Chapter Two
To assess how information and communications technologies (ICTs)
will affect electric power over the next 20 years, one must estimate
what ICT developments will occur and what their effects are likely
to be. While this clearly is not an easy task, there are various approaches, or methodologies, that can be employed as aids: technology forecasts, roadmaps, assessments, and scenarios.
The first three of these approaches usually focus on a technological
end point, range, or path. A technology forecast is, as the term suggests, a prediction about the characteristics of a particular technology at a particular future time (Martino, 1978, pp. 1–2). The forecast
may be a point estimate or an estimated range incorporating the
level of uncertainty associated with the prediction. A technology
roadmap depicts the key scientific and technical advances needed to
reach a desired end state, or “destination.”1 A technological assessment is principally concerned with “evaluating the social consequences of [a] technological change” (Pool, 1983, p. 2). Like technology forecasts, roadmaps and assessments generally treat uncertainty
as an excursion around a preferred path or destination.
In contrast, a scenario includes uncertainty as an essential feature of
the exploration. It develops both the technical and nontechnical
characteristics of “an alternative future plus a description of the path
1 Technology roadmaps relevant to this study include EPRI, 1999a; and Info-
Communications Development Authority of Singapore, 2000.
Electricity Requirements for a Digital Society
that goes from today to that future” (Dewar, 2002), its goal being to
provide a self-consistent future world with a credible narrative leading to a plausible end point. Together, several scenarios span a space
that is considered likely to contain the actual future state, although
any individual scenario is by itself unlikely to be realized.
We chose the scenario approach because we believe changes in ICTs
are happening too fast and with too much turbulence to permit forecasting, mapping, or assessment over a 20-year period. In the words
of a recent National Research Committee report on the future of the
Internet, “The middle of a revolution is a difficult point from which
to gauge long-term outcomes” (Computer Science and Telecommunications Board, 2001a, p. 2). By offering several plausible alternative
paths and end points, scenarios can aid policymakers by challenging
assumptions, revealing possible gaps in planning, and suggesting
adaptive or hedging strategies for contingency planning and research
and development (R&D) programs. 2
In constructing the ICT scenarios, we followed a process that RAND
has used for other scenario-building exercises. In our case, it involved the following six steps:
Review ICT trends and developments;
Review recently published scenarios and planning documents;
Characterize current and future ICT applications;
Interview ICT and other experts to identify important technical
and nontechnical driving factors;
Identify likely and possible implications of ICT developments;
Synthesize the results into a small number of scenarios that depict different ICT development paths and societal outcomes.
2 Beginning in the late 1960s, Royal Dutch/Shell pioneered the use of scenarios in
these ways for business planning. For accounts of the Royal Dutch/Shell experience,
see Wack, 1985; Schwartz, 1991; and Van der Heijden, 1996. Also see Smil, 2000.
Approach and Methodology
When considering technology trends, it is useful to look back at least
as far as one intends to look forward. Consequently, we reviewed ICT
studies from the late 1970s through the present that were conducted
by the National Research Council, the Office of Technology Assessment, the Aspen Institute, and others.3 Recent scenarios of interest
included, among others, those created for the Central Intelligence
Agency (National Intelligence Council, 2000), the U.S. Air Force (Air
University, 1995), the European Commission (Information Society
Technologies Advisory Group, 2001; and Botterman et al., 2001), the
Millennium Project of the American Council for the United Nations
University (Glenn and Gordon, 2000), and the Department of Energy
(DOE) Interlaboratory Working Group (2000). A number of recent
trade books by ICT stakeholders also provided popular and often
insightful accounts of prospective ICT developments. 4
To be useful to corporate decisionmakers or government policymakers, scenarios must be interesting, relevant, and few. If there are
many scenarios dealing with multiple outcomes or possibilities, the
situation quickly becomes unmanageable and the scenarios therefore unhelpful. “Never more than four” is a consistent theme among
successful scenario builders (Wack, 1985b). As a consequence, we
had to sift through a large number of possible influences on ICT
evolution to find one or two drivers to form the framework for very
different but self-consistent future paths and end states.
A great many technical and nontechnical factors interact in influencing the path and pace of movement toward a digital society:
Innovations in ICT products and services, which make them better, cheaper, and easier to use;
3 Examples include reports from the Computer Science and Telecommunications
Board, 2001a, 2001b, 1997, 1996, 1995, 1994, and 1988; Anderson et al., 2000; Hundley
et al., 2000; Kahan, 1993; and Robinson, 1978.
4 See, for example, Negroponte, 1995; Gates, Myhrvold, and Rinearson, 1996; Mitchell,
1997; Dertouzos, 1998; Norman, 1998; and Kurzweil, 1998. A more complete list of
recent trade books about digital technology can be found at http://www.nytimes.
com/books/specials/digital.html (last accessed August 30, 2002).
Electricity Requirements for a Digital Society
Development of new and/or better ICT network applications;
Investments in ICT and related infrastructure;
Demand for ICT products, services, and applications, which
drives their adoption and diffusion rates;
Industry and market structures for ICT products, services, and
Extent of regulation or other government controls;
Public trust and confidence in ICT networks, services, and applications;
Overall economic, political, social, and security environment.
An essential characteristic of a digital society is near-universal access
to and pervasive use of ICT equipment, services, and networks in all
ordinary pursuits and venues: working, learning, traveling, doing
routine chores, interacting with friends and family, and relaxing at
home. Widespread availability and use of digital technologies seem
far more important than does the nature of the technologies themselves. In fact, the closer the United States moves toward a digital
society, the more embedded and invisible the technologies become.
This is a major theme in most of the literature cited earlier, just as it
was in the interviews with experts and brainstorming sessions we
conducted during this project.
As a result, we selected ICT level of use as the first of two principal
drivers of the scenarios. We also discovered from our literature
search and personal discussions that there is a strong correlation between use and trust—a discovery that, in hindsight, should not have
been very surprising. Individuals and institutions must have trust in
networked ICT products and services before they will use them (or
permit them to be used by others in their organization) for important
functions. The link between trust and use has been observed consistently in the adoption of ICTs ranging from telephone answering machines to automatic teller machines, and today this link regulates the
expansion of e-commerce and other Internet applications.5
5 The Computer Science and Telecommunications Board (1999, p. 13) provides a good
definition of trust in a networked information system (NIS): a “trustworthy NIS does
Approach and Methodology
Society’s approach to regulating or controlling networked ICTs
constitutes the second principal driver of the scenarios. Specifically,
we distinguish centralized economic, governmental, and social
controls from those that are more decentralized or distributed.
Monopoly provision of goods and services, rules set by large organizations, and strong federal laws embody centralized controls—
compared to the decentralized controls represented by (economically efficient) markets for goods and services, policies set by small
organizations, and local government regulation. We chose the locus
of control as a scenario driver partly because it is important for both
ICT and energy systems, but more because centralized controls
and decentralized controls lead to quite different evolutionary paths
toward a digital society.
Baseline data for the scenarios and analysis were taken from many
government and private sources (cited here and in the chapters that
follow). Population, demographic, and household data are from the
2000 U.S. Census (2001a); estimates of the size and scope of the U.S.
“digital economy” are primarily from recent Department of Commerce documents (Margeherio et al., 1998; and U.S. Department of
Commerce, 2000) . Electricity and related energy data are from the
Energy Information Administration (2001)—specifically, the Annual
Energy Outlook 2002 with Projections to 2020, which we refer to in
this report as the AEO 2002—and from EPRI6 and other industry
sources. Our 2001 estimates of U.S. stocks and use of computers and
other ICT equipment and services are based on Census data; on
studies/surveys conducted by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,7 Arthur D. Little, Inc. (Roth, Goldstein, and Kleinman, 2002), the
Pew Internet and American Life Project (2002), and the UCLA Center
for Communication Policy (2001); and on estimates from a variety of
industry experts, industry associations, and trade journals.
what people expect it to do—and not something else—despite environmental
disruption, human user and operator errors, and attacks by hostile parties.”
6 Formerly the Electric Power Research Institute.
7 Chapter Four provides the relevant references.
Electricity Requirements for a Digital Society
The scenario projections through 2021 are entirely our own responsibility, but they were aided by and compared with projections in the
AEO 2002 and in shorter-term industry forecasts.8 The assumptions
underlying the scenarios are described in the following chapter and
in greater detail in Appendix A. Uncertainties are largely built into
the scenario structure—for example, each scenario makes its own assumptions about consumers’ use of e-commerce two decades from
now. Technology availability thus leads to very different consequences in different scenarios.
We have tried to make the assumptions in the scenarios as explicit
and transparent as possible; but, of course, many additional details
and possibilities are left out. We do not, for example, examine the
consequences of “high” or “low” energy prices in future years, as
does the AEO 2002. Nor do we estimate the effects of differing assumptions about future economic growth or lifestyle that are not ICT
related. Perhaps most important, our scenarios do not include major
international events such as wars, long-term disruptions of oil or gas
supplies, or environmental catastrophes. Our focus is on ICT-driven
effects on the U.S. economy and society, although we do recognize
that national security and political drivers can easily overwhelm
results stemming from technological change.
Our ICT scenarios complement scenarios being created elsewhere
to explore international and other driving factors, all of which will
contribute to the overall planning efforts of the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) and DOE. They are intended to
help decisionmakers who are thinking about the uncertainties inherent in technology and energy projections and considering what
actions can be taken now as possible hedges against the adverse consequences of future surprises.
8 Good starting places for seeking such industry forecasts are Cyberatlas, at, and eMarketer, at
Another useful forecast through 2010 is in Sanchez et al., 1998.