ERC process biologically and finan­ and to judge performance based on dally viable. Moreover, in areas where results instead of specialized tasks. regeneration is reliable, the risks of End result contracting is still relatively end result contracting are manageable new in the western United States and because potential problems can be should be considered experimental. identified and addressed. Failure to However, our results suggest that in produce results can be traced to an ac­ areas where regeneration is reliable, tivity or to natural conditions like ERCs have the potential to reduce drought. In contrast, in areas where costs, improve innovation by in­ regeneration is difficult, it can be hard volving industry in the proposal pro­ to determine if fault is due to the con­ cess, and imorove FS and industry re­ lati" . -x\o\1· , considering ERCs tractor, the agency, or mother nature. \\ s The Umpqua and Winema ey...-.n-' 0 u'o C'{ cteo'd to assess the kind ences with ERCs indicat s \ \e · co'{ e _,ar would be appropriate '{\\1\e \1 \ cost-savings recoP' 0u\\ . �� t'\le '>le 'oee ue in ERCs, how these activi'3 PIT study arP 1:\ " '\1 sc " ' .:s depend on natural conditions, '{e '3 soWN abled thr ' eo 'o'l ' \\1· and the legal and administrative con­ 3 '\le 3\ c'{ e '{ ..::S \ e tiOJ·•-' 'QS straints that may apply. The range of ' 'l . 0 'o'l 3 e . s -\\\e '1'l. activities on the Umpqua and Winema \1\ -\\ . ' v,_eS expand 0e \ 3 \'��'. c' \IS \ .r(\ '{\1\S'Sdual activities National Forests differ considerably in e .,1\\SS 3 '{ SO''' '"�' part because these forests have dif­ ferent site conditions related to dif­ ferent management objectives which were affected by administrative and 0 legal considerations. LITERATURE CITED OwEN, J. F, 1986. Stewardship contracting: A management strategy for futuring in the Forest Service. Unpubl. rep, Klamath National Forest, CA, 55 p. PoRTERJE, G .. L, ET AL. 1987. Stewardship con­ tracts. J. For. 85(8):29-32. TARASCIO, F. 1988. Cost comparison stewardship vs. standard contracts. Unpubl. rep. Umpqua National Forest pap. 4 p. USDA Fo REST SERVJCE. 1983. National produc­ tivity i mprovement study: Contracting/pur­ chasing. USDA For. Serv. Southern Region. 35 p. WEAVER, F., ET AL. 1988. End result contracting on the Winema National Forest. Unpubl. rep. USDA For. Serv. pap. 17 p. '-�e , '\lo'l'l e ------ Yield Comparison of Three Douglas-Fir Plantations on Former Farmland in Western Washington Marshall D. Murray and Constance A. Harrington, USDA Forest Service, Forestry Sciences Laboratory, 3625 93rd Ave. S. W., Olympia, WA 98502. ABSTRACT. Yields of three Douglas-fir plantations on former farmland were substantially greater than DFSIM yields for the plantations based on site index estimates from adjacent natural stands. Volume yield per acre of trees 1.6 in. dbh and larger was 40 to 57% greater in the actual plantations than in the simulations. For trees 7.6 in. dbh and larger, volume yield of the actual planta­ tions was 85 to 151% greater than the sim­ ulated yields. Mean annual increment of the actual plantations was 56 to 69% greater than the simulated values. In addi­ tion, top height was greater in two of the plantations than predicted. Running a second set of simulations with site index estimates based on plantation trees reduced the discrepancy in yields but still resulted in substantial underpredictions. Some pos­ sible reasons for enhanced yield of the plantations on former farmland are greater site uniformity, reduced vegetative compe­ tition, and increased nutrient availability. West. J. Appl. For. 5(4):00-00, October 1990. (Pseudotsuga menziesii) During the past three decades land­ owners in western Washington have planted Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga men­ ziesii) on their farmlands to produce Christmas trees or timber. Former farmland, free of stumps and logging debris, provides a good site for tree planting. Site preparation, planting, and postplanting treatments are pos­ sible with mechanical equipment and uniform spacing can be achieved. Early growth of trees on former farmland may be greatly enhanced by treatments associated with the pre­ vious land use, such as fertilization or cultivation of an agricultural crop, and by postplahting control of competing vegetation. One of the best known ex­ amples of the association of tree growth with previous land use is the "old-field effect" on the growth of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) plantations in the southeastern United States (Haines, Maki, and Sanderford 1973 , Wahlenberg 1960). The effect w a s named when i t was noticed that pine seedlings planted on old fields often grew faster than those planted on cutover sites. A similar phenomenon known as the "pasture effect," that is, better tree growth on land previously in pasture than on sites previously in tree cover, has also been reported for pine plantations in New Zealand and Australia (Skinner and Attiwill 1981, West 1984). Does Douglas-fir planted on former farmland produce greater yield than that obtained from D o ugla s-fir planted o n areas previously in tree cover? To answer this question, the yield of plantations on former farm­ land could be compared to those on cutover land. We obtained establish­ ment histories for three Douglas-fir plantations on former farmland. Un­ fortunately, plantations on cutover land with the same soil, age, and stocking as our plantations were not available for comparison. In the ab­ sence of actual experimental data, we u s e d a regional Douglas-fir yield model to predict the yields that would be expected on cutover land. The DFSIM Douglas-fir stand simu­ lation program (Curtis et al. 1981) can be used to predict development of an average stand when site index, initial stocking, and silvicultural treatment are specified. Thus, DFSIM estimates can be used to provide an indication of the gains associated with previous ag­ ricultural use, site preparation, and postplanting cultivation in these plan­ tations. This report presents actual yield of three Douglas-fir plantations estab­ lished on former farmland and com­ pares the actual yield with yield pre­ dicted by DFSIM for simulated planta­ tions on adjacent cutover land. DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY OF THE PLAl'ITATIONS Three Douglas-fir plantations were established on former farmland be­ tween 1957 and 1963 . The plantations are located within 20 miles of each other in Thurston and Lewis Counties, WA, an area recognized as one of the best timber-growing re­ gions in North America. The area's potential for high productivity is the WJAF 5(4)1990 123 'I ;\ result of fertile soils and favorable cli­ mate. Soils are derived from a variety of parent materials and range from average to excellent site quality for Douglas-fir (Table 1). The maritime climate is characterized by dry cool summers and wet, mild winters. Average annual precipitation in the area of the plantations averages 50 in. (Phillips 1964). The plantations were disked or plowed before planting and were cul­ tivated the f irst few years after planting to control competing vegeta­ tion (Table 2). Stand characteristics varied among the three plantations, but all exhibited the uniform spacing and an understory free of competing vegetation shown in Figure 1. METHODS Diameter at breast height of live trees within a sample area in each plantation was measured and tallied by l-in. classes. In the smaller Roch­ ester plantation, all live trees were measured except for three rows of trees on the outer edge surrounding the plantation. In the larger planta­ tions at Cooks Hill and Evaline, 0.1-ac sample plots were taken throughout the entire plantation. Samples con­ sisted of 5 plots at Cooks Hill and 12 plots at Evaline. Twenty-four trees throughout the range of dbh were measured for height at each planta­ tion; two-thirds of the height trees had dbh equal to or greater than the qua­ dratic mean stand diameter. A height­ diameter relationship was derived from the height sample trees, and an average height for each l-in. dbh class was calculated. Cubic volume (total stem inside bark) of each dbh class was taken from a volume table for second-growth Douglas-fir (Bruce and DeMars 1974). DFSIM requires a value for 50-year site index to be input for each stand condition that is simulated. Plantation trees growing on former farmland may have different patterns of height growth over time than the trees used Table 1. Soil and site index information for three Douglas-fir plantations on former farmland in western Washington. Plantation Soil parent material Rochester Cooks Hill Spanaway Salkum Eva line Olympic Glacial outwash Highly weathered glacial till Highly weathered basalt 1 2 3 Soil series1 Natural stand2 Plantation trees3 133 130 143 108 126 110 124 108 131 Values of site index by soil series based on soil survey of Lewis County, WA (Evans and Fibich 1987). Values estimated from heights and ages of site trees in a nearby natural stand of Douglas-fir. Values estimated from heights and ages of site trees in the plantation. to develop the height-age relation­ ships in King (1966); thus, it is not known how stable estimates of 50­ year site index would be based on these young trees. For this study, site index values were estimated in three ways: (1) based on site trees in a nearby natural stand, (2) based on the soil series-site index relationships available for the area (Evans and Fi­ bich 1987), and (3) based on site trees in the plantation. The natural stands, ranging in breast-height age from 24 to 35 years, were on the same soil series as the actual plantations. Site index values for the natural stands were obtained from regional Douglas­ fir site curves (King 1966). Site index values for the plantations were back­ calculated from DFSIM to provide the same height and age values as were present in each plantation. For all three plantations, the site index value obtained from the natural stand and the value associated with the soil series were within 3 ft of each other (Table 1). The site index estimate based on the plantation site trees was similar to the other estimates for the Rochester plantation; however, the plantation-based estimates from the Cooks Hill and Evaline plantations were 5 to 13 ft higher than the other estimates. Two sets of DFSIM simula­ tions were run for each plantation. The first set used the site index value estimated from the nearby natural stand, this assumed that the natural Date of planting Planting density Postplanting treatments Plantation Previous crop Rochester Strawberries Previous crop plowed under Spring 1957 8 X 8ft 680 trees/ac Cultivated first few years Cooks Hill Strawberries February 19&3 8 X ft 680 trees/ac Cultivated first few years Evaline Pasture Strawberries plowed under, cover crop of oats and vetch grown 1 year and harvested, soil disked before planting Soil disked before planting 124 W)AF 5(4)1990 I I 50-year site index Soil series stand w a s cut and subsequently planted with Douglas-fir at the same spacing as the existing plantation. The second simulations used the site index value estimated from the plantation trees themselves. If one assumes that the site index values will be stable, this set of simulations allows the effect of an increase in site index to be sepa­ rated from other effects of planting on former farmland. Comparisons are based on breast height ages, since these rather than total ages are used in the DFSIM pre­ diction equations. For a given breast height age, the comparisons were made for the same number of trees per acre 1.6 in. dbh and larger as the ac­ tual plantations. The plantations took fewer years to reach breast height than the regional average values used by DFSIM to con­ vert breast height age to total age (Table 3). As a consequence of rapid early height growth, the actual planta­ tions were 2 to 4 years younger in total age than the DFSIM values. Such age differences are reflected in differences in calculated MAl of the actual planta­ tions relative to that of the simulated plantations. RESULTS Comparisons of actual plantation growth with the values predicted by DFSIM are shown in Table 4. All three plantations had greater average dbh, cubic volume, and mean annual incre- Table 2. Establishment histories for three Douglas-fir plantations on former farmland in western Washington. Preplanting treatments ,I . I Autumn 1958 6 X 8ft 900 trees/ac Cultivated first few years Planting stock Nursery-grown Douglas-fir seedlings probably 2 years old Nursery-grown 1-year-old Douglas-fir seedlings Nursery-grown 2-year-old Douglas-fir seedlings Comments Very few missing trees, dead trees may have been replaced Very few missing trees, early survival was excellent Dead trees not replaced, skips in some rows {I J mean diameter between the actual and simulated values. However, number of trees 7.6 in. and larger and their corresponding cubic volume were still underpredicted by 67 and 53%. DISCUSSION Figure 1. The Rochester plantation 25 years after planting; ment for trees 1.6 in. dbh and larger and substantially greater cubic volume and numbers of trees 7.6 in. dbh and larger than the simulated plantations. The differences in values between the two simulations for each plantation were roughly proportional to the dif­ ferences between the site index values used. Rochester Mean diameter of all trees 1. 6 in. and larger was 1.3 in. larger in the plantation on former farmland than that predicted in either of the simula­ tions (Table 3). Mean diameter of trees 7. 6 in. dbh and larger did not differ between the plantation and the simu­ lations; however, the actual plantation had more than two and a half times as many trees in the larger diameter grouping than predicted by either of the simulations. Similarly, actual cubic volume in trees 7.6 in. dbh and larger was 151% greater in the simulation using site index from the natural stand and 182% greater than the value pre­ dicted using the plantation-based esti­ mate of site index. Cooks Hill Top height of Cooks Hill plantation was 4. 0 ft taller and mean diameter of Table 3. Average number of years for domi­ nant trees to reach the branch whorl at or immediately below breast height (4.5 ft). Actual valu es Plantation From seed From planting Pacific Northwest average1 (from seed) .................. (yr) ................ . ¡ Rochester Cooks Hill Evaline 1 6 3 5 4 2 3 8 7 7 . Values from King (1966); based on the site index values estimated from an adjacent natural stand. tree spacing is 8 by 8 ft. all trees (1.6 in. dbh and larger) was 1.0 in. greater than the values pre­ dicted by DFSIM with the natural stand site index value (Table 4). Asso­ ciated with these differences were in­ creases in cubic volume (in trees 1.6 in. and larger) and mean annual in­ crement of 40 and 63%. Mean diam­ eter of trees 7.6 in. dbh and larger was 0.3 in. smaller in the actual plantations than in simulation based on the nat­ ural stand site index; however, the plantation on former farmland had 93% more trees and 85% more stem volume in this size category than the corresponding DFSIM simulation. The simulation based on the higher plantation site index estimate resulted in DFSIM predicting a larger mean di­ ameter for trees 7.6 in. dbh and larger than was present in the actual planta­ tion. However, the number of trees 7 . 6 in. a n d larger and the c u b i c volume ( i n this size category) were still underpredicted by 62 and 40%. Evaline Top height of the Evaline plantation was 5.9 ft taller and mean diameter of all trees (1.6 in. dbh and larger) was 1.4 in. greater than the values pre­ dicted by DFSIM with the natural stand site index estimate (Table 4). The actual plantation also had 40% more cubic volume and 63% higher mean annual increment (in trees 1. 6 in. and larger) than the simulation. The actual plantation only had a 0.2 in. greater mean diameter of trees 7.6 in. and larger than the simulation based on the natural stand site index; however, this simulation underpre­ dicted the number of trees and the cubic volume in this size category by 104 and 115%. . Using the plantation-based estimate of site index reduced the difference in The differences in the yields pro­ duced by the three Douglas-fir planta­ tions on former farmland and the yields predicted by DFSIM were sur­ prisingly large. These differences should be considered as examples of the possible benefits associated with "agricultural effects" on tree growth. The agricultural effects at Rochester apparently resulted in increased stockability of the site, while the ef­ fects at Cooks Hill and Evaline in­ creased site quality (measured by top height) and stockability. The DFSIM stand simulator was developed with the use of extensive data, all of which came from natural stands and planta­ tions established on cutover forested land. Our plantations, on the other hand, had stand establishment histo­ ries not common in the Douglas-fir re­ gion. Thus, the presence of these agri­ cultural effects does not indicate that DFSIM produces inaccurate yield pro­ jections for more typical stands. We are not aware of other reports of enhanced yield of Douglas-fir on former farmland. Since information is not available from controlled experi­ ments, we can only speculate on the reasons for the greater yield observed in our plantations. Possible reasons for improved yield include greater site uniformity, reduced competition during establishment, and increased nutrient availability. The relative im­ portance of these and other possible reasons for improved growth will probably vary from plantation to plan­ tation depending on the specific man­ agement history and site conditions. Site uniformity implies that trees can be planted on an even spacing and that each tree has more nearly equal growing conditions. Consequently, unfavorable conditions that cause poor growth can be minimized, unuti­ Jized spots can be reduced, and yield increased proportionately. Part of any agricultural effect is probably due to reduced competition during the establishment period. Veg­ etative competition can reduce growth of planted trees. Weed cover in 28- to 3 2-year-old red pine (Pinus resinosa) plantations in Wisconsin caused more than 50% loss in expected volume of merchantable timber (Wilde et al. 1968). Cultivation can eliminate com­ peting annual vegetation as well as destroy native root systems, thus re­ ducing or eliminating competition for light, soil moisture or nutrients from WJAF 5(4)1990 125 Table 4. Comparison of values from 3 Douglas-fir plantations on former farmland with values predicted from DFSIM. Plantation Rochester Actual DFSIM (natural stand)4 DFSIM (plantation)s Cooks Hill Actual DFSIM (natural stand)4 DFSIM (plantation)s Evaline Actual DFSIM (natural stand)4 DFSIM (plantation)s 1 2 3 4 s trees 1.6" dbh + Per ac trees 7.6" dbh + Total age (yr) BH age (yr) Hoi(), (ft) Dg. 2 (in.) Trees (no.) CVTS3 (ft) MAl (cu ft) Dg2 (in.) Trees (no.) CVTS3 27 29 29 21 21 21 57.0 58.2 57.2 7.3 6.0 6.0 630 630 630 3910 2695 2590 145 93 89 8.4 8.5 8.4 253 100 94 2195 875 780 24 28 28 21 21 21 68.5 64.5 68.4 7.4 6.4 6.7 640 640 640 4810 3445 3920 200 123 140 8.6 8.9 9.2 276 143 170 2960 1595 2120 25 27 26 20 20 20 71.0 65.1 71.1 8.6 7.2 7.7 460 460 460 5010 3185 3910 200 118 150 9.3 9.1 9.7 334 164 200 4315 2005 2820 (ft) Mean height of the 40 largest trees per acre. Quadratic mean stand dbh. Cubic volume total stem. DFSIM estimates using a site index value based on site trees in a nearby natural stand. DFSIM estimates using a site index value based on site trees in the plantation. larly of nitrogen and phosphorus­ sprouting stumps and residual trees which are often present on recently may have contributed to the greater cutover areas (Wahlenberg 1960). growth and yield of these plantations. In addition to reduced competition, Although these old-field plantation other residual effects of cultivation comparisons with simulated stands do that may influence tree growth in­ . not allow us to quantify the effects of clude changes in soil physical and pre- and post-stand establishment chemical characteristics as well as al­ treatments, they suggest that inten­ teration of the soil microbiology asso­ sive site preparation and early vegeta­ ciated with the change in vegetation tion control may produce growth 0 gains of considerable magnitude. and management. Oldfield sites have less woody debris both above and below ground, which immobilizes nu­ LITERATURE CITED trients during its decay(Ralston1978). BRUCE, D., AND D. J. DEMARS. 1974. Volume Soils on old field sites have also been equations for second-growth Douglas-fir. reported to have higher pH and USDA For. Serv. Res. Note PNW-239. 5 p. higher phosphorus levels than soils CURTIS, R. 0., G. W. CLENDENEN, AND D. J. DEMARs. 1981. A new stand simulator for coast on forested sites (Haines, Maki, and Douglas-fir: DFSIM user's guide. USDA For. Sanderford 1973). The pasture effect Serv. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-128. 79 p. has been associated with increased EvANS, R. L., AND W. R. F!BIOi. 1987. Soil survey availability of nitrogen and phos­ of Lewis County area, Washington. USDA Soil Conserv. Serv. 466 p. 108 maps. phorus (Skinner and Attiwill1981). In HAINEs, L. W., T. E. MAl<!, AND S. G. SANDER­ the three Douglas-fir plantations, fer­ FORD. 1973. The effect of mechanical site prepa­ tilizers were probably. used on the ration treatments on soil productivity and tree previous agricultural crop. Thus in­ (Pinus tacda L. and P. e/liottii Engelm. var. el­ liottil) growth. P. 379-395 in Proc. Fourth N. creased nutrient availability-particu­ 126 WJAF 5(4) 1990 Am. For. Soils Con£. B. Bernier and C. H. Winget (eds.). Les Presses de l'Universite Laval, Quebec. KING, J. E. 1966. Site index curves for Douglas-fir in the Pacific Northwest. Weyerhaeuser For, Pap. 8. Weyerhaeuser Company, Centralia, WA. 49 p. PHILLIPS, E. L. 1964. Washington climate for Oark, Cowlitz, Lewis, and Skamania counties. Agric. Ext. Serv. Bull. E.M. 2462. Wash. State Univ., Pullman. 42 p. RALSTON, C. W. 1978. The southern pinery: Forests, physiography, and soils. P. 6-13 in Proc. symp. on principles of maintaining pro­ ductivity on prepared sites, T. Tippin (ed.), Southeast. area State & Private For., Atlanta, GA. SKINNER, M. F., AND P. M. A'mwJU... 1981. The productivity of pine plantations in relation to previous land use 1. Growth responses in agri­ cultural and forest soils. Plant & Soil 60:161­ 176. W. G. 1960. Loblolly Pine-its use, ecology, regeneration, protection, growth and management. Duke Univ., School of For., Raleigh, NC. 603 p. WEST, G. G. 1984. Establishment requirements of Pinus radiata cuttings and seedlings compared. NZ J. For. Sci. 14:41-52. W!WE, s. A., B. H. SHAW, AND A. w. FEDKEN­ HEUER, 1968. Weeds as a factor depressing forest growth. Weed Res. 8:196-204. WAHLENBERG, Table 4. Comparison of values from 3 Douglas-fir plantations on former farmland with values predicted from DFSIM. Plantation Rochester Actual DFSIM (natural stand)4 DFSIM (plantation)s Cooks Hill Actual DFSIM (natural stand)4 DFSIM (plantation)s Evaline Actual DFSIM (natural stand)4 DFSIM (plantation)s 1 2 3 5 trees 1.6" dbh + BH age (yr) HMl, (ft) Dg.2 (in.) Trees (no.) CVTS3 (ft) MAl (cu ft) Dg2 (in.) Trees (no.) CVTS3 27 29 29 21 21 21 57.0 58.2 57.2 7.3 6.0 6.0 630 630 630 3910 2695 2590 145 93 89 8.4 8.5 8.4 253 100 94 2195 875 780 24 28 28 21 21 21 68.5 64.5 68.4 7.4 6.4 6.7 640 640 640 4810 3445 3920 200 123 140 8.6 8.9 9.2 276 143 170 2960 1595 2120 25 27 26 20 20 20 71.0 65.1 71.1 8.6 7.2 7.7 460 460 460 5010 3185 3910 200 118 150 9.3 9.1 9.7 334 164 200 4315 2005 2820 sprouting stumps and residual trees which are often present on recently cutover areas (Wahlenberg1 960). In addition to reduced competition, other residual effects of cultivation that may influence tree growth in­ clude changes in soil physical and chemical characteristics as well as al­ teration of the soil microbiology asso­ ciated with the change in vegetation and management. Old field sites have less woody debris both above and below ground, which immobilizes nu­ trients during its decay (Ralston1 978). Soils on old field sites have also been reported to have higher pH and higher phosphorus levels than soils on forested sites (Haines, Maki, and Sanderford 1 973). The pasture effect has been associated with increased availability of nitrogen and phos­ phorus (Skinner and Attiwill1 981). In the three Douglas-fir plantations, fer­ tilizers were probably used on the previous agricultural crop. Thus in­ creased nutrient availability-particu­ W]AF 5(4)1990 trees 7.6" dbh + Total age (yr) Mean height of the 40 largest trees per acre. Quadratic mean stand dbh. Cubic volume total stem. DFSIM estimates using a site index value based on site trees in a nearby natural stand. DFSIM estimates using a site index value based on site trees in the plantation. 126 Per ac _ larly of nitrogen and phosphorus­ may have contributed to the greater growth and yield of these plantations. Although these old-field plantation comparisons with simulated stands do not allow us to quantify the effects of pre- and post-stand establishment treatments, they suggest that inten­ sive site preparation and early vegeta­ tion control may produce growth gains of considerable magnitude. 0 LITERATURE CITED BRUCE, D., AND D. J. DEMARS. 1974. Volume equations for second-growth Douglas-fir. USDA For. Serv. Res. Note PNW-239. 5 p. CURTIS, R. 0., G . W. CLENDENEN, AND D. J. DEMARs. 1981. A new stand simulator for coast Douglas-fir: DFSIM user's guide. USDA For. Serv. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-128. 79 p. EVANS, R. L., AND W. R. FmiCH. 1987. Soil survey of Lewis County area, Washington. USDA Soil Conserv. Serv. 466 p. 108 rna ps. HAINES, L. W., T. E. MAKI, AND S. G. SANDER· FORD. 1973. The effect of mechanical site prepa­ ration treatments on soil productivity and tree (Pinus tacda L. and P. e/liollii Engelm. var. el­ liottir) growth. P. 379-395 in Proc. Fourth N. (ft) Am. For. Soils Conf. B. Bernier and C. H. Winget (eds.). Les Presses de l'Universite Laval, Quebec. KiNG, J. E. 1966. Site index curves for Douglas-fir in the Pacific Northwest. Weyerhaeuser For. Pap. 8. Weyerhaeuser Company, Centralia, WA. 49 p. PHILLIPS, E. L. 1964. Washington climate for Clark, Cowlitz, Lewis, and Skamania counties. Agric. Ext. Serv. Bull. E.M. 2462. Wash. State Univ., Pullman. 42 p. RALSTON, C. W. 1978. The southern pinery: Forests, physiography, and soils. P. 6-13 in Proc. symp. on principles of maintaining pro­ ductivity on prepared sites, T. Tippin (ed.). Southeast. area State & Private For., Atlanta, GA. SKINNER, M. F., AND P. M. ATI1WILL. 1981. The productivity of pine plantations in relation to previous land use 1. Growth responses in agri­ cultural and forest soils. Plant & Soil 60:161­ 176. WAHLENBERG, W. G. 1960. Loblolly Pine-its use, ecology, regeneration, protection, growth and management. Duke Univ., School of For., Raleigh, NC. 603 p. 1984. Establishment requirements of Pir111s radiala cuttings and seedlings compared. NZ J. For. Sci. 14:41-52. WILDE, S. A., B. H. SHAW, AND A. W. FEDKEN­ HEUER. 1968. Weeds as a factor depressing forest growth. Weed Res. 8:196-204. WEST, G. G.