Radwan, M.A., and D.S. DeBell. 1994. Fertilization and nutrition of red alder. 1994. Pages 216-228 in Hibbs, D.E., D.S. DeBell, and R.F. Tarrant, eds. The Biology and Management of Red Alder. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University Press. 256 p. Fertilization and Nutrition of Red Alder M. A. RADWAN & D. S. DEBELL About This File: . inted publi cation. th e pr ted by scan . are h ave been c orrected; ; th e so Misscansidentif ied by , . istak s may remain. hO'.N.ever, some m , ' This i f le was cr __ __ ' " The Need for Fertilization in Red Alder be applied to young stands to improve productivity Management Red alder (Alnus rubra Bong.) is well known for its off early aging and deterioration. ability to increase soil nitrogen (N) and organic matter through biological atmospheric-nitrogen (N2) fixation and production of litterfall (e.g., Tarrant and Miller 1963, DeBell et al. 1983, Radwan et al. 1984). Because of these attributes, red alder has been proposed for reclamation of coal mine spoils and as a source of biological nitrogen to manage in mixture or in crop rotation with North­ western conifers (Tarrant and Trappe 1971). Potential benefits from red alder, however , should not obscure the fact that the species has its own nutritional requirements for growth and de­ velopment. Good growth of and benefits from red alder, therefore, cannot be accomplished unless the soil has or is provided with sufficient amounts of nutrients other than nitrogen to meet the trees' re­ quirements for healthy growth (Radwan et ai. 1984). Red alder has also been known to have some un­ desirable effects on the soil. It has been reported to acidify the soil (Bollen et al. 1967; Franklin et al. 1968), accelerate leaching of important bases, such as calcium and magnesium (Bollen et al. 1967), and decrease available phosphorus (Comp- ton and Cole 1989). Moreover, red alder is a relatively short lived tree (Smith 1968), and declining growth with age may be related to limiting supplies of some essen­ tial elements (DeBell and Radwan 1984). Clearly, red alder may require and benefit from fertilization. Application of fertilizers starts in the nursery where production of quality planting stock requires large amounts of nutrients, including nitrogen (Radwan et al. 1992). Fertilizers may also 216 . on some sites and, perhaps, to older stands to stave Growth Responses to Fertilizer The exact nutritional requirements for normal growth and development of red alder have not been determined. Also, the literature contains little on fertilization of the species. This is not surprising. Most forest managers have considered red alder a weed tree. Few have appreciated the species, and herbicides and a variety of mechanical methods have been used to kill the trees in conifer stands, along forest roads, and in power-line rights-of-way. Few fertilization tests have been conducted with red alder, and most were with potted seedlings. Documented fertilization work, both published and unpublished, is detailed below. Potted Seedlings Early fertilization tests with red alder seedlings started with experiments by Hughes et al. (1968) at the University of Washington. They grew red al­ der seedlings for 20 weeks in Lyndon loam soil mixed with various fertilizers as follows: N, P, N+P, N+P+S, N+P+S+K, N+P+S+K+Ca, and N+P+S+ K+Ca+Mg. Nitrogen, as ammonium nitrate, signifi­ cantly depressed growth (-76 percent). Without nitrogen, the phosphorus fertilizer improved growth (57 percent), but the N+P treatment re­ sulted in significantly smaller seedlings (-52 percent). In presence of nitrogen, calciu in­ creased growth, potassium and sulfur fertilIzers were without effect, and magnesium resulted in very poor growth. Seedlings suffered from poor drainage and inadequate aeration, however, and no recommendations were made for field fertilization. Figure 1. Red alder seedlings grown in Wishkah (left) and Grove soils without fertilizer. More pot tests were carried out in the 1980s. Two experiments were conducted at the USDA Forest Service Forestry Sciences Laboratory in Olympia, Washington. The objective was to determine effects of phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, cobalt, and mo­ lybdenum fertilizers on red alder seedlings grown in three different soils in a lathhouse (Radwan 1987). Soil series used were Grove and Bunker in experiment 1 and Grove and Wishkah in experiment 2. Ex­ periment 1 compared untreated controls with five different fertilizers, which were applied singly at low and high rates equivalent to the fol­ lowing in kg/ha: 150 and 300 P, 100 and 200 K, 1200 and 2400 Ca, 75 and 150 Mg, and 75 and 150 S. In experiment 2, comparisons were made betv,Ieen controls, a single fertilizer (phosphorus), and six dif­ ferent fertilizer mixtures (p+Ca, P+Ca+Mg, P+Ca+Mg+K, P+Ca+Mg+ K+S, P+Ca+Mg+K+S+Co, and P+Ca+Mg+K+S+Co+Mo). Rates of ap­ plication in kg/ha were as follows: 300 P, 1800 Ca, 75 Mg, 100 K, 75 S, 0.1 Co, and 0.5 Mo. Briefly, the results showed that growth in the unamended soil was much better in Grove than in Bunker or Wishkah soils; the latter two soils were especially low in extractable phospho­ rus. Among fertilizer treatments, growth in Grove soil was enhanced most by phosphorus, calcium, and P+Ca+Mg+K+S. Growth in Bun­ ker soil was increased only by the phosphorus treatment. In Wishkah soil, best growth was obtained when phosphorus was used alone; all fertilizer mixtures produced significantly less growth than that ob­ tained with phosphorus alone. Differences between red alder seedlings grown in Wishkah (low phosphorus) and Grove (higher phosphorus) soils without fertilizer are illustrated in Figure 1. The stimulating ef­ fect of phosphorus fertilizer on growth of red alder seedlings is shown in Figure 2. Figures 3 and 4 show percent response of seedling dry weight to various fertilizers used in experiments 1 and 2. Fertilization and Nutrition ofRed Alder 217 Figure 2. Red alder seedlings grown in Wishkah soil, with (left) and without phosphorus fertilizer. New Plantations In 1986, the authors participated in installation of a comprehensive screening trial of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and lime amend­ ments in a new red alder plantation near Yelm in western Washington. The study involved two low-elevation half-sib red alder families (Nisqually and John's River), two irrigation levels (high and low), and selected fertilization treatments of the four amendments. Irrigation treatments were applied soon thereafter to main plots containing 100 measurement trees and a surrounding buffer row. Families were planted in alternating rows within the plots, and fertilizer treatments were applied to four-tree subplots. Each treatment plot included tests of tvvo nutrients (i.e., either nitrogen and phosphorus or potassium and lime) applied at all combinations of five levels each. Fertilizers and rates of application tested were as follows: triple superphosphate at 0, 100, 300, 500, and 1,000 kg P/ha; ammonium nitrate at 0, 20, 50, 100, and 200 kg N/ha; muriate of potash at 0, 100, 200, 400, and 1,000 kg Klha; and lime at 0, 1, 2, 5, and 10 tons/ha. The potassium and lime plots also received a blanket application of triple superphos­ phate at 300 kg P/ha. After four years, our unpublished results showed that height and diameter growth differed by family, irrigation regime, and rate of fertilizer application. In both irrigation regimes, growth of both families responded positively to added phosphorus fertilizer. The 300 kg P/ha treatment appeared optimum for growth of the Nisqually under low irrigation. The 500 kg P/ha treatment, however, was associated with best growth of both families under high irrigation and with that of the John's River family under low irrigation. Low amounts of nitrogen fertilizer (50 kg/ha) also stimulated height growth, but beneficial effects were limited to the John's River family and were 218 The Biology and Management ofRed Alder greatest under low irrigation. Growth was not affected by lime additions, and growth response to potassium fertilizer was inconsistent. A spacing study also established by the authors in 1986 at the same location produced similar find­ ings. Nineteen half-sib families were distributed randomly within plots spaced at 0.5 x 0.5 m, 1.0 x 1.0 m, and 2.0 x 2.0 m. Twelve plots were estab­ lished at each spacing; six each were irrigated at high and low levels; and within each irrigation level, three plots were fertilized with triple super­ phosphate at 300 kg Plha and three plots were not fertilized. After five years, no differences were as­ sociated with phosphorus fertilizer in spacings of 0.5 m and 1.0 m irrigated at the high level. Tree growth in plots receiving irrigation at the low level, however, was stimulated by phosphorus; response was 10 to 12 percent in both height and diameter. Height growth in the widest-spaced (2.0 m) plots was increased about 5 percent by phosphorus in plots irrigated at both high and low levels, but the fertilizer had little or no effect on diameter growth. Seedling Dry Weight (percent of control) 1800 I OGrove soil E8lBunker soil I I 1750 200 150 I- r- r- 100 Established Young Plantations In 1983, scientists of the Olympia Forestry Sciences "xl Laboratory installed a fertilizer test in a 4-year-old p K Ca Mg s red alder plantation near McCleary, Washington. The primary soil is Olympic, but inclusions of other soil series are also present. The experiment con­ sisted of three fertilizer treatments applied to plots in two blocks. The fertilization treatments included Figure 3. Effect of different fertilizers on seedling dry (1) unfertilized control, (2) triple superphosphate weight of red alder. Fertilizers were applied singly. (200 kg P and 125 kg Calha), and (3) triple super­ Fertilizer sources and application rates are given in phosphate plus potassium sulfate (100 kg P + 62 the text. Values are averages of two application rates. kg Ca + 100 kg K + 41 kg Slha). One block was well drained and the other was on a poorly drained site, sometimes covered with standing water. Within each block, treatments were assigned to tvvo plots each, and fertilizers were broadcast by hand in March. Height and diameter of 25 trees in each plot were measured before the experiment was in­ stalled and two years after fertilization. Soil samples collected in summer 1984 were analyzed for se­ lected chemical properties. The experiment was terminated in spring 1985 when the study area was accidentally sprayed with herbicides by the land­ owner. Results were assessed by covariance analysis, using pretreatment size as the covariate. - Fertilizer Fertilization and Nutrition ofRed Alder 219 Figure 4. Effect of different fertilization treatments on seedling dry weight of red alder. Fertilizers were applied in the order shown in an additive manner (i.e., P, P + Ca, P + Ca + Mg, etc.). Fertilizer sources and application rates are given in the text. Seedling Dry Weight (percent of control) I 0 Grove soil 400 - 300 gg Wishkah soil I- 200 - r- P +Ca +Mg +K +8 +Co +Mo Fertilizer The unpublished results showed that fertilization affected height more than diameter growth. On the well-drained plots, effects on growth were negligible or slightly negative with triple superphosphate and decidedly negative (Le., -16 percent for height growth) with the superphosphate plus potassium sulfate treatment. On the poorly drained plots, however, effects of the triple superphosphate treatment were substantial and positive (Le., 15 percent for diameter and 29 per­ cent for height); response to the superphosphate plus potassium sulfate treatment was much lower (i.e., 4 percent for diameter and 9 percent for height). The favorable effects of phosphorus fertilizer on alder in poorly drained soil may have resulted, at least in part, from the much lower extractable phosphorus in that soil compared with levels in the well-drained soil (9 vs. 83 ppm). The same soils were used later in a pot test to further explore interactions between phospho­ rus and soil waterlogging as discussed in a subsequent section. i 220 The Biology and Management of Red Alder J Natural Stands In 1961, the University of Washington installed a fertilizer test in a 17-year-old red alder stand at the Pilchuck Tree Farm, near Arlington, Washington (S. P. Gessel, University of Washington, Seattle, pel's. com.). There were twelve 0.04-ha plots, and each plot received one of twelve fertilization treat­ ments, including an unfertilized control. Fer­ tilization treatments supplied nitrogen, phospho­ rus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, boron, zinc, and copper in various combinations and at different rates. Fertilizers used were ammonium nitrate, triple superphosphate, muriate of potash, limestone flour, dolomite, borax, zinc sulfate, cop­ per sulfate, and fritted trace elements. The trees were remeasured in 1965, and basal-area growth was calculated. Unpublished results showed that some nutrient elements, such as potassium, seemed to have increased growth of red alder at that site. Results, however, were inconclusive. No further assessment of treatment effects was possible because the experiment was terminated when the landowner harvested the trees. We know of no other fertilizer tests in natural stands of red alder. Planting Stock Quality red alder planting stock cannot be raised without fertilizers containing various nutrients, in­ cluding nitrogen (see also Ahrens, Chapter 12). Both manure and synthetic fertilizers are used, and different nurseries follow different regimes. The Webster State Forest Nursery, near Olympia, Wash­ ington, has had much experience in producing various types of quality red alder planting stock. Following are examples of the successful fertiliza­ tion regimes used at that nursery (W. Fangen, Webster State Forest Nursery, pel's. com.). Containerized seedlings (plugs) are started from seed sown in 1:1 (v/v) mixture of peat moss and ver­ miculite inoculated with red alder endophytes. Usually, fertilization with a dilute solution of a starter fertilizer, such as 7-40-17, is started after seedling emergence and continues to be used twice a week until the seedlings are 1 inch tall. A dilute solution of 20-20-20 fertilizer is then used twice a week until mid-August when a finisher fertilizer, such as 4-25-35, is applied once a week until mid­ October. For production of bed-house and open-bed stock, seed is sown in nursery beds which have been in­ oculated with red alder endophytes and fertilized with 10-20-20 fertilizer at 100 lb/acre, 0-45-0 fer­ tilizer at 200 Ib/acre, and dolomite at 2,000 lb/acre. The same fertilization regime is used when contain­ erized seedlings, raised in the greenhouse, are transferred in early summer to open nursery beds to provide transplant stock (plug + 112) by the end of the year. Phosphorus and Growth in Waterlogged Soil Application of phosphorus fertilizer to improve growth of southern pines on poorly drained sites in the lower Coastal Plain is well known (Pritchett 1979). Results from our fertilization trial at the McCleary plantation reported above suggested that phosphorus may also improve growth of red alder on wet sites. Before testing phosphorus in the field, we conducted a test on potted seedlings to compare performance of red alder under drained and water­ logged conditions, with and without phosphorus fertilizer. Test soils were collected from the control plots of the McCleary site. One soil (S-I) was collected from a wet, waterlogged plot, and the other soil (S-II) was obtained from a well-drained plot. One­ year-old red alder containerized seedlings were planted individually in pots filled with the differ­ ent soils. Seedling performance in the two soils, under drained and waterlogged conditions, with and without triple superphosphate fertilizer (0, 200, and 500 kg Plha) was compared. Some of our un­ published results are shown in Figures 5-7. Briefly, the results showed that under drained con­ ditions and without fertilizer, seedlings grew much better in S-I1 than in S-l. Without phosphorus fer­ tilizer, waterlogging reduced growth in both soils, but reductions were much greater for seedlings grown in S-I than for those grown in S-II. Appli­ cation of phosphorus enhanced shoot and root growth in drained S-I but not in drained S-I1 and also improved growth of the waterlogged seedlings in both soils; the fertilizer was more effective at 200 kg Plha than at 500 kg Plha, but effects differed by soil. In S-I, phosphorus greatly reduced the adverse effects of waterlogging on seedling growth. In S-I1, Fertilization and Nutrition ofRed Alder 221 Figure 5. Growth of red alder seedlings in drained (left) and waterlogged soil I (a naturally wet soil) without fertilizer. the combination of fertilizer and waterlogging resulted in greater height growth and seedling weight than was obtained in any of the other treatments. Although many questions remain, results of this study show clearly that phosphorus fertilization of red alder can in­ crease productivity of the species on both well-drained and waterlogged sites. Poorly drained and waterlogged sites are most likely to be used for commercial production of alder because they are in­ herently less productive for conifers, provided that such management ' is not precluded by wetland regulations. 222 The Biology and Management of Red Alder Figure 6. Growth of red alder seedlings in drained (left) and waterlogged soil II (a naturally well-drained soil) with 200 kg PI ha. Nutrient Concentrations of Unfertilized and Fertilized Trees The literature on foliar nutrient concentrations of unfertilized and fertilized red alder, especially in natural stands, is limited. Available information, both published and unpublished, comes mainly from work by our group in Olympia (Table 1). As expected, nutrient con­ centrations in foliage of unfertilized trees vary with tree age, soil/site conditions, time of the year, and so forth. In general, nutrient con­ centrations in red alder leaves are within the range of values reported in the literature for other deciduous tree species, including green al­ der (Alnus crispa [Ait.] Pursh) (Henry 1973; Grigal et al. 1979). Table 1 shows the following concentration ranges for the species: Fertilization and Nutrition ofRed Alder 223 Figure 7. Effect of waterlogging and phosphorus fertilizer on height growth (AJ and dry weight (BJ of red alder seedlings grown in two different soils. D Soil I Drained 0 Soil I Waterlogged Soil II Drained. Soil II Waterlogged - - - - 120 E u ..c 80 +-' $ o L. t9 +-' ..c 0) 40 Q) I - +-' 60 ..c 0) 40 >- L. 0 0) 20 c "'0 Q) Q) en 0 200 Kg P/ha 0 500 nitrogen 1.65 to 2.96 percent; phosphorus 0.11 to 0.23 percent; potassium 0.80 to 1.25 percent; calcium 0.35 to 1.07 percent; magnesium 0.13 to 0.34 percent; sulfur 0.14 to 0.20 percent; iron 46 to 500 ppm; manganese 100 to 9500 ppm; copper 8 to 13 ppm; and zinc 30 to 132 ppm. There is no information on foliar concentrations of boron or molybdenum, the other tvvo micronutri­ ents considered essential for normal growth of green plants. Molybdenum could be especially important because of its known in­ fluence on biological fixation of atmospheric nitrogen. Fertilization may affect foliar nutrient concentrations in red alder, but trends vary by nutrient, fertilizer(s) used, and rate of application (Table 1). Important factors which may ultimately influence fertilizer effect(s) on foliar nutrient concentrations include dilution by increased growth following fertilization, changes in soil pH due to fertilizer ac­ tion, and nutrient interactions. As with most forest tree species, there is no information on opti­ mum concentrations of foliar nutrients required for maximum growth = = = = = = = = = 224 The Biology and Management of Red Alder = Table 1. Foliar nutrient concentrations of unfertilized and fertilized red alder. Nutrient Tree age Fertilizer Time yr Reference of year N P % K ppm Ca Mg S Fe Mn Cu Zn 11 89 A. Potted Seedlings 1 0 1.5 0 Sept. 1.95 0.13 1.25 1.07 0.23 -- 500 9,500 2.45 0.18 1.17 0.97 0.23 0.20 359 1,367 Hughes et al. 1968 1.5 0 Sept. 2.34 0.12 0.90 0.83 0.19 0.17 196 1,558 9 79 1.5 1.5 0 P Sept. 2.40 0.12 1.09 0.42 0.34 0.17 151 350 13 132 0.17 0.86 0.87 0.23 0.18 133 294 8 47 K Sept. Sept. 2.69 1.5 2.19 0.18 1.46 0.89 0.22 0.17 306 1,880 10 92 1.5 P+Ca+Mg Sept. 2.47 0.15 0.87 1.01 0.35 0.18 191 1,198 9 72 0.16 0.80 0.66 0.17 -- Radwan 1987 Young Plantations B. 3 0 Aug. Radwan, DeBell, and Kraft, unpublished L+K N+P Aug. 0.15 1.04 0.62 0.15 -­ Aug. 0.15 0.67 0.73 0.18 -­ 5 o Aug. 2.76 0.18 0.80 0.67 0.21 0.18 88 122 12 36 5 P+Ca+K+S Aug. 2.83 0.20 0.72 0.76 0.22 0.18 88 86 9 33 100 100 Hughes et al. 1968 170 Turner et al. 1976 3 3 C. Natural Stands 2.96 0.23 0.85 0.64 0.19 -- 36 0 Aug. 2.55 0.11 1.00 0.92 0.19 -- 9 0 July 2.45 0.17 0.96 0.44 0.15 0.18 o 58 173 9 33 DeBell and Radwan 1984 28 0 July 1.79 0.15 0.99 0.38 0.13 0.14 46 109 7 30 38 45 0 July 1.82 0.14 0.94 · 0.35 0.15 0.15 46 103 12 35 0 July 1.65 0.14 0.97 0.40 0.16 0.14 46 186 11 42 of red alder. Such information would be useful in development of fertilization guidelines for red al­ der in plantations or natural stands. Relationships Between Foliar Nutrients and Stand Age Red alder grows rapidly the first quarter century of its life; growth slows substantially thereafter. Some stands begin to show die-back and other symptoms of aging as early as forty years (Smith 1 968). Reasons for the growth decline and deterio­ ration are unknown, but such problems are observed at earlier ages on sites of low quality than on sites of high quality (Smith 1968). It is possible, therefore, that nutritional factors may be involved in the growth decline and premature aging of red alder. The nutritional status of trees is often deter­ mined by assessing levels of foliar nutrients. In 1979, therefore, we started a study to determine correlations between foliar concentrations of im­ portant nutrients and age of red alder stands. Six stands of natural origin, ranging in age from 9 to 45 years, were selected for the study. The stands were located on sites of similar soil and topographic conditions. We determined stand age; collected fo­ liar samples from each stand; determined foliar concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, iron, manganese, cop­ per, and zinc; and calculated correlation coef­ ficients (1') between concentrations of each nutri­ ent and stand age from mean values for each stand. Results showed that foliar concentrations of the nutrients determined varied among the different stands (DeBell and Radwan 1984). Highest concen­ trations of nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, sulfur, and iron were found in trees of the youngest stand (9 years), and concentrations of four of these elements (Le., phosphorus, nitrogen, sulfur, and iron) showed significant negative correlations with Fertilization and Nutrition of Red Alder 225 - 0.20 '#. p c: .2 0.15 +-' e +-' c: o t,) .!§ s • c: .2 0.15 c: - 0.20 '#. +-' c: 0.10 r= - 0.96 p= 0.01 0.05 (5 0.10 r= c: o t,) .!§ p= 0.06 0.05 u. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Stand age (years) _3 o ..... +-' c: (l) t,) c: 0 t,) 0.79 '0 u. c: 0 ',p co - N Stand age (years) E a. 60 350 • c: .g 2 co r= 1 - 0.85 p= 0.03 . '0 u. • t: 30 r= - 0.74 g P = 0.09 (l) t,) t,) • • 40 ..... ..... Fe • 20 ..... . 10 '0 u. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 5 Stand age (years) 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Stand age (years) Figure 8. Correlations of foliar concentrations of phosphorus, sulfur, nitrogen, and iron with age of red alder stands. stand age (Fig. 8). Results also indicated that foliar concentrations of phosphorus, nitrogen, and sulfur were usually lowest in the 42- or 45-year-old stands. Findings from this study suggested that supplies of one or more important nutrients, such as phos­ phorus, nitrogen, and sulfur, may become limiting in red alder stands more than forty years old. Nu­ trient deficiencies may, therefore, be involved in the growth decline and deterioration of red alder stands. Moreover, application of phosphorus, nitro­ gen, and/or sulfur fertilizers may slow down or even prevent premature aging and enhance red alder production. 226 The Biology and Management ofRed Alder Effects on Soil Chemistry Corrected by Fertilizers It is well known that a crop of red alder produces some important changes in soil chemistry, includ­ ing increased nitrate levels and decreased pH, concentrations of calcium, magnesium, potassium, and available phosphorus (Bollen et al. 1967; Franklin et al. 1968; Compton and Cole 1989). These changes may affect future site productivity, and a decline in productivity of second-rotation red alder has been reported on one site (Compton and Cole 1989). It is possible, therefore, that applica­ tion of various fertilizers· to increase available phosphorus and important bases, such as calcium and magnesium, may help restore site productiv­ ity for second-rotation red alder or other species. Figure 9. Growth of red alder in soils high (left) and very low in available phosphorus. The very small seedlings (right) died within one year. Nutrient Requirements and Use of Fertilizer Amendments Nutrient demands by red alder are high, but the exact nutrient re­ quirements of the species have not been determined. It is assumed that red alder requires the same essential elements as other higher green plants for normal growth and development. However, an addi­ tional element, cobalt, shown to be required for fixation of atmospheric nitrogen by Alnus glutinosa (Bond and Hewitt 1962), may similarly be required by red alder (Russell et al. 1968). Root nod­ ules and the high-energy demand of the atmospheric-nitrogen fixation process also require relatively large amounts of molybdenum and available phosphorus in the soil (Richards 1974); Figure 9 shows ex­ tremely poor growth of red alder in low-phosphorus soil. In addition, large amounts of lime are usually required whenever alder is to be successfully used for revegetation of mine spoils which tend to be high in acidity and low in available calcium. In a small pot test, we ob­ tained the best growth of red alder seedlings in an acid spoil from a coal mine near Centralia, Washington, by adding lime at 60 mTlha (Radwan, unpub. data). Also, application of lime and phosphorus en­ hanced growth of A. glutinosa seedlings planted in two acid mine spoils (Seiler and McCormick 1982). Clearly, soil tests followed by ad­ dition of the required fertilizer amendment(s) can correct special nutrient problems and enhance growth of alder whenever such prob­ lems occur. Summary and Conclusions Although management interest in red alder has increased significantly during the 1980s in the Pacific Northwest, research in the nutrition and fertilization of the species has been very limited. Fertilization tests have been few and they have been conducted primarily with potted plants. Results of these tests indicate that fertilization with nitrogen and other nutrients is essential to production of quality planting stock of red alder. They further suggest that phosphorus fertilizer can be effectively used to improve growth of red alder in new plantations and Fertilization and Nutrition ofRed Alder 227 young established stands, particularly on soils that are low in available phosphorus, poorly drained, or both, and on droughty sites. Large amounts of lime should also enhance growth of red alder on acid mine spoils. Much basic and applied research on nutrition is still needed to optimize productivity of the species under various conditions. Basic research should include the following: (1) determination of the nu­ tritional requirements for normal growth and development, and (2) estimation of the optimum concentrations of foliar nutrients to help guide fu­ ture fertilization programs. Applied research should be directed at formulating effective fertilization pre­ scriptions for the species under different environ­ mental conditions. Studies should also be con­ ducted to explore the usefulness of fertilizers containing phosphorus, nitrogen, andlor sulfur to slow down premature aging in alder. In addition, effects of fertilizers should be assessed in future studies of possible decline in productivity of sec­ ond-rotation red alder. As with other tree species, prospects for better management of red alder in the Pacific Northwest hinge on the amount and success of the biological research to be conducted in the near future. A ma­ jor part of this research, we believe, should be devoted to work on nutrition and fertilization. Literature Cited Bollen, W. B., C. S. Chen, K. C. Lu, and R. F. Tarrant. 1967. Franklin, J. F., C. T. Dyrness, D. G. Moore, and R. F. Tarrant. 1968. Chemical soil properties under coastal Oregon stands of alder and conifers. In Biology of alder. Edited Hansen. USDA For. Serv., PNW For. Range Exp. Sta., Portland,OR. 157-172. Grigal, D. F., L. F. Ohman, and N. R. Moody. 1979. Nutrient content of some tall shrubs from northwestern Minne­ sota. USDA For. Serv., Res. Pap. NC-168. Henry, D. G. 1973. Foliar nutrient concentrations of some Minnesota forest species. Univ. of Minnesota, St. Paul. Minnesota For. Res. Note 241. Hughes, D. R., S. P. Gessel, and R. B. Walker. 1968. 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