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Intraspecific crosses were made using five different pollen mixes on the same Pseudostuga menziesii seed tree. At germination, it was found that average cotyledon numbers of the progenies could be used to verify several hybrid parentages even though average numbers differed by one cotyledon or less. Cotyledon number has recently been used to verify a hybrid between noble fir (Abies procera Rehd.) and California red fir (Abies magnifica A. Murr.). 1 For these species, cotyledon numbers were different, ranging from 4 to 7 in noble fir and from 7 to 11 in California red fir. Douglas­ fir (Pseudotsuga menzzestt (Mirb.) Franco) cotyledon numbers range at least from three 2 to 113. Can this wide variability in cotyledon number be used to confirm intraspecific crosses in Douglas-fir? If so, genuine crosses could be recognized early because cotyledon numbers 1 Silen, Roy R., Critchfield, William B., and Franklin, Jerry F. Early verification of a hybrid between noble and California red firs. For. Sci. could be determined without damage to the seedlings as soon as seedcoats are shed, or even earlier if the seed can be sacrificed. In this report, a small test, involving several crosses using a common female parent, is described. Some pro­ genies did show significant differences in average cotyledon number, thus verifying their diverse hybrid parentages. Materials and Methods Female strobiles of a single tree at 4,400 feet m the central Oregon Cascade Range were pol­ linated by the following: 1. A mixture from five trees growing at 4,000­ foot elevation about 1 mile east of the female parent; 11: 460-462. 2 Personal observation. 'Greathouse, Thomas. Personal communica­ tion. The au thor is Research Forester, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Expt. Sta., Forest Service, U.S. Dept. of Agric. portland, Oregon Manuscript received July 14, 1965. volv,mc 12, number 2, 1966 I 175 TABLE 1. Average and range in cotyledon number in seedlings from five intraspecific crosses of Douglas-fir, by elevation of parents. Elevation of parents' (feet) 4,400 4,400 4,400 4,400 4,400 wind pollinated X 4,00()2 X 2,00()2 X 7002 X 2002 Cotyledons Average Range of number number 6.62 7.00 7.65 7.39 6.88 5-8 6-8 6-9 6-9 6--8 LSD. 05 based on ~he Duncan test is 0.44 cotyledon; LSD.o, is 0~58 cotyledon. 'Female parent, identified by altitude, is listed first; male parents, similarly identified, are listed afterward. 2 Pollen parentage is a composite or mix of four to seven individuals, as described in the text. 2. A mixture from four trees growing at 2,000­ foot elevation about 30 miles west of the female parent; 3. A mixture from seven trees growing at 700-foot elevation about 40 miles west of the female parent; 4. A mixture from four trees growing at 200­ foot elevation about 50 miles west of the female parent. 17G I Pore.~t Scitnc~ 5. Wind-pollinated seeds were also collected from the female parent. Twenty-four germinated seeds from each cross were planted, three per plastic pot following a randomized block design in forest soil from the central Oregon Coast Ranges. Pots were placed in a growth c.hamber under a 16-hour photo­ period (light intensity about 1,100 foot-candles) and a 16-hour thermoperiod (22°C day tempera­ ture, 10°C night temperature). Average seed weights of the five lots were very nearly the same. Number of cotyledons was counted 30 days after planting. Cotyledon length, when measured, did not differ among crosses. Basic unit of observation for analysis of vari­ ance was average number of cotyledons per seedling on three seedlings of one cross in a single pot, except in one pot in which one germ­ minating seedling failed to develop cotyledons. Results and Conclusions Average cotyledon numbers for seedlings of the five families are given in Table 1. An analysis of variance was performed with 4, 7, and 28 degrees of freedom for crosses, replicates, and error, respectively. The F-value was 9.02, significant at the 1-percent level. These results indicate rather strong control of cotyledon number. In fact, genetic variance, when expressed as a proportion of genetic plus remainder variances, is equal to 0.53. Thus, comparisons reveal that hybridi ty in Douglas-fir can be confirmed at germination time by average cotyledon number, even when: (1) numbers on individual seedlings range from 5 to 9; and (2) average cotyledon numbers of crosses vary from 6.6 to 7.6.