About T , This fil his File'. e Was c reated . b sc Y . a nning th Mlsscans Identifie e printe d bY th d Publi.c ho w eve e S ation. oftware r so rne haVe be rn'ISti en corr a <es rn e cted' ay rern a . . m - I I NATURAL RESISTANCE OF PLANTS TO MAMMALS M. A. Radwan Principal Plant Physiologist Forestry Sciences Labora tory Pac. N.W. Forest and Range Expt. Station Forest Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Olympia, Washington A REPRINT FROM WILDLIFE AND FOREST MANAGEMENT IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST Compiled and Edited by Hugh C. Black ASIOciate Professor of Forest Wildlife &oIOIY December 1914 School of Forestry Oregon State University· NATURAL RESISTANCE OF PLANTS TO MAMMALS M. A. Radwan , Principal Plant Physiologist Forestry Sciences Laboratory Pac. N.W. Forest and Range Expt. Station Forest Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Olympia, Washington ABSTRACT I review natural resistance of plants to mammals and assess influencing factors, especially those related to plant chemistry. An extensive literature describes many examples of resistance to mammals, among and within species, and suggests numerous chemical factors to explain differences in feeding preferences. Causes of inconsistencies in the published results and suggestions for fu ure researcl\ into factors of resistance are given. Studies' of specific, naturally occurring chemiCals may lead to new methods aimed at alleviating damage by mammaIs to forest tree species. INTRODUCTION natural resistance with emphasis on forest species, and then review and assess the influencing factors, especially those related to physiology and bio­ chemistry of plants. Herbivorous mammals always have exploited plants to satisfy their need for food and shelter. Starving herbivores probably will feed upon any available plant material. Occasionally, various her­ bivores even consume animal food (25). When stress for food is not great, however, these animals show definite selectivity in their feeding upon available vegetation. Thus, different species of mammals have been observed to prefer different parts of plants and to discriminate among and within species. In these responses, however, differ­ ences occur among strains and even individuals of the same animal species. In addition, preferences usually change with age and physiology of the animal, and may vary by location and even on the same area during different seasons and after habitat modifications. The literature shows that terms that describe the degree to whiCh forest plants and se,eds are used by herbivores include: utilization, preference, selection, acceptability, palatability, resistance, sus­ ceptibility, consumption, rejection, dislike, relish, favor, destruction, removal, attack, and so on. Some of these terms have been defined, but various workers have used them carelessly. .All of these terms are relative, however; they are also meaning­ less unless the animal and the prevailing conditions are described. In this paper, I will give examples of EXAMPLES OF NATURAL RESISTANCE Resistance to feeding by domestic and wild animals was first observed in agricultural crops. Later, as interest in wildlife increased and forest lands were managed more intensively. resistance was recognized among browse plants and forest trees. Now. extensive literature on feeding behavior contains many contlicting reports. because re­ sistance is intluenced by many factors. including availability of other plant species. The following are representative examples of plant resistance to some of the important forest mammals. Resistance of Se eds to Rodents Seeds vary greatly in their resistance to small rodents. In the Northeast. Abbott (I) reported that seed-eating rodents rejected balsam fir seed when seeds of white pine, red pine, eastern hemlock, and white spruce were available. Similar observations in the West showed that white fir seed was less preferred than that of Douglas-fir (38). and seeds of Port-Orford-cedar. the true firs. and red alder were less accepted than those of western hemlock and Douglas-fir (49). 85 86 Kesistance of Trees to Gnawing Rodents Resistance of trees to gnawing by rodents is well known. Compared with other species, white spruce seedlings were found resistant to the meadow vole in New York (41), in Wisconsin (66), and in Canada (14, 75). Scotch pine, on the other hand, was reported most resistant in Massachusetts (65) in contrast to earlier findings in New York and Canada where the species was found highly susceptible (14, 41). In addition, Rudolf (63) found Scotch pine highly preferred by porcupines in the Lake States and he also observed that damage varied with the seed origin of the species. Resistance of Trees to Hares and Rabbits Many instances have been reported in which hares and rabbits showed selectivity in their clip­ ping of plants. Resistant tree species include Port-Orford-cedar and western hemlock in Oregon and Washington (49, 69), white spruce in the Lake States (3), balsam fir and white cedar in New York (16), and black spruce in Minnesota (17). Differ­ ences in browsing preference by these animals also were reported among different sources of pon­ derosa pine in Washington (68) and Nebraska (59), among individuals of white pine and eastern redcedar in Massachusetts (70), and among cuttings from different grafted Douglas-fir genotypes in Washington (E. J. Dimock, unpublished). Resistance of Trees to Deer The browsing habits of deer have indicated resistance by many plants. Field observations in western Washington and British Columbia showed that western hemlock was less preferred than Douglas-fir (18, 47), although the opposite was found in feeding trials with captive black-tailed deer in Washington (11). In Montana, Douglas-fir was reported less preferred by white-tailed deer than was ponderosa pine (2)', and in Ontario, white spruce was found less susceptible than jack pine and white pine (34). Differences in preference also were observed among deciduous species on the Tillamook Burn in Oregon by Crouch (19), who reported that during the winter twigs of red alder and vine maple were less preferred than those of cascara and red huckleberry. In addition, differ­ ences in resistance among individuals of the same species have been shown with western yellow pine Wildlife and Forest Management in the Pacific Northwest (probably ponderosa pine) in Colorado (7), red and Utah juniper in Utah (67), ponderosa pine in Washington (68), and big sagebrush in Utah (28). Furthermore, experiments with penned black­ tailed deer in Washington indicated widely varying resistance among cuttings of different grafted Douglas-fir genotypes (E. J. Dimock, unpublished). FACTORS OF RESISTANCE All plants are resistant to some extent to the mammals in their environment. This natural de­ fense by plants may be secured through mor* phological or physiological factors or both. Morphological factors usually associated with re­ sistance are limited; they include presence of specialized plant structures such as thorns on stems and harsh-textured leaves, which affect the ease of harvesting and swallowing of plants by the animal. Physiological factors, on the other hand, are much more varied . They include various phytochemicals. because physiological processes of plants ulti­ mately are manifested in their chemical com­ position. They also have been investigated and emphasized more than other factors, mainly be­ cause of the strong belief that all animals are sensitive to the chemistry in their environment. This belief was reemphasized recently by Arnold and Hill (4): Animals, and ruminants are no ex­ ception, live in worlds linked by chemi­ cal communication systems. Their social, reproductive, and feeding behaviour are pri m a r i l y d etermined by chemical stimuli. The chemical signals which mainly influence food selection are those receiwd at reception sites for taste and smell. During the past 10 years, several reviews have been written on the subject of selection (or preference) of foods by animals (4, 25, 31). These reviews and other pertinent publications show that a multitude of chemical factors have been studied, especially in agricultural crops, in relation to feeding by sheep and cattle. Both nutritional and nonnutritional chemicals have been evaluated, but the literature shows many conflicting results. Resistance of P/on/s to Animals Examples of different chemicals suspected to influence resistance (or susceptibility) of plants to a variety of mammals are included below. Nutritional Chemicals One hypothesis is that animals possess the "nutritional wisdom" necessary to enable them to select plants of high nutritional value and to make the right choice to meet specific nutrient needs. Nutritional components of plants, especially pro­ teins, have been emphasized in much of the literature, and positive correlations between these components and feeding preferences have been reported. Thus, plants with high content of crude protein were preferred by cattle, sheep, and deer in many investigations (29,33,52,62,64). Similarly, various mammals have been found to select plants with high contents of sugars (13, 24,48, 53, 58), soluble carbohydrate (61), crude fat (29, 43), organic acids (35), phosphorus (53, 60, 71), potassium (32, 39), calcium (71), or carotene (21). Results, however, have not been consistent. Several studies have shown that many plants were not selected by mammals in spite of high levels of important nutrients such as proteins (53, 54, 60, 71), sugars (9, 52,55),soluble carbohydrates (23), fats (53; M. A. Radwan and G. L. Crouch, unpublished), carotene (53), and calcium (53). In addition, penned sheep in one experiment failed to select an adequate diet from a variety of available foods (26); in another test, sheep and cattle suffering from phosphorus deficiency consumed little of the phosphate-rich mixture offered to them (25). Rather than the absolute amount of a particu­ lar chemical, som ' e investigators have suggested r a t i o s o f s p e c ific nutrients, such as the calcium/phosphorus ratio (27), the total nutritive value of plants (15), or the balance of nutrients against inhibitors (42), as better indicators of preference. Unfortunately, some of these indi­ cators are impossible to measure, and others have not explained preference satisfactorily (20, 72). Nonnutritional Chemicals Unlike nutritional chemicals. which are gen­ erally believed to increase palatability of plants. nonnutritiol1al chemicals commonly are regarded as d eterrents, which increase plant resistance to 157 animals. These chemicals include structural ma­ terials, toxic compounds, aromatics. and phenolic substances. Struct ural chemicals. Fiber and lignin are associated with the maturity of plants; as they increase, plant succulence and digestibility by mammals decrease. Negative correlation between these materials (especially lignin) ahd preference, therefore, have been shown in many studies (24, 62, 74). On the other hand, other published reports (71) and unpublished results (M. A. Radwan and G. L. Crouch) have failed to show such correlations with some plants. In addition, mammals are known to select roughages oc­ casionallY. Toxicants. Many toxic compounds occur in plants and these toxic plants usually are believed to be unpalatable, because animals somehow can detect their toxicity. Among toxic chemicals found in poisonous plants are alkaloids, polypeptides, amines, glycosides, oxalates, nitrates, nitrites, hydrocyanic acids, selenium, lead, cadmium, and copper (37). Most of the work with these compounds concerns identification and toxicity determinations, which are beyond the scope of this paper. Some studies were made, however, in which ' low concentrations of these compounds were i n v e s t ig a ted i n relation to resistance and preference. For example, nitrates in forage were associated negatively with preference by livestock (53). Similarly, grazing preference of cattle and sheep for sudal1grass varieties and sorghum x sudangrass hybrids was correlated negativdy with hydrocyanic acid content (55). Unpalatable clones of reed canarygrass contained higher concentra­ tions of indole alkaloid derivatives than did the palatable clones (6). High levels of the alkaloid salacin were associated with resistance of willows and poplars to the opossum in New Zealand (45). Essential oils. Many plants produce essential oils containing various terpenes and non terpene compounds. These plants have been characterized as "aroma tic" and have been observed to possess various degrees of resistance to animal feeding because of their oil content. For example. ill feeding trials in Colorado. Dietz et al. (22) found that deer consumed only small amounts of big sagebrush . which is known to contain from I to :2 percent of essential oils (50). Likewise. Smith (67) 88 observed that penned deer in Utah avoided junipers that had high concentrations or oils. In addition, Santamour, Cunningham, and Peterson (65) in Massachusetts hypothesized that variation in re­ sistance of several exotic pines to damage by meadow voles was associated with presence of the terpene delta-3-carene in their oleoresins. Many volatile oils have been known to possess antibacterial action (46), and, recently, oils from shrubs and trees and their effect upon ruminants and rumen microorganisms have been investigated in attempts to explain the role of oils in plant resistance. Thus, Nagy, Steinhoff, and Ward (50) reported in Colorado that big sagebrush in the diet decreased food intake of a fistulated steer, and the oils inhibited growth of deer microorganisms and cellulose digestion in vitro. Also, more recently, detailed studies of essential oils were carried out in California with deer and sheep (42,44,5 1), and in Washington with deer (56). Results of these studies show that palatability and in vitro digestibility of some oil-containing plants were correlated pos­ itively. Oils of these plants probably affected p a l a tability through their effect on rumen microbial activity. And, although effects varied with concentration and composition, oils of low­ palatability plants were mostly inhibitory but those from plants of higher palatability were chiefly stimulatory. Unfortunately, palatability and digestibility have not always been correlated positively (73). We have found recently that differential effects of oils isolated fromeifferent browse species failed to rate accurately the plants' preference by deer (M. A. Radwan and G. L. Crouch, unpublished). The characteristic odor of essential oils also may play an important role in determining re­ sistance (or susceptibility) of plants to feeding by mammals that rely to some extent on sense of smell in their selection of food. Clearly, differences ,in amounts, composition, or both of volatiles emitted by plants could be useful in explaining animals' response. In a recent study (M. A. Radwan and W. D. Ellis, unpublished), we used gas chromatography to compare volatiles emanating, under laboratory conditions, from mature foliage of different Douglas-fir clones that had been rated for their resistance to deer and hare. Although no qualitative' differences appeared among these Wildlife and Forest Management in the Pacific Northwest dones, we found that foliage from the resistant clones emitted llluch more volatiles than those from the preferred trees. Possibly, the mechanism of resistance, at least in Douglas-fir, is based on emission of large amounts of terpenes. Because the technique we followed was new, however, we believe it should be explored further before a definite conclusion is reached. Phenolic compounds. In the plant kingdom, phenolic substances constitute a large class of compounds, second only to carbohydrates in abun­ dance. They display a great structural hetero­ geneity, ranging from simple phenols to complex polymeric structures such as tannins. They also are among the most stable plant products, and some are inherited simply. Further, some phenolic com­ p o u n d s s uch as the flavonols and leuco­ anthocyanins cause astringency in plants (36), and others may form complexes with protein and render plant material resistant to microbial decom­ position (8). That some phenols have been used extensively in chemotaxonomic studies and that the compounds have been characterized generally as defense chemicals against predation (40) is not surprising, therefore. In studies of phenolic compounds affecting mammal preferences, tannins were investigated more than other phenols. These compounds have been correlated positively (53) and negatively (76) and also have been uncorrelated (30) with pref­ erence. This inconsistency probably was caused by the complex nature of tannins and by the different analytical methods followed in their determina­ tion. Coumarin is known for its bitter taste (to man) and its wide distribution in plants. Thus,low palatability commonly has been attributed to presence of the compound in plants (10), and lowered intake of food with added coumarin has been demonstrated with sheep (4). In another study, however, the adverse effect on palatability of coumarin sprayed directly on plants was shown to be only temporary (5). This temporary effect probably was caused by rapid adjustment of the animals to the compound, reduction in con­ centration of the chemical by volatilization, or both. Isoflavones and their glycosides also were mong the phenols suspected to affect resistance of 89 Resistance of Plants to Animals plants to feeding, because the compounds are known to cause serious reproductive disorders in some animals. Arnold and Hill (4), however, reported lack of correlation between these com­ pounds and preference by sheep for different strains of clover. Phenols also have been shown to enhance palatability. Positive correlation between pref­ erence by sheep for different genotypes of reed canarygrass and the water-soluble phenolic content has been reported (12). More recently, Hanks et al. (28) separated phenols of big sagebrush belonging to different palatability classes. They found a strong association between chromatographic pat­ terns of the separated phenols and preference by deer and livestock. Extracts of the preferred plants contained much more of an unidentified phenol, with blue-green fluorescence under ultraviolet, than unpalatable plants. My work with different clones of Douglas-fir showed both negative and positive associations of phenols with preference, depending upon the type of phenol studied. Thus, in one study, I found that foliage from Douglas-fir resistant to feeding by deer and hare contained higher concentrations of total phenols (tannins), flavonols, and leuco­ anthocyanins, than did susceptible foliage (56). In other studies, I discovered the presence of chlorogenic acid in Douglas-fir and found that levels of this phenolic acid were consistently higher in foliage of preferred clones than in that of more resistant clones (56, 57). Further, my unpublished data with additional clones and progeny of the same genotypes support this finding; they also show that potential for content of chlorogenic acid was transmittable through breeding. These results are encouraging. I believe that we soon may be able to use low chlorogenic acid content as an indicator for selecting trees in breeding Douglas-fir for resistance to deer and hare. CONCLUSlbNS Much evidence shows that resistance to mam­ mals occurs among and within plant species. Determinations of relative resistance of plants, however, have given many contlicting results. Obviously, one or more of the many differences among the various published studies could explain these conflicts. Such differences usually are found in techniques followed, comparisons made, loca­ tion of study, animal and plant varieties studied, and season of the year. Investigations of chemical factors affecting feeding preferences have long been emphasized. Yet, in spite of extensive chemical analyses, about the only agreement among investigators of chemi­ cals influencing preference is the importance of plant chemistry. This is not surprising. Direct and indirect effects of chemicals on animals are easily recognized. But obtaining consistent results in attempts to relate chemical composition of plants to their resistance or susceptibility to animals always has been difficult. This inconsistency may be ascribed to many factors, especially differences in plants and plant parts analyzed, location and season of collection, kind and form of chemical components determined, and methods of analysis. Mammal preferences and aversions probably are most affected by specific chemical components in the form in which they occur in plants, rather than by chemical elements or groups of com­ pounds that are measured frequently in standard chemical analyses. Arnold and Hill (4) stated: It is not possible for the animal to recognize such things as nitrogen. "crude fibre," "energy," silica, or "a sh" as these fractions do not exist in this form at the molecular level in the plant. In studies of resistance factors, there fore, emphasis should be on specific, naturally occurring chemicals that can be determined accurately. I doubt that results of proximate analysis and factors suggested in the litera ture such as "total nutritive value" and "ratio of nutrients to in­ hibitors" can be of much significance. Range and wildlife workers have long been interested in palatability and feeding preference by herbivores and the factors involved, especially those related to nutrition. Their primary I interest has been to gain information ne ded to help develop management programs to improve pastures a nd ra ng la nd to reach maximum animal production. Inwstigation of rl'si tan\.'<..' in fl r<..' t tre species, on th other hand, h;l rl',,'l'i,ed littk attention. T h us, we still do not haw any inform:.1- 90 Wildlife and Forest Management in the Pacific Northwest tion on deterrents or stimulants that may deter­ mine the selective consumption of forest tree seeds by small rodents. Furthermore, information now available on palatability of trees and research on the subject of tree resistance to herbivores are totally inadequate. Much information still is needed, therefore, for a better understanding of relations between mammals and trees and their seeds. Such information would lead to methods aimed at alleviating damage by mammals, based on naturally occurring repellent chemicals, or utilizing chemicals as indicators of resistance in tree­ breeding programs. LITERATURE CITED l. ABBOTT, H. G. "Tree Seed Preferences of Mice and Voles in the Northeast." J. Forestry 60:97-99.1962. 2. ADAMS, L. "The Effects of Deer on Conifer Reproduction in Northwestern Montana." J. For­ estry 47:909-913. 1949. 3. ALDOUS, C. M. and S. E. ALDOUS. 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Utah Maple, vine Pine, eastern white Pine, jack Pine, ponderosa Pine, red Pine, Scotch Poplar Port-Orford-cedar Redcedar, eastern Sagebrush, big Sorghum Spruce, white Spruce, black Sudangrass Willow Thuja occidentalis L . Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco Abies spp. A. balsamea (L.) Mill. A. can color (Gord. & Glend.) Lindl. Vaccinium parvifoliulll J .E. Sm. Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carr. T. heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg. Juniperus scopulorum Sarg. J. octeosperma (Torr.) Little AceI' circinalllm Pursh Pinus strobus L. P. banksiana Lamb. P. ponderosa Laws. P. resinosa Ait. P. sylvestris L. Populus spp. Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (A. Murr.) ParI. Juniperus vir!{iniana L. Artemisia tridentata Nutl. Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench Picea glauca (Moench) Voss P. mariana (MilL) B.S.P. Sorghum sudanense (Piper) Stapf. Salix spp. ANIMALS Deer, black-tailed Deer, white-tailed Hare Opossum Porcupine Rabbit Vole, meadow Odocoileus hemionus colul1lbianus O. vil'xinianus Lepus spp. Didelphis marsupialis Eret/1izun dorsatulll Sylvilagus spp. Microtus spp. PURCHASED BY THE FOREST SERVICE, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, FOR OFFICIAL USE. \