Reproduced by USDA Forest Service for official use. 844 Effects of irrigation, pulp mill sludge, and repeated coppicing on growth and yield of black cottonwood and red alder' CONSTANCE A. HARRINGTON2 AND DEAN S. DEBELL Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Forestry Sciences Laboratory, 3625 - 9Jd Avenue SW, Olympia, WA, U.S.A. 98502 Received December 20, 1983' Accepted July 18, 1984 -o Q) HARRINGTON, C. A., and D. S. DEBELL. 1984. Effects of irrigation. pulp rnill sludge, and repeated coppicing on growth and Q) c Q) ro, E: Q)' u: I.c . > 0 ro ..c:: (/) I....., u Q) E' Growth and yield of black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa Torr. and Gray) and red alder (Alnus mbra Bong.) were measured at four successive 2-ycar coppice harvests. Three levels of Jmendcd pulp mill sludge (450, 225, and 0 t·ha-1) were applied before planting, and one-half of the plots were irrigated during tht• 2-year establishnu:.nt period prior to the first coppice cycle. Yields of black cottonwood were generally much higher th;m yields of red alder; moxnnum ovendry yields obtained were 13.8 t ha -I· year .. 1 for black cottonwood and 7. I t·ha 1 ·year -I for red alder. The species differed in their responses to treatment. Growth and yield of black cottonwood was increased by the initial sludge applications, but the reverse was true for red alder. The initial irrigation treatment had carryover effects on the yields of st bsequcnt growth cycles for both species. For all treatments, the greatest yields were usually obtained at the first or second coppice harvc:.t. On the average, red alder yields declined substantially between the third and fotu1h harvests; black cottonwood yields were generally more consistent between these two harvests. Both species sprouted after all four harvests; however, rootstock mortality generally increased with each harvest. Mortality was mu<:h higher for red alder than for black cottonwood; after four coppice harvests. mort11lity on red alder treatments averaged 55-79%. Average mortality on black cottonwood treatments ranged from 12 to 38%. The management implications of the results are discussed. 0 > ....., Q)· ..0 ..0 HARRINGTON, C. A., et D. S. Dr-.BELL. 1984. Effects of irrigation, pulp mill luJgc, anJ rern atcJ ..:oppicing on growth and c: 0 •p ro ....., II- .S:! ::0 :::l Q.. "'0 Q) ""'"' c ;:: 0.. Q) ..c:: · yield of black cottonwood and red alder. Can. J. For. Res. 14: 844--849 . u 0 u c Q) Q) ..0 Q) > ro • ..c:: I..9:! ..., b.O ro .€ :::l (/) <( "'0 Q) ""'"' ro Q) .... u (/) (/) ..c:: £ ""'"' "'0 Q) y:: p c Q) · . E Q) E 0 ro :'Q (/) 3: (/) .._ c Q) Q) ro > i;: u Q) (/) . 3: . ..c:: 0 - ..c:: 1- yield of black cottonwood and red alder. Can. J. For. Res. 14: 844-R49. La croissance et Ia production ligneuse du peuplier baumier de I'Ouest (Populus trichocarpa Torr. and Gray) et de l'aulne de !'Oregon (Alm1s ruhra Bong.) furent mesurcs au moment de quatre rccoltes successivcs espacees de 2 ans. Trois niveaux de boues provenant d'usines de pate de bois, aux taux de 450, 225 ct 0 t ha 1, furcnt appliques avant Ia mise en terre, tandis qu'une moitie de chaque place d'etude etait irriguee durant Ia phase d'etablis crnent de 2 ans qui prcceda Ia premiere rotation du taillis. La production ligneuse du peuplier fut en general bien superieure a celle de l'aulne: le premier produisit au maximum 13,8 t ha -I· an -I (poids sec), Ia production du second etant de 7, I t ha- 1 ·an· 1• Les reactions au traitement furent egalcment differentes chez l'une et !'autre espece. Ainsi, Ia croissance et Ia production ont augmente chez le peuplier suite aux applications de boues, alors que It; contrairc s'est produit chez l'aulne. Chez les deux essences, !'irrigation initialc a affecte Ia production durant lcs rotations subsequentes. En general, quelque soit le traitement, Ia plus for1e production est survcnue au moment de Ia premiere ou deuxieme rccolte. En moyenne, Ia production de l'aulne fut substantiellement reduite entre Ia troisieme et Ia quatricme recolte; celle du peuplier demeura plus stable entre ces deux memes rccoltes. Les deux essences ont forme des rejets aprcs chaque recolte: toutefois, Ia mortalite des systemes racinaires a eu tendance a s'accentuer avec chaque recolte successive. La mortalite fut Ia plus elevee avec l'aulne: elle a atteint 55-79% au bout de quatre recoltes. Chez le peuplier, elle varia en moyenne de 12 a 38% suivant les traitements. Les implications de ces resultats sont discutes dans une perspective d'amenagement. [Traduit par le journal] · · · Introduction Black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa Torr. anu Gray) and red alder (Alnus rubra Bong.) are the two native tree species in the Pacitic Northwest that appear to be the most promising candidates ·for short-rotation intensive culture. Both species have rapid juvenile growth and high prouuctivity, and can be coppiced on short rotations. Short-rotation plantations are of nterest to some pulp and paper manufacturers as a possible way to increase the availability of raw material close to the mills. Many pulp mills are also faced with waste disposal problems. Using the same land to grow short-rotation fiber : crops and to dispose of mill wastes may be a viable alternative under some circumstances. In addition, short-rotation intensive culture of hardwood plantations is being evaluated for its appli­ cability in pmducing wood for energy. This paper documents the growth and yield of an experi­ 1 This article was written and prepared by United States Government employees on official time, and it is therefore in the public domain. 2Current addre·ss: Southern Forest Experiment Station, Box 3516, Monticello. AR, U.S.A. 71655. 3 Revised mapuscript received July 4, 1984. mental biomass planting of black cottonwood and red alder established in 1973 along the Columbia River in southern Washington. The study was designed to compare the two spe­ cies and to evaluate the effects of amended pulp and paper mill sludge, irrigation, and repeated harvest on each species. Results from four consecutive coppice harvests are presented and discussed. An earlier report (Harrington et al. 1979) presented results of the establishment period, initial (non­ coppice) harvest, and the first two coppice harvests. This report presents the results of four coppice harvests and expands the analyses and discussion of the earlier report. Materials and methods Location and site The study area was located on Lady Island in the lower Columbia River near Camas, Washington. The area is flat with an elevation of approximately 5 m. Annual precipitation averages 1000 mm with 80% falling from October I through March 31, primarily as rain. Mean annual temperature is 11.4°C; the average number of frost-free days is 225. Soil is a silty clay loam of alluvial origin. (Alluvial deposits in this area have not yet been mapped by soil series.) Native vegetation on the island includes black cottonwood, willow (Salix sp.), teasel HARRINGTON AND DEBELL TABLE I. Distribution of plots by treatment TABLE 2. Mean height of the tallest stem per plant by species, coppice harvest, and treatment ======= - -- No. of plots Treatment Black cottonwood Treatment 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Total no. by species 12 12 •Amended pulpmill sluage. (Dipsacus sy/vestris Huds.), Canadian thistle (Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop.), stinging nettle ( Urtica dioica var. lyallii (Wats.) Hitchc.), and several other herbaceous and grassy species. Red alder apparently does not occur naturally on the island but is common in the general area. Trees in the immediate vicinity were removed for a powerline right-of-way several years prior to the establishment of the study. In the spring of 1972 the area was rototilled; developing herbaceous vegetation was sprayed with amitrole in early fall. In early 1973, 24 6 x 6 m plots were established. Plots were separated by 2 m wide unplanted strips. The treatments were species (black cottonwood and red alder), level of pulp and paper mill sludge (0, 225, and 450 ovendry t ha ··I ) , and level of irrigation (none and irrigated). There were two replications of each treatment (Table I); treatment assign­ ment to the plots was random. Each plot consisted of five rows of nine trees. Trees within a row were planted at 0.6-m intervals with rows 1.2 m apart. Red alder seedlings and black cottonwood cuttings were planted in March 1973. The alder seed and cottonwood cuttings were collected in natural stands located within 30 km of the study area. Collections were made " from severa! plants per species; thus, the planting material used was not clonal. At the time of planting, the container-grown alder seed­ lings were 15-25 em tall and about 6 months old. Cottonwood cuttings were 60 em long and planted to a 40 em depth. Initial survival of the alder was excellent, but mortality of cottonwood was high during the I st year in most of the sludge-treated plots. All the cotton­ wood cuttings (dead or alive) were replaced in February 1974 with new cuttings. Weed vegetation in the plots was hoed and mowed during the first two growing seasons. The buffer strips between the plots were mowed for the first 4 years. The sludge used in this study came from a Crown Zellerbach pulp and paper mill at Camas, Washington. It was composed primarily (80%) of short wood fibers that had fallen through paper machine screens. The other 20% included soil material brought into the mill with logs, and various additives (e.g., aluminum sulfate, resins, and clays) used in the pulping and papermaking processes. Previous work (Aspitarte et al. 1973) had shown that the sludge had a carbon­ nitrogen (C; N) ratio of more than 200: I and had evaluated the growth of agricultural crops under three sludge treatments (450, 900 , and 1350 ovendry t ha -I , each modified by additions of N fertilizer to C:N ratios of 10: I, 50: I. and 100: I. The best 1st-year growth of crops receiving sludge treatment was obtained in the 450 t·ha ·I treat­ ment with a C:N ratio of 100: I. Thus, nitrogen fertilizer was applied to the 225 and 450 t · ha -I sludge-treated plots in amounts sufficient to reduce the C:N ratio to 100: I (1450 kg N/ha in low-sludge plots, and 2900 kg N/ha in high-sludge plots). In addition, fertilizers con­ taining 50 kg P/ha and 100 kg of K/ha were applied to low-sludge plots and 100 kg P/ha and 200 kg K/ha to high-sludge plots. Plots without sludge were fertilized with the equivalent of 170, I00, and 200 kg/ha of N, P, and K, respectively. Sludge and fertilizers were · · Height (m) Red alder Nonirrigated plots No sludge* 225 t · ha- 1 sludge 450 t·ha- 1 sludge Irrigated plots No sludge 225 t·ha 1 sludge 450 t·ha - 1 sludge Plot establishment and mailllenance 845 Irrigation No No No Yes Yes Yes Black cottonwood coppice harvest Sludge (t·ha-1) I* 2 3 4 0 225 450 0 225 450 3.3 4.5 4.7 4.4 4.6 5.0 4.3 4.7 4.3 4.8 4.2 5.0 4.3 4.8 4.4 4.7 4.3 5.0 4.1 4.3 3.5 4.2 3.7 4.3 Red alder coppice harvest 3.8 3.7 3.1 3.6 3.7 3.7 •coppice material was harvested at 2-year intervals beginning in 2 3 4 3.8 3.6 3.2 3.8 3.3 3.2 4.1 3.9 3.9 4.4 3.6 3.8 3.8 3.4 3.0 3.4 3.2 3.3 1976. TABLE 3. Mean diameter of the tallest stem per plant by species, coppice harvest, and treatment Diameter (em) Treatment Irrigation No No No Yes Yes Yes Black cottonwood coppice harvest Sludge (t·ha -I ) I* 2 3 4 0 225 450 0 225 450 3.0 3.8 4.0 3.7 4.3 4.1 3.1 3.3 3.1 3.4 3.2 3.4 2.7 3.2 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 2.5 2.7 3.4 2.8 2.6 2.6 Red alder coppice harvest 2.9 3.1 2.5 2.8 2.8 3.1 *Coppice material was harvested at 2-year intervals beginning in 2 3 4 2.7 3.0 2.4 2.9 2.6 2.4 2.9 2.8 3.1 3.2 3.2 3.0 2.9 2.7 2.2 2.8 2.8 2.6 1976. rototilled into the soil prior to planting. No additional sludge or fertil­ izer was applied in subsequent years. Half of the plots at each sludge level were irrigated. The water used for irrigation came from a small pond adjacent to the study area; because the study area is on an island in the Columbia River, the irrigation water would be similar in most characteristics to river water. Plots receiving the irrigation treatment were watered three to four times per week during the first two growing seasons. Water was applied using overhead sprinklers. None of the plots were irrigated after the first 2 years. Coppice growth was established by cutting all plants 15 em above the ground in March 1975. Two-year-old coppice or sprout growth was harvested in late winter following the 1976, 1978, 1980, and 1982 growing seasons (hereafter referred to as the first, second, third, and fourth coppice harvests). All cutting was done at the same or slightly higher height as the original cutin 1975. Growth and yield measurements and analyses The outside row on each side of each plot was used as a buffer strip and just the 21 interior plants on each plot were measured at each harvest. Height and diameter of the tallest sprout and the number of sprouts greater and less than I em in diameter were tallied for each plant. Diameter was measured 10 em above the level of sprout origin. The measured plants were then cut, bundled, and weighed to deter­ mine green yields by plot. At each harvest, subsamples of fresh material from both species were uried to constant weight at 65°C to determine the ratio between green and ovendry yields. Two-year green yields per plot were then converted to mean annual ovendry yields per hectare. Yields were expressed on a per hectare basis to facilitate comparisons with yields from other studies; caution is recommended, however, in extrapolating from yield figures based on small plots with narrow buffer strips to yields obtainable from large-scale plantings. CAN. J. FOR. RES. VOL. R46 TABLE 4. Mean number of sprouts greater than I em in diameter, by species, coppice harvest, and treatment 14. 1984 TABLE 5. Ovendry yield by species, coppice harvest, and treatment (harvests were at 2-year intervals) No. of sprouts per plant Black cottonwood Treatment Irrigation No No No Yes Yes Yes I* 2 3 4 0 225 450 0 225 450 1.4 1.5 1.8 1.6 1.8 1.8 3.6 2.9 5.0 3.4 3.8 4.9 3.5 4.9 5.4 6.5 6.3 6.4 7.8 6.9 8.6 tCoppicc material 3.4 was haptc\.lc<i' at 5.6 4.4 • Treatmen t Red alder coppice harvest coppice harvest Sludge (t·ha ·I) Ovendry yield (I·ha -I year-1) 1.8 1.9 1.0 2.2 2.0 2.4 2 3 4 4.7 4.4 4.1 4.9 4.6 3.7 3.9 5.1 5.8 5.1 6.3 4.3 2.6 3.0 3.8 5.5 3.4 3.4 2-year inlervals begmning in llJ76. Sludge Irrigation (t· ha- 1 ) No No No Yes Yes 0 225 450 0 225 450 Yes •coppice malerial was Black cottonwood coppice harvest I* 5.7 8.4 10.8 8.6 9.8 13.8 Red alder coppice harvest 2 3 4 9.9 6.6 5.7 6.1 7.6 6.0 7.9 7.8 5.8 6.7 7.4 5.7 5.3 4.2 6.4 6.2 7.2 5.1 6.1 3.8 4.8 2.7 3.2 9.6 9.6 13.0 10.4 12.1 3 4 7.1 6.6 5.2 4.2 6.2 5.1 3.8 6.9 4.3 3.5 2.3 2 4.0 2.9 2.0 harvc,lcd at l.-year intervals beginning in 1976. TABLE 6. Significance ofF values for the treatment sources of variation, by variable and harvest Sources of variation Species X Variable Height of the tallest sprout per plant Diameter of the tallest sprout per plant Number of sprouts per plant greater than l cm Yield per plot Coppice harvest I 2 3 4 2 3 4 Species Species Sludge sludge X X X X Species Irrigation Sludge irrigation sludge irrigation irrigation 0.001 0.001 0.008 0.017 0.027 0.422 0.521 0.956 0.069 0.200 0.822 0.460 0.184 0.199 0.804 0.705 0.004 0.122 0.366 0.906 0.261 0.023 0.177 0.282 0.101 0.366 0.549 0.720 0.001 0.001 0.240 0.515 0.094 0.351 0.115 0.749 0.079 0.164 0.191 0.836 0.238 0.398 0.680 0.368 0.099 0.253 0.641 0.174 0.935 0.136 0.H80 0.694 0.149 0.861 0.209 0.129 0.242 0.985 0.372 0.109 0.578 0.253 0.848 0.662 0.136 0.465 0.200 0.589 0.382 0.602 0.422 0.189 0.581 0.276 0.127 0.372 0.413 0.002 0.080 0.042 0.294 0.054 0.044 0.466 0.824 0.001 0.553 0.249 0.518 0.174 0.491 0.844 0.744 0.962 0.952 0.802 0.958 I 2 3 4 0.117 0.006 0.053 0.225 0.262 0.650 I 2 3 4 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.213 0.466 0.991 0.148 The data collected at each harvest were analyzed using three-way and did not appear to be related to sludge or irrigation. Height analysis of variance (SPSS Manova program; Hull and Nie 1981 ) ; the analyses were done separately for each harvest. Treatment effects were considered significant at p :s 0.10. of both species in all treatments was substantially less at the fourth harvest than at the third harvest, and height at the fourth Results and discussion general pattern as height (Tables 3 and 6). The similarity in response of diameter and height to treatment was not Height of the tallest sprout per plant differed between species and was intluenced by the initial applications of sludge or irrigation (Tables 2 and 6). Cottonwood sprouts were signifi­ cantly taller than alder sprouts at all harvests. Irrigation signifi­ cantly increased height at the first coppice harvest. In addition, the effects of sludge and the species-sludge interaction were significant at the first harvest when sludge increased the height of cottonwood plants and either decreased or had no effect on the height of alder plants. The sludge-· irrigation interaction was significant at the second harvest. Most of the alder plants had their maximum height at the third harvest, but the harvest at which cottonwood treatments had their greatest height varied harvest was generally the lowest of any harvest. Diameter of the tallest sprout per plant followed the same unexpected as height and diameter are correlated. There were significant differences in diameter between the two species at the first two harvests with cottonwood plants larger than alder. Effects of irrigation and sludge were significant only at the first harvest. The species-sludge interaction was significant at the first harvest: cottonwood diameters were increased by sludge and alder diameters were unaffected. In the cottonwood plots, diameter was usually greatest at the first harvest and decreased with each successive harvest. In the alder plots without sludge; diameter varied little among harvests. Alder plots with sludga did not exhibit a consistent trend of increasing or decreasing HARRINGTON AND DEBELL · Fro. I. Stump morphology at the time of the fourth coppice harvest. (A) Black cottonwood. (B) Red alder. 847 848 CAN. J. FOR. RES. VOL. 14, 19&4 TABLE 7. Mortality by species, Black co!!onwood (no. dead) T rea tment Cumulative mortality (1974-1982) Sludge Irrigation (t ha ' ) No No No · 0 225 450 0 225 450 Yes Yes Yes 1979 1980 1981 1982 (%) I 0 4 11.9 I I I 5 35.7 35.7 I 4 2 2 0 2 4 4 2 8 5 0 1974 1975-1976 1977-1978 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 I 6 5 I I 2 28.6 26.2 38.1 diameter with harvest number; however, the alder sludge plots between the third and fourth harvests. Alder plots with sludge had more variable mean diameters than alder plots without · sludge. have generally had declining yields; alder plots without sludge, however, had increasing or stable yields for the first three At the first coppice harvest, the alder and cottonwood stumps harvests. At the fourth harvest, yields on most alder piots were looked quite similar. Both species sprouted along the stem, although cottonwood sprouts tended to originate higher on the stump than did alder sprouts. At the first harvest the mean number of sprouts greater than I em in diameter was similar for the two species and was significantly higher on irrigated than ern Mortality was minor the first few years but began increasing 1976 h rvest (Table 7). Some of the mortality from 1976 to 1979 appeared to be related to sludge, especially on the after the alder plots treated with sludge. Most of the alder mortality 6). The number of small occurred when stumps did not resprout following harvest (i.e., in diameter) averaged I 3. 3 per odd-numbered years). Mortality of cottonwood, however, was on nonitTigated plots (Tables 4 and sprouts per plant (less than I markedly reduced. plant and was not significantly affected by treatment. At each succeeding harvest, the differences in stump appear­ fairly evenly divided between stumps that did not resprout following harvest and stumps that sprouted but later died. Mor­ ance between the two species became more pronounced. Black tality was generally greater on plots that included sludge appli­ cottonwood coppice always originated in new wood (i.e., cations. For cottonwood the greatest cumulative mortality was toward the base of the sprouts from the previous coppice cycle): in the plots that had the highest yields; thus, this mortality may this caused the stumps to develop an inverted-pyramid shape have been related primarily to competition. Anderson ( 1979) with a fairly narrow stump at ground level and an increasingly found that rootstock mortality increased with planting density wider cross-sectional area at the height of the harvest cuts (i.e., in hybrid poplar coppices and, therefore, also suggested that at 15 em, see Fig. lA). At the fourth harvest, cottonwood competition was involved. The reasons for the apparent associ­ ation between mortality of red alder and the sludge treatment stumps had an average of 7. I sprouts that were greater than I em and 4. 1 sprouts less than I em. Red alder sprouts, in are unknown; it was not competition related, however, as the contrast, originated in old wood, predominantly at or near the highest mortality was associated with the treatments having the root collar. The alder stumps therefore had a greater cross­ lowest yields. In fact. the high mortality on alder plots with sectional area at ground line than the cottonwood stumps, but sludge treatments was probably a major factor in the steadily declining decreased substantially. Mortality was often clumped leaving change much in size with succeeding harvests. At the fourth portions of the aboveground growing space unutilized. harvest, alder plants averaged 4.8 large sprouts and 2.0 small sprouts per stump. The differences in sprout numbers between species were significant at this last harvest. Effects of treatments on ovendry yield were more clearly yields. Once mortality exceeded yields a much smaller cross-sectional area at the height where the sprouts were harvested (Fig. I B). The alder stumps did not 50%, Implications This study has demonstrated that it is possible to grow trees on land also used for disposal of pulp and paper mill sludge. defined thim on any other measured plant variable (Tables 5 Initial survival of black cottonwood on sludge-treated plots was 6). The two species had significantly different yields at all poor, however, perhaps indicating this combination of primary and harvests. Sludge effects were significant at the first three har­ sludge and fertilizer should he aged or weathered before vests and the species-sludge interaction was significant at the planting. Once they were established, black cottonwood plant first harvest. Irrigation was significant only at the first harvest; had increased growth with initial sludge-fertilizer applica· the species-in·igation interaction was significant at the first tions. Early survival of red alder was not affected by the sludge and second harvests. In general, cottonwood yields were higher treatments but growth was reduced. Sludge from most pulp and than those of alder, and irrigation and sludge increased yields paper mills is now processed differently and has a much lower have declined over time; cottonwood yields on the no- and C: N ratio; thus, large amounts of N fertilizer are not con­ were to he used for sludge Jisposal in the future, black cottonwood should cer· tainly be considered a candidate species. In this study, black low-sludge treatments were greatest at the second harvest. cottonwood clearly demonstrated its ability to produce high Anderson ( 1979) also reported short-rotation .yields to be yields in association with sludge application and to vigorously of black cottonwood. Sludge decreased alder yields at all har­ vests, and effects of irrigation were minor. Cottonwood yields on high-sludge treatments were greatest at the first harve ;t and sidered necessary. If this or similar sites greatest at the .first or second harvest and to decline over time. resprout following repeated short growing cycles. Within a treatment, cottonwood yields did not vary much testing of red alder on other sites and with other treatments Future HARRINGTON AND DEBELL 849 treatment, and growing season Red alder (no. dead) 1973-1974 1975-1976 1977-1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 Cumulative mortality ( 1973-1982) (%) 0 I 2 5 0 0 0 0 I I 4 5 7 II 5 3 9 6 8 19 13 9 15 14 2 0 2 0 0 7 3 3 2 3 I I 0 0 4 2 0 5 54.8 78.6 71.4 59.5 76.2 71.4 should be done, however, as the relative performance of the two species is site specific. Further work with other cotton­ wood sludge treatments appears warranted as the black cotton­ wood yields obtained on sludge plots at the first two harvests (8 .4- 13.8 t ha -I year-1) were higher than those that have been reported by researchers testing other treatment combina­ tions (Heilman et al. 1972; Heilman and Peabody 1981). Irrigation during the first two summers had surprisingly long-lasting effects on plot yields, especially on the cotton­ wood plots. Growth during the establishment period was significantly greater for both cottonwood and alder (Harrington et al. 1979). At the first coppice harvest, irrigation was highly significant in its effects on yield of both species. Irrigation was still significant in its effects on cottonwood yield at the second coppice harvest. Later cottonwood harvests still had greater yields on formerly irrigated plots, but the differences were no longer statistically significant. The long-lasting effects of irri­ gation during establishment warrant further research. If similar carryover effects are found on other sites, they could influence the profitability of irrigation, especially irrigation during the establishment period. In addition, the effects of continuing irrigation beyond the establishment period need to be evaluated. The short coppice cycle of 2 years used in this study was selected to ensure that plants did not grow close to overhead power lines. This study has demonstrated that repeated 2-year cycles are possible and there may be other specialized situ­ ations when short cycles would be useful. Even with a 2-year coppice cycle, our 0.6 x 1.2 m planting density was probably greater than necessary to achieve full site occupancy. Yields from the third harvest for alder plots without sludge were equal to or better than yields in the first harvest, despite the fact that mortality had progressed from 5 to 40%. As well, there wasn't a strong relationship between mortality and yield of black cot­ tonwood. We therefore suspect that the initial planting density of both species could have been reduced substantially (i.e., as much as 50%) without markedly affecting yields. Certainly, wider spacings would be more appropriate for longer rotations. The use of both longer rotations and lower planting densities could result in equal or greater yields being obtained with lower establishment costs. In general, short-rotation intensive culture research has focused on short coppice cycles (5 years or less). If such systems are to be implemented on a broad scale in the Pacific Northwest, however, we suspect lower planting densi­ ties with longer rotations (10-15 years) will be adopted. · • Longer cycles might be more productive for both species (c.f. Heilman and Peabody 1981; Zavitkovski et al. 1979). In addi­ tion, material harvested after longer rotations would not require the specialized equipment necessary for efficient harvesting of small-diameter material. This would allow use of a wider range of terrain. Acknowledgements This study was established while one of the authors (D. S. DeBell) was employed by Crown Zellerbach Corporation, Camas, Washington. Several Crown Zellerbach employees from Central Research Division at Camas and Forestry Research, Wilsonville, Oregon, helped in study establishment and measurement; their assistance is gratefully acknowledged. This work was supported, in part, by an Interagency Agree­ ment with the United States Department of Energy. We thank James Wilcox, Forestry Sciences Laboratory, Olympia, Washington, for his assistance and patience in data analysis. ANDERSON, H. W. 1979. Time-related variation in the performance of a hybrid cottonwood minirotation as intluenced by spacing and rotation length. In Annual Meeting North American Poplar Council. Thompsonville, Michigan, August, 1979. pp. 35-45. ASPITARTE, T. R., A. S. ROSENFELD, B. C. SMALE, and H. R. AMBERG. 1973. Methods for pulp and paper mill sludge utilization and disposal. A report on Project 12040 ESV. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research Monitoring, Washington, D.C. HARRINGTON, C. A., D. S. DEBELL, and R. F. STRAND. 1979. An experiment in biomass production: results from three consecutive harvests of cottonwood and alder. In Proceedings of Solar '79 Northwest. August 1979. Seattle City Light, Seattle, Washington. pp. 363-366. HEILMAN, P., and D. V. PEABODY, JR. 1981. Effect of harvest cycle and spacing on productivity of black cottonwood in intensive cul­ ture. Can. J. For. Res. 11: 118-123. HEILMAN, P. E., D. V. PEABODY, JR., D. S. DEBELL, and R. F. STRAND. 1972. A test of close-spaced, short-rotation culture of black cottonwood. Can. J. For. Res. 2: 456-459. HULL, C. H., and N. H. NIE. 1981. SPSS update 7-9. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York. ZAVITKOVSKI, J., E. A. HANSEN, and H. A. McNELL. 1979. Nitrogen-fixing species in short rotation systems for fiber and energy production. In Symbiotic nitrogen fixation in the manage­ ment of temperate forests. Edited by J. C. Gordon, G. T. Wheeler, and D. A. Perry. Forestry Research Laboratory, Oregon State Uni­ versity, Corvallis. pp. 388-402.