Persistence and Effect of TMTD on Soil Respiration and Nitrification In Two Nursery Soils BY M. A. RADWAN Abstract. Persistence of tetramethylthiuram disulfide (TMTD) and its effect on activity of soil microflora in general and on nitrifying micro-organisms in particular were investigated in soils from two tree nurseries in western Washington. TMTD was depleted in both soils; rate of depletion depended on initial concentration of the chemical and action of soil micro-organisms. Addition of some commercial fertilizers enhanced depletion. Use of these fertilizers or addition of well-decomposed organic matter in the nursery would probably increase degradation of TMTD in soil. TMTD decreased soil respiration.Soils responded differently to treatment, but initial depressions of C02 pro­ duction in both soils were proportional to concentration of TMTD in soil. Following initial inhibition in two treatments, respiration was stimulated, probably due to utiliza­ tion of decomposition products of T MTD by micro-organisms. Nitrification was im­ paired by TMTD for 20 days but by 60 days had recovered completely in almost all cases. Effects of TMTD reaching the soil during spray operations with a repellent formulation containing the chemical do not seem serious, and even beneficial effects seem possible under some conditions. T ETRAMETHYLTHIURAM DISUJ,FIDE (TMTD), in various spray formulations, has been recommended for treatment of planting stock before lifting from nursery beds (Besser and Welch 1959, Duffield and Eide 1962) to protect planted seed­ lings from damage by wild mammals, particularly hares and rabbits. A number of forest nurseries in the Pacific North­ west have adopted this technique, and each year millions of seedlings are sprayed. However, the mechanical equip­ ment used also deposits large amounts of spray on seedbed soil (Duffield and Eide 1962). TMTD has successfully controlled several soil-borne diseases (McKeen 1950, Cram and Vaartaja 1957) and, at the rates recommended, is reported to change soil microbiological balance (Richardson 1954) with little or no phytotoxic effects (Kendrick and Zentmyer 1957). Yet little is known of the chemical's persistence and effects as related to its use as a repellent in forest tree nurseries. Objectives of this study were, therefore, to investigate per­ sistence of TMTD in soil and effect of the chemical on soil respiration and nitrifi­ cation. The author is Plant Physiologist, Division of Timber Management Research, Pacific North­ west Forest and Range Expt. Sta., Forest Service, U. S. Dept. Agric., Portland, Oreg. For materials provided for this study, acknowledg­ ment is due to E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Wilmington, Del.; State Dept. Natural Re­ sources, Olympia, Wash.; and Industrial Forestry Association, Portland, Oreg. Manuscript re­ ceived July 7, 1964. About This File: This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Misscans identified by the software have been corrected; however, some mistakes may remain. 152 I Forest Science 'FABLE 1. Some characteristics of soils studied.1 Cation Nursery sampleJ pH exchange Moisture Organic Clay capacity equivalent matter content Meq/100 g -------Percent-------- Webster 6.1 14 . 1 16.0 4.3 Greeley 5.9 19.9 25 . 0 3. 5 1 7.4 22.4 Each value is an average of two determinations. Materials and Methods Persistence Studies Soils were collected at L. T. Webster and Colonel W. B. Greeley forest nurseries in western Washington. In each case, com­ posite soil samples of the surface 6 inches were taken from areas where TMTD had not been applied. Samples were then air­ dried, individually mixed, screened through a 4 mm sieve, and stored at room temperature in polyethylene bags. To characterize the soils, samples were analyzed (Table 1) by the following methods: reaction (pH) electrometrically in a 1:1 soil-water suspension (Peech et al. 1947); cation exchange capacity by a modification of the ammonium acetate method of Schollenberger and Simon (1945); moisture equivalent by the cen­ trifuge method of Briggs and McLane (1907); total organic matter by the dichromate oxidation method (Peech et al. 1947, Jackson 1960); and clay con­ tent by the hydrometer method (Bouy­ oucos 1927). Two experiments were carried out. In the first, TMTD at 300 and 600 parts per million by weight (ppmw) was thoroughly mixed with autoclaved (15 psi for 3 hours, 121° C) and non-autoclaved 50-g ovendry samples of the two soils in 250-ml Erlen­ meyer flasks. The autoclaved soils were treated with TMTD under aseptic con­ ditions, and moisture of all samples was raised to the moisture equivalent with sterile water. Duplicate samples of each treatment were immediately analyzed for TMTD. All remaining flasks, lightly stoppered with cotton plugs to permit aeration, were incubated in a randomized block design at 28° ± 1° C in a water­ jacketed incubator, and soil moisture was maintained at the moisture equivalent by periodic additions of sterile water. At the end of 20, 60, 100, 140, and 180 days, TMTD was analyzed in duplicate samples of each treatment. Determination of TMTD in Soil TABLE 2. Recovery of TMTD from soil. Known amounts of TMTD were added to 50-g (ovendry basis) soil samples, and recovery was immediately determined by a modification of Keppel's method (1959). In each case, TMTD was extracted with chloroform, and aliquots of extracts were treated with cuprous iodide. Absorbance of resulting solutions was then measured in a spectrophotometer at 440 mu and amount of TMTD determined from a previously constructed calibration curve. Recovery data are summarized in Table 2. Percent recovery TMTD level No. deter-----------­ (ppmw)1 ruinations Range Aver. Webster nursery 300 4 91-93 92 600 4 89-95 92 Greeley nursery 300 600 1 4 4 86-92 89 88-90 89 Parts per million by weight. volu,me11,nu,mber2,196l! I 153 The second experiment was to deter­ mine the effect of two commercial fer­ tilizers-ammonium nitrate (33-1/2-0-0) and ammonium phosphate-sulfate (16­ 20-0)-on persistence of TMTD. In this case, 50-g soil samples in 250-ml Erlen­ meyer flasks were either treated with fertilizer at 1,000 ppmw or left without treatment. All samples were then treated with TMTD at 300 ppmw, thoroughly mixed, and maintained at moisture equivalent throughout the test. TMTD was determined immediately and at 20, 60, and 100 days following incubation at 28° ± 1° C. As in the first experiment, two replications and a randomized block design were adopted. Soil Respiration and Nitrification Experiments Influence of TMTD on total microbial activity was measured by determination of C02 evolved from treated and un­ treated soil samples. In this experiment, 100-g (ovendry basis) portions of each soil were placed in 250-ml Erlenmeyer flasks. Soils were treated with TMTD at 0, 180, 480, 720, and 1,200 ppmw,1 mixed, and brought to moisture equiva­ lent with water. The flasks, connected to a manifold supplying moist, C02-free air, were then incubated at 28° ± 1° C. During incubation, moisture was main­ tained at moisture equivalent, and C02 liberated by respiration of soil micro­ organisms was swept out of the flasks, trapped in 125-ml Erlenmeyer flasks con­ taining 1N-NaOH, and determined by differential titration with IN and 0.1 N HC1 according to Cooper's method (1941). Measurements of C02 were made on the same flasks at 20- to 40-day inter­ vals during a 180-day incubation period. A randomized split plot design was used with two replications. Soils and TMTD 1 These rates are comparable to concentra­ tions of TMTD in the surface 6 inches of soil when 0, 15, 40, 60, and 100 percent of a 10-per­ concentrations were main plots, and time intervals for C02 determinations were subplots. Effect of TMTD on nitrification was studied using 100-g samples (ovendry basis) of the two soils in 250-ml Erlen­ meyer flasks. TMTD at 0 and 180 ppmw and an ammonium N source at 0 and 100 ppmw of N were thoroughly mixed with soil. Nitrogen sources, NH40H and (NH4)2S04, were added to the soil in volumes of water necessary to raise soil moisture to the moisture equivalent. Also, with (NH4)2S04, sufficient CaCOa was added to neutralize acids produced during nitrification (Chandra and Bollen 1961). Flasks of all treatments, lightly stoppered with cotton plugs to permit aeration, were incubated in a randomized block design at 28° ± 1° C. Moisture lost during incubation was replaced periodi­ cally, and duplicate samples were ana­ lyzed for nitrate N by the phenoldisul­ fonic acid method (Harper 1924) 20, 40, and 60 days following treatment. Results and Discussion Persistence of TMTD in Soil recovery. Amount of TMTD recovered immediately after addition of the chemical averaged 92 percent in the Webster soil and 89 percent in the much heavier textured Greeley soil. High clay content of Greeley soil (Table 1) appar­ ently made extraction of TMTD more difficult. Recovery, however, was not affected by initial concentration of TMTD (Table 2) or soil sterilization (Fig. 1). Initial Effect of soil type. TMTD was broken down in both soils. The chemical, how­ ever, was depleted more rapidly in Greeley soil except during the 20- to 60-day incubation period, when Webster lost significantly2 more TMTD. Depletion of TMTD in both soils varied with initial concentration of 2 In this paper, "significant" is used in a statis­ tical sense and means that a relationship was cent TMTD spray formulation reaches the soil shown to exist at the 5-percent level of proba­ during spray operations. bility or lower. 154 I Forest Science RECOVERY OF TMTD lOOPERCENT WEBSTER SOIL 80 ---- .... 20 Autoclaved Nonautocl aved QL____L___J ____ ---L----L------- -------- ---- 100 GREELEY SOIL 60 Autoe laved Non auto cia ved 40 20 O L---�----�-0 20 40 6Q 80 100 140 180 DAYS PERIOD OF INCUBATION FIGURE 1. Recovery of TMTD initially and at different time intervals after addition of the chemical at 300 and 600 ppm by weight to autodaved and non-autr,claved soils. Recoverie.r are a.r perc ent of TMTD originalZv added. volume 11,number 2, 1965 1 155 RECOVERY OF TMTD 100 PERCENT I Soils: Webster Greeley Untreated Nitrate Phosphate· sulfate 80 60 40 20 0 20 100 60 DAYS PERIOD OF INCUBATION FIGURE 2. Recovery of TMTD initially and at different time intervals after addition of the chemical at 300 ppm by weight to fertilizer-treated and untreated samples of the soils. Recoveries are expressed as percent of TMTD originally added. TMTD. Throughout the incubation period, TMTD frorn the 600 pprnw treatments in Webster soil was broken down at a slower rate than that from the 300 ppmw treatments. Similar but less marked results were observed with Greeley soil during the first 120 days following treatment. This trend suggests that under conditions of this experiment TMTD inhibited depletion factors and higher initial concentrations increased inhibition. of autoclaving soil. Autoclav­ ing affected persistence of TMTD, and the effect varied with time, soil, and initial TMTD concentration (Fig. 1). During early stages of incubation, rate of TMTD decomposition was signifi­ cantly reduced by autoclaving, especially in Webster soil, and with the 600 ppmw treatments of each soil. However, this effect tended to disappear during later stages of the study. Effect 156 1 Forest Science Micro-organisms, or some product of microbial activity apparently were im­ portant in decomposing TMTD in soil. Micro-organisms capable of breaking down TMTD were probably present in each soil. Further, higher decomposition rates of the chemical in Greeley soil suggest that greater microbial activity occurred in that soil than in Webster soil (Fig. 3). Autoclaving eliminated most micro-organisms present in the soil and resulted in reduced rates of depletion of TMTD. However, higher decomposition rates of the chemical were soon reestab­ lished in all autoclaved samples as soils became contaminated with air-borne microbes and as the introduced micro­ organisms and those that had escaped autoclaving multiplied. Effect of fertilizers. Effect of fertili­ zation on persistence of TMTD in soil is shown in Figure 2. The fertilizers had no Mg C EVOLVED AS C02 PER 100 g SOIL PER DAY 1.2 1.0 WEBSTER SOIL 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 L----J-----L--�--L- 1.8 \ \ \ \ 1.6 GREELEY SOIL \\\\ 1.4 1.2 0 180 480 720 1,200 ppmw TMTD 1.0 \, 0.8 __ ---._ ...... '----..... ...... ', ' 0.6 "''-- 0.4 ""' ............ ""' .............. "- - .................. ;; .... ----- ----- ---- 0.2 0 20 40 60 80 100 140 180 DAYS TIME AFTER TREATMENT FIGURE 3. Effect of TMTD on carbon dioxide evolution from two .<oils. Rates of TMTJ) 7 20, and 1,200 ppm by weight. were: 0, 180, 4SO, volume 11, number 2, 196"5 I 157 the small difference in organic matter between these soils (Table 1). High microbial activity may also explain higher rates of depletion of TMTD in Greeley soil (Fig. 1). During the first 120 days, treated soils produced less C02 than non-treated soils, indicating that TMTD significantly depressed soil microflora. Depressions in both soils were proportional to TMTD concentrations but were more pronounced in Greeley soil. In addition, low yields of C02 continued throughout the incubation period except with the 180- and, to a lesser degree, 480-ppmw treatments. With these two treatments, respiration in both soils increased significantly over the con­ trols at different times during incubation. Such increases were probably due to utilization of decomposition products of TMTD by soil micro-organisms and sub­ sequent increases in microbial numbers and/or activities (Chandra and Bollen 1961). Depressive effects observed with TMTD treatments were not due entirely to the chemical. There was also a decline in C02 production of controls during incubation, suggesting depletion of avail­ able food materials required to sustain significant effect on rate of TMTD de­ composition during the first 20 days of incubation but significantly enhanced depletion thereafter. Response of Greeley soil was more pronounced, but fertilizers did not significantly differ in their effect on TMTD depletion in either soil. Al­ though fertilizers were applied at much higher rates than is usual in nursery practice, lower rates might also enhance loss of TMTD from soil in the nursery. Influence of TMTO on Microbial Activity Effect on respiration. Demonstrated per­ sistence of TMTD in soil led to study of the chemical's effect on soil microbial activities. Evolution of C02 over 180 days, measured at intervals of 20 to 40 days, was utilized to determine effect of different TMTD levels on overall acti­ vity of soil micro-organisms. Results were statistically analyzed, and curves depicting influence of TMTD with re­ spect to time were prepared (Fig. 3). For untreated soils, C02 production was significantly greater in Greeley soil during all time periods. This indicates more micro-organisms or more favorable conditions for their activity in that soil compared with Webster soil, in spite of TABLE 3. Effect of TMTD on nitrification in Webster and Greeley soils. Nitrification of added Webster soil, by Greeley soil, by days after treatment days after treatment Treatment' 20 4-0 60 ------------· (NH.),so. (NH4),S04 + TMTD NH40H NH40H + TMTD N2 20 Percen t 40 60 ----------- 38a3 95a 95a 41a 86a 0 39b 97a 0 35b 93bc 74a 42a 86a 100a 45a 89a 100b 0 47b 100a 7b 38b 90c 1 Nitrogen sources and TMTD were added to give 100 and 180 parts per million by weight, respectively. 2 Each value is the average of two replications. Values were corrected for native produced from native 3 N NO, as well as that sources during the experiment. Means in each column followed by the same letter or letters do not differ significantly at the 5-percent level of probability, using Tukey's test. 158 1 Forest Science . . m1cro-orgamsms. Literature Cited Effect on nitrification. Evolution of C02 BESSER, jEROME F., and JAcK F. WELCH. 1959. was used as an index of general activity of soil microflora. The biocidal properties of TMTD were not known to be limited to harmful micro-organisms, so the possi­ bility remained that TMTD might have some deleterious effect on beneficial soil micro-organisms also. In this experi­ ment, therefore, effect of TMTD on formation of nitrate, which reflects acti­ vity of nitrifying micro-organisms, was determined over a 60-day period (Table 3). Both N sources were nitrified in soil indicating presence of nitrifying micro­ organisms. In the absence of TMTD, ammonium N was rapidly transformed into nitrate form. Approximately 90 per­ cent of added N was nitrified in 40 days, and nitrification was complete by 60 days. In addition, differences between soils in nitrifying ability and between N sources in rate of nitrification were not significant. Nitrate formation from each N source was completely impaired by TMTD in both soils during the first 20 days. Part of this impairment, however, was over­ come in both soils after 40 days, and in Webster soil all NH40H and (NH4)2S04 was nitrified by 60 days. Nitrification of N sources in presence of TMTD, how­ ever, was less in Greeley soil in which 60­ day nitrification of NH40H and (NH4)2 so4 was 90 and 74 percent, respectively. Thus, TMTD at 180 ppmw strongly depresses nitrification initially. In light of persistence and C02 production results (Figs. 1 and 3), it appears that duration of this effect depends on TMTD con­ centration. Such inhibition, however, is not considered serious in practice since tree seedlings utilize ammonium as well as nitrate N. In addition, interruption of nitrification may even be beneficial in case of Webster nursery where soil is coarse textured and much irrigation and rainfall cause considerable leaching of nitrates. Chemical repellents for the control of mammal damage to pl ants. Trans. 24th Amcr. Wildl ife Conf. pp. 166-173. BRIGGS L. J., and J. W. McLANE. 1907. The moisture equivalent of soils. U. S. Bur. Soils Bull. 45. 23 pp. Bouyoucos, G. J. 1927. The hydrometer as a new method for the mechanical analysis of soils. Soil Sci. 23:343-353. CHANDRA, and WALTER B. BoLLEN. PuRNA, 1961. Effects of nabam and mylone on nitrifi­ cation, soil respiration, and microbial numbers in four Oregon soils. Soil Sci. 92:387-393. CoOPER, S. C. 1941. The mixed indicator bro­ mocresolgreen-methyl red for carbonates in water. Industr. Engng. Chern., Analyt. Ed. 15:466-470. CRAM, W. H., and 0. 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