FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS ro: ORGANISATION DES NATIONS UNIES POUR L'ALIMENTATION ET L'AGRICULTURE J 1 1979 /5 ORGj\MZACION DE LAS NACIONES UNIDAS PARA LA AGRICUL TURA Y LA ALIMENTACION TmHNICAL CONSULTATION ON FAST-aROWINO PLA.NTATION BROADLZAVED TREES FOR KEDlTERRANEAll AND ZONES Lisbon, PartubJ,t 16-20 October 1979 Dean S. DeBell and Constance A. Harrington Experiment Station O ia., Wa.a.hin«ton 98502 U.s.A. Pa.citio NortlDtest Forest am. About This File: w. This file as created by scanning the printed publication. . Mlsscans Identified by the software have been corrected.' however, some mistakes may remain. Invited. '4/08670 paver .. 169 - f!e smDWa' 11 111 R!lStOO!: USt.OO!:I iT. II'l'RODOC'1'lCll' BIS'l'OB'I IN PLAll'J!A1'I0I 2 S!3D !WIDLI1la AID NUlif!1IE' PRAC'rICl!I 2 !:rl!.UlJ:smmrI'. PRACTICE 3 PI...Ul'r..U'ION 4 UlA.O:l!2lmf'1' '1"!EIII IKPROVEXI!n CE Ilf 5 PL.ABTJ.TIOll 6 O'l'lLIZA:'l'IOI 1 ECOIOICICS 1 C CliCLDSlO!lS 8 R!ii'ItRI!aCES 9 .. 170 - - -n SUMMARY Alnus rubra is the most important hardwood in northwestern U.S.A. and coastal umbia, Canada. Significant biological attributes include rapid early Britis growth and capacity to fix large amounts of atmospheric nitrogen. The species is suitable for many products ranging from furniture and cabinetry, fine printing and tissue papers, to fuel for industrial and home use. The biological potential for plantation manegement of A. rubra in its native habitat and in other moderate climates is great. 1bl;-m;Qagement Poss systema vary from coppice cut on 2- to 6-year cycles to high forest rotations of 10 to lS years for pulpwood logs or 25 to 35 years for sawlogs and peelers. Management experience is limited, but survival after planting has been high and trees respond to thinning. Growth rates of trees in plantations have exceeded those in natural stands. Much natural variation occurs in the species; thus, opportunities for rapid and sub­ stantial gains through genetic improvement programs appear premising. Because nitrogen is a major factor limiting growth of highly valuable conifer associates, rubra has received attention for use in mixture with or in crop rotation with conifers, especially Pseudotsuga menziesii. Mortality caused by diseases, insects, or other animals appears negligible in natural stands; but importance of such damaging agenta may increase or become more , apparent with management. Thinning or other mechanized operations may increase opportunities for damage by disease fungi. Perhaps the most significant biological limitation is that stain and decay proceed quickly after falling and bucking; thus rapid processing of logs is a necessity. At the present time, low stumpage values seriously limit management interest in A. rubra in its native habitat. Trends in supply and demand for timber and energy-aIe likely to increase values tad thereby increase uiterest in management in both natural stands and plantations. Where rapid growth of a wood crop with minimum expenditures of energy is important, should be considered a prime candidate for planting. - 171 - - iii - Alnus rubra est Ie feuillu Ie plus important du nord-est des Etats-Unis et de-ra-ione cotiere de la Colombie britannique Canada . Parmi ses principales caract risticrues biologiques, il faut noter un debut de croissance rapide et la Cette essence capacite a fixer d'importantes quantites d'azote atmospherique. ( ) convient pour de nombreux usages allant du bois de menuiserie et d'ebenisterie, au bois de feu a usage industriel et domestique en passant par Ie bois de tritura­ tion pour la fabrication de papier d'impression ou de papier de soie. Le potentiel biologique des plantations de A. rubra dans son habitat nature 1 et dans d'autres climats temperas est cansiderable. systemes d'amenagement possibles vont du taillis, avec une revolution de 2 a 6 ans, a la futaie, avec une r volution de 10 a 15 ans pour Ie bois de trituration et de 25 a 35 ans pour L'exp rience en matiere d'amenagement est les billes de sciage et de deroulage. limitee, mais on a obtenu des taux de survie elev s en plantation; les arbres repondent bien aux eclaircies; les accroissements en plantation depassent ceux La variabilite naturelle de l'essence est grande et, des peuplements naturels. par sui'ce, les programmes d'amelioration genetique semblent promettre des gains L'azote tant un important facteur limitant de la rapides et substantiels. croissance des 'essences coniferes associees a . , cette espece a retenu l'attention en vue de l'utilisation en melange ou en assolement avec des coniferes, notamment Pseudotsuga menziesii. La mortalite due aux maladies, aux insectes ou a d'autres animaux semble negligeable dans les peuplements naturals; mais l'importance de ce type de degats pourrait augmenter ou devenir pl apparente en culture intensive. Les eclaircies ou autres operations mecanisees peuvent accroftre les risques de La limitation biologique la plus dommages par des maladies cryptogami es. importante pourrait etre due aux alterations et aux pourritures oui apparaissent rapidement apres l'abattage et la coupe; la mise en oeuvre rapide des grumes A l'heure actuelle, la faible valeur des boiS Bur pied est donc une necessite. restreint consid rablement l'interet suscite par l'amenagement de A. dans son habitat naturel. Etant donne les tendances de l'offre et de la demande de bois et d'energie, il est probable que cette valeur augmentera et que l'on s'interessera de plus en plus a l'amenagement des peuplements naturels et des La ou une production ligneuse a croissance rapide avec un faible plantations. investissement energetique est envisagee, . rubra peut etre considere comme l'un des meilleurs candidats a la plantation. - 172 - - iv ­ RES'JMEN E1 Alnus r bra es la froniosa mAs importante en el noroeste de los Estados Unidos de Am riea y en la zona eostera de Colwmbia Britdniea, Canadd. Atrib tos bio16gieos significati­ vos inebyen el ereeimiento rdpido en la etapa juvenil y eapaeidad de fijar tp'an eantidad de La espeeie es apropiada para muehos productos, varianio desde muebles nitr6 eno atmosf rico. y ebanisterfa, papeles para imprenta finos dustrial 0 de seda, hasta material combustible para uso in­ dom stico. 0 E1 potencial bio16gico para manejo de plantaeiones en su habitat nativo y en otros climas moderados es granie. ciclos de 2 a 6 anos, 25 35 a Los sistemas de manejo posibles varfan de tallar con cortas a limitada, son promisorias. el A. un especialmente Pseudotsuga menziesii. insectos, II otros animales pareee ser insi. lou rodnlp.fl nat:lrnleu, pero la impor t a ncia cIe tales ar,Emtes ci aninos puede alJrnen­ fln hnccrlle mtin p.vl,i0.ntc con 01 manejo. 1<:1 nc ] n r eo (raleo) u pucdrln itllmontnr lan onort'mi Inllor. de danoo c<ll1cado ; por micoois. ] 6':ica m.1e Dil:ni ficut iva vol tNlr y tronznr; 0[; otras operaciones mecanizadas Tal vez In limitaci6n bi­ quP. ]a8 mnnchn o .Y In :lencompooici6n aparecen ensefSlU·la despu s de por onto, es nocesario procelmr las trozas rl1pidnmente. AI presente, unjou valoror; lip. la madera en pie limitan m:lcho el intertls en hacer manejo de A. l,iW hnui tnt nativo. tar lou vnlores y nut plnntnciones. imp ortante, en­ factor importante en la limitaci6n rubra ha recibido especial atenci6n para ser en rotaci6n de cortas con confferas, 0 y de ah! que las mediante pro ramas de m joramiento Debido a que e1 nitr6 eno es La mortalilad cDusada por enfermeualieo, niricnntc 0 La experiencia en manejo es Hay mucha variaei6n natural en la especie, idades de optimizaei6n rdpida y substancial, llsa,10 en mezcla 0 anos por maceras para pulpa La velocidad de crecimiento de los drboles en plantaciones ha exeedido a del crecimiento ele valiosas contferas, tar 15 pero la supervivencia despu6s de plantar ha sido buena, y los drboles responden al las de los rodales nat-..ll'a1es. tieo, a anos para trozas de sierras y trozas para debobinado. aclareo (raleo). oport 10 hasta rotaciones de fustales de los flU tcmlp.nciau 110 Ia oferta y In uemanda por maJera y ener<rfa podrtan aumen­ tnmbitm alJrnentar el inter s POI' e l manejo cIe rodales naturales y en C,lnnio e1 crecimiento rl1pido para madera, el A. rllbra en rubra deber!a ser considerarlo -m - 173 - con g'astos rn.!nimos de energ'ta, candilato preferido en la plantaei6n. es - 1 INTRODUCTION Nomenclature Bong., Alnus Betulaceaa Agardh. (Common name: red alder) Natural distribution and habitat o ISTRIBtrrI ON Generally within 200km of Pacific Ocean in Western U.S.A. and Canada, from 340N to 600N latitude (29). Raraly found above 750-111 elevation. Seldom occurs east 'of Cascade or Sierra Nevada Ranges; isolated populations in Idaho (25). • Climate Humid to superhumid climate; precipitation from 600-3 OOOmm. annually, primarily as rain in winter. Summers generally cool and droughty. Temperature extremes fro _200 to 450C. Minimum winter temperatures (17) and perhaps lack of precipitation during growing season appear to limit species range. Grows on soils varying from grav l or sand to clay; more prevalent on soils of Best stands on deep, well-drained loams or loamy restricted internal dra nage. sands of alluvial origin. At southern and eastern limits of range, stands usually limited to stream or lake borders (17, 25). Description of tree in natural habitat rubra is a short-lived, intolerant pioneer with rapid juvenile growth. It is only commercial tree species in Western North America that fixes atmospheric N . 2 In natural stands, trees are usually single stemmed with narrow dome-like crowns; A. shallow, spreading root systems; and clear, slightly tapered and leaning On good sites trees are up to 40m tall and 75cm in diameter. Stands are 60-70 years of age (59). Characteristic tree associates are Pseudotsuga sitchensis, Thuja plicata, Tsuga heterophvlla, grandis, circinatum. and Populus trichocarpa. boles (45). mature at menziesii, macrophyllum., Natural variability Phenotypic variation is great and not surprising given A. rubra's wide range (51). Natural variation between geographic locations and between and within stands has been documented (11). hybrids with No natural hybrids have been documented; but possible tenuifolia and rhombifolia may exist in disjunct Idaho var. pinnatisecta Starker, populations (25). Only one variety, mutant form, has been identified (6). - 174- a cut-leaf - 2 HISTORY IN PLANTATION History in planting WITHIN COUNTRIES OF ORIGIN Although natural stands occupy about two million hectares, planting has been limitad primarily to research trials, pilot-scale operations, and site rubra was planted as a firebreak and artificially seeded on rehabilitation. abandoned logging roads and railroad grades in two National Forests in the 1930', (59), but little or no additional planting was done for nearly 40 years. Recently, several research plantations have been established. AS AN EXOTIC Attempts made to introduce the species for forestry purposes elsewhere in the United States have not been successful (3); failures may be associated with l has been planted in Britain as a elevation, coastal seed sources. windbreak species to protect conifer plantations and as an amenity tree, but die-back may limit silvicultural use (20). Areas planted Researcn and operational plantations established to date total less than 100 hectares, but use of in planting programs is increasing. ANNUAL RATE A 1979 survey of Federal and State managers and owners of industrial and small private forests indicated that 30 to 50 hectares will be planted annually with alder during the next decade. Main countries No large-scale planting has been accomplished to date in any country. Trial plantings have been established in the United States, Canada and Britain. SEED liANDLING AND NURSERY PRACTICE Seed collection, extraction and storag� is a prolific and consistent seed p.oducer. Cones (strobiles) can be. collec ed when the first bra s or scales start to separate (August-october) and on through the seed dispersal period (fall to winter) (46). Seed should be extracted from the cones before storage. Cones will open after several weeks indoors on o drying racks, or sooner if ovendried at 26 38 C. Number of cleaned seed per gram ranges from 840 to 2,400. Soundness has been reported as averaging 70% (46), but percent of sound seed varied tremendously from tree to tree .(28) and from year to year. ... 175 - - 3 - 1/ Nursery and field practicesSeed is usually soaked for 24 hours in water prior to sowing. Stratification is o apparently not required, but most nurseries stratify moist seed at 1 C for 30-60 seed1i gs now use containers, such as days. All major pr ducers of Styroblock 2 ( 40cm ) or CZ-Treetainer (-SOem ) and a 50:50 mix of peat moss and vermiculite or perlite. Seeds are cdVered with planting media or silica grit and kept moist until germination. Sowing time varies from March to June. Irrigation balanced· NPK solution is applied in is as-needed, approximately once weekly. irrigation water; the amounts and ratios of elements vary by nursery. Fertilizer rates are reduced late in growing season to encourage hardening-off. Total production time in greenhouses or lathhouses varies from 5 to 9 months. Seedlings are 20 to 30cm tall when outp1anted. Nursery practice to date has not included innoculation with N -fixing endophyte(s) or with mycorrhizae; but innoculation may Z future operations to enhance early growth. be routine rubra has been planted bare root and has been and is occasionally direct seeded. Cuttings can be rooted, but this method of propagation is still in the research stage (35). ESTABLISHMENT PRACTICE Choice of site rubra grows best on moist but well-drained, rich, deep, alluvial soils. It requires abundant soil moisture for development of sawtimber stands (59). Site quality can vary greatly over short distances, however the species grows well over a range of site conditions. Planting to date has generally been restricted to problem sites and for specialized uses. A. Site preparation For direct seeding, bare mineral soil should be exposed via burning or scarification. Establishment of by planting may require some early control of herbaceous vegetation--burning is acceptable, but chemical controls may be preferred because herbicides do not expose mineral soil and thus do not create conditions favoring establishment of weeds and unwanted (excess) alder (38). Planting rubra has not been planted extensively, but experience to date has beea encouraging (28). A. rubra has b en planted as container stock, bare-root · seedlings, and pull-up wild1ings. Container seedlings are most commonly used; they are easy to plant, and early survival has generally been excellent. No machine planting has been done or is anticipated on typical native terrain. Spacing is not standardized, and many spacings have been used based on the planting objective. Spacing trials have recently been established for the species. To produce sawlogs with one intermediate thinning, planting 600-800 stems per hectare (sph) would probably be optimum (10). 11 This information is based on a 1979 survey of current practices by the authors. These practices are likely to be modified as research results become available. - 4 Early tending Survival and early growth have not been observed to vary with cultural treaement; however, observations to date have been limited. Natural thickets or plantations with natural fill-in should be spaced prior to year five. Costs of establishment Establishment costs depend primarily on site preparation needed and he number of sph In general, establishment costs for h rubra are likely to be less than for the more commonly planted conifers because less site preparation is needed initially and costs for subsequent control of competing vegetation and animal damage are expected to be lower. PLANTATION MANAGEMENT Protection ANIMALS Animal damage problems are usually minimal. In years of high Microtus spp. populations, stems may be girdled during winter. Reducing winter cover may control this damage. Rabbits or hare occasionally clip or girdle small stems. Some deer is not preferred browse (41). browsing is observed in fall and winter .. but !:.. Damage by fire is unusual in natural h rubra stands because sites are usually Little fire control is needed. In moist and inflamma ble debris is scarce (17). fact, the species has been planted as a firebreak. DISEASE A. rubra is remarkably free of major disease up to age 40 (22 , 59). A canker, presumably Nectria spp., has been observed in young natural stands and plantations. No special measures are currently used for disease control. Care should be taken during thinning or other stand treatments to avoid damaging residual trees as injury increases susceptibility to decay fungi. INSECTS None of the insects found on A. rubra cause appreciable mortality in healthy trees, and no insect control has been attempted in alder stands (54). Growth reductions have been associated with defoliation; under intensive management, control measures may be warranted. The two major defoliators are tent caterpillars, Malacosoma disstria Hhn. and Eriocampa californicum (Packard). L. and Alniphigus aspericollis (lec.) could become major pests (19) . Pruning and thinning PRUNING Pruning is not a common cultural practice but was reported as effective in increaSing clear wood formed (5). rubra self-prunes well in dense stands (49) .... 171 .... • - 5 1'RINNING Individual tree response is A. rubra responds to thinning (31, 40, 49, 56, 57). For sawlog production, we believe the stand excellent in young stands. should contain no more than 600-750 sph by age 5; if needed, early spacing or thinni ng should achieve this stocking level. Addi ional precommercial thinning The first thinning at age 10 to 15 will remove pulpwood should not be necessary. (>LS-cm d.b.h.) leaving 375-500 sph (10). Epicormic branching has occurred after heavy thinning, especially in older stands. usually Special techniques FERT II.. IZATI ON Fertilization is not used in rubra stands. has root nodules which fix atmospheric N ; thus, nitrogen additions are unnecessary. is In fact, 2 being managed on a limited basis as a na l supplier of nitrogen in conifer stands. Nutrition of alder seedlings, however, has been examined in pot studies (24); and some work has considered effects of trace metals on nodules (44) . New investigations on importance of nutrient amendments on nitrogen fixation and tree development are planned. Rotation Rotation lengths vary depending on site and desired products. Suggested rotation or cutting cycles are: (1) 4 to 6 years for coppice fiber production, (2) 10 to 15 years for pulpwood logs, and (3) 25 to 35 y ars for sawlogs (10). Rotations longer than 30-40 years are not biologically or economically feasible because of increased disease problems (14, 22, 59) and reduced growth of alder (4, 57) TREE IMPROVEMENT Evidence of genetic differences between orovenances when grown in olantation Height, diameter, stem form, bark thickness, and resistance to frost or insect damage varied significantly among 10 sources of A. rubra planted in coastal Fastest growing sources were from no�t ern Washington; but sources Oregon (11). Form from British Columbia, southwestern Washington, and Oregon also grew well. attack by a twig girdler (Agrilus was positively correlated with growth rate; burkei Fisher) was most severe on fast-growing sources, but rapid growth in Subsequent years overcame detrimental effects. The slowest growers were from Juneau, Alaska and Sandpoint, Idaho; these sources also had the greatest frost resistance. These' results suggest that reproductive material of A. rubra may be moved to mild sites over rather long distances on the Pacific coast . ----- - 178 - - 6 ­ Selection and breeding within populations Phenotypic variation was studied within and among eight stands selected to represent the range in stand and site conditions in a local area (11). Few tree characteristics varied between stands; but considerable variation among trees within stands occurred in straightness, branching characteristics, bark thickness, and wood density. Presumably, many of these traits are under the genetic control. Progeny tests have been established with open-pollinated (half-sib) offspring from the above trees. The recessive cut-leaf trait var. pionatisecta can be used as a genetic marker in breeding studies (51). Hvbrids rubra has been successfully crossed with more rapidly than japonica and glutinosa (30). sinuata (36). glutinosa (26), and the hybrid grows Succesaful crosses have also been made with PERFORMANCE IN PLANTATION Growth and yield Growth and yield information is available for natural A. rubra stands (8, 47, 48, 49, 57, 58). On well-stocked good sites, mean annual increment (total stem) may 3 approach 10-11 m Iha for the 20- to 30-year rotations needed to produce pulpwood or s&Wlogs without management. • Projections based on early perfo rmance of plantations and gains obtained with agement of other species suggest that plantation yields will be substantially higher (10). For example, ccppica can be grown on 2- to 6-year cutting cycles and pulpwood logs can be produced in 10 to 15 years on good sites. Estimated t tal­ stem yields of these manag ement regimes a e nearly double (i.e., 17 to 21 M Iha per year) those obtained in unmanaged natural stands. Sawlogs and peelers can probably be g3°WU in 30 to 35 years on such sites; total-stem yields are estimated at' 12 to 15 m Iha per year or about 40 percent higher than those listed in normal yield tables for well-stocked natural stands. Yields in experimental coppice plantings harvested on 2-year cycles have ranged from 3.2 to 7.5 tonnes per hectare per year, and varied with irrigation and pulpmill sludge treatments (21). In the provenance trial (10), an unpublished evaluation at age 10 indicated that the best 4 provenances averaged ll.6cm in dbh and 10.5m in height • • In )lIUI1&Da6ed, irregularly spaced stands beyond age 20, most !:.. stems are If lean is due to leaning and have developed substantial sweep and crook. phototrophic sensitivity of the species (56), geometric spacing of plantations may minimize the problem. - 119- - 7 Susceptibility to pests, diseases, and other damage Insect and disease pests of alder have been reviewed problems oeserved in (14, 1 8, 19, 22). Pest plantations include twig girdling, Nectria spp. cankers, basal stem girdling by Microtus spp., and some sapsucker damage. Defoliators (tent caterpillars and sawflies) and bark beetles could become serious pests in plantation management Mortality and.severe top die-back have (19). occurred in A. runta plantations established in Southern United States and Northern Britain, res ctively. Mortality and top breakage have been documented in natural pe stands after ice storms or unseasonable frosts ra unlikely to offer serious threats to (15) . Windthrow and fire, however, plantations. UTILIZATION Of wood Wood of A. rubra is'diffuse-porous, moderately dense, and has uniform texture. It Stain and decay is used in production of both solid wood and fiber-based products. proceed rapidly after felling and bUCKing; unless stored in water are excellent. and novelties. (59). logs must therefore be milled quickly Turning, planing, gluing, and staining characteristics Solid wood products include furniture, cabinets, case goods, pallets, • Chips may be converted to pulp by several processes. pulp provides good qthness and softness, and is generally formation and printability as well as blended with conifer pulps to manufacture tissue, bond, envelope, and book papers (23). (32) . Chips or flakes can also be used for composite materials such as flakeboard Alder is burned as fuel in home fireplaces and in mills where residues are (43) . It has been evaluated for (16, 50). Foliage, twigs, and sawdust grain or alfalfa for cattle feed (27). converted to heat for drying and other processes use in biomass farms for energy conversion of may be used as a suppl ent to Environmental 1) in can provide benetits and has been planted or suggested for planting: areas with poor drainage, eroded or low fertility areas 2) on coal mine spoils, land slides and other (5 3) , 3) 33, 34, 39, 52) , 4) as a firebreak or (37, 53, 5 4), 6) for wildlife, 7) for amended with municipal (28) (1, 9, 5) to control conifer root rots as a nitrogen source for other species windbreak, stream bank protection, and or pulpmill (21) sludge. 8) on plots ECONOMICS Most available reports deal with economics of converting A. rubra stands to conifer production (12, 42, 55, 60) or compare costs of nitr added by alder with costs of synthetic nitrogen fertilizers (1, 2, 34) . Analysts have also examined the species in terms of value added in processing total input (energy, (43) and in terms of the labor, materials) needed to produce alternative products (7). Nearly all of the foregoing analyses are based on current alder stUmp age values which ar very law, and many assume yields obtained in unmanaged, natural stands. At present alder management is not profitable (13) ; this is valid for present stands and market conditions. These analyses, however, have limited utility for - 8 use in appraising the economics of managed plantations where yields will be substantially higher and logging costs lower. Moreover, increased competition for supplies of both rounawood and fiber will probably result in future alder prices which are comparable to prices of alternative raw materials. Thus, alder management is expected to become profitable in the future. CONCLUSIONS Several short­ Plantation management of A. rubra to date has been limited. rotation systems have considerable potential, though, and are attracting increasing interest. Information is needed on: requirements, and 3) 1) yields in managed stands, response to cultu al practices. 2) site The species can be utilized for a wide range of products, but current use is limited in relation to the total available resource. Increased utilization will not be hampered by a lack of processing technology. The main deterrent to plantation management of its native habitat is that current stumpage values are low. As product markets in broaden and alternative supplies become less available, stumpage prices will increase and management of both natural stands and plantations may be looked upon more favorably. - 181 - - 9 ­ REFERENCES (1) Atkinson, W.A. at al. Crop rotation of Douglas-fir and red alder: A prelimi­ 1979 nary biological and economical assessment. Bot. Gazette 140:5102-5107. (2) Atkinson, l-l.A. and Ramil ton, W. I. The value of red alder as a source of nitro­ gen in Douglas-fir/alder mixed stands. l.!! Briggs, D.G. 1978 ., compo Utilization and management of alder. USDA For. Servo Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-70, Pac. Northwest For. and Range Exp. ·Stn., Portland, Oreg., p. 337-351. (3) Askew, J.L. and Lane, C.L. Nitrogen-fixing capabilities,for Myrica cerifera, Elaeagnus ungens, and various Alnus species grown on Piedmont sites 1979 in South Carolina. In Gordon, J.C. et al., eds. Abstract in symbiotic nitrogen fL tion in the management of temperate forests. Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oreg., p. 410-411. (4) Atterbury, T. Alder characteristics as they affect utilization. Briggs, D.G. et al., compo Utilization and management of alder. USDA For. 1978 Tech. Rep. PNW-70, Pac. Northwest For. and Range Exp. Stn., Serv. Portland, Oreg., p. 71-81. (5) Bernstan, C.M. Pruning and epicormic branching in red alder. 1961 59:675-676. 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