From: exchange2 , Resource Sent: 05 June 2015 12:14 Subject: IMPORTANT INFORMATION: ERASMUS+ FUNDING 2015/2016 Please see the memo sent below to all Erasmus+ eligible students: ----------Hi I am writing to inform you that we have now received confirmation of the University of Warwick Erasmus+ grant allocation for 2015/2016. I can confirm that the University of Warwick will be able to pay 9 months maximum duration for eligible Erasmus+ placements for 2015/2016. Please be aware that all Universities within Europe manage their Erasmus+ grant allocations autonomously to best match the needs of their Erasmus+ cohorts within the criteria set by their National Agency. This will mean that other students will be paid in a different manner to yourself. By paying a maximum of 9 months we are able to ensure that all eligible students outbound from the University of Warwick for 2015/2016 will receive their full Erasmus+ entitlement. ERASMUS+ GRANT RATES 2015/2016 Country Study: per month Study Disadvantage: Per month Traineeship: Per month Group 1: high cost of living countries Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, Lichtenstein, Norway, Sweden €300 €400 €400 Group 2: lower cost of living countries Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta. €250 Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia €350 €350 It is your responsibility to return all Erasmus+ paperwork in a timely manner. To safeguard your initial 70% grant payment and retain eligibility for Erasmus+ funds please review the table below and make sure that you meet the submission deadlines: Grant Agreement for Erasmus+ Student Study Abroad Protocol Bank Details 1st part of the Placement Plan Submission: By the end of the academic year Saturday 27 June 2015, no later than prior to departure Submission: By the end of the academic year Saturday 27 June 2015, no later than prior to departure Submission: When you have confirmed your account details for the year, no later than submission of the 1st part of your Placement Plan Submission: Within 1 month of arrival at your placement. We are unable to extend this deadline Link for forms: We would like to take this opportunity to wish you every success in your examinations during the summer term. Do remember that we are still holding drop-in sessions if you require help in finalising your preparations for your placement next academic year. Kind regards, Study Abroad Team International Office|University of Warwick University House, Coventry, CV4 8UW / / / /