnager: Fed Prot Agcy Pass U S EnvircnBntal 25,435.91 25,435.91 TMALFORR8FUNDS 385,552.15 U S Air ForceFedPassThru: Atd 2 llIU - Anit ShyamFellot*ship E34053590208 22705 960224 SA1541-72500PG Finarnial !'lanager: ll l,|ltilligan U S Air ForceFedPassThru: 15,13{r.33 15,13{t.33 FOR59 RNPS TOTAL TOTAIGRAIID notes ai^ean integral part of these finarrcial statercnts. Theaccorpanying 43 15.130.33 3,442,5t2.26 IJ}IIYERSITY TECIIIOIGICTI I.IICHIGAI StudentFinarrial Aid - Surmry Eryrse by CFDA# Frsn 07l0lll99,8to 061301l999 08n6t1999 FTQ@11841 CFDA# Grantor ID# Index Fund su)00U.S. Deptof 84.033 0rgn Proposa'l# Contract# FundTitle to date: Education-Yr E3272. 590040 34f,02 Finarria'lllanager: l{ork Stugy D0E-Carpus T T lhlette 84.033 TOTAT FORCFDA# 84.063 E30715s90025311002 Financiall'lanager: D0E-Pel'lGrantScholarshi Ps T T lh]ette 84.063 TOrAtFoRCFDA# 84.066 E3272059003034002 Flmncial lbnager: DOE-SEOG T T lh'lette T0TA FoR$0A# 84.066 334,%7.2 I I I I 33r'..%7.22 t l;902,363.00 I I I I I I I 1,902,353.00 394.028.00 394,028.00 lurAl FoRs12300 2,63t35€.n FTRCFDA'S GMM TUTAT 2,63t,3W.U t I I I Theaccorpanyirqrptes are ari integral part of these flnarrial statemerfs. 44 t t I I I I I I TECHIOLOGICAT UNIYERSITY HICHIGA}I StudentFinancial Aid - SurrmryEpenseby ASency Frqn07/0111998 to 06/30i1999 08tL6tIgfB FKIOPLISCz CFDAT Grantor IDf Irdex Furd 0rgn Proposal# Contract # C11300 U.S- Dept.of Education: s79167C1006532503 Financial hnager: RobertC. Eyrd lbmrs T T lhlette TorrAtFoRc11300 GRAI.ID TOTAL t I I t I t I I I I I I I I FundTit'le Ihe acccnpanyirg rntes are an irtegral part of these financial staterBnts. 45 67,500.00 67.500.00 67.500.00 IJNIVERSITY ]ECHNOLOGICTT HICHIGAI{ 0ther FederalFundirg- SwnnryEpenseby CFDA# Frqt 07|0ll199l8to 06130|1999 08t16lr9B8 FITIOPL18,42 CFDA# 17.600 GrantorIB Irdex Fund 0rgn Proposal# Contraci# Wnl97 MICS|0002E27005R8052122805 96062W2 Agreernent FinancialI'hnager; FundTitle Hineilealth & Safety MIC0I-1997/98 0 F Otuonye T7.600 ]OTALFORCFDA# 84.048 E27040R805S636001 950925 l'lIEDU0021 Institute for Tech96 Project Nwber4802 HIEDU-Swmr S l{ Rudak Financiallhnager: 84.048 FM CFDA# TOTAT s4.116 I i anceN. ArBrican}bbiI i ty IJSEDU-AI E24871R5098 21150 e60331 P116I{960038-98-ACTISI tFE0l'0005 84.116 I i arrceN. Arprican ilobiI ity uS€DU-Al E24875 R5114421150 960331 P116i1960038-98-ACTISI [SEDU0005 FinancialManager: Financial Hanager: S K VanOan S K VanOam 84.116 TOTAT FORCFOA# g7ol02 u.m0 tsEDU0005E24872R57025n8O5 84.200 $E0U0005E2ag73R5109922605 gTtzzs u.200 tsEDu0005E24574FF,nzr mos g7ot02 9,6U.34 9,611.34 0.00 0.00 t7 '052'il 14.9%.52 3?,049.t6 - GAA}IN: ltlining Erpgat ITU ACTIO{NIJSEDU P200A70416-99 Financiall'lanager: DSYoung 6.001.17 - GAAI'IN FellonshipProgram MJSEoU P200A80447-99-AcTIsl SMPandit Finarrciallfrnager: 97,397.90 - GMNN: l+inirg Erpgat lfIU NISEDU ACTIot'l P2OOA7O4u6-99 Finarcial Manager: 0SYoung 95.572.51 84.200 FORCFDA# TOTAL 198.971.58 84.28t MIEDU008E27114R8065336001 980712 0299-310 Finarcial l'lanager: EducatorScience& Ithth MIEDU-l'hin C S Anderson 84.281 t27115 R8065436001 98s712 I'rIE[XJ0023 0299-310 Finarrcial}lanager: of GreatLakes MIEOU-Ecology C S Anderson 3,tr22.6 a.m HIED|0023E27116R8065536001 9807t2 0299-310 Financial Hanager: str stry/BioChemi l'IIEDU-Bi ology/Cheri C S Anderson 7.388.52 a.m E27118R8065536001 980712 HIE0U0023 0N-3r0 Finarrial l'lanager: & SpaceScience HIEdJ-Physics C S Anderson 6n.02 E27119R8065736001 9807t2 lfIEDU0023 0299-310 Financial lilanager: & lhthematics MlEDU-Ergineering C S Anderson caz-69 rotes are an integral part of these financial statsrcnts. the accoopanyirg n,7w.50 84.2S1 T0TArFoRCFDA# 42,561.19 GRAIID TOTAIFORCFDA's n3,r93.27 I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I t I I I T I t T I I t I I'NIVERSITY TECH}NOEICII MICHIGA}I by Agerrcy 0ther FederalFundirp- SwrnnryExpense to 06/30/1999 Frcm07/01/1998 08tL6tLgW Fm0PL18C1 GDA# GrantorID# Irdex Fund Orgn Proposal# Contract* Anount FundTit]e IIASAFedPassThru: R40111 po#Rsgotq ul{IvEols5 E28503R4070236001 950713A Fjnarniallbnager: Grantcomortiuun u of l'l/}l',4SA-Space C SAnderson I.767.85 E28593R4073836001 9507138 ck # 021981 LNIVE0155 Finarrial lhnager: SpaceGrantCon tbfH/l!{5A-}tichigan C S Anderson 1,994.82 MTALFM R4O11I 3,762.ffi I{ASA R50103 0002 I{ASA- }hlandirp Jaiteh Fello,tship E3402 59017623005 960315 l,lGT5-3004-SWP USlrASoolZ Finarrial l'|anager: J Chen rcT& FoRR50103 n,3f;0.72 22,W-72 R50122 Institute-lfuseun& Library Serv'ices IM5rI0008 824900 R509S822595 970607 rA-70032-97 Finarcialllanager: il{-S-1997@nservationAssess-PrEn SJDyI t67.25 FORR5OI22 TOTAL 167.25 FedPassThru: IIASA R80103 Finarrial lhnager: Sc YouthProgram-Space UNIVE-Sr-unrer S N Rudak E28476R8066836001 9S1211 uNlvE0236 CK# ll49?L Financiall'lanager: ard Hinorities UNIVE-lhr.Bn S !l Rudak E28477R8066936001 98t214 IJNIVEOz3S C( # 114921 Finarrcialllanager: Indian lbrkshop tfi lVE-American S N Rudak E28481R80Al136001 97164 rJrfIvE0236 A52188 Finarriallbnager: UNM-1998ArBricanlndian Science uNivEd2368284i5 R8066736001 9812t2 cK# rl49?l uHM0235 E28482R8064235001 971?s2 As218{l Finarriall&nager: notes are an integral part of these financial staterBnts. Theacconpanying 'in Ergin UNM-1998lhmrf Himrities in ErB 5,000.00 4,87t.q UNIVERSITY TECHISLOGIOT MIC'IIIGSI 0ther FederalFunding- SurnaryEqenseby Agency to 06/30/1999 Frcnr07/01/1998 08t16n999 Fm0PLl8cl CfDA# GrantocID# Irdex OrSn Proposal# Contract # Fund Apunt FurdTitle I I I I I Ut'fM0235 E28484R806,(} 36001 971253 A52188 FinancialManager: Fellor toExplore UNIVE-gSEducators S l{ Rudak 5.000.00 E28508R8063622555 97t2s0 IJNIVEO236 Asz1B9 Finarrciallfrnager: SensingVolcanicCloud UtIIVE-Rmtte l{ I Rose 1,377.39 E28509R8063722s55 971255 IJNIVEO236 4s2189 Finarrlallhnager: Integration& Vlsualization UNIVE6 J Bluth 4.579.83 [JNM0236 E28510R8063822555 97U59 452189 Financial l4anager: Sensirg K-12Tutorial UNIVE-Rerpte J l{ Budd 833.34 IJNM0236 E2S512R8064022555 97126 NzlW Financial l'lanager: ization of the }'lichigan ul{IVE-Visual J E lluntoon 2,204.9 uHM0236 E28550R8061036001 96ll09Erc A28087 Financiallhnager: SpaceGrant 1997Fe'llors UNIVE-Hich C S Anderson 0.00 uNM0236 E28557R8056336001 941147 G55305 Finarrcia'lllanager: univ of ttich-llASAQuality lhth &Sci C S Anderson 2.343:16 UNM0236 E28558R8055436001 941146 G56304 Fironcial ltnager: tlniv Mich-NISA Quality Furrtion Oep C S Anderson 195.56 ToTALFoRR80103 26,405.67 R80123itational Security Agerry FedPass A}}tfioool 825183 R7054124305 980519 Letter 0?ll7l9tl Finarcial l'lanager: AlffiX-Gtrls Enionrtg lhthemtics K A Godbole TUrAtFoRR80123 944.85 944.6 U S Deptof labor FederalPasslhru R80124 E27041gm6il MICO'10002 ?nos 960628P3 %0628P3 Financial!hna$er: HI liine SafetY MIC0l{-FYgg 0 F ftuonye TOTAIFORR8OI24 Ihe accorparyirgrntes are an integral part of thesefinarria'l statenBnts. 48 t I I I I I I I I I I 100,392.01 i00.392.01 t I I I I I T I T 08tL6lrgg9 Fr@PL18C1 CFDA# UNIVERSITY IECHMTOGICAL HICHIGAII by ASency Expense 0ther Federal.Furdirg- Sr.umnry to 06130119E9 Frorn07101/1998 Grantor ID# Index Fund Orgn Proposa'l#Contract # FedPassThru: Deptof Edrrcaticin R80127 98Sumr Inst Techrology E27006R80El 36001 9709?3 Projectl{e. 4772 l4ICl{l-l'SBE IlIEDtlO0zl FinarrialManager: Inst For Tech MIEDU-Surmr E27091R806s836001 980923 HrE0u002r Rudak S N Finarriall"lanager: mTALFoRR80127 GRA}ID TOTAT t I I I I I I I I I I I I Ificunt FundTitle -.--------.-.-- rhe accopanyirgrntes are an integral part of thesefinarrcial statemnts. tL.%.L9 225.810,999.30 165,032.48 I I I MichiganTechnologicalUniversity Scheduleof Expendituresof FederalAwards forthe yearendedJune 30, 1999 Summaryfrom Pages549 (a) $ 17,688,338 2,698,859(a) 448,226 (b) Researchand Development StudentFinancialAid OtherFederalAwards TotalfromPages5-49 20,835,422 Non-CashAssistance FederalPerkinsLoans(c) FederalDirectLoanProgram Assistance TotalNon-Cash of FederalAwards TotalExpenditures $ 34,060,029 (a) MajorPrograms fundedprogramclassifiedas otherqualifiedas a majorprogram. (b) No Federally (c) Loansare measuredby thevalueof loansmadeas of June30, 1999. of FederalAwards. See nofesto Scheduleof Expenditures 50 t t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I T t I MichiganTechnologicalUniversity Notesto Scheduleof Expendituresof FederalAwards forthe yearended June 30, 1999 1. Basis of Accounting: The Scheduleof Expendituresof FederalAwards is presentedon the same basis of accountingused for presentationof the University's financial statements,which is in with generallyacceptedaccountingprinciples. accordance Gatalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (GFDA)Numbers: All programswith identifiable CFDA numbershave been listed separately. All other programsfor which suchnumberswereunavailableor in the caseof NASA and otherswho do not issueCFDA numbers,the applicableawardnumbershavebeenprovided. t I t I I t I I t I I 51 MichiganTechnologicalUniversity Scheduleof Findingsand QuestionedCosts forthe yearendedJune 30, 1999 1. Summaryof auditorsresults: unqualifiedopinion. a. The type of reportissuedon the financialstatements: b. Reportable conditions in internal control disclosedby the audit of the financial no. nonereported.Materialweaknesses: statements: c . Noncompliancewhich is materialto the financialstatements:no. d. Reportableconditionsin internalcontrol over major programs:none reported. no. weaknesses: e. The type of reportissuedon compliancefor majorprograms:unqualifiedopinion. f. Any audit findings which are requiredto be reportedunder Section 510(a) of OMB Circular 4-133: no. (Additionally, there were no audit findings for the year ended June30, 1998.) Major programsinclude: . ResearchandDevelopment . StudentFinancialAid . FederalDirect LoanProsram which exceedS1,021,801. h. Type A programsincludeall programswith expenditures Programswhich arenot TypeA prograrnsareTypeB programs. 2. Findings and questioned costs related to the financial statements: reported in accordance with Government Auditing Standardsz The resultsof our testsdid not disclosematerialfindingsrelatedto the University'sfinancial of statements.However,we notedcertainmattersthat we havediscussedwith management the University. 52 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I