About This File: This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Misscans identified by the software have been corrected; 1222 h0l.lliever, some mistakes may remain. Effect of forest floor on growth and nutrition of Douglas-fir and western hemlock seedlings with and without fertilizer M.A. RADWAN USDA Forest Service, Forestry Sciences Laboratory, Pacific Northwest Research Station, 3625 93rd Avenue, Sw, Olympia, WA 98512, U.S.A. Received September 9, 1991 Accepted February 27, 1992 RADWAN, M.A. 1992. Effect of forest floor on growth and nutrition of Douglas-fir and western hemlock seedlings with and without fertilizer. Can. J. For. Res. 22: 1222-1229. Experiments were conducted to determine the effects of four different forest soils on growth and shoot nutrients of potted Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) and western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla (Raf. ) Sarg.) seedlings, in absence and in presence of forest floor, and with and without N and P fertilizers. Nine-month-old seedlings from low-elevation seed sources were used, and seedlings were grown for 2 years in a roofed lathhouse. Soils were of the KIone, Vesta, Bunker, and Shelton series; Klone and Vesta soils, and Bunker and Shelton soils, were collected from western hemlock and Douglas-fir stands, respectively. The fertilizers ammonium nitrate at 100 kg N/ha and triple superphosphate at 226 kg P/ha were tested. The forest floor, at 70 g/7.6-L pot, and the N and P fertilizers were added to the top of the planting pots without mixing. The forest floors and mineral soils differed by source in many of the chemical characteristics determined. Overall, seedling growth of Douglas-fir and western hemlock was better in the KIone and Shelton soils than in the Bunker and Vesta soils. Seedlings, especially those of western hemlock, grew better with than without forest floor. The N fertilizer reduced seedling growth of both species and, in some soils, reductions were more with than without forest floor. The P fertilizer improved seedling growth of both species in all soils and, with one exception, growth was much greater in the presence than in the absence of the forest floor. With both species, soil, forest-floor, and fertilization treatments affected concentrations and contents of the various shoot nutrients determined. The nutritional changes observed varied by nutrient and reflected differences in uptake of native and fertilizer nutrients, as well as changes in shoot dry weight. The results demonstrate the importance of the forest floor to growth and nutrition of Douglas-fir and western hemlock seedlings, especially when fertilizers are used. RADWAN, M.A. 1992. Effect of forest floor on growth and nutrition of Douglas-fir and western hemlock seedlings with and without fertilizer. Can. J. For. Res. 22 : 1222-1229. Des experiences ont ete conduites afin de determiner les effets de quatre sols forestiers differents sur la croissance et les nutriments de la partie aerienne de semis de sapin de Douglas (Pselldotsllga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) et de pruche de rOuest (Tsuga heterophylla (Raf. ) Sarg.) cultives en pot, en absence et en presence de la couverture morte, et avec ou sans fertilisants azotes et phosphates. Des semis ages de 9 mois proven ant de semences de basse altitude ont ete utilises et cultives pendant 2 ans dans un abris en lattis recouvert d'un toit. Les sols etaient les series Klone, Vesta, Bunker et Shelton. Les sols des series Klone et Vesta, et Bunker et Shelton, ont ete recoltes respectivement de peuplements de pruche de rOuest et de sapin de Douglas. Les fertilisants testes etaient Ie nitrate d'ammonium applique au taux de 100 kg N/ha et Ie super phosphate triple applique au taux de 226 kg P/ha. La couverture morte, au taux 70 g par pot de 7,6 L, et les fertilisants N et P ont ete ajoutes a la surface du sol, sans melange avec ce dernier. Les couvertures mortes et les sols mineraux different selon la source pour plusieurs des caracteristiques chimiques qui furent determinees. Dans r ensemble, la croissance des semis de sapin de Douglas et de pruche de rOuest etait meilleure pour les series Klone et Shelton que pour les series Bunker et Vesta. Les semis, particulierement ceux de la pruche de rOuest, ont eu une meilleure croissance avec la couverture morte ajoutee que sans celie couverture morte. La fertilisation azotee a reduit la croissance des deux especes et pour certains sols, les reductions etaient plus fortes lorsque la couverture morte etait presente. La fertilisation phosphatee a ameliore la croissance des semis des deux especes pour tous les sols et, a une exception, la croissance etait de beaucoup superieure lorsque la couverture morte etait presente que sans cette couverture morte. Pour les deux especes, Ie sol, la couverture morte et les traitements de fertilisation ont affecte les concentrations et les contenus des differents nutriments mesures dans la partie aerienne des semis. Les changements nutrition nels observes ont varie selon les elements et refletent des differences de prelevement des elements endogenes et des elements outes par les fertilisants aussi bien que des changements dans la masse anhydre des parties aeriennes. Les resultats montrent I'importance de la couverture morte pour la croissance et la nutrition des semis de sapin de Douglas et de pruche de l'Ouest, particulierement quand des feltilisants sont ajoutes. [Traduit par la redaction] Introduction response to applied fertilizer. Different forest tree species, The importance of the forest-floor component of the forest ecosystem to site productivity is well known. The forest floor however, may not utilize the forest floor to the same extent, and their growth may not be affected by it to the same degree. contains large amounts of nutrients, especially N, P, and S (Pritchett 1979). The forest floor insulates soil surface from temperature extremes, protects mineral soil against erosional For example, more roots of western hemlock (Tsuga hetero­ phylla (Raf.) Sarg.) usually occupy the forest floor than roots of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco). forces, preserves soil moisture, improves water infiltration, and affects soil biology by serving as habitat to a myriad Some studies have been made of the amount, distribution, composition, and physical and chemical properties of the of organisms (Gessel and Balci 1965; Wooldridge 1970; forest floor of the coniferous forests of the Pacific North­ Pritchett 1979). The forest floor, therefore, may influence west of the United States and Canada (Gessel and Balci the success of forest regeneration, tree growth, and growth 1965; Youngberg 1966; Grier and McCa11 1971; Quesnel and Printed in Canada / lmprime au Canada RADWAN 1223 TABLE 1. Soil descriptions Soil 1 Soil 2 Soil 3 Soil 4 Klone Andic Haplumbrepts Gravelly loam Vesta Andic Haplumbrepts Silt loam Bunker Andic Haplumbrepts Silt loam Glacial Basalt Basalt Shelton Dystric Entic Durachrepts Gravelly sandy loam Glacial Coast Coast Coast 70 Western hemlock 270 Western hemlock 230 Douglas-fir Item Soil series Soil taxonomy Soil texture Soil parent material Site location in western Washington Elevation (m) Tree species present Lavkulich 1981; Carter and Lowe 1986). Present information on these forest floors, however, is not commensurate with the significant functions attributed to this important component of the forest ecosystem. Also, much forestry research is still being conducted without considering the effect of forest floor. For example, fertilization trials in the field are usually con­ ducted without much regard to the forest floor, and fertiliza­ tion tests in the greenhouse are routinely run with mineral soil, without addition of any forest floor. This study was designed to (i) compare the chemical prop­ erties of the forest floor and underlying mineral soil collected from different Douglas-fir and western hemlock stands in western Washington, United States, (ii) determine the effect of the different forest floors and mineral soils on seedling growth of the two species, with and without fertilizer, (iii) assess growth response of the seedlings to N and P fer­ tilizers, and (iv) estimate the effect of the various treatments on nutrient concentration and content of seedling shoots. Materials and methods Test seedlings Douglas-fir and western hemlock seeds were collected from single trees growing at low elevation. After stratification in spring 1984, seeds were sown in Styrob1ock containers filled with a 1: 1 (v/v) mixture of peat moss and vermiculite, and the containers were kept in a roofed lathouse. Water and nutrient solution (Hoagland and Arnon 1950) were added as needed, and seedlings were thinned gradually to one seedling per cavity by August 1984. In early spring 1985, cavities were flushed with water to remove excess nutrient salts from the potting mixture. Seedlings were culled to uniform height (Douglas-fir 7.5-10.0 cm; hemlock 4.5-5.5 cm) before they were individually planted in 7.6-L plastic pots. A three-seedling group served as the basic experimental unit, and three replications were used for each soil - forest floor - fertilizer treatment of each species (nine seedlings divided into three replications). Pots were placed, as groups of three, at random on benches in the 1athhouse. = = Test soils and forest floors Four different soils, two from western hemlock stands and two from Douglas-fir stands, were used. These soils were selected because they have wide distribution in western Washington; they also allow comparison of performance of each species when grown in soil col­ lected from stands of its own and those of the other species. Pertinent information about the soils is given in Table 1. Each of the four sites was sampled for forest floor and underlying mineral soil to a depth of 20 cm. At each site, samples of forest floor and mineral soil were collected separately from a minimum of Puget Sound trough 120 Douglas-fir 20 spots along a 30-m transect through the site. Forest floor and mineral soil samples from each transect at each site were composited separately. Twigs, roots, rocks, and other debris were removed, and each composite sample of forest floor or mineral soil was thoroughly mixed to yield a representative sample for each site. Thus, in the end, there were a total of eight composite samples, with each site repre­ sented by two composite samples: one of forest floor and one of mineral soil. Samples were air dried, and pots were filled with approx­ imately 6 kg of mineral soil each. To test the effect of the forest floor, soil in one-half of the pots was covered with about 70 g of the appropriate forest floor, evenly distributed around the newly planted seedlings. The two forest-floor treatments allowed comparisons of each species in each of four soils, with and without fertilizer. Fertilization treatments There were three fertilization treatments, including an unfertilized control. Treatments were assigned to the seedling groups of each species at random. The fertilizers ammonium nitrate (34% N) and triple superphosphate (20% P) were applied on an area basis at rates equivalent to 100 kg Nlha (0.86 g fertilizer/pot) and 226 kg Plha (3.41 g fertilizer/pot). Seedlings were fertilized in May 1985. Fertil­ izers were uniformly distributed around the seedlings on top of mineral soil or forest floor without mixing to simulate field fertiliza­ tion. Seedlings were watered with deionized water immediately after fertilizers were applied and periodically thereafter as needed. Leached soil solution, if any, was collected in shallow plastic dishes and poured back into the corresponding pots. Seedlings were grown in the lath­ house for 2 years. All pots were protected from the cold winter with insulation material. Growth measurements Height and diameter of the seedlings were measured at the begin­ ning and at the end of the experiment. At harvest in October 1986, roots were washed free of soil, and seedling shoots and roots were dried to constant weight at 65°C. Height and diameter growth, dry weight of seedlings, and percent response to fertilization were calculated. Chemical analyses At the start, representative subsamples of mineral soils were passed through a 2-mm sieve, and sieved soil was used to determine chemical characteristics. Soil subsamples to determine N and all samples of forest floor and ovendried seedling shoots (pooled by replication and treatment) were ground to fine powder before analysis. Reaction (pH) of mineral soil and forest floor was determined on 1:1 mixtures with water by glass electrode. Cation exchange capacity of soil was estimated by the NH40Ac method according to Chapman (1965). Total N and total S in mineral soil, forest floor, and seedling shoots were determined by the micro-Kjeldahl procedure (Bremner and Mulvaney 1982) and by the turbidimetric method of Butters and Chenery (1959), respectively. Total P in forest floor and seedling 1224 CAN. J. FOR. RES. VOL. 22, 1992 TABLE 2. Selected characteristics of forest floors and mineral soils Soil series Forest floor pH Kjeldahl N (%) S ( %) K (% ) Ca (% ) Mg (% ) P (%) Bray 2 extractable P (ppm) Mineral soil pH Kjeldahl N (% ) S (% ) Bray 2 extractable P (ppm) Cation exchange capacity (mequiv./lOO g) Exchangeable (NH40Ac) K (mequiv./ l OO g) Exchangeable (NH40Ac) Ca (mequiv.l100 g) Exchangeable (NH40Ac) Mg (mequiv.l100 g) Klone Vesta Bunker Shelton 4.20 0.78 0.09 0.16 0.28 0.08 0.08 59.60 4.40 0.83 0.10 0.12 0.24 0.15 0.08 42.80 4.80 1.06 0.10 0.16 0.40 0.10 0.07 36040 4.70 0.90 0.09 0.20 0.68 0.06 0.08 59.60 4.60 0040 0.04 6.80 37.80 0.26 0040 0.33 4.90 0.35 0.06 3.00 43.70 0.27 0.74 0.76 4.80 0046 0.06 7.80 43.10 0.28 1.28 0047 5.30 0.09 0.01 16.80 13.80 0.20 1.68 0.30 TABLE 3. Effect of soil series on growth of Douglas-fir and western hemlock seedlings, averaged over three fertilization and two forest-floor treatments Soil Diameter growth (mm) Height growth (cm) Shoot dry weight (g) Root dry weight (g) Seedling dry weight (g) 3.9b 3.3c 3Abc 4.7a 1O.0b 8.3c 8.8bc 11.3a 4.1b 2.3d 2.8c 5.0a 1O.7b 5.2d 6.8c 11.9a Douglas-fir Klone Vesta Bunker Shelton 4.1b 4.0b 3.9b 4.6a 27.3a 23.4b 23.4b 29.6a 6.1ab 5.0c 5Abc 6.6a Western hemlock Klone Vesta Bunker Shelton (p 4.3a 2. 9c 3Ab 4.2a 27.6b 18.2c 21.4c 31.8a 6.6a 2.9c 4.0b 6.9a NOTE: Within each species, means in the same column followed by the same letter are not significantly different < 0.05). shoots, and Bray 2 extractable P (Bray and Kurtz 1945) of the soil and forest floor, were determined by the molybdenum blue method (Chapman and Pratt 1961). Potassium, Ca, and Mg in forest floor and seedling shoots, and exchangeable (NH40Ac extraction) K, Ca, and Mg of mineral soil, were assayed by standard atomic absorption methods (Perkin-Elmer Corporation 1976). In this study, we collected forest-floor and mineral-soil samples from one site per soil series. All results, therefore, apply to the samples used in the study and not to the entire range of each soil series. Statistical analyses Growth and nutrient data were subjected to analysis of variance using a completely randomized design model. Whenever effects were statistically significant, Tukey's test (Snedecor 1961) was used to separate the means. Differences were considered significant at a p­ level of 0.05 except for percent response to fertilizer, where signifi­ cance was at a p-Ievel of 0.1. Differences in characteristics between the forest-floor composite samples and between the four mineral-soil composite samples col­ lected from the four sites were not statistically tested because there was only one composite sample each of forest floor and mineral soil per site. Forest-floor and mineral-soil properties Samples of the forest floors and mineral soils used in the study differed greatly by source in many of their characteris­ tics (Table 2). In the forest floor, N and pH were highest in the Bunker and lowest in Klone soil series; K and Ca were highest in the Shelton and lowest in the Vesta series; and extractable P was highest in the Shelton and Klone and lowest in the Bunker soil series. Mineral soils of Bunker and Vesta were derived from basalt, while Klone and Shelton soils were glacial in origin. Klone soil was lowest in Ca and high in N. Vesta soil was Results and discussion RADWAN 1225 TABLE 4. Effect of soil series on nutrients in ovendried shoots of Douglas-fir and western hemlock seedlings, averaged over three fertilizations and two forest-floor treatments Concentration Content (mg/seedling shoot) Soil p (ppm) N (% ) K (%) Klone Vesta Bunker Shelton 577b 547b 478b 746a 2.38a 1.86b 1.67b 1.22e 0,40a 0.36a 0.37a 0,43a Mg (%) Ca (%) P N K Ca Mg 3.8b 3.1b 2.8b 4.9a 126.0a 88.5b 82.9b 77.7b 22.6ab 18.0b 18.8b 28.2a l3,4b 1O.7b l3.1b 18,4a 5.6a 5.0a 5.0a 6,4a 30.0b 14.9d 21.7e 38,4a 14.3b 7.2e 11.5b 23.6a 6.9a 3.6b 4.6b 8.3a Douglas-fir 0.21b 0.21b 0.24b 0.28a 0.09a O.lOa 0.09a 0.10a Western hemlock Klone Vesta Bunker Shelton 616b 500b 596b 777a 1.66a 1.53a 1.44a 0.96b 0.62a 0.69a 0.68a 0.57a 0.22e 0.25be 0.29b 0.34a 0.11a 0.12a 0.12a 0.12a 4.1b 1.6e 2.6e 5.5a 90.0a 33.8e 45.7be 62.0b NOTE: Within each species, means in the same column followed by the same letter are not significantly different (p < 0.05). lowest in extractable P and highest in Mg. Bunker soil was particularly high in N and Ca. Shelton soil was very low in N, S, and cation exchange capacity, but high in Ca and extract­ able P. For all soils, extractable P was much lower in the mineral soil than in the forest floor. of this study, nutrients and other factors required for good growth of the two species were similar and were provided more by the Shelton and Klone soils than by the Bunker and Vesta soils. This may not be true in the field, however, because of the many differences between field and lathhouse conditions. Within each species, concentrations and contents of most shoot nutrients determined differed significantly among the soils (Table 4). For all fertilization and forest-floor treat­ ments, nutrient concentrations in shoots of Douglas-fir and western hemlock ranged from 478 to 777 ppm P, 0.96 to 2.38% N, 0.36 to 0.69% K, 0.21 to 0.34% Ca, and 0.09 to 0.12% Mg. Some of these values are lower than published foliar concentrations for Douglas-fir and western hemlock (Lavender and Carmichael 1966; Radwan and DeBell 1980) because of dilution with wood and bark material of the shoots. Concentrations and contents of the various nutrients in the shoots of both species reflected differences in uptake of native nutrients from the various soils and uptake of nutrients from the fertilizers applied, as well as differences in shoot dry weights. For example, P and Ca concentrations and contents were significantly higher in shoots of Douglas-fir and western hemlock seedlings grown in Shelton soil than in shoots of trees grown in the other soils. Similarly, hemlock contents of P, N, K, Ca, and Mg were higher in shoots of seedlings grown in the Shelton and Klone soils than in the shoots of the Vesta and Bunker trees. Effects of soil series For all fertilization and forest-floor treatments, growth of both Douglas-fir and western hemlock seedlings was signifi­ cantly better in the Shelton and Klone soils than in the Bunker and Vesta soils (Table 3). Also, differences between soils were more pronounced with hemlock than with Douglas-fir. For example, dry weights of hemlock seedlings produced in Shelton or Klone soils were more than twice as large as those of trees grown in the Vesta soil. The reason for the superiority of the Shelton and Klone soils for both Douglas-fir and western hemlock is not immediately apparent from the char­ acteristics of forest floors and mineral soils determined (Table 2). It is obvious, however, that performance of both species was best in one Douglas-fir soil (Shelton) and one hemlock soil (Klone). This indicates that under the conditions Effects of fertilization For all soil and forest-floor treatments, the ammonium nitrate and triple superphosphate fertilizers significantly affected all growth variables measured. For both species, growth was negatively affected by the N fertilizer (Table 5). Average height-growth response to ammonium nitrate was -24.8% for Douglas-fir and -40.0% for western hemlock. Also, seedling dry weights were more depressed by the N fertilizer than seedling heights. Average weight response were -34.4% and -51.8% for Douglas-fir and Western hem­ lock, respectively. Negative response to N fertilizer has been observed before with potted seedlings of Douglas-fir (Rad­ wan and Shumway 1985) and western hemlock (Radwan and Shumway 1983) when the soil is low in extractable P. Also severe depression of growth has been previously observed TABLE 5. Effect of fertilization on growth of Douglas-fir and western hemlock seedlings, averaged over four soil and two forest-floor treatments Height growth Fertilization treatment Seedling dry weight Increment Response Quantity Response (cm) (%) (g) (% ) Douglas-fir Control Ammonium nitrate Triple superphosphate 25.8b 19,4e 32.5a -24.8 26.0 9.3b 6.1c l3,4a -34,4 44.1 8.5b 4.1c l3.2a -51.8 55.3 Western hemlock Control Ammonium nitrate Triple superphosphate 26.0b 15.6e 32.6a --40.0 25,4 NOTE: Within each species, means in the same column followed by the same letter are not significantly different (p < 0.05). CAN. J. FOR. RES. VOL. 22, 1992 1226 TABLE 6. Effect of fertilization on nutrients in ovendried shoots of Douglas-fir and western hemlock seedlings, averaged over four soil and two forest-floor treatments Concentration Content (mg/seedling shoot) Fertilization treatments p (ppm) K (% ) N (% ) Ca (% ) Mg (% ) P N K Ca Mg O.09a O.lOa O.lOa 3.3b 1.6c 5.9a 95.0b 73.9c 112.4a 20.6b 14.3c 30.9a 12.5b 9.2c 20.0a 5.0b 3.5c 7.9a 3.3b 1.3c 5.6a 61.8a 36.4b 75.5a 27.lb 18.0c 33.6a 13.0b 7.6c 21.7a 5.6b 2.6c 9.5a Douglas-fir Control Ammonium nitrate Triple superphosphate 597b 449c 715a l.74b 2.21a 1. 40c O.37a O.42a O.38c Control Ammonium nitrate Triple superphosphate 618b 528b 72la 1.28b 1.90a 1.01c O.58b O.88a O.46c O.23a O.24a O.24a Western hemlock O.26b O.28a O.29a O.lla O.lla O.12a NOTE: Within each species, means in the same column followed by the same letter are not significantly different (p < 0.05). TABLE 7. Effect of forest floor on growth of Douglas-fir and western hemlock seedlings, averaged over four soil and three fertilization treatments Forest-floor treatment Diameter growth (mm) Without forest floor With forest floor 4.0a 4.3b Without forest floor With forest floor 3.4a 4.0b Height growth (cm) Shoot dry weight (g) Root dry weight (g) Seedling dry weight (g) 3.4a 4.3b 8.la IUb 3.0a 4.lb 7.la IO.2b Douglas-fir 23.5a 28.3b 4.7a 6.8b Western hemlock (p 22.2a 27.3b 4.la 6.lb NOTE: Within each species, means in the same column followed by the same letter are not significantly different < 0.05). after N fertilization of Douglas-fir on sites with low-P soils in coastal Washington. As with seedlings, these growth depressions may be attributed, at least in part, to stimulation of soil organisms by the applied N and the resultant reduction in the already low available P by immobilization. Unlike ammonium nitrate, the P fertilizer significantly improved growth of both species. Average height-growth responses to P were 26.0 and 25.4% for Douglas-fir and wes­ tern hemlock, respectively. Weight responses were greater, at 44.1 and 55.3% for Douglas-fir and western hemlock, respectively. These responses agree with previous results with seedlings grown in pots (Heilman and Ekuan 1980; Ander­ son et al. 1982; Radwan and Shumway 1985) and in the field (Zasoski and Gessel 1982; Porada and Zasoski 1986; Weet­ man et al. 1989). Douglas-fir and western hemlock pole-sized trees in closed-canopy stands, however, have failed to respond positively to application of P fertilizer (Steinbrenner 1981; Radwan et al. 1991). This discrepancy may be the result of differences between seedlings and trees in age and growth environment. Fertilization significantly affected concentration of some nutrients in seedling shoots (Table 6). With both species, the N fertilizer increased concentrations of N and K, and the P treatment increased level of P, although some of the increases were not statistically significant. The Nand P increases prob­ ably reflect uptake of fertilizer N and P by the seedlings. The native K pool was probably the source of increased tissue K. Fertilization affected content of shoot nutrients in both species. With only one exception, the P fertilizer significantly increased weights of all nutrients. These gains probably resulted from parallel increases in dry matter production (Table 5) and nutrient uptake and utilization. Fertiliza­ tion with N, however, significantly reduced amounts of all nutrients in the shoots of both species. The reductions prob­ ably resulted mostly from reductions in seedling biomass by the N fertilizer (Table 5). Effect of forest floor Presence of the forest floor significantly improved growth of Douglas-fir and western hemlock seedlings (Table 7). For all soils and fertilization treatments, diameter and height growth as well as shoot and root dry weights of the trees of both species were significantly larger with than without the forest floor. Also, presence of the forest floor apparently benefited growth of western hemlock more than that of Douglas-fir. For example, forest floor improved dry weight of Douglas-fir and western hemlock seedlings by 37 and 44%, respectively. These results can be explained, at least in part, by the higher nutrient content of the forest floor (Table 2) and by the known tendency of hemlock to have more feeder roots than Douglas-fir in the soil organic layer. Effects of forest floor on growth of both species varied by soil and fertilization treatments. Many differences due to the presence of the forest floor, however, were not statistically RADWAN TABLE 8. Effect of forest floor on dry weight (g) of Douglas-fir and Douglas-fir 15 0 western hemlock seedlings grown in four different soils without fertilizer DAN/-FF E2l TSP/-FF IiIIAN/+FF liliiii TSP/+FF b 125 Douglas-fir 100 0 (!) I/) s:: 0 c.. I/) (!) ex: 75 50 25 0 Western hemlock Soil Without forest floor With forest floor Without forest floor With forest floor Klone Vesta Bunker Shelton 29.0a 24.9a 26.3a 23.7a 28.9a 23.2a 28.3a 38.7b 38.1a 9.6a 18.4a 29.8a 39.1a 12.2a 21.5a 35.1a NOTE: Values are averages of three replications of three seedlings each. Within each species and soil, means in a horizontal sequence followed by the same letter are not significantly different (p < 0.05). -2 5 -5 0 a -75 a a a -100 Klone Vesta Bunker Shelton Soil series Western hemlock 350' b 300 250 - eft 200 '-' (!) 15 0 0 c.. I/) 100 (!) ex: 50 0 a -50 -100 1227 a a Klone Vesta Bunker Shelton Soil series FIG. 1. Percent response of seedling dry weight to ammonium nitrate (AN) and triple superphosphate (TSP) fertilizers in four soils, with and without forest floor (FF). Within each species, soil, and fertilization treatment, bars bearing the same letter are not signifi­ candy different (p < 0.10). significant because of the large variation between replicates. This was expected because of the nonunifonn nature of the forest floor added to the pots and the relatively small number of seedlings per treatment. Still, we believe that apparent differences between treatments are important and deserve consideration, especially when trends were consistent. To save space, the following discussion is limited to seedling dry weight as an indicator of effects of the forest floor on seedling growth. Without fertilizer (Table 8), the forest floor significantly improved growth of Douglas-fir only in the Shelton soil, where seedling dry weight was increased by 63%. Seedling dry weight of hemlock, on the other hand, was increased by the presence of the forest floor in all soils, although the increases were not significant. Growth of hemlock, therefore, appeared to have been affected more than that of Douglas-fir by the presence of the forest floor. Effects of the forest floor on growth response of seedling dry weight to fertilization varied by soil, species, and fertilizer (Fig. 1). For both species, most responses to ammonium nitrate were negative and, in some soils, growth was reduced more with than without forest floor, although not significantly so. Without forest floor, growth response of Douglas-fir to ammo­ nium nitrate was negative in all soils except Shelton. The Shelton seedlings also had the smallest negative response when the forest floor was present. Similarly, performance of the western hemlock seedlings fertilized with ammonium nitrate in the Shelton soil was apparently different from that in the other three soils, with and without forest floor. Thus, the Shelton trees showed the smallest negative response to the N fertilizer in absence of the forest floor and the only positive response to the same fertilizer when the forest floor was added, although differences were not statistically significant. Effect of the triple superphosphate fertilizer on seedling growth was quite different from that of ammonium nitrate. ' Without forest floor, both species in alt soils responded pos­ itively to application of the P fertilizer. Addition of the forest floor increased growth response to P in all soils with western hemlock and in all soils except Shelton with Douglas-fir, although some increases were not statistically significant. The largest increases in response to P in seedling dry weight due to presence of the forest floor occurred in the Klone (148%) and Vesta (305%) soils with Douglas-fir and western hem­ lock, respectively. Such increases are very much larger than those due to forest floor in the absence of fertilizer (Table 8). Probably data on the overall effects of forest floor on seedling growth (Table 6) were influenced more by the P-treated than the untreated forest floor. The exact reasons for the observed differences in growth response of both species to Nand P fertilizers due to the forest floor are not known. A likely factor, however, is the change in availability of important nutrients caused by interactions of the different fertilizers with the forest floor. For example, the N fertilizer can stimulate soil microorganisms and lead to a decrease in nutrient availability to the seedlings. Alternatively, the P fertilizer may increase nutrient absorption and utilisation by the trees by enhancing the activity of mycorrhizal fungi. The forest floor affected nutrient concentration and content in seedling shoots of both species (Table 9). For all soil and fertilization treatments, the forest floor significantly increased CAN. J. FOR. RES. VOL. 22, 1992 1228 TABLE 9. Effect of forest floor on nutrients in ovendried shoots of Douglas-fir and western hemlock seedlings, averaged over four soil and three fertilization treatments Concentration Content (mg/seedling shoot) Forest-floor treatment P (ppm) N (% ) K (% ) Without forest floor With forest floor 563b 611a 1.89a 1.68b 0.40a 0.38a Without forest floor With forest floor 591b 653a 1.53a 1.26b O.64a 0.63a Mg (% ) P N K Ca Mg O. l Oa O. l Oa 2.8b 4.5a 86.4b l O1.2a 18.1b 25.8a 11.4b 16.4a 4.5b 6.5a 2.7b 4.2a 53.7b 62.0a 22.4b 30.1a 11.4b 16.8a 4.7b 7.0a Ca (% ) Douglas-fir 0.24a 0.23a Western hemlock 0.28a 0.27a 0.12a 0.12a NOTE: Within each species, means in the same column followed by the same letter are not significantly different (p P and decreased N concentrations, and increased content of all nutrients determined. Concentration of K, Ca, and Mg were not significantly affected by application of forest floor. Factors responsible for changes in nutrient concentration and content included nutrient uptake and utilization, dilution by growth, and increase in shoot dry weight. Conclusions and recommendations In this study, growth and shoot nutrients of Douglas-fir and western hemlock were affected by the soil in which the seed­ lings were grown, the presence of the forest floor, and the N and P fertilizers tested. Overall, the data suggest that (i) tests with potted seedlings, which are routinely run with mineral soil only, can be carried out better with forest floor added to the top of the pots without mixing, if only to simulate field conditions; (ii) adequate amounts of forest floor on top of mineral soil of newly regenerated sites may be beneficial and a prerequisite to good seedling growth, especially for western hemlock; (iii) the presence or absence of forest floor must be taken into consideration in the design and interpretation of results of fertilization experiments; (iv) additional research is needed to increase our understanding of the nutrient supplying capacity of the forest floor and its interaction with synthetic fertilizers; and (v) application of P and not N fertilizers may be considered for young trees on sites high in soil N and low in available soil P. Application of N fertilizers to such sites can result in negative growth response, especially with western hemlock. 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