Purchased by the Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, for official ....A. - - AbO!-lt This File: This file was created by scanning the printed publica tion. Misscans identified by the software have been corrected', .however, some mistakes may remain. Analyzing'-forest fer tilization: study evaluates costs, benefits Increased growth must be matched by increased profitability. Economic analysis provides 'best estimates' of possible gains, considering the number of variables By RICHARD E. MILLER and ROGER D. FIGHT FOREST FERTILIZATION is widespread now in stands in Canada and the United States, but the fundamental question asked by forest managers who may not yet have been heavily involved in the practice remains: How much extra wood volume can reasonably be ex­ pected, and will the investment be profitable? It has been nearly 15 years since the first large-scale fertilization was done in the Pacific Northwest. In 1965, 1,500 acres of Douglas fir on Crown Zeller­ bach Corp.'s managed forest lands near Molalla, Ore., were treated with small, white spheres of urea nitrogen. Since then, nitrogen fertilizer has been applied to about 1 million forested acres in western Washington and Oregon, some 9Q1lO of which is industry-owned. Appli­ cation has been almost exclusively by helicopter, distributing 150 or 200 lb of elemental nitrogen fertilizer per acre as urea prill or larger forest-grade granules. This commercial practice was pre­ ceded by numerous field trials in which fertilizer was spread over the soil and trees subsequently were measured for growth in diameter and height. Those trials provided direct evidence that ni­ trogen fertilizer increased growth of es­ tablished stands. And that direct evi­ dence led to large-scale applications. What is the score to date? Fertiliza- THE AUTHORS are, respectively, principal soil scientist and principal economist with the U.S. Forest Service's Pacific North­ west Forest and Range Experiment Sta­ tion. Mr. Mil/er is at the station's Forc'stry Sciences Laboratory in Olympia, Wash., and Mr. Fight is at the station's Portland, are., headquarters. tion, unquestionably, has developed into a practical means for increasing yields from Douglas fir forests. And what is the next question? Forest managers ask how much extra ,- wood volume they can reasonably ex­ pect and whether the investment would be profitable. Forest managers consid­ ering investments in intensive forestry want "best estimates" of possible gains from forest fertilization. What follows here represents some current best answers and provides some background information about fertilization and economic analysis of the practice. There is no question that forest fer­ tilization can be an economically attrac­ tive way to increase wood producing in Douglas fir forests. Quite understand­ ably, profit will depend on the total costs of treatment, the amount of extra wood produced by the fertilization and the value of that extra wood to the land­ owner. Obviously, fertilizing Douglas fir forests will be more profitable for some landowners than for others. Does fertilization pay? Forest managers want a financial gain from investments in fertilization. Revenue from increased growth must exceed total costs of fertilization if that gain-or profit-is to be realized. Economic gain is influenced by various factors, as will be seen from the economic analysis which follows. The analysis presents "best estimates" of economic returns from fertilizing the species and in this analysis three levels of stand response to fertilization are as­ sumed. These are low, high or average and correspond to 200, 800 or 400 cu ft per acre. This range, which spans con­ servative, optimistic and average esti- How much extra volume can be attained? FIELD TRIALS i n western Oregon, Washington and British Columbia dur­ ing the past 25 years have demonstrated that addition of nitrogen u sually in­ creases growth of Douglas fir over the full range of site qualities, Sites I through V. Early results from recently­ installed cooperative trials at 85 loca­ tions in western Washington and Ore­ gon show that application of 200 pounds of nitrogen per acre to low-quality sites can provi de greater cubic foot gain than the same application on higher quality sites. During the first four years after fer­ tilization, average yearly gains from fer­ tilized Douglas fir stands ranged from 27 cu ft on Site I, through 91 cu ft on Site IV. Thus far, an average of 108 to 364 cu ft of extra wood was produced by treat­ ment and it is likely that these gains will at least double during the future growth of some of these stands. These and ear­ lier exp erime ntal trials indicate that land managers can reasonably expect from 200 to 800 additional cu ft of stemwood per acre over a 100year period after ap­ plying 150 to 200 pounds of nitrogen per • acre. Table 1: Early gains fertilizing Douglas fir on Sites I through IV, with 200 Ibs N per acre as urea Site I " III IV Gain Yearly cu ft 4-year cu It 27 48 70 91 108 192 280 364 Turnbull, Pelerson, 1976 Reprinted with permission from FOREST INDUSTRIES, September 1979 60 Fig. 1: Average fertilization costs and stumpage prices 250 Fig. 2: Cumulative cost of fertilizing 7% Interest Initial cost $60 /acre, compounded at $232 240 ' 220 200 / ............ ... I I I I I 150 I I I I I I I I '0 0 100 . 50 ,, ....... . � .... ........ .£,.,. ", ,. . 1968 1970 1972 () 160 140 $118 'iii 120 0 (i1 .-. Co '0 ­ ­ loo 80 ­ ­ ,.­ .,... .,... ­ ­ ­ ­ " " " ". " / 60 1-40 20 1974 1976 Years mates, reflects the biological fact that some forests respond to N fertilization more than others do. The total cost of fertilization has two components: the initial cost, and the in­ terest charges for carrying this cost until harvest. Initial costs. The initial costs of fer­ tilizing include the contract costs (sup­ plying the fertilizer, transporting it into the forest and applying it to specified areas by helicopter), and the costs of administering the contract, providing access roads and heliports and, in some instances, assessing water quality and tree response. Past costs of fertilization varied widely from year to year. For example, in 1970 the total cost of applying 200 lb of N lacre averaged $23. By 1974, as worldwide fertilizer shortages de­ veloped, average costs more than dou­ bled, to about $57 per acre. During the same period, however, stumpage prices increased even more, so fertilization appeared a more profitable investment in 1974 than in 1970 (Fig. 1). Current contract costs for applying 200 lb N lacre range from $55 per acre for small jobs (200 acres) to $41 per acre for largejobs (4,500). In this analysis, an average initial treatment cost of $60 per acre for a contract to fertilize about 200 acres and to cover costs of administer­ ing the contract is assumed. Interest charges. The compound in­ terest costs of carrying this initial in­ vestment strongly affect profits gained from fertilization. As consumers, we know that such carrying charges are based on the interest rate and the dura­ tion of the loan. Although the market rate of interest may be 12%, the real rate 61 180 Price'· i ./ . --- - 200 7% ". 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Investment period-years of interest is less because the rate of inflation must be subtracted. For example, if one borrows money at the market rate of 12% and the annual rate of inflation is 5%, then the real rate of interest is only 7%. Although the amount that must be paid to the lender is based on the 12% rate, the inflation­ caused increase in the cost of borrowing money will approximately be offset by the inflation-caused increase in the price of stumpage. (A detailed discussion of the effect of inflation on evaluation of forest investments, by H. M. Greger­ sen, is in the Journal of Forestry, 73:570-572.1975.) During a 10-year period, a fertiliza­ tion cost of$60 borrowed at a real rate of 7% almost doubles to a cost of$118 (Fig. 2). If carried 20 years, it doubles again-to $232 or almost four times the initial cost. To earn a profit, therefore, the increase in value of wood harvested from the fertilized stand must be more than $118 if harvested in 10 years and more than $232 if harvested in 20 years. For "best estimate" purposes, a 10­ year investment period is assumed. It further is assumed that most of the vol­ ume gained from fertilization would be accumulated in 10 years and that this extra volume, or its equivalent, could be cut and sold at that time. But harvesting trees 10 years after treatment is reason­ able only if fertilizer is applied to a stand that is merchantable or nearly mer­ chantable. If smaller trees are fertilized, then a longer investment period is necessary until crop trees reach mer­ chantable size. The additional revenue gained from fertilization depends on the amount of extra volume and its price per unit. For the landowner who sells stumpage only, this extra revenue is obtained from in­ creased volume. For landowners with manufacturing facilities, however, addi­ tional revenue accrues if the extra vol­ ume provides a more secure wood sup­ ply or reduces a need to purchase wood on a fluctuating open market when prices are high. Interpretation of results from numerous field trials supports the as­ sumption that $60-per-acre fertilization would increase volume growth by 200 to 800 cu ft during the next 10 years. Current stumpage prices. The extra volume of wood from fertilization pro­ vides revenue to the landowner when it, or an equivalent volume, is harvested and sold. The stumpage price paid to the forest owner is the residual or net value after the costs of logging, loading and hauling are subtracted from the price paid for logs at the mill. Large trees have more stumpage value per unit of volume because the price paid at the mill in­ creases and the costs of harvesting de­ crease. Therefore, the landowner ob­ tains a higher stumpage price for selling larger trees (Table 2). Although growth is more precisely measured in cubic feet, cubic foot prices are seldom used. Therefore, to estimate the stumpage value of extra cubic feet produced after fertilization, one must convert conventional stumpage prices per thousand board feet, Scribner scale, to a price per cubic foot. To convert stumpage values in board feet (BF) to cubic feet (CF): $ $ BF x CF BF CF The number of board feet recover­ able from a cubic foot of wood and the _ FOREST INDUSTRIES/September 1979 Table 2: Estimated prices & costs 1976, by average tree diameter, in dollars/1,000 bd ft, Scribner Av. dbh (In.) Mill price Logging, haul costs 81 121 16 20 30 $180 190 200 210 215 $90 80 60. 50 50 Stumpage price 90 $ 110 140 160 165 'Frequently bought. sold on tonnage basis Table 3: 1976 stumpage prices in board feet and cubic feet Dbh (In.) harvested trees 8 12 16 20 30 Stumpage price per 1,000 bd ft A ssumed conversion bd fVcu ft Stumpage price per cu ft 2.8 3.8 4.3 5.0 5.3 $0.25 .42 .60 .80 .87 $ 90 110 140 160 165 Table 4: Future revenues discounted back to 1978 using 7% rate Estimated: Low Avg. High Gain in yield (cu tt) 200 400 800 $122 390 $244 780 Discounted revenue (1978 dollars) $ 31 $ 62 8 in. dbh 99 198 20 In. dbh $124 397 Future revenue (1978 dollars) $ 61 8in.dbh 195 20in.dbh Table 5: Estimated present net worth and benefit/cost ratio, 200 Ibs N, harvest 10 yrs after fertilization, per acre 1 Volume gain (cu ft, (otal stem) 400 200 Present net worth (1978 dollars) -$29.02 8 in. dbh 20 in. dbh 39.15 Benefit /cost ratio 8 in. dbh 20 in. dbh 0.52 1.65 $ 800 1.96 138.30 $ 63.92 336.59 1.03 3.30 2.06 6.61 'includes real price increase of 2% per year and future revenues dis­ counled al 7% FOREST INDUSTRIES/September 1979 vides present net worth (PNW) for har­ vesting two sizes of trees (Table 5). Moreover, benefit-cost ratios are com­ puted by dividing discounted revenues by the $60 fertilization cost. Now you have "best estimates" as derived from this analysis. Table 5 shows the economic advan­ tage of fertilizing where N deficiency is severely limiting growth and where large trees can be removed to recover fertilization costs. For example, a gain in PNW of $337 per acre could be realized by fertilizing a mature stand that subsequently produced 800 extra cu ft of wood that could be harvested from trees averaging 20 in. dbh. In contrast, fertilizing young stands where growth is not severely limited by N deficiencies and the owner must wait 10 years to harvest small trees is unlikely to be profitable. Compound interest charges create a dilemma because forest managers rec­ ognize that silvicultural investments in young stands will eventually increase growth and economic returns for their entire forest ownership. Yet the invest­ ment in young stands may not be profit­ able, because the owner must either harvest small trees of low stumpage value or pay compound interest charges on his fertilization investment for an ex­ tended period of time. Mature or overmature stands in the forest inventory can provide flexibility to harvest immediately the extra growth gained from treating immature stands. Real prices ($/cu ft), Dbh For example, on forests with a regulated TOday Future Inches timber harvest, the harvest andresulting $0.25 8 $0.30 cash flow may increase immeruately .80 .98 10 when increased growth is included in Future and discounted revenue. the forest harvesting plan. On such These future stumpage prices multiplied forests, this increase in current harvest by the extra volume gained from fertili­ that occurs before any treated stands zation equals the landowner's future are actually harvested is called the "al­ revenues. To compare revenue and ex­ lowable cut effect." It is widely recognized that the al­ penses in the same year, one can either project costs ahead to the year of rev­ lowable cut effect (ACE) occurs. It is enues or discount the revenues back to also widely recognized that the im­ the year of costs. The latter procedure mediate increase in current harvest and provides present net worth (pNW), a cash flow is the result of increasing the frequently used index to evaluate in­ growth on future stands. Clearly, this immediate increase in vestments. PNW estimates profit after investment costs are subtracted from cash flow does not come directly from the sale of wood that is produced by the discounted revenue. In this analysis, future revenues are fertilizer. Yet, through the ACE, fertili- . discounted back to present by using a zation can increase harvest level and 7% rate of discount. Discounted rev­ cash flow. Some firms or agencies enues ranged from $31 to $397 per acre which are committed to a regulated or depending on assumed amount of extra even-flow volume of harvest use ACEin growth attributed to fertilization and the evaluating the profitability of forest fer­ dbh of the harvested trees (Table 4). tilization. The occurrence of ACE may Subtracting a fertilization cost of$60per make forest fertilization more attractive acre from the discounted revenues pro­ to them than to the small landowner.­ price per board foot are both strongly dependent upon tree size (Table 3). Therefore, the price paid per cubic foot is higher for large diameter logs than for small logs. This difference in pricing means that a 300-cu-ft gain per acre from fertilization might return three times as much stumpage revenue to the land­ owner if harvested from 20-in. trees in­ stead of from 8-in. trees. Future stumpage price. The extra wood produced from fertilization will be harvested years after application. To compute financial gains from treatment, one can estimate the future price of this extra wood by selecting an appropriate current stumpage price and projecting an annual rate of price increase. The average price for Douglas fir stumpage on national forests in western Washington and Oregon has increased substantially over the last decade. Even when prices are converted to "constant dollars" to remove inflation, a substan­ tial increase in real price is evident. Based on trends of regional stumpage prices and national lumber prices, a 2% annual increase in the real price of stumpage is assumed for estimation of economic gains from fertilization. This is a conservative estimate of the future price. For this analysis, average 1976 stumpage prices for small (8-in. dbh) and large (20-in. dbh) trees are used and projected for 10 years. 62