11 Reprinted from SOIL SCIENCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA PROCEEDINGS Vol. 27, No.2, March-April 1963, pages 231-234 677 South Segoe Road, Madison 11, Wisconsin About This. File: ' tion. , This file was created by sc nning the printed publica ed; correct Misscans Identified by the software have been however, some mistakes may remain. i i i Accumulation of Organic Matter and Soil Nitrogen Beneath A Plantation of Red Alder and Douglas-Fir! ROBERT F. TARRANT AND RICHARD E. MILLER2 ABSTRACT - Soil nitrogen accumulation beneath a plantation of red alder and Douglas-fir was compared with that under a pure fir segment of the sanik 30-year-old stand on the Wind River Experimental Forest in southwestern Wash­ ington. Beneath the mixed plantation, there were significantly greater aniounts of nitrogen in the forest Hoor and in the upper 24 inches of the mineral soil. Organic matter content in the upper 12 inches of mineral soil was also . greater and bulk density at 0 to 3 inches was significantly '. less. Beneath the alder-fir stand, the carbon-nitrogen ratio was less, both -in the forest Hoor and at 0 to 3 inches. There were 938 pounds more N per acre to a depth of 36 inches under the alder-fir plantation. Consequently, an average of 36 pounds more soil N per acre per year has accumulated beneath the mixed stand than under pure fir. . 'Joint contribution from Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Exp. Sta., Forest Service, USDA, Portland, Oreg., and College of Forestry, University of Washington, Seattle. Presented be­ fore Div. V-A, Soil Science Society of America, St.Louis, Mo., Nov. 29, 1961. Received May 2, 1962. Approved Sept. 13, 1962. 'Soil . Scientist and Research Assistant, respectively. The latter is now a Fulbright Scholar, Institute for Soil Science, University of Goettingen, Hann Muenden, Gennany. \ ED ALDER (Alnus rubra Bong.) is the most important R hardwood tree of Pacific coast forests from southern Oregon to southeastern Alaska, in terms of not only com­ mercial value but also wood volume and distribution. Apart from its economic value, red alder is of special interest as a possible soil-improving tree in a region where forests are predominantly coniferous. Research,. principally in Great Britain and the Scan­ dinavian countries, has demonstrated that several species of Alnus have the ability to fix atmospheriC nitrogen (N) in root nodules, increase soil nitrogen; and' in turn im prove the growth of associated plants. Scientists in gen­ eral agree that the increase in soil N under alder trees results more from decomposition of enriched leaf litter rather than from direct excretion by root nodules. These conclusions are based mainly on studies of European. alder (A. glutinosa (L.) Gaertn.) (2, 8, 8, 10, 15), speckled alder (A. incana (L.) Moench) (8, 9, 15), and Sitka alder (A. sinuata (Reg.) Rydb.) (4,6). Recent studies indicate red alder, also, has the ability to fix N and enrich the soil in which it grows. In a study of 10 important forest trees of the Pacific Northwest, red alder foliage was found to contain 40 % more N than the next highest species (18). Where red alder was inter­ planted in a Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii ( Mirb.) Franco) plantation, soil N and foliage N of the fir was increased substantially and growth rate of dominant fir was improved ( 14). When European alder roots were inoculated with an extract of red alder nodules gathered in Oregon, the European alder roots developed typical 232 SOIL SCJENCE SOCJETY PROCEEDINGS 1963 nodules and growth of the young trees was accelerated.s Therefore, We can be reasonably sure that the organism in red alder nodules, although possibly not identical to that in nodules of other species of Alnus, has a similar capacity for fixing atmospheric N. A number of investigations have shown that hardwood litter improves soil by hastening decomposition of organic debris, reducing soil acidity, and stimulating nitrification (7). Thus, where forests have been under management for many years, hardwoods are frequently grown in mix­ ture with conifers. In the Pacific Northwest, however, where forests are just beginning to be intensively man­ aged, we lack information on the possible value of grow­ ing broad-leaved trees in mixture with our important conifers. Red alder, with its ability to. fix N, among other attributes, represents a good candidate for initial studies. This study was undertaken to assess differences in soil N and organic matter' accumulation beneath a pure Douglas-fir plantation and under a mixed plantation of fir and alder. Corollary soil properties-car bon-nitrogen ratio and bulk density-were also measured. We were particularly interested in comparing the total soil N supply beneath the two stands and in determining to what depth differences in soil properti s might be found. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE This study was made on the Wind River Experimental Forest in southwes'tern vVashington along a generally north-facing slope ranging from 2 to 60%. The area lies on the east edge of the 294,000-acre Yacolt Burn over which wildfire swept in 1902, 1922, and again in 1929. Douglas-fir was planted im­ mediately after the 1929 fire, and in May 1933 a strip was interplanted with 2-0 red alder seedlings as a trial firebreak.' The resulting mixed plantation, averaging about 70 feet in width, follows a north-south section line , for most of its I-mile length;c The soil is a well-drained, silty clay loam derived from andesite, basalt, and breccia materials apparently mixed by mas,sive slumping of adjacent ridges. Total soil depth generally exceeds 5 feet. Average annual precipitation is about 90 inches, of which most occurs during the October-March period. During an earlier study (14), a series of paired 1!20-acre plots was established. Each pair cons sted of one plot in the center of the alder-fir plantation strip and another 132 feet west, presumably outside. the alder inHuence but within the original Douglas-fir plantation. Plots were rectangular (33 by 66 feet) and 12 pairs were sampled at a spacing of 132 feet. Although the plantation was not designed originally for this study, paired plots are comparable in topography and soil· development. Therefore, within-block randomization of plots was assumed so that treatment differences might be tested. In June 1959, samples of the forest Hoor' and of the under­ lying mineral soil at 0- to 3- and 3- to 6-inch depths were collected from each of the 24 plots at 10-foot intervals along a NE-SW diagonal. Bulk density cores were taken at. the midpoints of these layers. Loose samples from each depth range were composited, thoroughly mixed, and subsampled. Then, at a place nearest the midpoint of each plot where there was no physical barrier to digging, a pit was opened to a depth of 60 inches or to a lesser depth if rock prevented further penetration. Loose soil samples were taken at 6 to 12, 12 to 18, 18 to 24, and 24 to 36 inches. Bulk density cores were again taken at midpoints of the sample depth ranges. Total nitrogen was determined by the Kjeldahl procedure; 'Correspondence with Dr. G. Bond, University of Glasgow, Oct. 31, 1957. 'This firebreak represents one of the few instances where a red alder stand was established through planting. Seed was gathered at an elevation of only 50 feet above sea level. Nursery-grown seedlings, however, were outplanted at an average elevation of 2,000 feet where early examinations indi­ cated the trees were repeatedly damaged by cold. Thus, growth of the alder component of the mixed stand was checked suf­ ficiently to allow the fir to compete successfully. 'All dead vegetable matter on the mineral soil surface. In­ cludes litter and unincorporated humus. Table I-Content of organic matter in mineral soil be­ neath red alder-Douglas-fir (AF) and pure Douglas-fir (F) plantations. Sample depth range, inohes F AF 11.59 7.44 4.17 2.43 1.21 0.65 0-3 3-6 6-12 12-18 18-24 24-36 • P" Difference Percent of dry weight of soil < 2 mm. , 0.003 0.001 0.004 0.130 0.340 0.550 2.82 2.07 1.14 0.39 0.16 -0.04 8.77 5.37 3.03 2.04 1.05 0.69 P' fa the probablllty u.st a dlfference listed In the previous col\1Jllll could have happened by chance If, In faot, the dlfferenoe were zero. Any probability < 0.05 Is accepted a. being sta.tlsUcaUy Significant. See: Swartzendruber (12). Table 2-Amount of forest Hoor organic matter (loss-on­ ignition) beneath red alder-Douglas-fir (AF) and . pure Douglas-fir (F) plantations. Basis Peroent of oven-dry material Pounds/acre • AF F 52.41 28,673 60.52 24,535 P' (See table 1.) Difference -8.11 4,138 P" 0.08 0.77 organic matter of the forest Hoor by1loss-on-ignition and of other samples by the modified Walkely and Black technique; and bulk density was determined on core samples of 100 cc. volume (5). Carbon-nitrogen ratios were calculated on the basis of carbon as 58% of total organic matter' and total N (Kjeldahl) in percent. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Organic Matter Organic matter content of mineral soil, in percent, w as , found to be greater to a depth of 12 inches beneath the mixed stand (table 1). However, no significant difference was found in weight of forest floor organic matter of the two plantations (table 2). Lack of difference in amount of forest floor organic matter between b'eatments may appear puzzling since one might reasonably expect that the more dense stocking in the mixed plantation would be a greater potential source of litter and, thus, organic matter. A probable explanation lies in the relatively high N content of the alder-fir forest Hoor (tables 3 and 4). Plant substances high in N decompose more rapidly than those low in N. Thus, N enriched litter beneath the mixed stand presum­ ably has broken down more rapidly leaving less surface humus than has accumulated beneath the pUl;e fir plan­ tation. Very likely, differences in densities of lesser vegetation also tend to equalize accumulation of forest floor organic matter in the two plantations. The mixed plantation has a closed canopy with almost no ground cover, but the more open-grown pure fir has a dense understory vegeta­ tion. Annual deposition of litter from understory vege­ tation in the pure fir plantation undoubtedly contributes significantly to soil organic matter (11). Total Nitrogen Total N content, in percent, of both the forest floor and the mineral soil to a depth of 24 inches was greater beneath the alder-fir plantation (table 2). This difference is attributed to enrichment by decomposed alder litter which is high in N (13) and to more organic matter in the soil under the mixed plantation. . Total weight of N per acre in fine earth to a depth of 36 inches was 938 pounds greater under the mixed plan­ tation (table 3). Thus, during its 26-year life span, the red alder has contributed an average of 36 pounds of N annually per acre to the soil under the mixed stand. Other investigators have estimated that Alnus species contribute an average of about 50 pounds of N per acre annually (4, 6, 8, 9). The estimate from the present red TARRANT AND MILLER: ORGANIC MATTER AND SOIL N BENEATH. RED ALDER AND DOUGLAS-Fill Table 3-Content of total soil N beneath red alder­ Douglas-fir (AF) and pure Douglas-fir (F) plantations. Sample depth range, inches AF F P" Difference Table 5-Soil C/N ratio beneath red alder-Douglas-fir (AF) and pure Douglas-fir (F) plantations. Sample depth, Inches AF , • P' (See table 0.79 0.25 0.16 0.12 0.08 0.06 0.03 0 •. 36 0.14 0.11 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.04 0:44 0.11 0.05 0.04 o.oa 0.02 -0.01 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.007 0.007 0.033 0.660 AF F Differ'ence P" lb. /acre-Inoh in soli < 2 mm. t • P' (See table 1.) X f. nitrogen. _ Forest floor 0-3 3-6 6-12 12-18 18-24 24-36 39.45 27.66 26.57·. 21.27 18.82 12.76 , 13.60 96.67 37.21 27.65 21.00 21.56 13.73 12.80 -57.22 -9.56 -0.98 0.27. - .7.· -0.98 0.80 .0.000 0.000 <i. 810 0.950 0.170 0.470 0.510 • P' (See table 1.) Table 4-Weight of soil N beneath red alder-Douglas-fir (AF) and pure Douglas-fir (F) plantations. Forest floor 0-3 3-6 6-12 12-18 18-24 , 24-36 TotaJ.t P" Carbon/nitrogen 1.) Sample depth range, iJlebes Difference F . Percent of dry weight of soli < 2 mm. Forest floor 0-3 3-6 6-12 U-18. 18"24 24-36 233 411.9 192.7 148.3 134.2 97.2' 70.3 43.9 3771.9 141.3 137.8 117.4 102.3 75.8 56.6 43.2 2833.5 270.6 54.9 . 30.9 31. 9 21.4 13.7 0.7 938.4 t 226.512Ib./acre-inoh of water X bulk density xf. t:r; Pounds/acre-inch X lotal inches each layer. 0.000 0.022 0.129 0.060 0.088 0.136 0.513. 0.000 Table 6-Soil bulk density beneath red alder-Douglas-fir . (AF) and .pure Douglas-fir (F) plantations. . Sample depth, Inches F 'AF g./cc • 1.5 4.5 9.0 15.0 21.0 30.0 0.62 0.77 0.84 0.84 0.88 0.95 0.72 0.80 '0.8,7 0.90 0.90 0.90 DUference P" -0.10 -0.03 -0.03 -0.06 -0.02 0.05 0.023 0.480 0.560 0.249 0.845 0.242 . , P' (See table 1.) soli < 2 mm. alder study is probably conservative because it is based on amount of fine earth rather than gross soil.volume, and it does not include N held in the vegetation., , To check the influence on N content of differences in soil depth and texture' between plots and treatments, a regression analysis was made of total N in the uRper 36 inches of soil (table 4 ) and "effective soil depth" ( 36 inches less percent of material > 2 mm. in size). This analysis indicated that N content and effe,ctive soil depth were not related. Effective soil depth averaged 24.25 inches beneath the alder-fir plantation and 25.27 inches in the pure fir stand. The difference is attributed larfely to two plots in the mixed stand' in which lenses 0 coarse-textured material were encountered. Aside Jrom our general knowledge that red alder litter contains substantially more N than Douglas-fir litter ( 13) , the source of N' enrichment in soil beneath the mixed plantation was not determined. Turnover of the nutrient capital may have been more rapid in the mixed stand be­ cause the entire. crop, of red alder foliage is deposited annually in contrast to Douglas-fir which retains up to eight. seasons of needle growth on the tree. That both treatments had an equal amount of forest floor might be taken also as an indication that the presumably greater amount bf foliage and litter in the mixed stand is under­ going accelerated - decomposition with more rapid cycling of N. C/N· Ratio and Bulk Density The carbon-nitrogen ratio was narrower in the aider­ fil; plantation in both the forest floor and the surface mineral soil (0 to 3 inches) (table 5). Below this depth, the ratios were substantially the same for both stands, .approaching at 21 inches and deeper, values commonly found in the surface of cultivated soils. ' Mean values for bulk density were lower in soils be­ neath the alder-fir plantation to a depth of 24 inches, al­ though they were significantly different only in the 0- to 3-inch layer (table 6). Foliage Nitrogen In an earlier study, N content of Douglas-fir foliage in the alder-fir plantation was found to be greater than in the pure fir plantation (14). Although the present study dealt mainly with soil properties, samples of current year's foliage were collected in late August from the upper one- third of the crown of one dominant and one codominant Douglas-fir on a pair. of plots. Samples were split and analyses for total N were made in duplicate. . The dominant tree in the alder-fir plantation had 60 % more foliage N than that sampled in the pure fir stand (1.31 vs. 0.82%). The codominant tree of the mixed stand had 57% more foliage N than its counterpart in the pure stand (1.46 vs. 0.93%): Results o this small s mple, while not subject to broad mterpretahon, agree WIth the pre­ vious finding that increased soil N beneath the mixed plantation is taken up by the fir. Many observers have noted, moreover, that the Douglas-fir in the mixed stand has much darker green foliage with a more dense com­ plement of longer needles. APPLICATION Native red alder is. a formidable competitor with in­ tolerant Pacific Northwest conifers. However, use of an off-site source Of alder, as in this study, might· allow associated plantings to compete successfully with the hardwood until- the superior height growth of the coni­ fers can dominate the alder (1). Another adaptation might be to employ a less competitive species of alder such as A. sinuata, which grows as a shrubby tree above 3,000­ foot elevation in the Douglas-fir region. Still another pos­ sibility might be to use other low-growing, N-fixing plants, Lupinus spp. for example. If an increase in soil N were the only objective in re­ . habilitating or improving a forest. site, applying commer­ cial fertilizer might be more economical than developing a mixed stand. However, diversification of the soil organic matter source through the use of N-enriched plants may be of even more benefit in maintaining or improving forest soil conditions. Certainly, further investigations seem war­ ranted in view of the possibilities suggested by this and other studies of the growing of soil-improving hardwoods in mixture with conifer plantations. CONCLUSIONS Comparison of a pure Douglas-fir plantati;n with an adjacent mixed plantation of Douglas-fir and red alder show d t at presence o! the red alder markedly improved . . certam SOlI charactenshcs. . Prior to planting, the site had been deteriorated by a series of wildfires. Twenty-six years after the alder had been introduced, the upper 12 inches of soil under the mixed plantation contained more organic matter than the SOIL SCIENCE SOCIETY PROCEEDINGS 1963 234 soil at comparable depths under the pure fir plantation. Total N was also higher' to a depth of at least 24 inches. This increase represents an accumulation of about 36 pounds of N annually, attributable to the presence of red alder. For. similarly burned or eroded sites, where the primary objective is to reestablish a protective forest canopy and restore soil organic matter and N, red alder appears to be a valuable candidate as a pioneer tree. LlTERATIJRE CITED' 1. Bemtsen, Carl M. A look at red alder-pure, and in mixture with conifers. Soc. Amer. Foresters Proc. pp. 157-158. 1958. 2. Bond, G. An isotopic study of the fixation of nitrogen associated with nodulated plants of Alnus, Myrica, and Hippophae. J. Exptl. Botany 6(17):303-311. 1955. . Evidence for fixation of nitrogen by root 3. . nodules of alder ( Alnm ) under field conditions. New Phytologist 55(2):147-153. 1956. 4. Crocker, Robert L. , and Major, Jack. Soil development in relation to vegetation and surface age at Glacier Bay, Alaska. J. Ecol. 43:427-448. 1955. 5. Forest Soils Coinmfttee of 'the . Douglas-fir Region. Sam­ pling procedures and methods of analysis for forest soils. Univ. Washington Col. of Forestry. 1953. 6. Lawrence, Donald B. Glaciers and vegetation in south­ eastem Alaska. Am. Scientist 46(2):89-122. 1958. Purchased by the ! u.s. 7. Lutz, Harold J., and Chandler, Robert F., Jr. Forest Soils. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York. 1946. 8. Mikola, Peitsa. Liberation of nitrogen from alder leaf litter. Acta Forestalia Fennica 67:1-9. 1959. 9. Ovington, J. D. Studies of the development of woodland conditions under different trees: IV. The ignition loss, water, carbon and nitrogen content of the mineral soil. J. Ecol. 44:171-179. 1956. 10. Redko,'c. 1. (Effect of Alnm glutinosa Gaerth. on the productivity of Populm Canadensis Mnch.). Dopovidi. Akad. Nauk Ukrain. R.S.R. 3:343-346. (In Russian with English summary.) 1958. . 11. Scott, D. R. M. Amount and chemical composition of the organic matter contributed by overstory and understory vegetation to forest soil. Yale Univ. School Forestry Bull. 62. 1955. 12. Swartzendruber, Dale. Procedure for cqmputing.· proba­ bilities in experimentation. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 25:70­ 71. 1961.. 13. Tarrant, Robert F., Isaac, Leo A., and Chandler, Robert F., Jr. Observations on litter fall and fqliage nutrient content .of some Pacific Northwest tree species. J. Forestry 49:914-915. 1951. ; Stand development and soil fertility in a' 14. Douglas-fir-red alder plantation. forest Sci. 7: 238"246. ; 1961. 15. Virtanen, Artturi. Investigations on 'nitrogen fixation by the alder: II. Associated culture of spruce and inoculated alder without combined nitrogen. Physiologia Plant. 10:164-169. 1957. Forest Service for Official use.