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Meeting Minutes for
SACSSOC Ad-hoc Reaffirmation Compliance
Certification Task Force
September 24, 2014
ACAD 201
Task Force Members:
Ed Whitelock, PhD, Compliance Certification Chair
Terry Betkowski, SACSCOC Liaison
Richard Baskin, PhD, Associate VP Academic Affairs
Dennis Chamberlain, EdD, VP Student Affairs
Janet Barras, Registrar
Jeff Hayes, Director of Computer Services
Kim Clark, PhD, Director of Institutional Research
Clint Chastain, Comptroller
Sonya Gaither, PhD, Librarian
Departments and Faculty Representatives:
Business & Public Service: Brenda Johnson, PhD
Biology: Linda Hyde, PhD
Fine Arts & Performing Arts: Prof. Tony Pearson
History & Political Science: Frank Winters, PhD
Humanities: Adria Goldman
Mathematics & Physical Science: John George, PhD
School of Education: Pam Bell, PhD
School of Nursing: Christina Quinn, PhD
Members Present: Dr. Whitelock, Prof Betkowski, Dr. Chamberlain, Jeff Hayes, Dr. Clark, Dr. Gaither, Dr.
Johnson, Dr. Hyde, Prof Pearson, Dr. Goldman, Dr. Quinn
Members Absent: Dr. Baskin, Janet Barras, Clint Chastain, Dr. Winters, Dr. George, Dr. Bell
Call to Order: Task Force Chair, Dr. Whitelock called the meeting to order at 2:05 PM and reminded
members of the purpose of the meeting: To address questions and touch base on where everyone is in this
incredibly large process. Dr. Whitelock also mentioned there are now several physical copies of the
SACSCOC reaccreditation handbooks available across campus: In Dr. Venable’s office, the office of each
school, as well as the office of each department under Arts & Sciences. There are also 2 copies on reserve in
the library.
General Education Assessment Update: Dr. Whitelock gave a brief update on the work of the Gen Ed
Assessment Task Force (GEATF), chaired by Dr. Anna Higgins. This task force has representatives from all
areas, but particularly from Arts and Sciences as these departments are responsible for General Education
courses. The GEATF is focusing on standard [Educational programs, to include student learning], a
typical trouble spot for colleges undergoing reaccreditation.
General education curriculum faculty were surveyed to determine the importance they placed on each of the
required Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs). This survey was used to identify the SLO’s addressed by each
Gen Ed course. Each course will not focus on all SLOs, but there will be some overlap of the SLOs covered by
different courses.
In order to have the required minimum of two years of assessment data, Fall 2014 classes will be assessed
according to the new standards. Instructors will need to come to a consensus on what constitutes Meets,
Does Not Meet and Exceeds for each SLO as well as the most appropriate assessment tool to measure the
SLOs. The GEATF is creating a tally rubric for instructors to use that will identify the SLOs targeted for each
course as well as the definitions of Meet, Does not Meet and Exceeds for each SLO.
Team Checklists and Supporting Documents: Dr. Whitelock reminded members that each team has its
own folder located in the “SACSCOC” folder under the “Temp Shared” folder on the N drive. Teams will find
their checklists in these folders and should update the checklists and add any findings or supporting
documents to this folder as well. Prof Betkowksi suggested leaving the original checklist blank and saving a
new copy with the updater’s name listed at the end of the file name. Dr. Johnson suggested typing updates
in an alternate color and identifying missing information by typing in red. Prof Betkowski stated this will
work except in cases where two people are working on the document at the same time. This is why she
suggested saving as a different file name and then merging all of the data at a later date.
Professor Betkowski also mentioned that supporting data should be converted to an electronic format (pdf).
Eventually, an “electronic document room” will be created to house all verifying documents. SACSCOC
reviewers will be able to access this “document room” off-site.
Ad Hoc Reaffirmation Compliance Certification Task Force
September 24, 2014
The question was asked about how to handle documentation that has to be obtained through a website with
a login. In most cases, electronic copies of this data can be obtained, but the most up-to-date data will be
online. Prof Betkowski stated for these items, such as the Multimetric Review, the link to the website should
be given, even though only certain employees have the login credentials.
Any items that do not currently have supporting documentation should be flagged so the Task Force can
focus on these trouble spots. Outdated data could be entered as a reminder/placeholder until updated data
is collected. For data that has never been collected, team members can note any suggestions on a way to
locate or collect this data.
Dr. Whitelock reminded members that each team’s data should be collected and merged into one document
by the October 29th meeting. Dr. Hyde asked how far back the teams should document. Prof Bekowski
stated this depends on the question. Dr. Whitelock said that a minimum of 2 years of documentation is
required for most items; this is why data collection must begin immediately.
Dr. Whitelock and Professor Betkowski offered the following suggestions:
o Just because you are an official member of this task force, you do not have work in isolation, you
can use your broader team at GSC to assist you with gathering answers.
o The Guidebooks are incredibly helpful: While the Topic Titles are broad, the Rational & Notes
section really hones in on what is covered. This section clues you in on where to look and who to
speak with.
o Check out the University of West Georgia website (www.westga.edu) and search for “Compliance”
[or “SACS”] to get an idea of how this college responded to the SACSCOC standards.
o Dr. Alan Burstein’s 2007 report as well as Prof Betkowski’s recent Henry County campus
accreditation report are both helpful resources.
Dr. Whitelock offered to resend (via email) the links to these useful websites.
General Information: As Dr. Gaither will be assisting every team, she will not be assigned to a specific
Dr. Whitelock reminded members that this is a 1-semester task force charged with conducting a review of the
SACSCOC core requirements and comprehensive standards and federal requirements to help identify any gaps
we might have.
Prof Betkowski and Jeff Hayes shared the following concerns over the Task Force’s current use of the “Temp
Shared” folder:
o Not designed for long(er)-termed documents
o Public access—no private documents should be stored there
o Someone could “accidentally” delete any information stored here. (Be sure to keep back-up
documents in another location.)
I missed something about Ed Ruggs and the Faculty Senate
adopting. . .
Next Meeting: The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 29, 2:00 PM, in the Academic
Building, room 201. The target for this meeting is completion of the checklists.
Adjournment: Dr. Whitelock adjourned the meeting at 2:45 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Creché Navarro
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