About This File: 1 Thfs file was created by scanning the printed publication. ed;· Misscans identified by the software have been correct however, some mistakes may remain. Translocation and Metabolism of C14 -1-'abeled Tetranzine by Douglas-Fir, Orchard Grass, and Blackberry BY M. A. RADWAN Abstract, Absorption, translocation, and metabolism of C14-labeled tetramine were in­ vestigated in Douglas-fir, orchard grass, and blackberry. Applications were made to the foliage and in nutrient culture solutions under controlled conditions, and the tracer was followed in treated plants with autoradiography and counting techniques. C14-labeled tetra­ mine was absorbed from nutrient solution by roots of all three species. Transport occurred via the transpiration stream, and translocation was slowest in Douglas-fir. After uptake by roots and deposition in plant tissues, the tracer did not recirculate within the plants. Im­ mobility (nonsystemic properties) of the chemical was also demonstrated by lack of down­ ward movement after foliar applications. 04-labeled tetramine was metabolized in the plants, and degradation was highest in orchard grass and lowest in Douglas-fir. Tetramine's toxicity, possible hazards in its use, and its nonsystemic properties suggest that use of the chemical to protect tree seedlings from animals does not look promising. THE sEARCH for a systemic chemical with a potential for protecting forest tree seedlings from animals led wildlife biolo­ gists to the toxic chemical, tetramethylene­ disulphotetramine (tetramine). Bioassay studies, as well as pen and field tests, were conducted to evaluate the chemical (Spencer 1954, Kverno 1960). However, these investigations were largely limited to conifers, and methods used did not accur­ ately determine the chemical's mobility or its metabolic fate in plants. This paper presents studies of translo­ cation and metabolism of C14 uniformly labeled tetramine (tetramine*)1 in three plant species and discusses the results in relation to possible use of the chemical for animal damage control. A preliminary account of the work has been reported elsewhere (Radwan 1966). 1 Radioactive tetramine (2.02 mc/mM) was pre­ pared by Tracerlab, Waltham, Mass. Reprinter1 from Materials and Methods Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco), orchard grass ( Dactylis glomer­ nta L.), and blackberry (Rubus ursinus Cahm. & Schlecht.) were the test species. These plants represented gymnosperms, monocotyledonous angiosperms, and dico­ tyledonous angiosperms, respectively. Growth of plants. Seed from individual lots of Douglas-fir and orchard grass and cuttings from one blackberry plant were grown in sand until plants reached a height of 3 to 5 inches. Plants, in pairs, were then transferred to quart mason jars, covered with aluminum foil and containing Hoagland's nutrient solution 1 (Hoagland and Arnon 1950) with 3 ppm of chelated iron, and placed in a plant The author is Plant Physiologist, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Expt. Sta., Forest Service, U.S. Dept. Agric., Portland, Ore. Manu­ script received Sept. 19, 1966. FoRES'l' SCIENCE, Volume 1 3, Number 3, September, 1967 Purchased by the U. S. Forest Service for official use. growth chamber under controlled condi­ tions. Temperatures in the chamber were 26 ° C during the day and 16 C at night. Root zone temperature remained constant at 19° C. Relative humidity ranged from 70 to 90 percent, and fluorescent-incandescent light at level of plant leaves was controlled at 1,800 ft-c on a 14-hr photoperiod. Solutions were continuously aerated, pH was maintained at 5.0, and cultures were allowed to accli­ matize for at least 10 days before treat­ ment. o Treatment of plants. Tetramine* was used. The tracer was applied to the roots via the nutrient solution at the rate of 17 /J-C in 2.0 mg tetramine* per jar contain­ ing 800 mi. Foliar applications were 0.42 /J-C each, in 50 �-tl of solution containing 5 0�-tg tetramine* and 0.1 percent "Tween 20" surfactant. Solution was applied with a micropipette to one mature leaf of grass and blackberry and to a group of mature needles of Douglas-fir. Effect of time on uptake by roots and distribution of tetramine* in the three species was determined in a time series. Plants were removed from treatment so­ lutions and processed after 2, 6, 8, 24, 9 6, 168, 336, 504, and 588 hours. Studies of tetramine* mobility within plants were made in two ways. First, tetramine* was applied to the foliage and plants were harvested after 7 days; sec­ ond, plants were root treated with tetra­ mine*-6 hours for grass and blackberry and 48 hours for Douglas-fir. Following treatment, roots were washed and plants were transferred to tetramine-free nutri­ ent solutions. Cultures of each species were divided into two groups of two cultures each. Seedling grass and blackber­ ry plants of the two groups were har­ vested after 7 and 14 days, respectively; those of Douglas-fir were harvested at 30 and 60 days. Blackberry plants were root treated for 48 hours to determine distribution of te­ 266 I Forest Science tramine* in flowering plants. One group of plants showed flower buds at time of treatment; the other group was treated before flowering. Following treatment, roots were washed and plants were trans­ ferred to tetramine-free nutrient solu­ tions. Plants were harvested when flower­ ing was complete. At time indicated for each experiment, roots were thoroughly washed in distilled water and blotted with soft tissue. Treated leaves were partly covered with masking tape to prevent contamination during further processing. Intact plants were then quick-frozen with crushed solid C02 and freeze-dried at -15° C (Pallas and Crafts 1957). Two lyophilized plants from each treatment were divided into roots and shoots. In the mobility experiment where plants were root treated, shoots were fur­ ther divided into new and old growth. Resulting parts were individally ground to 40 mesh in a Wiley mill and stored until counted. Remaining two plants of each treatment were used for autoradiography but were divided and ground as before after their autoradiograms were obtained. Metabolism of tetramine* was studied by ( 1) chromatography of extracts and (2) collection of carbon dioxide. 1. Plants of the three species were root treated for 7 and 28 days. Harvested plants were washed, divided into roots and shoots, and resulting parts were cut into small sections and extracted with acetone for 144 hours in Soxhlet apparatus. Ex­ tracts were concentrated and chromato­ graphed on Whatman No. 1 paper by the ascending technique. The paper was pre­ .wa hed with 2N-HC1, distilled H 20, and C2 H50H. Following spotting, the paper was impregnated with 35-percent formamide in methanol and developed in chloroform saturated with formamide hours 12 for equilibration after (Heftmann 1961). 2. Plants of each of the three species were root treated for 7 days, washed, and transferred to tetramine-free solutions as EFFECT OF TIME EXPOSURE ON TRANSLOCATION OF TETRAMINE FROM ROOTS TO SHOOTS 0 = ::t UJ :::> V> V> t= 10 0 :::t: V> >c::: Cl lJ_ 0 ::;: (!) c::: UJ 0... UJ 1:::> :z: 120 110 100 90 80 Orchard grass ::E c::: UJ 0... 60 :z: :::> 0 c..:> 50 40 Douglas-fir EXPOSURE TIME ( hours ) FIGURE 1. Effect of time of esposure on translocation of tetramine* from roots to sl10ots of three plant species grown in nutrient solution containing 2.5 ppm of the tracer. before. Spaces between the plants and the jar lid and between the lid and jar were completely sealed with modeling clay to prevent any escape of COz from the nutrient solution. Plants were placed un­ der bell jars in the dark for 24 hours. Carbon dioxide-free mr was passed through the bell jars, and COz in the outlet air was trapped in COa-free O.SN­ NaOH. Carbonate that formed was pre­ cipitated as BaC140s, and the precipitate was filtered on filter paper disks, washed, volume 13, number 3, 1967 I 267 ) / FIGURE 2. Comparative uptake and distribution of tetramine* in orchard grass, blackberry, and Douglas0/ir. Tracer was administered via nutrient solutions containing 17 w tetramine* per 800 ml solution, and treatment was for 8 hours. Autoradiograms appear above the mounted plants. Notice retmtion of activity by roots and concentration of tracer in older leaves and tips qf grass blades. and counted (Comar 1955). Cultures with untreated plants served as check. methods. The autoradiographic method (Yamaguchi and Crafts 19 58) was used as a qualitative estimate of C14• In each case, plants were mounted on paper and placed against Kodak no-screen X-ray film for 4 weeks at room tempera­ ture. Paper chromatograms were also ex­ posed to film in a similar manner. Fol­ lowing exposure in each case, films were developed by standard procedure, and re­ sulting autoradiograms were examined. Activity in the ground tissue and in the BaC140a was quantitatively determined with a thin-window gas-flow Geiger­ MUller tube and Tracerlab "Versa/Mat­ ic" scaler. In some cases, activity was determined by counting directly on the paper of the chromatograms containing Assay 268 I Forest Science the spots. All counts were appropriately corrected for background and selfabsorption. Results and Discussion Effect of time on uptake and distribution. The quantitative count data, summarized in Figure 1, were confirmed by autoradiog­ raphy. Only plants treated for 8 hours and their autoradiograms are presented (Fig. 2). The tracer was translocated into the tops at different rates in the different species. In 2 hours (Fig. 1 ), Douglas-fir translocated a very small amount of the tracer to the shoots; blackberry and grass, respectively, moved two and six times as much labeled material. 0 nly after 24 hours did appreciable activity appear in shoots of Douglas-fir. This slow translo­ cation in Douglas-fir was probably due to its characteristic limited root system (less absorbing area), smaller area of transpir­ ing foliage, and lack of vessels compared with the other species. These characteris­ tics probably restricted uptake and trans­ port in the xylem. As absorption and translocation contin­ ued, the level of activity in the tops in­ creased in all three species until a plateau was reached during the last two exposure periods of the time series. At this time, Douglas-fir showed the slowest absorption and translocation, and blackberry exceeded grass in moving the tracer to the tops. Rapid translocation in blackberry was probably due to greater transpiration, as transpirin foliage increased more rapidly than that of grass. Examination of the autoradiograms showed that the tracer acquired from the nutrient solutions was retained in roots of all seedlings to a much higher concentra­ tion than was moved into the tops. It was not determined, however, whether activity was from absorption on root surfaces or accumulation within the roots. The autoradiograms also showed ac­ cumulation of activity in older leaves and in the older parts of those leaves (Figs. 2 and 5) in areas where transpiration was presumably rapid. This observation sug­ gests that the tracer was transported up­ ward in the transpiration stream, and retranslocation out of older leaves via the phloem did not occur. M ability within plants. Tetramine* was applied to the roots in nutrient solutions and to the foliage. In each case, move­ ment of the tracer was determined fol­ lowing growth of treated plants in tetra­ mine-free solutions. The mobility of the tracer within the three species following root applications is shown in Table 1. Initially, some movement of activity occurred in the new growth of all test species. This activity did not appear to be derived from residual tracer in the old growth. Old growth of Douglas-fir and blackberry showed only a small decrease in activity; that of grass showed a considerable decrease, but this was probably due to rapid metabolism of the tracer (see later) and not to move­ ment into new growth. This suggests that activity in new growth may have resulted from transport of excess tracer in or on the roots. As growth continued in tetramine-free solutions, old growth contained less activi­ ty due to continued dilution by growth TABLE 1. D;stri!mt;on of act!Vztv in shoots of the three plant species immediately after root treatment and followin[[ two periods of growth in tetramine-free solutions. Old growth1 Plant species Immediately following treatment ----- Douglas-fir Blackberry Orchard grass 11,026± 190 5,389±129 9,575±150 After first gmwth period without tett·amine New growthl After second growth period without tetramine After first After second growth period growth period without without tetramine tetramine Count.< per minute per gram dry s!zoot tisstte2 3,224±165 5,103±130 10,249±1R6 2,426±120 5,202±119 3,976± 108 1,583± 75 2,193± 90 3,585± 96 ------- 541±79 780±70 775±60 1 Treatments were 48 hours for Douglas-fir and 6 hours for blackberry and grass, First growth periods were 30 days for Douglas-fir and7 days for blackberry and grass. Second growth periods were an additional30 days fo1· Douglas-fir and another7 days for blackberry and grass. 2 Averages of four replications and means are followed by the standard error. volume 13,"number 3,..1967 I 269 B A • FIGURE 3. Autoradiograms of Douglas-firs slwwing redistribution of tetramine*. Seedlings were treated (see Fig. 2 caption) for 18 hours before tliey were transferred to tetramine.jree solution and allowed to grow for 30 days (A) and for 60 days (B). In eacl1 autoradiogram, a is image of new growth and b is image of old growth. I • \ \ - --- \ .. \. / FIGURE 4. Comparative movement of tetramine* from leaves of orclwrd grass, blackberry, and Douglas-fir. Leaves were treated for 7 days with 50 JJ.g tetramine* in 50 JJ.I of acetone solution. Upper section shows autoradiograms of treated plants slwwn in lower section, and arrows indicate treated leaves and tl1eir images. 270 I Forest Science A FIGURE 5. Autoradiograms of blackberry plants showing distribution of tetramine* in the flowers. Plants were treated (see Fig. 2 caption) for 48 l1011rs before IIIey were transferred to teframine-free solution. Autoradiograms in A and B are from plants treated before and after flowering, respectively. Arrows point to images of tl1e flowers. .and degradation of the tracer. In the meantime, new growth showed consider­ able decrease in activity (Table 1), and images on the autoradiograms became barely visible (Fig. 3). Tetramine*, therefore, is nonsystemic (immobile) in the test species. Once tetra­ mine* is deposited in the tissues, recircula­ tion does not appear to occur. Very limited movement out of treated leaves occurred (Fig. 4). Grass showed a typical apoplastic movement. Similar lim­ ited movements probably occurred in the other two species, but detection of the tracer was not possible because of the shorter leaves of the species and the masking tape covering treatment areas. Apoplastic movement toward the treated-leaf tip in direction of the transpi­ ration stream and absence of basipetal movement present additional evidence of immobility of tetramine* in the plants. Foliar applications of tetramine, there­ fore, would not result in appreciable pene­ tration and distribution within treated plants. Furthermore, tetramine in its trans­ location pattern resembles the urea and triazine herbicides, certain surfactants, and the mineral elements calcium, mag­ nesium, and strontium (Crafts and Ya­ maguchi 1964) . Distribution in flowering plants. Appreci­ able activity appeared in flowers of black­ berry plants which were treated after flowers had formed. The tracer was present in all parts of the flower, especial­ ly the calyx (Fig. 5B). Flowers formed after treatment, however, showed only a trace of activity (Fig. SA). Availability of tetramine to the roots during flowering, therefore, is essential if considerable amounts are to appear in flowers. Activity acquired before flower­ ing is not available for redistribution and depositon in new flowers because of the chemical's immobility. Metabolism in plants. Figure 6 shows autoradiograms of the acetone extracts obtained from plants treated with tetra­ mine* at 7 and 28 days. Extracts rep­ resented only 60 to 80 percent of the volume 13, number 3, 1967 1 271 ' ' ' • -t 1'1. • i+ • FIGURE 6 . Autoradiograms of paper c!Jromatograms developed ascendingly in formamide-saturated chloro­ form. E.\'tracts shown in A and B are from plants treated (see Fig. 2 caption) for 7 and 28 days, respectively. In eacl1 case, upper section shows autoradiograms of shoot e.\'tracts and lower section shows those of roots. Spotting from left to riglit: grass e ·tract, blackberry e.\'lract, Douglas-fir extract, tetramine*, Douglas-fir e.\'tract plus tetramine*, blackbeny e.\'tract plus tetramine*, and grass e.\'tract plus tetramine*. total activity, since some activity always remained chemically bound to plant res­ idues, suggesting the presence of acetone insoluble metabolites. Tetramine* separated into two spots with RF values of 0.40 and 0.75. The compound with the higher RF amounted to approximately 20 percent of the total activity and was considered an impurity, although no qualifying tests were per­ formed. This impurity is apparently com­ mon in all tetramine preparations, smce the oral toxicity2 and the infrared spec­ trum3 of the labeled tetramine were found to be identical with those of unla­ beled tetramine used by the Bureau of 2 Determined by W. E. Dodge, U.S. Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, Olympia, Wash. 3 Determined by Tracerlab, Waltham, Mass. 272 I Forest Science Sport Fisheries and Wildlife m bioassay tests. Extracts from the 7-day treatments showed some metabolic transformations from the original tetramine*. These changes were much more noticeable with shoot than with root extracts, indicating that tetramine* was probably metabolized in the shoots. In shoots of all test species, activities in the upper spot increased 2 7 to 69 percent at the expense of the decrease shown by the lower tetramine* spot (Fig. 6A), Species, however, were different in their ability to metabolize tetramine*. Thus, degradation was highest in grass, intermediate in blackberry, and lowest in Douglas-fir. In 28 days (Fig. 6B), essentially the same results were obtained. However, root and shoot extracts of grass and, to a lesser extent, those of blackberry showed a third spot, as yet unidentified, with an Rre value of 0.96. Activity of this spot was highest in grass and averaged 1 7 percent of the total activity. Carbon dioxide collections from the three species showed that C1402 was lib­ erated during the experiment. Activities of the BaC140a collected from Douglas­ fir, blackberry, and grass were 0. 7 , 2.1, and 6.1 counts per minute per milligram carbonate per gram of shoot dry weight. These data support those collected from chromatography experiments and show that, although the test species metabolized tetramine*, they differed in their ability to degrade the chemical. Conclusions Tetramine has been suggested for treating tree seedlings to control damage by hares and rabbits (Kverno 1960). At present, suggested methods of application involves use of the chemical on tree seedlings in the field (in planting hole or root spray) or in the nursery (root spray 1 year before outplanting). Results obtained in this study indicate serious limitations to such usages, although complete evaluation should await further study. Applications of tetramine in the field would make the chemical available to associated plant spe­ cies such as blackberries and grass. Al­ though tetramine would be less stable in these species, the plants would remain toxic and hazardous as long as a supply of the chemical is available in the root zone or if metabolites were as toxic, or possibly more so than the parent compound. Treatment of seedlings in the nursery, on the other hand, would protect existing growth only because of the chemical's nonsystemic properties. Field applications, therefore, would be necessary if new growth were to be protected. This, also, would be costly and hazardous. Literature Cited CoMAR, C. L. 1955. Radioisotopes in biology and agriculture. McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York. 481 pp. CRAFTs, A. S., and S. YAMAGUCHI. 1964 . The autoradiography of plant materials. Calif. Agric. 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