2045 Inheritance of megastrobili colors in Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) DONALD L. COPES Forestry Sciences Laboratory, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Corvallis, Oregon Received February 3, 1972 COPES, D. L. 1972. Inheritance of megastrobili colors in Douglas fir (Pse11dots11ga menziesii). Can. J. Bot. 50: 2045-2048. Megastrobili color was studied in 7- to 9-year-old progeny resulting from cross-pollinations of parents with green, light pink, light red, or dark red megas_trobili. Crosses of green X green parents produced 49% green progeny, while crosses of light red X dark red parents produced only 7% green progeny. Two bract traits, color of margins and tips and color of the central areas, combined to produce whole megastrobili color. Both the central and margin-tip traits appear to be controlled by different multigenes. An epistatic relationship was suggested between genes for central and margin areas. COPES, D. L. 1972. Inheritance of megastrobili colors in Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii). Can. J. Bot. 50: 2045-2048. La couleur des megastrobiles a ete etudiee dans une progeniture de 7 ans a 9 ans, resultant de pollinisa­ tions croisees entre parents ayant des megastrobiles verts, rose pale, rouge clair, ou rouge fonce. Les croisements vert X vert ont produit une progeniture de 49% d'individus ayant des megast1'0biles verts, tandis que Jes croisements entre parents rouge clair et parents rouge fonce ant produit seulement 7% de progeniture verte. Deux caracteres des bractees, la couleur de la marge et de l'extremite et la couleur de la region centrale, produisent ensemble la couleur du megastrobile. Ces deux caracteres semblent contr6les par des multigenes differents. II semble y avoir une relation epistatique entre Jes genes pour la region centrale et Jes genes pour la region marginale. [Traduit par le journal] Introduction Forest geneticists do not often have oppor­ tunities to study inheritance of traits with striking color differences, but megastrobili, or female "flower", color in Douglas fir is an exception. Megastrobili range in color from bright red to light or dark green. Colors vary between trees but are uniform within a tree from year to year (3). Exact color classification in the field is diffi­ cult because effects of environment, exposure to direct sun rays, and the number of days since the megastrobili scales and bracts emerged from the protective cover of the bud, all influence the intensity of color exhibited by the megastrobili, but they do not cause major shifts from red to green or green to red. Thus, some meaningful color determinations can be made in the field. Little is known of the inheritance of mega­ strobili color in Douglas fir or in other conifers. A study of megastrobili color variation and frequency of occurrence in a small geographic area in British Columbia was made for Douglas fir (3). In Oregon, a study on pigments contrib­ uting to Douglas-fir megastrobili color revealed 11 flavonoid compounds in Douglas-fir mega­ strobili (4). One of the compounds, cyanidin-3­ monoglucoside, was found only in dark red megastrobili. Megastrobili color frequency was also examined in a natural Scots pine population, and it appeared that flower color was controlled by a single gene with two alleles (1). The fol­ lowing study examined megastrobili color in­ heritance in 395 progeny produced from crosses of parents that had red, green, or intermediate­ colored megastrobili. Materials and Methods Controlled pollinations were made in 1962 and 1964 among 30 Douglas-fir clones in a grafted seed orchard near Shelton, Washington. Geographic origin of parent trees for the grafted orchard was the Soleduck area of the Olympic Peninsula. The clones were crossed with intent to study inheritance of various growth traits, hence are probably a random selection for megastrobili color. By cham:e, crosses of most color combinations of parents were made. About 2400 progeny from 58 different crosses were grown in cold frames and were field-planted in the seed orchard in 1966 and 1968. In 1971, 395 of the 2400 progeny matured megastrobili. Whole megastrobili color was determined only in flowers which were in an upright receptive position with bracts and scales fully open. This development stage cor­ responds to that labeled No. 2 by Griffith (3). Panmt and 2046 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY. progeny trees were classified on April 19 and 20 into one of four broad color groups: green (G), light pink (LP), light red (LR), and dark red (DR). The G, LP, LR, and DR color classes correspond closely to the five bract color classes previously illustrated by Griffith (3). His classes 1 and 2 corresponded closely to G, 3 to LP, 4 to LR, and 5 to DR. Although the G, LP, LR, and DR grouping was an artificial classification system for a trait with seemingly continuous variation, possibilities of biasing the groupings in allotting borderline trees were very low. The 30 parents separated into the four classes as follows: 12 G, 10 LP, 6 LR, and 2 R. A close examination of whole megastrobili revealed that two bract traits combined to produce whole mega­ strobili color. The two traits were color of margin and bract-tip areas and color of the central bract area. The margin-tip areas impart most of the red color to the megastrobili. In the field, it was not possible to evaluate quickly the degree or intensity of color found in such small areas of the bracts; to evade this problem, central and margin areas were not separated into four classes like whole megastrobili color but were simply classified as green (G) or red (R) (red being any shade of red or pink). Margin-tip and central areas were evaluated separately to determine whether they were controlled by different genes. The 30 parents were classified as 22 G and 8 R for central areas, and 4 G and 26 R for margin­ tip areas. Results Whole megastrobili colors of the 395 progeny are presented in Table 1. Crosses of GX G produced 493 green and only 33 dark red (DR); crosses of LRX DR produced only 73 G but 303 DR trees. A gradation or dilution effect in percentage of G progeny (493, 253, 223, and 73 for G, LP, LR, and DR, respec­ tively) was noted when G parents were crossed with parents having progressively more red pigTABLE 1 ments. Conversely, red parents crossed with parents having progressively less red gave per­ centages in descending order of red (i.e., 303, 183, 63). Multiple comparisons by the Scheffe 5, 376) indicated test (degrees of freedom (d.f.) highly significant differences in the number of green progeny arising from GX G vs. LRX DR, and GX G vs. GX DR. Number of green progeny from LRX DR vs. GX DR were not significantly different. Progeny results for bracts are presented in Table 2. The same inheritance trends exhibited for whole megastrobili color were shown in central areas of the bracts. In general, crossing GX G gave a majority of progeny with green central areas (793), while crossing RX R gave primarily pink red (643). Multiple comparisons by the Scheffe test (d.f. 3, 391) showed highly significant differences in number of green progeny from GX G vs. RX R, GX R, and RX G. No significance was found between GX R and RX G. A slightly different trend was shown for margin-tip color (Table 2). Crosses of GX G gave a majority of the seedlings which had pink­ red margins and bract tips (663). Although the percentage of green progeny obtained from the GX G crosses was only 343, Scheffe test com­ parisons (d.f. 3, 391) indicated highly signifi­ = = = TABLE 2 Bract colors observed in (1) central area and in (2) margin and tip areas of progeny resulting from crosses of parents with green or pink-red pigments in areas 1 or 2. Results are expressed as percentage of trees with green or red megastrobili within each parentage Whole megastrobili colors observed in progenies resulting from crosses of green (G), light pink (LP), light red (LR), and dark red (DR) parents. Results are expressed as percentage of trees within each parentage that exhibited the indicated color Phenotypes of parenta,b No. of progeny with megastrobili, n (1) Central area Phenotypes of progeny, 3 Phenotypes of parent No. of progeny with megastrobili, n G LP LR DR G X G G X LP G X LR G X DR LP X DR LR X DR 39 81 45 11 1 79 27 49 25 22 7 8 7 31 49 31 41 39 22 18 25 29 45 35 41 3 1 18 6 18 30 -- VOL. 50, 1972 382a 0Sample size does not equal 395 because progeny from LP X LP, LP X LR, and DR X DR were excluded because of inadequate sample size. G G R R X X X X G R G R 103 148 92 52 Phenotypes of progeny, %b G R 79 55 49 36 21 45 51 64 34 6 12 7 66 94 88 93 395 (2) Margin and tip areas G X G G X R R X G R X R 38 110 116 131 395 0Parent phenotypes were classified independently for both central and marginAtip traits. bGreen, G; red, R (red included all shades of pink and red). COPES: INHERITANCE IN DOUGLAS FIR cant differences when compared with GX R 2047 margin-tip genes could be seen. It appeared that (63), RX G (123), and RX R (73). Color genes for green margin and tip were recessive differences between G X R vs. RX G and G X and did not have visible effect in margin and tip R vs. RX R were not significant. areas when the central areas were red. The sym­ metry of the data in Table 2 for central color An apparently epistatic relationship was in­ dicated between central and margin-tip color supports this conjecture. genes. Green margins were never found where When one considers that 11 different fiavonoid central areas were pink-red, but both green and compounds have been identified in Douglas-fir pink-red margins were found in megastrobili megastrobili ( 4), it is not surprising that a num­ with green centers (x2 70.96** for 1 d.f.). ber of genes may be responsible for megastrobili Progeny from crosses with one or two red color in Douglas-fir. Like flower color in clover, = parents had only 63 to 123 with green margins in which each fiavonoid is controlled by one or and bract tips (Table 2). These lower than ex­ more genes (5), megastrobili color in Douglas pected values resulted because about 503 of the fir may depend quantitatively on the number of progeny from the crosses had pink-red central areas which masked gene expressions for green fiavonoids present and upon their relative con­ centrations. This situation would fit the con­ margins. tinuous range of color variation evident in the Seven percent of the 30 parent clones from northwest Washington were found to have dark larger Douglas-fir families. red megastrobili. The frequency of Douglas-fir in hypocotyl color were found in progeny pro­ In a previous study (2), inherited differences trees with dark or bright red megastrobili near duced from crosses of parents with green and Vancouver, British Columbia, was reported to red megastrobili. Crosses between parents with be 7.83 (3) and near Corvallis, Oregon (2), 63. It appears that, at least for these three areas, green megastrobili gave progeny with the fol­ lowing hypocotyl colors: 183 red, 323 pink, there is little variation in the gene frequencies for dark red megastrobili color (X2 0.23 for close to megastrobili colors obtained in the 2 d.f., not significant). present study from crosses of GX G parents = and 503 green. This color array was amazingly (213 red, 313 pink, 49% green). Also, hypo­ Discussion cotyl color of green X red crosses closely fit No true-breeding (homozygous) combinations megastrobili results for GX DR of this study of parental genotypes were evident from study­ (483 vs. 513 red, 483 vs. 413 pink, and 53 ing megastrobili color of their offspring. Crosses vs. 73 green). Hypocotyl pigmentation of 2­ between green week-old seedlings may be controlled by the progeny and crosses between green parents gave some dark red progeny. For Douglas fir, it ap­ two red parents gave some same genes which control megastrobili color in pears that a simple one- or two-gene model will verify this relationship. 7- to 9-year-old trees. Further work is needed to not adequately fit the observed data. The data suggest multigenic control for whole megastrobili color and for color of margin-tip and central bract areas. Whole megastrobili color crosses of GX G parents produced many more progeny with green megastrobili than crosses of LRX DR. Crosses made between green and red parents tend to give a majority of the progeny with intermediate-colored megastrobili. A case of epistasis or variable penetrance was suggested for the genes controlling margin-tip color. Genes controlling the color of the central area of the bracts also caused pigmentation of cells in the margin area; thus, margin color genes had to dominate or suppress the central trait color in margin and tip areas before effects of Acknowledgments Gratitude is expressed to Tom Greathouse, now with FAO in Turkey; Dr. Roy Silen, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station in Corvallis, Oregon; and to Virgil Allen of the U.S. Forest Service, Shelton Ranger Station, in Shelton, Washington. Each played a significant role in pollinating and growing the plant mate­ rials examined in this study. 1. CARLISLE, A., and A. H. TEICH. 1970. The Hardy­ Weinburg law used to study inheritance of male inflorescence color in a natural Scots pine population. Can. J. Bot. 48(5): 997-998. 2. CHING, K. K., H. AFT, and T. HIGHLEY. 1966. Color variation in strobili of Dou glas-fir. Proc. West. For. Genet. Assoc. pp. 37-43. 2048 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY. 3. GRIFFITH, B. 1968. Phenology, growth, and flower and cone production of 154 Douglas-fir trees on the University Research Forest as influenced by climate and fertilizer, 1957-1967. Univ. B.C. Fae. For. Bull. No. 6. VOL. 50, 1972 4. HIGHLEY, T. L. 1964. The flavonoid compounds of three floral phenotypes of Douglas-fir. M.S. Thesis, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Ore. 5. TAYLOR, N. L., c. J. KELLER, M. K. ANDERSON, and W. A. KENDALL. 1971. Anthocyanidin floral pigmen­ tation in red clover. J. Hered. 62(1): 13-15.