36 ( 1990) 205-232 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam Forest Ecology and Management, 205 Geographic variation in growth and phenology of seedlings of the Abies proceralA. magnifica complex Frank C. Sorensen 1, Robert K. Campbell 1 and Jerry F. Franklin2 1 USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Corvallis, OR 97331 (U.S.A.) 2College ofForest Research, AR-10, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 (U.S.A.) (Accepted 3 July 1989) ABSTRACT Sorensen, F.C., Campbell, R.K. and Franklin, J.F., 1990. Geographic variation in growth and phen­ ology of seedlings of the Abies procera/A. magnifica complex. For. Ecol. Manage., 36: 205-232. Seedlings whose source origins extended over 12 of latitude (about 1300 km), 1800 m of eleva­ tion, and 250 km of longitude were grown for three years at Corvallis, Oregon, U.S.A. The sampled area included an interfertile complex of taxa, noble fir (Abies procera Rehd. ), Shasta red fir (A. mag­ nifica var. shastensis Lemm.) and California red fir (A. magnifica A. Murr.) from north to south. Size and phenological traits were measured in a common garden test, and analyzed to investigate the pattern of geographic variation. Division of the complex into three regions accounted for essentially all the latitudinal variation and strongly indicated a stepped cline. Elevation and longitude contributed lesser amounts of source vari­ ation. Lack of fit to the regression model indicated that other local factors also were important. Change in mean elevation of the sample sites with latitude was linear and closely followed Hopkins' 'bioclimatic law'. Northern sources had the greatest relative elongation rates. Source variation within taxa was smaller than for comparable geographic ranges of some other western conifers. Based on field observations Shasta fir had been regarded as highly variable, but in this test its genetic variability was not greater than that of noble and California red firs. Genetic variance, estimated from families­ in-locations and based on seedling traits, indicated ample opportunity for genetic gain. ° INTRODUCTION Noble fir (Abies procera Rehd.), Shasta red fir (A. magnifica var. shasten­ sis Lemm.), and California red fir (A. magnifica A. Murr.) form an impor­ tant interfertile complex of western conifers. The natural range of the com­ plex is a relatively narrow band (about 200 km maximum width at any one latitude) extending about 1300 km (roughly 36 ° N to 48 ° N) along the Pacific coast (Powells, 1 965, pp. 16-18, 25-30). Noble fir is the northernmost representative of the complex. It generally 206 F.C. SORENSEN ET AL. occupies middle- to high-elevation sites (1000-1700 m) in the Cascade Range from about 44°N (central Oregon) to about 48°N (northern Washington). It also occurs in patches at somewhat lower elevations in the Coast Range of southwest Washington and northwest Oregon. Shasta fir occurs in northern California and in the southern Oregon Cascade Range south of 44°N at ele­ vations of 1400-2000 m. Shasta-fir populations are absent from the northern and central Sierra Nevada, but populations with at least some similar char­ acteristics (e.g. exserted bracts) reappear in the southern end of the range. Typical California red-fir populations occur in the Shasta-fir range, but the former is the sole representative of the complex in the central and northern Sierra Nevada, where its elevational range is generally 1800-2700 m (Frank­ lin et al., 1978). Distinctions between the three taxa have been based on differences in cone and leaf morphology and geographic distribution. Particular problems in identification and questions about the validity of the taxa have arisen in southern Oregon and the northern California Coast Range, where popula­ tions appear highly variable. Individuals morphologically assignable to two or even all three of the taxa may be present in some populations (Franklin et al., 1978 ). Noble fir and California red fir are interfertile and produce off­ spring similar to Shasta fir in cotyledon number (Silen et al., 1965). This study was done to add to our understanding of relations within the complex by analyzing genetic variation in seedling growth and phenology. We wanted specifically to determine ifthe genetic variation along the north-south axis was better described as a stepped dine or a smooth dine with latitude. A stepped dine would better support the taxonomic distinction between noble fir and California red fir with an intermediate form, possibly hybrid. A smooth dine would suggest a stronger role for selection along a major environmental gradient related to latitude. We also wished to determine if genetic variation is associated with elevation or distance from the crest of the mountains. The hypothesis that the latitudinal trend is a function of selection would be sup­ ported by evidence that variation is related to elevation and other environ­ mental indexes. MATERIALS AND METHODS Included in the test were 156 families from 43 locations. Cones for loca­ tions 1-37 (Table 1) were collected by one of us and by several cooperators of the USDA Forest Service, National Forest Administration, in Oregon and Washington in 1967 and 1968, depending upon location. Collections were generally made during good-to-bumper seed crops at the specific locale. Har­ vested cones were brought to Corvallis, Oregon, where the seed lot for each tree was carefully extracted by hand. Filled seeds were identified from X-ray plates and were stored at -13°C until used in the test. Cones for locations GEOGRAPHIC VARIATION IN AB/ES SEEDLING COMPLEX 207 TABLE 1 Location information for the seed origins Location number and name• Elevation (m) Latitude (N) Longitude (W) Cresth (km) Families< <n) I Stevens Pass 2 Cedar River 3 Burley Mtn. 4 Red Mtn. 5 Yacholt Burn 6 Mt. Defiance 7 Tillamook Burn 8 Government Camp 9 Post Camp 10 Mt. Wilson 11 South Fork Mtn. 12 Graham Pass 13 Monument Peak 14 Snow Peak 15 Bingham Ridge 16 Iron Mtn. 17 Bear Pass 18 Bunchgrass Mtn. I 9 Indian Ridge 20 Winchester 21 Gold Lake 22 WolfMtn. 23 Willamette Pass 24 Logger Butte 25 Reynolds Ridge 26 Windigo Pass 27 Black Rock 28 Hershberger Mtn. 29 Abbott Butte 30 Cavern Creek 31 Crater Lake Park 32 Fiddler Mtn. 33 Mt. Baldy 34 Bigelow Lake 35 Sanger Lake 36 Trail Mtn. 37 Mendocino Pass 38 Monarch Mine 39 Bunker Hill Lookout 40 Bunker Hill 41 Packsaddle Pass 42 Bourland Mtn. 43 Rabbit Meadow 975 490 1525 1220 1160 1220 855 1265 1295 1450 1480 1370 1220 1280 1295 1415 1220 1370 1220 1525 1540 1615 1370 1675 1600 1645 1645 1770 1675 1585 1935 1450 1830 1740 1525 1310 1830 1995 2195 2040 2165 2225 2345 47°45' 47°25' 46°25' 45°55' 45°49' 45°37' 45°27' 45°18' 45°12' 45°05' 45°05' 44°55' 44°42' 44°38' 44°36' 44°24' 44°19' 44°19' 44°00' 43°49' 43°38' 43°37' 43°36' 43°34' 43°24' 43°21' 43°10' 43°02' 43°57' 42°54' 43°53' 42°15' 42°15' 42°05' 41°55' 41°27' 39°45' 39°36' 39°03' 39°03' 38°45' 38°06' 36°42' 121°07' 121°45' 121°52' 121°50' 122°09' 121 °43' 123°35' 121°44' 121°31' 121°40' 122°14' 121°59' 122°19' 122°35' 121°55' 122°09' 122°17' 122°04' 122°16' 122°07' 122°04' 122°13' 122°04' 122°21' 122°30' 122°10' 122°28' 122°28' 122°33' 121°59' 122°08' 123°47' 122°17' 123°22' 123°39' 123°37' 122°53' 120°40' 120°23' 120°22' 120°10' 119°56' 118°52' 1 23 38 12 25 -I 121 4 - 13 3 46 16 42 62 8 25 33 21 34 II 4 21 0 13 32 9 34 32 32 -15 -2 129 5 91 116 127 233 50 22 22 19 43 51 6 5 2 6 2 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 6 7 7 5 7 6 Regiond l 1 I I I 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 •Location name indicates the nearest significant geographic feature; locations 1-5 are in Washington, 6-34 in Oregon and 35-43 in California. bDistances are shortest straightline to the crest of the Cascade-Sierra chain; negative value indicates east of Cascade crest. <Families are the number of open-pollination single-tree seedlots representing each seed origin. d Regions correspond approximately to the three taxa, 1=noble fir, 2=Shasta fir, and 3=California red fir. 208 F.C. SORENSEN ET AL. 38-43 were collected in 1973 and seeds extracted and cleaned by personnel at the USDA Forest Service, Institute of Forest Genetics, Placerville, California. Experimental design for the seedling test was a randomized complete block with 156 four-tree family rowplots and five blocks. Seed spots were on 10.2 cm (4 in) centers. Seedling beds, which were raised cold frames, were sown 14 seeds across the bed- each row including three 4-tree plots oftest seedlings and two 1-tree borders. Two border rows were planted at each end of the blocks. The test was established at Corvallis, OR, latitude 44°34'N, elevation 75 m. Pregerminated seeds were sown to give full stocking and to eliminate pos­ sible seed storage and age effects on rate of emergence. There was no resow­ ing. Seedling survival was 96.7% at the end of the 3-year nursery test. Obser­ vations or measurements were made on one seed trait and several seedling growth and phenological traits. In all, 22 directly measured or derived traits were analyzed (Table 2). Because we wished to compare the alternative hypothesis that genetic vari­ ation was stepped clinal vs. clinal, the data were analyzed in a classification model (hierarchal analysis ofvariance (Snedecor and Cochran, 1967, p. 285)) TABLE 2 Measurement units and symbols (in parentheses) for measured and derived growth and phenological traits observed in a 3-year common-garden nursery test of noble-fir California-red seedlings Cotyledon number (COT) Date of bud burst (BB)" number of cotyledons per seedling data of first appearance of green needles between scale of terminal bud; observations made every other day Date of final bud set (BS) date of first appearance of bud scales on terminal bud; if a seedling second-flushed, the dates of both first (FBS) and final bud set were recorded; observations made every 7 days percentage of seedlings within a plot which had second flushing Second flushing (FL) of the terminal (FL) or ofsubterminal lateral (LFL) buds; percentages were transformed to arcsins (Snedecor and Cochran, 1967, p. 327) using Bartlett's (1947) correction for zero and I 00 percentages number of days between bud burst and bud set or between first Extension period (EP) and final bud sets measured in mm from cotyledons to base of terminal bud Epicotyl length (H I ) measured in mm from ground level to base of terminal bud Total height (TH) Relative height elongation In total height yearn minus In total height yearn - I; expressed in cm cm-1 year-1 rate (RHER) Factorscores (F S) derived from direct observations (COT, BB, BS, FL, H I , TH) as explained in the text •symbols may be identified by year of observation, I, 2, or 3. For example BB2 refers to date of bud burst in year 2. GEOGRAPHIC VARIATION IN AB/ES SEEDLING COMPLEX 209 and in a regression model (backward stepwise elimination (Draper and Smith, 1966, p. 177) ) . Classification model This phase of the analysis had two purposes: first, to reduce the variation among correlated traits to fewer dimensions using principal components, and second, to partition total genetic variation into its hierarchal parts. For the first purpose, the analysis of sources and families-in-sources provided com­ ponents of variance and covariance (Kempthome, 1957, p. 264 ) By substi­ tuting these components into the standard equation for the product-moment correlation coefficient, genetic correlations were calculated among the twelve nonderived growth and phenological traits. Genetic correlation coefficients indicated a correlated system (Table 3), both among seed sources (above diagonal) and pooled among families-in-sources (below diagonal). The ma­ trix of genetic correlation coefficients derived from source components of variance and covariance was used as input in a principal component analysis (Morrison, 1967). The analysis of variance was based on plot means. The principal-component analysis transformed the original set of variables into a new set. The new set included all the variation in the original set; fur­ thermore, one or two of the new variables, the principal components (PCs), accounted for most of the variation in the original set. Use of a genetic cor­ relation matrix as input ensured that all variables in the original set were scaled according to their genetic contribution to the total phenotypic variation. . TABLE 3 Genetic correlation coefficients for seed sources (above diagonal) and for families-in-sources (below diagonal) COT" BB2 0.967 COT BB2 0.275 883 0.179 BS1 -0.390 FBS2 0.476 BS2 -0.444 FL2 -0.596 FL3 -0.898 LFL2 -0.291 H, 0.548 TH2 0.463 0.321 TH3 0.811 -0.193 -0.121 -0.045 0.066 -0.587 -0.102 0.536 0.578 0.430 BB3 0.982 0.992 -0.264 -0.125 -0.100 0.025 -0.583 0.030 0.310 0.355 0.253 BSI 0.758 0.743 0.739 FBS2 BS2 FL2 0.011 -0.724 0.850 0.851 -0.038 -0.748 0.863 -0.039 -0.775 0.973 0.641 -0.155 0.424 -0.412 0.138 0.682 1.091 0.651 0.773 0.199 1.000 1.344b 0.794 1.651 2.364 0.430 0.416 0.562 0.510 -0.049 0.167 -0.294 -0.494 0.139 0.231 -0.026 -0.146 0.347 0.462 0.014 0.020 HI TH3 FL3 LFL2 -0.334 -0.358 -0.324 0.245 0.155 0.839 0.724 0.658 0.424 -0.267 0.226 0.174 0.620 0.375 -0.328 0.174 0.621 0.384 -0.338 0.950 0.844 0.296 0.812 0.007 0.819 0.663 0.569 0.729 0.951 0.612 0.748 0.686 0.484 -0.100 0.143 0.364 0.567 0.758 0.770 0.606 0.689 0.750 0.533 0.022 0.961 0.742 0.850 0.289 0.590 0.633 0.902 1.692 -0.210 1.004 1.442 TH2 •Abbreviations are explained in Table 2. hOverlarge coefficients for FL3 (families in sources) are due to a barely significant family effect and large standard errors. 210 F.C. SORENSEN ET AL. Transformed factor scores for each plot were obtained for each significant PC by the equation: where: Y;n is factor score for the ith PC (i=1-11), the nth plot (n= 1-780), and eigenvectors having coefficients a;k> for the ith PC and kth original vari­ able, xk; k= 1-1 1 . Factor scores were then analyzed as independent variables in the analyses of variance (Table 4) Components of variance derived from the analysis of variance were also used for our second purpose, to determine how total variance was distributed among the genetic and experimental effects given in Table 5. This was done at three levels: (1) proportion of total test variance associated with genetic effects was determined from the ratio (uS;s + u§ ) /u?, where: u2 indicates component of variance; F /S identifies families-in-sources; S, sources; and T, . TABLE 4 Hierarchical analysis ofvariance used for partitioning source variance into its region, latitudes-in­ regions, and sources-in-latitudes-in-regions components Sources ofvariation Blocks OF 4 Expected mean squares• a2+ l S6uB Families ISS Sources 42 Regions 2 u2+ SuC/S/L/R + 22.73u§/L/R + 100.94u[,R + 2S4. l 3ui Latitudes-in-R 7 u2+ SuC/S/L/R + 20.69u§1L/R + 67.S0u[1R Sources-in-L-in-R 33 u2+ SuC u2+ SuC1s + l 8.06u§ u2+ SuC/S/L/R + l 7.23u§/L/R Families-in-S 113 u2+ SuC1s Experimental error 620 u2 Total 779 •subscripts are: B, blocks; R, regions; L/R, latitudes-in-regions; S/L/R/, sources-in-latitudes-in-re­ gions; F/S/L/R, families-in-sources-in-latitudes-in-regions. The regions encompass approximately 4° oflatitude and correspond to the three taxa (see text). Latitudes include the sources located between even degrees oflatitude, for example between 44°00' N and 44°S9' N. GEOGRAPHIC VARIATION IN AB/ES SEEDLING COMPLEX 211 TABLE 5 Proportions of family- and source-related variation and coefficients of variation for several traits in a nurs­ ery test of seedlings of the noble-fir/California-red-fir complex 7 Traits• 8 Measured Cotyledon number 0.730 0.949 0.374 0.929 0.007 0 0.123 0.092 Date of bud flush, year 2 0.869 0.910 0.579 0.932 0 0.068 0.055 0.085 Date of bud flush, year 3 0.842 0.927 0.519 0.950 0 0.050 0.056 0.072 Date of final bud set, year I 0.402 0.790 0.784 0.895 0 0.105** 0.090 0.072 Date of first bud set, year 2 0.477 0.921 0.188 0.914 0.007 0.079 Date of final bud set, year 2 0.320 0.638 0.602 0.610 0 0.390 0.231 0.200 Second flushing, terminal bud, year 2 0.262 0.840 0.328 0.589 0 0.411 0.605 0.301 0.434 0.483 0 0.517 0.657 0.448 0 0.371"' 1.163 0.250 0.202 0.066 Second flushing, lateral bud, year 2 0.285 0.785 Second flushing, terminal bud, year 3 0.048** 0.876* 0.355* 0.629* Epicotyl length, year 1 0.579 0.617 0.762 0.862 0.032 0.106* 0.166 0.261 Total height, year 2 0.352 0.598 0.643 0.717** 0.051 0.232** 0.180 0.188 Total height, year 3 0.421 0.750 0.448 0.623 0 0.157 0.150 0.377 Mean values Bud burst 0.856 0.918 0.549 0.941 0 0.059 0.056 0.078 Bud set 0.400 0.783 0.525 0.806 0 0.191 0.174 0.113 Height 0.451 0.655 0.618 0.734 0 0.238 0.168 0.200 0.253 0.762 0.447 0.632 0 0.368 0.170 0.099 0.310 0.723 0.559 0.684 0 0.316 0.719 0.520 0.403 0.716 0.548 0.654 0 0.346 0.205 0.187 Midpoint for extension period-I 0.692 0.981 0.184 0.941 0.003 0.056** 0.064 0.027 Midpoint for extension period-2 0.402 0.782 0.522 0.741 0 0.209 0.129 0.101 Midpoint for extension period-I + 2 0.399 0.711 0.668 0.807 0 0.193** 0.105 0.091 Relative height elongation rate, year 2 0.229 0.472 0.941 0.906 0 0.094"' 0.129 0.109 0.143 0.112 Derived Extension period-I, bud flush to first bud set, year 2 Extension period-2, first bud set to final bud set, year 2 Extension period-I + 2, bud flush to final bud set, year 2 Relative height elongation rate, year 3 0.325 0.793 0.701 0.888 0 0.112** Factor score-I 0.756 0.950 0.437 0.945 0 0.055 0.027 0.032 Factor score-2 0.423 0.746 0.505 0.670 0 0.330 0.095 0.109 •Traits are grouped according to whether they are phenological or growth and whether they are from direct measurement or derived.' "The eight measures of variation in the numbered columns are: ( uMis + u§ ) / u?. u§ / ( uMis + u§ ) . I ) Proportion of total variance due to families and sources: 2) Proportion of total genetic variance due to sources: 3) Proportion of family variance within regions due to families-in-sources: ( uM/S/L/R + u§/L/R + ultR ) . uMistLtR / 4) Proportion of source-related variance due to regions: Uk I ( u§/L/R + ul1R +Uk ) . 5) Proportion of source-related variance due to latitudes-in-regions: 6) Proportion of source-related ( u§/L/R +ULtR +Uk ) variance · 7) Coefficient of variation for error mean square: due to ul1R I ( u§1LtR + ultR +Uk ) . sources-in-latitudes-in-regions: u§1L/R / uN /x. 8) Coefficient of variation associated with additive genetic variation estimated from families-in-sources: 4uM1sf.X. cNumerators in the proportions in these columns are very highly significant (P<0.001) except as indicated: **, P<0.01; *, P<0.05; n.s. P>0.05. dNumerator in the proportions in this column are all nonsignificant, P>0.05. 212 F.C. SORENSEN ET AL. total; (2) the proportion of genetic variance associated with sources was cal­ culated as u§/ (uS;s + u§ ); and (3) variance components associated with re­ gions (uT, latitudes-in-regions (u[;R), and sources-in-latitudes-in-regions (u§;L/R ) were calculated as proportions of the total source-related variance (u§ ). Regional classes in the hierarchal breakdown extended about 4° in latitude and corresponded with the ranges of the three taxa, sources between 36°42'N and 39°45'N representing California red fir, sources between 41°27'N and 43°49'N representing Shasta fir, and sources between 44°00'N and 47°45'N representing noble fir (Fig. 1). A class entry in the latitudes-in-regions clas­ sification represented the average of the sources found within a single degree oflatitude; e.g. sources between 42° and 42°59'N latitude. Regression model In the regression analysis, the mean factor scores for the 156 parent trees for each of the significant principal components were fitted to three location variables, latitude (L ) , elevation (£), and distance from the Sierra Cascades I '. ' : ..... •' -_ _, . ·- .\ .s ..\ ci-, ' . \ ' ' '' •F . \' --- ', \' N I Fig. 1. Distribution of the sample locations (solid circles with lines) and selected geographic features (solid squares) in Washington (WA), Oregon (OR), and California (CA). Abbrevia­ tions are MR, Mount Rainer; C, Corvallis (the nursery test site); WP, Willamette Pass; CL, Crater Lake; ML, Mount Lassen; S, Sacramento; F, Fresno. GEOGRAPHIC VARIATION IN AB/ES SEEDLING COMPLEX 213 crest (D). There was a strong association between latitude and the elevation where the species were found. In our sample of locations, calculated local el­ evation (E 1) decreased with increasing latitude according to the equation E1 = 1571.6-136.7 (L-42.94) ( r= -0.87,DF= 41, P < 0.001) In the regression analysis, we therefore introduced elevation as deviation (Ed) from calculated local elevation Ed = E-E, The preliminary model in regression analyses included L, L 2, L 3, L 4, Ed, D, and linear interaction terms. From the preliminary model, an equation in which all variables significantly reduced sums of squares in factor scores was selected by backward elimination (Draper and Smith, 1966, p. 67). Lack of fit of data to the selected equation was tested by use of data from the several trees collected at each location as 'repeats' (Draper and Smith, 1966, p. 76). RESULTS Relationship between sample elevation and latitude We list 43 sample locations and elevations in Table 1. Zavarin et al. (1978) give similar information for 40 populations that they sampled for monoter­ pene analyses. Regressions of elevation on latitude for the samples are Elev= 7210.9-131. l Lat Elev= 7880.7-145.3 Lat Elev= 7760.4-143.3 ( ±7.8) Lat (our Table 1 data), (Zavarin et al., 1978), and (combined data) where elevation is expressed in m, and latitude in degrees. The combined data are plotted in Fig. 2. The relations are linear and significant (P < 0.001). Classification model Distribution of variation among different genetic levels of sampling is sum­ marized in Table 5 for all traits. Mean values for three important trait groups - bud burst (2 years), bud set (3 years), and height (3 years) - are included at the end of the list of measured traits. Distributions differed among the three groupings. Date of bud burst had a much larger proportion of total test variance (u? ) associated with genetic effects than did date of bud set or height (Table 5, column 1). Of the total genetic variance (u§ +uR15), most was source related (u§) for all traits (Ta­ ble 5, column 2). The main geographic dimension of distribution for the species complex was 214 F.C. SORENSEN ET AL. 2880 f i 1940 c • 0 0 0 - 1660 g ! i! 0 1380 0 ·É ÊoO • 1100 0 820 540 0 a Latitude (degrees N.) Fig. 2. Relation between latitude and elevation for 83 sample locations in the noble-fir/Califor­ nia-red-fir complex. Sample locations: ( 0) from this study; ( e ), from Zavarin et al. ( 1 978 ). Elevation and latitude are on equivalent scales in the graph, as determined from the regression equation: Elevation= 7760- 1 43.3 ( ± 7.8 ) latitude. latitudinal. In the ANOVAs, both region and latitude-in-region reflect latitu­ dinal effects. Region accounted for most of the source variation - mean pro­ portions were 0.941, 0.806, and 0.734 for the three groups of traits mentioned previously (Table 5, column 4). Essentially all variance associated with lati­ tude of origin was explained by regions. In no case did the average variation among classes oflatitude in each region (Table 5, column 5) exceed the vari­ ation among sources located in the individual classes of latitude (column 6). The remaining source variance was due to sources-in-latitudes, the differ­ ences among sources within the individual degrees of latitude. This compo­ nent ofvariance as a proportion of total source variance averaged 0.059, 0.191, and 0.238 for bud flush, bud set, and height, respectively (Table 5, column 6). Regional relations for seedling height changed with age. At the end of the first growing-season, southern plants were tallest and northern plants were intermediate. Relative height elongation rates (RHERs) the next two seasons favored the northern plants. Southern plants had the lowest elongation rates; in the 3rd year, for example, RHERs were 0.827, 0.723, and 0.64 1 cm cm-1 GEOGRAPHIC VARIATION IN AB/ES SEEDLING COMPLEX 215 year-' for plants of northern, central, and southern origin, respectively. By the end of the 3rd growing-season, plants of northern origin were tallest and those from the southern region were intermediate. Differential elongation rates indicated that southern plants eventually would have been shortest in the beds at Corvallis. The apportioning of source-related variation in height was influenced by age. At the end of the first year most source-related variation was associated with latitude; only 10.6% was due to differences among sources within the same latitude (Table 5, column 6). After two more years, 37.7% of the vari­ ation was due to differences among sources within the same latitude. The proportion of total genetic variation in plant height associated with families-in-sources also changed with age (or seedling size). At the end of the first 2 years, the figure was about 40%, but it dropped to a little over 25% after the 3rd year's elongation (Table 5, column 2). The additive coefficient of variation also decreased with seedling age (Table 5, footnote to column 8). The trait complex analyzed above as individual traits was summarized as principal components. The genetic correlation matrix for sources, rather than for families-in-sources, was used as input, because variation among sources more clearly pertains to genetic variation that is likely to emphasize adaptive differences among the species. The first two principal components were sta­ tistically significant (P < 0.001), and together they explained 93% ofthe source variation in the traits (Table 6). Factor scores in the first principal compo­ nent were about 40% more variable (eigenvalue=6.40) than in the second (eigenvalue= 4.76). Trait communalities (the proportion of a trait's vari­ ance held in common with the factor scores) were calculated as the sum of the squared loadings for the two PCs. They indicated that the two PCs ac­ counted for most of the variation in all traits (Table 6). Because of errors in estimates, some genetic correlations were larger than 1 . This contributed to the one overlarge communality (as1) in the table. The relation of individual traits and factor scores can be seen by examining the trait loadings (correlations of observed with created variates) in Table 6. Factor scores for the first PC (PC-1) are larger the greater the number of cotyledons and the later the bud burst and bud set, especially for time of first and final bud sets in the 2nd year. The factor scores are larger for sources with larger seedlings in years 1 and 2. Factor scores for the second PC (PC-2) are larger the fewer the number of cotyledons, the earlier the bud burst, and the later the time of first bud set in the 2nd year. PC-2 is larger for sources that are taller, especially after the 3rd growing-season, and for sources with more second flushing. The variation patterns were quite different for factor scores of the two PCs, which by definition are not correlated. Genetic variation accounted for more total variation in PC- 1 (Table 5, 75.6%) than in PC-2 (Table 5, 42.3%). Most of the genetic variation in PC- 1 was related to source (Table 5, column 2) 216 F.C. SORENSEN ET AL. TABLE 6 Principal components (PC) with trait, loadings, communalities, and eigenvalues Trait" COT BB2 BB3 BS! FBS2 BS2 FL2 LFL2 FL3 HI TH2 TH3 Communality Loadings PC-1 PC 2 0.760 0.732 0.738 l.006 0.937 0.617 -0.179 0.747 0.315 0.958 0.869 0.331 -0.627 -0.667 -0.670 -0.007 -0.254 0.743 0.954 0.579 0.870 0.113 0.373 0.838 6.398 53.3 4.762 39.7 Eigenvalue Percent variation - 0.971 0.981 0.994 l.011 0.942 0.932 0.942 0.893 0.856 0.930 0.894 0.812 93.0 "Trait code as in Table 2. and most source variation was found among regions (Table 5, column 4 ) . Experimental error in PC-1 was very small (Table 5, column 7) . Compared with PC- 1 , more of the variance within regions in PC-2 was due to families­ in-sources (Table 5, column 3 ), and a much larger proportion of source var­ iance was due to variation among sources within classes oflatitude (Table 5, column 6). The first principal component was therefore more closely associ­ ated with the major regional differentiation among sources, and the second was more closely associated with local differentiation among sources and families. The experimental error for PC-2 (Table 5, cv=9.5%) was larger than for PC-1 (CV=2.7%) . Regression model The regression models selected by backward elimination accounted for 85% of sums of squares for factor scores of PC- 1 and 47% of sums of squares for PC-2 (Table 7, bottom). In both models, latitude explained most of the vari­ ation, but elevation and distance from the crest, or interactions involving el­ evation and distance, also made minor contributions (Table 7, standard coef­ ficients indicate the relative contributions of variables). Coefficients for the regression equations are listed in Table 7 (partial coef­ GEOGRAPHIC VARIATION IN AB/ES SEEDLING COMPLEX 217 TABLE 7 Regression analyses of factor scores from principal components Variable" Principal component l Variable" Principal component 2 Significance Standard Partial coefficient (P< ... ) coefficient L Li LJ L4 D -0.4561 0. 0462 0.0068 -0.0010 -0.0089 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0200 0.0001 - 1.25 0.42 0.41 - 0.29 - 0.30 EL -0.0002 0.0001 - 0.17 14.8619 0.0001 CONST L Li LJ L4 D E ED LD CONST Partial coefficient Significance Standard (P<... ) coefficient 0.2910 0.2267 -0.0177 - 0.0063 0.0088 -0.0021 0.36E- 04 0.0030 9.0488 0.0010 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0120 0.0080 0.0070 0.0080 0.0001 0.64 1.66 -0.85 - l.50 0.24 -0.26 0.32 0.28 R2 for PC-1=0.85; probability oflack of fit to model for PC-1 is P<0.001. to model for PC-2 is P<0.001. •E =elevation deviation from local elevation in m; D=distance from the Sierra-Cascade crest in km; L=latitude - 42.94 in degrees; EL, ED, LD=interaction terms including elevation, latitude,or dis­ tance; CONST= constant. R2 for PC-2=0.47; probability of lack offit 18 - -15 km 0 40 km 17 I c 16 • .,...-·- ·-·-·- .,,.---- --- ­ c 0 Q. E 15 0 -------­ u ii .!!u -E a. 14 . Q ............ ..... . ........ ... .... .... .... ...... ... ..............___ _ ""'· - --- - �-� --------- 13 1 2' 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 latitude (degrees N.) 45 46 47 Fig. 3. The relation between values of principal component-1 (scaled on the y-axis) and latitude and distance from the crest of the Cascade Range for seedlings of the noble-fir/Califomia-red­ fir complex. The lines represent values at mean 'local' elevation associated with the Cascade crest (--),1 S km east (-·-·-·),and 40 km west (----). See text for determination of'local' elevation. ficients). Patterns of source variation for the three arbitrary distances or ele­ vations are illustrated in Figs. 3-5. All effects except that of latitude are lin­ ear, so change in PCs associated with elevation and distance may be directly 21 8 F.C. SORENSEN ET AL. 13 12 11 110 I9 - 150 kmkm -·-·- N 40 --- J.. c 8 i ,' _ _ 8 39 38 _ _ ... · , ,, " · -\ - " · - · , .... ... .. ... · .,... --- ' _ 41 42 43 44 45 ... 40 _ , ,, ,, ' /, - - ,-' latitude (degrees N.) 46 47 Fig. 4. The relation between values of principal component-2 ( scaled on the y-axis ) and latitude and distance from the crest of the Cascade Range for seedlings of the noble-fir I California red fir complex. The lines represent values at mean 'local' elevation associated with the Cascade crest ( -- ) , 1 5 km east ( -·-·-· ) and 40 km west ( ---- ). See text for determination of 'local' elevation. 13 12 11 10 N ----- 200m0 m -·-·-· .... . -·-·-· -200 - - !0 ··- ·-· -. Q. E ; 8 u ·L CL 9 8 Latitude (degrees NJ Fig. 5. The relation between values of principal component-2 ( scaled on the y-axis ) and latitude and elevation for seedlings of the noble-fir /California-red-fir complex. The lines represent val­ ues at mean 'local' elevation ( -- ), 200 m below mean 'local' elevation ( -·-·-·- ) , and 200 m above mean 'local' elevation ( ---- ). See text for determination of'local' elevation. interpolated on the figures. Most of the source variation in PC-1 was associated with latitude and only minor amounts with distance from the crest (Fig. 3). The effect of elevation was so small that it was not illustrated. Most of the variation in PC-2 was also related to latitude. The relation of factor scores with distance from the crest depended on whether sources were from the northern or southern regions (Fig. 4). Factor scores for sources above the 'local' elevation were consistently larger than were factor scores for sources below the local elevation (Fig. 5) . In both GEOGRAPHIC VARIATION IN AB/ES SEEDLING COMPLEX 21 9 models, lack of fit was highly significant; the average deviation of sources from the model was larger than would be expected given the amount of vari­ ation among trees within sources. DISCUSSION Sample distribution and test site Of the 43 sample locations, 33 were between 41°27 ' N and 45°55 ' N, or about seven locations per degree oflatitude. North and south of this area, the sampling intensity was much less, averaging about one sample location per degree latitude and with no samples between 36°42'N and 38°06'N and be­ tween 39°45'N and 41°27'N. The latter gap is probably the more serious, because of the generally different performance of sources north and south of it. These weaknesses in sample distribution will be noted where needed for clarity. The test was conducted in only one environment. Different environments can expose somewhat different patterns of genetic variation (Campbell and Sorensen, 1978; Worrall, 1983). Worrall's paper indicated that provenance performance, at least for bud burst, can be quite different at different planta­ tions, but that ranking of provenances stayed consistent. More test sites might have increased the amount of variation that we observed. Relation between sample elevation and latitude To the extent that the sample sites are representative of the main distribu­ tion of the species complex, mean elevation for parent trees changes by 143 m (469 ft) for each degree of change in latitude. The change is linear across taxa despite the different ecologies of noble and red firs. Compared with other forest life-zone charts, this rate of change in elevation with latitude is about 1.5 times that indicated for the idealized mixed coniferous forest between the same latitudes in North America (Wolfe, 1979, fig. 7), about 0.85 times the gradient given for coastal mainland China (Wolfe, 1979, fig. 5), and about 0.75 times the gradient indicated for mixed coniferous forest in Japan (Wolfe, 1979, fig. 4). Thus, the elevation/latitude gradient for noble-fir/Califomia­ red-fir seems to have an intermediate position between mainland and coastal or island mixed-coniferous-forest gradients. This may reflect the maritime influence on the climate of the Cascade/Sierra ranges (Manley, 1945). This rate of change in elevation zone with latitude also indicates control by tem­ perature-mediated factors (for example, snow depth and duration); Hop­ kins' ( 1918) bioclimatic 'law' suggests a change in elevation of 400 ft (122 m) for each degree oflatitude. The confidence interval (P=0.05) about the regression line at the mean 220 F.C. SORENSEN ET AL. latitude of the samples, 42°33'N, is ±46 m. Three degrees north or south of the mean latitude the confidence interval is ±65 m. The elevational spread at any one latitude is thus quite narrow. Temperature, moisture, and snow regime might limit species distribution at higher elevations through direct influence on internal physiological or reproductive processes. The healthy de­ velopment of young noble fir in Christmas tree and research plantations at elevations below its natural range suggests, however, that the species may be often restricted at lower elevations by competitors effectively excluding it. Variation with latitude - stepped or smooth dine Classification of the species complex into northern, central, and southern regions accounted for most of the source variance. However, three factors argued against the conclusion that the latitudinal variation was general or smooth. First, none of the variation in either component appeared to be con­ nected with latitude within regions (Table 5, column 5). Second, although regional means for the first principal component followed a north-south trend (x: N=13.79, C=14.55, S= 16.19), means for the second principal compo­ nent did not (x: N= 11.32, C=9.70, S=11.32). Third, a highly significant (P < 0.001) part of the source variation was found among sources within lat­ itudes and regions (Table 5, column 6). This constituted lack of fit to a model composed of terms that reflected only latitude, the primary axis of the species range. Variation among sources that was associated with variables other than latitude therefore existed within the three regions. The choice between the alternative hypotheses, smooth vs. stepped dine, was hampered by the significant lack of fit in both classification and regres­ sion models. A comparison of the relative amounts of variation by the two models is helpful, but not entirely satisfactory, because classification analysis is based on plot means and regression analysis on family means. Family means (regression model) included some error that was removed from plot means (classification model); however, this mainly affected comparison of pure er­ ror (or families-in-sources) with lack of fit (or sources-in-latitudes) and therefore should not have been a serious defect in discriminating between clinal types. The full regression model (Table 7), which included terms for latitude, el­ evation, and distance from the crest, explained only slightly more of sums of squares for PC-1 than did the full classification model, 85.2% vs. 84. 7% (Ta­ ble 8). When a restricted model (L, L 2, L 3, L 4) was used in regression, the model explained less variation than did the 'regions' term in the classification model, 81.3% vs. 83.6% (Table 8). The classification into regions assumes no latitudinal trend within regions; any difference among regions is stepped; therefore, some lack of fit in the full regression model may reflect the fitting of stepped data to a continuous trend line. GEOGRAPHIC VARIATION IN AB/ES SEEDLING COMPLEX 221 TABLES The percent of sums of squares in factor scores accounted for by the several sources of variation in alternative regression and classification models Regression Variation source Classification Full model Latitude only Full model DF % DF % Regions only Variation source DF % Variation source DF % Principal component-I Regression 6 85.2 4 81.3 Region + latitude Lack offit 36 7.0 38 10.8 Sources in latitude Pure error 113 7.9 113 7.9 Families 9 84. 7 Regions 2 83.6 33 7.7 Latitude+ 40 8.8 sources in latitudes 113 7.6 Families 113 7.6 Principal component-2 Regression 46.5 39.0 Region+ latitude Lack of fit 34 23.6 38 31.1 Sources in latitudes Pure error 113 29.9 113 29.9 Families 8 4 9 42.0 Regions 2 39.4 40 31.4 33 29.0 Latitude+ sources in latitudes 113 28.9 Families 113 28.9 The evidence from PC-2 also does not conflict with the hypothesis of a stepped cline, except that the central region does not have an intermediate factor score. The full regression model explained more variation than the full classification model (Table 8, 46.5% vs. 42.0%), but the additional explained variation can be attributed to elevation and distance from the crest. The regression model with latitude alone explained only as much as the 'regions' term in the classification model (Table 8, 39.0% vs. 39.6%). The restricted regression model did not explain as much as the full classification model, though both models included terms only in latitude, because the classification model assigned five more degrees of freedom to latitude. Comparison ofvariation in seedling traits with variation in seed weight and monoterpene composition Geographic differentiation in the nobel fir-California red fir complex has been described previously for seed weight (Franklin and Greathouse, 1968a,b; own unpubl. results, 1968) and for monoterpenes (Zavarin et al., 1978). The pattern of differentiation in seed weight and in some monoterpenes is similar to that found in our PC-1 (Fig. 6). (The scale in our Fig. 6 has been inverted from fig. 3 in Zavarin et al. 1978, so that the slopes of the lines for the three traits will be in the same direction. The index values for beta-phellandrine are a measure of similarity to A. procera, larger values indicate greater similar- 222 0 " 20 .. I J È 40 c ,g! 60 .. a al 80 100 F.C. SORENSEN ET AL. Ci §. "' en · 1l., 80 + 60 al = 40 u.. .... ·•···· . I .....L..... . ...K 20 0 i .... 35 37 'X 39 41 43 Latitude (degrees N.) Fig. 6. Relation between seed weight 45 47 0 ( X ), beta-phellandrine index ( + ), factor score 1 ( o), and latitude. Vertical scales have been adjusted to comparable ranges. Each circle represents a mean for a half-degree interval; crosses represent individual locations. Seed weights are taken from Franklin and Greathouse ( l 968a, b); beta-phellandrine index has slope reversed from Zavarin et a!. (1 978). ity). The agreement at individual latitudes is not perfect; for example the beta-phellandrene index ( + ) compared with seed weight ( X ) shows a some­ what more gradual change up to 44°N (Fig. 6). Nevertheless, overall geo­ graphic patterns concur quite well. Other monoterpenes show similar as well as somewhat different patterns of geographic variation (Zavarin et al., 1978), which is also true of the traits described in this paper and for geographic pat­ terns of genetic differentiation in plants in general (Hamrick and Libby, 1972; Hillel et al., 1973; Jain, 1976 ) . Although there is no direct test for comparing fit to stepped vs. smooth latitudinal trend, subjective evaluation indicates that a stepped cline depicts well the genetic variation and seems to coincide with the taxonomic descrip­ tion. Other reports on stepped variation have been on a smaller geographic scale than we have sampled (Snaydon, 1963; Ford, 1964, pp. 72-84; Jewett, 1964; Jain, 1976 ) , but results have been comparable - steps apparent for some traits adaptive to a sharp environmental change, smooth dines for other traits that are presumably not adaptive to the sharp change (Antonovics, 1971). It has been proposed on theoretical bases that leptokurtic seed and pollen dis­ persal associated with strong selection pressure on certain traits or coadapted clusters of traits are important reproductive and evolutionary processes that result in this type of differentiation (Jain and Bradshaw, 1966; Kettlewell and Berry, 1969; Allard et al., 1972; Snaydon and Davies, 1972; Endler, 1973; Levin and Kerster, 1974; Nagylaki and Lucier, 1981; Loveless and Hamrick, 1984). It is not clear from the paleobotanical evidence how the latitudinal differ­ GEOGRAPHIC VARIATION IN AB/ES SEEDLING COMPLEX 223 entiation of the California-red-fir/noble-fir complex originated, particularly the differentiation of the intermediate group, whether the "product of pro­ longed hybridization and introgression between A. procera and A. magnifica, or as divergence outward from an intermediate central group" (Zavarin et al., 197 8). This study does not provide additional evidence as to origin; but agreement of the quantitative morphological traits with the terpene analysis in indicating steep gradients in some traits at about 40°30'N and 44°N does suggest that strong selection may be an important factor in maintaining the pattern of differentiation. Acting with selection could be genetic and ecologic barriers to gene exchange. Even though the species complex is interfertile, there seem to be some genetic barriers to crossing, and, at least at the Califor­ nia-red-fir/Shasta-fir transition, there do not appear to be stands containing clearly identifiable representatives of both taxa (the late W.B. Critchfield, USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station, personal com­ munication, 1987). Seed weight and relative height elongation rate There were large differences in seed weight associated with latitude (Fig. 6), heaviest seeds occurring in the south. All seeds were sown as germinants, thus they had the same starting date the first year. Average dates of budset the first year were the same for noble fir and Shasta fir, but about 2 weeks later for California red fir. California red-fir seedlings had the longest epicotyls at the end of the first year (4.9 cm vs. 3.8 and 3.4 cm for noble fir and Shasta fir, respectively), presumably due to larger seeds and longer elongation sea­ son (Grime and Jeffrey, 1965; Pollard and Wareing, 1968). During the next 2 years, RHER decreased with decreasing latitude, a differ­ ence previously observed by Lines (1979) in British tests and with grand fir (Abies grandis (Dougl. ex D. Don) Lindl.) in north German nursery evalu­ ations (Kleinschmit, 1986). During the three growing-seasons, California red fir shifted from tallest to intermediate and noble fir from intermediate to tall­ est. By the 3rd year, California red fir had the lowest RHER. Extrapolations of 3rd-year RHER for two more years indicated that California red-fir seedlings would be shortest, Shasta fir intermediate, and noble fir tallest in one or two more years. Interpretations of the adaptive significance of seed weight and relative growth rate ( RGR) have suggested that both large seeds and low RGR can be indicative of more stressful or of more stable but unproductive habitats (Par­ sons, 1968; Baker, 1972; Grime and Hunt, 197 5). In our nursery test, the lower RHER (in cm cm 1 year- 1 ) of California red-fir seedlings was not the result of a shorter elongation season, at least as measured in the 2nd year (elongation season was not determined the 3rd year), but of a real reduction in rate of elongation. Climatic data for habitats within the sample range are - 224 F.C. SORENSEN ET AL. scarce, but generally they indicate milder climate with greater summer pre­ cipitation in the noble-fir range than in the California red-fir range (Powells, 1965, pp. 16-18, 25-30). Elevational distribution of the species complex had a linear trend with lat­ itude (Fig. 2) that, as discussed earlier, followed bioclimatic 'law' and other temperate, coniferous-forest life-zone trends. However, the latitude/eleva­ tion adjustment did not result in equivalent climatic habitat over the length of the transect. The habitats occupied by the species apparently increased in stressfulness from north to south, and the plants showed adaptation to that change. In the north, noble fir occupies an elevation band restricted at moist lower elevation by vigorous competitors and intolerance to shade (Baker, 1949) and at high elevation by cold, snowpack, and short growing-season. In the south, competitive stress is less because oflower precipitation, which, to­ gether with greater shade tolerance, allows California red fir to form stable, climax forests (Oosting and Billings, 1943) on sites that would not be avail­ able at the northern end of the range. We suggest that the elevational change with latitude involves a compromise in the sense that the climatic change associated with the change in latitude is only partly compensated by change in elevation. Competition and different ecologies also have roles in the compromise. Finally, we draw attention to the complications in use of plant size and components of growth for evaluating provenance variation. Components of dry-matter production such as RHER, length of growing-season, etc., have ac­ cumulating importance with age (Pollard and Wareing, 1968). In our test, RHER was negatively associated with seed weight. The accumulating effect of RHER on plant height over three years should partly compensate for initial seed-weight differences. This can be illustrated by comparing the region and sources-in-latitude-in-region proportions of source-related variance for H1 (0.862 and 0.106, respectively), TH3 (0.623 and 0.377), and RHER3 (0.888 and 0.112). If we assume that Hl primarily reflects seed weight, then the components of growth (Hl and RHER3) both show more regional differentia­ tion than does the final height measurement (TH3). The conclusion of Pol­ lard and Wareing (1968) suggests that regional differentiation will again in­ crease and approach the distribution shown by RHER. A longer-term test would have been worthwhile. The example shows that negative association of com­ ponents of growth can increase the difficulty of interpreting patterns of geo­ graphic variation, and that intermediate measurements as well as final size measurements can be important in such tests. Location ofthe 'steps' Our results and those based on chemical constituents (Zavarin et al., 1978) agree in indicating at least partially stepped dines with latitude. Because of GEOGRAPHIC VARIATION IN AB/ES SEEDLING COMPLEX 225 the lack of samples, particularly Cascade/Sierra transition samples between about 40° and 42°15'N, we cannot say the a steep latitudinal dine might not exist between these latitudes rather than a 'step'. In either case, the steps or the midpoints of steep sections appear to be close to 40°30'N and 44°N. Topography of the sampled transect includes parallel north-south coastal and inland (Cascade Range or Sierra Nevada) mountain ranges north of about 43°45'N and south of 40°30'N and the Klamath Mountains, a complex of steep, sharp ranges intruding from the coast between those latitudes ( Garrett, 1985). The locations of the steps or steep dines seem to coincide with the north and south limits of the Klamath Mountain complex. It is not known whether the Klamath influence is primarily climatic, edaphic, or both. Source-related variation at common latitudes In addition to latitude, our source locations were characterized by eleva­ tion and distance from the Cascade/Sierra crest. Compared to the latitudinal distribution of our samples (about 1300 km), the distribution of samples in the other dimensions was small, particularly if elevation was adjusted for latitude. Four sources over 90 km from the crest between 41°27'N and 42°15' N (Fig. 1 ) did not deviate more than others from the general north/south trends, nor were they associated with increased variance among locations-in-lati­ tudes. Two other sources were distant from the crest. These were one source at 45°27'N and a single-family source at 39°45'N. Only the single-family source seemed to be out of the general pattern. Despite small sample range in elevation and distance from crest, compared to latitude, both made significant contributions to regression for the principal components (Table 7 and Figs. 3, 4, and 5). Furthermore, source variation associated with locations-in-latitudes was significant for most traits and large for several ( Table 5, column 6). This was probably best exemplified by PC­ 2, for which the location-in-latitude component was almost half as large as the region component ( Table 5, lines 4 and 6). We conclude that considerable local geographic variation exists in this spe­ cies complex. Some is associated with distance from the crest and elevation ( upfting, 1967), but a larger proportion is not. The inclusion of the two vari­ ables in the full regression model reduced lack of fit by only one-third. A num­ ber of important geographic variables, such as slope, aspect, landform, shade profile of nearby mountains, and soil characteristics (Franklin, 1964) were not recorded for our locations. These variables may be associated with adap­ tive genetic variation in this species complex, just as they are in other Pacific slope species (Campbell, 1979, 1986). Because the complex grows predomi­ nantly at high elevations, microgeographic variables may be of even greater 226 F.C. SORENSEN ET AL. importance than they are at lower elevations (Campbell and Sorensen, 1 978; Sorensen, 1 979; Paule, 1 986). Zavarin et al. ( 1 978) concluded that California red fir has less among-pop­ ulation variability than does noble fir. Our results show the same, particularly if the single-family source at 39° 45' N is excluded. Principal component-2, which expresses in general a large amount of variation among sources within latitudes, seems to have more variability among sources within latitudes north of 40°N than south. A point of caution is that only six of our samples, exclud­ ing the single-family source, came from south of 40°N. Within- and among-source variability Because the latitudinal dine is stepped with steps coinciding with our re­ gions, partitioning of genetic variance within and among sources is based on regions, rather than on the species complex as a whole. On the average, total variance within regions is about equally divided between the two levels: among sources-in-regions and among families-in-sources. For the two principal com­ ponents, the proportion due to sources was 0.563 and 0.495, respectively (Ta­ ble 5, column 3). Source variation as a fraction of total variance is smaller for our fir species than for some other western conifers. The ratios are about the same within regions of the complex as for sugar pine in southwest Oregon (Campbell, 1 987). A single region in the complex represents about the species range for California red fir or noble fir, whereas southwest Oregon is only a small part of the species range for sugar pine. In a sample of Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) in southwest Oregon, about 70% of total variance was found among sources (Campbell, 1 986). Genetic differentiation is often associated with elevation (Worrall, 1 983). The California-red-fir/noble-fir complex has comparatively little elevational range, other than that compensated by latitude. This may partly explain the small source variance. Genetic variability within the transition zone compared with the pure species Regions 1 , 2, and 3 coincide fairly well with the ranges of noble fir, Shasta fir, and California red fir, respectively. Taxonomically, Shasta fir has been considered a variety of California red fir. In southern Oregon it has been re­ ferred to as a 'morphologically variable complex' (Franklin, 1 965) or as hav­ ing 'highly variable populations' (Franklin et al., 1 978). These statements are based primarily on field observations over time, from which we infer that the variety is perhaps more variable genetically than are the pure species. Increased variability in this region, ifpresent, could be due to hybridization GEOGRAPHIC VARIATION IN AB/ES SEEDLING COMPLEX 227 between noble fir and California red fir, with continuing genetic recombina­ tion following hybridization and backcrossing (Anderson, 1949, ch. 3; Soule, 1971; Manley, 1 972; Zobel, 1973; Roughgarden, 1979, pp. 237-238), or sim­ ply to more environmental complexity in the Siskiyou Mountains of northern California and southern Oregon than either north or south of there (Snaydon, 1973; Nevo, 1976; Gregorius et al., 1985 ). Zavarin et al. (1978) constructed a 'variability index' based on analyses of several terpenes and concluded that "A. magnifica proved to be appreciably less variable than A. procera, both within and between populations" and that the transitional population (Shasta fir)) had about the same variability as noble fir. For seedling morphological traits, we could compare within-region varia­ bility at three levels - variation among sources-in-regions, families-in-sources, and within plots. Variability among source means within regions, based on examination of Fig. 7, appears to be about the same for all three regions. In fact, the variance among source means is larger for region 3 than for 1 and 2 if all sources are included, but smaller if the two one-family sources (located at 41 ° 55 ' N and 39 ° 45'N) are deleted from regions 2 and 3 or if the one­ family source at 39 ° 45'N is considered as belonging to region 2. The second measure of variability, variation among families within sources, is also shown in Fig. 7 for two traits. Vertical lines give ranges in family means e " ..,.. ,.. [ " • I f Ç J 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 0 I! I I il l I P I\ 1 1 1 '.1 !f I I 11 ,, 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 44 45 46 47 48 Latitude (degrees N.) Fig. 7. Source means (solid dots ) and range of family means (vertical lines ) for each seed source for two traits: top, date of bud set in year l ; bottom, total height in year 3. 228 F.C. SORENSEN ET AL. TABLE 9 Within-plot variances for second-year bud-burst and bud-set dates, and for height after I , 2 and 3 years Trait Bud-burst date Bud-set date Height, I year Height, 2 years Height, 3 years Regions1 4.58 22.4 0.95 3.26 5.97 2 3 4.49 18.2 0.99 3.17 5.12 3.08 18.8 1.19 3.08 4.69 1Region numbers l , 2, and 3 represent noble fir (A. procera ), Shasta fir (A. magnifica var. shastensis), and California red fir (A. magnifica ) , respectively. for each source. There is no consistent difference among the regions in the lengths of the vertical lines. Finally, we determined within-plot variability for several traits. Within-plot variance included three-quarters of the additive and all the dominance vari­ ance in a test of true half-sib families. If there is a difference in genetic varia­ tion within breeding populations, it should show up in this measure. Within­ plot variances by region are listed for the five traits in Table 9. There is no evidence that within-plot variability differs among regions. In summary, this comparison does not show more genetic variability in the transition zone than elsewhere. It does not provide evidence for hybrid origin of Shasta fir, or for greater heterogeneity among fir sites in the Klamath­ Mountains/Cascade-Range than north or south of there. Practical implications Variance in additive genetic effects, as estimated from families-in-sources, is quite large, particularly for the size traits (Table 5, column 8). To the ex­ tent that variation in seedling traits reflects the magnitude of variation among mature individuals, there should be ample opportunity for genetic gain by selection and testing of material from local populations. The results ofthis study indicate that environmental factors are not directly responsible for the current northern range limit of noble fir. Franklin (1965) stated that "Noble fir does not appear to be limited in the Stevens Pass area by climate or soils. The trees are healthy, vigorous, and reproducing well in open areas". Results from our seedling test show no evidence of a change in performance or a decrease in vigor in plants of the most northern origin (see, for example, Fig. 7), as might be expected if the northern sources were at or near an environmental margin. Furthermore, the relation of elevation to lat­ GEOGRAPHIC VARIATION IN AB/ES SEEDLING COMPLEX 229 itude (Fig. 2) indicates that there should be suitable environments for noble fir beyond its current northern limit. The lack of evidence for an environmental constraint strengthens the hy­ pothesis that competition and disturbance regimes are key factors determin­ ing the northern range of noble fir. Key ecological characteristics of noble fir relative to many of its associates are (1) a modest life-span, rarely exceeding 400 years; (2) intolerance, i.e. inability to reproduce under a forest canopy; (3) slow initial growth rates, particularly in relation to Douglas fir; and (4) a heavy seed that may be a constraint on long-distance dispersal. Natural wildfire return intervals seem to be less frequent on the western slopes of the northern Cascade Ranges than in areas to the south; thus, fires recur at inter­ vals longer than the life-span of noble fir at this edge of its range. Competitors may also be more effective at reaching and dominating recently disturbed sites in the wet, mild sites found below 900 m elevation at and to the north of the current noble fir range. Noble fir can dominate the young stands that de­ velop following disturbance at its northern limits, as in the case of the land denuded by the construction and operation of the Great Northern Railroad on the western slopes of Stevens Pass. It seems unlikely that time since glaciation is a major factor in the current distribution of noble fir. Suitable sites for its persistence during the last gla­ ciation almost certainly existed in northern Washington. The 11 000 years of this interglacial period have been sufficiently long and varied (e.g. occurrence of the hypsithermal maximum) for noble fir to expand its range. Most recommendations for seed-movement guidelines or breeding-zone delineation would be premature. Our sampling of locations, particularly in southern Oregon and northern California, was not intensive enough for such a purpose; nevertheless, two preliminary conclusions are indicated. First, seed transfer across the 'steps' (between regions) should be avoided until evidence from field tests shows it is safe. Steps, or regional boundaries, based on Fig. 6 are tentatively placed at 44 ° N (a little south of Eugene, OR) and about 40 ° 30 ' N (Redding and Lassen National Park, California). The differentia­ tion at 44 ° N appears particularly striking. Similarly, inclusion of selections from more than one region (more than one taxon) in a common seed or­ chard, or the establishment of seed orchards where intertaxa pollination would be promoted, also should be avoided. Second, source variation within taxa is a smaller component of total variation than for some other conifers in the Pacific Northwest, and it does not seem to be associated with latitude, the main dimensional gradient. Within a taxon, relatively wide seed transfer north or south may be possible with small risk. Restrictions may be necessary for local transfers in elevation or in distance from the crest. Also important may be lack of fit to the regression model. This indicates that other local factors, such as aspect, drainage, etc., that we did not quantify may have adaptive significance for this high-elevation species complex. We recommend further 230 F.C. SORENSEN ET AL. sampling with experiments designed specifically to evaluate the role that these factors play in adaption. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS R.S. Miles supervised and cared for the nursery test, W.B. Critchfield, R.G. Petersen, W. Randall, and D.B. Zobel provided reviews. Dr. Zobel also pro­ vided helpful information on growth rate and plant geography. We appreciate these efforts. REFERENCES Allard, R.W., Babbel, G.R., Clegg, M.T. and Kahler, A.L., 1 972. Evidence of coadaptation in Avena barbata. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, 69: 3043-3048. Anderson, E., 1 949. Introgressive Hybridization. Wiley, New York, 1 09 pp. Antonovics, J., 1 97 l . The effects of a heterogeneous environment on the genetics of natural populations. Am. 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