Advanced PowerPoint 2010 Tricks and Tips to Designing

Advanced PowerPoint 2010
Tricks and Tips to Designing
-You can choose to use a textbox or WordArt to insert text. WordArt usually
works better for headings and textboxes work better for longer text.
-A rule of thumb: Never put more than 2 sentences on 1 slide: fragments & notes
are much better!
-These functions are located on the “Insert” menu- “Textbox” or “WordArt”
-You can further edit the text by right clicking on the textbox and choosing
“Format Shape”. A popup will appear allowing you to add a background to
your text. You can choose a color, picture, or pattern. You can also use the
translucency tool to make the background lighter. Here you can also add
shadows, line colors, and glow effects to either the WordArt or the textbox.
-You can also add
shapes, which can
serve as borders. You
can access “shapes”
through “Insert””Shapes”. Right
clicking the shape will
also allow you to
“format shape” and
edit the file, line,
glow, etc of the
-When you Insert an image, you have several options of altering the image. Click
on the image and a special toolbar will appear with specific functions. These
-Remove background
-Corrections (Make image brighter/darker)
-Color (Give hues over the color)
-Artistic effects
-Picture Effects (3D, Shadow)
You can choose a template background through the “Design” tab. You can
change the colors of the template by choosing the “colors” icon .
-To edit a slide background,
right click anywhere on the
background area and select
“Format Background.” A
popup will allow for lots of
options to choose colors,
patters, or pictures. You can
choose a picture from you
computer by “file”. Use the
transparency slider to make the
image lighter so you can add
text on top.
The “Picture Color” and “Artistic
Effects” allow you to change
the entire color of the image as
well as try different effects.
Now you can add textboxes,
shapes, and other pictures on
top of your background. If you
want to apply the same
background to all of your sides,
choose the “Apply to all”
Smart Art (Graphic Organizers)
-You can make graphic
organizers using shapes or you
can choose a pre-made one
through “Insert”-”Smart Art”
-This provides a list you can
choose from- you can also
change the colors.
-You can design and insert
charts through “Insert”“Chart”. Double click the chart
you would like to use.
-The contents of the graph
open in an excel popup. You
can edit the contents and see
how it will appear in the chart.
You can change
the color of the
-Add date/time of current date
or choose a specific date
-Add slide number
-Add customized footer
-Apply to slide or handouts
-Apply to all our just one slide.
Animations for Image
-Insert image
-”Animations” tab
-Choose from toolbar
or “add animations”
-View animation
pane to see all
animations (if you
put more than one on
a slide.)
-The animation pane will
show you the various
animations on that slide.
You can reorder them.
-You can determine when
they start.
-You can determine the
animation duration and if
there is a delay in
Transitions for Backgrounds
-”Transitions” tab
-Choose transitions from
toolbar, more options
under “effect options”
-Choose sound & duration
-Apply to all
Add Comments
-”Review” tab
-New Comment
-Type comment (will have
name & date)
-Will scroll up until hovered
Record & Set time
Record the time so that
the slides automatically
turn based upon a preset time limit.
-”Slide Show” tab
-”Rehearse Timings”
-A recording box will
appear as the slideshow
mode begins. Click the
slides when you want to
advance. At the end, save
the times.
Record Slide Show (w/ Voice)
-You will need a headset w/ microphone
-Choose to begin recording at the beginning or on the
current slide & Choose what you would like to record
-Record your audio and advance through the slides
-Press “ESC” when complete (It will take a few seconds)
Group Objects Together/Save as Picture
-You can move objects back/forward by
right clicking, “bring to front”, “send to back”
-To group objects together, hold down
“shift” and click all of the elements. Then
right click, “group”. It should now be one
Image. Right click on image, “save as
picture”. Now you can save this in your
documents as a picture and insert it
Insert Hyperlink to Website
-First, using a textbox, type the text that
you want to hold the link (ie- “Here is a
link to a neat video”
-Highlight the text, select “Insert” tab
and “Hyperlink” icon.
-In the popup, past the URL of the link in
the “address” section and “Ok”
-The text should
now turn blue
and be
-The link will not
work until you
go into
-You can take and insert a
screenshot into Powerpoint. This is
like taking a picture of another
document, website, or your
computer screen.
-”Insert”- “Screenshot”,
-Draw a box around what you
would like included in the
screenshot. It will then appear as
a picture in Powerpoint. You can
move it, resize it, etc.
Hyperlink to other files/documents
-You can open a document, files,
movie, etc that you have saved
on your computer by hyperlinking
to it. (You also want to make sure
the document is saved in your H
-Using a textbox, type the text you
want to hold the link.
-”Insert” tab, “Hyperlink”
-In the popup, use the “Look in”
dropdown to located the folder
on your computer. Then choose
the appropriate document and
-The text should turn blue and
underline. The link will not work
until you are in slideshow view.
Insert Audio (music) from your
computer into Powerpoint
-You will need the downloaded
music on your computer (in your H
-”Insert”-”Audio”-”Audio from file”
-Choose the file from your
-When it is inserted, this icon
should appear
-”Audio tools”- “Playback”
Insert Audio (music) from your
computer into Powerpoint
-”Animation”-”Animation Pane”
-Right click on music file
-”Effect options”
-Start Playing “From beginning”
-Stop Playing “After X slides”
-Now go to “Transitions” tab
-Disable Mouse Click Check
-Choose After “X” (put in how long
you want each slide to flash)
-Select “Apply to All”
Embedding a Video from Youtube
-Underneath desired video,
choose “share” then “embed”
-Choose “Old embed code” and
select the size.
-Highlight and copy embed code
In Powerpoint- “Insert” tab,
“Video” dropdown- “Video from
website”-pasted embed code in.
-Double click on black box to
watch video. Test it in “Slideshow”
Insert Video from File
-”Insert”-”Video”-”From File”
-Choose video (should be in H
-You can resize video
-”Playback” tab- “Trim Video”
-”Playback” tab- “Add a
bookmark” to an important
-Play video and pause
at important moment.
-Then click “Add Bookmark”
Remove background from
-Copy/Paste or Insert
Picture into PowerPoint
-Double click on picture
and choose “remove
-The background will
turn purple. Size the
object to make sure none
of the picture is deleted.
Then click off of the picture.
-You can add special
permissions of access for
your PowerPoint.
-”File” tab- “Info”- “Protect
These permissions include:
-Mark as Final: Makes the document “read-only”/ changes
cannot be made
-Encrypt with Password: Those who wish to view will have to
submit the password.
-Restrict Permission by Person: Only allow certain viewers
-Add a Digital Signature: Add an invisible digital signature.
Prepare for Sharing
-You can check your
document to make sure it is
able to be easily shared
-”File” tab- “Info” “Check
for Issues”
“Check for Issues” includes:
-Inspect Document: For special access or hidden information
-Check Accessibility: Check to make sure those with
disabilities can easily read your PowerPoint. After inspection,
each slide will contain a list of errors as well as help in fixing
them. (***ADA Students)
-Check Compatibly: Check for features in this powerpoint that
aren’t compatible with earlier versions of powerpoint
Manage Versions:
Recover unsaved files.
Change the properties by typing.
Templates for Download
-”File” tab, “New”
-You can choose templates
that are provided by These include
calendars, certificates,
agendas, invitations,
business cards….
-To get to Gordon State
College Templates- select
“My Templates” and then
“Gordon College” tab
Please share the following
information with your
Printing PowerPoints
-You can save your
PowerPoints as PDF files,
which makes it easier for
Print Options:
-Print All Sides: or pick only
certain slides to print
-Full Page Slides: or choose
to print handouts with 3, 6,
or 9 slides on a page
-Print One Sides: or print on
both sides
-Collated: If printing more
than one copy- print as sets
or print all first pgs together,
all second pgs together
-Color: or pint grayscale or
black and white