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Additional aspects related to nutrition are discussed by others elsewhere in this volume. THE ESSENTIAL NUTRIENT ELEMENTS Higher plants, including Douglas-fir, contain many chemi­ cal elements in their tissues; these elements include arsenic, mercury, and silver. The mere presence of an element in the plant, however, does not constitute an essential requirement of the element. It is now generally agreed that only certain ele­ ments are essential for the normal growth and development of the higher green plants. Some of these elements are required in relatively large amounts. These macronutrients include hydro­ gen, oxygen, and carbon, obtained by plants from water and atmospheric gases, as well as nitrogen, phosphorus, po­ tassium, calcium, magnesium, and sulfur, which enter the plant primarily from the soil. Other essential elements are re­ quired only in trace amounts; these micronutrients include iron, manganese, zinc, copper, boron, molybdenum, and chlo­ rine. NUTRIENT REQUIREMENTS OF DOUGLAS-FIR Proof of the essentiality of nutrient elements comes mainly from work with herbaceous test plants. As for many economi­ cally important crop plants, work on the nutritional require­ ments of Douglas-fir and other northwestern conifers has been very limited (Gessel et al. 1950, Walker et al. 1955). It has been generally assumed that Douglas-fir requires the same es­ sential elements as other higher green plants for normal growth and development. This may not be true. Gerloff (1963) stated that "the mineral nutrient requirements of all plants are not the same. This is true both qualitatively and quantitatively." The forest ecosystem where Douglas-fir grows is vastly different from other environments. Also, under some conditions, certain higher plants are known to require elements such as sodium (Brownell 1965) or cobalt (Ahmed and Evans 1961) in addi­ tion to the essential nutrients. Under other conditions, some higher plants may not require one or more of the essential ele­ ments, or may have the ability to substitute other elements for some of the essential nutrients (Epstein 1972). Like other higher plants (Gerloff 1963), the rriinimum amounts of the different elements required for Douglas-fir are not absolute, but depend on the relative amounts of the other elements available. And the nutrient requirements of the spe­ cies probably change with age and during flower and seed pro­ duction. Cole et al. (1967) estimated the total requirements per year of some macronutrients for 36-year-old Douglas-fir as fol­ lows: nitrogen, 38.8 kg/ha; phosphorus, 7.2; potassium, 29.4; and calcium, 24.4. Part of such requirements is satisfied by internal redistribution (Sollins et al. 1980). Analysis of leaves (or other plant parts) of many crops has long been used to establish nutrient concentrations associated with optimum growth. Work with Douglas-fir in this regard has been very limited. Van den Driessche (1979) reviewed the literature and summarized "adequate" levels of nutrients in current year's needles of Douglas-fii: as follows: nitrogen, 1.8%; phosphorus, 0.22%; potassium, 0.80%; calcium, 0.18%. By compar­ 0.20%; magnesium, 0.12%, and sulfur ison, Epstein (1972) considered the following nutrient concen­ trations in dry matter adequate for plant growth in general: ni­ trogen, 1.5%; phosphorus, 0.2%; potassium, 1.0%; calcium, 0.5%; magnesium, 0.2%; and sulfur, 0.1%. Furthermore, op­ timum foliar concentrations of nutrients may change with stand age (Miller et al. 1981). Ratios of mineral element concentra­ tions may also be useful in interpreting nutritional status and expected response to fertilization as discussed by van den Dri­ = 177 essche (1979). For instance, the nitrogen to sulfur (N :S) ratio may indicate whether or not nitrogen fertilization is likely to induce sulfur deficiency or produce a growth response to nitro­ gen (Turner et al. 1977). A similar but more refined approach. has been taken by Ingestad (1979). Using sand cultures, he es­ tablished optimum macronutrient weight proportions for seed­ lings of several tree species, and thereby provided a basis for evaluating the nutritional status and requirements of seedlings. SOURCES AND FORMS OF NUTRIENTS Like other terrestrial plants, Douglas-fir obtains its nutrients from the soil and the atmosphere. The soil system, with its mineral and forest floor components, is the main source of most nutrients. Native soil nutrients are sometimes supple­ mented with other introduced nutrients, such as the nitrogen added in the form of synthetic fertilizer, or through biological Nrfixation. Release of nutrients by weathering of rocks and minerals provides the main input of cations. As expected, this varies greatly by site. Absolute rates are difficult to establish, and es­ timates are by indirect methods, as in nutrient cycling studies (Clayton 1979). Some rates per year, summarized from vari­ ous studies by Zasoski (1979), are: calcium, 8 to 24 kg/ha; po­ tassium, 4 to 15; and magnesium, 8. Fallen litter in Douglas-fir stands returns to the soil nutrients previously absorbed by the trees. The composition and amount of litterfall varies considerably by such factors as thinning in­ tensity, time of the year, and climatic conditions (Reukema 1964). Similarly, varying amounts of nutrients are released an­ nually from litterfall in different stands. In one Douglas-fir stand, Gessel and Turner (1974) estimated annual nutrient re­ turns by litter as follows: nitrogen, 19.2 kg/ha; phosphorus, 0.05; potassium, 12.0; calcium, 47.4; and magnesium, 5.4. Nitrogen input from biological fixation is symbiotic by Rhi­ zobium- and actinomycete-nodulated plants or nonsymbiotic by blue-green algae and free-living bacteria. In the Pacific Northwest, the main actinorhizal species are alder (Alnus spp.) and snowbrush (Ceanothus velutinus Doug!.). Stands of red alder (Alnus rubra Bong.) have been estimated to fix from 27 kg N/ha per year (DeBell et a!. 1983) to more than 300 kg N/ha (Newton et al. 1968). Similarly, nitrogen accretion by snowbrush varied from 20 kg/ha per year (Zavitkovski and Newton 1968) to 100 kg/ha or more (Youngberg and Wollum 1976, Binkley et al. 1982). Amounts of nitrogen fixed by free-living soil microorga­ nisms are not well known. They are considered to be low--O. l to 0.2 kg N/ha per year (Miller et a!. 1976)-although rates up to 5 kg N/ha year have been reported (Davey and Wollum 1979). The high biomass of lichens in some forest stands may also add a significant amount of nitrogen (Pike et al. 1970, 178 Radwan and Brix 1972). Furthermore, N2-fixing bacteria found on the leaf sur­ faces of Douglas-fir (Jones 1970) could provide 5 to 12 kg NI ha per year (Davey and Wollum 1979). The atmosphere provides Douglas-fir with the carbon and oxygen required for photosynthesis and respiration. Water in the surrounding air also contributes to the water balance of the trees, especially during dry periods. In contrast, atmospheric inputs of mineral nutrients are much more limited in the Pacific Northwest, where the air is mostly clean of industrial contami­ nants. Nutrients from the atmosphere may include particulate, gaseous, and dissolved chemicals. For a Douglas-fir forest in western Oregon, Fredriksen (1972) estimated that nutrient in­ puts per year via precipitation were: nitrogen, 0.90 to 1.08 kgl ha; phosphorus, 0.27; potassium, 0.11 to 0.27; calcium, 2.33 to 7.65; and magnesium, 0.72 to 1.32. The form of an element in an introduced chemical may af­ fect nutrition, chemical composition, and growth of plants. For example, plant species have long been known to differ in their ability to absorb and assimilate different forms of nitrogen (Nightingale 1937). Work with Douglas-fir shows conflicting results. Some studies indicated that ammonium produced more growth (van den Driessche 1971), whereas others concluded that p.itrate was better for growth (Radwan et al. 1971, Krajina et al. 1973) and for seed cone production (Ebell and McMullan 1970), and still others showed no difference between the two sources (van den Driessche and Webber 1975). Douglas-fir, like other forest tree species (e.g. Radwan et al. 1984a), appar­ ently is capable of absorbing and assimilating both ammonium and nitrate, and differences in growth, if any, probably depend on prevailing environmental conditions (van den Driessche 1978). ABSORPTION, TRANSLOCATION, AND UTILIZATION OF MINERAL ELEMENTS Absorption and Translocation Mineral elements are absorbed mostly in the form of ions from the soil solution and directly from soil colloids. Root ex­ tension and movement of ions toward the roots by diffusion and mass flow bring ions in contact with root surfaces. Absorption occurs mostly through the region just behind the root tips, although some entry also occurs several centimeters away. In addition, the surface area of the roots in contact with the soil is greatly increased, and the absorption capacity of the roots is greatly enhanced through the association of the roots with different types of mycorrhizal fungi. From the root surface, elements move across the epidermal and cortical cells, mostly in the cell walls, by diffusion or mass flow, and at the endodermis they enter the symplast by active transport. Elements then enter into the xylem sap. Once in the root xylem, nutrients are carried to the shoots by mass flow in the transpiration stream. As they move upward, some nutrients move laterally into the phloem, where they are used or translocated to the roots. Nutrients reaching the leaves, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, may be mobile, moving from older to younger leaves and out of senescing leaves. Other minerals, such as calcium and iron, are relatively immobile; they tend to accumulate as the leaves age. There are no definite, detailed studies of the pattern of nu­ trient uptake by Douglas-fir throughout the year. It can be safely assumed, however, that most of the uptake occurs dur­ ing the fall and late winter, and in the spring. During this pe­ riod, there is much root extension, while soil moisture and temperature are favorable for ion movement. Quantities Absorbed . Substantial amounts of nutrients are absorbed by Douglas-fir in a rotation. The amounts absorbed annually vary by many factors, including the nutrient element, the site, and tree age. For example, Cole and Bledsoe (1976) reported that uptake of nitrogen, potassium, and calcium by Douglas-fir changed sig­ nificantly with stand age, reaching a maximum at or shortly after crown closure. Sollins et al. (1980) estimated the nu­ trients absorbed per year by the aboveground biomass of an old-growth Douglas-fir stand in Oregon as follows: nitrogen, 42.0 kg/ha; phosphorus, 9.1; potassium, 26.9; and calcium, 44.2. Nutrient Interactions and Utilization sense, therefore, Douglas-fir is a relatively efficient user of na­ tive nutrients. As with other forest tree species, however, re­ covery of nutrients from applied fertilizers by Douglas-fir stands is thought to be well below recoveries reported for agri­ cultural crops (Allison 1966). Estimates of such recoveries are not available, but some calculations for nitrogen are possible from studies designed for other purposes. For example, short­ term recovery of nitrogen from urea fertilizer in a 45-year-old stand of Douglas-fir is calculated at less than 6% from data by Turner (1977). Also, data by Dangerfield and Brix (1979) indi­ cate nitrogen recoveries by Douglas-fir foliage of 9% from urea and 19% from ammonium nitrate. In contrast, one test with single saplings over a two-year period showed that the total tree recovered 25 to 36% of the nitrogen applied as urea (Heilman et al. 1982). Other recovery data available from work with seedlings indicate variable recoveries as follows: ni­ trogen, 2 to 77%; phosphorus, 0. 7 to 4%; calcium, 0 to 28%; and sulfur, 0 to 84% (Radwan and Shumway 1985). Clearly, there is much need for accurate estimates of nutrient recoveries by Douglas-fir under field conditions. In such studies, use of fertilizers containing stable isotopes of the different nutrients would be especially helpful. In addition, future work must in­ clude careful assessment of practices that might increase utilization of added nutrients. NUTRIENT DISTRIBUTION IN THE TREES Nutrient elements interact in many different and sometimes complex ways before and after absorption (Hewitt 1963, Ep­ stein 1972). In Douglas-fir, application of nitrogen fertilizer depressed foliar phosphorus concentration (e.g. Radwan et al. 1984b, Radwan and Shumway 1984) and depleted foliar sul­ fate (Humphreys et al. 1975, Radwan and Kraft, unpublished data on file at the Forestry Sciences Laboratory, Olympia, Washington). Also, application of urea to Douglas-fir seed­ lings grown in a low phosphorus soil induced phosphorus defi­ ciency, and some fertilizer mixtures reduced growth response (Radwan and Shumway 1985). Nutrient interactions, there­ fore, are important and should be considered, especially when nutrient amendments are planned. Results of fertilization trials with combination of several compounds are often question­ able, since they may be influenced by undesirable interactions. Absorption of nutrients is followed by their incorporation, with products of photosynthesis, into complex compounds that form the structures and organs of the trees. Some ions, how­ ever, remain in the ionic form indefinitely, whereas others may be released from various compounds and redistributed within the plant. Nutrients absorbed by Douglas-fir are distributed among all parts of the tree. Concentration and content in the different tree parts vary by nutrient, and levels of each nutrient depend on many factors, including soil and site, tree age, tree part, and season of the year. Table 1 shows nutrient distribution in 20­ year-old trees (Webber 1977) and nutrient concentrations and contents in 3-year-old seedlings (Radwan and Shumway 1984). As expected, these data show that the highest levels of the different nutrients occur in the foliage (and shoots), and nitro­ gen is the principal foliar nutrient. Other data in the literature indicate that concentrations of nutrients in Douglas-fir foliage vary with the nutrient, leaf age, season of the year, and posi­ tion in the crown (Lavender and Carmichael 1966, Morrison 1974). Genetic differences in foliar nutrient concentrations have also been reported between Douglas-fir provenances (van den Driessche 1973) and among open-pollinated families (Radwan et al. 1984b). Clearly, such genetic differences may influence the demand on native soil nutrients, and in turn may affect site productivity and the need for fertilizer supplements. Efficiency of Nutrient Utilization MINERAL DEFICIENCIES and Recovery of Nutrients In general, forest trees, including Douglas-fir, can grow on relatively infertile soils not suited for agricultural crops. In a Deficiencies of mineral elements occur when the supplying capacity of the site is insufficient to meet the requirement of Nutrition 179 TABLE 1. Nutrient distribution in 20-year-old Douglas-fir trees and nutrient concentrations and contents in 3-year-old seedlings. Tree Component 20-year-old trees Foliage Branches Wood Bark Total 3-year-old seedlings Shoots Roots Phosphorus Potassium 101 16 37 25 7 Kilograms/hectare 52 23 Nitrogen 23 186 1.23 0.78 Calcium 79 67 Magnesium Sulfur 10 7 3 5 31 5 23 15 34 3 3 103 195 23 0.10 0.09 Percent 0.61 0.42 0.26 0.20 0.13 O.ll 0.14 0.11 21 20 41 28 17 45 Milligrams/seedling Shoots Roots Total 245 122 367 21 15 In 36 187 the plant for normal growth and development. Foliar chlorosis has often been observed in individual trees and in some stands of Douglas-fir. Such chlorosis has been attributed mostly to nitrogen deficiency, although deficiencies in other elements, such as calcium, sulfur, and iron, produce general chlorosis too. Visual symptoms associated with some other deficiencies have also been described for Douglas-fir (Oldenkamp and Smilde 1966, Carter et al. 1984, van den Driessche 1984); they resemble those of other plants (Epstein 1972), In addition to visual symptoms, mineral deficiencies can be diagnosed by soil analysis, soil bioassays, fertilization field tri­ als, and foliage (or other tissue) (van den Driessche 1979) analysis. Only foliage analysis is discussed here, since the other methods are covered elsewhere in. this volume. Foliage analysis is performed and results are compared with established "critical" values for the various elements (or vari­ ous forms of elements, such as soluble nitrogen and sulfate); an element is considered deficient when its level falls below the critical value. The general relationship of growth to defi­ cient, critical, optimum, luxury, and toxic foliar levels is shown in Figure 1. There is general agreement that a foliar concentration of about 1.5% is the critical value for nitrogen. Critical values for other nutrients in Douglas-fir have not been established. Van den Driessche (1979) suggested that foliar concentrations of 0.14% phosphorus and 0.40% potassium may be "very low" for Douglas-fir. The most known and acknowledged deficiency in Douglas­ fir is that of nitrogen. Deficiencies in other nutrients, such as boron (Carter et al. 1984) and phosphorus, are thought to occur in some areas along the Pacific coast where soils are low in these elements. It is also possible that increased growth, now obtained with nitrogen fertilization, may induce additional nu­ trient deficiencies in the future. 180 Radwan and Brix 52 32 84 65 MINERAL TOXICITIES In addition to their beneficial effects, all nutrients, native or introduced, can be toxic to Douglas-fir. Among toxicities to Douglas-fir attributed to native nutrients, manganese toxicity is probably the most often suspected. Recent experiments, however, suggest that manganese toxicity is highly unlikely to be of much importance to Douglas-fir, because of the natural high tolerance of the species and the high capacity of the soil to fix the element (Radwan et al. 1979). Douglas-fir appears to be quite tolerant also to many intro­ duced nutrients, as is evidenced by tolerance of the species to application of sewage sludge, which is known for its high con­ tent of nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, copper, and zinc (Bled­ soe and Zasoski 1981). Still, some toxicities are possible. Ex­ amples of such toxicities are those due to boron when borax is applied as a fire retardant, and to nitrogen when urea fertilizer Luxury . Critical .c .... J o ... " Foliar nutrient concentration Figure 1. Relationship of growth to levels of foliar nutrients. induces phosphorus deficiency in Douglas-fir grown in low­ phosphorus soil (Radwan and Shumway 1984). In a recent greenhouse experiment, boron toxicity was observed only when borax additions to Douglas-fir seedlings exceeded 100 kg/ha (Radwan and Johnson, unpublished data on file at the Forestry Sciences Laboratory, Olympia, Washington). PHYSIOLOGY OF GROWTH RESPONSE TO ADDED NUTRIENTS The physiological mechanisms by which nutrients affect Douglas-fir growth have been the subject of only a few studies and only in relation to nitrogen. Rate of application and source of nitrogen fertilizer were shown to influence nitrogen metabo­ lism (Ebell and McMullan 1970). The total free amino acid pool was increased by fertilization and more so with nitrate-N than with ammonium-N. Most of the ammonium-N was incor­ porated as protein, but nitrate fertilizer resulted in a large accu­ mulation of basic amino acids. Nitrogen fertilization was re­ ported to increase rates of photosynthesis and respiration (Brix 1971, 1972, 1981a). Photosynthesis increased by about 22% with an increase in foliar nitrogen concentration from 1.0 to l .7%, and the response was greatest under high light intensity (Brix 1981a). This was partly explained by an increase in chlo­ rophyll concentration (Brix 1971). Production of foliage was also enhanced (Brix 1981b), and this accounted for most of the growth response to nitrogen fertilization; the remainder of the response was attributed to a photosynthetically more efficient foliage (Brix 1983). EFFECTS OF MANAGEMENT PRACTICES As with other forest tree species (Tamm 1979), the nutrient cycle in an undisturbed Douglas-fir ecosystem would normally proceed with little loss of nutrients. Stand management prac­ tices, such as harvesting, site preparation, and fertilization, however, can greatly influence losses and the normal cycling of nutrients within the ecosystem. Amounts, availability, and utilization of nutrients are therefore affected, and effects will vary with a variety of factors, such as kind and intensity of the management practice, time since application, and the ecosys­ tem involved. Our knowledge of nutrient cycling and management effects has been greatly enhanced since the inception of the Interna­ tional Biological Program nearly two decades ago. Several symposia and conferences have included these subjects as one of their major topics (e.g. , Leaf 1979, Ballard and Gessel 1983). Only a brief overview, therefore, will be given here. Fertilization Application of synthetic fertilizer adds substantially to the available nutrient capital of the ecosystem. The effects of the added fertilizers extend beyond relieving the deficiency of some nutrient element(s). For example, work with Douglas-fir and other coniferous species indicates that fertilization affects leaching and immobilization of nutrients, soil microbial ac­ tivity and decomposition of organic matter, mineralization, availability and uptake of nutrients other than those contained in the fertilizer, and soil pH (e. g., Fowells and Krauss 1959, Cole and Gessel 1965, Mahendrappa 1978, Johnson 1979, Otchere-Boateng and Ballard 1978, 1981, Radwan et al. 1984b, Radwan and Shumway 1985). Other aspects of fer­ tilization are discussed in another paper in this volume. The most notable losses of nutrients occur in removal of logged-off material, leaching, soil erosion and other forms of soil displacement, volatilization in burning, and denitrifica­ tion. These losses are caused by harvesting and site preparation activities. Harvesting An important effect of harvesting on site productivity is the direct removal of nutrients with the crop. Indirect effects in­ clude losses by increased leaching, erosion and runoff, and those related to road building and yarding (Fredriksen et al. 1975, Cromack et al. 1978). The greater demand for wood as a source of fiber and energy has brought about an increase in harvest intensity and conse­ quently a greater removal of nutrients from the forest. For in­ stance, harvesting of whole trees has increased greatly in some regions of North America in the last decade (Phillips and van Lear 1984). This could have serious effects on site productivity on infertile soils and with short rotations (Boyle et al. 1973, Kimmins 1977). A symposium, "Impact of Intensive Harvest­ ing on Forest Nutrient Cycling" (Leaf 1979), addressed this problem, as did several papers in the IUFRO symposium on forest site and continuous productivity (Ballard and Gessel 1983). Data on tree biomass and element content in compo­ nents of different trees and ecosystems are now available for many species on different sites and of different ages. This material gives a basis for estimating nutrient removal with dif­ ferent harvest intensities (Morrison and Foster 1979). The im­ pact of this removal on future productivity is more difficult to assess without better knowledge than is available on nutrient inputs, losses, and immobilization during a rotation and of methods of evaluating availability of soil nutrients (Johnson 1983, Kimmins 1977). Data by Turner (1981) for a 95-year-old Doug" s-fir stand show that about twice as much nitrogen, phosphorus, po­ tassium, calcium, and magnesium would be removed if branches and foliage 'were included with the stems in the har­ vest. The total content of these elements in the aboveground N utrition 181 portion of the trees was 445, 80, 254, 433, and 58 kg/ha, re­ spectively. For a Douglas-fir and western larch forest in the northern Rocky Mountains, conventional harvest was esti­ mated to remove I % of the total ecosystem cations, 6% of ni­ trogen, 4.5% of phos'phorus, and 1 % of potassium, whereas whole-tree harvest would remove 9% of total cations, 40% of nitrogen, 50% of phosphorus, and 15% of potassium (Stark 1982). Johnson et al. (1982) summarized information from seven­ teen ecosystems in Washington and Oregon, mainly for Doug­ las-fir of different ages; they reported on effects of bole, whole-tree, and vegetation removal on nitrogen losses in rela­ tion to total nitrogen capital of the ecosystems. Only a small amount of nitrogen (2 to 7.5% or 176 to 276 kg N/ha) was removed with the bole, but generally twice as much and up to 12% (442 kg N/ha) when the whole tree was harvested. Al­ though whole-tree harvesting is not utilized in the Pacific Northwest, whole-tree yarding is practiced to some extent with branches and tops being cut at a central landing. The impact of such practice is probably similar to that of whole-tree harvest­ ing. The effect of clearcutting on leaching and erosion losses at the H. J. Andrews watershed 10 in the Cascade Range in Ore­ gon has been investigated by Cromack et al. (1978). Forest, stream, and erosion processes were studied intensively before and after clearcut harvesting of a forest dominated by 450­ year-old Douglas-fir. No roads were built, yarding of trees was accomplished with skyline cable systems, and slash was not disturbed or burned. ·About 12% of the total nitrogen in the system was removed by harvesting. L ss of dissolved nitrogen in stream runoff amounted to 0.8 kg/ha the first year after clearcutting, and export of particulate organic nitrogen was 2.0 kg/ha. After logging, 20% of the area was deeply compacted and 34% was deeply disturbed. Erosion decreased during the first three years after cutting. The authors estimated that less than 20% of the total nitrogen capital may be lost by typical harvest and slash burning practices in forests of the Pacific Northwest. The impact of forest management activities, including clear­ cutting, burning, and fertilization, on soil solution chemistry and leaching has been studied by Cole and associates (1975). They listed the factors by which clearcutting could affect the chemistry of the soil solution and rates of ion leaching as fol­ lows: (1) absence of ion uptake by trees; (2) increase in surface soil temperature and moisture content which could increase soil microbial activity, organic matter decomposition, and car­ bon dioxide production; and (3) increase of water percolation through the soil because of decreased evapotranspiration and water interception by vegetation. All these factors could in­ crease leaching. The higher rate of organic matter decomposi­ tion and associated carbon dioxide production would increase the level of bicarbonate ions and would provide a mobile anion 182 Radwan and Brix for the dislocation of cations. In ecosystems where nitrification rates are high, nitrate could constitute the mobile anion for ca­ tion leaching, as was the case in the Hubbard Brook watershed (Likens et al. 1970). This also occurred after clearcutting a hardwood but not a softwood stand in New Brunswick (Krause 1982); the author suggested that presence of nitrification inhi­ bitors might have caused low nitrification rates at the softwood site. Other studies reported increased nitrate in stream water after clearcutting, apparently as a result of increased nitrifica­ tion (Brown et al. 1973, Bateridge 1974). Overall, however, leaching losses after clearcutting of Pacific Northwest forests will probably be small and may not have a long-term detrimen­ tal effect on site productivity (Cole 1981). Harvesting may affect soil microbiological activity and therefore nutrient availability by processes such as mineraliza­ tion, denitrification, and N2-fixation (Jurgenson et al. 1977, Swank and Waide 1979). This may result directly from re­ moval of carbon and nutrient supply, and iI?directly by chang­ ing soil physical and chemical properties such as water con­ tent, temperature, bulk density, pH, and levels of O2 and carbon dioxide. The overall impact will depend on the soil, climate, and harvest activity. Quantitative data, however, are largely lacking, particularly on long-term effects and for Douglas-fir sites. Based on the limited information available, Jurgenson et al. (1977) concluded that no generally detrimental influence on site quality can be attributed to harvest effect on soil microflora. With more intensive harvesting and slash dis­ posal, however, it may be required as a safeguard that some woody residue be left on certain sites, particularly those low in nitrogen and where long periods of drought occur. Site Preparation Site preparation activities include slash burning, use of vari­ ous mechanical techniques, such as piling and windrowing, and vegetation management with herbicides. During site prep­ aration, much loss (or displacement) of nutrients can occur, but some gains are also possible depending on the site and the type of practice and its intensity. Slash Burning. Slash burning after logging is practiced on many Douglas-fir sites in the Pacific Northwest. Many investi­ gations of the effect of slash burning on forest soils and their nutrients have been made, and many views have been ad­ vanced about whether the practice is beneficial, harmful, or without lasting effect (e.g., Isaac and Hopkins 1937, Tarrant 1956, Dyrness and Youngberg 1957, Neal et al. 1965, Knight 1966, Grier and Cole 1971, Kimmins and Feller 1976, Kraemer and Hermann 1979, Feller 1982). In general, slash burning results in many chemical changes, such as an increase in soil pH and base saturation (Tarrant 1956; Neal et al. 1965, Baker 1966); "available" phosphorus (Dyrness and Norum 1983); exchangeable potassium, calcium, and magnesium (Austin and Baisinger 1955, Wells et al. 1979); and a"mmonium-N (up to six months after burning) (Neal et al. 1965). After burning, gains in nitrogen can also result from "invasion of burned areas by Nrfixing plants, such as alder and snowbrush (Youngberg and Wollum 1976), and through fixation by nonsymbiotic microorganisms (Jorgensen and Wells 1971). Nutrient losses from burning are mainly due to volatiliza­ tion, leaching, and erosion and runoff. Nutrients lost by vola­ tilization mostly include nitrogen (Knight 1966, DeBell and Ralston 1970) and sulfur. Leaching processes and rates after clearcut of a Douglas-fir forest and slash burning at two inten­ sities were investigated by Cole et al. (1975). For the first two months after burning, leaching losses beyond the rooting zone were increased 3.3 to 4.5 times. The A and B horizons, how­ ever, absorbed 70 to 90% of the cations leached from the ash layer, and losses were small. On the other hand, 90% of the nitrogen in the fuel was lost by volatilization. Clearly, the most significant effect of burning was due to nitrogen volatilization and not to leaching. In another study, Johnson et al. (1982) compared losses from clearcutting and slash burning in a 42­ year-old Douglas-fir ecosystem. Clearcutting caused loss of 123 kg N/ha (3.8% of tota!), whereas loss by clearcutting and burning was 299 kg N/ha (9.5% of total); a site with an intense fire lost 27% of total nitrogen. The authors recommended that, as a management tool, slash burning should be closely as­ sessed in regard to nitrogen losses and tree production. Losses of nutrients by erosion and runoff can be increased by burning, and microbial changes could affect subsequent mineralization and N2-fixation rates (Ahlgren 1974). In the Pa­ cific Northwest, the strongly aggregated soil and quick inva­ sion by annual vegetation after burning can reduce the impact of losses by erosion (Mersereau and Dyrness 1972, Wells et al. 1979). Runoff and associated nutrient removal, however, can be high, particularly where fire has induced water repellency of the soil surface (DeBano et al. 1976, Dyrness 1976) and has reduced infiltration rates (Tarrant 1956). In slash burning, substantial amounts of organic matter are lost (Austin and Baisinger 1955, Dyrness and Youngberg 1957). Besides loss of nutrients, loss of organic matter will in­ fluence soil moisture holding capacity and availability of some nutrients (Neal et al. 1965). These effects have not been suffi­ ciently studied in the Pacific Northwest. The percentage of burned areas where fire has been severe enough to significantly affect soil organic matter content, however, is likely to be small (Dyrness and Youngberg 1957), particularly when pru­ dent utilization of burning is practiced (Wells et al. 1979). Also, the impact will be small when soil and duff moisture is high, and such a condition should be observed when sites are burned where the organic layer is particularly important (Sand­ berg 1980, Green et al. 1984). The effect of clearcutting and burning on ectomycorrhizal fungi that may influence tree nutrition was reviewed by Perry and Rose (1983). Several studies have shown reduction of ec­ tomycorrhizal formation on disturbed sites in the Pacific Northwest, but the long-term impact is difficult to assess. Sim­ ilarly, burning can markedly' alter the makeup of soil microor­ ganisms (Neal et al. 1965, Perry and Rose 1983) and can affect iron nutrition of and induce chlorosis in Douglas-fir (Perry and Rose 1983, Radwan and Kraft, unpublished data on file at the Forestry Sciences Laboratory, Olympia, Washington); but ef­ fects of such changes on long-term soil fertility are still un­ known. Clearly, the literature shows that effects of burning are nu­ merous and variable; they depend on fire intensity and on char­ acteristics of the ecosystem, such as properties of soil and slash. In a recent, long-term study in the Oregon Cascades, Kraemer and Hermann (1979) concluded that broadcast burn­ ing did not have a lasting effect on physical and chemical prop­ erties of soil. Whether this applies to other sites in the Pacific Northwest is not known. Indeed, knowledge of fire effects re­ mains very incomplete (Wells et al. 1979). In addition, infor­ mation on where and when slash burning is really needed is still lacking . Other Treatments. Mechanical site preparation procedures include piling and windrowing of slash, as well as various scarification treatments. These methods are used mainly (1) to facilitate planting or burning and (2) to improve nutrient avail­ ability by providing better conditions for root growth, making fertile soil layers m re easily accessible to roots of newly planted seedlings, speeding up decomposition of organic mat­ ter, and reducing competition from weeds for moisture and nu­ trients. Piling and windrowing of slash may have serious effects on site nutrient conditions by displacing forest floor and top min­ erai soil along with their nutrients and by increasing loss of nutrients resulting from an increase in fire intensity. The equipment used in piling may also increase soil compaction. This, in turn, may restrict root extension by young trees and limit their ability to absorb nutrients needed for maximum growth. Other aspects of the effects of soil compaction are dis­ cussed elsewhere in this volume. Studies of other mechanical methods of site preparation in the Pacific Northwest have not usually measured improve­ ments in nutrient availability directly; they have recorded ef­ fects on seedling survival and growth and, at best, reported seedling nutrient concentrations. Also, these studies have not generally included investigations of nutrient input and loss to the site, such as by N2-fixation, leaching, runoff, and denitrifi­ cation, or effects on site nutrition beyond the establishment phase. Use of herbicide treatments for site preparation in the Pacific Northwest is extensive. Aside from assessing treatment effica- Nutrition 183 ·cies, however, herbicide studies have not provided information :)n nutritional aspects, and most were concerned with herbicide persistence in the soil and pollution of streams (Newton 1977). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS The foregoing review shows the extent of and gaps in knowledge of the nutrition of Douglas-fir and the conse­ quences of important management practices. The review also affords us the opportunity to point out inadequacies in some present nutritional concepts and methodologies, and to suggest important research areas to increase forest productivity. Basic nutritional information now available for Douglas-fir is inadequate, and corrective measures must be taken if maxi­ mum production is to be achieved. First, we need to know more about the nutritional requirements of the species at differ­ ent stages of development, and particularly with regard to ni­ trogen, sulfur, phosphorus, and the micronutrients. Second, there is much to learn about nutrient interactions, especially when synthetic fertilizers are applied. For example, why and how nitrogen plus phosphorus can result in less growth re­ sponse than phosphorus alone. Third, the role of the forest floor in supplying nutrients, especially nitrogen and phos­ phorus, to newly planted seedlings and later to established trees needs to be recognized and emphasized. In this connec­ tion, we should find out whether Douglas-fir, as some suspect, can utilize organic forms of some nutrients. Fourth, critical values of nutrients other than nitrogen, as well as optimum nu­ . trient proportions (Ingestad 1979), need to be established. Not only do we need to know these values in foliage, but we also need to learn if other more accessible tissues are as good as or better than needles in providing such information. Fifth, inter­ action of nutrients with environmental factors, such as water, light, and temperature, at optimum and stress levels, need to . be studied with regard to growth performance, nutrient re­ quirements, and critical nutrient values. At present, work in nutrition of Douglas-fir in the Pacific Northwest is very limited. Also, plant physiologists and biochemists generally play a small role. Yet the literature con­ tains much plant and soil analytical data. Analyses are usually done by commercial laboratories using whatever methods hap­ pen to be available, and data rarely include nutrients such as sulfur and the micronutrients, which require difficult or expen­ sive methods. Clearly, such research is unlikely to solve prob­ lems or add meaningful information to our knowledge. In­ stead, more profitable areas of research should be explored. These include: (1) determination of the best times and methods for sampling plants and soils for analysis, (2). assessment of novel diagnostic techniques to determine nutrient status of plants and soils, (3) study of the mechanisms and controlling factors responsible for different growth patterns, and (4) evalu­ 184 Radwan and Brix ation of methods to increase efficiency of nutrient utilization. In nutritional analyses of plant tissues, we also suggest to in­ clude, as a minimum, all the mineral macronutrients, and to report the nutdent content in addition to concentration when­ ever possible to avoid artifacts caused by dilution by growth. There is no doubt that all management practices affect the nutrient status, and thus productivity, of any Douglas-fir eco­ system. Harvesting and site preparation techniques can cause the loss or displacement of nutrients, and arguments for and against their use have been made by others. Whole-tree har­ vesting, one of the more potentially harmful practices, is not used in the Pacific Northwest, although whole-tree yarding is practiced to some extent. In addition, with prudent applica­ tions, most site preparation methods are likely to adversely af­ fect only small areas. To be on the safe side, however, it is suggested that harvesting continue to be limited to the bole only until nutritional impacts are further clarified, or unless the forest manager has considered the economic consequences of nutrient replacement. The authors also urge careful evaluation of the necessity to use any site preparation treatment before it is actually carried out, and doubt very much that all the slash burning done is really needed. Today, no-till planting is widely practiced in agriculture, and forest managers might well adopt a similar strategy of minimum site preparation whenever possi­ ble. This will ensure leaving the litter layer and top soil in place and help preserve site fertility. Losses of nitrogen during harvesting or slash burning may be detrimental to growth of Douglas-fir in succeeding rotations (e.g., Bigger and Cole 1983) in spite of natural inputs from precipitation and by N2-fixation. Application of synthetic ni- . trogen fertilizer or use of Nrfixing plants (Haines and DeBell 1979) can correct such negative impacts. Alder is the most of­ ten mentioned N2-fixer; it is recommended either in mixture Qf in rotation with Douglas-fir. In using alder, however, we must recognize that the species has its own nutritional requirements for growth and development, and that the trees accumulate many nutrients in the wood to be harvested. Additions of nitro­ gen to the site by alder, therefore, would not be significant un­ less the site has sufficient amounts of nutrients other than nitro­ gen to meet the trees' own requirements for healthy growth. It should be evident, therefore, that benefits to Douglas-fir from alder may be limited to sites where the latter species grows well naturally. In the authors' experience, such sites are those that are sufficient in all nutrients except nitrogen. To evaluate short- and long-term consequences of silvicul­ tural treatments, we must know their effects on nutrient cy­ cling and availability. Our knowledge of the complex biologi­ cal, physical, and chemical processes involved in nutrition is scattered and meager. Simulation modeling, however, may eventually assist us in using present and future knowledge to the fullest (Soilins et al. 1983). Some models, now available, incorporate effects of management alternatives such as rotation length, harvest intensity, and fertilizer regimes on nutrient cy­ cling and availability, and consequences for tree growth. Nota­ ble examples of these models are FORCYTE (Feller et al. 1983, Kimmins and Scoullar 1983) and FORTNITE (Aber and Melillo 1982). With more basic information and further de­ velopment, these or other models should be of great assistance to forest managers. Similarly, there are now only very prelimi­ nary interpretations dealing with nutritional problems in rela­ tion to harvesting and site preparation techniques. When suffi­ cient knowledge concerning the impacts of these practices becomes available, guidelines and land classification systems . may be further developed to aid in management decisions. During the past two decades, recognition of nutrition as an important factor affecting forest production has significantly increased. More recently, overviews concerning the effects of forest management practices on site productivity, and percep­ tions of the means for nutrient management and conservation, have been published (e.g., Stone 1979, Ballard 1980, Bengt­ son 1981, DeBell 1981). As with other tree species, prospects for better management of Douglas-fir in the Pacific Northwest hinge on the success of innovative research that biological sci­ entists will be able to do in the near future. 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