Purchased by USDA Forest Service for Official Use VoL 30. No.1. 1984. pp. 117-124 Copyright 1984. by the Society of American Foresters Form Sci•• Young Stand Development in Coastal Western Hemlock as Influenced by Three Harvesting Regimes LARRY L. JAECK CHADWICK DEARING OUVER DEAN S. DEBEll ABSTRAcr. Growth patterns of naturally regenerated western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla [Raf.l Sarg.) were studied by stem analysis following partial cutting of a dense, second-growth stand on the Washington coast. Three partial cutting densities comparable to thinning, shelterwood cutting, and seed-tree cutting were established when the stand was 60 years old; final overstory removal occurred 8 years after the initial cut (and 4 years after an intermediate cut) in all treatments. ' Stocking resulting from each treatment was similar and excessive, and ranged from 12,400 to 212,500 stems per hectare. It consisted predominantly of trees established between the initial and final cuts. Eight years after the final harvest cut, heights, ages, and diameters of dominants in the regenerated stand were greatest in the light (most open) treatment; trees were shorter, younger, and smaller in diameter with progressively denser overstory treatments. Although rather dife f rent in present appearance, the young stands followed similar patterns of canopy differentiation, dom­ inant height growth, and dominance assertion after the final overstory removal. The dominant stems consistently asserted themselves over other stems after 2 meters height. FOREST SCI, 30: 117-124. ADDITIONAL KEY WORDS. Tsuga helerophy/la. stand dife f rentiation, natural regeneration, shel­ terwood, advance regeneration. INCREASED TIMBER VALUES and recognition of the species' volume growth potential have stimulated interest in western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla [Raf.l Sarg.) management (e.g., Atkinson and Zasoski 1976). Several major forest owners now intentionally regenerate the species on cutover lands. Regeneration options may range from clearcutting with advance regeneration, natural reseeding, or planting to varying degrees of partial cutting to stimulate reproduction prior to a subsequent final harvest. To choose wisely among the options, foresters must know how different har­ vesting methods affect establishment and development of young hemlock stands. In particular, information is needed on stocking, height and diameter growth rates, and patterns of canopy differentiation and dominance development in ju­ venile hemlock stands. Such information is also useful in developing prescriptions for precommercial thinning. I The authors are, respectively, former graduate research assistant and Associate Professor of Silvi­ culture, College of Forest Resources, University of Washington; and, Principal Silviculturist, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service, Olympia, WA 98502. This study was supported by the U.S. Forest Service through University of Washington-U.S. Forest Service Cooperative Agreement 16 U.S.C. 581, Supplement No. 131. Fieldwork was done on the Hemlock Experimental Forest, owned by St. Regis Paper Company and managed in cooperation with the U.S. Forest Service. Manuscript received 11 March 1982. VOLUME 30, NUMBER 1, 1984/117 ,f A recent study examined hemlock reproduction following a sequence of partial cuttings in a 60-year-old stand near the Washington coast (Williamson and Ruth 1976). The study was designed primarily as a test of shelterwood cutting in the coastal hemlock type; and treatments included 12 residual densities, ranging from 9 to 54 square meters of basal area per hectare. In their final assessment, 2 years after the overstory removal cut, Williamson and Ruth (1976) found that hemlock seedlings were abundant in all residual density treatments but that progressively taller trees occurred under the increasingly open overstories. The young stands reproduced in the above mentioned study were well suited for additional research on stand development as influenced by harvesting method. Conditions established in some of the residual overstory density treatments were similar to those which would be created by thinning (54 m2/ha basal area), shel­ terwood cutting (37 m2/ha basal area) and seed-tree cutting (9 m2/ha basal area). We therefore conducted a follow-up study in the three density treatments men­ tioned above to: (i) assess effects of previous overstory densities on development of the new stands and (ii) examine stand differentiation processes in juvenile hemlock stands. Stem-mapping and stem-analysis techniques were used in tracing the development patterns in the young stands which ranged in average age from 11 to 15. Our findings and their implications for hemlock management are herein presented. Study Area.-The Hemlock Experimental Forest is approximately 21 km north of Hoquiam , Washington, and is part of the coastal Picea silchensis Zone described by Franklin and Dyrness (1973). The original overstory was pure western hemlock which developed after a clearcut and fire about 1900. Rainfall is approximately 250 cm annUally. Soils are Hoquiam clay loam-moderately deep, well-drained, and acidic (pH 4.6-4.8) in the surface layer (Dimock and Herman 1963). The previously mentioned shelterwood study was conducted on the Hemlock Experimental Forest between 1960 and 1971. A 28-ha study area was subdivided into twelve compartments of about 2.4 ha each; unreplicated partial cuts to dif­ ferent residual densities were randomly assigned to each compartment. The first partial cut was made in 1960-61; the second in 1964-65; and the remaining overstory was removed in 1968-69. Experimental Methods.-Our study was conducted in three of the compartments 8 years after final overstory removal. The compartments included the extremes of light and heavy residual overstories and an intermediate cutting intensity. Stand data including number of trees and basal area per acre are in Table 1. In our paper, "light overstory" refers to a heavy partial cut similar to a seed-tree cut. The "dense overstory" left many standing trees after two preliminary cuts, similar TABLE 1. Overstory treatments leading to regeneration on the Hemlock Exper­ imental Forest. Residual overstory trees 1960-61 __...__....._ Light overstory Medium overstory Dense overstory 118 / FOREST SCIENCE Treatrr Light over Mediu: over Dense over: &Tre b Do, to co: simil relati Tw METHODS Treatment TABL remor 79 222 457 . 1964-65 treeslha _.__ 42 99 272 Residual overstory basal area 1960-61 . _........_.__.. 9 37 54 1964-65 m21ha .---'-"-" 10 17 36 grid \\ were mapJ:' condi tagge( A ste' secon projel stems Sta. from condi 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. An stern 0.1-0 locate StUl exarUl had b used partrr: analy differ: I ., TABLE 2. Characteristics o/young hemlock stands 8 years after final overstory removal. a .\. \' j Stocking ( stems 1.37 m tall) Treatment Light overstory Mean ___ Range Slemslha Age (2 tallest stems/plot) Mean ____ Range Years _ Height (2 tallest stems/plot) Mean _ Range Meters Dbh (2 tallest stems/plot) Mean ___ Range Centimeters ........ 34,595 A 12,3 60-138,380 15.1 A 13-17 8.4 A 62,7 6 6 A 12,3 60-212,515 13.6B 10-17 5.6B 4.1-7.1 4.30B 2.49-7.51 4.5C 2.8-7.1 3.08C 1.07- 6.64 6.3-11.9 7.79 A 3.17-14.68 Medium overstory Dense overstory • 51,399 A 17,300-145,795 l1.2C Treatment means followed by same capital letter 8-1 6b are not significantly different at P :5 0.05. b Does not include one 49 -year-old stem which was released by the first cutting. to commercial thinnings. The "medium overstory" was intermediate and was similar to a shelterwood cutting. Patterns of tree interactions were assessed in relation to overstory densities. Twenty-four to 26 milacre (0. 0040 ha) plots had been established on a systematic grid within a central acre of each compartment. Percent stocking, slope and aspect were recorded from 1961 until 1971. Location and type of regeneration were mapped. In 1977 a subsample of ten plots were selected to represent the range of conditions in each compartment. All stems over breast height (1.37 m) were tagged, mapped, and related to the "crown influence zone" of neighboring stems. A stem was in the influence zone of a second tree if a branch or branches of the second tree overlapped one-quarter or more of the lesser tree's horizontal crown projection at a point at or above two-thirds of the lesser tree's total height. Tagged stems were cut at the base and total tree heights recorded. Stand development patterns were determined by stem analyses of 20-30 trees from each plot. The stems were selected to fulfill one or more of the following conditions on each plot: 1. The tallest and second tallest stem. breast height of each age on the plot. 2. The tallest stem 3. Any stem 17 years old (stems beginning before the first thinning). 4. The tallest stem within the crown influence zone (defined earlier) of each of the two tallest stems/plot. 5. The shortest stem breast height within the crown influence zone of the two "dominating" (tallest or second tallest) stems/milacre. Annual height growth pattern was traced over the entire length of each selected stem using bud scars or other morphological features or by sectioning stems at 0.1-0.5 m intervals until the points of cessation of yearly height growth were located. Student'S t-tests, correlation analyses, and graphical techniques were used to examine the data. Despite lack of true replication (each partial cutting treatment had been carried out in only one compartment), analyses of variance were also used to examine the data regarding selected treatment effects. The three com­ partments were relatively uniform in site and original stand conditions, and such analyses were deemed preferable to subjective interpretations regarding apparent differences in treatment means. VOLUME 30, NUMBER 1, 1984/ 119 I . A n per Number of stems plot Light overstory No. of stems 120 100 8 Ht. em) 5 80 60 40 20 () ��������W ii B 140 en 120 E 100 4) .... 80 en 60 .... o 40 G> 20 .Q E ::r 10 Height of tallest stem Z Medium overstory No. of stems Ht. (m) 10 E 4) .... 8 en .... 6 4 ! .... o .... c 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 .J:. C) v( t1: Gi Dense overstory No. of stems Ht. em) 10 8 (e ::c d }, ST 6 o II 4 o 2 57-59 60-61 .6. Cut 1 a: e' 68-69 Cut 2 .6. Cut 3 2-year stem classes FIGURE1. Height of tallest stem and total number of living stems in 1977, averaged for 2-year stem classes (germination years) by treatment. Vertical lines in bar for height indicate standard deviation, arrows at bottom show mean times of overstory cuttings (cuttings in each case extended for 2-year periods). No new stems entered after 1971. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Young Stand Appearances. -Stocking was abundant (and probably excessive) and was not significantly related to overstory treatment (Table 2). Heights and di­ ameters of the dominant (two tallest) stems per milacre plot, however, were significantly different among the three treatments with the larger dominants oc­ curring in the lighter overstory treatments. Diameters were strongly correlated (r 0.92) with heights of dominant trees. Age of dominants also differed signif­ icantly among treatments, and age and height of dominants were correlated (r 0. 74). Thus, differences in age of dominant trees may account in part for differences in heights and diameters among treatments. Dominant trees were YQunger, shorter, and smaller in diameter with progressively denser overstory treatments. Current (1977) dominant and codominant stems generally became established after the first cut but before final overstory removal (1968-69) in all treatments (Fig. 1). Regeneration originating after final overstory removal and regeneration predating the first overstory cuttings did not contribute significantly to the de­ = = 120 I FOREST SCIENCE j r a /) i [l 1 1- I , . i Meters 10 8 ... , j1 Feet 1t FIl8l cut 30 j f .r:. C) 6 J :I: 4 I ! 'i I ., 2 ! ; j 62 64 66 68 10 12 14 76 Year FIGURE 2. Average height growth patterns of dominant stems for each overstory treatment. vel oping stands. (A single plot in the medium overstory contained nearly all of the stems established during the 1957-59 period.) Seedlings in younger age classes (established at later years) became increasingly important in both number and dominance as residual density treatments varied from light to dense overstory. Most dominant stems in the light overstory originated after the first partial over­ story cut (Fig. 1); and these stems were substantially taller than the tallest stems of other age classes. Alternatively, in the medium overstory treatment differences in heights of the tallest trees for each age class were less pronounced. In the dense overstory treatments, heights of the tallest trees were even less variable among age classes. Possible explanations for the differences in age structure of the new stands established under light and dense overstories include: n j e i s j s n 1. Low numbers of initial regeneration and high light levels under the light residual overstory may have allowed the first invading hemlocks to develop rapidly, effectively capturing the site and thereby suppressing development of seedlings germinating in subsequent years. 2. Some of the older regeneration that germinated after the initial cut under denser residual overstories may have been physiologically unable to adjust rapidly from low light levels to the high levels of light created by subsequent overstory removals (c.f. Tucker and Emmingham 1977). 3. More logging damage probably occurred to the older age classes of repro­ duction in the m edium and dense overstories, since more trees were felled and skidded in the second and final cuts. Such damage may have affected height of seedlings surviving the injury, and also may have released younger seedlings. i I Height Growth Patterns.-Heightlage curves for the two dominant trees on all plots of each treatment were constructed to determine whether the overstory treatment had altered developmental patterns of the stand (Fig. 2). Although average tree heights differed among overstory treatments at time of final cut and 8 years later, the curves appear nearly parallel after the final cut. The times required for dominant trees to grow from 4 to 5 m (heights through which dominants in all treatments passed after overstory removal) were 1.5, 1.4, and 1.3 years for the light, medium, and dense overstory treatments, respectively. Such times were not, however; significantly different among the three treatments. Thus, height growth rates of dominant trees after release are similar when compared at a common size VOLUME 30, NUMBER 1, 1984/ 12 1 , . I :1 ( fl . A Meters 10.0 8.0 J: en 6.0 G) : 4.0 C Meters Feet re u: Feet o 30 30 Ir nS' 20 H 10 r 2.0 a a o B 12.00 Co) 10.00 ;: U) 8.00 2 6.00 _._-. v C 0 t 1.00 1.00 .80 .80 .60 U) t i G) .60 !. 4.00 .40 2.00 .20 > I c r. r r ( 62 FIGURE 3. 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 63 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 Year Year ( A. Average height growth curves for the tallest stem (solid line) per plot and the tallest of those stems which interacted with the tallest stem (dashed line)-LIGHT OVERSTORY. B. Paired sample t-values (dashed line) and corresponding two-tailed values (solid line) for differences between the selected stems of A. C. Average height growth curves for the tallest stem per plot (solid line) and the shonest of those stems 2: breast height which interacted with the tallest stem (dashed line)-LIGHT OVERSTORY. D. Paired sample I-values (dashed line) and corresponding two-tailed values (solid line) for differences between the selected stems of C. .- or developmental stage. Observed differences in present heights of dominants among treatments were therefore associated primarily with differences in heights achieved before overstory removal, and not with differences in height growth patterns after release. Canopy DifJerentiation.-Both at the time of final harvest (1969) and at the time of the study (1977), height differences between the dominant tree and the next two tallest ones were much greater in the light overstory treatment than in the medium and dense overstory treatments. Heights of the second and third tallest stems on each plot were therefore compared among treatments when height of the dominant stem on each plot had been 4 or 5 m tall. At these heights, neither the second tallest nor the third tallest stems differed significantly in height among overstory treatments. These results suggest that observed differences in degree of canopy differentiation are related primarily to the heights and ages of the young stands of each treatment, and not to any' direct carry-over effect of overstory treatment on young stand development. Dominance Assertion.-The minimum age or size at which a tree shows domi­ nance over or becomes significantly taller than its neighbors is often a consider­ ation in timing of precommercial thinning operations. The dominant stem in each milacre plot was compared with the tallest and shortest stems within its current crown influence zone for each year after the stems were over 0.3 m tall by using 122/ FOREST SCIENCE Iô · \.. reconstructed height/age curves (Fig. 3). Paired sample I-tests indicated that dom­ inant trees in the light overstory treatment became significantly taller than the other stems before the dominant was 2 m tall. These results are similar to dom­ inance assertion patterns "for the medium overstory and dense overstory treat­ ments. Thus, the initial differences associated with overstory density do not affect subsequent patterns of dominance assertion; and the dominant stems can be identified after they are about'2 m tall. Differences in "Effective Age. "-Although marked differences exist in present appearance of young stands established under various overstory treatments, our analyses of the historical development of these stands indicate that such differences were caused primarily by differences in height and age of reproduction at the time of overstory removal. In essence all stands developed in similar patterns once they attained a certain height, regardless of prior overstory treatment. Variances in stand characteristics were associated with differences in effective ages-the ages of hemlock stands of comparable heights and development patterns which had not been initially suppressed. Differences in times (after final overstory removal) required for dominant stems of each treatment to reach a specific height (e.g., 3 m) represent differences in effective ages caused by the different treatments. Dom­ inants in the light overstory treatment were 3 m in height when the final harvest cut occurred; those in the medium and dense overstory treatments required another '3.9 and 5.8 years, respectively, to attain that height. CONCLUSIONS AND MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS On the productive sites in coastal Washington, hemlock stands are most com­ monly regenerated by clearcutting and natural seeding or planting. Our study confirms that young hemlock stands can be established successfully by partial cuttings which create overstory densities similar to those associated with thinning, shelterwood cutting, and seed-tree cutting. Young stands established beneath overstories associated with such partial cutting methods may differ markedly in appearance at the time of the final overstory removal and for a period thereafter. They will develop in similar patterns, however, and differ only in effective age. Assuming that shade of the light overstory treatment (seed-tree cut) is negligible, growth patterns of seedlings established naturally or by planting in clearcuts are probably similar to those in the light overstory treatment. Relative desirability of any of the above regeneration methods will vary with the specific forest con­ ditions and management objectives of forest owners. The differences in effective age or growth lag in the young stands must be considered along with volume available for subsequent harvests, logging costs, and mill needs. We believe partial cutting methods will have most merit in one or more of the following situations: 1. Where commercial thinnings are an essential feature of the management plan; 2. Where incidence of dwarf mistletoe and susceptibility of partially cut stands to windthrow pose relatively minor problems; 3 . Where one wishes to avoid planting costs (or perhaps "trade" these for later precommercial thinning costs); 4. Where there is a lack of suitable planting stock for an area; 5. Where aesthetiCs or water quality are concerns and c1earcutting without having previously established regeneration may be undesirable; and 6. Where brush and other undesirable competition needs to be excluded, and would create a problem in other regeneration systems. Advance regeneration are frequently found in mature hemlock stands. Other studies (Wiley 1975, Oliver 1978) suggest that old hemlock advance regeneration VOLUME 3 0, NUMBER 1, 1984/123 I j I , I .J may be able to respond to release. Regeneration systems which rely on devel­ opment of advance regeneration after clearcutting are useful in some forest types (e.g., in many of the eastern hardwoods) and may be used successfully to regenerate hemlocks in less dense, old-growth stands in the Pacific Northwest. In a very dense, previously unthinned second-growth western hemlock stand in coastal Washington, however, Williamson and Ruth (1976) had found a decrease in advance reproduction, presumably caused by logging damage. Our subsequent study in the same area revealed very few surviving stems of advance reproduction, and these tended to be scarred, crooked, and did not grow well. We cannot therefore recommend use of systems which rely on advance regeneration in such dense, previously unthinned coastal hemlock stands. Diameter growth of stems in the regenerated stands was undoubtedly reduced by high densities and could be stimulated by precommercial thinning. Our data suggest that dominant leave trees could be selected in thinning operations when they are 2 m tall; doing such work as soon as possible thereafter would minimize treatment costs and maximize the period of increased diameter growth. • t 1 1 } 1 LITERATURE CITED ATKINSON, W. A., and R. J. ZAsOSKI, eds. 1976. Western hemlock management. Coli Forest Resour, Inst Forest Prod Contrib 34, 317 p. Univ Wash, Seattle. DIMOCK, E. J., and F. W. HERMAN. 1963. A guide to the Hemlock Experiment Forest. USDA Forest Serv, Pac Northwest Forest and Range Exp Stn, Portland, Oreg. 19 p. FRANKLIN, J. F., and C. T. DYRNESS. 1973. Natural vegetation of Oregon and Washington. USDA '�. Forest Serv Gen Tech Rep PNW-8, 417 p. Pac Northwest Forest and Range Exp Stn, Portland, Oreg. OLIVER, C. D. 1978. i., :f Growth response of suppressed hemlocks after release. In Western hemlock management (W. A. Atkinson and R. J. Zasoski, ,. eds), p 266-272. Coli Forest Resour, Inst Forest .\ '1 Prod Contrib 34, 317 p. Univ Wash, Seattle. TUCKER, G. F., and W. H. EMMINGHAM. 1977. Morphological changes in leaves of residual western ,. , ., hemlock after clear and shelterwood cutting. Forest Sci 23(2):195-203. WILEY, K. N. 1975. The ecology of western hemlock: a basis for management. In Global forestry 7i and the western role, p 133-135. Perm Assoc Comm Proc, Western For and Conserv Assoc, , Portland, Oreg. WILLIAMSON, R. L., and R. H. RUTH. 1976. i Results of shelterwood cutting in western hemlock. USDA Forest Serv Res Pap PNW-201, 25 p. Pac Northwest Forest and Range Exp Stn, Portland, Oreg. A< 1 I j j !/ i! " ":1 " J 1 d :1 I ;11 .1 J 1, 1 i 1 4 1 I