November 19?3 PNW-208 EF FECT OF MONTH OF GRAFTING ON DOUGLAS-FIR GRAFT COMPATIBILITY by Donald L. Copes, Principal Plant Geneticist c:/3 . ,3-:::Jc?, 5 COPY OLYMPIA LAB ABSTRAC'l' When the comparison unions were grafted on the same date no irregularities in graft compati­ bility between unions with identical stock-scion combinations were detected but inconsistent com­ patibility tests often occurred when the comparison Some unions were grafted in different months. stock-scion combinations were compatible when grafted early in the growing seasonJ whereas the same combinations were incompatible when In orchardsJ it grafted later that same year. is important that compatibility test grafts and production grafts be grafted on the same date or a less than perfect correlation will exist between Within the compatibility of the same two unions. the same year J the month of grafting had little effect on the average compatibility of each clone. Keywords: Grafting, Douglas-fir, Pseudotsuga menziesii. INTRODUCTION True graft compatibility is determined primarily by the inherent likeness of stock and scion. Since most incompatibility reactions are growth processes, they are subject to environmental modification. Argles (1937) realized this and stated that graft incompatibility was an inherent antagonism or dis­ cordant association somewhat subject to the influence of environment and treatment. Influence of treatment and environment on compatibility have been demonstrated in a number of studies where compatible stock­ scion combinations became incompati­ ble due to changes in climate (Ching 1938), bud mutation (Posnette and Cropley 1959), male flowers (Jimenez 1957), fruit formation (Gravel 1954), age (Herrero and Tabuenca 1969), soils (Carlson 1965), seasonal metabolism (Herrero 1951), and double-grafting (Herrero and Tabuenca 1962). Incompatibility symptoms in Douglas-fir grafts (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) (Copes 1970a) are similar to those reported for grafts of horticultural plants which were subject to modification by changes in treatment or environ-­ ment. Temperature at the graft union had a direct influence on how long incompatible Douglas-fir grafts survived. Graft unions ° grown at 50 F. died at a younger age than did grafts with unions ° ° grown at 70 or 90 F. (Copes 1967b). In another study, compatibility of identical stock-scion combinations was altered by double-grafting (Copes 1971). In this case, incom­ patibility was induced at the union joining the scion and interstock. In addition, numerous inconsisten­ 2 cies in compatibility test results occurred in a Douglas-fir seed orchard where compatibility test grafts were not made until 3 to 10 years after the production grafts. Anatomical examination of some test graft unions indi­ cated compatible stock-scion com­ binations, whereas the surviving production grafts of the same scion-stock combination had defi­ nite external symptoms of incom­ patibility (scion overgrqwth and bark necrosis) (unpublished seed It is thought that orchard data). lack of correlation between test and production grafts resulted from age-induced changes in the biochemical or physiological constitution of the stock and scion. The following study explored the hypothesis that the graft compatibility could be altered by grafting at different times during the growing season. Compatibility was determined for grafts which had been grafted on the same stocks during the first week of each month The main from April to September. variables influenced by this treat­ ment were the physiological con­ dition or stage of growth of the stocks at the time of grafting, and the length of the growing season following grafting. METHODS Field grafting of the main study was done near Corvallis, Oregon, in 1968 and 1969 with Douglas-fir clones 9, 16, 24, and 26 from the Soleduck block of the Dennie Ahl Seed Orchard near Shelton, Washington. One graft of each clone was cleft-grafted each month on lateral branch tips of 25 stocks. Grafting was done during the first week of each month from April to September. One experienced grafter did all the grafting and used uni­ form grafting techniques throughout the study. Scion collection, storage conditions, and initial graft survival have been described in a previous report (Copes 1970b). stocks. The unions were sacrificed in September 1972 and prepared for anatomical study using the tech­ niques previously described. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Grafts made in 1968 and 1969 were sacrificed for anatomical study in September 1970 and 1972, respectively. Sacrificed unions were fixed in 50 percent alcohol, microtomed into transverse sections, stained with safranin 0 and fast green and examined under a micro­ scope for the presence of wound­ xylem areas (Copes 1967a). Grafts were recorded as incompatible when they contained wound-xylem areas and compatible when free of wound­ xylem areas. In the supporting study, no inconsistency between unions with identical stock-scion combinations was found when all were grafted on the same day. All grafts of one clone on one stock were either compatible or incompatible. But inconsistency within identical stock-scion combinations of the primary study often occurred when unions were compared that had been grafted in different months. For example, scion clone 9 and stock No. 1 formed compatible unions when grafted together in April and May, but developed incompatible unions when grafted together in June, July, and August. This inconsistency was the primary cause of monthly within-clone variation (table 1). Some clonal variation was evident in this erratic behavior. Clones 9 and 16 exhibited more inconsistency Clones than did clones 24 and 26. 9 and 16 were inconsistent with 16 to 52 percent of the stocks, whereas only 4 to 8 percent of the stock-scion combinations with clones 24 and 26 showed similar behavior. In supporting grafting study, variation was checked between unions with identical stock-scion combinations when all unions on each stock were grafted on the same date. Fifty 10-year-cld stocks were each grafted on April 5 and 6, 1971, with five grafts of one scion clone. A different scion clone was used on each of the 50 Inconsistency in compatibility tests is of great concern to seed orchard managers because it points out the necessity for production and test grafts to be grafted at the same date. If either graft fails to survive, no attempt should be made to regraft it later that same year. If it is felt necessary to utilize the one surviving graft, A different group of 25 stocks was used each year. Stocks grafted in 1968,were local trees that had naturally regenerated the area 9 to 12 years before with seed from adjacent 30-year-old trees. The stocks grafted in 1969 were all 12-year-old planted trees which came from four different western Oregon seed sources. All stocks were located within 300 meters of each other on nearly identical sites. 3 -�--- Table I.--Compatibility of clones 9 16 and 26 when grafted on 25 stocks 24 each month {April to September) in 1968 and 1969 Scion clone number Month 9 grafted 1968 1 16 1969 1968 1 Averages 24 1969 1968 1 26 1969 1968 1 1969 1968 1969 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Percent1/ - - - - - - - - - - - 1968 + 1969 - - - - - - A pril 1 65 63 95 70 91 44 84 79 84 64 74 May 59 77 68 89 86 45 86 76 75 72 73 June 40 76 83 82 33 81 79 72 67 70 July 93 75 73 August 87 Se ptember 83 87 87 71 -- Percent compatibi1i ty 55 70 74 80 87 45 88 number compatible grafts 1/ p x lOO ercent equa1s the n · sample size was less than 10. • 78 77 70 75 Percentage values are not given where regrafting should be delayed until several closely related seed trees. the following year and should only Data from clone 24 in 1968 suggest be done on the same date that the surviving graft was grafted the that this hypothesis may be true. preceding year. Regrafting 2 to 10 years after the first graft is even greater chance of discord or incon­ seed orchard on random, unrelated stocks. The 45-percent compati­ bility obtained in this study in sistency between compatibility of 1969 on stocks grown from four production and test grafts is likely different seed sources was similar more undesirable because an even (I Clone 24 was highly incompatible when grafted in the Washington to occur. The safest method to use to clone 24's orchard performance. is to rogue the surviving graft But the 91-percent value obtained from the preceding year and make in 1968 is far higher than the two new grafts. expected value. This could have resulted from clone 24's having The month of grafting appeared to have little influence on average compatibility. One exception to many compatibility factors in common with the 1968 stocks (Copes 19 73). this statement might be August. August grafts averaged 87-percent compatibility (table 1), consider­ The comparison between grafts made in the same month, but in ably higher than the study average different years, indicated a differ­ of 75 percent. ence in average compatibility be­ The August data may simply be small sample variation or tween April 1968 and 1969 grafts may indicate that an actual increase (84- vs. in stock-scion compatibility oc­ curred in August. If the former (table 1). 64-percent compatibility) This difference was not thought to have resulted from is true, no practical use of the different stock populations having increase in compatibility is fore­ seen because only 19 to 35 percent been used each year; between-year comparisons for the other months graft take is obtained by field showed similar results in both grafting during this hot, dry month years (table 1). (Copes 1970b). No reasonable sta­ tistical test of these data can be It appears that the physio­ logical likeness of the stock and made. scion during the first several Comparison of 1968 and 1969 months following grafting may grafting results did not reveal a determine compatibility. uniform trend for all four clones mental or treatment changes which (table 1). occur later have a much smaller Clones 24 and 26 had Environ­ higher average compatibility in effect on the compatibility status 1968, of adjacent stock and scion cells. whereas clones 9 and 16 had higher average compatibility in 1969. Part of this clonal varia­ It is not possible to deter­ tion can be attributed to the use mine which environmental variables The of different stocks each year. 1968 stocks were from natural seed­ caused the observed inconsistencies. The stocks and scions passed through ing which may have come primarily many different growth phases in from one adjacent seed tree or from the months following grafting. 5 For example, April grafts were made when the stock's vegetative buds were expanding. May grafts were made shortly after the stocks had burst their vegetative buds. June grafts were made when the stocks were actively elongating their vege­ tative shoots. July grafts were made as shoot elongation neared completion and as the transition from springwood to summerwood oc­ curred. August and September grafts were made after shoot elongation was completed but while the cambium was still active. Correlated with these growth changes was first the lengthening and then the shorten­ ing of growing season as the year progressed. This had a direct effect on the amount of tissues which formed across the graft union before cambial activity ceased or Other envi­ slowed for the winter. ronmental variables such as tempera­ ture, photoperiod, and rainfall also underwent seasonal changes during the study. Physiological changes also may have occurred in the scions while they were being held in cold storage before being grafted. What changes were induced in the stock and scion by these variables are not known, but it is evident that changes occurred which caused some compatible stock-scion combinations to become incompatible and some incompatible combinations to become compatible. LITERATURE CITED Argles, G. K. 1937. A review of the literature on stock-scion incompatibility in fruit trees, with particular reference to pome and stone fruits. Imp. Bur. Fruit Prod. Tech. Commun. No. 9, 115 p. East Malling Res. Stn. Carlson, R. F. Growth and incompatibility factors associated with apricot 1965. Report I. Mich. Agric. Exp. scion/rootstock in Michigan. Stn. Q. Bull. 48: 23-29. Ching, W. T. 1938. Studies in incompatibility between stock and scion, with special reference to certain deciduous fruit trees. J. Pomol. & Hortic. Sci. 15: 267-325. Copes, D. L. 1967a. A simple method for detecting incompatibility in 2-year-old grafts of Douglas-fir. USDA For. Serv. Res. Note PNW-70, 8 p. , illus. Pac. Northwest For. & Range Exp. Stn. , Portland, Oreg. Copes, Donald Initiation and development of graft incompatibility symptoms 1970a. in Dougias-fir. Silvae Genet. 19 (2-3): 101-107, illus. 6 Copes, Donald L. 1970b. Effect of date of grafting on survival in Douglas-fir. USDA For. Serv. Res. Note PN\>J-135, 4 p. Pac. Northwest For. & Range Exp. Stn., Portland, Oreg. 1971. Interstock trials with grafted coastal Douglas-fir. USDA For. Serv. Res. Note PNW-151, 6 p. Pac. Northwest For. & Range Exp. Stn,, Portland, Oreg. 1973. Inheritance of graft compatibility in Douglas-fir. Bot. Gaz. 134(1): 49-52. Copes, Donald Louis 1967b. Graft incompatibility and union formation in Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii [Mirb.] Franco). 186 p. Ph.D. thesis, Univ. Idaho, Moscow. Gravel, L. 1954. Enquete sur le compartment du noyer d' amerique en tant que port-greffe de varietes de noyers indigenes. Rev. For. Fr. No. 4: 217-224. Herrero, J. 1951. Studies of compatible and incompatible graft combinations with special reference to hardy fruit trees. J. Hortic. Sci. 26: 186-237. 1962. ---:--,--:-- 1969. and M. C. Tabuenca Incompatilidad entre patron e injerto. VI. Observaciones en uniones de peral sombre membrillero. [Incompatibility between stock and scion. V I. Observations on unions of pear and quince.] An. Estac. Exp. Aula Dei 7: 64-78. (Hortic. Abstr. 34: 329.) and M. C. Tabuenca Comportamiento Incompatilidad entre e patron e injerto. X. de la combination melocotonero mirobolan injerado en estado cotiledonar. [Incompatibility between rootstock and scion. X. Behavior of the combination peach/myrobolan grafted at the cotyledonary stage.] An. Estac. Exp. Aula Dei 10: 93 7-945. (Hortic. Abs tr. 41: 5898.) Jimenez, H. 1957. Injertos entre espacies de carica. Agron. Trop. Venez. 7: 33-37. Posnette, A. F., and R. Cropley 1959. A selection of Williams' Bon Cretien pear compatible with quince rootstocks. Annu. Rep. East Malling Res. Stn. 1958, A42: 91-92. 7 The m1ss1on of the PACIFIC NORTHWEST FOREST AND RANGE EXPERIMENT STATION is to provide the knowledge, technology, and alternatives for present and future protection, management, and use of forest, range, and related environments. Within this overall mission, the Station conducts and stimulates research to facilitate and to accelf:lrate progress toward the following goals: 1. Providing safe and efficient technology for inventory, protection, and use of resources. 2. Development and evaluation of alternative methods and levels of resource management. 3. Achievement of optimum sustained resource produc· tivity consistent with maintaining a high quality forest environment. The area of research encompasses Oregon, Washington, Alaska, and, in some cases, California, Hawaii, the Western States, and the Nation. Results of the research will be made available promptly. Project headquarters are at: Fairbanks, Alaska Portland, Oregon Juneau, Alaska Olympia, Washington Bend, Oregon Seattle, Washington Corvallis, Oregon Wenatchee, Washington La Grande, Oregon Mailing address: Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station P.O. Box 3141 Portland, Oregon 97208 GPO 989-467