PLANT CHARACTERISTICS RELATED TO FEEDING PREFERENCE BY BLACK· TAILED DEER M. A. RADWAN, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, USDA Forest Service, Olympia, Washington 98502 G. l. CROUCH, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Stotion, USDA Forest Service, Olympia, Washington 98502 Abstract: Six plant species of known preference by black-tailed deer (Odocoileus /wlIlioIJIIS coltlmbia­ nus) were used to evaluate several factors thought to influence preference . Factors studied included chemical composition, in vitro fermentation of dry matter and cellulose, and effects of essential oils and water and methanol extracts on rumen microbial activity in vitro . Chemical analyses revealed considerable differences among species in all constituents; but, with the exception of moisture which was generally higher in the more preferred species, tissue cOl1lponents did not show any consistent rela­ tionship to preference . Fennentations of cellulose but not of dry matter were more closely related to preference than chemical composition and provided a good general indication of species preference . Similarly, the overall effects of oils and extracts on rumen activity suggested different preference rating for the species, but results of the water extracts most closely approximated the established preference order . J. WILDL. MANAGE. 38(11:32-41 Like other herbivores, black-tailed deer oils and individual terpenes isolated from show definite selectivity in their feeding. plants (Nagy et al. 1964, Oh et al. 1967 ) . Thus, the animals have often been observed Most to prefer different parts of plants (Brown marily concerned with the nutritive value 1961:68-69, Oh et al. 1970:24 ) and to dis­ investigations, however, were pri­ of deer foods and included only proximate criminate among and within species (Cowan analyses which did not allow for determina­ 1945:1.31-137, Brown 1961:63-76, Crouch 1966, Miller 1968:144-148, Oh et al. 1970: 24) . In addition, preference has been tion shown to vary by location and even on the influencing forage preferences of deer. same area during different seasons (Miller 1968:144-148, Brown 1961:69, Crouch 1966: 472-474, Crouch 1968:548, Oh et at 1970: 24 ) . of many individual chemical com­ pounds. Much detailed work, therefore, is still needed to better understand factors In the Pacific Northwest, (Pseudotsuga menziesii) Douglas fir is utilized by deer, and in many areas intensive browsing seri­ ously retards reforestation. Efforts to COll­ Studies designed to identify factors influ­ trol browsing require an understanding of encing relative preference of animals for the role of Douglas fir in deer diets and its plants can provide information for formulat­ relative preference among associated spe­ ing better management programs for both cies. In this study, therefore, we evaluated animal and plant resources. Many workers, several factors suspected to affect prefer­ therefore, have attempted to identify such ence using Douglas fir and five associated factors by studying chemical composition species of known preference to black-tailed and digestibilities of deer foods (Hellmers deer during the dormant season. \Ve deter­ 1940, Einarsen 1946, Gastler et al. 1951, Bis­ mined sell et al. 1955, Bissell and Strong 1955, nonnutritional Taber and Dasmann 1958:84-107, Brown studied fermentabilities of the tissues and 1961:83-89, Dietz et al. 1962, Short et al. 1966 ) . Other investigators have studied ef­ fects on deer microbial activity of essential 32 conce ltrations of nutritional and chemical compound .and effects of their essential oils and extracts on rumen microbial activity in vitro. We gratefully acknowledge the coopera- J. Wild!. Manage. 38(1) :1974 PLANT CHARACTERISTICS AND DEER FEEDING PREFERENCE tion of personnel of the Oregon Game Com­ mission, Corvallis, Oregon, for use of the Cedar Creek deer enclosure at the Tilla­ mook Burn to obtain the necessary plant material and deer. MATERIALS AND METHODS Plants and deer were obtained during February 1969 in or near a 340-acre deer enclosure at the Tillamook Burn in north­ west Oregon. The area has been previously desclibed by Crouch ( 1968:543) . Plant Material Six shrub and tree species were used in all work except in experiments designed to study effects of essential oils and plant ex­ tracts on cellulose fennentability by rumen micro-organisms where only three species were evaluated. Arranged in decreasing or­ der of deer preference during the winter ( Crouch 1966) , the species were: cascara (Rhamnus purshiana) , red whortleberry (Vaccinium parvifalium.) (commonly known as red huckleberry in the Pacific Northwest), Douglas fir, hazel (Carylus califarnica), red alder (Alnus rubra), and vine maple (Acer circinatum) . Three composite twig samples were col­ lected from each species during the winter. Collections were made in early morning when deer commonly feed. All sample plante; were selected from a 10-acre area of similar elevation, slope, aspect, soil series, and vegetational composition. Each sample was taken from 10 to 20 plants selected at random, and consisted of the terminal 3 inches of twig tissue produced the past sea­ son which was growing within the reach of • Radwan and Crouch 33 mination of moisture; total phenols, leuco­ anthocy.anins, and flavonols; paper-chro­ matographic separation of sugars; steam­ distillation of essential oils; and preparation of water and methanol extracts. Remaining tissue was dried to constant weight at 65 C, ground to 40 mesh in a Wiley mill, and stored in closed containers at - 15 C until used. Chemical Analysis Moisture was determined by drying to constant weight in a forced-air oven at 65 C, and ash in the ground tissue was estimated by heating in platinum crucibles at 500·-550 C for 4 hours. Total available carbohydrates were ex­ tracted and hydrolyzed with 0.2N H2S04 ( Smith et a1. 1964) , and resulting sugars were estimated as glucose ( Hassid 1.937) . Sugars were extracted in Soxhlet apparatus with 80-percent ethanol, and portions of the extracts were subjected to sugar determina­ tions before and after hydrolysis ( Hassid 1937) . Quantities of reducing and total sugars and those of nonreducing sugars were calculated as glucose and sucrose equiva­ lents, respectively. Additiomil portions of the ethanol extracts were partitioned be­ tween water and chloroform to remove lipids and chlorophyll. Aqueous phases were evaporated to dryness and residues taken up in distilled water. Sugars in the resulting extracts were separated by two­ dimensional chromatography on Whatman No. 1. paper ( Block et a1. 1958) . The paper was developed in the short direction with liquid phenol:water ( 4: 1 by volume) con­ taining 0.04-percent 8-hydroxyquinoline and deer. Samples were individually sealed in then in the long direction with the upper glass containers and brought to the labora­ phase of n-butanol:acetic acid:water (25:6: tory in a portable cooler. Fresh twig tissue was chopped into small 25 by volume) . Sugars on the developed chromatograms were located with aniline­ pieces. Subsamples were taken for deter- diphenylamine-phosphate J. Wildl. Manage. 38(1) :1974 spray reagent I I I t! 34 • PLANT CHARACTERISTICS AND DEER FEEDING PREFERENCE (Block et a!. 1958: 194). Identification of resulting spots was made from their R, values and by co-chromatography with authentic compounds. Analyses of other tissue components were made as follows: total nitrogen by the mi­ cro-Kjeldahl technique, calcium by a titri­ metric method, and crude fat from loss in tissue weight after extraction with ether in Soxhlet apparatus (Horwitz 1970); acid­ detergent fiber and acid-detergent lignin according to Van Soest (1963); cellulose by the method of Crampton and Maynard ( 1938:391); magnesium by the magnesium ammonium phosphate method (Chapman and Pratt 1961: 136); phosphorus according to the colorimetric method of Fiske and Subbarow (1925); and total phenols, flavo­ nols, and leucoanthocyanins obtained by ex­ traction in Soxhlet apparatus with 80 per­ cent methanol, by the techniques of Swain and Hillis (1959). All analyses were made in duplicate on each of the three replicate samples. Fermentability Determinations Fermentabilities of dry matter and cellu­ lose were estimated by an in vitro rumen fermentation technique. Determinations were made on ovendried tissue and on cel­ lulose. Solka-Floc (produced by Brown Co., Berlin, New Hampshire; mention of chemical companies and their products does not represent endorsement by the Forest • Radwan and Crouch through four layers of cheesecloth. The fluid was immediately gassed with CO2 while maintained at 39 C, and, after allow­ ing food particles and associated micro-or­ ganisms to settle for about 1 hour, the fluid in the bottom layer was withdrawn for use as inoculum. Time lapse between shooting the deer and inoculating the fermentation vessels was approximately 3.5 hours. Preparation of Essential Oils and Plant Extracts.-Red whortleberry, Douglas fir, and red alder were the only species investi­ gated because oil content of the other spe­ cies was very low. In preliminary experiments, essential oils varied among tissues of Douglas fir, alder, and whortleberry, in that order. Different amounts of tissue from each species, there­ fore, were used to prepare the required volumes of oil. Tissues, mixed with mini­ mum amounts of distilled water, were steam­ distilled at atmospheric pressure for 4 hours. Distillates were saturated with NaCl and the oils extracted with ether. Oils were then isolated by drying the extracts over anhy­ drous Na2S04 and removing the ether by evaporation. Water extracts were prepared by homoge­ nizing 60 grams of tissue with three 30-ml portions of distilled water in a blender. Homogenates were squeezed through two layers of cheesecloth, centrifuged, and the supernatant made up to with dis­ tilled water. Service or by the U.S. Department of Agri­ Methanol extracts were obtained by Soxh­ culture) was used as the cellulose source in let extraction of 25 grams of tissue with investigating effects of essential oils and methanol. Extracts were filtered and made water and methanol extracts on rumen mi­ up to 250 ml with methanol. crobial activity. Rumen Sou rce .-Rumen fluid was ob­ Fermentation Conditions.-The in vitro technique used was essentially that outlined tained from deer collected shortly after by Kutches et a!. (1970:431). Each fermen­ dawn near the Tillamook Burn enclosure. tation was conducted in triplicate on sub­ The inoculum was prepared by squeezing strates of 0.8 gram of plant tissue or 0.4 rumen contents from freshly sacrificed deer gram of Solka-Floc in 100-ml lipless beakers J. Wildl. Manage. 38 (1) : 1974 PLANT CHARACTERISTICS AND DEER FEEDING PREFERENCE ' Table 1. Radwan alld Crouch 35 Concentration of selecled chemical constituents in the fresh Iwig tissues of six different browse species in the winter. Plant species" Chemical constituent Moisture Ash Calcium Magnesium Phosphorus Total nitrogen Total available carbohydrates Total sugars Reducing sugars Nonreducing sugars Crude fat Acid-detergent fiber Acid-detergent lignin Cellulose Total phenols Leucoanthocyanins Flavonols Whortleberry (percent)b Douglas fir (percent)b ,Hazel (percent)b 58.48w 1. 88w 0.65w 0.13w 0.07yz 0.51y 54.52wx 1.38xy 0.44xy 0.06y 0. 06z 0. 45y 57. 85w l. 11z 0.22z 0.10x 0.10x 0.59x 51.31x 1. 51x 0. 48wx 0. 11wx 0. 07yz 0.48y 52. 56x 1.14yz 0.28yz 0. 10x 0. 12w 0. 75w 45.58y 1. 38xy 0.45xy 0.D7y 0. 08y 0. 45y 5.89wx 2.35yz 1.73z 0.59w 1. 32z 15.01z 4. 8 . z 8.75y 1.28z 0.08z 0.53y 5.01xy 3. 11wx 3. 04x 0.09xy 1.20z 22.68y 8. 67x 12.85x 1.93xy 0.21x 0. 61y 6.19w 3.69w 3.66w 0.01y 4.37x 12.64v 6.72y 6.90z 2. 31x 0.35w 1.43w 4. 48xz 2. 41xyz 2. 29y 0.11wxy 1.16z 25.03x 11.42w 13.15x 1.47yz 0. 14y 0. 92x 6. 30w 3.00xy 3. 01x 0,01y 6.65w 15.72z 7.94xy 8.50y 4. 73w 0.14y 0. 51y 4.00z 1. 83z 1. 44z 0.38wx 2. 73y 28. 61w 7. 70xy 17.63w 0.51v 0. 02v 0. 10z Cascara (percent)b Red alder (percent)b Vine maple (percent)b • I I I • -----,---- deer (Crouch 1966). • Arranged from left to rigbt in descending order of preference by black-tailed b Values are averages of three composite samples from 10 to 20 plants each. Means within each chemical constituent followed by the same letter (s) designation do not differ significantly at the 5 percent level. To convert to dryweight basis, multi ly by 2.41, 2.20, 2.37, 2.05, 2.11, and 1.84 for cascara, whortleberry, Douglas fir, hozel, alder, and maple, respectlvely. fitted with gas release valves. The buffer­ nutrient solution for each vessel was 25 ml of CO2-saturated McDougall's solution (1948: 106) containing 22 mg urea, and the inoculum was 8 ml of rumen fluid. Also, in the Solka..Floc experiments different amounts of essential oils and plant extracts were added. In the methanol-extract runs, extracts were first dried to remove the sol­ vent and then remaining solutes were sus­ pended in the buffer-nutrient solution. Pre­ pared vessels were finally swept with CO2, stoppered, and incubated at 39 C. After fer­ mentation for 48 hours, microbial activity was stopped by adding 2 ml of 2N H2S04 to each vessel. Appropriate unfermented con­ trols were included in each run to correct results. cibles (porosity C) and dried to constant weight at 65 C for determination of remain­ ing dry matter. Cellulose in the residual material was then estimated by the method of Crampton and Maynard (1938:391). Fermentation percents were calculated from losses of dry matter and cellulose as com­ pared to unfermented controls. These cal­ culations were based on the assumption that materials which passed through pores of the crucibles were digested (Church and Peter­ sen 1960:82). Also, in the Solka-Floc ex­ periments, the fermented cellulose was used as the criterion for rumen microbial activity as affected by the oils and plant extracts added. Dry Matter and Cellulose Fermentabili­ Data were subjected to analysis of vari­ ance, and means were separated according to Tukey's test as required (Snedecor 1961). ties.-Following fermentation, samples were filtered and washed in sintered glass cru­ J. Wildl. Manage. 38(1) :1974 Statistical Analysis i I t PLANT CHARACTERISTICS AND DEER FEEDING PREFERENCE 36 RESULTS Chemical Composition Concentrations of several chemical con­ stituents in twig tissues, summarized in Ta­ ble 1, are expressed on a fresh-weight basis. \Ve believe that this method of calculation which allows comparisons of the constitu­ ents' levels as the animal would encounter them in feeding is more appropriate in preference studies than calculation on dry­ weight basis which is usually followed in nutritional investigations ( Radwan and Campbell 1968: 108). However, for com­ parison with other data, the results can be easily converted to a dry-weight basis (see footnote b, Table 1). Moisture.-The average moisture content for all species was approximately 53 per­ cent. \Vater, therefore, was a major com­ ponent in twigs of all species during the winter; it exceeded total dry matter content in all species but vine maple. In general, moisture was high in cascara, Douglas fir, and whortleberry, medium in .alder and hazel, and low in maple. Moisture contents, therefore, were higher in the tissues of the more preferred species. Minerals.-Ash content ranged from 1.11 percent in Douglas fir to 1.88 percent in cas­ cara. Significant differences were also found among the species in Ca, Mg, and P, and in the CalP ratio. Thus, Ca ranked highest in cascara and lowest in Douglas fir. Magnesium was also highest in cascara, but lowest in whortleberry; and phosphorus was highest in alder and lowest in whortleberry. In addition, the CalP ratio was closest to the optimum for deer (Maynard and Loosli 1962:126) in alder and Douglas fir, and highest at 9:1 in cascara. Nitl Ogen .-Total nitrogen ranged from a high of 0.75 percent in alder to a low of 0.45 percent in maple and whortleberry. For comparison with other data, these amounts, ' • Radwan and Crouch on a dry-weight basis, are equivalent to ap­ proximately 9 and 6 percent crude protein, respectively. In all species, crude protein, therefore, was slightly above the minimum requirement for black-tails proposed by Einarsen (1946:311). Available Carbohydrates.-Total avail­ able carbohydrates averaged about 5 per­ cent in the tissues. They were highest in alder and Douglas fir, medium in cascara and whortleberry, medium-low in hazel, and lowest in maple. Also, in all species, avail­ able carbohydrates constituted a major com­ ponent of organic matter and contained a high proportion of sugars. Reducing sugars predominated in all spe­ cies; nonreducing sugars contributed only an average of 7.3 percent to the total sugar content. Trends of reducing sugars were similar to those of total sugars. Thus, con­ centrations were highest in Douglas fir, high in whortleberry and alder, medium in hazel, and low in cascara and maple. Glucose, fructose, sucrose, and traces of raffinose were detected by chromatography in all species. In addition, trace amounts of stachyose were found in cascara, alder, and maple. Among reducing sugars, glucose predominated in all species; it was followed by fructose which occurred in much smaller amounts. Sucrose was the principal non­ reducing sugar-.highest amounts were in cascara and maple, and the lowest concen­ trations were in Douglas fir and alder. Crude Fat.-Highest concentrations of crude fat were in alder (6.65 percent) fol­ lowed by Douglas fir. Lowest level at 1.16 percent was in hazel. Fiber, Lignin, and Cellu lose The acid­ .- detergent fiber, representing the acid in­ soluble cell-wall materials (Van Soest 1965: 835), was, as expected, the highest of the measured organic constituents in all species. Also, the fiber fraction in all species was J. Wild!. Manage. 38(1) :1974 PLANT CHARACTERISTICS AND DEER FEEDING PREFERENCE ' composed of more cellulose than lignin. Fiber and cellulose trends were similar, with maple containing the highest and Douglas fir the lowest levels. Lignin, on the other hand, was highest in hazel and lowest in cascara. Phenols.-Leucoanthocyanins and flavo­ nols are astringent phenols (Joslyn and Goldstein 1964: 199-200) ; and total phenols estimate tannins. Alder and Douglas fir contained high levels of total phenols and astringent materials, and lowest concentra­ tions of all phenolics were found in maple. Results of chemical analyses, therefore, indicate considerable variations among spe­ cies in all constituents. However, except for moisture which was generally higher in the more preferred species, tissue components did not show any consistent relationship to preference. Fermentations of Dry Matter and Cellulose Ranges of in vitro fermentations by rumen micro-organisms were 12.8 to 25.0 percent for dry matter and 2.9 to 24.1 percent for cellulose (Table 2) . Dry matter and cellu­ lose fermentabilities were highest in cas­ cara, and lowest in alder and Douglas fir, and alder and maple, respectively. In addi­ tion, fermentations of cellulose were con­ sistently lower than those of dry matter in all species. The observed preference order of the spe­ cies was not indicated by fermentations of their dry matter. Cellulose results, on the Table 2. In vitro RadllJall and Crouch fermentabilities of browse 37 plant tissues by black-tailed deer rumen micro-organisms. In vitro fermentabilityb Specieso. Cascara vVhortleberry Douglas fir Hazel Red alder Vine maple Dry matter ( percent) Cellulose (percent) 25. 0\V 14.0yz 12,.8z 17. 1x 13. 1yz 15. 4xy 24. 1\V 10. 3x 10. 9x 8.1y 3. 1z 2. 9z n Arranged in descending order of preference by black­ tailed deer (Crouch 1966). b Detemlined hy in vitro fermentation technique. Values are means of three detenninntions and means within col­ umns followed by the same letter designation do not differ significantly at the 5 percent level. rumen microbes fermented about one-third of the cellulose substrate. Microbial activity, however, was affected. when oils and ex­ tracts were present, and effects varied with the level and source of added materials. At the lowest level, whortleberry oil sig­ nificantly stimulated microbial activity, but oils from Douglas fir and alder were essen­ tially without effect. As the amount of oils added was increased, microbial activity was significantly decreased. However, the level of Douglas fir oil required to produce the first significant inhibition was greater than that of the other two species. In addition, alder oil was consistently more inhibitory than that of whortleberry. 'Vater extracts of alder inhibited micro­ bial activity at all levels, and inhibitions increased with the increase in the amounts added. Extracts of whortleberry did not other hand, were more closely related to significantly preference, although fermentations did not lowest or highest concentrations but pro­ distinguish between all species. affect fermentation at the moted activity at the 2-ml level. Also, re­ sults of Douglas fir were similar to those of Effects of Essential Oils and Tissue Extracts Fermentations of Solka-Floc cellulose in whortleberry at the low concentrations, but the highest level was inhibitory. the presence of increasing amounts of essen­ Contents of the methanol extracts of tial oils and plant extracts are summarized Douglas fir and alder were similar in their in Table 3. Without oils or extracts, deer effects on rumen activity at all levels. They J. WildI. Manage. 38(1) :1974 1 J 38 PLANT CHARACTERISTICS AND DEER FEEDING PREFERENCE • Radwan and Crouch Tobie 3. Effects of essential oil!, water extracts, and methanal extracts from different plont species an cellulose fermenta· by black·tailnd deer rumen micro·organisms in vitro. tian Oil or extract added to substrate" (ml) i� l Source of oil or extractb _._---- -------- Douglas fir Red whortleberry Fermentation (percent)' Relative fermentation (percent) , Fermentation (percent) , 35.Bw 46 .4x 17.3 Y IB.3 Y 100. 0 129.6 4B.3 5 1. 1 0. 0 1. 0 2. 0 ,1. 0 35. B x 36. 8 x 47. 7w 36. 4 x 100. 0 102 .B 13 3.2 101.7 0.0 1.0 3. 0 5 .0 3 8.2w 34.9w 2 7.3 x 17 .6 Y 100.0 II. Ill. 9 1. 4 7 1.4 46. 0 ._--- Fennentation (percent)' Relative fermentation (percent ) ' --- - Essential oils 35. Bw 39.1w 40. 4w 36.2 w 9. Bx 100. 0 109 ,2 112. B 101. 1 27. 4 35.8w 33.Bw 9.6 x 2. 4Y 100. 0 94. 4 26.9 6 .7 Water extra ct 35. Bx 35.2 x 46.6 w 2 1.6 Y 100. 0 9 B.3 13 0. 1 6 0.3 35.Bw 32.9 wx 3 1. 0wx 2 8. 1x 100. 0 9 1. 9 86.5 7B.4 38.2 w 25.3 x 14.2 Y 5. 1z JOO.O 1. 0. 00 0.02 0. 06 0. 10 0.2 0 Relative fermentation (percent) , Red alder -------------- Methanol extract 3 B.2 w 100.0 2 4. B x 6 4.7 15 .6 Y 40.7 7. 1 z IB.5 66.2 3 7.3 13.2 • Oils and extmets' were obt.ined, respectively, by steam ..distillation and extraction with water or methanol, and Solki!­ Floc served as substrate. b Relative preference by black-tailEd deer: red whortleberry > Douglas fir> red alder (Crouch 1966). 'Fermclllability was determined by in vitro fermentation technique and volues are means of three detcrnlinations. Withh, ench of the three scctions of the tahle, means within columns followed by the same letter designation do not diffe]' significantly at the 5 percent level. were always inhibitory, and inhibitions be­ came progressively stronger with increases in t.n. e volumes added. VvVhortleberry ex­ tracts, on the other hand, were inhibitory only at the higher concentrations. Inhibi­ tions were stronger at the highest level but were always less potent than those pro­ duced by Douglas fir or alder at the same concentrations. In general, the overall effects of the oils and extracts on rumen microbial activity indicated different preference ratings for the three species, depending upon the ma­ terials used. These ratings according to oil, water, and methanol data were, respec­ tively, as follows: Douglas fir > whortle­ berry> alder, whortleberry > Douglas fir > alder, and whortleberry> Douglas fir = alder. Results of the water-extracts ex.peri­ ment, therefore, provided the best approxi­ mation of the established preference order among the three species. DISCUSSION The comparative analyses reported here show considerable differences in chemical composition among the six plant species studied. The differences, however, did not reveal a consistent chemical basis for the observed deer preference for the species. For one or more of the different constituents we determined, our results are in agreement with conclusions of some earlier studies (Gastler et al. 1951 : 355, Ullrey et a1. 1967: 451-452, Oh et al. 1970:24-25, Torgerson and Pfander 1971 : 229) . On the other hand, J. Wild!. Manage. 38(1) :1974 PLANT CHARACTERISTICS AND DEER FEEDING PREFERENCE • Radwan and Crouch 39 the same data do not support findings of other investigations (Mitchell and Hosley 1936:26, Swift 1948:110, Powell and Box 1966:214, Reynolds 1967:908) . This incon­ sistency is probably due to differences in methods of analyses, species analyzed and season of their collection, and kinds of deer studied. It is also possible that determina­ tions of specific compounds not possible by proximate analysis or methods employed here are required for a more consistent rela­ tionship to preference. Such determinations have indicated that, in ruminants, the palat­ ability and digestibility of plants were in­ fluenced by composition of their essential oils (Oh et al. 1967, Oh et a1. 1968) . More recently, another study reported the associa­ tion of chlorogenic acid with susceptibility of different Douglas fir clones to browsing by black-tailed deer (Radwan 1972) . Fermentations of dry matter and cellulose were not related to chemical composition of the species. In addition, cellulose fermen­ tations were more closely related to prefer­ ence than those of dry matter. The cellulose data, therefore, provided a good general in­ dication of species preference. Using a manometric technique, Longhurst et a1. ( 1968) evaluated several plant species and found a general positive correlation be­ tween fermentability and palatability. This the species studied here. This was probably due to comparisons of the same amounts of oil regardless of actual concentrations oc­ curring in the different species. Clearly, such comparisons which have been used in all oil-rumen studies cannot yield accurate information when more than one plant spe­ cies is evaluated, especially when the spe­ cies vary appreciably in their oil content. For future in vitro studies, therefore, more equitable comparisons should be based up­ on the oil content of the species under investigation. Effects of water and methanol extracts on rumen microbes differed from one another and from those of oils. Differences were ob­ viously due to dissimilarities in composition of the three materials--in general, oils were mostly terpenoids and extracts contained various substances including nutrients such as sugars and amino acids. It was not pos­ sible, therefore, to determine whether inhi­ bitions obtained with extracts resulted from competition by rumen microbes for nutri­ ents over the cellulose substrate ( EI-Shazly et al. 1961) or by direct action of digestive inhibitors. Nevertheless, results demonstrate how plant extracts might be used in evaluat­ ing different plant species. Indeed, water extracts, as used in this study, provided con­ siderably better indication of species prefer­ relationship, however, has not always been ence than oils. Most probably, the balance consistent with deer (Ullrey et a1. 1967:454, between chemical entities contained in wa­ Torgerson and Pfander 1971:227) or sheep ter extracts played an important role in de­ (Van Soest 1965:842) . Responses of rumen microbes to different ciding this finding. Further work must be levels of various ess ntial oils were gener­ evaluation of the usefulness of such extracts ally similar to those reported earlier (Nagy in ranking different plant species can be et a1. 1964, Oh et a1. 1967, Oh et a1. 1968, made. carried out, however, before a complete Oh et a1. 1970, Radwan 1972) . Although differential effects of oils enabled us previ­ LITERATURE CITED ously to distinguish between clones of BISSELL, H. JAMES. Douglas fir ( Radwan 1972) , the technique did not accurately rate preference among J. Wildl. Manage. 38(1) :1974 B. HARRIS, H. STRONG, AND F. 1955 . The digestibility of certain natural and artificial foods eaten by deer in California. California Fish Game 4 1(1):57-78. D., 40 PLANT CHARACTERISTICS AND DEER FEEDING PREFERENCE AND H. STRONG. 1955. The crude pro­ tein variations in the browse diet of California deer. Ca1ifomia Fish Game 41(2):145-155. BLOCK, R.J.,:E. L. DURRUU, AND G. ZWEIG. 1958. A manual of paper chromatography and paper electrophoresis. 2nd ed. Academic Press, Inc., New York. 710pp. BROWN, E. R. 1961. The black-tailed deer of western Washington. Washington Dept. Game, BioI. Bull. 13. 124pp. CHAPMAN, H. D., AND P. F. PRATT. 1961. Meth­ ods of analysis for soils, plants, and waters. Diy. Agric. Sci., Univ. of California, Riverside. 309pp. CHURCH, D. C., AND R. G. PETERSEN. 1960. Effect of several variables on in vitro rumen fern1en­ tation. J. Dairy Sci. 43(1):81-92. COWAN, I. MeT. 1945. The ecological relation­ ships of the food of the Columbian black­ tailed deer, Odocoileus hemionus columbianus (Richardson), in the coast forest region of southern Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Ecol. Ionogr. 15( 2):109-139. CRAMPTON, E. W., AND L. A. MAYNARD. 1938. The relation of cellulose and lignin content to the nutritive value of animal feeds. J. NutI'. 15(4):383-395. CROUCH, G. L. 1966. 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Manage. 38(1) :1974 GPO 990·585 About this file: This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Some mistakes introduced by scanning may remain.