What is Success? An interdisciplinary, interactive debate, kicked off by Charlotte Vincent (Vincent Dance Theatre) and Dr Cath Lambert (Department of Sociology). Wednesday 21st November 3 - 4.30 pm SO.20 (Social Studies Building) A feisty and thought provoking debate on feminist perspectives around the notion of success and what it means to be a successful woman in today's society. What is ‘success’? Is it really desirable? Is it achievable or are women chasing an impossible dream of “having it all”? And at what cost? The interactive discussion will examine these questions drawing on a range of resources including academic, creative and performance perspectives and approaches. This debate accompanies performances of Motherland from Vincent Dance Theatre at Warwick Art Centre on the 20th and 21st November. ALL ARE WELCOME Supported by Warwick Arts Centre, the Centre for the Study of Women and Gender, and the Sociology Department’s Culture, Media and Representation research cluster.