.X w w w Context. The Unit draws together concepts from different areas of the Syllabus and applies them to some aspects of the gathering and communicating of information. The Unit provides some insight into ways and means by which physics is applied in everyday life. Outline. The first part of the Unit is concerned with the gathering and communicating of information. Sensing devices, processing units based on simple electronic circuits and output devices are studied. The second part of the Unit is concerned with basic aspects of remote sensing in medicine. As such, Xrays, ultrasound and magnetic resonance are considered. Finally, the communicating of information is studied, leading to an appreciation of satellite communication and the use of the mobile phone. Online Resources. In this Unit, some suggestions are made for online resources. This list is by no means comprehensive but is intended as a starting point. Students should be encouraged to research appropriate material for themselves and to share this information with their fellow students. Learning Outcomes Candidates should be able to: Suggested Teaching Activities Online Resources Other resources An Applications Support Booklet is available from the CIE Teacher Support website and from CIE Publications. This provides a guide to the level of detail required. Reference should be made to the list of textbooks printed in the Syllabus document. Note that some texts are more suitable as library reference texts whilst others are more suitable as students texts and, in particular, the ‘endorsed’ textbook. All examples of examination questions are taken from 9702 papers. om .c s er ap Recommended Prior Knowledge. The study of ‘direct sensing’ requires a knowledge of basic current electricity and circuitry (AS, Unit 3). The section entitled ‘remote sensing’ is involved with the production and use of X-rays and ultrasound and also the use of MRI. This will involve an understanding of concepts of waves (AS, Unit 5) and magnetic fields (A2, Unit 3). Students should also be familiar with wave properties (AS, Unit 5) for the study of the section based on ‘communicating information’. eP m e tr A2 Physics UNIT 6 Applications of Physics 28(b) Learning Outcomes Candidates should be able to: show an understanding of the change in resistance with light intensity of a lightdependent resistor (LDR). Suggested Teaching Activities Other resources Experiment: Variation of resistance of an LDR with distance of the LDR from a lamp. 28(c) sketch the temperature characteristic of a negative temperature coefficient thermistor. Experiment: variation of resistance of a thermistor with temperature. 28(a) show an understanding that an electronic sensor consists of a sensing device and a circuit that provides an output voltage. Demonstration of potential divider circuit incorporating either an LDR or a thermistor to investigate how output p.d. across either the fixed resistor or the LDR/thermistor depends on environmental conditions. 28(d) Online Resources show an understanding of the action of a piezo-electric transducer and its application in a simple microphone. Explanation/discussion: the structure of a quartz crystal distortion of the crystal and generation of a voltage across the crystal Note: this effect will be studied further when studying the generation and detection of ultrasound (29(h)). 28(e) Describe the structure of a metal-wire strain gauge. Discussion as to basic structure. Revision of R = L/A (AS Unit 3) 28(f) relate extension of a strain gauge to change in resistance of the gauge. Effect of strain Students should be aware of the simplifying assumption that area of cross-section is constant. Discussion: uses of strain gauges. 28(g) show an understanding that the output from sensing devices can be registered as a voltage. This relates directly to the output from a piezo-electric transducer or to the output from a potential divider circuit (see 28(a)). 28(h) recall the main properties of the ideal operational amplifier (op-amp). May be introduced by discussion of need to process the voltage considered in 28(g). Voltage may be small or there may be a need to have an on/off situation. Electronics as a series of integrated circuits. The op-amp. No need to understand circuits within the package but its characteristics/properties must be known. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pi ezoelectric#sensors http://www.recipeland.com/e ncyclopaedia/index.php/Piez oelectricity Oct 2009, Paper 41, q.10 May 2008, Paper 4, q.9(a) Oct 2007, Paper 4, q.8(c) May 2010, Paper 42, q.10(a) http://natmus.dk/cons/tp/strm sr/strainm2.htm May 2010, Paper 42, q.10(a) Oct 2009, Paper 41, q.9(a)(b) Learning Outcomes Candidates should be able to: Suggested Teaching Activities 28(i) deduce, from the properties of an ideal operational amplifier, the use of an operational amplifier as a comparator. Experiment: op-amp in open loop mode as a comparator. Use with thermistor to monitor temperatures. The output may be monitored with a voltmeter or use of LEDs may be introduced. Slew rate may be introduced. 28(j) show an understanding of the effects of negative feedback on the gain of an operational amplifier. Discussion/ Experiment: Saturation Use of feedback to reduce gain Negative feedback. Effects of negative feedback, other than on gain, should also be discussed. 28(k) recall the circuit diagrams for both the inverting and the non-inverting amplifier for single signal input. Experiments: Gain of inverting and noninverting amplifiers. Input and output potentials. An understanding of saturation. 28(l) show an understanding of the virtual earth approximation and derive an expression for the gain of inverting amplifiers. Discussion: the virtual earth. Derivation of gain of inverting amplifier. 28(m) recall and use expressions for the voltage gain of inverting and the non-inverting amplifiers. Discussion; gain of non-inverting amplifier. The derivation of this expression is not required. 28(n) show an understanding of the use of relays in electronic circuits. Discussion: typical output of processing unit (28(a)). Relay can be used to Switch large currents/voltages Switch remotely Examples of relays. 28(o) show an understanding of the use of lightemitting diodes (LEDs) as devices to indicate the state of the output of electronic circuits. Demonstration: the action of an LED. The need of a protective resistor should be discussed but will not be examined. Use of two diodes on the output to indicate high/low. Online Resources Other resources Oct 2009, Paper 41, q.10 Oct 2007, Paper 4, q.8(a)(b) May 2010, Paper 42, q.9(a) May 2009, Paper 4, q.10(a) Oct 2009, Paper 4, q.9(a) May 2010, Paper 41, q.9(a) May 2010, Paper 42, q.9(b)(c) May 2010, Paper 41, q.9(b) May 2009, Paper 4, q.10(b)(c) Oct 2009, Paper 4, q.9(b)(c) May 2010, Paper 42, q.10(b) Oct 2009, Paper 41, q.10 May 2008, Paper 4, q.9(b) Learning Outcomes Candidates should be able to: Suggested Teaching Activities Online Resources 28(p) show an understanding of the need for calibration where digital or analogue meters are used as output devices. Experiment. Thermistor circuit with output as a voltmeter. Calibration curve plotted. (revision of AS, Unit 1). Discussion of advantages/disadvantages of non-linear scales e.g. fuel gauge. http://www.nibib.nih.gov/eAd vances/071305.htm 29(a) explain in simple terms the need for remote sensing (non-invasive techniques of diagnosis) in medicine. A brief discussion based on the history of medical diagnosis may be helpful. What is meant by non-invasive techniques and how these have changed the face of medical diagnosis. http://www.plus2physics.com explain the principles of the production of X-rays by electron bombardment of a metal target. Students should be able to sketch a typical X-ray spectrum and appreciate that there are two components in the spectrum. They should be able to explain the origins of these components and recall and understand the expressions kinetic energy of electron = eV and eV = hc/λ 29(c) describe the main features of a modern Xray tube, including control of the intensity and hardness of the X-ray beam. The roles of the tube current and the tube voltage should be understood. The use of an aluminium filter should be discussed. The need to cool the target could lead to a discussion as regards the efficiency of production of x-ray photons. 29(d) show an understanding of the use of Xrays in imaging internal body structures, including a simple analysis of the causes of sharpness and contrast in X-ray imaging. Students may be aware of the use of CCD’s for the detection of X-rays, rather than photographic film. The difference between sharpness and contrast should be emphasised. The use of a variable sized aperture and a lead grid should be discussed. 29(k) recall and solve problems by using the equation I = I 0 e-μx for the attenuation of X-rays (and of ultrasound) in matter. The meaning of attenuation should be discussed. Factors affecting attenuation, leading to the use of a contrast medium for the use of X-rays with soft tissues (barium sulphate for the stomach/intestines; radioopaque die for blood vessels). 29(b) Other resources www.med.harvard.edu/JPNM /physics/refs/refs.html www.colorado.edu/physics/2 000/xray Oct 2009, paper 42, q.10(a) http://dutch.phys.strath.ac.uk/ CommPhys2004Exam/Shelle ywaugh/physics-xray.htm Oct 2009, Paper 42, q.10(b) http://www.compadre.org/info rmal/items/detail.cfm?ID=547 Learning Outcomes Candidates should be able to: Suggested Teaching Activities Online Resources 29(e) show an understanding of the purpose of computed tomography or CT scanning. X-ray image as a ‘shadow’ or ‘flat’ image. CT scan enables a 3D image to be formed that can be rotated. http://www.physicscentral.co m/action/action-02-3.html 29(f) show an understanding of the principles of CT scanning. Students should appreciate that a series of X-ray images from different angles are obtained for one thin ‘slice’. These are processed by a computer to form an image of the slice. Images of successive slices are combined to form a 3D image. http://www.colorado.edu/phy sics/2000/tomography/ Other resources May 2010, Paper 41, q.10(a) www.moh.gov.ae/mohsite/xr ay/ 29(g) show an understanding of how the image of an 8-voxel cube can be developed using CT scanning. After an initial discussion, practice can best be obtained by students working in small groups. http://www.sheffcol.ac.uk/link s/Science/Physics/Medical/Ul trasound/ May 2010, Paper 41, q.10(b) 29(h) explain the principles of the generation and detection of ultrasound waves using piezo-electric transducers. This can be an extension of the work already covered in 28(d). The role of resonance should be discussed. www.ob-ultrasound.net/ May 2010, Paper 42, q.11 29(i) explain the main principles behind the use of ultrasound to obtain diagnostic information about internal structures. 29(j) show an understanding of the meaning of specific acoustic impedance and its importance to the intensity reflection coefficient at a boundary. When defining impedance, reference should be made to the speed of the wave in the medium. Reflection at an air-tissue boundary and the use of a gel should be discussed. 29(k) recall and solve problems by using the equation I = I 0 e-μx for the attenuation (of X-rays and ) of ultrasound in matter. Similarity of expression with attenuation of Xrays should be appreciated.. Received intensity at detector dependent on reflection at boundaries and attenuation in media. May 2009, Paper 4, q.11(a) Oct 2007, Paper 4, q.9(c) May 2009, Paper 4, q.11(b) Oct 2007, Paper 4, q.9(a)(b) www.physics.union.edu/new manj/2000/mri.htmdutch.phy s.strath.ac.uk/.../MRI.htm http://science.uniserve.edu.a u/school/curric/stage6/phys/ medphys.html May 2009, Paper 4, q.11(b) Learning Outcomes Candidates should be able to: 29(l) explain the main principles behind the use of magnetic resonance to obtain diagnostic information about internal structures. Suggested Teaching Activities It should be emphasised that magnetic resonance is a nuclear process. Online Resources http://hsc.csu.edu.au/physics /options/medical/3019/PHY9 64netdraft.html Other resources Oct 2009, Paper 41, q.11 May 2008, Paper 4, q.10 http://faculty.washington.edu/ chudler/nobel03.html 29(m) http://physics.about.com/od/i maging/ show an understanding of the function of the non-uniform magnetic field, superimposed on the large constant magnetic field, in diagnosis using magnetic resonance. www.gcse.com/waves/radio. htm http://scienveworld.wolfram.c om/physics/RadioWave.html http://hyperphysics.phyastr.gsu.edu/hbase/class/p22 129.html 30(a) understand the term modulation and be able to distinguish between amplitude modulation (AM) and frequency modulation (FM). It may be advantageous to commence this Section with some revision of AS Unit 5. 30(b) recall that a carrier wave, amplitude modulated by a single audio frequency, is equivalent to the carrier wave frequency together with two sideband frequencies. The frequency spectrum should be introduced. Also, the spectrum produced where the modulating signal is composed of audio frequencies (speech). Oct 2009, Paper 42, q.11(c) Oct 2007, Paper 4, q.10(a)(c) 30(c) understand the term bandwidth. Examples for speech (telephone), music of different qualities etc. should be discussed Oct 2007, Paper 4, q.10(b) 30(d) demonstrate an awareness of the relative advantages of AM and FM transmissions. 30(e) recall the advantages of the transmission of data in digital form, compared to the transmission of data in analogue form. May 2010, Paper 41, q.11(a) Oct 2009, Paper 42, q.11(a)(b) May 2008, Paper 4, q.11(a) Oct 2007, Paper 4, q.10(a) May 2010, Paper 41, q.11(b) May 2008, Paper 4, q.11(b) This could be introduced via digital communication systems known to students and why change-over from analogue to digital. Oct 2009, Paper 41, q.12(a)(b) Learning Outcomes Candidates should be able to: Suggested Teaching Activities Online Resources Other resources 30(f) understand that the digital transmission of speech or music involves analogue-to digital conversion (ADC) on transmission and digital-to-analogue conversion (DAC) on reception. It may be advantageous to introduce block diagrams in preparation for 30(r). Any transmission may also involve parallel-toserial and serial-to-parallel converters (again, preparation for 30(r). Oct 2009, Paper 41, q.12(c) 30(g) show an understanding of the effect of the sampling rate and the number of bits in each sample on the reproduction of an input signal. Students should be familiar with the terms step width and step height. They should be able to sample an analogue signal, digitise it and then plot the reconstituted analogue signal. Oct 2009, Paper 41, q.12(d) 30(h) appreciate that information may be carried by a number of different channels, including wire pairs, coaxial cables, radio and microwave links and optic fibres. This can be achieved by asking students to name different forms of communication and then identifying the channel of communication. 30(i) discuss the relative advantages and disadvantages of channels of communication in terms of available bandwidth, noise, cross-linking, security, signal attenuation, repeaters and regeneration, cost and convenience. The relevant terms should be either revised e.g. bandwidth or introduced e.g. noise. Students should appreciate that some properties of optic fibres are dependent on the radiation employed. http://collections.ic.gc.ca/sate llites/english/index.html 30(j) describe the use of satellites in communication. This should include the limits of world-wide communication by alternative means e.g. surface, sky and space waves. http://www.smgaels.org/physi cs/97/MGRAHLFS.HTM 30(k) recall the relative merits of both geostationary and polar orbiting satellites for communicating information. The work on satellites in A2 Unit 3 should be revised to include the period and altitude of satellites. The uses of polar orbiting and of geostationary satellites should be discussed alongside their relative advantages and disadvantages. Uses could include GPS, television and telephone communication, remote sensing. 30(l) recall the frequencies and wavelengths used in different channels of communication. May 2010, Paper 42, q.12(a) May 2008, Paper 4, q.12(a) http://physics.uwstout.edu/wx /wxsat/types.htm May 2010, Paper 41, q.12(b) Learning Outcomes Candidates should be able to: Suggested Teaching Activities Online Resources The significance of a change of 3 dB may be of use to students. http://science.uniserve.edu.a u/school/curric/stage6/phys/ world.html Other resources 30(m) understand and use signal attenuation expressed in dB and dB per unit length. 30(n) recall and use the expression number of dB = 10 lg(P 1 /P 2 ) for the ratio of two powers. 30(o) understand that, in a mobile phone system, the public switched telephone network (PSTN) is linked to base stations via a cellular exchange. Oct 2009, Paper 42, q.12(a) 30(p) understand the need for an area to be divided into a number of cells, each cell served by a base station. Oct 2007, Paper 4, q.11(a) 30(q) understand the role of the base station and the cellular exchange during the making of a call from a mobile phone handset. 30(r) recall a simplified block diagram of a mobile phone handset and understand the function of each block. The making of a call includes the initial switching on of the mobile phone as well as the time during which the call is actively taking place. The role of the computer at the cellular exchange is of importance. May 2010, Paper 42, q.12(b) May 2010, Paper 41, q.12(a) May 2009, Paper 4, q.12 May 2008, Paper 4, q.12(b) Oct 2009, Paper 42, q.12(b) Oct 2007, Paper 4, q.11(b) May 2009, Paper 4, q.13(b) May 2009, Paper 4, q.13(a)