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Lee Proceedings Sponsored by: The North American Riparian Council Rocky Mountain Chapter of the Society of Wetland Scientists Utah Division of all, Gas & Mining Utah Division of Wildlife Resources U.S. Environmental Protection Agency U.S. Forest Service Planning Information Corporation Conference Sponsored by: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency North American Riparian Council Coastal Zone '67 Shapiro and Associates Environmental law Institute U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Association of State Wetland Managers U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Washington Department of Ecology U.S. Geological Survey National Wildlife Federation U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA ' , . " A TECHNIQUE FOR ASSESSING THE INFLUENCE OF SHALLOW WATER TABLE LEVELS ON RED ALDER {Alnus rubra Bong.} FArHLY PERFORl'lANCE 3 l 2 4 D. D. Hook , M. M. Murray , D. S. DeBel1 , and B. C. Wilson Abstract.--Depth of rusting on iron rods placed in the soil near red alder trees was used to assess the relationship between tree height at age 5 years and the soil water table level during the dor­ mant season. The iron rods proved to be a sensitive indicator of water table level. By use of regression and covariance analyses differences in family response were found over the range of 0 - to ­ 30 cm deep water tables. It was concluded that the technique is sensitive, simple to use, and inexpensive. With further calibration on various soils, it should prove to be a useful tool in helping to characterize a wide array of wetland sites. r NTRODUCTI ON Dalineation of wetlands are of interest for ',regulatory and management purposes. Consequent­ ly, considerable effort has been expended in deve­ loping techniques to characterize wetness or aeration zones in wetlands (Theriot, 1987; Good et a1., 1986; Faulkner et a1., 1986; Armstrong' et a1., 1985; Clark and Benforado, 1981). Furthermore, the Corps of Engineers have deve­ loped a comprehensive manual for the purpose of delineation Section 404 wetlands (Environmental Laboratory 1987). All of the above methodolo­ gies are useful for these purposes but they require: a) considerable expertise; b) collec­ tion of data on water table levels, vegetation and soils and/or; c) intensive laboratory analy­ sis of plant or soil material. In short, a lot of expertise, time, and/or expensive equi nent are usually required to characterize soil aera­ tion or wetness zones within a wetland area using current techniques. McKee (1978) introduced the concept of using the depth of rusting on mild steel rods placed in soils with shallow water tables. "The 1 Donal D. Hook, Professor, Department of Forestry, Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina 29634. 2Marshal1 D. Murray, Forester USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Olymp a, Washington 38502. Dean S. DeBell, Principal Silviculturist, USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Stati n, Olympia, Washington 98502. Boyd C. Wilson, Geneticist, Washington State Department of r atural Resources, Olympia Washington 98502. s theory behind the technique is that in a poorly drained soil, an iron rod I'li11 rust rapidly in the aerated zone but not in the saturated non­ aerated cr reduced zone. Thus, changes in the appearance of the metal indicate the depth of the aerated zone." He found a strong correla­ tion {r 0.87} between depth of rust on an iron rod and depth to the water table level among several soil series under controlled waterlogged conditions. Carnell and Anderson (1986) stated that corrosion of iron in soil depends on soil resistivity, redox potential, moisture content, salt content, hydrogen uptake, soluble iron con­ tent, pH value, organic material content, oxygen transfer and soil compactiDn. However, they concluded that for any given soil the only fac­ tors that appear to vary over time and place I'lere pll, redox potential, moisture content, and oxygen transfer. Oxygen transfer was assumed to have the greatest influence on corrosion rate. Also, they found a close relationship beh/een the depth of rust on a rod and·the depth of rooting of Sitka spruce under controlled I'la terlogged condit ions. Hook et a1. (1987) using the "rusty rod" technique were able to separate the performance of several red alder falid 1 ies on a wet site by the depth of rusting on an iron rod placed by each tree. = Therefore, the use of depth of rusting on iron rods placed in the soil appears to offer a simple-inexpensive alternative to the more complex methods mentioned above for characteriz­ ing soil I'le tness. Results of the research I'lith red alder on shallow water tables are reported herein find offered as an example of how the technique can be used to quantify the rela­ tionship between soil water table level and performance of vegetation sensitive to soil waterlogging. Our results are also discussed in r.!!l;)tion to otlH'r nata on nepth of rusting on iron r(lds il\ IIf"!t ';oi 1 5 tn illustrate the strenuths and ''/f llknessses of this technique. I1ETHOIJS Experimental Site and lIateria1 A small alluvial flat of mature-mixen flouu1as-fir and ren alder near IIcCLeary, l/ater Tah1e Leve 1 Estimates flild steel iron rods (about 89 cm long and 3.0 (TTl1 in diameter) vlere cleaned of 0; 1, IilX, and dirt before installation. Rods were pushed into the soil within 15 em of each tree stem to a depth of 75 cm or until a barrier was encoun­ In the wettest portions of the site, tered. rods were placed on two sides of each tree. They were installed on tlovember 17-18, 1983 and one rod was removed from the side of each tree The depth of penetration on February 6, 1984. into the soil was measured as A and length of unrusted portion of the rod below the soil sur­ face as B. Depth to water table was estimated hy subtracting B from A. The second rod in each set 11as removed on flay 24, 1984 and measured in the same manner. 0 shington was 10UUed in the mid 1970's. An experilllental plantation of 33 open-pollinated red alder families was planted on the site in tlarch 1979. Prior to 10Uging there was no evidence of Iaterlo\)\)ing problems on the site but since 10\)gging the lower lying areas (a Siffon, gra­ ve111y silt loam soil, wet-variant) have been I'laterlo�HJed most of the dormant season each year and Some of the growinu season during the wetter .years. The surrounding high areas (a Dahob, very yravelly loam soil series) have not been water­ loguen. The -prevalence of \'Iater10\HJing in the 10l-/er areas since lo gging mi1Y have resulted from redllced tra nspi ration losses brolluht about by the rel'loval of the mature stand of mixed Douglas-fir and red alder. lIe restricted our analyses to trees on microsites having water tables within 30 em of the soil surface hecause: (1) at some loca­ tions rods could not be pushed into the soil more than 30 cm; (2) in He restricted our analyses to trees on microsites having \'later tnh1es within 30 cm of the soil surface hecause: (1) at some locations rods could not be pushed into the soil more than 30 cm; (2) in other areas rods were pushed in deeper and the entire length of the rod in the soil rusted, hence, depth to the water table level could not be determined; and (3) our primary interest was to evaluate response to shallow water table levels. In addition, families with less than 13 observations of water table levels within 30 cm of the soil surface were excluded from our analysis. After all rejections, data from 24 families (consisting of 13 to 25 trees in each family) was used in our investigation. These 24 families represented six collection sites. 1\11 families includen in the plantation orignated within a 40 km radius of McCleary, I/ashi,ngton (see lIook et al. 1987 for description and location of parent areas). The experiment was a rdandomized incon lete blOCk design with five blocks. umber of families varied from 24 to 33 per block. -Howpver, all families used in this report I'/ere planted in all five hlocks and tire sample trees occurred in three or more blocks. Each family was planted as a row plot consisting of six trees in each hlock. Spacing between trees was 2 x 2 m and the lanting stock was 1-1. Survival was assessed after the first In the wetter portion of the plantation, water table levels were found to be similar during the 12-week, November-February and the 2fi-l'leek, tlovember-flay measurement periods. Therefore, only the measurements from the s horter period (November-February) /ere used in the analyses. gr0l1ing season. tlorta1ity vias 5% and occurred randomly throughout the plantation. Dead seedlings I'lere replaced with "surplus" seedlings that had been planted in the outside row of each block. A fter four years, variation in grOl-/th /as evident between the low wet areas that dissected the plantation and the higher areas. HOI-/ever, some families seemed to be affected more than others. Since the rows of the plantation ran neRrly perpendicular to the waterlogged areas, most families had individuals within waterlogged and non-waterlogged areas in each hlock. Because of the random nature of the planting and the distribution of the waterloyued and non­ waterlogged areas in each block. BecRuse of the random nature of the plilntin!l and the distribu­ tion of the 11aterloyyed and non-llaterlogged areas, Ie Here able to evaltlRt" illld compare the growth of 24 families over a range of 0 to 30 c 'later table depths. lIeight at the end of the fifth grOl-linu season Ias IIsed as the dependent variable in this experiment. ANALYSIS Relationship behleen tree gro /th Rnd depth to the I-later table /ere examined using ,1 four­ step process: (1) plotting of growth vnriahles vs. depth to water tah1e to examine general patterns of the relationships; (2) developinu a correlation matrix consisting of growth variables, (height, diameter, diameter squared Pililtiplied hy height), depth to I-later table, and the natllral logarithms of growth and 11ater tahle variahles; (3) selecting the most appropriate functions for describing the general relation-ship between growth and water table for each fanily and developing regres­ 249 sion equation therefqre, (the selection of func­ tions or variahles was based on "the plotting and correlations); and (4) testing the slope of line r r('gressions of all fanilies by the assumpti(1n of hOl'1ogeneity as a null hypotheses in an analysis of covariance where water table levels was the covariate. lable 2. selected fa.,llles. Family Humb r Relght Water labl! Level 30 0 em em flelght Decrease (m) Bei ght Decrease Ho SignifIcant Response 10 62 RESULTS Projected heights from the re re"lons of lable 1 at 30 em and 0 em ",tor table levels and projected decre"es In height as the "ater table level changed from 30 to 0 em for 7.0 7.9 6.7 8.5 11 21 0.9 1.8 lin.ar Response ("eak) 9 42 The correlation between height and water tlhle level was significant (r 0.62) when all fanilies were included in the analysis. "Iiollever, there vias considerable variation in correlation responses among families. Slope ;lOpulations Here heterogeneous by the covariance analysis, indicating the variation was real. In Hddition, three patterns of response were evi­ dent al'1ong the 24 families. First, three fami­ lies showed no significant relationship between height and water table level. Their height did not change significantly as the water table changed from 30 cm deep to 0 cm deep (Table 1 Second, fifteen families showed and Figure 1). a linear decrease in height as the water table changed frOM 30 cm to 0 cm. The response among 0.03; r the e families varied from weak (slope 0.06) to strong (slope 0.18; r 0.83; Table I and Figure 1 ). Third, six families showed a r;'Jrvilinear response between height and water t hle level (Table 1 ). 5.6 5.5 8.9 8.5 3.3 3.0 37 35 = lin.ar Respone (strong) 8 67 9.7 9.8 4 11 7.9 7.6 4.3 4.7 5.4 5.1 56 52 Curvtl t nellr Response 'Percent decrease · 4.4 4.3 44 43 3.5 3.3 (ht. 3 0 e m - ht. 0 em x 100)/(ht. 30 em) = = = = lable 1. Regression relationships betwe.n height .nd \later table level and .,ean heights and water table levels for selected red alder families. ""pon lII: -- non. -.. Regressl0n Rehbonshlps Family Humber Intercept 6,96 6.68 10 62 Slope Coefl • Fa"lly Height lIeans lilL' 24 18 7.3 7.5 12.4 13.7 21 18 6.5 6.6 7.7 10.7 18 15 6.0 6.8 9.4 12.8 6.1 6.9 10.3 15.5 Humber Cootf icient P for Observ. Slope of dete"". Non-sensitive Families 0.06 0.07 0.03 0.06 0.25 0.28 tb 2'0 Water tabla lev,,! (em) Hoderately Sensitive Families 5.62 5.54 9 2 0.33 0.32 0.11 0.10 0.01 0.01 nn.or - curvilinear 3 Figllre l.--Projected regression relationships of three types of responses of red alder fami lies to shallow water table levels. Highly Sensitive Families 4.26 4.71 8 67 0.18 0.11 0.83 0.82 0.00 0.00 DISCUSSIONS ANn CONCLUSIONS ram1l1 es with Curvlll near Response 11 4 4.26 4.44 '\lTL • O. 98 1.01 0.62 0.54 0.00 0.00 18 18 The "rusty rod" technique proved to be a sensitive indicator of water table level on a single site in vlestern lIashington. Uater table level estimates obtained by this method \ ere related to the height of red alder at age 5 years bllt more importantly, such estimates were sensitive enough to detect differences in fftmily response to water table levels. This level of sensitivity should be qllite helpflll for most \ et site characterization purposes. Hov/ever, Illore experience is m!eded with the techni Cl"e in other regions and for other seasons of the year hefore its c pahilitip.s and liMit tions are fully reftlized. For inst nce, this techniqlle hAS been used by the seniur author in coastal South Carolinil to dHterr'linE' the rclfttionship of thrl!e­ lIater lable level Decrease in height varied from 2 1 % or less in the no significant response group to 43 to 56 percent in the strong linear and curvilinear r sponse groups over the range of 0 to 30 cm (Table 2). In this population height decreased only slightly as the water table changed from 30 CM to 1 0 cm (about 1.0 m), but it decreased sharply from 1 0 cm to 0 cm (about 2.9 1'1; Figure 1) • 250 Y"M-old lnhlo1 h ;line -(Pinlls taed L.) height '3rl)\lth to shall 0\/ \'latEr 1a1ilrleve-rs dllri ng the . dor lant ann grov';l1 seasons. Generally, the rela­ tionship hetween height and water table level was h st during the dor ant season and better on wptter sites than on drier sites. Several factors c(lu1n account for these differences. lIater tilh1e levels tend to be more stable and tend to be closer to the soil surface during the normant season·. llhen I'/ater table levels are stable (i.e., I/hen they do not fluctuate I'ddely), the color de-. marcations on rods are clearer and easier to interpret. Also, higher water table levels place a greater stress on the tree, thereby pushing the plant-water table level relationship into a higher stress zone than lower water table levels. 11cKee (1978) pointed out that certain soil aeration c haracteristics could cause differences in rusting among soil series. The correlation between height and water table level was not as strong for loblolly pine as it was for red alder. This may indicate that red alder is, in general, more sensitive to s hallow water levels than loblolly pine. To classify a site as a Section 404 wetland, It rlust meet hydric vegetation, soil, hydrology criteria. Soils and vegetation can usually be quantified by hydric soil lists and color charts and hydrophytic vegetation lists for specific regions. Hydrology is usually more subjective. Clues for hydrology generally depend on visual observations of inundation or some evidence thereof. The use of rust on iron rods placed in the soil for short durations could greatly improve the hydrology phase of the delineation process. The "rusty rod" technique is a reliable indicator of average water table levels for spe­ cific periods of time and for specific sites. Furthermore, the technique is sensitve enough to determine subtle relationships between water table levels and vegetation performance. Because of its sensitivity, simplicity, and inexpensive nature, it should prove to be a helpful supple­ mental tool for characterizing and delineating wetlands. L ITERI\TURE CITED Spinale and 11cKee (1985) found that the for­ mation of ruston iron rods accurately measured the average depth of seasonal water tables for the evaluation of sites for septic tank absorption fields. They concluded that iron rods were less expensive in terms of material and manpower than pieZtlr.leters and recommended them as a supp1ement to the lise of conventional piezometers for deter­ mining seasonal water table measurements on imper­ fectly drained soils. As previously mentioned, Carnell and Anderso (1986) found depth of rust on iron rods to be strongly correlated with depth of root penetration of Sitka spruce into a soil with a shallow water table. Hence, the technique has been tested in several nifferent environments and for several different purposes. SOl e limitations of the technique are: 1) the rons must be left in the soi1 for a fel'/ weeks to obtain an index of the water table clearly defined) and 2) they only provide an integrated index of soil neration (i.e., no quantitative easure of soil oxygen status, redox potential, etc. are ohtnined). But since it is so simple and inexpensive to use, it o ffers the opportunity to greatly increase sanpling intensity at a reasonahle cost. For instance, in the red alder data reported herein over 200 sampling points were taken and in the lohlolly pine study over 700 sampling points Such large samples with more con­ were tilken ventional techniques would be prohibitive in cost and time. It appears that with Additional studies that quantify the relationships a ong soil srries, water table fluctuations, color on exposed rods, nrl minimu length of exposure to index a soil, th technique can be usen to c haracterize relative differences anong wetlann sites within a locale or rrgion. Armstrong, W., E. J. Wright, S. Lythe, and T. J. Gaynard. 1985. Plant zonation and the effect of the spring neap tide cycle on soil aeration in a Humber salt marsh. Ecol. 73:323-229. Carnell, R., and N. A. Anderson; 1986. A tech nique for extensive field measurement of soil anaerobism by rusting of steel rods. Forestry 59:129-140. Clark, J. R., and J. Benforado (eds.). 1981. lIetlands of bottomland hardwood forests. 385 p. Elsevier Sci. Publ. Co., New York. Environmental Laboratory. 1987. Corps of Engineers I'/etlands delineation manual. Wet1anns Research Progam. Technical Rrport Y -E7 -1. Depa rbne'lt of the Army, US Army Corps of Engineers. Washington, DC 20314 1000. Faulkner, S. P., II. H. Patrick, Jr., H. B. Parker, E. l1altby, and R. Gambrell. 1986. Characterization of soil processes in bottomland hardwood wetland-nonwetland transition zones in the lower lIississippi river valley. 252 p. Contract No. DI\C\I 39-81-6-0032. Report to the Environmental l.aboratory, tl. S. Army Corps of Engineers. Ilaten ays Experinent Station, Vicksburg, I1S. • • Goon, IL J., S. P. Faulkner, and 11. 11. Piltrick. Jr. 1986. Evaluation of green ash root responses as a soil wetness indicator. Soil Sci. Soc. I\ . ,I. 50:1570-1575. Hook, n. D., 11. 11. lIl/rray, D. S. DeBell, and B. C. lIilson. 1987. Variation in growth of ren alder families in relation to shallow water tahle levels. For. Sci. 33:224-229. 251 Mckee, W. Hot Jr. 1978. Rust on iron rods indicate depth of soil water tahles. In Soil moisture-site productivity Sym. Proc. area State and Private For. r rtle, SC in sewage disposal systems. J. Env. Health 48:26-27 . Theriot, R. F. 1987. Flood tolerance indices for Palustrine forest species. In Ecology and Hanagement of Wetlands. Vol:-1Ecology. Spinale, F. G., and W. H. McKee, Jr. 1985. Use of iron rods to determine the depth 0' seasonal water tables for aborption fields D. O. Hook et a1. (eds.). Croom Helm LTD Publishers. Beckenham, Kent. UK. (in press). 252