Reimpression du Reprinted from anadian rnal esea ournal cana len ela restie III Sitka alder, a candidate for mixed stands CONSTANCE A. HARRINGTON AND ROBERT L. DEAL Volume 12 • Number 1 • 1982 Pages 108 -111 e: . About This Fil . g the printed publica tIon. ntn n sca y d b s create e cted; This file wa have b een corr the software. y b d fie nti Misscans ide rematn. mistakes may . · everJ some how . . National Research Council Canada Conseil national de recherches Canada 108 Sitka alder, a candidate for mixed standsl CONSTANCE A. HARRINGTON AND ROBERT L. DEAL Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Forestry Sciences LaboratOlY, 3625-93rd Avemte SW, Olympia, WA, U.S.A. 98502 Received May 7, 19812 Accepted August 27, 1981 HARRINGTON, C. A., and R. L. DEAL. 1982. Sitka alder, a candidate for mixed stands. Can. J. For. Res. 12: 108-111. Juvenile height growth of Sitka alder (Alnus sillllata (Regel) Rydb.), a nitrogen-fixing shrub, was examined on eight sites. The potential compatibility of mixed stands of Sitka alder and Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga l11enziesii (Mirb.) Frahco) was then assessed by comparing height-growth curVes of the two species at early ages. Based on Sitka alder's low height and early slowdown in height growth, it appears to be a reasonable candidate for mixed stands on sites where additions of nitrogen or organic matter are desirable. On poor quality Douglas-fir sites, however, Douglas-fir should be given a head start to insure that it is not suppressed. HARRINGTON, C. A., et R. L. DEAL. 1982. Sitka alder, a ca didate for mixed stands. Can. J. For. Res. 12: 108-111. La croissance juvenile en hauteur de I'aulne de Sitka (Alnus sinllata (Regel) Rydb.), un arbuste fixateur d'azote, fut examinee sur huit sites. Le potentiel de compatibilite de peuplements mixtes de I'aulne de S'itka et de la fausse pruche taxifoliee (Pseudotsuga mellziesii (Mirb.) Franco) fut evalue par comparaison aux courbes de croissance juvenile en hauteur des deux especes. Base sur une faib1e hauteur de I'aulne de Sitka et d'une diminution de sa croissance juvenile en hauteur, celui-ci parait etre un candidat raisonnable de populations mixtes sur des sites OU l'addition d'azote ou de matiere organique sont desirables. Par contre, sur des sites OU la fausse pruche taxifoliee est defavorisee, celle-ci devrait etre implantee en premier pour empecher sa suppression. [Traduit par Ie journal] Introduction Several species of the nitrogen-fixing genus Alnus have been used in various forestry systems to amelto­ rate or improve soil conditions (e.g., Haines and DeBell 1970; Mikola 1975; Plass 1977; Tarrant and Trappe 1971). In the Pacific Northwest, the native red alder (Alnus rubra Bong.) has received increasing at­ tention for its proposed use in young conifer stands to serve as natural nitrogen source for the crop trees. Red alder is an efficient nitrogen-fixing species (Tarrant and Miller 1963; Tarrant and Trappe 1971); it does, how­ ever, grow rapidly in early life, thus offering severe competition to associated, intolerant conifers (Miller and Murray 1978; Newton et al. 1968). Another native alder, however, Sitka alder (Alnus sinuata (Regel) Rydb.), has also been shown to be an efficient nitrogen fixer (Binkley 1981; Carpenter et al. 1979; Crocker and Major 1955) and should be consid­ ered as a candidate for species mixtures (Carpenter et al. 1979; Heilman 1979; Tarrant and Miller 1963). Sit­ ka alder is a large shrub or small tree with a maximum height on favorable sites of 7 to 9 m. Although not having the advantage of producing sawlog-sized mateIThis article was written and prepared by U. S. Government employees on official time, and it is therefore in the public domain. ' 2Revised manuscript received August 10, 1981. rial, Sitka alder's shrubby form and slower growth may make the species more compatible than red alder for interplanting with conifers. Sitka alder also has a wider geographical and elevational range than red alder; this may mean the species is suitable for planting over a wider range of site conditions. Successful species mixtures require compatible juve­ nile height-growth patterns, especially when using in­ tolerant conifers, such as Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) or noble fir (Abies procera Rehd.). The purpose of this study was to compare juve­ nile height growth and to assess the compatibility of Sitka alder and Douglas-fir for growing in mixed stands. Douglas-fir was used for the comparison be­ cause it is the most widely managed species in the Pacific Northwest; the Sitka alder height-growth curves developed in this paper could also be compared with those of other tree species. Materials and methods We selected eight sites in western Washington to provide a range in elevation and geographical location (Fig. 1, Table 1). In Washington, Sitka alder is most commonly found . in the middle to high elevations of the Cascade and Olympic Mountain Ranges. We were unable to locate any natural Sitka alder growing below 500 m. At each site, four or five stems were selected that were part of the main shrub canopy, had no obvious signs of past dam­ age, and were far enough apart to minimize the possibility of 109 NOTES LEGEND A 5 ----681 HEIGHT .,,"""''''''' 3 ••••••••• C 2 ............ 4 v_,_,_,___ 8 _._ •• D7-- (METRES) 7 Site No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Name Layout Creek St. Helen's Vista McClellan Meadows Falls Creek Planting Creek Slab Camp Snoqualmie Pass Wagon Trail Elevation, m Tree age, years (minimum-maximum) 1290 925 9-11 13-29 925 11-12 1075 500 625 1160 655 10-15 10-15 12-14 37-55 11-25 FIo. 1. Sitka alder study sites in western Washington. their coming from the same root system. The selected stems were cut at ground level. Each stem was cut into 10-cm sections which were num­ bered and marked to indicate the bottom side. The bottom surface of each section was sanded to obtain a clear, smooth surface and then aged. Sections within each stem were ran­ domly ordered for aging; the use of random selection, rather than aging the sections in numerical order, provided a check on the accuracy of the ring counts. The cross sections were lightly coated with petroleum jelly or very lightly coated with a wood preservative to enhance the ring boundaries. Where the rings were narrow, diagonal cuts were made into the section to increase the apparent ring widths. The original pattern of height growth was determined for each stem, and an average height-over-age curve was drawn for each site. Most stems were completely analyzed; however, for the older, high-elevation stands only the first 15 years of height growth were reconstructed. Analysis of one stem re­ vealed past .damage, and its height growth was reconst,ructed only up to the time of damage. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 TOTAL AGE (YEARS) 10 11 12 13 14 FlO. 2. Height growth of Sitka alder by study site. Results and discussion Height-growth curves of Sitka alder (Fig. 2) start approximately linear; height growth slows quickly on the poorer sites, more slowly on the better sites. Our height-growth curves seemed to fall into four site classes: class A included the two low-elevation sites with the best growth (sites 5 and 6); class B had the two mid-elevation sites (1 and 3); class C had the high­ elevation sites (2 and 4), plus the lower of the sites near Snoqualmie Summit (8); and class D included only the poorest site (7). Height growth generally decreased with increasing elevation. Slab Camp (site 6) had somewhat better height growth than would be expected for its elevation. Slab Camp receives less snow than the other sites (Anonymous 1 969), however, and thus may have a longer growing season than areas at the same elevation on the west slope of the Cascades. The two sites near Snoqualmie Summit (7 and 8) had poorer height growth than might be predicted from their elevations. This gen­ eral area receives more snowfall than corresponding elevations further south (Anonymous 1969). In addi­ tion, the strong east winds that funnel through the pass may also affect growth at these sites. In these study areas, the number of days in the growing season is apparently a major factor influencing height growth of Sitka alder. Further work is needed, however, to define 110 CAN. J. FOR. RES. VOL. 12. 1982 5 b a --- Sitka alder ------ Douglas·fir -- Sitka alder ----- Douglas-fir TOTAL HEIGHT (METRES) HEIGHT (METRES) 1 I I /,// I I /,' I I I I I I I I I I I / " " " ,',' / I , I I I , " /" , , , , ,'I , I ' ,, , ;.:; .... SHka alder 0 4 Douglas-fir 2 6 6 8 10 TOTAL AGE (YEARS) 10 12 12 14 14 Sitka alder 1 16 Douglas-fir 3 3 5 9 9 11 TOTAL AGE (YEARS) 11 13 13 15 15 17 FIG. 3. Height-growth curves for Sitka alder (classes A-C) and Douglas-fir (sites III-V) with Douglas-fir given a 2-year advantage in total age. (a) The Sitka alder is seeded in a natural Douglas-fir stand. (b) 1-0 Sitka alder and 2-1 Douglas-fir seedlings are planted at the same time. more accurately the alder site classes and the site factors associated with those classes. Because of its low total height and early slowdown in height growth, Sitka alder appears to be a reasonable candidate for mixed stands. On many sites, however, giving Douglas-fir a head start may be desirable. The optimum head start (i.e., the Douglas-fir advantage in total age) would depend, in part, on the expected growth of Douglas-fir and Sitka alder on a particular site. Douglas-fir and Sitka alder do differ somewhat in their site requirements. For example, Sitka alder at Planting Creek (site 5) was in class A, but the area is a fairly poor site for Douglas-fir (site IV or V).3 Some of this difference in site quality for the two species is probably related to the fact that growth of Douglas-fir is partially dependent on nitrogen availability, but growth of Sitka alder is relatively independent of the soil's ability to supply nitrogen. In addition to the expected height growth of the two species, the stocking and spacing in the mixture would 3Height at age 50 (breast-height age) for the Douglas-fir site classes: site I, 44 m; site II, 38 m; site III, 32 m; site IV, 26 m; and site V, 19 m. also influence the optimum head start. If initial survival of Douglas-fir in an area was poor and replanting was necessary, an additional delay in the introduction of Sitka alder would probably be desirable. Use of large Douglas-fir planting stock could reduce the head-start period. If Douglas-fir were initially outgrown by Sitka alder, its height growth could be depressed because of shading or leader damage. Height-growth losses would depend on spacing in the mixture and the height and age at which the two species' height-growth curves cross. In this analysis, we assumed that if the height-growth curves crossed by age 10 (age of the Sitka alder), with average height equal to or less than 4 m, the long-term benefits of the mixture would outweigh any short-term detrimental effects. We also assumed that early age height growth of Douglas-fir in a mixed stand would be about equal to that in a pure stand (i.e., during this period the positive and negative effects on height growth would cancel out); this assumption may be somewhat conservative on very nitrogen-deficient sites. We compared Bruce's (1 982) regional curves of height growth for Douglas-fir (sites III-V) with our smoothed height-growth curves for Sitka alder (classes NOTES A C) and assumed different starting times and planting stock types. We concentrated on the poorer quality Douglas-fir site classes for two reasons: (1) the lower site classes are most likely to benefit from mixture with a nitrogen-fixing plant, and (2) on the better conifer sites, Douglas-fir can rapidly overtake even the fastest growing Sitka alder we sampled. Similarly, we do not further discuss Sitka alder in class D because Douglas­ fir of all site classes can outgrow the alder in this site class before it reaches about I m. We graphed two hypothetical situations comparing the growth of the two species. In the first, we assumed that Sitka alder was seeded in a 2-year-old natural Douglas-fir stand (Fig. 3a). In the second, we assumed that 1 -0 Sitka alder containerized seedlings (20 cm tall) and 2-1 Douglas-fir seedlings (55 cm tall) were planted at the same time (Fig. 3b). In both situations, Douglas­ fir was given a 2-year advantage in total age. Other possible situations can be examined by shifting the ap­ propriate curves horizontally for different age advan­ tages, and vertically for different seedling types or sizes. In the first comparison (Sitka alder seeded in a natu­ ral Douglas-fir stand), Douglas-fir growing on site III can surpass Sitka alder in classes B and C, but not in class A before age 10 (height above 4 m). Douglas-fir on site IV can outgrow only the Sitka alder in class C, and Douglas-fir on site V would be outgrown by all three classes of Sitka alder. For any combination of the Douglas-fir and Sitka alder height curves, Douglas-fir will surpass Sitka alder in total height at an earlier age in the second situation (planted 1 -0 Sitka alder and 2-1 Douglas-fir), than in the first. Large planting stock gives Douglas-fir an additional advantage, because its initial height growth under natural conditions is slow. Douglas-fir on sites III and IV should probably be given a 2- to 4-year total-age advantage; if large Douglas-fir planting stock is used, the age advantage could be reduced by 1 to 2 years. Managers should be somewhat more cautious in design­ ing mixtures with Douglas-fir on site V. On such sites, we would recommend that Douglas-fir be given a 3- to 6-year advantage in total age; however, this lead time could be reduced if large Douglas-fir planting stock were used or if height growth of Sitka alder was not as great as that in the A site class. We have not addressed the related problems of initial spacing in mixed stands and how long the Sitka alder component of a mixed stand should be maintained. The benefits provided by the Sitka alder (e.g., additions of nitrogen and organic matter) are directly related to its net photosynthetic rate; the more closely spaced the Douglas-fir, the sooner it would shade out the Sitka alder. On the other hand, while wide spacing of the Douglas-fir would help maintain Sitka alder in the mix­ - 111 ture for a longer period, it would also reduce the stock­ ing of the commercially valuable component of the mixture. We do not yet have enough information to prescribe optimum, site-specific species mixtures. We believe, however, that Sitka alder - Douglas-fir mix­ tures are promising for sites low in total nitrogen and organic matter and that this species mixture should now be tried under various field conditions. ANONYMOUS. 1969. Climatological handbook, Columbia Ba­ sin States, precipitation. Vol. 2. Pacific Northwest River Basins Commission Meteorology Committee. Vancouver, WA. BINKLEY, D. 1981. Nodule biomass and acetylene reduction rates of red alder and Sitka alder on Vancouver Island, B.C. Can. J. For. Res. 11: 281-286. BRUCE, D. 1982. Consistent height-growth and growth-rate estimates for remeasured plots. For. Sci. In press. CARPENTER, C. V., L. E. BARIBO, L. R. ROBERTSON, F. VAN DEBOGART, and G. M. ONUFER. 1979. Acetylene reduction by excised root nodules from Alnus rubra and Alnus sinu­ ata. In Symbiotic nitrogen fixation in the management of temperate forests. Edited by J. C. Gordon, C. T. Wheeler, and D. A. Perry. Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. p. 475. CROCKER, R. L., and 1. MAJOR. 1955. Soil development in relation to vegetation and surface age at Glacier Bay, Alas­ ka. J. Ecol. 43: 427-448. HAINES, S. G., and D. S. DEBELL. 1979. Use of nitrogen­ fixing plants to improve and maintain productivity of forest soils. 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Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Portland, OR. pp. 73-84. PLASS, W. T. 1977. Growth and survival of hardwoods and pine interplanted with European alder. USDA For. Servo Res. Pap. NE-376. TARRANT, R. F., and R. E. MILLER. 1963. Accumulation of organic matter and soil nitrogen beneath a plantation of red alder and Douglas-fir. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 27: 231-234. TARRANT, R. F., and J. M. TRAPPE. 1971. The role of Alnus in improving the forest environment. Plant Soil, Spec. Vol. 1971: 335-348.