9B. Reflective Planning: Clinical Observation of Video Recorded Lesson There are18 indicators critiqued in this evaluation. See Lesson Plan Format and Guidelines for details. Part 1 will be evaluated during the pre-observation conference. Parts 2 and 3 will be evaluated during the postobservation conference Teacher Candidate College Supervisor Pre-Observation Conference with College Supervisor: Date Permission for Video Recording (Attach Parent/Guardian Permission Forms) Attach copy of lesson plan (Ref. Teacher Candidate Manual page A-19 – 22) Attach Contextual Factors to the front of the lesson plan (Ref. Teacher Candidate Manual page 60) Post-Observation Conference with College Supervisor Date Part 1: Pre-Observation Conference (These indicators assessed during pre-observation conference) General Information: Name; School/Supervising Teacher; Grade Level: Subject Area(s);Date Taught; Total Duration of Lesson; Title of Lesson; Primary Learning Outcomes(s); Related Georgia Performance Standards(s) or QCC Standard(s); Materials and Equipment; Permission forms. 2A. Child Growth and Development Proficient: Candidate assesses individual and group performance Unsatisfactory in order to design instruction that meets learners’ current needs in each domain (cognitive, social, Improving emotional, moral, and physical) and that leads to the next level of development. Proficient Examples: Demonstrates knowledge of human growth and development and learning theory in lesson Distinguished development, delivery, and assessment; differentiates instructional strategies dependent on the needs, characteristics, and learning styles of students; Not Observed Comments: 3A. Planning Proficient: Candidate, as an individual and a member of a team, selects and creates learning experiences that are appropriate for curriculum goals, relevant to learners, and based upon principles of effective instruction (e.g. that activate students' prior knowledge, anticipate preconceptions, encourage exploration and problem-solving, and build new skills on those previously acquired). Examples: Instructional units including assessments, performance tasks, provision for differentiation and modifications Comments: Unsatisfactory Improving Proficient Distinguished 6B. Media Proficient: Candidate carefully evaluates how to achieve learning goals, choosing alternative teaching strategies and materials to achieve different instructional purposes and to meet student needs (e.g. developmental stages, prior knowledge, learning styles, and interests). Examples: Understands the role of textbook as a resource; Comments: Unsatisfactory Improving Proficient Distinguished Not Observed Not Observed Technology Connections (Must be included when appropriate for the lesson and or required by the course instructor.) 6C. Technology Proficient: Candidate enhances learning through the use of a wide variety of materials as well as human and technological resources (e.g. computers, audio-visual technologies, videotapes and discs, local experts, primary documents and artifacts, texts, reference books, literature, and other print resources). Examples: Effectively incorporates technology into planning, teaching and assessment; Comments: Unsatisfactory Improving Proficient Distinguished Not Observed Part 2: Implementation of the Lesson (These indicators will be assessed during review of the video) Procedures 1A. Subject Matter Proficient: Candidate effectively uses multiple representations and explanations of disciplinary concepts that capture key ideas and link them to students’ prior understandings. Examples: Use of essential questions/writing effective essential questions; showing exemplary work in advance to provide reference; standards posted; standards/objectives expressed or written in child friendly terms; teaching for acceleration; Comments: Unsatisfactory Improving Proficient Distinguished 1C. Diversity Proficient: Candidate develops and uses curricula that encourage students to see, question, and interpret ideas from diverse perspectives. Examples: Display exemplary work in room/hall; demonstrates and understanding of diversity issues in lesson development, delivery and assessment; Comments: Unsatisfactory Improving Proficient Distinguished 2B. Learning Connections Proficient: Candidate stimulates student reflection on prior knowledge and links new ideas to already familiar ideas, making connections to students’ experiences, providing opportunities for active engagement, manipulation, and testing of ideas and materials, and encouraging students to assume responsibility for shaping their learning tasks. Examples: Building for transfer (emphasizing important ideas); connections to previously learned material; connections with prior knowledge/experiences; Comments: Unsatisfactory Improving Proficient Distinguished Not Observed Not Observed Not Observed Step Two: Teaching the Primary Learning Outcome(s). Teach the content relevant to the primary learning outcome(s). Check for understanding before going on. Provide practice and feedback related to the primary learning outcome(s). 5A. Learning Design Proficient: Candidate creates a smoothly functioning learning community in which students assume responsibility for themselves and one another, participate in decision-making, work collaboratively and independently, and engage in purposeful learning activities. Examples: Strategies/patterns to involve all students in the lesson/activity; use of small groups with individualization; understands different roles as direct instructor, facilitator, coach; Comments: Unsatisfactory Improving Proficient Distinguished 5B. Management Proficient: Candidate organizes, allocates, and manages the resources of time, space, activities, and attention to provide active and equitable engagement of students in productive tasks. Examples: Use of time; having a powerful awareness of class and what is happening; keeping lessons on track and paced; Comments: Unsatisfactory Improving Proficient Distinguished Not Observed Not Observed 5D. Dispositions The candidate…. takes responsibility for establishing a positive climate in the classroom and participates in maintaining such a climate in the school as whole. understands how participation supports commitment, and is committed to the expression and use of democratic values in the classroom. values the role of students in promoting each other’s learning and recognizes the importance of peer relationships in establishing a climate of learning. recognizes the value of intrinsic motivation to students’ life-long growth and learning. is committed to the continuous development of individual students’ abilities and considers how different motivational strategies are likely to encourage this development for each student. Comments: Unsatisfactory Improving Proficient Distinguished 6A. Learning Strategies Proficient: Candidate uses multiple teaching and learning strategies to engage students in active learning opportunities that promote the development of critical thinking, problem Unsatisfactory Improving Not Observed solving, and performance capabilities and that help student assume responsibility for identifying and using learning resources. Examples: Creates and environment for proactive learners; identifies pedagogical strategies and uses them appropriately. Comments: Proficient Distinguished 7A. Communication Proficient: Candidate models effective communication strategies in conveying ideas and information and in asking questions (e.g. monitoring the effects of messages, restating ideas and drawing connections, using visual, aural, and kinesthetic cues, being sensitive to nonverbal cues given and received). Examples: Model/use Standard English in oral and written communication; Comments: Unsatisfactory Improving Proficient Distinguished Not Observed Not Observed Step Three: Closure Estimated Time: Assessing the primary Learning Outcome(s) 10A. Formative Assessment Proficient: Candidate uses assessment strategies to involve learners in selfassessment activities, to help them become aware of their strengths and needs, and to encourage them to set personal goals for learning. Examples: Uses a variety of formal and informal assessment and evaluation techniques to demonstrate student learning; Comments: Unsatisfactory Improving Proficient Distinguished 10C. Assessment for Learning Proficient: Candidate appropriately uses a variety of formal and informal assessment techniques (e.g. observation, portfolios of student work, teacher-made tests, performance tasks, projects, student self-assessments, peer assessment, and standardized tests) to enhance her or his knowledge of learners, evaluate students' progress and performances, and modify teaching and learning strategies. Examples: Students have an opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned; teach for mastery; variety of assessments; understanding variety of assessments and use; Unsatisfactory Improving Proficient Distinguished Not Observed Not Observed Comments: Plan for Early Finishers (Required) Accommodation (Required in Professional Semesters 1, 2, 3, & 4) 3B. Response to Diversity Proficient: Candidate creates lessons and activities that operate at multiple levels to meet the developmental and individual needs of diverse learners and help each progress. Examples: Seamless use of augmentation of EIP, Special Education; differentiated instruction; use of modifications and accommodations; plans and effectively delivers instruction to keep students of all abilities and backgrounds constructively engaged; Comments: Extension (Required in Profession Semesters 2, 3, & 4) Remediation (Required in Professional Semesters 3 & 4) Unsatisfactory Improving Proficient Distinguished Not Observed Part 3: Candidate Reflections – Self Assessment At the post-observation conference, candidate provides journal entry responses to the four indicators below. 9A. Analysis of Impact Proficient: Candidate evaluates the effect of class activities on both individuals and the class as a whole, collecting information through observation of classroom interactions, questioning, and analysis of student work. Examples: Ability to monitor the individual progress of the learner; uses data to drive instruction; Comments: Unsatisfactory Improving Proficient Distinguished Not Observed 9B. Reflective Planning Proficient: Candidate uses classroom observation, information about students, and research as sources for evaluating the outcomes of teaching and learning and as a basis for experimenting with, reflecting on, and revising practice. Examples: Disaggregating of data; teaching for remediation; uses student learning and achievement data to develop and deliver structured lessons and to monitor progress; Comments: Unsatisfactory Improving Proficient Distinguished 9C. Professional Growth Proficient: Candidate draws upon professional colleagues within the school and other professional arenas as supports for reflection, problem-solving and new ideas, actively sharing experiences and seeking and giving feedback. Examples: Participates in professional development; applies constructive and formative feedback from mentor/ supervisor to support growth and improvement in teaching; a willingness for self reflection and personal growth/ development; Comments: Unsatisfactory Improving Proficient Distinguished 9D. Dispositions The candidate…. values critical thinking and self-directed learning as habits of mind; committed to reflection, assessment, and learning as an ongoing process. willing to give and receive help. committed to seeking out, developing, and continually refining practices that address the individual needs of students. recognizes his/her professional responsibility for engaging in and supporting appropriate professional practices for self and colleagues. Comments: Unsatisfactory Improving Proficient Distinguished Signature of College Supervisor: Date: Not Observed Not Observed Not Observed