Phenotypic Correlation among Branch and Upper-Crown Stem Attributes in Douglas-Fir BY ROBERT K. CAMPBELL Abstract. To provide a basis for developing objective branch-habit selection criteria for tree breeding, phenotypic correlations were made among several branch character­ istics of 15- to 35-year-old Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco var. menzie.sii. Cor­ relation analyses indicate that: (I) branch angle is not significantly associated with any variable except average cross-sectional area of branch bases; ( 2) of trees of similar stem volume those with fewer branches tend to have larger diameter branches; (3) of trees of similar stem volume those with fewer branches tend to have longer branches; ( 4) trees with fast height growth tend to have shorter branches when compared with slower growing trees of similar volume; ( 5) of trees of similar stem volume those growing faster in height tend to have smaller diameter branches; (6) tree age is not significantly correlated with any branch or stem characteristic; (7) stem volume is correlated with all measured variables except branch angle; (8) except for the close relationship between branch length and average cross-sectional area of branches, branch characteristics are generally very slightly associated. Path coefficient analysis suggests that variations in the four branching characteristics are directly associated with approxi­ mately 62 percent of the variation in stem volume. A GLANCE through published plus-tree se­ lection guides suggests that branching habit is vitally important to the tree breeder. This is understandable, for the goal of many tree-improvement programs is in­ creased wood production or enhanced wood quality, and branch habit is intimately re­ lated to both. But selection for branching habit, based on anything other than a general impres­ sion of the crown, is seldom practiced. The reason for this seems quite clear. There is currently little quantitative information concerning ( 1 ) correlations among branch attributes and (2) the relationship between branch habit and stem volume or wood quality. The first is necessary to determine whether or not branch-habit components are inherited independently of one another; the second to determine which branch at­ tributes are important associates of volume and quality. To provide a basis for developing more 444 / Forest Science objective branch-habit selection criteria, this paper presents phenotypic correlations among several branch characteristics of Douglas-fir (Pseud'otsuga menziesii ( Mirb.) Franco var. menziesii ) . Correlations be­ tween each of these characteristics and stem volume are also examined. Branching habit is an aggregate charac­ ter made up of many components (e.g., branch angle, diameter, length) . Some of these traits are undoubtedly economically more important than others; they should be defined, and their relationships to other branching traits described, for two reasons: 1. The fewer the traits considered in The author is Forest Geneticist, Weyer­ haeuser Company Forestry Research Center, Centralia, Wash. He gratefully acknowledges manuscript reviews by R. T. Bingham, B. V. Barnes, J. W. Hanover, and R. Z. Callaham. The paper is based on part of a Ph.D. thesis, Coli. of Forestry, Univ.of Washington. Manu• script received Oct. 16, 1962. selection, the greater the response to selec­ tion of the traits considered. A breeding plan may stipulate that trees are to be se­ lected for one or more traits. The selected trees make up a certain proportion of the stand, this proportion being limited by re­ productive potential of the trees, and by the restrictions imposed when the effects of inbreeding and genetic drift in future gen­ erations are considered. When a given proportion ( v ) of the stand is thus used for breeding but more than one (n ) independ­ ent traits are selected, the effective v for each trait becomes ny'11 and there is a cor­ responding decrease in selection intensity of each (Lerner 1958, page 177). Ex­ pected genetic gain is directly dependent on selection intensity as well as on trait heritability. Consequently, rate of gain is inversely proportional to the number of traits undergoing simultaneous selection. If unimportant traits are disregarded dur­ ing selection, selection intensity for more important ones is increased. Accordingly, rate of improvement in more valuable traits is increased. 2. Some important branching traits may be positively correlated genetically and se­ lection for one trait would carry with it improvement in another. Some may be negatively correlated in which case im­ provement of both traits would be difficult. Others may be genetically independent, or nearly so. Thus both the direction and degree of genetic correlation among traits are important in selection. Phenotypic correlation coefficients pre­ sented here suggest that branch diameter and number of branches per whorl are closely related to stem volume. Also, the study shows that several statistically signifi­ cant phenotypic correlations exist between branching traits. Procedure Measurements of crown attributes were made for 30 trees from each of eight young Douglas-fir stands in southwestern Wash­ ington. Average stand age varied from 15 to 35 years. Topography and soil con­ ditions were relatively uniform within re­ spective areas, but large site differences occurred among the eight different areas (see Table 1, in which length of stem seg­ ments, consisting of 10 whorls each, indi­ cates site differences among areas). Only open-grown trees were measured, i.e., trees with live branches to the ground. The upper crowns of open-grown trees are relatively far removed from their neighbors and, consequently, branch modification by competing crowns is minimized. Branch measurements on each tree were restricted to whorls number 4 through 1 1 when counted downward from the stem tip. Thus, all measured crown-segments have the same age relative to crown tip. Measurement procedures, area locations, and descriptions of variation within indi­ vidual stands are p r e s en t e d elsewhere (Campbell 196 1). From field measurements a single de­ scriptive value for each attribute was com­ puted for every tree to include the follow­ ing: 1. Total number of branGhes above 0.350 inches in diameter (outside bark) in whorls 4 through 10. 2. Branch length derived from a linear regression of the length of major branches on the numbered position of the whorl. Length of the average branch at the elev­ enth whorl was calculated from this re­ gression and used as the unit value for a tree. 3. Branch angle derived from a linear regression of branch angle (from the ver­ tical) of the major branches on the num­ bered position of the whorl. Angle of the average branch at the seventh whorl was calculated from this regression and used as the unit volume for a tree. 4. Average cross-sectional a r e a of branch bases for all branches having out­ side diameters greater than 0.350 inches in whorls 4 through 10. 5. Length of the stem from whorl 1 to whorl 11. 6. Volume of a cone with length equiv­ alent to stem length from whorls 1 through volume 9, number 4, 1963 / 445 11 and basal diameter equivalent to the stem diameter one inch above whorl 1 1. 7. Tree age at 4.5 feet above ground. Correlation coefficients were computed for all pairs of the above attributes for each area using each of the 30 trees as an obser­ vation. Eight phenotypic total correlation coefficients resulted from each of the 15 possible combinations of six crown attrib­ utes (Table 1) . The values varied some­ what, but the hypothesis that the eight area coefficients were drawn from a common r was not statistically rejected for any line of coefficients in Table 1. Therefore, area coefficients were combined, after the man­ ner of Snedecor ( 1956), to provide "an estimate of r more reliable than that afford­ ed by any of the separate r's." Stem volume was found to be significant­ ly correlated ( 99 percent level ) with all variables except branch angle. Consequent­ ly, correlations a m o n g branch length, branch diameter, number of branches and stem length may result only from their common correlation with tree size, as meas­ ured by stem volume. To remedy this, partial correlation analysis was used to eliminate stem volume (or tree size ) ef­ fects from estimates of correlation. The resulting eight partial correlation coeffi­ cients for each comparison were not sig­ nificantly different and were also combined. Subsequent remarks refer only to these combined correlation coefficients. Results Association between branch attributes. Ta­ ble 1 presents phenotypic total correlations for 15 possible combinations of six crown characteristics. Partial correlation coeffi- TABLE 1. Phenotypic correlation between six crown characteristics of Douglas-fir from eight areas zn southwestern T¥ ashington, each with 30 trees. Area numbers Line No. Correlation coefficients1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 f12 ru.a fla f13.6 ru fH.6 r.u; f15.6 r,. r,. f23.6 f24 f24.0 r.:; f25.0 f26 fa< f34.6 rss ras.e rae f45 f4:5.6 r,e f56 II IV 4. VII (26.2) (28.0) (20.3) (25.5) (22.7) (22.0) X Combined (31.4)2 (28.9) .1183 -.03 .158 .20 -.202 -.61 .126 -.06 .250 .046 .16 .765 .41 .397 .03 .571 -.135 -.04 -.156 -.09 -.140 .379 -.25 .754 .667 .185 -.28 .147 .09 .166 -.27 .451 -.08 .638 -.213 -.34 .640 .49 .471 .07 .567 -.168 -.28 .149 .09 .120 .257 -.29 .537 .771 .147 -.13 .030 -.23 -.084 -.47 .45 -.05 .601 .113 -.03 .726 .67 .271 -.17 .400 .116 -.03 .368 .16 .337 .199 -.39 .426 .873 -.035 -.21 .150 .08 -.171 -.44 .536 .16 .571 -.025 -.06 .650 .63 .197 .03 .226 -.290 -.36 .19, .13 .150 .128 -.19 .300 .797 .113 -.33 -.121 -.22 .05 5 -.68 .406 .24 .520 .182 .14 .677 .51 .160 -.47 .488 .064 -.04 .034 -.02 .129 -.020 -.49 .698 .428 .173 -.29 -.124 -.17 .164 -.22 .385 -.01 .463 .090 .07 .725 .46 .481 -.40 .745 -.296 -.45 .009 -.07 .058 .397 -.41 .672 .840 .132 .031 .255 .31 .013 -.13 .279 .23 .166 -.391 -.32 .722 .51 .352 -.12 .667 -.519 -.49 .022 .24 -.246 .099 -. 4 .659 .631 .095 -.25 -.046 -.04 -.101 -.46 .375 .18 .379 .109 .16 .851 .75 .239 -.39 .688 -.173 -.210 .298 .41 -.013 .033 -.63 .620 .655 .116 -.19*" .057 .00 -.033 -.43** 'Subscripts of correlation coefficients represent: branches; VI v I. number average cross-sectional area of branch bases; 5. of branches; VIII *Significant at **Significant at 95o/o 99o/o level of probability. level of probability. 446 / Forest Science length 2. of length of stem-segment; 6. 1-11. 0.36; at 2Numerals in parentheses indicate average stem lengths in feet for whorls "Thirty-three sample correlation coefficients significant at IX 95o/o level if above branches; .394** .09 ° .51 0** -.015 .05 .727** .56"* .325** '-.19** .562** -.183** -.25"* .118 .11 .050 .189 ** -.41** .599't .733** 3. angle of volume of stem-segment. 99o/o level if above 0.46. cients, used to eliminate the effect of stem volume from estimates of total correlation between other characteristics, are presented in lines 2, 4, 6, ... 23 of the table. They may be compared with corresponding total coefficients immediately above them in the table. Since tree age was not significantly cor­ related with any other characteristic, it was not classed as a meaningful variable. It is not shown in Table 1. Branch angle was not shown to be cor­ related with any variable except average cross-sectional area of branch bases (line 18). Apparently there is a tendency in Douglas-fir for small angles between branch and stem to be associated with larg­ er diameter branches. Trees with fewer branches tend to have longer branches (line 2) but the relation­ ship is slight. Less than four percent ( = .036) of variation in branch length is associated with variation in number of branches. The stronger positive correlation between volume and number of branches (line 9) and between volume and branch length (line 16) masks the negative rela­ tionship between number and length of branches. Consequently, the tendency is apparent only in the partial correlation co­ efficient (cf. line 1 and line 2). Trees with fewer branches tend to have branches of larger diameter (line 6). This negative relationship is not apparent using total correlation (line 5) because it too is affected by the strong positive correlations between volume and number of branches (line 9), and between volume and branch diameter (line 24). Trees with fast height growth tend to have shorter branches when compared with slower growing trees of similar volume (line 15). From this, it follows that trees with greater stem-taper will have longer branches. However, longer branches are associated with longer stems (line 14) when volume differences between trees are disregarded. Trees with greater stem taper tend to have branches of larger diameter. This is demonstrated in line 23 where longer stemmed trees are shown to have branches of smaller diameter when compared to shorter stemmed trees of similar volume. Stem length and number of branches are not correlated. The positive total cor­ relation between stem length and number of branches (line 7) results from their common association with stem volume (line 8). Although many of the correlation co­ efficients in Table 1 are statistically highly significant, the biological or economic sig­ nificance of the association between vari­ ables is generally not impressive. For the strongest correlation (line 25) , only 5 4 percent (r2 = .537) o f the variation in stem volume is associated with correspond­ ing variation in stem length. For the weak­ est statistically significant correlation (line I 7) , approximately three percent of the variation in branch angle is associated with variation in average cross-sectional area of branch bases. Association of branch attributes with stem volume. Stem volume is correlated with all crown attributes except branch angle (lines 9, 16, 21, 24, 25 of Table 1). These associations may be direct in all cases, but more likely some represent com­ mon correlations with a third variable. Path-coefficient analysis provides a meth­ od by which direct and indirect components of an association can be segregated (Kemp­ thorne 1 9 57). The path coefficient is a standardized partial regression coefficient. As such, it measures the direct effect of one variable upon another. For the present analysis it was assumed that characteristics of branches originating in a stem section determined the volume of that segment. The assumption of "cause and effect" makes the analysis appropriate (Li 1 955), and also permits construction of a satisfac­ tory path diagram. The path diagram in Figure 1 provided a model for the path coefficient analysis; data for the analysis were the combined total correlation coefficients from Table 1. Stem length, being an arithmetic compo­ volume 9, number 4, 1963 / 447 BRANCH NUMBER • (6) STEM V OLUME -.033 --.!...,01.1;'"----(3) BRANCH ANGLE ' : AVERA (4) SECTIONAL AREA OF BRANCHES ) (X) UN EXPLAINED FIGURE I. Model for path-coefficient analysis. Combined phenotypic correlation coefficients (216 degrees of freedom) are included in the figure. nent of volume, was not included in the model. In the diagram, double-headed ar­ rows represent the associations between variables as measured by correlation coeffi­ cients. Single-headed arrows represent the direct effect of one variable on another as measured by path coefficients. The analysis consisted of the simultane­ ous solution of the five following equations, which represent all possible direct and in­ direct relationships (as expressed in Figure 1) between the six variables considered. 1. P1a + r12P26 + r1aPa6 + r14P46 2. r16 r12P1e + P2o + r2aPa6 + r24P46 = r2a 3. = r1aP16 + r2aP26 + Pao + ra4P46 = rs6 448 / Fqrest Science 4. 5. r14P16 + r24P26 + ra4Pa6 + P46 = r46 2 P16 + 2r12 p16p26 + 2r1aP16P2a 2 + 2rHPloP46 + P26 + 2ra2 2 P2oPa6 + 2r24P26P46 + Pa6 2 2 + 2ra4PaoP46 +P4o + Px6 = 1 Results are presented in Table 2. Solu­ tions for the P's give the path coefficients P1s to P xs (line 1, Table 2), which are the estimated direct associations between the individual crown characteristics and stem volume. Indirect associations between variables and stem volume via other paths are estimated by multiplying the path co­ efficients by the a p p r o p r iat e between­ branch-characteristics correlation from Fig­ ure 1. Estimates of indirect association are presented in the central four lines of the TABLE 2. Results of path coefficient an:alysis to show direct and indirect association of four crown 'i.:<Triables with V'olume of stem segment. Crown variables Average crosssectional Due to direct P<-> <•> Number of Length of branches branches Angle of branches area of branch bases Unexplained or error (1 ) (2) (3) (4) (X) .512 .084 .128 .577 .583 .059 .029 -.017 -.001 .061 effect: Due to indirect effect, Via number of branches r < -) (1) P16 f(-) (2) p26 .010 caJ Pao .007 -.002 -.019 .419 -.106 . s 10 .562 .050 Via length of branches Via angle of branches f<-l V a cross-sectional a rea of branch bases f(-) (-4) Totals p46 (sample correbtion coefficients) r(-) (0) table. Totals presented in the final line sum up direct and indirect effects, and are equivalent to total correlations of the sepa­ rate characteristics with stem volume. Apparently stem volume is affected most by variation in number of branches (P162 = .262) and by variation in average cross­ sectional area of b r a n c h bases (P462 Angle of branches and length = .334) . of branches, respectively, account for only one percent (P3(;2 = .007) and two per­ cent (P262 = 0 16) of the variation in stem volume. This leaves approximately 34 per­ cent (P xu2 = .340) of stem volume varia­ tion unexplained. Therefore, if the path diagram is qualitatively correct, differences between trees in number of branches and average cross-sectional area of branch bases are responsible for about 60 percent of be­ tween-tree variation in stem-segment vol­ ume. . Discussion This paper has the practical objective of supplying information useful in selection If branching characteristics are included in the selection index, or if correlated re­ sponses of branching characteristics to selec­ -.023 .598 tion for stem volume are of interest. It provides estimates of phenotypic correla­ tions among branching traits and between the several traits and stem volume. Genetic correlation coefficients are more useful, however, for the tree breeder; unfortu­ nately, they are also much more difficult to obtain. Genetic correlation is used in estimating the correlated response in one trait that results from selection for a dif­ ferent trait. Genetic correlation coefficients may be determined by correlating metric traits in the parent trees with different metric traits in their offsprings, or by anal­ ysis of half-sib or full-sib families. In any case, estimates of genetic correlation be­ tween characteristics as they appear in ma­ ture trees can be obtained only by growing seedlings of known parentage to near­ rotation age. These estimates will not be available for some time, particularly for branching characteristics in older trees. Studies with shorter-lived organisms show that phenotypic and genetic correlations are usually similar although they occasionally differ in magnitude and sometimes differ even in sign. The relation between pheno­ typic and genetic correlation is best demonvolume 9, number 4, 1963 / 449 strated by an expression taken from Lerner (1950): Where: rpa:y =phenotypic correlation between two characters, x and y. rAxy = additive genetic correla­ tion between x and y. rExy = environmental correla­ tion, i.e., the correlation of environmentally caused de­ viations together with non­ additive genetic deviations in x and y. h2 = heritability in the nar­ row sense. e2 = 1- h2 This equation shows that phenotypic cor­ relation is a function of genetic and en­ vironmental c o r r e l a t ion. Narrow-sense heritabilities of the two related traits are also important. If heritabilities are low, environmental effects ( exey rEa:y) necessari­ ly make up a large proportion of phenotypic correlation irrespective of the magnitude of genetic correlation. Broad-sense heritabil­ ities for branch characteristics in stands with ages similar to those considered here have been estimated to be 0.5 or less in both Pinus radiata (Fielding 1960) and Doug­ las-fir (Campbell 1 961). Narrow-sense heritabilities are p r o b a b I y considerably smaller under most stand conditions. In forest trees, therefore, phenotypic correla­ tion may be less closely related to genetic correlation than is commonly the case for organisms that develop in more uniform environments. In the study of relationships between branch attributes, stem volume was held statistically constant by partial correlation analyses. This insures that estimates of correlation between branch attributes were made in trees of comparable size. Under the conditions of this study, where genes and environment both contribute to stem­ volume differences between trees, there are no a priori grounds for predicting 450 / Forest Science whether total or partial coefficients are the better estimates of genetic correlation. Moreover, when partial and total correla­ tion coefficients are compared, they are seen to differ greatly in some instances (Table 1) . This emphasizes that we should not indiscriminately use phenotypic correla­ tion as an estimate of genetic correlation. Phenotypic correlation estimates will be useful in selection indexes only until genetic correlation estimates become available. On the other hand, the tree breeder and silviculturist may dift"er in the type of information they need regarding correla­ tions between crown attributes of Douglas­ fir. The silviculturist may be concerned with branching characteristics only as they affect his marking of trees to cut or retain in thinning or partial cutting. Here he is interested in the present rotation only, and in the correlations which exist at the mo­ ment between stem volume and the easily observable branch characteristics; hence, he is not primarily interested in the genetic component of these correlations. In this circumstance the total and partial correla­ tion coefficients presented here should be useful to the silviculturist. It should be emphasized that measure­ ments were confined to the upper crowns of young open-grown tree . Accordingly, coefficients are strictly applicable only to stands composed of such trees. Conse­ quently the coefficients are of general value only if we assume a close agreement be­ tween branch attribute-stem volume corre­ lations in the upper crown of open-grown trees and the same correlations in upper, middle and lower crowns in closed stands. Although no quantitative evidence exists to support this assumption, general observa­ tions by the author on many trees indicate that the stronger correlations demonstrated in this study are typical for Douglas-fir over a wide range of stand conditions and age classes. The degree of correlation among branch­ ing characteristics of young Douglas-fir is apparently quite general in the region sam­ pled. Correlation coefficients in the eight separate areas, each based on 30 trees, did not differ significantly one from another. Although the sites sampled had widely dif­ ferent productivities, the latter apparently had no consistent effect on the degree of association between traits. This suggests that the combined correlation coefficients of Table I are reasonably accurate esti­ mates of phenotypic correlation within crowns of young open-gwwn Douglas-fir. Within-crown associations s i m i 1 a r to those reported here have been demonstrated in other forest species. Correlation studies in Pinus radiata (Jacobs 1938) and Pinus sylvestris (Eklund and Huss 1946) indi­ cated that branch diameter is negatively related to branch angle (cf. lines 17 and 18, Table 1) . Eklund and Huss also found a negative relationship between branch diameter and the ratio of stem height to stem diameter. This is somewhat compar­ able to the association demonstrated in line 23 of Table 1. Although other branch studies have been made, techniques were sufficiently different from those followed here to exclude further> comparison of re­ sults. The simultaneous genetic improvement of volume and wood quality will very likely be made more difficult by the unfavorable correlations demonstrated here. There were substantial positive correlations be­ tween branch diameter, length, number of branches and stem volume (lines 9, 16, 24, Table 1) . There is one seemingly ra­ tional interpretation of these correlations, i.e., trees with larger numbers of lonrr, sturdy branches have more foliage, or more efficient foliage, capable of producing great­ er volumes of stem wood. However, path coefficients indicate that length of branches is not so important as diameter or number of branches. There appears to be little or no direct relationship between branch length and stem volume (Table 2) . The amount or efficiency of foliage on a given branch is apparently more closely related to its diameter than to its length. ;'l Thus it appears that selection of trees with fewer . .b.ranches or . smaller .diamt;ter branches mky be accompanied by iAdirect concurrent selection for less stem volume. On the other hand, stem volume w1U·not be affected by selection for wide angled branches to improve stem quality. \Branch angle has little direct or indirect Alation­ ship to stem volume (Table 2), The above predictions will be reliable only to the extent that phenotypic correlation is an adequate estimate of genetic correlation. Since path coefficients were derived from phenotypic correlation coefficients in this study, similar reservations must also be ap­ plied tD, the direct relationships indicated by path coefficients. In any case, the cor­ relations demonstrated here are not so strong as to make impossible the breeding of trees with large volume and few, small­ diameter branches. Literature Cited R. K. 1961. Phenotypic varia­ tion and some estimates of re'Peatability in branching characteristics of Douglas-fir. Sil­ vae Genetica 10:109-118. EKLUND, B., and E. Huss. 1946. Undersok­ ningar over aldre skogskulturer i de nord: ligaste lanen. Meddel. f. Statens SkogsWf.:. soksanstalt 35 ( 6) , I 04 pp. FIELDING, J. M. 1960. Branching and flow­ ering characteristics of M o n t e r e y pine (Pinus radiata), For. and Timber Bureau, Australia. Bull. No. 37. JAcoBs, M. R. 1938. Notes on Pinus radiata. Part I. Observations on features which influence pruning. Comm. For.;. .. Bureau, Bull. No. 23. KEMPTHORNE, 0. 1957. An introductior\' to genetic statistics. John Wiley and Sons, it Inc., New York. 545 pp. LERNER, I. M. 1950. Population genetics and animal improvement. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge. 342 pp. I 9 58. The genetic basis of selection. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York. 298 pp. L1, C. C. 1955. Population genetics. Univ. Chicago Press, Chicago, Ill. 366 pp. SNEDEcoR, G. W. 1956. Statistical methods. 5th':Ed. 'Iowa State Coli. Press, Ames, Iowa. 534 'pp ..; CAMPBELL, , . volume 9, ·mi>mber 4, 1963 / 4Sl