764 Growth and foliar nutrient response to fertiHzation and precommercial thinning in a coastal western red cedar stand CONSTANCE A. HARRINGTON I USDA Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station, P.O. Box 3516, Monticello, AR 71655, U.S.A. AND CHARLES A. WIERMAN Boise Cascade Corporation, P. O. Box 50, Boise, ID 83728, U.S.A. Received February 2, 1989 Accepted November 30, 1989 HARRINGTON, C. A., and WIERMAN, C. A. 1990. Growth and foliar nutrient response to fertilization and precommercial thinning in a coastal western red cedar stand. Can. J. For. Res. 20: 764-773. Seven silvicultural treatments were applied to a young (15- to 20-year-old), naturally regenerated western red cedar (Thuja plicata Donn ex D. Don) stand growing on a poor-quality site in western Washington. The treatments were as follows: unthinned, unfertilized (untreated); unthinned, fertilized with ammonium nitrate, dicalcium phosphate, and potassium sulfate; thinned, unfertilized; thinned, fertilized with urea; thinned, fertilized with ammonium nitrate; thinned, fertilized with ammonium nitrate and dicalcium phosphate; and thinned, fertilized with ammonium nitrate, dicalcium phosphate, and potassium sulfate. Elemental application rates were 300 kg nitrogen, 100 kg phosphorus, 129 kg calcium, 100 kg potassium, and 41 kg sulfur per hectare. Growth and foliar nutrient concentrations were monitored for 5 years. Five-year height growth and diameter growth of the 20 tallest trees per 0.08-ha measurement plot were both substantially greater in all thinned or fertilized treatments than in the unthinned, unfertilized treatment. The three best treatments for height growth (the treatments containing ammonium nitrate and dicalcium phosphate) had 65070 more growth than the unthinned, unfertilized treatment. The two best treatments for diameter growth (thinned, fertilized with ammonium nitrate and dicalcium phosphate) had 106070 more growth than the unthinned, unfertilized treatment. The effects of thinning alone were small compared with the effects of fertilization alone or fertilization combined with thinning. Initial foliar nitrogen concentrations showed that the site was nitrogen deficient, and both nitrogen sources, urea and ammonium nitrate, increased growth. The addition of dicalcium phosphate resulted in significantly greater incremental growth above that attributed to nitrogen alone, but the further addition of potassium sulfate did not increase growth significantly. Increases in foliar nitrogen and phosphorus associated with fertilization were still evident 5 years after treatment. All sizes of trees responded to treatment, and growth of the total stand followed the same trends as for the 20 tallest trees per plot. Basal area growth on an absolute basis was best in the unthinned, fertilized treatment (more than twice that of the unthinned, unfertilized treatment) and on a percent basis was best in the thinned treatment fertilized with ammonium nitrate, dicalcium phosphate, and potassium sulfate. HARRINGTON, C. A., et WIERMAN, C. A. 1990. Growth and foliar nutrient response to fertilization and precommercial thinning in a coastal western red cedar stand. Can. J. For. Res. 20 : 764-773. Sept traitements sylvicoles ont ete effectues dans un jeune peuplement (15-20 ans), originant de regeneration naturelle, de Cectre de I'ouest (Thuja plicata Donn ex D. Don) croissant sur une station pauvre dans l'ouest de l'etat de Washington. Les traitements etaient : non eclairci, non fertilise (non traite); non eclairci, fertilise avec du nitrate d'ammonium, du phosphate dicalcique et du sulfate de potassium; eclairci, non fertilise; eclairci, fertilise avec de I'uree; ec1airci, fertilise avec du nitrate d'ammonium; eclairci, fertilise avec du nitrate d'ammonium et du phosphate dicalcique; et eclairci, fertilise avec du nitrate d'ammonium, du phosphate dicalcique et du sulfate de potassium. Les taux d'application ont ete de 300 kg azote, 100 kg phosphore, 129 calcium, 100 kg potassium et 41 kg sulfure a I'hectare. La croissance et les concentrations foHaires en elements nutritifs ont ete suivies pendant 5 ans. Les croissances en hauteur et en diametre apres 5 ans sur les 20 arbres les plus hauts par parcelle de 0,08 ha etaient substantiellement plus fortes dans tous les traitements d'ec1aircis ou fertilises lorsque compares aux traitements sans eclaircis, non fertilises. Les trois meilleurs traitements pour la croissance en hauteur (les traitements contenant Ie nitrate d'ammonium et Ie phosphate dicalcique) ont eu une croissance de 65070 superieure au traitement non eclairci et non fertilise. Les deux meilleurs traitements pour I'accroissement en diametre (eclairci, fertilise avec Ie nitrate d'ammonium et Ie phosphate dicaIcique) ont eu une croissance de 106% superieure au traitement non eclairci, non fertilise. Les effets de l'eclaircie seule ont ete faibles lorsque com­ pares a la fertilisation seule ou la fertilisation combinee avec I'eclaircie. Les concentrations initiales foliaires en azote ont montre que la station etait deficiente en cet element et que les deux sources d'azote, I'uree et Ie nitrate d'ammonium, ont augmente la croissance. L'ajout de phosphate dicalcique a augmente significativement la croissance lorsque com­ pare a l'ajout d'azote seul mais I'addition supplementaire de sulfate de potassium n'a pas augmente significativement la croissance. Les accroissements en azote et phosphore foliaire associes avec la fertilisation etaient encore evidents 5 ans apres Ie traitement. Les arbres de toutes les dimensions ont reagi au traitement, et la croissance globale du peuplement a suivi les memes tendances que les 20 arbres les plus hauts par parcelle. La croissance en surface terriere sur une base absolue etait la plus elevee pour Ie traitement non eclairci, fertilise (plus du double que Ie traitement non eclairci et non fertilise) et sur une base de pourcentage, Ie traitement eclairci, fertilise avec Ie nitrate d'ammonium, Ie phosphate dicalcique et Ie sulfate de potassium, etait Ie meilleur. [Traduit par la revue] I present address: USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, 3625 93rd Avenue SW, Olympia, WA 98502, U.S.A. Printed in Canada J lmprimc au Canada HARRINGTON AND WIERMAN Introduction Western red cedar (Thuja plicata Donn ex D. Don) is an important component of old-growth stands in western Canada and the United States. The species has wide eco­ logical amplitude, especially in relation to soil nutrition (Weetman et al. 1988), and occurs in pure and mixed stands throughout the region. In relation to its common tree associates, Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb. ) Franco), western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.), and Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.), western red cedar has generally been neglected in the regeneration and management of young-growth stands in the region, in part because of the lack of information on the species. Western red cedar has probably been planted and managed more in Britain (Aldhous and Low 1974; O'Carroll 1967), where it is an exotic species, than in North America, where it is native. However, North American interest in the biol­ ogy and silviculture of western red cedar has been increas­ ing (cf. Imper and Zobel 1983; Minore 1983; Nystrom et al. 1984; Radwan and Harrington 1986), and a symposium on the species was recently held (Smith 1988). Very little infor­ mation is available on the performance of the species under management. The 5-year response of a western red cedar stand on a poor-quality coastal site to precommercial thinning and several fertilization treatments is summarized in this report. An earlier report (Harrington and Wierman 1985) presented 2-year growth for the total stand and 3-year growth for the 20 tallest trees per plot. Materials and methods The study area and study establishment procedures are outlined in detail in Harrington and Wierman (1985) and are only described briefly here. The study area,located 10 km from the Pacific Coast in Clallam County,Washington (48°8'N,124°38'W),has a mild and wet climate with annual precipitation averaging 2700 mm. Elevation is approximately 100 m; the area has little relief, with maximum slopes less than 10010. The soil series is Kydaka,a member of the medial, acid, mesic Typic Humaquepts (Soil Survey Staff 1975). The closest equivalent in the Canadian system of soil classification would be the Humic Gleysols with Mor humus (Agriculture Canada Expert Committee on Soil Survey 1987). The Kydaka series is a moderately deep,poorly drained,silty clay loam. Surface mineral soil on the study area has a pH of 4.6. The 50-year site index for western red cedar on the study area is about 20 m (Kurucz 1978). In 1980,the stand was predominantly western red cedar saplings. Other tree species present were western hemlock, Pacific yew (Taxus brevijolia NutL), Pacific silver fir (Abies amabilis Doug!. ex Forbes), Sitka spruce, red alder (Alnus rubra Bong.). and cascara (Rhamnus purshiana DC.). Salal (Gaultheria shallon Pursh) and red and blue huckleberry (Vaccinium parvijolium Smith, V. ovalijolium Smith) were the most common shrubs. The overstory of the previous stand, consisting primarily of western red cedar 0.5 to 4 m in diameter, was clear-cut in 1961. Two salvage sales have been held in the area since the original log­ ging,but large amounts of both sound and rotten woody debris remain on the site. The majority of the young-growth stand prob­ ably regenerated from seed that germinated following logging; in 1980,these trees were 15 to 20 years old and 5 to 6 m tall. Some advanced and delayed reproduction was also present,resulting in a substantial range in tree size. Stocking averaged 5900 stems per hectare but was variable; low stocking was generally associated with large stumps and woody debris or was found in areas of poorer than average drainage. Twenty-eight permanent plots were established, each with a 30 x 50 m treatment area and a 20 x 40 m interior measurement 765 plot. Seven treatments were replicated in four blocks, and treat­ ment assignment was random within each block. The treatments were as follows: (i) unthinned,unfertilized (untreated) (UT -UF); (ii) unthinned, fertilized with ammonium nitrate, dicalcium phosphate,and potassium sulfate (UT -NPK); (iii) thinned, unfer­ tilized (T -UF); (tv) thinned, fertilized with urea (T -Ur); (v) thinned,fertilized with ammonium nitrate (T-N); (vi) thinned, fertilized with ammonium nitrate and dicalcium phosphate (T-NP); and (vii) thinned, fertilized with ammonium nitrate, dicalcium phosphate,and potassium sulfate (T-NPK). The plots were blocked to account for variability in soil drainage. In the thinned plots, the western red cedar crop trees were spaced at approximately 3 x 3 m (1100 trees per hectare or 88 trees per measurement plot). The biggest trees with the best form were selected as crop trees rather than attempting to achieve exact spacing. The thinning was done by hand during October 1980; thinning slash was left on the site. Elemental rates of fertilizer application were 300 kg N . ha 1 (urea or ammonium nitrate), 100 kg p. ha -1 and 129 kg Ca· ha 1 (dicalcium phosphate), and 100 kg K· ha 1 and 41 kg S· ha I (potassium sulfate). Fertilizers were cross applied by hand between March 26 and April 3, 1981. Weather conditions during and immediately following fertilization were cool and wet. All trees 1.3 m or taller were tagged and measured for total height and diameter at breast height (1.3 m). Trees shorter than 1.3 m were tagged and measured for height on thinned plots,but not on unthinned plots because of their excessive number and suppressed crown position. All tagged trees were remeasured for height and diameter following the second and fifth growing seasons since treat­ menL The 20 tallest trees per plot were remeasured for height and diameter after the first,second,third,and fifth growing seasons. Dormant-season foliage samples were collected from to upper crown class trees in each plot 1,2,3,and 5 years after treatment. Current-year foliage from the upper third of the tree crown was analyzed for total N (Kjeldahl procedure in Jackson 1958) and for P,K,S,and Ca (wet ash procedure in Horwitz 1980) by the Plant and Soil Analytical Laboratory at the University of Idaho. Height growth and diameter growth of the 20 tallest trees per plot were analyzed for the total 5-year period using analysis of covariance; initial height or diameter was used as the covariate. Trees that sustained top damage during the experiment were not included in the analysis of height growth. Specific treatment contrasts were tested as listed in Table 1. The trees in the total stand were divided into three initial height classes: height class 1 trees :;:;3.0 m,height class 2 = trees >3.0 m and <4.5 m, and height class 3 = trees ;:::4.5 m. To test for treatment responses in the height classes, 5-year height and diameter growth were analyzed using a split plot design. The silvicultural treatments were the whole plot treatments, and the height classes were the split plot treatments. The treatment by height class interactions were significant,so spe­ cific treatment contrasts were specified for each height class. Basal area growth for the 5-year period was analyzed using analysis of variance with specific treatment contrasts specified. Nutrient con­ centrations were analyzed using a split plot in time design. All but one element exhibited a significant treatment by time interaction. To interpret the interactions,the trend lines for changes in foliar concentrations over time were examined graphically for each element. Results Twenty tallest t rees per plot Five-year height growth of the 20 tallest trees per plot dif­ fered significantly by treatment (Table 1, P < 0.01) and was least in the unthinned, unfertilized treatment (Fig. 1). The best treatments increased 5-year height growth 65007 over the untreated plots. Annual height growth in the unthinned, unfertilized treatment declined from the 1st to the 2nd year, then leveled off at about 0.3 m· year I. Annual height - growth of thinned, unfertilized plots was equal to that of the unthinned, unfertilized treatment for the first 2 years; how­ CAN. 766 J. FOR. RES. VOL. 20, 1990 TABLE 1. Summary of analyses of 5-year height and diameter growth of the 20 tallest trees per plot 5-year diam. growth 5-year height growth F P >F SS F P >F 5.00 lO.88 <0.01 47.07 17.87 <0.01 1 3 6 0.21 0.39 4.52 4.76 2.83 16.41 0.04 0.07 <0.01 2.93 4.19 42.75 1l.l3 5.31 27.05 <0.01 0.01 <0.01 1 1 1 1 1 1 17 27 0.23 0.33 0.23 <0.01 0.09 <0.01 0.78 5.78 5.06 7.27 4.96 0.02 2.05 0.04 0.04 0.02 0.04 0.88 0.17 0.85 2.32 5.01 1.39 0.09 0.03 2.47 4.48 51.55 8.82 19.04 5.28 0.35 l.l3 9.40 0.01 <0.01 0.03 0.56 0.30 0.01 Source of variation df SS Model Covariate (initial height or diam.) Block Treatment Contrasts* T-UF vs. UT-UF T-N vs. T-UF T-NP vs. T-N T-NPK vs. T-NP T-Ur vs. T-N T-NPK vs. UT-NPK Error Corrected total lO NOTE: Type III sum of squares are presented for the covariate, block, and treatment components of the model. *T -UF, thinned, unfertilized; UT-UF, unthinned, unfertilized (untreated); T-N, thinned, fertilized with ammonium nitrate; T-NP, thinned, fertilized with ammonium nitrate and dicalcium phosphate; T-NPK, thinned, fertilized with ammonium nitrate, dicalcium phosphate, and potassium sulfate; T-Ur, thinned, fertilized with urea; UT-NPK, unthinned, fertilized with ammonium nitrate, dicalcium phosphate, and potassium sulfate. 3 7 S 2 :r: :r: 0 a: c.!J 0 a: c.!J 2 a: lJ.J flJ.J f:r: c.!J LU 2 lJ.J 0 « :r: > lJ.J > :s 6 5 4 3 2 :s :J 2 :J 2 :J u :J U 0 -0 / -0 / *- ",/ -0' ",/ '"/ ",/-# "'/ *- FIG. 1. Cumulative annual height growth of the 20 tallest trees per plot, by treatment. ., 1981 growth; I:;l, 1982 growth; 1:1, 1983 growth; b:'l, 1984-1985 growth. Treatment codes are as follows: UT -UF, unthinned, unfertilized; UT-NPK, unthinned, fertilized with ammonium nitrate, dicalcium phosphate, and potassium sulfate; T-UF, thinned, unfertilized; T-Ur, thinned, fertilized with urea; T-N, thinned, fertilized with ammonium nitrate; T-NP, thinned, fertilized with ammonium nitrate and dicalcium phosphate; T-NPK, thinned, fertilized with ammonium nitrate, dicalcium phosphate, and potassium sulfate. ever, in years 3 to 5, height growth was about 0.1 m·year-I greater in the thinned than in the unthinned, unfertilized treatment. Over the 5-year period, height growth in the thinned, unfertilized treatment was significantly greater than in the unthinned, unfertilized treatment (p 0.04). The fertilized treatments had substantially better 5-year height growth than the corresponding unfertilized treat­ ments. Differences among treatments in height growth were generally greatest the 2nd and 3rd years following treatment. = 0 FIG. 2. Cumulative annual diameter growth of the 20 tallest trees per plot, by treatment. ., 1981 growth; r;;J, 1982 growth; i!:l, 1983 growth; cs, 1984-1985 growth. Treatment codes are as given in Fig. 1. The thinned, ammonium nitrate treatment had significantly greater 5-year height growth than the thinned, unfertilized treatment (p 0.02). Annual height growth in the urea treatment was relatively low the 1st year (compared with the ammonium nitrate treatment), but exhibited a substantial increase between the 1st and 2nd years. Over the 5-year period the urea treatment had slightly greater 5-year height growth than the ammonium nitrate treatment (Fig. 1), but the difference was not statistically significant (p 0.17). The thinned, ammonium nitrate plus dicalcium phosphate treatment had significantly better 5-year height growth than the thinned, ammonium nitrate treatment; thus the addi­ tion of dicalcium phosphate apparently increased height growth. The additional inclusion of potassium sulfate, how­ = = HARRINGTON AND WIERMAN 767 TABLE 2. Summary of analysis of 5-year height and diameter growth of the total stand by initial height class 5-year height growth 5-year diam. growth Source of variation df SS F P >F SS F Model Block (Bl.) Treatment (Tr.) Error 1 (Tr. x Bl.) Height class (HC) Error 2 (Tr. x HC) Contrasts* Height class 1 T-UF vs. UT-UF T-N,T-Ur,T-NP,T-NPK vs. T-UF UT-NPK vs. UT-UF Height class 2 T-UF vs. UT-UF T-N,T-Ur,T-NP,T-NPK vs. T-UF UT-NPK vs. UT-UF Height class 3 T-UF vs. UT-UF T-N,T-Ur,T-NP,T-NPK vs. T-UF UT-NPK vs. UT-UF Error 3 Corrected total 41 3 28.62 1.14 18.39 2.73 5.50 0.85 34.38 18.79 150.97 7.48 135.53 3.47 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 222.51 8.10 112.79 19.18 79.78 2.65 50.86 25.32 176.18 9.99 373.82 2.07 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.04 1.23 1.46 2.13 60.58 72.13 105.04 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 3.58 5.83 2.51 33.54 54.68 23.48 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.57 2.08 2.56 28.05 102.69 126.12 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 3.72 11.02 34.85 103.29 57.72 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.45 1.00 2.78 0.85 29.47 22.15 49.02 36.83 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 5.00 10.41 11.37 4.48 226.99 46.88 97.59 106.60 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 NOTE: Height class I = trees < 3.0 m, height class ·See Table I for definitions of the treatments. 2 6 18 2 12 1 1 1 42 83 = trees ever, did not significantly increase height growth. Although there were minor differences in annual height growth between the thinned and unthinned treatments amended with ammonium nitrate, dicalcium phosphate, and potassium sulfate, 5-year growth was the same (p 0.85). The silvicultural treatments caused greater increases in diameter growth of the 20 tallest trees per plot than they did in height growth (Fig. 2). The best two treatments had 106070 more 5-year diameter growth than the unthinned, unfertilized treatment. Diameter growth in the unthinned, unfertilized treatment was consistently the lowest each year and did not vary much from year to year. Thinning signifi­ cantly increased diameter growth (Table 1, P = 0.01), but thinning alone resulted in small gains compared with thin­ ning plus fertilization or with fertilization without thinning (Fig. 2). The thinned, ammonium nitrate treatment had sig­ nificantly greater 5-year diameter growth than the thinned, unfertilized treatment (p < 0.01). In relation to the four thinned, fertilized treatments, the unthinned, fertilized treat­ ment had comparable diameter growth the first 3 years but less diameter growth during the last 2-year period. Diameter growth of the thinned, fertilized treatments peaked the 3rd year after treatment, with the best treatments having annual growth rates almost three times greater than in the unthinned, unfertilized treatment. Although diameter growth in all fertilized treatments declined from year 3 to years 4 and 5, annual growth rates in fertilized plots were still substantially higher than those in nonfertilized plots. Plots receiving urea had slightly greater annual diameter growth each year than those receiving ammonium nitrate; however, 5-year diameter growth did not differ significantly 0.30). The treat­ between the two N fertilizer sources (p ment with dicalcium phosphate plus ammonium nitrate had greater diameter growth each period than the treatment with only ammonium nitrate, and the 14% increase in 5-year = = 3.0-4.5 m, height class 3 = trees 6.16 ;;,;4.5 P>F m. diameter growth from adding dicalcium phosphate was 0.03). The thinned treatment statistically significant (p containing potassium sulfate in addition to the other fer­ tilizers had greater 5-year diameter growth than the corre­ sponding treatment without potassium sulfate; however, the 0.56). In difference was not statistically significant (p contrast with the nonsignificant difference in height growth between the unthinned fertilized treatment and the corre­ sponding thinned treatment, diameter growth was signifi­ cantly greater in the thinned, fertilized treatment (p 0.01). = = = Total stand The 5-year height and diameter growth of the total stand followed the same trends as discussed for the 20 tallest trees per plot. The poorest growth was always in the unthinned, unfertilized treatment, followed by the thinned, unfertilized treatment. The effects of treatment, height class, and the treatment by height class interaction were all significant (Table 2). For all three height classes the specified contrasts, thinned versus unthinned (no fertilizer), fertilized versus unfertilized (both thinned), and fertilized versus unfertilized (unthinned), were all significant for both height and diameter growth. Absolute growth increases were greatest for the largest trees, but the percent increase in growth was greatest for the trees in the smallest size class. Basal area growth differed significantly by treatment (Table 3). The unthinned, fertilized treatment had substan­ tially more basal area at the end of the 5-year treatment period than any other treatment (Fig. 3). In addition, periodic basal area growth in the unthinned, fertilized treat­ ment increased more than any other treatment from the first period (1981 to 1982) to the second (1983 to 1985); thus, it may continue to diverge from the other treatments for several years. Five-year basal area growth in the unthinned, CAN. J. FOR. RES. VOL 20, 1990 768 TABLE 3. Summary of analysis of basal area growth (based on the total stand) Source of variation df Model Block Treatment Contrasts* T-UF vs. UT-UF T-N,T-Ur,T-NP,T-NPK vs. T-UF T-N,T-Ur,T-NP,T-NPK vs. UT-UF T-NPK vs. UT-NPK Error Corrected total 'See Table I for P>F F SS 9 145.66 9.73 3 6 8.64 137.01 1.73 <0.01 0.21 13.73 <0.01 1 3.29 14.09 1.98 8.47 1.28 37.76 0.18 0.01 1 1 1 18 27 2.13 62.78 29.93 175.58 0.27 <0.01 definitions of the treatments. fertilized treatment was significantly greater than growth in < 0.01). The the corresponding thinned treatment (p unthinned, unfertilized treatment had greater initial basal area than any of the thinned treatments; however, the unthinned, unfertilized treatment had about the same basal area growth in 1981 and 1982 and lower basal area growth from 1983 to 1985 than the thinned, fertilized treatments. In addition, 5-year basal area growth did not differ between the thinned, fertilized treatments and the unthinned, unfer­ tilized treatment (p 0.27). The four thinned, fertilized treatments exhibited similar basal area growth rates; these treatments should soon have equal or greater total basal area than the unthinned, unfertilized treatment. The thinned, unfertilized treatment had the least basal area growth for both periods. However, basal area growth from 1983 to 1985 in the thinned, unfertilized treatment was almost as great as growth in the unthinned, unfertilized treatment, which had much greater initial basal area. For the 5-year period, there was no significant difference in basal area growth between the thinned, unfertilized treatment and the 0.18). unthinned, unfertilized treatment (p = Nutrient concentrations Nutrient concentrations differed by treatment and over time (Table 4; Fig. 4), and for all elements except S, the treatment by time interaction was highly significant. Nitrogen concentrations in the unthinned, unfertilized treatment ranged over time from 0.9 to L 1 0/0. All silvi­ cultural treatments resulted in higher N concentrations in current-year foliage than did the unthinned, unfertilized treatment (Fig. 4). For most treatments, the maximum values occurred the 1st year after treatment. Thinning alone resulted in consistently higher N concentrations than in the unthinned, unfertilized treatment. Although the magnitude of the foliar response decreased over time, all treatments containing N exhibited elevated levels of N at all measure­ ment dates. The urea treatment clearly produced the highest foliar N concentrations. Phosphorus concentrations initially ranged from 0.12 to 0.14% in the treatments that did not include P fertilizer. Phosphorus levels were increased substantially by P fertil­ ization, with the maximum values of 0.25 to 0.28% attained 2 years after treatment (Fig. 4). The separation between the treatments receiving P and those not receiving P was still evident after 5 years. Although the differences were not large, during the first 2 years, P concentrations in the urea treatment were slightly lower than in the other treatments. 16 14 12 10 6 4 2 o ����-=�-=��� -0' ,,/ .-K ()+ .-K L 'V _" 'V .l / "- ..:5;' -0f-.../ ,, " / / -, - , FIG. 3. Cumulative basal area of the total stand, by treatment. Values for 1980 represent basal areas after thinning but before growth has occurred. , 1980; 0, 1981-1982 growth; E:J, 1983-1985 growth. Treatment codes are as given in Fig. 1. Foliar K levels in all treatments ranged from 0.45 to 0.72%. Trees in treatments that included potassium sulfate (UT -NPK, T -NPK in Fig. 4) had the highest initial levels of K and fairly high levels at all measurements. Foliar K also increased in 1982 and 1983 in the thinned, unfertilized treatment. Trees on plots in the two treatments receiving K had high K concentrations, and their growth rates were among the fastest growing treatments. When all treatments were considered, however, K concentrations were not related to relative growth rates nor did treatments separate into distinct groups, those receiving K and those not receiving K, based on growth rates. Foliar concentrations of S ranged from 0.08 to 0.15%. Although the differences were larger in some years than in others, all the fertilized treatments, including those not applying S, had consistently higher concentrations of S than the unthinned, unfertilized treatment at all dates (Fig. 4). Sulfur concentrations in all treatments were highest in 1982 or 1983. Concentrations of foliar Ca ranged from 0.55 to 1.03070. The three treatments that included Ca (UT-NPK, T -NP, and T -NPK in Fig. 4) had the highest Ca levels initially; however, these treatments exhibited dramatic declines in HARRINGTON AND WIERMAN 769 their relative positions in terms of foliar concentrations. Calcium concentrations were most consistent over time in the unthinned, unfertilized treatment. -N-..:::t --000<"1000 cicicicicicici V V VVV 'fl<"1 0 '<:1"0 NI.O Discussion This young western red cedar stand growing on a poor quality site responded to silvicultural treatments. Although there were major differences among treatments, thinning alone, fertilization alone, and thinning plus fertilization all resulted in greater height and diameter growth rates for the 20 tallest trees per plot than in the unthinned, unfertilized treatment. The results of this study were similar to those with other northern conifers (e.g., Gessel et al. 1979; Weetman et al. 1987). Northern coniferous forests gener­ ally have thick organic layers and low mineral cycling rates as a consequence of their low temperatures and acid soils (Weetman et al. 1987), When soil moisture deficits are not the major limitation to growth, silvicultural treatments that increase nutrient availability usually result in increased tree growth. Thinning without fertilization resulted in small but sig­ nificant increases in growth. When compared with the unthinned, unfertilized treatment, 5-year growth of the 20 tallest trees per plot in the thinned treatment was increased 240/0 for height growth and 34% for diameter growth. After 5 years, total basal area was lower in the thinned, unfertilized treatment than in the unthinned, unfer­ tilized treatment, but the higher growth rates exhibited by the thinned treatment plots imply that the thinned treatment may catch up over time. Western red cedar responded to thinning slowly in trials in Britain (Aldhous and Low 1974); therefore, it may be necessary to wait longer with western red cedar than with other species to judge the efficacy of thinning in increasing or maintaining growth. In addition, thinning will concentrate growth on fewer stems in thinned than in unthinned plots, The thinned, unfertilized treatment had consistently higher foliar concentrations of N and K and in some years, higher concentrations of S than the unthinned, unfertilized treatment. These increases in nutrient concentrations could reflect both decreases in competition for relatively small pools of available nutrients and increases in available nutrient pools as a result of increased nutrient cycling rates or more substrate available for decomposition (i.e., the thin­ ning slash) (Ingestad et al. 1981; Miller et al. 1976). In addi­ tion, crop tree root systems may have expanded following thinning, thus potentially increasing the nutrients available per tree. Foliar nutrient concentrations in the unthinned, unfer­ tilized treatment were similar to those reported for other young, unmanaged coastal western red cedar stands (Radwan and Harrington 1986). Based on deficiency levels for greenhouse-grown seedlings (Walker et al. 1955), trees in the unthinned, unfertilized treatment were deficient in N, defi­ cient or close to deficient in P, K, and S, and above defi­ ciency levels for Ca. The applicability of their deficiency levels to older trees has not been established, however, and may need modification. For example, Walker et al. (1955) reported 1.5% to be the cutoff level for foliar N. Based on that level, trees in all treatments in this study except the urea treatment and most of the stands sampled by Radwan and c:.:---: \O("t1-n-- f/l f/l o: m S;! ; Ncicici""':ciciciN -N--t0<"10<"1000 cicicicicicici V V VV r-'fl<"I r- 1.0 r-Q\ 0_<""'4_0\00\0 0) -= .g .5 o 0. "';v) <"I "": f/l f/l ---M-_M 000 ...... 000 cicicicicicici VVV VV N ...... Q\ooQ\ooO <"I<"I'fl'<:l"Q\NO triO\""':NtriN f/l f/l O'\MOO\oV- OO- O 000-0'<:1"00 ...... 0 cicicicicicicici""': -M-N--0000000 cicicicicicici v V VVV VJ :::: ... o ..c:: 0'" o ..c:: p.. I.O- N<"1N<"I<"I r-<"I'<:I"-ooor- ....M .: ..tN <"I f/l f/l Q\ N ..t..:i OO-O'\-\o-N-O'\ N O- OOOOON cicicicicicicicici V -N--0000000 cicicicicicici V VVV V r-<"I00 1.0 r- 1.0 N r-'fl'fl00-00 - f/l f/l MciM N r- M 3 NN M ;;:; ..:iciNciMcioo..:i CAN. J. FOR. RES. VOL. 20, 1990 770 1.8 . 1.6 z w (!J 0 0: 1.4 z 1.2 - - - -.... t: _ 0 1.0 . N, - LEGEI\JD UT- UF 6.- --6. UT - NPK - - -. T- UF + - . T- Ur ........ T - N 'Y--'Y T- NP A-A T- NPK 0-0 -, . . !:-: t _u"._ -" . . .... . , o _ _ _ _ _ ......... -- 1 . ' 0 0.8 0.8 0.7 :::> US UJ « !0 a.. :$I 0 0.6 0.5 ' . 0.4 1.1 :::> U 0.9 ...J « () 0.7 0.5 +---+-----1 1984 1985 1983 1982 1981 FlO. 4. Concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus. potassium, sulfur, and calcium in dormant season foliage by treatment and year. Foliage was not collected in 1984, Treatment codes are as given in Fig. L Harrington (1986) and by Imper and Zobel (1983) would be considered N deficient. Fertilization alone dramatically increased growth. Height growth of the 20 tallest trees per plot was about the same as growth in the best thinned and fertilized treatments (650/0 greater than untreated), and diameter growth was 79% greater than in the unthinned, unfertilized treatment. When compared with the thinned and fertilized treatments, how­ ever, diameter growth rates of the 20 tallest trees per plot in the unthinned, fertilized treatment were always less than growth rates in thinned, fertilized treatments with the highest growth rates. In addition, the relative rank of the unthinned, fertilized treatment in terms of diameter growth rates has decreased over time in relation to the fertilized treatments with lower stand densities. Foliar concentrations of N and P in the unthinned, fertilized treatment decreased more between the last two measurement periods than those in the corresponding thinned treatments. This more rapid decrease in foliar nutrient concentrations may indicate more rapid depletion of available nutrients in the unthinned plots. The excellent response to fertilizer in the unthinned stand was somewhat unexpected given the high densities present. HARRINGTON AND WIERMAN The high shade tolerance of western red cedar (Minore 1979) may enable it to expand leaf area (and consequently increase growth) under low light conditions if nutrition is adequate. Fertilization without thinning was clearly the best treatment in terms of 5-year basal area growth. In addition, the relatively good growth of crop trees in this treatment and the potential for producing trees of better form or quality (assuming that higher stand densities will increase natural branch pruning) indicate this type of treatment may warrant consideration when sawlog production is the management objective. Both urea and ammonium nitrate substantially increased height and diameter growth. Based on foliar N concentra­ tions and changes in periodic growth rates, it appears that the growth response to urea may last longer than the response to ammonium nitrate. The somewhat larger and possibly longer response to urea may be due to greater reten­ tion (and later turnover) of urea than ammonium nitrate in the forest floor and surface soil (Knowles 1975). Given the poor soil drainage in the study area, most fine roots were probably concentrated in these surface layers. First-year height growth was less with urea than with ammonium nitrate; this could have resulted from an initial immobiliza­ tion of urea. In western hemlock stands, urea fertilization has been reported to increase mortality of mycorrhizal roots (Gill and Lavender 1983a) and to decrease foliar concen­ trations of P, Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, AI, and B (Gill and Lavender 1983b), If urea application initially caused root mortality in the present study, it could provide an alternative explana­ tion for why 1st-year height growth was less in the urea treat­ ment than in the ammonium nitrate treatment. In addition, Ist- and 2nd-year P concentrations were lowest in the urea treatment, a trend that that would be expected if mycorrhizal roots were damaged. However, based on the higher foliar N concentrations in the urea treatment, we can infer that at least sometime prior to the collection of foliage after the first growing season, more N was available for uptake or other factors promoted more N uptake in the urea treatment than in the ammonium nitrate treatment. Since the soil in the study area is poorly drained, it is unlikely that signifi­ cant amounts of nitrate were rapidly leached from the site (Wollum and Davey 1975); however, nitrate may have been leached from the primary rooting zone, thus making it effec­ tively less available. The poorly drained soil conditions would also have favored nitrate losses due to denitrifica­ tion (Hauck 1968). Urea is the most common N fertilizer used in forests in the United States. Urea is frequently selected because its higher N concentration generally results in lower costs per unit of N applied than with other N sources. Ammonium nitrate was selected as the primary N source in this study because we thought the large amounts of organic matter pres­ ent on the site indicated a high potential for N immobiliza­ tion, which would reduce the N available for uptake. In this experiment, though, immobilization may have increased N conservation. Research has indicated that the relative efficacy of these two N sources is related to soil character­ istics, species of tree, and weather conditions during and following application (cf. Dangerfield and Brix 1979). Further research is necessary to determine the optimum N fertilizer for coastal western red cedar stands. After 5 years, the treatment with the poorest growth had the highest foliar Ca oncentration and the treatment with 771 the best growth had the lowest Ca concentration. This may imply that Ca is low at this site but is not limiting growth. This may also imply that the high Ca concentrations usually found in western red cedar foliage (Imper and Zobel 1983; Radwan and Harrington 1986) indicate luxury consumption. Radwan and Harrington (1986) reported that foliar concen­ trations of all macronutrients except Ca were positively cor­ related with height growth of western red cedar over a range of sites; they suggested that western red cedar may accu­ mulate Ca in excess of its nutrient needs. Certainly the foliar concentrations associated with deficiency symptoms in seed­ lings (0.1 to 0.2070, Walker et al. 1955), are substantially lower than Ca concentrations observed in this or other studies (Gessel et al. 1951; Imper and Zobel 1983; Radwan and Harrington 1986). Based on the available evidence, we conclude that the growth responses associated with dicalcium phosphate were primarily due to increased P, rather than Ca, uptake. Phosphorus was not completely limiting growth, however, as evidenced by the good growth response to N alone and by our inability to separate growth-response groups based on P concentrations. In this and other studies (Snowden and Waring 1985), dicalcium phosphate has increased foliar P levels and tree growth. Dicalcium phosphate was selected to be the P source in this experiment primarily to avoid possible soil acidifica­ tion associated with other more commonly used P fertilizers (Tisdale and Nelson 1975), Since soil pH was low on this site (4.6) we felt we could best see response to P using a source unlikely to lower soil pH and possibly make other elements less available. The addition of potassium sulfate did not significantly increase 5-year growth, however, both height and diameter growth were generally best in the treatment containing potassium sulfate. Future research studies might include a similar treatment to more thoroughly assess response to these elements. Trees in treatments that included potassium sulfate had the highest concentrations of foliar K and S in the first 2 years, indicating that the fertilizer source used was effec­ tive in increasing foliar levels of both elements. Foliar con­ centrations of K and S in all treatments were in the defi­ ciency range established for seedlings (Walker et al. 1955), but were comparable to foliar values in other coastal western red cedar stands (Imper and Zobel 1983; Radwan and Harrington 1986). Relative growth rates of the treatments were not well correlated with foliar concentrations of K or S (Harrington and Wierman 1985). Both the magnitude and the duration of the growth responses should encourage forest managers interested in growing western red cedar. The cost effectiveness of the various treatments cannot be assessed until we know how long the different treatment responses will last. Thinning responses should last for many years. Response to N fertil­ ization is generally short-lived; however, response of Douglas-fir to N fertilization on a very N-deficient site persisted after 15 years (Miller and Tarrant 1983). Certainly the response to N in the present study was still present in years 4 to 5. Response to P fertilization on some sites in the southeastern United States and Australia has lasted for many years (Fisher and Garbett 1980; Gentle et al. 1986; Hunter et al. 1985; Pritchett 1976). The magnitude of the incremen­ tal response to P on our study site was small compared with the response to N alone, but the incremental response was evident in all measurement periods. CAN. J. FOR. RES. VOL 20. 1990 772 This study, taken in conjunction with previous work on seedlings (Walker et al. 1955; Zasoski and Bledsoe 1980), and on older trees in British Columbia (Weetman et aI. 1988) and in Britain (Aldhous and Low 1974; O'Carroll 1967), clearly demonstrates that western red cedar will respond to thinning and fertilization. The specific results from this study are most applicable to western red cedar stands similar to the study area in age, stocking, and soil properties. To pre­ dict responses to silvicultural treatments in other types of stands, additional studies need to be established over a range of stand and site conditions. Future work is also needed to explore a wider range of treatments and to assess treatment effects on both stand growth and wood quality. Acknowledgements We thank ITT Rayonier Inc. for assistance in conduct­ ing the study. We also thank O.F. Weetman, 1.S. Shum­ way, D.S. 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Some mistakes introduced by scanning may remain.