BOT. GAZ.136(4): 347-352. 1975. (h) 1975 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved. ISOEN%YME STUDY OF DWARF AND NORMAL DOUGLAS-FIR TREES1 DONALD L. COPES Forestry Sciences Laboratory, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station USDA Forest Service, Corvallis, Oregon 97331 ABSTRACT Isoenzymes of 13 yewlike dwarfs, 13 twisted-needle dwarfs, and 13 normal Douglas-fir trees were compared for seven enzymes. Dwarfing altered the trees, and many zymograms were significantly different from zymograms of normal trees. Dwarfs were characterized by one or more of the following traits: the presence of some isoenzymes not found in normal trees, the lack of some isoenzymes that were present in all normal trees, and the darker staining of some isoenzymes than of the same isoenzymes in normal trees. These differences were in addition to the usual differences between trees and between tissues or organs found in normal Douglas-fir populations. No one isoenzyme typified all yewlike or all twisted-needle dwarfs. Introduction Seedlings with aberrant phenotypes are occasionally encountered when large numbers of Douglas-fir (Pseu(lotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) seeds are germinated. Frequency of occurrenceis low and appears to vary with seed parentage and with pregermination treatment such as length of seed storage. There are two types of slow-growingor "dwarf" trees that can be easilv recognized b) needle morphology and reduced annual leader increment (fig. 1). The first type is "yewlike" dwarfs (OWENS1967; CH1NGand DOERKSEN 1971). Needles on yewlike seedlings resemble those found on Taxus trees more than those on typical Douglas-firtrees. Their needles are thicker in cross section, shorter in length, and spira]ly arranged on twigs rather than the general two-ranked orientation seen on normal Douglas-fir twigs. The second tYpe of dwarf seedling is termed a "twisted-needle"dwarf because it has short, twisted needles. Needles of the twisted-needle trees appear to be silver-green because much of their lower stomata-covered surface is exposed to view. Physiological factors controlling dwarfing appear to be unstable. Yewlike seedlings with normalappearinglower branches and dwarf upper branches are occasionallyencountered (CHINGand DOERKSEN 1971), and the reciprocal condition has also been found. Abrupt phenotypic changes like these are termed somatic mutations or bud sports. Causes of dwarfing and correlated changes in enzyme composition are unknown for Douglas-fir, but enzyme studies with other plants have sometimes shown that changes in enzvme composition are correlated with dwarfing. Tomato dwarfs differed from normal plants both quantitatively and qualitatively in peroxidase isoen%ymes (EV.\NS and ALLDRIDGE 1965) . 0th er workershave shown activit of peroxidase, polvphenol oxidase, and IAA oxidase to be very similar (SRIVASTAVA and VANHUYSTEE 1973). Enzymes such as these may or may not be 1 Appreciation is given to Dr. FRANKSORENSEN,Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station at Corvallis, for the trees used in this study. 347 involved in some phase of growth regulation in Douglas-fir but might show altered enzyme composition in dwarf trees. Isoenzyme examination of dwarf and normal Douglas-fir trees and especially comparisons between normal and dwarf areas of bud sport trees offer an excellent opportunity to study isoenzyme variation resulting from or associated with dwarfing. In this study, tissues from normal, vewlike, twistedneedle, and normal and dwarf areas of bud sport trees were subjected to electrophoreticanalysis. The primary objective was to deterIlline whether zymograms of dwarfs were visibly different from zymograms of normal trees, and, if so, which enzymes in dwarf seedlings were most subject to change. A secondary objective was to identify isoenzymes found in normal Douglas-fir seedlings. Zymograms of normal trees were the standard against which dwarf seedlings were compared. Material and methods Dwarf and normal Douglas-fir trees used in this stud were 3-7 yr old and canze from seed trees growing within 30 llliles of Corvallis, Oregon. Studx trees included 13 vewlike, 13 twisted-needle, and 13 normal trees (fig. 1). Yewlike trees were almost identical to those reported by OWENS(1967) and CH1NG and DOERKSEN (1971). All but two seedlings were grown in a nursery bed at Corvallis. The two dwarfs not at Corvallis had been field planted 2 yr previouslv about 10 miles north of Corvallis. Three of the 13 twisted-needle and two of the 13 yewlike dwarfs were bud sport trees containing both normal and dwarf foliage. Tissues from both dwarf and normal foliage of bud sport were subjected to electrophoreticstudy. Electrophoretic apparatus used was similar to that describedbv CONKLE (1972). Starch gels (12%o) were prepared about 15 h before electrophoresis. Thick gels (16-18 mm) wereused so that seven 2-mmthick slices could be cut from each gel. Each gel contained 467 ml of gel buffer solution (417 ml of tris-citrate [0.07 M, pH 8.3] and 50 ml of lithium _*{, =; . LmE CZ |available, - _; S 1Peroxidase, were 9 _1-_ "acid diagrams ! scales _Tree absorbed (perlderm 1973 phosphatase, not branches of and cytochrome removed) | because the January on to paper isoenzvme lnner werewere glutamate thev 24, oxidase, collected Bcamblal wicks 1974. macerated arepatterns known (5 Samples dehvdrogenase, zone), catalase, theX. in 13 day to were from and two mm, before be esterase, drawn about each to involved Whatman eight electree and and 50L $. s2 = g . xW_R.. . -, _ 348 BOTANICALGAZETTE A t t .t. ;t£ W _ :| 1 t S g 1 11 li* ||X_ *| ii 11 - 11| i 211 i > - !S ,, F gi_ ^ SX11S E:e borate [0.25M, pH 7.4]) with 56 g of hydro]yzed starch. The electrode buffer was lithium borate (0.25M,pH 7.4). Electrophoresis was performedat 8 C for 2-2.25 h with a constantcurrentof 100mA 7.6 mA/cm). The borate front traveled 8 cm towardthe anodeduringthat time. Vo]tageincreased duringthe runfrom230 to 550V. - E _3 _ D about 500mg of needles,about 250mg of bark 1 75 mg of vegetative bud meristems (with bud _ - N 1 e u _ _ drops of gel buffer solution containing5SOpolyvinvlpsrrolidone(MW40,000).Only tissuesformed in 1973weremacerated.The maceratedplant fluids II no. 1 chromatography paper). Four gels werepreparedfor each electrophoretic run.Eachgel contained18 or 21 wicks(six or seven trees). Wickswith extractsfromneedles,bark,and buds of each tree wereplacedln the same gels. In each electrophoretic run, trees studiedat that date werereplicatedoncein twogels.Two electrophoretic runs were made for every tree, so each tree was tested in fourdifferentgels. XL ..1 * b| * < ^>* a a Eij t t v _ l ^ leucineaminopeptidase (LAP)wereselectedbecause workablemethodsof deteeting these enzymes are -^ t _5^ in growthregulation.Peroxidase,acid phosphatase, esterase,and LAP visualizationfollowedthe proceduresdescribedb)SCAND.ALIOS (1969).Glutamate dehdrogenaseand catalaseweredetectedbv methods describedbw SHAWand PRASAD(1970). Cvtochromeoxidasewas detected with the method reportedby MOLNAR and LACROIX(1972). Detailed _ . j s < : ^ photographsmadeof eachgel. Bandpositionsin this paperareexpressedas relativemobility,Rm values: the distancethat the isoenzymehad migratedfrom the origin,dividedby the distancethe boratefront had movedfrom the origintowardthe anode.The only cathodicbandsreportedwerethreeperoxidase and cytochromeoxidaseisoenzymes.All other Rm valuesapplyto anodicbands. { t i i<S @. w 3E ^ai i^s< -9 k > _ - -^ '@ 4_t ^--s _f> lf LR :_ _ l E .F fl ,^ _ 1 ES F) , }4s of 7-yr-old yewllke (A), 3-yr-old normal (B), and 7-yr-old twisted-needle(C) trees showing characteristicneedleand crowntraits. F IG. 1.-Photographs trophoresis.Storagewas at 0 C in plasticbags.Electrophoreticruns were made betweenDecember6, Results A summationof the isoenzymesfoundin needles, bark, and vegetatlvebud merlstemsof 13 normal Douglas-firtreesis presentedin figure2. These isoenzymeswere used as the standardagainst which isoenzymesfrom dwarf trees were compared.In figure3, isoenzymesfromdwarfsthat were significantly dlfferentfrom those found ln normaltrees are presented.Isoenzymesthat did not appearin -- RELATIVE MOBILITY (Rm) Anode Catalase - - - - - -- - Peroxidase and Acid Glutanic Leuci cytochrome phosphatase dehydrogenaseaminopep oxidase N B M N B M N BM N B M N B 1.00,.90 .70 - - .60 .50- = - b " .40 n 10n - - -.10, -.20 -.30 -.40Cathode 2.-Zymograms of normalDouglas-firneedles(N), bark (B), and vegetative meristems(M) sampledfrom D 24; 1974.Heavy shadinginclicatesdark-stainedbands;dashedline indicatesvery lightly stainedbands,and interme that staineddarkerthan those indicatedby dashedline but less dark than those indicatedby heavy shading. FIG. RELATIVE MOBILITY {Rm} Catalase Peroxidaseand cytochromeoxidase Acid phosphatase Glutamate dehydrogenase Leu aminop - N B M N B M N B M N B M N Anode 1.00 .70 f, - .50 O c 9 *av *o .10 o -.10 -.20 Cathode 1TIG.3.-Uncommon isoenzymesfound in needles (N), bark (B) and vegetative meristems(M) of some yewlike an dwarfs.Heavy shadingindicatesdark-stainedbands;intermediateshadingindicatesbandsthat stainedless darkthan and oval indicatesareaswhereisoenzymesexistedin normalDouglas-firbut were absentin dwarfs.Heavy shadingand the conditionwhere some dwarfsstained darkwhereasother dwarfshad little or no enzyme activity. COPES-ISOENZYME STUDY OF DOUGLAS-FIR replications of each tree were not recorded in figure 2 or figure 3. CATAL ASE. T;ssue-type or organ-spec;fic differences were evident in catalase z7mograms of normal trees, but no between-tree variation was evident (fig. 2). The most distinctive trait found in twistedneedle dwarfs was that 77So of such dwarfs had little or no catalase activity in needle extracts at Rm .34. This condition proved to be the most reliable means of identifying the twisted-needle type of mutant bs electrophoresis,because all yewlike dwarfs or normal trees had noticeable activity at that location (figs. 2 and 3). Low enzvme activitv in needle extracts was related in some way to the twisted-needle condition. Bud sport trees had catalase activit) in extracts from normalbranchesbtlt lacked activity in extracts from twisted-needle branches. PEROXIDASE ANDCYTOCHROME OXID\SE. In most cases, identical zymograms were obtained for peroxidase and for cytochrome oxidase. It appeared that the same isoenzymes were demonstrated bs7 both stains. One slight differencein stain sensitivit7 of the two methods was noted in several twisted-needle dwarfs, with weak peroxidaseactivitSrat Rm .45 but with normalcytochromeoxidase activits at the same 351 occasionally encountered in extracts from dwarfs that had chlorotic needles. An isoenzvme at Rm .31 was found in two dwarfs but did not occur in any other tree (fig. 3). One bud sport tree had isoenzymes at Rm.79 and .81 (fig. 3) in dwarf tissues, whereas the bands were at Rm .77 and .79 (fig. 2) in normal tissues. Such minor changos in mobility may have been caused bv chance variation, but each replication of the same tree showed the same small but consistent difference. ACIDPHOSPH\TASE.Manv acid phosphatase isoenz-mes were detected in normal and dwarf seedlings. Tree and tissue-specificvariations were found, but no one acid phosphatase z) mogram typified all Xewlike or all twisted-needledwarfs (fig. 2). Extracts of needle and bark tissues from some dwarfs had extremel) dark stained isoenzxmes at Rm.56 and .60 (fig. 3). One bud sport tree had this unusual trait in both the dwarf branches and the normal branches of the same tree. In other dwarfs only the Rm.56 isoenzvme stained abnormally dark, whereas the Rm.60 isoenzyme appeared to be normal. Another abnormality noted was the lack of an Rm.62 isoenzyme in needles of some twisted-needle dwarfs. Other Sewlike dwarfs lacked activit) in the bark at posltlon. the usual Rm.56 position but had activitv at the Zt,7mograms obtained were a function of both the unusual Rm.62. tree and the tpe of tissue sampled. One tissueGLUTAM.\TE DEHYDROGENASE. Onl) one isoenspecific isoenzyme was at Rm.4() (fig. 2), which z-me was found (fig. 1). No between-treeor betweenstained dark in needle tissues while onls a slight sign tissue variation was noted for either dwarfs or of activity was found in bark and bud tissues. The normal trees. isoenzymes most subject to individual tree variation LEUCINE .XMIN'OPEPTIDASE. Douglas-fir z) mowere at Rm.45 and .49 (fig. 2). E;ther or both isograms revealed isoenz-mes at Rm.62, .66, .69, and enzn7meswere found in all trees. Thex were probabl.71 in both normaland dwarf trees (fig. 2). Vegetative most active enznrmaticallyas shown by rapid, dark bud meristems ! ielded more active extracts than did staining that occurred at those Rm locations after bark tissues. ATeedletissues had little or no LAP gels were first placed in staining solutions. activita-.The Rm .66, .69, and .71 isoenz-mes showed Some isoenz-mes were detected in a much higher tspical tree-to-tree variation, while the Rm.62 isofrequencs in dwarfsthan in normaltrees. Isoenzymes enzvme was found in all trees. Either one or two of from buds with Rm values above .80 occurredin 5757O the variable three bands were found in each tree, yewlike and 23%otwisted-needle dwarfs but onl- in but never all three. 8%onormal trees (fig. 3). Darker or denser staining Comparisonof dwarf and normal tree z) mograms than normal was also noted at some high-Rm posidid not reveal ans- isoenz-mes fotlnd onls- in dwarfs, tions in the bark and needles of one sewlike and in but differences were evident when isoenzyme frethe needles of one twisted-needle dwarf. 4tlencieswere calctllated. Onl) 8%oof the twistedAbnormall)dark stained isoenz) mes of peroxidase needle trees had the Rm .66 isoenz) me, whereas46So blladcytochrome oxidase at Rnl .zA ancl .n9 were not of the s-ewlikedwarfs and 36%oof the normal trees fotlnd in extracts from normal trees, but they were contained the isoenzvme (fig. 3). Twisted-needle 1loted in needle extracts of 21So -ewlilie and 3857o trees had an unustlall) large number of trees with twisted-need]e dwarfs. One distinctive cathodic isothe Rm.69 isoenz!-me (D4EYO in the twisted-needle, 7SOin the !-ewlike, and 15%oin the normal trees). enzyme was noted in bark tissues at Rm-.04 (fig. 3). This band was present in 57SOof the Xewlike and ESTFR.\SE.-Variabilit- between replications of 38%oof the twisted-needle dwarfs but never in the the same trees made z-mograms of this enz-me diffi13 normal trees. Bud sport trees had the charactercult to evaluate. Tissue-t-pe and between-tree variistic cathodic isoenznme at Rm-.04 in extracts ation was found, but no clear isoenz) me differences from dwarf foliage but the same band was absent in distingtlished dwarfs from normal trees or twistedextracts from normal-appearingfoliage of the sanle needle from Xewlike dwarfs. The Inost consistent trees. difference for this enz!me was the presence of an Other isoenzx7meswere found infrequentlx7in some isoenznme at Rm 9(), seen in 36%oof the -ewlike dwarfs. Isoenzymes with Rm values above .90 were dwarfs (fig. 3). This isoenz-me was absent in normal . . 352 BOTANICALGAZETTE (fig. 2) and other dwarf trees. One other twistedneedle dwarf had an isoenzyme at Rm.78 that was not detected in the other trees (fig. 3). Discussion All 13 dwarfs examined in this study were distinguished from the normal trees by some characteristic isoenzSme condition. Differences that separate dwarf from normal were in addition to the usual ones between tree and between tissue-type variation found in natural populations. The factors that made zmograms from dwarfs unique were not simple changes in frequency of occurrence of common isoenzymes: they were the presence of bands not found in normal trees, isoenzt,mes that stained darker than the same isoenzymes of normal trees, and the lack of isoenz) mes that were present in all normal trees. No one isoenzyme differencewas present or absent in all yew]ike or in all twisted-needle dwarfs. For example, some peroxidase, cStochrome oxidase, and esterase isoenzxmes were found in severaldwarfs that were not present in normal trees, but other trees of the salue dwarf phenotype lacked these characteristic bands. Forty-eight percent of the dwarf trees had a cathodic isoenzyme at Rm-.()4 for peroxidase and cytochrome oxidase, but the absence of this band did not signify normality, becatlse the remaining dwarfs an(l all the normal trees also lacked the isoenzyme. The same condition held for dwarfs, which gave heavily stained peroxidaseand cytochrome oxidase isoenzymes at Rm .54 and .59. In this case, the remaining dwarfs and all normal trees did not lack the isoenzymes, but did not show the marked increase in stain density at those positions. Dark staining may indicate increased enzyme activity (BOWLINGand CROWDEN1973). Reduced catalase activity at Rm.34 was most characteristicof the twisted-needle dwarfs and typified 77S0 of the twisted-needle trees. It was the consistent isoenzSme variant encotlntered in the entire studv. No normal or ye^A71ike trees were similarly affected. Three other twisted-needle trees showed that they were not dwarfs because of this condition; they had normal catalase activitv at Rm.34, yet had the characteristic dwarf phenotype. Twistecl- needle dwarfs were also slightly different for LAP zymograms. They had a lower frequency of the Rm.66 isoenzyme and a higher frequency of the Rm .69 isoenzyme. The most characteristic isoenzymes of yewlike dwarfs were peroxidase and cytochrome oxidase bands above Rm.80. These bands were found in 57SOof yewlike dwarfs. Similar isoenzymes occurred in 23So of the twisted-needle dwarfs and 8So of the normal trees. Several other isoenzymes were encountered infrequently, and some isoenzymes that stained darker than normal were found, but similar isoenzymes were not found in other vewlike trees or were also found in some twisted-needle dwarfs. Zymograms of esterase and acid phosphatase revealed several isoenzymes that stained darker than normal and several cases where no isoenzymes were missing. In addition, two dwarfs had several isoenzymes not found in normal trees. The general lack of significant difference between esterase and acid phosphatase zymograms of dwarfs and normal trees indicates that they are not directlv influenced bv the dwarfing phenomena and are of little use in characterizingdwarf Douglas-fir seedlings. Between-tree and between-tissue or organ-type variation was found in both normal and dwarf Douglas-firtrees. Of the seven enzvmes studied, only glutamate dehydrogenase failed to show variation. Glutamate dehydrogenase had onlv one isoenzyme which was found in bud meristems,bark, and needles of every tree examined. The enzymes with the most isoenzymes were peroxidaseand cytochrome oxidase, but acid phosphatase and esterase also exhibited manv bands. Variationwas observed most frequently in peroxidaseand cytochrome oxidase zymograms. Zymograms effectivelv distinguished dwarf from normal Douglas-fir trees and, in most cases, distinguished y ewlike dwarfs from twisted-needle dwarfs. Electrophoresisprobably will not be used to distinguish dwarfs from normal Douglas-fir trees, since dwarfs can be easily identified by external appearance,but the method is very useful in separating each dwarf type into smaller groups. Considerable enzyme variation was noted within each of the two dwarf types. 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