Academic Affairs Executive Team Meeting JULY 29, 2015 3:00PM, PRESIDENT’S CONFERENCE ROOM Attendees Dr. Jeffery Knighton Dr. Mike Mahan Dr. Anne Purvis Professor Teresa Betkowski Professor Peter Higgins Ms. Brenda Blackstock Ms. Laura Shadrick Goals for Academic Affairs Reaffirmation Increasing the numbers of baccalaureate students Facilitating student success Opening Faculty Meeting topics The Team briefly discussed possible topics to include in the opening meeting. - Career Services - QEP - Title 9 and open records - Weekend College - Statutes and Handbook - McDonough - CETL - Access Institute - Reaffirmation Joint Faculty/Staff meeting The Team briefly discussed possible topics to include in the opening meeting. - Briefly introduce new faculty - Accomplishments - Goals for Academic Affairs First Week Responsibilities In service week-all faculty are needed on campus. Mentor Selection and Responsibilities The team agreed that mentoring is very important and we should discuss this topic further. GSConnect The team agreed that communication is very important and we should discuss this topic further. Adjunct Evening The event will be August 6, 2015 from 6-8PM in NAHS 123. All Deans should attend the adjunct evening event. New Associate Degree Policy Proposal the board of Regents will vote on at the August meeting. Core Curriculum The Core will now consist of 42 semester hours in areas A-E and will no longer include area F. Students will also have 18 hours of lower division requirements related to a bachelor’s degree field of study (Area F) and approved by the Regents Advisory Committee. Career Degrees & Transfer Degrees In addition to AS and AA degrees, the BOR will develop a process for approval of specific “majors” to be awarded. o These majors must have a minimum of 12 credit hours in Area F, and must be treated as programs. Fees Waived for Internships and Practicums The team briefly discussed recent requests to waive on-campus fees (SARC, Activity, Athletic, Health, & Parking) for Internships and Practicums. AA Organizational Chart We will add the PE Coordinator to the School of Education. NSO Drs. Baskin and Knighton and Aiello will review requests for schedule changes and present tickets to students who qualify for a change. Closed Class Sessions Topic postponed to another meeting. Program Marketing Academic Affairs should not recruit students who have not been accepted. It is still ok to contact students who have been accepted but have not enrolled yet. Protocol for Announcing Deaths If a faculty member's family member has passed, the Department Head or Dean should announce the passing to the department after they have received permission to do so from the faculty member. - In addition to notifying the direct supervisor, the President should be copied on the announcement. If a faculty member has passed, the Dean and Provost should be notified immediately. If they cannot be reached, the President should be contacted immediately. The Provost and Dean will determine the best person to notify the campus. Academic Affairs Policies/Policy and Procedure Approval Form The group briefly reviewed and discussed Dr. Baskin’s Grade Appeal proposal. - We will look into creating a separate process for formal complaints. In order for any policy to truly be considered a policy, we must complete an Approval form for the item. - Dr. Knighton will assign policies to each Dean and Department Head to review and create a form for approval. Name of Group We are continuing to review options. The meeting adjourned 5:01pm. Minutes Submitted by Laura Shadrick