PHYSIOL. PLANTARUM 69: 35-48. Copenhagen File: n. About This pu blicatio th e pn. nted ng ni an sc ") . d· ecte created by b een c orr This file was ware have t11 l e soft y b d l le . Misscans ident·t· " av remain..... . m istakes m e m so , r ve e w o h 1987 · Responses of red alder and black cottonwood seedlings to flooding Constance A. Harrington Harrington, C. A. 1987. Responses of red alder and black cottonwood seedlings to flooding. - Physiol. Plantarum 69: 35-48. Red alder (Alnus rubra Bong.) and black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa Torr. & Gray) seedlings were monitored to evaluate response during a 20-day period of artifi­ cial flooding and a 20-day recovery period following flooding. During the flooding period, both species showed changes in nutrient uptake and transport, initiated stem­ derived adventitious roots that became aerenchymatous, and exhibited hypertro­ phied lenticels. Flooded red alder seedlings also showed reduced height and leaf area growth and developed lower-stem hypertrophy. Flooded black cottonwood seedlings exhibited root dieback, aerenchyma in below ground root tips, and changes in root hydraulic conductance and xylem pressure potential. Contrary to expectations, how­ ever, stomatal closure following flooding was not observed in either species. Flooded red alder seedlings increased growth rapidly when drained, and by the end of the recovery period, formerly flooded and non-flooded red alder seedlings differed only minimally in this respect. In contrast, several characteristics of black cottonwood - including growth rate and nutrient content - still differed between formerly flooded and non-flooded seedlings at the end of the recovery period. Based on observed treatment differences at the end of the experiment, red alder seedlings were judged to be more tolerant of flooding than black cottonwood. Additional key words- Alnus rubra, biomass allocation, biomass increment, leaf con­ ductance, mineral nutrition, Populus trichocarpa, root hydraulic conductance, soil waterlogging. C. A. Harrington, U. S. Forest Service, Southern Forest Exp. Stn., Box 3516, Monti­ cello, AR 71655, USA. Introduction Plant responses to flooding or soil waterlogging have been studied for many years. The ability of oxygen-re­ quiring organisms to survive and grow under anaerobic soil conditions has been attributed to many factors, these include physiological responses, morphological adaptations and anatomical changes. Recent reviews (Bradford and Yang 1981, Hook and Scholtens 1978, Jackson and Drew 1984, Kozlowski and Pallardy 1984) provide good synthesis of past research in this field. Red alder (Alnus rubra Bong.) and black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa Torr. & Gray) are hardwood spe­ cies commonly found along rivers and streams in Ore­ gon and Washington in the U. S., and British Columbia in Canada. Both species are tolerant of short-term flooding but are not hydrophytes. They differ in their ecological distribution (Powells 1965, Minore 1979), with red alder growing in marshy areas or bogs as well as adjacent to both slow and fast moving rivers and streams and black cottonwood usually confined to the flood plains of major rivers and streams. Although eco­ logical observations indicate that red alder may have greater tolerance for poorly drained soil than black cot­ tonwood, no controlled experiments have been report­ ed that compare the responses of the two species to flooding or soil waterlogging. The present study moni­ tored red alder and black cottonwood seedlings during and following a 20-day period of artificial flooding. Seedling growth, nutrition, water relations and morpho­ logy were assessed periodically during the experiment. - AT , after treatment; BT , before treatment; LA, leaf area; LW, leaf weight; PAR, photosynthetically active radiation ; RW, root weight; T W , total weight; T , treatment. Abbreviations Received 21 January, 1986; revised 11 August, 1986 3' Physiol. Plantarum 69, 1987 35 Materials and methods Red alder and black cottonwood seedlings were grown from May to September in a shadecloth-covered green­ house at Olympia, WA. The soil was subsampled for mechanical analysis and chemical characteristics prior to potting of the seedlings. Texture, determined by the hydrometer method (Bouyoucos 1962), was loamy sand (86% sand, 13% silt, 1% clay). Soil pH was 5.9 (in 1: 1 soil-water suspension; U.S. Dept Agriculture 1972). Soil chemical characteristics as determined by the Co­ operative Chemical Analytical Laboratory, Corvallis OR, were: 0.9 g kg-1 total N by Kjeldahl (Jackson 1958); 40 mg kg-1 extractable P by Bray No. 1 (Jackson 1958); 14 g kg-1 organic carbon (Walkely-Black in Al­ lison 1965); ammonium acetate cation exchange capac­ ity of 0.62 mol(p+) kg-1 (Jackson 1958); and exchange­ able cation values (ammonium acetate extraction, atomic absorption spectrophotometry, North Central Regional Soil Testing Commitee 1980) of 88 mmol(+) kg-1 K, 57 1 mmol( +) kg-1 Ca, 49 mmol(+) kg-1 Mg, 1 mmol( +) kg-1 Fe and 6 mmol (+) kg-1 Mn. About 1 month before the experiment began, 160 seedlings of each species were transplanted into 5.6 1 plastic pots (one seedling per pot). Pots were filled with sufficient gravel (3 em) to cover the drainage holes be­ fore soil was added. After transplanting, the seedlings were watered as necessary and fertilized weekly with a dilute nutrient solution (Peters 20-20-20). All seedlings appeared healthy at the beginning of the experiment. Two days before the esperiment began, mean seedling heights were 1 1.3 em for red alder and 6.9 em for black cottonwood. This height difference was planned to create the early growing season difference in height be­ tween the two species that is caused by differences in seed germination time (Powells 1965, U. S. Dept of Ag­ riculture 1974). On 31 July, 1982, half the pots were flooded by being placed in individual plastic bags that were attached to wooden support bars and slowly filled with deionized water prewarmed to 15°C (mean soil temperature) until the soil surface was saturated. The water table was kept at the soil surface during the flooding period by the ad­ dition of deionized, prewarmed water as necessary. Af­ ter 20 days of flooding, holes were punched in the bags to allow the water to drain off slowly. The bags were re­ moved the following day. Air and soil temperatures were recorded regularly. The reduction potential (EH) of the soil was measured weekly using the ± 700 m V option on a Beckman Zero­ matic pH meter and 28 platinum electrodes ( 1 mm di­ ameter) permanently placed 7-10 em below the soil sur­ face in randomly selected pots. Electrodes were cali­ brated prior to use (Jackson 1956). Total height and leaf area of all seedlings were meas­ ured weekly beginning 8 days prior to flooding. The number of leaves per seedling in each of five size classes was counted weekly, and average leaf areas for each 36 species, leaf size class and treatment period were deter­ mined by running a subsample of leaves from each group through an area meter (Li-Cor 3 100). Then the number of leaves in each size class was multiplied by the appropriate area factor and the results added to deter­ mine total leaf area for each seedling. Changes in indi­ vidual seedling heights and leaf areas were calculated for each weekly period and for the flooding and re­ covery periods. Two replications of 10 seedlings were randomly se­ lected from each species and treatment group 10 and 20 days after flooding began and 20 days after its conclu­ sion. The seedlings were cleaned, physically separated into various categories, dried at 65°C for 48 h and then weighed. On the first measurement date, seedlings were divided into roots, stems and leaves. At the time of the second measurement, leaves were subdivided into be­ fore-treatment and treatment categories. On the last measurement date, an after-treatment leaf category was added to include those leaves that developed during re­ covery. The same seedlings used for growth measurements were also used for chemical analysis. Tissue separations were as described above except that at the first harvest, roots and stems were combined for chemical analysis. For all analyses, there were two replications of each component by species and treatment; each was a com­ posite of 10 seedlings. After 10 days of flooding and at the end of both flooding and recovery periods, plant tis­ sues were analyzed for nitrate-N, water extraction (Thomas and Chamberlain 1974) and total P (perchloric acid digestion; Jackson 1958) by OSU-PNW Cooper­ ative Chemical Analysis Lab., Corvallis, OR. Plant tis­ sues collected at the end of the flooding period were also analyzed for total K, Ca, Mg, Fe and Mn (per­ chloric acid digestion, atomic absorption spectropho­ tometry; Perkin-Elmer Corporation 1976). Six randomly chosen seedlings from each treatment were monitored for their diurnal patterns of leaf con­ ductance 1, 2, 5, 10 and 20 days after flooding began and 1, 2, 5, 10 and 24 days after it ended. Both species are hypostomatous (Pezeshki and Hinckley 1982); thus, conductance was measured only on the underside of fully developed, healthy, upper-stem leaves. Measure­ ments were made every 2 h each day from 04 00 to 22 00 h using a steady-state porometer (Li-Cor 1600) with a 2 cm2 sampling aperture. The porometer also measured relative humidity, leaf and air temperature, and pho­ tosynthetically active radiation (PAR). On the final measurement date, a null balance porometer (Interface Instrument Company) was used because the Li-Cor was not functioning properly. The two instruments were la­ ter calibrated against each other. Five plants of each species and treatment were meas­ ured for root hydraulic conductance and xylem pressure potential on five dates during the flooding period. Sam­ ple plants were removed from both flooded and non­ flooded pots by placing each pot in a bucket of water Physiol. Plantarum 69, 1987 and gently agitating the resulting soil-water suspension. Root systems were washed free of soil and the plants were placed in beakers of water to keep the root sys­ tems wet. Plants were processed one at a time as needed to minimize the time between removal of the plant from the pot and measurement. This proceedure resulted in minimal root damage but , unavoidably , would have changed the root environment just prior to measuring xylem pressure potential and root hydraulic conduct­ ance. The terminal 10-15 em of each seedling (containing the upper leaves) was placed in a large-capacity pres­ sure chamber (Plant Moisture Stress, Inc.) with the cut end protruding. Xylem pressure potential of the stem was then measured using standard methodology (Ritchie and Hinckley 1975). After the terminal portion of the stem was removed , the seedling root system was placed in a water-filled container inside the pressure chamber so that just the stem was above water and pro­ truding out of the chamber. A pressure gradient of 0.4 MPa was applied for 12 min. The amount of liquid forced through the root system was determined using preweighed wicks placed over the end of the plant stem. Root length was determined by tracing with an electri­ fied grid system. Root hydraulic resistance (Ramos and Kaufmann 1979) and then root conductance (Kramer 1969) were calculated using root length and flow rate. Paired measurements of xylem pressure potential and root conductance were taken beginning at predawn and continuing through the day until all designated trees had been sampled. A flooded and non-flooded tree of each species were measured within ca 15 min of each other. Seedlings were regularly examined for morphological changes especially the occurrence and development of adventitious roots , lenticels and stem hypertrophy. Notes and sketches were made on the appearance of all seedlings destructively sampled during the experiment. At the end of both the treatment and recovery periods , 10 lateral root tips were cut from 10 seedlings of each species and treatment and placed in formalin acetic acid alcohol or Craf III fixative (Berlyn and Miksche 1976). Adventitious roots from each species were also sampled and placed in fixative. The samples were dehydrated via an isopropyl and t-butyl alcohol series (Berlyn and Miksche 1976), embedded in paraffin , serially sectioned on a rotary microtome (American Optical) at 12 [.till, mounted on glass slides and stained with saffranin and fast green. Statistical differences between treatments were tested using a standard , two-sample t-test; analyses were done separately for each species. When data had been col­ lected by plant component, each component was ana­ lyzed separately. Paired t-tests were used to analyze the xylem pressure potential and root conductance meas­ urements. Physiol. Plantarum 69, 1987 Results Survival and growth Seedling survival was 100% but growth responses varied by treatment and species. After 10 days of flooding , stem and root weight and mean total seedling weight were greater for red alder in the flooded treatment than in the non-flooded one. Twenty days after flooding be­ gan, its effects on total dry matter accumulation of either species were minor , with only the stem weight of red alder significantly greater in the flooded treatment (Fig. 1). This increase in stem weight was probably due primarily to the observed occurrence of lower-stem hy­ pertrophy. For both species , weight of leaves in the be­ fore-treatment category appeared to be greater for flooded than non-flooded seedlings although the differ­ ences were not significant. Non-flooded seedlings , es­ pecially black cottonwood , abscised some lower leaves during the flooding period , but flooded seedlings did not experience any leaf abcission. Flooding may also have resulted in increased expansion of some younger 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 B OD K co AT LEAVES IBJT LEAVES §llj B T LEAVES [ml STEMS IBJ ROOTS -**- 0 .2 0.1 0 \!) (!j' NF .2 F " t..j "" [!} Q_ h. 1.4 RED ALDER 1.2 1.0 0.8 >.. ll:: c::, NF F 0.4 0.6 Fig. 1. Mean DW by species, treatment and plant component. Treatment differences between components or for the total seedling indicated by the symbol connecting or above the bars. *, P :S 0.10; **, P < 0.05; 20F, 20 days of flooding; 20R, 20 days of recovery following 20F; NF, non-flooded; F, flooded; AT , after treatment; T , treatment; BT , before treatment. Note difference in Y-axis scale between species. 37 50 r----. 45 40 ::;; ::;; ­ I); "' ::;; 0 • NON- FLOODED FLOODED 35 30 25 20 15 0 ��----�----� 30 r----. 25 "' BLACK COTTONWOOD RED ALDER 0 NON-FLOODED 20 15 10 -1 TRE 3 NT +--T NT WEEK +---R-- y Fig. 2. Mean weekly height growth per seedling by species, treatment and date. Shown are means ± SE, n 40. = leaves in this category. At the end of the flooding period , flooded black cottonwood seedlings had lower root weights than non-flooded seedlings but the differ­ ence was not significant. At the end of the recovery period , however , formerly flooded cottonwood seed­ lings had significantly less total biomass , root biomass and biomass in leaves formed during the recovery period (AT leaves) than non-flooded seedlings (Fig. 1). Red alder seedlings exhibited no differences between treatments in total biomass. However , formerly flooded red alder seedlings had significantly less biomass in AT leaves and more in BT leaves than non-flooded seed­ lings. There was considerable increase in weight of ear­ lier formed (BT) red alder leaves during the recovery period. During the flooding period , black cottonwood seed­ lings exhibited no treatment differences in weekly height increments , but flooded red alder seedlings showed significantly reduced height growth during the second and third weeks of flooding (Fig. 2). During the recovery period , weekly height growth of formerly flooded black cottonwood seedlings was significantly less than that of non-flooded seedlings during all 3 weeks of measurement. Growth of formerly flooded red alder seedlings was initially less than that attained by non-flooded seedlings; however , the growth difference between treatments decreased over time. This narrow­ ing of red alder treatment differences during the re­ covery period can be attributed to increased growth of formerly flooded seedlings and to photoperiod-induced 38 decreased growth of non-flooded seedlings. The total reduction in height due to flooding during the 6-week experimental period was 18% for alder and 17% for cot­ tonwood. Seedling response to flooding in weekly leaf area (LA) growth was similar to that in height growth (Fig. 3). There were no significant differences between treat­ ments in weekly LA increase of black cottonwood seed­ lings during the flooding period. However , LA incre­ ment was significantly lower for the formerly flooded cottonwood seedlings during all 3 weeks of the recovery period. Flooded red alder seedlings showed significantly lower LA increments than non-flooded seedlings during the second and third weeks of flooding and the first and second weeks of recovery. During the last week of the recovery period , there was no significant difference in LA growth between red alder treatments. The ratio of LA to total plant weight (TW) decreased during the growing season for red alder and was consist­ ently lower for flooded seedlings (Tab. 1). Thus , seed­ lings used less LA to support each unit of biomass as the growing season progressed , and flooded red alder seed­ lings were presumably more efficient than non-flooded seedlings in accumulating biomass per unit of LA. In contrast , LAffW for black cottonwood did not change much over the experimental period and was unaffected by flooding. Specific leaf area (LA/LW) decreased over the experimental period for red alder; that is , leaves be­ came heavier per unit area. This morphological leaf change in red alder was increased by flooding. Black cottonwood seedlings , however , exhibited very little change in specific leaf area either over time or as a func­ tion of treatment. The LA/RW ratio decreased for red alder during the 600 ,-------� BLACK COTTONWOOD o • <\j 500 NON-FLOODED FLOODED RED ALDER 0 e -I NON-FLOODED FLOQ[)EO 3 WEEK Fig. 3. Mean weekly change in leaf area per seedling by spe­ cies, treatment and date. Shown are means ± SE, n 40. = Physiol. Plantarum 69, 1987 Tab. 1. Ratios of leaf area to tissue weights by species, time and treatment. 10F, 10 days of flooding; TW, total seedling weight; LA, leaf area; LW, leaf weight; RW, root weight; see Fig. 1 for other abbreviations. Time Black cottonwood lOF 20F 20R Red alder lOF 20F 20R Treatment LA TW em' g-1 LA LW em' g-1 LA RW em' g-1 Non-flooded Flooded Non-flooded Flooded Non-flooded Flooded 2243 2195 2380 1550 1368 1447 3692 3788 3774 2534 2460 2648 12632 11364 15384 12500 9380 9570 Non-flooded Flooded Non-flooded Flooded Non-flooded Flooded 2647 1847 1921 1298 1320 881 4412 3522 3356 2353 3144 2438 14750 12430 9620 7570 3900 2540 experiment and was consistently lower for flooded red alder seedlings than for non-flooded seedlings (Tab. 1). In contrast, LA/RW did not change as much over time for black cottonwood, and changes in the ratio differed between treatments. During the recovery period, LA/RW increased by 80 cm2 g-1 for non-flooded black cottonwood seedlings and decreased by 2150 cm2 g-1 for formerly flooded seedlings. T hus, formerly flooded cot­ tonwood seedlings diverted a greater proportion of their plant resources to their root systems than was the case for non-flooded seedlings. Reduction potential and plant nutrient relations Reduction potential (EH) in non-flooded pots was usu­ ally between 500 and 600 m V with little variation among pots. Variation in EH values among flooded pots was much greater than among non-flooded pots; sos were at least three times higher in the flooded treatments. EH in flooded pots decreased steadily, falling to 300 m V in a week and to below 200 mV at 3 weeks. Surprisingly, EH continued to decrease linearly for 2 weeks after drainage, reaching a low value of 50 mV. After 20 days of drainage, EH in flooded pots had increased again to 275 mV. Even though the soil in the pots was coarse­ textured, formerly flooded pots were slow to dry out due to the low ratio of plant size to soil volume and the fairly cloudy and cool weather conditions. Based on the observed EH values in the flooded pots, soil oxygen would have been depleted and nitrate, manganic man­ ganese and ferric iron ions reduced (Gambrell and Pa­ trick 1978, Mcintyre 1970). Depending on the variabil­ ity within and between pots, sulfate, carbon dioxide and organic acids may also have been reduced. Tab. 2. Concentration ( tmol kg-1 ) of nitrate nitrogen by species, treatment, time and plant component. Significant differences be­ tween treatments are indicated by a symbol after the value for the non-flooded treatment. Comparisons are valid only for a given species, plant component and date. On the lOF sampling date, roots and stems were combined for analysis and leaves were not separated into categories. 0, not detectable; ***, Ps 0.01; see Fig. 1 for other abbreviations and symbols. Time Treatment Roots Stems Leaves BT Black cottonwood lOF Non-flooded Flooded 20F Non-flooded Flooded 20R Non-flooded Flooded Red alder lOF Non-flooded Flooded 20F Non-flooded Flooded 20F Non-flooded Flooded Physiol. Plantarum 69, 1987 284*** 93 177* 106 127** 23 21* 7 12* 4 6 6 179** 6 124* 19 215** 51 136*** 2 98** 3 0 0 2 1 2* 5 0 0 2 1 T AT 200** 5 105* 4 86** 7 0.2 0 2 1 39 Levels of N03-N were significantly reduced in all components of flooded cottonwood seedlings during the flooding period (Tab. 2) and were still significantly lower in the formerly flooded cottonwood seedlings 20 days after flooding had ended. Red alder had much lower levels of N03-N than black cottonwood, with less variability. Ten days after flooding began, N03-N levels were significantly lower in flooded red alder seedlings than in non-flooded seedlings. At the end of the flood­ ing period, flooded red alder seedlings had lower NO,-N concentrations in roots than non-flooded seed­ lings. However, by the end of the recovery period, treatment-associated differences in root concentrations were no longer present. After 10 days of flooding, there were no significant differences between P levels in black cottonwood seed­ lings, but significantly lower levels of P were present in the leaves of flooded red alder seedlings. At the end of the flooding period, flooded black cottonwood seed­ lings had lower concentrations of P in leaves that devel­ oped during the treatment period than non-flooded seedlings, but by the end of the recovery period they had significantly higher levels of P in roots and in leaves formed during and after flooding. Twenty days of flood­ ing reduced P concentrations in all red alder compo­ nents, but by the end of the recovery period there were no treatment differences in P levels for any of the red al­ der components. T he total amount of P per black cottonwood seedling did not differ significantly by treatment (Tab. 3). How­ ever, flooded or formerly flooded seedlings had a higher proportion of total P per seedling in their root systems than non-flooded seedlings. After 10 days of flooding, flooded red alder seedlings had a greater proportion of total P in root and stem tissues than did non-flooded seedlings. At the end of the flooding period, there was only 62% as much P in flooded red alder seedlings as in non-flooded seedlings. T he total amount of P in leaves, especially leaves formed during the flooding period, was much less in flooded seedlings. By the end of the re­ covery period, seedlings in the two treatments again had equal amounts of total P per seedling, but formerly flooded seedlings had less P in leaves formed during the recovery period and more in stems than non-flooded seedlings. Non-flooded red alder seedlings had higher levels of Ca2+ and Mg2+ in all above-ground plant components than flooded seedlings (Tab. 4). Total uptake of Ca2+ and Mg2+ by red alder was reduced with flooding, but allocation between plant tissues was unaffected. Flooded black cottonwood seedlings had much higher concentrations of K+ in roots than non-flooded seed­ lings. However, K+ concentrations in above ground tis­ sues were lower in flooded than in non-flooded seed­ lings (Tab. 4). Flooding reduced the total amount of K+ per seedling in both species. Reductions in K+ uptake were particularly striking for red alder: flooded red al­ der seedlings had only half as much total K+ per seed­ ling as non-flooded seedlings at the end of the flooding period. Concentrations of Fe in above-ground tissues were unaffected by treatment for either species. Significant treatment differences in Fe concentrations were ob­ served in root tissues, however, with black cottonwood seedlings having lower Fe concentrations in roots when flooded, whereas flooded red alder seedlings had higher concentrations. Amount of Fe in roots and total Fe per seedling were increased with flooding for red alder and decreased for black cottonwood. For both species, dif­ ferences between treatments in concentrations and total amount of Mg2+ per seedling were small, but generally followed the same trends observed with Fe. Tab. 3. Concentrations (mmol kg-1 ) and amounts (mg per seeding) of total phosphorus by species, treatment, date and plant com­ ponent. Amounts, given in parentheses, were calculated by multiplying concentrations by the appropriate dry weight. Significant differences between treatments are indicated by a symbol after the value for the non-flooded treatment. Comparisons are valid only for a given plant component and date. On the lOF sampling date, roots and stems were combined for analysis, and leaves were not separated into categories. See Fig. 1 for abbreviations and symbols Time Treatment Stems Roots Leaves BT Black cottonwood lOF Non-flooded Flooded 20F Non-flooded Flooded 20R Non-flooded Flooded Red alder lOF Non-flooded Flooded 20F Non-flooded Flooded 20R Non-flooded Flooded 40 39 41 51 65 43*** 102 30 30 37 35 39 42 (0.05) (0.06) (0.05) (0.06) (0.13***) (0.22) (0.13) (0.20) (0.18) (0.16) (0.79) (0.86) 32 27 30 37 31*** 16 34 40 (0.04) (0.05) (0.19) (0.16) 70 59 20 27 38 28 (0.14) (0.12) (0.02*) (0.06) (0.06) (0.03) (0.17**) (0.12) (0.49) (0.69) 47** 30 35 17 36 31 (0.30) (0.23) (0.23*) (0.15) (0.22) (0.33) T 63** 44 31** 43 56 30 34 39 (0.15) (0.11) (0.07) (0.11) (0.40*) (0.18) (0.30) (0.22) AT Total seedling 64* (0.50) 97 (0.41) (0.19) (0.18) (0.26) (0.28) (0.95) (0.93) 63 (0.65) 76 (0.39) (0.43) (0.43) (0.99***) (0.61) (2.45) (2.49) Physiol. Plantarum 69, 1987 Tab. 4. Concentrations (mmol kg-1) and amounts (mg per plant component) of selected nutrients by species, treatment and plant component at the end of the 20-day flooding period. Amounts given in parentheses were calculated by multiplying concentration (in g kg-1) by the appropriate dry weight. Significant differences between treatments are indicated by a symbol after the value for the non-flooded treatment. Comparisons are valid only for a given species, element and plant component. ***, P < 0.01; see Fig. 1 for other abbreviations and symbols. Elements and plant part l(+ Roots Stems BT leaves T leaves Black cottonwood Non-flooded 191** 421** 609* 596** 150*** 234*** 554** 266* 125 67*** 165** 111*** 105** 3 8 3 Total seedling (0.08) (0.10) (0.12) (0.21) (0.15**) (0.01) (0.01) (0.01) 4 2 1 1** (0.005) (0.006) (0.002) (0.005) (0.018) Water relations T he two species had distinctly different diurnal patterns of leaf conductance but, with some exceptions, flooding had no major or consistent effect on leaf conductance of either species (Fig. 4). During the first few days of flooding, flooded black cottonwood seedlings generally had higher levels of leaf conductance t han non-flooded seedlings, and by day 5, the differences between treat­ ments were significant. T he increase in conductance was greatest at noon when flooded seedlings had 50% greater leaf conductance than non-flooded seedlings ( 1.38 versus 0.89 em s-1). Flooded seedlings also had more variable maximum conductances; sos during mid­ day were three times higher for flooded than for non­ flooded seedlings. On the last day of flooding and the second day of recovery, values for leaf conductance Physiol. Plantarum 69, 1987 115 158 283 229 324 135** 553** 445* (0.14) (0.39) (0.73) (0.73) 202 355** 344* 227** (1.99) 100 31 70 79 (0.07) (0.05) (0.11) (0.16) 39 3 8 4 (0.07) (0.01) (0.03) (0.02) 85 60*** 124*** 98** (0.005) (0.004) (0.007) (0.011) (0.027) (1.26) (0.81) (1.78) (1.59) (11.62***) (5.44) (1.25) (2.48) (2.82) (2.11 **) 156 184 227 109 (0.33) (0.26) (0.63) (0.57*) 46* 3 4 2 (0.40*) (0.04) (0.04) (0.03) 92 43 82 59 (0.025) (0.027) (0.092) (0.064) (0.208) (0.33) (0.25) (0.56) (0.28) (1.42) 82 4 4 2 (0.67) (0.05) (0.06) (0.02) (0.80) (0.51*) 3 3 8 5 (0.89) (1.84) (2.48) (0.83) (6.04) (1.79**) (0.13) 3 1 2 2 220 (2.00) 87 (0.94**) (4.54**) 164 (4.14***) 208 (8.66*) (0.39) (0.18*) Total seedling Manganese Roots Stems BT leaves T leaves (0.15) (0.58) (0.51) (0.80) (0.47) (0.44) (0.91) (1.38) Flooded Non-flooded (3.20) (0.51) Total seedling Iron Roots Stems BT leaves T leaves 398 177 352 430 (2.04) Total seedling Mg2+ Roots Stems BT leaves T leaves Flooded (3.72*) Total seedling Ca2+ Roots Stems BT leaves T leaves (0.19*) (1.05) (0.69) (1.79*) Red alder 5 5 5 3 (0.039) (0.064) (0.075) (0.035) (0.213) were lower during the afternoon in flooded black cot­ tonwood seedlings. On day 5 of recovery, formerly flooded black cottonwood seedlings had significantly lower conductance at 16 00 h than non-flooded seed­ lings. During the other days of the recovery period, there were no treatment differences for black cotton­ wood. During the flooding period, the only apparent treat­ ment effects on leaf conductance in red alder occurred on the last day when it was significantly lower and more variable in flooded seedlings at 12 00 and 14 00 h than in non-flooded seedlings. On the first 2 days of the re­ covery period, non-flooded red alder seedlings had higher leaf conductance values at 08 00 and 10 00 h than flooded seedlings; however, midday maximums were similar between treatments. On day 5 of recovery, non­ 41 BLACK COTTONWOOD NON- FLOODED • FLOODED D o RED ALDER Fig. 4. Mean leaf conductance by species, treatment and time of day: (A) day 1 of flooding (flooding began at 09 00 h), (B) day 5 of flooding, (C) day 10 of flooding, (D) day 2 of re­ covery, (E) day 5 of recovery, (F) day 10 of recovery. X on time axes indicates when photosynthetically active radiation exceeded 150 tmol m-2 s-1• n 6. = E XXXXXX xxxxxxxxxxxxx F XX)(XXX XXXXXX 1200 1600 0800 1200 1 6 00 2000 tonwood seedlings were significantly lower than those in non-flooded seedlings. By the end of the flooding period, there were no treatment differences in root con­ ductance for black cottonwood seedlings. Red alder exhibited no significant differences in xy­ lem pressure potential between flooded and non­ flooded seedlings (Tab. 6). Black cottonwood had signi­ ficantly more negative potentials in the flooded seed­ lings from the beginning of flooding (first measurements taken after 12 h) up through day 13. By the end of the treatment period, however, there were no treatment differences in the xylem pressure potential of black cot­ tonwood seedlings. flooded seedlings again had higher values for leaf con­ ductance from 08 00 to 14 00 h (when the midday peak in conductance occurred), but only the difference at the 12 00 h reading was statistically significant. There were no other treatment-associated differences in red alder leaf conductance during the recovery period. Hydraulic root conductance increased in red alder seedlings during the measurement period, but did not differ between treatments (Tab. 5). Black cottonwood seedlings did not exhibit a consistent trend of increasing or decreasing root conductance during the treatment period. During the first half of the flooding period, however, root conductance values in flooded black cot- Tab. 5. Hydraulic root conductance of seedling root systems by species, treatment and time since flooding. Significance of treat­ ment differences is indicated by the symbol after the value for the non-flooded treatment. Comparisons are valid only for a given species and plant component. See Fig. 1 for symbols. Days since flooding began Root conductance 10-11 MPa-ts-1 Non-flooded 1-2 4--5 10 20 42 Red alder Black cottonwood 4.4** 5.1** 5.0** 4.5 Flooded Non-flooded Flooded 3.0 2.9 3.1 4.4 4.1 4.0 4.3 6.8 3.5 3.4 5.0 6.7 Physiol. Plantarum 69, 1987 Tab. 6. Xylem pressure potential of upper stem leaves by species, treatment and date. Paired measurements (non-flooded and flooded) taken at various times during the day and analyzed using a paired /-test. Significance of treatment differences is indicated by the symbol after the value for the non-flooded treatment. Comparisons are valid only for a given species and plant component. ***' p :S 0.01. Days in flooding (F) or recovery (R) period -XPP (MPa) Non-flooded F1-3 F12-13 F20 R1 R12 Red alder Black cottonwood 0.30*** 0.50*** 0.68 0.70 0.76 Flooded Non-flooded Flooded 0.81 0.61 0.63 0.80 0.74 0.33 0.55 0.51 0.32 0.33 0.33 0.60 0.55 0.44 0.36 Morphology and anatomy Flooded red alder seedlings exhibited pronounced lower-stem hypertrophy, enlarged lenticels, and adven­ titious roots. After 20 days of flooding, most flooded red alder seedlings had several short (1G-50 mm) cream-colored adventitious roots that only emerged from the stem at or just above the root collar. After flooded pots were allowed to drain, the adventitious roots darkened and began growing downward into the soil. Some seedlings exhibited chlorosis during the latter half of the flooding period, but this gradually disappear­ ed during the recovery period. By the end of the flood­ ing period, most red alder nodules in flooded pots were covered with numerous tiny roots. These nodule roots did not grow appreciably during the recovery period, and by its end, they had darkened in color and were in­ conspicuous. Red alder root tips from non-flooded pots exhibited greater endodermal thickening or suberization than those from flooded pots. Adventitious roots (but not below ground roots) of flooded red alder seedlings exhi­ bited many large thin-walled aerenchyma that were ir­ regular in shape and appeared to be randomly distri­ buted throughout the cortical parenchyma. Lenticels on flooded black cottonwood seedlings be­ came hypertrophied, and several short adventitious roots emerged at or just above the root collar. By the end of the flooding period, many of the black cotton­ wood seedlings had experienced extensive root mor­ tality. In particular, fine lateral roots died back, and many long, unbranched lateral roots shed all tissues ex­ terior to the cambium, leaving the woody stele exposed. Roots close to the soil surface appeared more normal than those deeper in the soil. In contrast to observations of red alder seedlings, flooded black cottonwood seed­ lings exhibited only minor stem hypertrophy. Some flooded black cottonwood seedlings had chlorotic foliage and a few exhibited pronounced red or purple veinal coloration. During the recovery period, foliage with abnormal coloration regained normal color and newly formed leaves were normal in appearance. Physiol. Plantarum 69, 1987 Fig. 5. Radially-oriented aerenchyma in root tip of black cot­ tonwood seedling after 20 days of flooding (bar 50 [1m). Both adventitious roots and root tips from lateral roots of flooded black cottonwood had more layers of cortical parenchyma than those of non-flooded seed­ lings (5-8 vs 2-3). In addition, within 10G-200 tm of the root tips, the cortical tissues of adventitious roots and flooded lateral roots became aerenchymatous. The lysi­ genous aerenchyma radiated outward symmetrically from the stele (Fig. 5). Root tips from flooded pots ex­ hibited less epidermal suberization than those from non-flooded pots. Discussion Survival and growth Both red alder and black cottonwood are generally con­ sidered to be fairly tolerant of excess soil moisture (Mi­ nore 1979). However, 100% survival was better than anticipated for this study. Minore (1968) artificially flooded red alder seedlings and recorded 100% survival in his non-flooded and winter-flooded treatments but only 50 and 65% in his 4- and 8-week summer flooding treatments. No similar experiments have been reported 43 for black cottonwood, although lack of soil aeration is known to reduce its growth (Smith 1957). Crawford ( 1971) distinguished flood-tolerant species from intolerant species by their growth rates after flood­ ing ended. In this experiment, total biomass accumula­ tion, biomass distribution, height growth and leaf area increment for black cottonwood were all unaffected by treatment during the flooding period but were reduced or altered during recovery. In contrast, flooded red al­ der exhibited reduced height growth, reduced leaf area increment, and changes in biomass distribution during flooding, but total biomass per seedling did not differ between treatments at the end of recovery. Formerly flooded red alder seedlings initially showed reduced height growth and leaf area increment; however, differ­ ences between treatments diminished over time. Thus, based on Crawford's criterion, red alder demonstrated greater flood tolerance than black cottonwood. This finding is consistent with the ecological distribution of the two species; i.e., red alder is more common than black cottonwood on sites where internal soil drainage is restricted and it is considered to be more tolerant of soil waterlogging (Walters et al. 1980). Plant nutrient relations In the present study, concentrations of NO:; were lower in all plant tissues of both species when flooded (Tab. 2). Based on the observed soil reduction potential, much of the soil nitrate would have been reduced to gas­ eous compounds (N2, N20) and thus be unavailable for root uptake. Drew and Sisworo ( 1977, 1979) reported that soil waterlogging resulted in sharp decreases in ni­ trogen uptake and concentrations in above ground tissues of barley; nitrate-N levels were more sensitive to change than total N. They found that N was transported from older leaves to younger leaves under flooded condi­ tions. However, in the present experiment, differences in NO,-N concentrations between leaf ages were similar for both flooded and non-flooded seedlings at the end of the flooding period. By the end of the recovery period, though, non-flooded black cottonwood seedlings had fairly uniform N03-N levels for the leaf categories, whereas formerly flooded seedlings had the highest con­ centrations in the youngest leaves (AT). Effects of flooding or waterlogging on uptake and al­ location of P have not been consistent in previous re­ ports (Drew and Sisworo 1979, Hook et al. 1983, Jack­ son 1979, Keeley 1979). During the flooding period in the present study, P concentrations were significantly reduced in aboveground tissues of both species but changes in belowground tissues were non-significant (Tab. 3). Based on foliar symptoms and concentrations observed in P-deficient eastern cottonwood by Hac­ skaylo et al. ( 1969), flooding probably induced a tem­ porary P deficiency in the leaves of at least some flooded black cottonwood seedlings. However, for­ merly flooded black cottonwood seedlings had higher I? 44 concentrations in roots and leaves (T and AT) at the end of the recovery period and a much greater proportion of total P per seedling in their root systems than non­ flooded seedlings. K+ uptake has been consistently reported to decline under flooding (Drew and Sisworo 1979, Jackson 1969, John et al. 1974). K+ concentrations in tissues, how­ ever, have increased or decreased depending on the relative amount of plant growth. In the present study, flooded red alder seedlings had lower concentrations of K+ in all tissues than non-flooded seedlings (Tab. 4). In both species, flooding reduced total K+ uptake and probably caused an increase in net translocation of K+ from older leaves to the newly expanding leaves. Foliar K+ concentrations in flooded red alder were above def­ iciency levels (Hughes and Gessel 1968), but may have been low enough to have caused the slower postdawn stomatal opening observed at the end of flooding and the beginning of recovery. K+ concentrations were in­ creased in roots of flooded black cottonwood, but de­ creased in all aboveground tissues. Reductions in K+ transport to aboveground tissues and in root hydraulic conductivity in flooded black cottonwood may both have been caused by the effects of abscisic acid (ABA) on membrane permeability (Addicott and Van Steve­ ninck 1983, Pitman and Cram 1977, Van Steveninck and Van Steveninck 1983). Foliar ABA levels have been found to increase with flooding in some species (Shay­ bany and Martin 1977, Wright 1978) and inhibition of ion transport to the xylem without inhibition of ion up­ take can be caused by changes in ABA levels (Cram and Pitman 1972, Pitman and Cram 1977, Pitman and Well­ fare 1978). In previous studies (Hook et al. 1983, Jackson 1979, Keeley 1979), Ca2+ and Mg2+ concentrations have de­ creased under flooding for some species and tissues but not for others. In the present experiment, Ca2+ and Mg2+ concentrations in aboveground tissues of both spe­ cies were generally reduced with flooding (Tab. 4). Lower Ca2+ concentrations in roots of flooded black cottonwood may have resulted from sloughing of older, more woody roots. Both Fe and Mn become more soluble under an­ aerobic soil conditions, and their concentrations (par­ ticularly in root tissues) have been reported to increase with flooding (Hook et al. 1983, Jones 1970, Keeley 1979). As with previous studies, flooded red alder seed­ lings had higher root system concentrations of Fe and Mn than non-flooded seedlings. In contrast, flooded black cottonwood seedlings had lower concentrations of Fe and Mn in their root systems than non-flooded seed­ lings. Black cottonwood seedlings may possibly have had increased uptake of Fe and Mn when flooded, but the seedlings did not retain these elements. For exam­ ple, Fe and Mn may have accumulated in the cortical free space of the root system. Large amounts of these outer root tissues were sloughed off in flooded black cottonwood pots. In addition, older roots that had accuPhysiol. Plantarum 69, 1987 mulated high Fe and Mn concentrations may have died and also have sloughed off. Since black cottonwood seedlings formed root aerenchyma when flooded, it is also possible that these aerenchymatous channels were efficient enough in gas transport to have resulted in suf­ ficient rhizosphere oxidation (Bartlett 1961) to have re­ duced Fe and Mn uptake. Water relations Leaf conductance in this experiment was basically unaf­ fected by flooding. This is in contrast to the stomatal closure under flooding observed in many herbaceous species (Bradford and Yang 1981) and in several woody plants (Blake and Reid 1981, Coutts 1981, Kozlowski and Pallardy 1979, Pezeshki and Chambers 1985, Re­ gehr et al. 1975, Serra Gomes and Kozlowski 1980a,b, Tang and Kozlowski 1982). The only species previously reported not to close their stomata when flooded are sunflower (Thorton and Wample 1980) and loblolly pine (Kramer 1951). In addition, a recent report indicated that flooding had no effect on photosynthesis of Scots pine (Zaerr 1983); thus, presumably stomatal closure did not occur. Stomatal reopening following flooding­ induced closure has been suggested as indicating flood tolerance (Serra Gomes and Kozlowski 1980a). How­ ever, whether or not stomatal closure occurs with flood­ ing has not been shown to be related to flood tolerance (present study; Blake and Reid 1981). The commonly observed decrease in leaf conduct­ ance with flooding has historically been assumed to be caused by a decrease in root hydraulic conductance fol­ lowed by a decrease in leaf water potential, which, in turn, causes stomatal closure (Biron and Wright 1973, Kramer 1983). This apparently logical chain of events has only been illustrated once (Syvertsen et al. 1983), and other studies indicate that additional mechanisms are involved. Leaf water potential (or the rate of change in leaf water potential) has been shown to be correlated with leaf conductance under non-flooded conditions (e.g. Cohen and Cohen 1983, Cowan and Farquhar 1977, Jarvis 1976), but since the response of leaf water potential to flooding has not been consistent (Bradford and Yang 1981) and stomatal closure in flooded plants has been shown to occur in the absence of water deficit (Blake and Reid 1981, Jackson et al. 1978, Pereira and Kozlowski 1977), factors other than decreased leaf wa­ ter potential must be involved in triggering stomatal clo­ sure. Sojka and Stolzy ( 1980) concluded that low soil oxy­ gen does not have a consistent effect on plant water po­ tential, and stomatal closure at low soil oxygen levels "may not be entirely a passive mechanical response" to decreases in plant water potential. Most studies have re­ ported flooding to have either no effect or to increase leaf water potential (Bradford and Yang 1981), but de­ creases have also been reported (Syvertsen et al. 1983, Zaerr 1983). In the present study, leaf water potential Physiol. Plantarum 69, 1987 was unaffected by flooding in red alder but was initially decreased in black cottonwood. Morphology and anatomy The role of adventitious roots in plant response to flooding is not clear. Flooding has been shown to reduce gibberellin and cytokinin levels (Burrows and Carr 1969, Reid et al. 1969), and adventitious roots may be important because they produce gibberellins and cytoki­ nins necessary for function and growth of aboveground tissues (Gill 1975, Reid and Crozier 1971). Reid and Crozier ( 1971) reported an increase in gibberellin con­ tent in tomato shoots on the third day of flooding when gibberellin content in roots was still decreasing, and ob­ served that this increase coincided with the appearance of adventitious roots. Serra Gomes and Kozlowski ( 1980b) concluded that stomatal opening following floo­ ding-induced closure was closely associated with the for­ mation and production of adventitious roots. The link between stomatal function and production of adventit­ ious roots has not been identified. Stomatal regulation has been linked with abscisic acid levels, and other plant growth substances were not thought to be involved in stomatal regulation (Mansfield and Heath 1962, Wright 1972, 1978). A recent report (K. J. Bradford unpub­ lished, cited in Zeiger 1983), however, documents an ef­ fect of root cytokinins on stomatal conductance of flooded tomato plants. Levels of plant growth sub­ stances associated with flooding have not been reported for species that do not exhibit flooding-induced stom­ atal closure. Reductions in root hydraulic conductivity can be caused by changes in the water-absorbing surface (such as suberization) or by changes in membrane permeab­ ility (Ramos and Kaufmann 1979). In the present study, cottonwood seedlings exhibited reduced root conduc­ tivity and more negative xylem pressure potentials within a day of flooding. The decreased root conduct­ ance occurred too rapidly to be attributed to treatment­ caused differential root growth or development. In ad­ dition, anatomical investigation showed suberization of root tips to be decreased with flooding rather than in­ creased as would be required if the length of unsub­ erized root tips were to be decreased. Thus, root con­ ductivity in cottonwood seedlings was probably de­ creased due to reduced membrane permeability. Root conductivity in flooded black cottonwood seedlings in­ creased to the level of non-flooded seedlings before the end of the flooding period, possibly due to higher con­ ductivity associated with roots which have recently died (Kramer 1933) or changes in seedling root systems. For example, aerenchyma development may increase inter­ nal root aeration sufficiently to reverse the anaerobic­ caused reduction in membrane permeability to water. Another possibility is that new roots formed during flooding may be more conductive than those formed prior to flooding. 45 In mesophytes, flooding-induced formation of aeren­ chyma in the roots is generally considered to be a bene­ ficial adaptation to flooding (Armstrong 1972, Coutts and Armstrong 1976, Kawase 1981, Kawase and Whit­ moyer 1980), although the degree of aerenchyma devel­ opment does not indicate the relative flood tolerance of a species (Hook and Scholtens 1978 , Smirnoff and Crawford 1983). Aerenchyma formation cannot reverse all the negative effects of flooding, and prolonged flood­ ing will result in t he death of any non-hydrophytic spe­ cies. It has been suggested that morphological and phys­ iological root adaptations are critical in determining relative flood tolerance (Hook and Brown 1973). Changes in physiological root characteristics were not assessed in the present study. T he anatomical and mor­ phological changes in root systems of flooded black cot­ tonwood apparently adapted seedlings to the anaerobic environment successfully enough that aboveground growth was basically unaffected during flooding. How­ ever, the changes in black cottonwood root systems in reponse to flooding may also have made the root system less functional under the better aerated conditions of the recovery period. On the other hand, red alder ­ which exhibited few anatomical and morphological changes in its root system when flooded - was judged to be the more flood tolerant species based on its growth during the combined treatment and recovery periods. Assessing several plant characteristics, both during and following flooding, is recommended to accurately rank species as to their relative flood tolerance and to under­ stand the various plant strategies used in dealing with such stress. Acknowledgements- The author thanks H. M. Culliton, R. L. Deal, J. E. Wilcox, B. M. Casson and W. C. Carlson for tech­ nical assistance and T. M. Hinckley, D. S. DeBell, D. D. Hook, E. L. Stone, and two anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments on earlier versions of the manuscript. The use of trade, firm or corporation names in this article is for the information and convenience of the reader. 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