Reprinted from the Soil Science Society of America Journal Volume 63, no. 1, Jan.-Feb. 1999 677 South Segoe Rd., Madison, WI 53711 USA Soil Carbon and Nutrients in a Coastal Oregon Douglas-Fir Plantation with Red Alder Kermit Cromack, Jr.,* Richard E. Miller, Ole T. Helgerson, Robert B. Smith, and Harry W. Anderson ABSTRACT Carbon and nutrients in the forest floor and mineral soil were measured to determine amounts and variation among eighteen 0.081-ha plots in a Douglas-fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco] plantation growing with volunteer red alder (Alnus rubra Bong.). Ten years earlier, the preceding mature conifer stand was clearcut and nearly all logging slash and forest floor were consumed by slash fire. Forest floor mass in the 9-yr-old plantation averaged 9.86 Mg ha–1, with 3.71 Mg C, 98.0 kg N, 10.6 kg P, and 8.4 kg S ha–1. Mineral soil to 1-m depth averaged 176 Mg C, 8330 kg N, 3340 kg P, and 605 kg S h a – 1 in the <2-mm fraction. The 2- to <6-mm soil fraction averaged an additional 100 Mg C, 4480 kg N, and 1700 kg P ha–1. Net mineralizable N as NH4 (anaerobic N mineralization index) totaled 99 kg N ha–1 in the top 45 cm of the mineral soil and 62 kg N ha–1 in the 45- to 100-cm depth. Density fractionation showed that the light fraction (<1.65 Mg m –3 ) was only 13.4% of the fine soil mass of the 0- to 15-cm depth, yet contained about 40% of the total C and N capital in the <2-mm size fraction. The substantial amounts of C and nutrients in this low-bulk density soil (<2-mm fraction, 0.30 Mg m – 3 ) indicate a fertile soil despite large previous losses of organic matter and N from the site. C F ORESTS in the Douglas-fir region of the Pacific Northwest grow in a climate and on soils generally favorable for tree growth (Waring and Running, 1998). Accumulations of soil organic matter and N are substantial, ranging from 44.1 to 429 Mg C ha–1 and from 2878 to 38 000 kg N ha–1 (Meurisse, 1976; Binkley, 1983; Edmonds and Chappell, 1994). Coastal forests have an especially large potential for accumulating N from symbiotic N-fixing trees, particularly red alder and Sitka alder [Alnus sinuata (Regel) Rydb.] (Binkley, 1983; Binkley et al., 1984; Bormann et al., 1994). A long-term study was established in 1979 to assess OASTAL K. Cromack, Jr., Dep. of Forest Science, 020 Forestry Sciences Lab., Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR 97331; R.E. Miller and H.W. Anderson, USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Forestry Sciences Lab., 3625-93rd Ave. SW, Olympia, WA 98512; O.T. Helgerson, Washington State Univ. Cooperative Extension, P.O. Box 790, Stevenson, WA 98648; and R.B. Smith, U.S. Forestry Sciences Lab., P.O. Box 640, Durham, NH 03824. Paper 3137 of the Forest Research Lab., Oregon State Univ., Corvallis. Received 12 Sept. 1997. *Corresponding author ( Published in Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 63:232-239 (1999). changes of C and nutrient capital in the forest floor and soil and in productivity of a coastal Oregon Douglas-fir plantation with admixed volunteer red alder. Growth plots were established and initial tree measurements were taken. Red alder, which had colonized the site naturally, was thinned to residual densities ranging from 0 to 186 trees ha–1 (Miller andObermeyer, 1996). The objectives of this soil research on a typical Oregon Coast Range site were (i) to determine the amounts and variation of C and nutrients in the forest floor and soil and (ii) to relate the variation in amount and distribution of N to stocking of red alder. An adjacent uncut portion of the former mature stand afforded an opportunity for comparison of C and nutrient capital in the forest floor with that in the plantation site. MATERIALS AND METHODS Study Site The study site is a 22-ha reforested clearcut (≈123°55’ W, 44°27’ N) ≈10 km east of Waldport, OR and the Pacific Ocean. Elevation averages ≈100 m above sea level. Soils are Andic Haplumbrepts (loamy sands, mixed acid family), ≈1 m deep, over saprolite of weakly cemented marine sandstone from the Flournoy formation (Baldwin, 1981). Soil series include Slickrock (medial over loamy, ferrihydritic over isotic, mesic Alic Fulvudand) on the steeper slopes and Bohannon (Fine-loamy, isotic, mesic Andic Haplumbrept) on the ridges (Corliss, 1973). The understory plant community in the study area is salmonberry (Rubus spectabilis Pursh.) and swordfern [P o l ystichum munitum (Kaulf.) Presl]. The site previously supported a stand of 130-yr-old Douglas-fir and western hemlock [Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.] that originated after wildfire. That stand was harvested by clearcutting in 1969; stump diameters exceeded 100 cm. After two applications of herbicide to kill and desiccate vegetation, the logging slash was broadcast-burned in August 1970. The intense fire removed the existing forest floor from almost the entire study area. The site was planted in January 1971 with Douglas-fir seedlings that were grown for 2 yr in a nursery and for 1 yr as a nursery transplant before being planted on the site. Four years later, volunteer red alder in some portions of the plantation were all or partially controlled by spraying with 2-4, 5 trichlorophenoxy acetic acid. To sample plantation growth, eighteen 0.081-ha plots were established after the 1979 growing season on ridgetop and sideslope positions. Plot aspects ranged from east through CROMACK ET AL.: SOIL CARBON AND NUTRIENTS IN A DOUGLAS-FIR PLANTATION WITH RED ALDER north to west, and slopes from 15 to 75%. Six plots each were in areas that had received full, partial, or no herbicide application. Forest Floor and Mineral Soil Sampling In June 1980, about 9.5 growing seasons after planting, the forest floor and soil were sampled at nine randomly located points in each plot. Sample locations on stumps or on remnants of rotten logs were rejected and alternative locations randomly selected. The forest floor above the mineral soil was removed within a 25 by 25 cm square sampling frame. The nine subsamples for each plot were combined into a composite sample. For a measure of within-plot variation, Plot 17 was sampled twice. Soil samples to 1-m depth were collected at the same sampling points for chemical analysis and determination of soil bulk density. A double-cylinder sliding-hammer core sampler was used for the depths 0 to 15, 15 to 30, and 30 to 45 cm (Blake and Hartge, 1986). The inner cylinder removed a soil core 7.5 cm in diameter and 7.5 cm long. To sample the lower half of each 15-cm layer, the 7.5-cm-long corer was offset horizontally a distance of one to two core diameters. The two cores from each of the nine sampling points provided a composite of 18 cores for each 15-cm-thick layer. For the 45- to 100-cm depth, samples were taken with a soil sampling tube (2.5-cm i.d.). The nine samples representing this layer also were composited. At some sampling points (36 of 162), coarse sandstone fragments stopped the tube before 100 cm was reached. Cores from interrupted samples were composited with others from the given plot, but these composites were used only for chemical analyses. In the three upper layers, the composited samples were used both for determining soil bulk density and for chemical analyses. Some gravel and all cobble-sized (>7.62 cm) rock fragments were excluded by these 7.5- or 2.5-cm diameter samplers. Since the volume occupied by these coarse fragments was not sampled, this volume was estimated and subtracted from the total volume of each sampling depth. Based on modal profile descriptions (Corliss, 1973) for the series at this study site, the volume of coarse fragments was estimated to be 7.5% in the 0- to 45-cm depth and 25% in the 45- to 100-cm depth. We applied these same corrections to the data from each plot. Several years later, two uniform sampling locations ≈25 m from the plantation were subjectively chosen to represent apparent extremes of forest floor depth in an undisturbed portion of the residual 150-yr-old stand. At both locations, the same sampling frame was used for three forest floor sub-samples ≈5 m apart. Sample Processing Forest floor and soil samples were stored indoors at 16 to 21°C during each 3-d period of sampling. Thereafter, samples were spread evenly in trays and dried in a forced-air oven at approximately 40°C for 72 h. Dried soil samples were weighed, placed in a rotary tap device to break down the softer aggregates, then sieved for 2 min on a motordriven sieve to separate samples into three size fractions: fine, <2 mm; intermediate, 2 to <6 mm; and coarse, ≥6 mm. Each fraction was weighed to obtain its contribution proportional to the total soil mass in the respective depth layer. The three fractions were stored separately in paper bags at room temperature before chemical analysis. Bulk density for the upper three 15-cm soil layers was computed from subsamples dried at 70°C. Bulk density (whole soil) included all three size fractions collected in the sliding hammer core sampler (Blake and Range, 1986) because most 233 coarse particles were hard soil aggregates or soft, weathered gravel, which we assumed were nutrient-rich and should be included in bulk density and nutrient estimates. We used linear regression and the bulk densities of the three upper layers in each plot to extrapolate whole soil bulk density for the 45- to 100-cm depth as follows: Whole soil bulk density (Mg m–3) = 0.50 + 0.0044X [1] where X = midpoint for each soil depth, r = 0.65, P < 0.001, and n = 54. For the 45- to 100-cm depth, the midpoint is 72.5 cm and the regression estimate for whole soil bulk density is 0.819 Mg m–3. Before chemical analyses, forest floor samples were redried at 70°C, weighed, and a subsample ground in a Wiley mill to pass a 0.064-mm mesh. Subsamples of the fine soil fraction (<2 mm) were ground with a mortar and pestle to pass a 0.042-mm mesh. Subsamples of the intermediate fraction (2 to <6 mm) were reduced, to pass a 0.042-mm mesh, in a heavy duty metal shatterbox that pulverized the admixed hard aggregates, gravel, and rock fragments. Subsamples of the fine fraction used for incubation were not ground. These anaerobic incubations for mineralizable N were made after an 8-wk storage of samples dried at 40°C. Previous work has shown Oregon forest soils to be relatively stable in mineralizable N after similar storage periods (McNabb et al., 1986). Chemical Analyses Total N in forest floor and soil samples was determined from NH4-N concentration (Technicon Autoanalyzer, Technicon Industrial Systems, Tarrytown, NY) in samples digested by the micro-Kjeldahl procedure (Nelson and Sommers, 1980). Nitrate was not measured, however. Net N-mineralization potential was determined by anaerobic incubation (Keeney and Bremner, 1966). The only modification to this procedure was that specified quantities of soil and solutions were increased fourfold. Samples were incubated for 7 d at 40°C, and initial concentrations of KC1-extractable NH4-N in another subsample were subtracted from post incubation values. Ammonium-N concentrations were determined using automated colorimetric procedures on a Technicon Autoanalyzer (Keeney and Nelson, 1982). No initial or post incubation KC1-extractable NO3-N was measured, since denitrification was assumed to occur under anaerobic incubation conditions. Total C in both forest floor and soil was determined by dry combustion in a LECO WR-12 C analyzer (LECO Corp., St. Joseph, MI) (Nelson and Sommers, 1982). Soil from the <2-mm fraction of the 0- to 15- and 15- to 30-cm depths was separated by specific gravity in an aqueous solution of NaI (Spycher et al., 1983) into two density fractions: <1.65 Mg m–3 (light fraction) and ≥1.65 Mg m–3 (heavy fraction). This fractionation process is based on the rationale that detrital material is separated from organo-mineral and mineral material at a density of 1.65 Mg m–3 (Spycher et al., 1983). Total N in both the light and heavy density fractions was determined from NH4-N concentrations (Technicon Autoanalyzer) in samples digested by the micro-Kjeldahl procedure (Nelson and Sommers, 1980). We lacked sufficient material in the light fraction samples after processing to determine both C and N for this density fraction. Consequently, total C in the light density fraction was calculated as the difference between C concentration in the whole soil and that in the dense fraction. Total P and total S in forest floor samples and total S in fine soil samples were analyzed after digestion in nitric and perchloric acid (Olson and Sommers, 1982; Tabatabai, 1982). After digestion, P was analyzed with the molybdate blue 234 SOIL SCI. SOC. AM. J., VOL. 63, JANUARY-FEBRUARY 1999 method (Olson and Sommers, 1982) and S was analyzed with the BaSO4 gravimetric procedure (Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, 1955); however, in both fine and intermediate soil P was analyzed on a Technicon Autoanalyzer in samples digested by micro-Kjeldahl. No C or nutrient analyses were made of the coarse soil fraction ( ≥ 6 mm), most of which was weathered rock fragments. Nutrient element concentrations in the fine (<2 mm) and intermediate (2 to <6 mm) size-fractions were extended from bulk density of the whole soil (Mg m–3) to kilograms per hectare for each soil layer with the equation: Nutrient mass (kg h a – 1 ) = ∑ {bulk density of the whole soil (Mg m–3) × g kg–1 of fine (or intermediate) size fraction × g kg–1 element concentrations of fine (or intermediate) size fraction × cm thickness of soil layer sampled × (1 – rock volume [%]/100%) × 10–1} [2] Carbon mass (kg h a – 1 ) was multiplied by 10–3 to pre­ sent results for C mass as megagrams per cubic meter. RESULTS Forest Floor Forest floor accumulation averaged 9.86 Mg ha–1 in the 9-yr-old plantation and contained an average of 3.71 Mg C, 98.0 kg N, 10.6 kg P, and 8.4 kg S ha –1 (Table 1). Forest floor in the adjacent mature stand ranged from 21.8 to 91.7 Mg ha–1 (Table 1). Concentrations of both C and N were greater in the forest floor of the mature stand, but P concentrations were similar. Carbon and nutrient mass in the forest floor of the mature stand ranged from approximately twofold to more than 10-fold greater than in the plantation. Bulk Density and Size Fractions Mean gross bulk density (total soil) in the plantation increased from 0.535 Mg m –3 at the 0- to 15-cm depth to 0.667 Mg m –3 at the 30- to 45-cm depth (Table 2). Mean bulk density extrapolated for the 45- to 100-cm depth averaged 0.819 Mg m–3. The proportion of the fine fraction in the soil decreased from 561 g kg–1 (56.1%) at 0- to 15-cm depth to 363 g kg –1 at 45- to 100-cm depth. The intermediate fraction increased slightly with depth, while the coarse fraction more than doubled, from 122 g kg –1 at 0- to 15-cm depth, to 261 g kg–1 at 45- to 100-cm depth. Among the 18 plots, the proportion of the ≥6-mm fraction was the most variable of the size fractions. The standard error was 12 to 13% of the means in the three upper layers, compared with 7% in the 45-to 100-cm depth. Soil Nutrient Concentrations and Capital Nutrient concentrations to the 100-cm depth were greater in the fine soil than in the intermediate soil (Table 3), averaging 33% more C, 47% more N, and 73% more P. Element ratios in the fine soil for C/N, C/ P, N/P, and N/S averaged 21:1, 57:1, 2.7:1, and 14.6:1, respectively. In the intermediate fraction, element ratios for C/N, C/P, and N/P averaged 23:1, 74:1, and 3.1:1, respectively. Net mineralizable N (potentially available NH4) in the fine soil ranged from 86.9 mg N kg–1 in the CROMACK ET AL.: SOIL CARBON AND NUTRIENTS IN A DOUGLAS-FIR PLANTATION WITH RED ALDER top 15 cm to 49.8 mg N kg –1 in the 45- to 100-cm soil depth (Table 3). The light fraction (<1.65 Mg m –3) in the fine soil fraction (<2 mm) averaged 134 g kg –1 (13.4%) at the 0- to 15-cm depth and declined to 73 g kg –1 at the 15­ to 30-cm depth (Table 4). Carbon concentrations in the light fraction were 433 g kg –1 at the 0- to 15-cm soil depth and 286 g kg –1 at the 15- to 30-cm depth. At the 0- to 15-cm depth, 40.0% of total soil C in the <2-mm size fraction was in the light fraction, even though that fraction represented only 13.4% of fine soil weight. At the 15- to 30-cm depth, the proportion of soil C in the light fraction was 23.1%, indicating that at lower depths, most soil C is associated with the heavier organo­ mineral fraction. Nitrogen concentrations in the light fraction were 18.4 and 15.5 g kg –1 for the 0- to 15- and 15-to 30-cm depths, respectively. The proportion of total soil N in the light fraction (<2-mm size fraction) was 41.9 and 26.2% for the 0- to 15- and 15- to 30-cm depths, respectively. The heavy fraction (≥1.65 Mg m –3) mass means (fine soil fraction <2 mm), with standard errors, were 866 (14) and 927 (9) g k g – 1 for the 0- to 15- and 15- to 30­ 235 cm depths, respectively. Mean heavy fraction C and N concentrations (0-15 cm depth) were 99 (4) and 4.2 (1.1) g kg –1, respectively. For the 15- to 30-cm depth, mean heavy fraction C and N concentrations were 75 (9) and 3.2 (0.4) g kg –1, respectively. Total soil capital to the 1-m depth was large, averaging 276 Mg C, 12 800 kg N, and 5030 kg P ha –1 (Table 5). The fine soil fraction had 64, 65, and 66% of the total C, N, and P, respectively. Hence, at least one-third of soil C, N, and P was in coarser soil fractions that increased with increasing soil depth, with less accumulation at 45 to 100 cm (Fig. 1). Total S capital in the fine fraction to the 1-m depth averaged 605 kg ha–1 (Table 6). Net mineralizable N totaled 161 kg ha –1 in the soil profile; 99 kg N ha –1 (61%) occurred in the top 45 cm (Table 6). Net mineralizable N in the fine fraction represented ≈2% of total N in the fine soil fraction. Among the 18 plots, soil at the 45- to 100-cm depth generally was more variable in nutrient content than overlying soil (Table 6). Contents of P and S generally were more variable than content of C and N. 236 SOIL SCI. SOC. AM. J., VOL. 63, JANUARY-FEBRUARY 1999 Nitrogen Capital and Red Alder Stocking The amount of N in the forest floor and soil of the plantation was not correlated with the amount of red alder basal area, which ranged from 0 to 40% of the total basal area per plot (Fig. 2). The correlation coefficient for the 0- to 45-cm depth was -0.21 (P = 0.400) and for the 0- to 100-cm depth was -0.11 (P = 0.670). Amount of N in the soil was more strongly correlated with average slope percentage, which ranged from 15 to 70% (Fig. 3). The correlation coefficient was -0.39 (P = 0.108) for the 0- to 45-cm depth and -0.19 (P = 0.446) for the 0to 100-cm depth. The obvious outlier in both figures is Plot 18, which was above average in both mass of fine soil and N concentration. DISCUSSION Forest Floor Accumulation In the 18 yr since the earlier harvest of the adjacent plantation site, the canopy above the soil sampling locations in the residual stand remained undisturbed. We therefore assumed a steady-state condition where annual decomposition balanced additions of litter. The two sampling locations in the mature stand were pur­ posefully chosen to represent extremes in forest floor depth. Our sampling indicated that the preharvest stand probably had 22 to 92 Mg ha–1 of forest floor containing 307 to 1660 kg N ha–1 that was vulnerable to loss to the atmosphere as gases and particulates when slash was burned (Table 1). These ranges span averages of 86 Mg ha–1 forest floor dry weight and 1300 kg N ha–1 for salmonberry-swordfern communities in the Oregon Coast Range (Youngberg, 1966). Photos taken at tree planting, and the apparent paucity of charred woody debris in the plantation, indicate that most of the original forest floor was consumed by the intense slash fire used to remove logging debris and to retard development of competing vegetation. Such consumption by slash fires after harvest of mature timber has been reported frequently (Youngberg, 1953; Little and Ohmann, 1988). Losses of N, S, and soil organic matter, which are more temperature sensitive, could impact ecosystem productivity, particularly where fires are more severe (De Bano et al., 1998). In the 9 litter-years since planting, total net forest floor accumulation averaged 3.71 Mg C and 98.0 kg N ha–1 (Table 1), already exceeding the N capital reported for the forest floor in a 23-yr-old Douglas-fir stand on Vancouver Island (Binkley, 1983). Annual rates of net accumulation in our study averaged 0.412 Mg C ha–1 and 10.9 kg N ha–1, corresponding with a C/N ratio of 37.8. Annual rates of forest floor accumulations in three Douglas-fir stands that averaged 25 yr of age and that were located in riparian areas of the Oregon Coast Range averaged only 0.147 Mg C ha–1 and 3.44 kg N ha–1 (corrected Table 3, Entry and Emmingham, 1995; J.A. Entry, 1997, personal communication). More rapid forest floor accumulation in our coastal plantation might be explained by its better soil quality and alder component. Mean forest floor C concentrations in the plantation (Table 1) were 367 g kg –1, indicating a wellestablished O horizon (Federer, 1982). Presence of volunteer red alder during the 9 yr before establishment of the experimental plots should have resulted in some accretion of N in both the forest floor and mineral soil, because alders can nodulate and fix N early in their life cycle (Binkley et al., 1994). Lack of a significant correlation of N content with basal area of red alder initially present (Fig. 2) and with slope per­ CROMACK ET AL.: SOIL CARBON AND NUTRIENTS IN A DOUGLAS-FIR PLANTATION WITH RED ALDER tentage (Fig. 3) could be attributed to the plot-to-plot variation in N content of the soil, approximately twofold for the 0- to 45-cm depth and 2.8-fold for the 0- to 100-cm depth. Our use of an average estimate of coarse fragment volume for all plots, instead of a plot-specific estimate, undoubtedly reduced the accuracy and precision of our estimates of N content. Moreover, the herbicide treatment applied 4 yr after planting to 12 of the 18 plots would have reduced basal area of red alder at 9 yr after planting (our x-variable), but not affected the amount of N fixed before the herbicide treatment (our y-variable for both figures). Future resampling of the forest floor and soil for changes in C or nutrients (N, P, S) after two to three decades remains an option, especially on six of 18 experimental plots where remaining red alder will constitute a substantial component. Plot-specific estimates of gravel and cobble content could increase accuracy of those changes and our initial estimates of C and N content. Accumulations of N in the forest floor and mineral soil have been shown to be greater in intermixed alder and Douglas-fir stands than in pure Douglas-fir stands (Tarrant and Miller, 1963; Binkley, 1983; Binkley et al., 1984). For example, a 23-yr-old mixed stand of Douglas-fir and red alder on Vancouver Island had 33.6 Mg biomass ha–1 and 502 kg N ha–1 in the forest floor, while an adjacent equal-aged pure stand of Douglas-fir had only 7.0 Mg biomass ha–1 and 36 kg N ha–1 (Binkley, 1983). A 55-yr-old western Washington red alder stand accumulated ≈55 kg ha-1 N yr-1 (Cole et al., 1990). A recent study by Busse et al. (1996) demonstrated long-term increases in soil fertility (total N), soil quality (total C), and forest productivity due to silvicultural retention of understory vegetation with N2-fixing species in an experimental ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Douglas ex P. Lawson & Lawson) plantation in central Oregon. Mechanisms of soil N and C incorporation and retention are being investigated in current forest ecosystems research (Johnson, 1992, 1995). Soil Bulk Density Bulk densities of the fine soil fraction in the top 45 cm averaged 0.302 Mg m–3, if we assume that this <2-mm fraction occupied ≈50% of the total core volume, that is in direct proportion to its weight. Such low bulk densities are typical for coastal soils in Oregon and Washington, which are rich in organic matter and have ashy (Andic) properties. Gross bulk densities for the whole mineral soil (Table 2) are similar to values reported for Andic soil pedons by Homann et al. (1995), who found Andic soil bulk densities to be significantly correlated with organic C concentrations in both A and B soil horizons. Volunteer red alder in this Douglas-fir plantation may have contributed to low bulk density. In a 30-yr-old Douglas-fir plantation in the Cascade Range of southwest Washington, soil bulk density was lower and organic matter higher where red alder was admixed (Tarrant and Miller, 1963). Similar effects on soil organic matter and bulk density were measured by Bormann 237 and DeBell (1981) near coastal Washington. Mean bulk density in the top 15 cm at our study area was ≈22% lower than the mean bulk density in the top 20 cm of soil in the 13 pure red alder stands investigated by Bormann and DeBell (1981). The nearly 2.5-fold greater concentrations of soil organic matter found in our study area probably contributed to the lower bulk density. Soils with Andic properties have low bulk densities related to soil mineralogy and shear strength (McNabb and Boersma, 1993), as well as to soil organic C concentration (Homann et al., 1995) and are highly porous (Dyrness, 1969). Nutrient Concentrations and Amounts Soil C and N content to the 100-cm depth in this 9-yr-old plantation (Table 5) exceed those in older alder-conifer stands in coastal (Bormann and DeBell, 1981; Binkley, 1983) and noncoastal sites (Tarrant and Miller, 1963) in Washington and British Columbia, but are similar to those in a 55-yr-old alderconifer stand at Cascade Head on the Oregon coast (Franklin et al., 1968; Binkley et al., 1992). In 14 Douglas-fir stands in coastal Oregon, Edmonds and Chappell (1994) found soil C to average 164.3 Mg ha-1, and soil N to average 8500 kg N ha-1. Amounts they reported for coastal hemlock stands were similar to those in our 9-yr-old plantation, when reduced by one-third because we included both the fine and intermediate fractions in our analyses. Phosphorus concentrations in the fine soil fraction (Table 3) averaged more than twice the mean for soils in the United States and are similar to other P concentrations reported for the Pacific Northwest (Stevenson, 1986). Mean total P concentration in the 0- to 15-cm fine soil fraction was 1.66 g kg-1, about twice the mean available P found from a sequential P fractionation in the three plots having the highest density of red alder in our plantation (Giardina et al., 1995). Sulfur concentrations in the fine soil fraction (Table 3) were in the middle of the range (0.1­ 0.5 g kg-1) reported for many soils (Tabatabai, 1982). Soil in this plantation is fertile in potentially mineralizable N (86.9 mg kg-1 at 0-15 cm depth). Net mineralizable N as NH4 was about 1.7-fold greater than in the mixed alder-conifer stand at Wind River, and ≈80% of that at Cascade Head under pure red alder (Sollins et al., 1984). Our mean value of 86.9 mg kg-1 for the 0-to 15-cm depth was close to the value (82.6 mg kg-1) reported by Myrold (1987) for the top 20 cm of the mineral soil in a coastal Oregon western hemlock stand. Net mineralizable N at our site averaged ≈2% of total N, which is in the middle of the 1 to 3% range of total annual available N reported for a variety of soils (Wild, 1988). The mineralizable-N content is sufficiently large that addition of N as fertilizer would not be recommended (Shumway and Atkinson, 1978). Data from this plantation showed no measurable response 14 yr after fertilization with 225 kg N ha-1 as urea (R.E. Miller, 1998, unpublished data on file at the U.S. Forestry Sciences Laboratory, Olympia, WA). The 9-yr-old stand averages ≈12 900 kg N ha-1, of 238 SOIL SCI. SOC. AM. J., VOL. 63, JANUARY-FEBRUARY 1999 which 98 kg is in the forest floor and 8180 kg N ha-1 is in the 0- to 45-cm depth. In contrast, the mature stand averages ≈982 kg N ha-1 in the forest floor. Our estimates of soil N are slightly underestimated because we did not analyze for NO 3, but are slightly overestimated because we oven-dried our soil at 70°C instead of the conventional 105°C. Although future harvesting and burning on this site will cause some losses of elements such as C, N, P, and S, maintenance of a substantial capital of soil organic matter and a favorable nutrient balance should be possible if forestry practices minimize soil erosion and nutrient losses. Research on coastal Oregon forest productivity also affords opportunities to study effects of soil nutrient availability, including trace elements, on tree growth and nutrition (Waring and Running, 1998). Our study also demonstrates the value of keeping the intermediate size fraction (2 to <6 mm) for chemical analyses. By including it, we increased our estimate of soil content of C, N, and P by at least 50%. For soils with a high proportion in that fraction, such as strongly aggregated and shotty soils, including soils in this region with Andic properties, the chemical analyses of soil fractions >2 mm could be important. During sample preparation, these >2-mm fractions either could be pulverized and added to the original <2-mm fraction or chemically analyzed separately, as we did. A recent study also kept the <2-mm and the >2-mm soil fractions separate for chemical analyses, then calculated C and nutrient concentrations on a whole soil basis (Carlyle, 1995). To improve our understanding of nutrient cycling and soil weathering processes, soil nutrient analyses could be extended to include all size fractions. Carbon and Nitrogen Fractionation Fractionation of the <2-mm soil at 0- to 15-cm depth showed that the 13.4% concentration of light fraction (specific gravity <1.65 Mg m–3) at our site was similar to that reported for a mixed alder-conifer stand near Wind River in the Washington Cascade Range and for a 55-yr-old red alder stand at Cascade Head in coastal Oregon (Sollins et al., 1984). Estimates of C and N concentrations in light fractions are conservative, because density fractionation probably results in some solution losses of these elements (Swanston and Myrold, 1997). Carbon concentration in the <2-mm fraction from our site averaged ≈6% less than that from Cascade Head (also a fertile coastal site), but ≈25% more than in the mixed alder-conifer Wind River stand (Sollins et al., 1984). In both our study and in previous work by Spycher et al. (1983), the light fraction was a substantial reservoir for soil C and N. Current research indicates that the light fraction separated by NaI at a specific density of ≈1.7 Mg m–3 is useful for showing management effects on soil C and N (Bremer et al., 1994; Boone, 1994), especially where N-fixing species are used as a source of soil residues (Barrios et al., 1996; Jones et al., 1997). Swanston and Myrold (1997) report that 15N from labeled red alder litter is incorporated into both the light and the heavy fractions; however, recovery of 15N after 21 mo was greater in the light fraction than in the heavy fraction. The high N concentrations (15.5-18.4 g kg-1) found in the light fraction in our study, and low C/N ratios (18.4-23.5) suggest that this soil component could be an important contributor to the mineralizable-N pool through decomposition and humification processes, as suggested originally by Ford and Greenland (1968). Isolation of the light fraction from the soil provides opportunities for better chemical characterization of particulate organic matter by using solid state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (Skjemstad et al., 1997). Currently, 13C isotopic analysis of the light fraction is being used to characterize effects of long-term vegetation changes on soil C (Connin et al., 1997). CONCLUSIONS Microsites in the original 130-yr-old stand averaged ≈22 to 92 Mg ha-1 of forest floor that contained 307 to 1650 kg N ha-1. Postharvest slash burning probably released most of this to the atmosphere as gases and particulates. In the 9 yr after planting the new forest, net accumulation of forest floor in the plantation averaged 1.1 Mg ha-1 yr-1. The content of C and N in the forest floor and mineral soil of the 18 plots was more closely related to slope percentage than to the basal area of volunteer red alder in the plantation. About one-third of the C and nutrients in the soil were in the 2- to <6-mm fraction, which is frequently discarded before chemical analysis. These coarse fragments should either be ground to pass a 2-mm sieve or, at least, a subsample should be analyzed to assess its significance to total C and nutrient content. Density fractionation of the fine soil (<2 mm) from the 0- to 15-cm depth showed that 13.4% was in the light fraction (<1.65 Mg m–3). About 40% of soil C and N, however, was in this light fraction, which may be more sensitive to future changes in forest management practices. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This research was supported by USFS Co-op Aid Grant no. 80-87 and by NSF grant DEB-9632122. This report is a joint contribution of the Department of Forest Science, Oregon State University, and the USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station. The authors thank C. Glassman for chemical analyses; G. Spycher for help with density fractionation; S.G. Stafford for statistical advice; C.T. Dyrness and W.O. Russell, III for information about geology and the soil series; P. Homann and A.R. Tiedemann for review of earlier manuscript drafts; J. Lattin for editing; and G. Bracher for figure illustrations. REFERENCES Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. 1955. Official methods of analysis. 8th ed. Assoc. Off. Agric. Chem., Washington, DC. Baldwin, E.M. 1981. Geology of Oregon. Kendall-Hunt Publ. Co., Dubuque, IA. Barrios, E., R.J. Buresh, and J.I. Sprent. 1996. Organic matter in soil particle size and density fractions from maize and legume cropping systems. Soil Biol. Biochem. 28:185-193. Binkley, D. 1983. Interactions of site fertility and red alder on ecosys­ CROMACK ET AL.: SOIL CARBON AND NUTRIENTS IN A DOUGLAS-FIR PLANTATION WITH RED ALDER tern production in Douglas-fir plantations. For. Ecol. Manage. 5:215-227. Binkley, D., J.D. Lousier, and K. Cromack, Jr. 1984. 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