est necessaire a la survie des La presence de branches laterales au dessous du point melE'�ze de 6 ans parce qu'elles permettent le maintien d'annelation greffes de en est superieur a 0,5 em), ni la position de l'annelation (0,9 em (1918). Zit. bei LEOPOLD (1955). - (3) LEOPOLD, A. C.: Auxins and plant growth. Univ. Cali'f. Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1955, pp. 202-206. - (4) MELCHIOR, G. H.: Ringelungsversuche zur Stei­ gerung der Bltihwilligkeit an japanischer Larche (Larix leptolepis) vie des racines. Par contre, ni le diametre de la greffe (s'il und an europaischer Larche (Larix decidua). Silvae Genetica 9, de large) n'affectent la survie de la greffe. der L'effet de l'annelation avec une griffe differe significa­ 105-111 (1960). - (5) Bliihwilligkeit MELCHIOR, an ce qui concerne le nombre de fleurs femelles produites; (1955). - (7) mais le nombre total de fleurs est s uperieur avec le premier matched-pairs signed-ranks griffe presente des risques d'endommager le bois mais il est plus rapide. Literatur (1) BuNNING, (Larix The effect of nutrition and phytohormones on the rooting of vine cuttings. Ann. Botany (N. S.) L'emploi de la Versuche zur Forderung Larchenpfropflingen leptolepis). Silvae Genetica 10, 20-27 (1961). - (6) PEARSE, H. L.: tivement de l'annelation avec deux couteaux paralleles en traitement. G. H . : japanischen SIEGEL, S.: 7, 123-132 Nonparametric test. (1943). Zit. bei statistics. McGraw Hill York, Toronto, London, 1956, pp. 75-83. - (8) The Book SKOOG, LEOPOLD WILcoxoN Co. , New F.: Growth and organ formation in tobacco tissue cultures. Amer. J. Botany 31, 19-24 (1944). - (9) SKooG, F., and Tsui, C.: Chemical control of growth and bud formation in tobacco stem and callus. Amer. J. Botany 35, 782-787 (1948). - (10) SODING, H.: Die wuchsstoffleh­ E.: Entwicklungs- und Bewegungsphysiologie der Pflanzen. Berlin-Gottingen-Heidelberg, 1953, 3. Aufl., S. 87 If. ­ (2) KRAus, E. J., and KRAYBILL, H. R.: Vegetation and reproduction with special reference to the tomato. Oregon Stat. Bull. 149, 1-90 re. Stuttgart, 1952, p. 163. - (11) VAN and GREGORY, OvERBEEK, J., GoRDON, s. A., L. E.: An analysis of the function of the leaf in the process of root formation in c uttings. Amer. J. Botany 33, 100-­ 107 (1946). Phenotypic Variation and Some Estimates of Repeatability in Branching Characteristics of Douglas-Fir* By RoBERT K. CAMPBELL ) (Received for publication April 27, 1961) meter and stem length measurements were also made within Introduction Presently, at least in the western United States, pheno­ typic variation of wild populations is the main resource available as raw material for tree-breeding. Tree-improve­ ment-breeding programs are typically started by selecting from such populations. Choice of the most appropriate first the portion of the crown considered in this study. From di­ ameter and length measurements, stem volume estimates were calculated, and these estimates were used to study the relationships between the four branching characteristics and stem volume. (1) pattern of With the possible exception of branch length, the four variation in existing populations ; and (2) some estimate crown components (necessarily considered in relation to of heritabilities to be expected in these populations. Con­ stem volume) affect quality of wood produced by the tree generation selection method depends on: trolled pollination normally follows selection; concurrently (JACOBS, 1 955; ENTRICAN, 1 957; PAUL, 1 957). Whether thought progeny tests may be desdgned and established. Progeny of separately as individual characteristics of a crown or tests are expensive under the most favorable conditions ; collectively as "branchiness" or "knottiness", these attributes consequently, a breeder usually attempts to provide opti­ are usually treated as major factors to be considered in mum field conditions and the most efficient field design for selection (ARNBORG and HADDERS, 1 953; JENSEN, 1954; IsAAC, every progeny test. Test efficiency can be greatly increased 1955). if ranges of variation to be anticipated under various field Since most modern breeding practices are based on conditions can be considered while field tests are being quantitative assessment of the phenotype, no description designed. Accordingly, between-tree and between-popula­ of the tree crown, other than quantitative, has been at­ tion variation estimates may be particularly valuable to tempted in this study. But for the quantitative description the tree breeder engaged in the initial selection and pro­ of a phenotype, one measurement value per attribute per geny test phases of an improvement program. tree is preferable. To assign appropriate values to each In this paper phenotypic variations in crown form at­ tributes of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii [MmB.] FRANco var. menziesii) are quantitatively described. The description is based on measurements made in ten popula­ tions of young Douglas-fir native to the southwestern part of the State of Washington. Crown attributes measured for the study are basic components of the Douglas-fir crown: number and length of branches, branch angle and branch diameter. Stem dia­ * ) The author is Assistant Professor of Forest Genetics, College of Forestry, University of Washington. This publication is based on part of a dissertation submitted to the Graduate School of the University of Washington in partial fulfilment of the requirements author and helpful gratefully comments acknowledges made by A. E. Service, Lake City, Florida; and J. University. ularly important in large perennial plants that produce new plant organs or extensions on existing organs each year. For this reason, a descdption of within-tree variation, based on a sample of 240 whorls in 30 trees is also pre­ sented. In addition, a method for estimating the upper limits of heritabilities in branch characteristics that may be anticipated in young stands of Douglas-fir is discussed. Procedure Qualitatiive observations made on several hundred trees suggest that the crown of Douglas-fir first develops its characteristic features at about 15 years of age, and in for the Ph. D. degree. The tree without misrepresenting the phenotype, within-or­ ganism variation must be taken into account. This is partic­ W. the manuscript SQUILLACE, WRIGHT, reviews U. S. Forest Michigan State open stands it retains these same features for about 25 to 30 years. After this period, crowns become increasingly modified by branch-breakage and by forking of the stem. 109 trees were: (1) the crown could show no apparent damage VII v due to wind breakage, falling trees, or other causes; (2) IV no major forks were allowed in the main stem from whorF) 2 to 11, the measured portion of the crown, nor were stem Ill IX VI forks which interfered with crown development permitted below whorl 11; (3) no obvious crown competition was permitted between the portion of the crown to be measured and other trees or brush. In almost all cases, this last requirement meant there was no contact with other trees or brush from whorl 11 upward. Using a modification of the method developed by SQUIL­ LACE and BINGHAM (1954), measurements were made in eight successive branch whorls for each tree. Since 20 to 40-year­ old Douglas-fir normally produce only one whorl of bran­ ches each growing season, eight growing seasons are usually represented by eight consecutive whorls. To insure that branches in a succession of whorls have developed under II somewhat comparable climatic conditions, branches pro­ duced during the same series of calendar years were as­ sessed by measuring whorls 4 through 11 of every tree As a result, differences in branch characteristics attributable WASHINGTON X to yearly variations in climate were minimized. Also, meas­ uring the top of the crown reduces variation due to dif­ ferential side competition with other tree crowns smce crown tops are usually far removed from the crowns of other trees. Other advantages of relating the age of a whorl to the top of the crown instead of to the soil have been demonstrated by SQUiLLACE and BINGHAM (1954) and Figure 1. DuFF and NoLAN (1953). - The ten Douglas fir stands sampled for the study of crown variation were located in southwestern Washington State of the United St.o:tes of America. (1) The length of each interwhorP) from whorl 4: to whorl Measurements taken within the crown of each tree were: 11 was measured to the nearest tenth of a foot. In add1tion, a single measurement was made of the total length of the Trees measured for the study sampled this transition pe­ stem between whorl 1 and whorl 4. riod. Their ages ranged from approximately 20 to 40 years, (2) The diameter outside bark of the stem 0.5 inch above i. e ., number of annual rings 4.5 feet above ground level every whorl from whorl 4 to whorl 11 was measured to ·i:he varied from 15 to 35. nearest tenth of an inch. rated stands in southwest Washington were measure 4 to Three hundred trees, located in ten geographically sepa­ (3) The diameter outside bark at a point 3.6 inches from the stem surface was determined for all branches above provide between-tree and between-population variation 0.350 inches in diameter. The lower limit of diameters to data. Procedures developed for selecting areas to sample, measure was chosen arbitrarily. However, contributions of trees to measure, and portions of the crown to measure smaller branches to knot formation are negligible; and due were :1ll designed to minimize variation due exclusively to their inferior position in whorls, it is doubtful if they to environmental differences between areas or trees. This contribute, in any significant way, to crown development. region is geographically small enough to disallow any All branch measurements were made with a fork diameter major environmental influence on the hereditary constitu­ gauge calibrated to 0.1 inches. locations of the areas sampled are shown in Figure 1. tion of a tree species due to latitudinal differences. The Average ages of the selected stands ranged from 18 to (4) The lengths of all undamaged, major:3) branches in whorls 4 through 11 were measured to the nearest tenth of a foot. The length of a branch was considered as the 34 years. A considerable proportion of the trees in the distance from the center of the stem at the point of inser­ stands were open-grown, i. e., stand conditions were ;mch tion of the branch, to the point where elongation for the cur­ that the lowest, first-formed branches in the crown o£ ·i:he rent year had started. semi-intolerant Douglas-fir were still living. Presence of (5) The angles of all undamaged, major branches in such was considered evidence that there was little or :no whorls 4 through 11 were measured to the nearest fivc crown competition between trees. Sample populations were chosen in locations with rea­ sonably flat topography to minimize environmental dif­ ') Throughout the text, whorl number is counted from the top of the tree. In this instance, whorl 11 is the eleventh whorl from the tip of the stem in the downward succession of whorls. ferences which usually accompany differences in topogra­ ') Interwhorl length was measured from the top surface of the phy. Soil type and altitude varied between areas. However, uppermost branches in a whorl to the top surface of the upper­ within each of the study areas, these factors were super­ ficially homogeneous, as judged by examination of the surface soil and of the vegetation present. After an appropriate population of Douglas-fir had been chosen on the basis of the above criteria, thirty individual most branches in the whorl immediately below. ") The branches constituting each whorl were separated into "major" and "minor" branches. This was necessary because Doug­ las fir does not have the definite whorl pattern of branch insertion that many other conifers possess. Instead, each whorl appears to be composed of two "types" of branches that differ from each other in degree of vigor, and position of insertion into the stem. There trees suitable for measurement of crown characteristics is a dominant, upper portion of the whorl composed of branches were selected as a sample. Criteria for selecting the thirty which originated from the one to five lateral buds which sur­ J 10 I Table 1. rea No. VII Tree No. I I X i I IAvt'rage 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 I 8 29 __ _ __ _ IX Un i s 1n Mean I 5 6 8 16 18 19 22 2 5 6 7 10 11 12 18 23 26 u�:a l :::::::: e · B ; I - s __ 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 12 15 16 17 8 8 8 8 8 8 18 21 22 23 8 8 8 7.0 8.9 6.4 9.8 8.5 7.5 6.9 1 1 .8 S.4 5.5 1.77 2.23 t.85 2.26 1.19 1.92 3.18 3.62 2.51 1.31 l I 6.9 6.6 7.0 5.9 5.4 I 6.5 7.1 7.9 6.9 6.9 1 I I l l 2.18 1.81 1 .92 1.61 1.00 1.19 1.51 1 .25 2.70 1.00 3.05 e nt _ of Vanatwn CV- (s/X) 25°/o 25 29 23 14 26 46 31 30 24 I 2 7 _ _ _ 26 29 23 17 22 23 18 1-U:�:I:-= :::h In Mean I 1 I [ 1 6.7 -1 -0 1 2. 9.5 12.1 12.2 9.6 13.1 10.8 11.1 12.0 10.6 I 8 11.3 1.7o 1 2. 39 2.65 2.09 1 .46 2.93 2.30 i 3.44 . 2.62 4.14 34 15 44 1 I I I 2.65 -I 1 25 20 28 17 12 30 18 32 24 35 23 I 1 30 0 35.7 30.4 28.6 30.3 31.7 25.9 9.7 _ _,__7 _ _ _ 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 1 I 7 _ 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 _ 2 .3 32.3 24.o 7 7 7 o X 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 ----c'-- ----'-------.'---------- c'- ---- 8 A ra;el I Deviatwn! s i -;�;��l r X 8.1 ----- Average - Within-tree variation in three crown characteristics for thirty randomly selected trees. 1 1 24 ______7_1 23.1 23.6 27.0 26.0 27.3 28.0 24.4 29.1 25.6 25.7 -- 26.o 39.6 35.7 36.8 35.3 35.4 36.7 37 0 38.3 36.9 35.9 3 II 1 1 I I �e: l g�:�;::�::: 1 en r DeviatiOn s 3.21 4.65 4.28 5.77 5.35 4 06 5.46 5.92 6 65 3.67 4.90 7.12 6.59 6.55 6.08 8.94 2.08 2.1 2 9.44 6.07 11.45 ---- 6.64 4.98 1.91 4.64 3.91 5.37 4.83 8.28 10.25 4.45 3 08 of Vanatwn Cs/X) CV I I I I I . 1 1°/o t4 t8 19 15 13 19 20 21 14 30 28 I 1 I I I - 1 7 3 24 45 7 7 7 I Me X 7 7 7 7 7 1 19 too 92 66 1 45 91 119 74 1 28 1 2.'1 I 7_ I lO? ! 1 7 7 7 7 7 7 I ; 7 7 ::i::�: no ' 94 t34 1 28 147 119 117 136 1 20 I 1 I. 12 5 1 :{ 11 15 13 26 27 12 1 I 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 1 I I t23 Ill 1 22.3 24.t 24.5 17.3 15.7 19.2 53.3 18.7 37.3 32.0 19 24 27 26 It 21 45 25 29 26 - --- 30.8 1 18 94 104 44.6 tOO :25 22.2 32.4 25.9 23.3 25.3 1 4.3 28.7 58.5 54.2 23.S 21.8 23.8 21.0 3l).4 96.1 41.7 27.3 57.2 86 0 315 110 90 99 129 95 92 : oefficient of Variation cv (s/X) I I I ati Deviation s !I I ---+---I --+- ---- 25 7 7 24 23 33 I I U its In Mean 29 24 20 16 21 12 25 49 40 20 1 I ------ 25 20 22 23 40 74 44 30 57 78 34 9 -- 1 ---�--��-��---� -�-�- 6.3 degrees. Points one foot above the whorl on the main stem 5.17 14 7 ! 42 selected trees from each of three areas, were utilized. 'The and one foot out on the branch were used in measuring three areas chosen are examples of medium, low, and high branch angle. site quality within the limits of the ten areas sampled. Area Results VII had an average ten-year height increment (the aver­ thirty sample trees within each area) of 25.5 feet, area IX age length of the stem from whorl 1 to whorl 11 for the W i t hi n-t r e e v a r i a t io n Within-tree variation is defined a s the variation that of 22.0 feet, and area X of 28.9 feet. Crown attribute meas­ exists between the seven or eight whorls measured for urements were made in these areas during a short period every attribute in each tree. in late summer of 1957 . In the succeeding betwee n-tree variatio n section of this paper, it will be shown that measurement values for many of the crown characteristics are statistically correlated with size of tree as measured by stem length or stem volume. To determine if within-tree variation is also influenced by differences in size of tree, it was expedient to select study trees from areas indicating extremes of growth. For the description of within-tree variation, measurements from crowns of thirty trees, representing ten randomly round the tip of the leader immediately below the apical bud The standard deviation (s) and coefficient o f variation (CV) are used to describe within-tree variation in number of branches per whorl, interwhorl stem length, and cross­ sectional area of branch bases. The other two crown at­ tributes measured, namely branch angle and branch length, showed a definite linear relationship to whorl number. Hence, for these, the standard deviation from regression (s - y · x) of the attribute measurement (y) on whorl number (x) was used in preference to s as a measure of within-tree variation. ("major" branches). There is also a lower portion of the whorl Within-tree variation in number of branches per whorl, consisting of the branches which originated from lateral buds in interwhorl stem length, and cross-sectional area of brcnch the bases is summarized in t·a ble 1. upper group of the so-called "internodal" buds ("minor" branches). Major and minor branches are borne between two suc­ cessive terminal-bud scale scars (oftentimes visible 12 to 15 whorls down from the top of the stem in Douglas fir) and should not be confused with "double whorls" which develop as a result of iam­ mas growth. The topmost minor branches are occasionally equal in vigor to the upper branches of the whorl, and can be d'stin­ guished from the upper branches only by checking the point of branch insertion on the main stem. Because the minor branches are extremely variable, measurements of angle and length were mGde only on the major or dominant branches in a whorl. Number of branches per whorl is considered as the num­ ber of measured branches inserted in the stem between two successive bud scale scars which, in Douglas-fir, denote inception of two successive years of stem growth. The comparatively large within-tree variation in num­ ber of branches (CV = 25%) is apparently due, at least in part, to the procedure used for determining numbec of 1 11 MINIMUM VARIATION BRANCH 12 .(jj 10 Tree 19 2 4 6 8 Whorl Number from Top 10 100 75 (i) c;. cD In each tree selected for the within-tree var­ iation study, the above ratio was computed for seven interwhorl stem segments. Surface are'l 2 of the stem for each segment was calculated as ANGLE 6 8 Whorl Number from Top 2 4 25 10 ratio mates variation in knot formation. 6 8 Whorl Number from Top 2 4 the surface area of a cylinder with length equi­ 10 valent to the interwhorl length and diameter equal to the diameter of the stem at the base of the same interwhorl. The cross-sectional area of the base of branches borne on a one­ . . whorl segment was calculated by totaling the . cross-sectional area of all branches above 0.350 inches in diameter that were inserted in the one-whorl segment. Thus, seven ratios were computed for each tree. T,able 1 includes a de­ 50 Tree 24 each in this stem surface. Therefore, this ratio esti­ 75 50 25 BRANCH interwhorl. Numerically, equals the number of square inches of stem surface per square inch of branch base inserted 100 0'1 cv "'0 u c 0 Tree 4 (i) c tional area of branch bases inserted in that par­ ticular 6 4 m variation, was made by using a ratio of the sur­ face area of each interwhorl to the cross-sec­ 8 6 £. () c: 0 count, and consequently reduced within-tree VARIATION LENGTH 12 10 :c c;, 8 c: cv _J MAXIMUM scription of within-tree variation in this ratio (knottiness ratio).4) High ratios in whorls 4 and 5 of almost every Tree 8 tree account for much of the large average 6 8 Whorl Number from Top 2 4 coefficient of variation in the knottiness ratio 10 for area X (42% compared to 25% for other two areas). Although this trend was especially Figure 2. - Regression lines fitted to data from the trees of area VII which evident in the ten tree sample from area X, demonstrated least and greatest within-tree variation (see table 2) in branch data from the twenty other trees used for de­ length and angle. The linear relationship between branch length, or angle, scription and whorl number is clearly demonstrated. ed of similar within-tree tendencies. variation This exhibit­ suggests tha sampling for knottiness ratio, as well as for branches per whorl. As noted above, branch enumeration number of branches above 0.350 inches diameter, should included only measured branches, i. e., only branches above preferably be restricted to whorls below number 5 in branch diameter increases, the number of branches in a 0.350 inches in diameter. Consequently, as the average Douglas-fir. whorl increases - branches formerly below the minimum upon its age. Moreover, the branch angle of major branches measured diameter eventually reach measurable size. Con­ comitantly, upper whorls in a tree tend to have fewer tal­ lied branches. Although this effect of ingrowth is not con­ stant from tree to tree, sample trees with a low number of branches in upper whorls and a high number of branches in lower whorls tend to increase average within-tree varia­ tion. Regardless of tree size or site quality of an area, no effect due to branch ingrowth could be noticed below the sixth whorl. There is considerably more within-tree variation of in­ terwhorl stem length in area IX than in areas VII and X (tab . le 1). In area IX, an abrupt decrease in annual height growth increment occurred during, or just preceding, the 1 951 growing season. Shortened height growth persisted for the 1 952 and 1953 growing seasons. As result, three of the seven interwhorl lengths were shorter than the others in most of the 30 trees measured in this area. It is apparent that persistent, unaccountable, environmental factors which adversely influenced height growth have greatly increased within-tree variation of interwhorl length. The length of a major branch is partially dependent is again partially dependent on the lengths and diameters of the branches. Accordingly, in the upper crown of young Douglas-fir, there is a relationship between length of branch, or angle of branch, and the age of the whorl in which the branch is inserted. Since both relations are direct, linear regressions of branch length, or angle, on the num­ ber of the whorl from the tip of tree (age of whorl) may be employed to minimize variation in branch length, or angle, that is due to branch age differences. In ftgure 2 regression lines, fitted to data from those trees of area VII which demonstrated least and greatest within-tree variation in branch length and angle, are pres­ ented. The linear relationship between branch length, or angle, and whorl number is clearly demonstrated in both cases. able 2 summarizes wit hin-tree variation in bnnch length and angle. 4) A. E. SQuiLLACE has suggested, in personal communication, that the reciprocal ratio (branch cross-sectional area to interwhorl Total cross-sectional area of branch bases per whorl is surface area) might be preferable. If a sample contains a whorl related to the number, or age, of the whorl in which the with exceptionally few or small branches, the corresponding knot­ branches are inserted. On the average, in t he upper crawn tiness ratio would be very large and could even approach infinity. On the other hand, ranges between upper and lower limits of of Douglas-fir, older whorls have larger branches. An ad­ the ratio suggested by justment which partially takes this relationship into ac­ quently, lower coefficients of variation (CV) should result. 112 SQuiLLACE would usually be less; conse­ Table 2. - Within-tree variation in branch length and branch angle for 30 randomly selected trees Branch Angle (Whorls 4 to 11) Branch Length (Whorls 4 to 11) Area No. VI! IX Tree No. 5 6 8 16 18 19 22 24 27 29 Average 2 5 6 7 10 11 12 18 23 26 I Average --X 2 9 12 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 Averctge Regression Equation y - a+bxl) n 13 19 13 18 11 16 15 13 17 16 ��-- 15.1 --- - . - 17 18 11 15 13 19 17 11 13 14 ��- 14.8 18 15 16 21 12 18 11 18 10 15 ��- 15.4 I ! y= 2.24+ .549x y= 1.95 + 7.49x y= -1.58 + 1.240x y= .61+ .975x y= 1.57 + .560x y= .40+ .936x y=- .34+ .957x y= .89 + .796x y= 1.68+ .583x y= 1.91 + .550x - -- -.93 y= y= y= y= y= y= y= y= y= y= 1.84 + 1.13+ 1.68 + .33+ 1.29 + 2.61 + 1.40 + .71 + 1.12 + 1.33+ 1.34 ------ = = Branch length in feet z = Branch angle in degrees z= 55.2+ z = 41.3+ z = 79.6+ z = 58.4 + z = 55.8+ z = 26.0+ z = 46.8+ z = 37.0 + z = 64.9 + z = 45.5+ .348 .401 .607 .357 .266 .217 .515 .486 .365 .272 83 77 67 79 77 75 92 74 13 19 13 18 13 17 15 15 17 16 .790 .383 77 15.6 .472x .507x .628x .641x .553x .528x .608x .841x .641x .582x .271 .289 .369 .525 .522 .361 .401 .539 .313 .615 102 84 69 71 49 93 76 55 57 69 .600 .4'20 y= 1.84 + .701x y= 2.60+ .465x y= .58+ .750x y= 1.00 + .765x y= - .50+ 1.050x y= 1.26 + .754x y= .75 + .716x y= 2.32+ .840x y= -1.06 + 1.060x y= .28 + .896x y n 67 Regression Equation z=a+bxl) n ��- 72 z= .91 .527 .365 .516 .417 .794 .475 .506 .861 .361 .234 --- .800 .506 I 52.2 + 73.4 + z = 54.2 + z = 53.2+ z = 34.7+ z = 45.6+ z = 48.2+ z = 70.6 + z = 39.1+ z = 16.0+ 15.8 86 84 78 93 82 92 72 74 54 77 22 16 17 23 12 19 11 19 14 18 70 17.1 - ��- 51.0 Z= 17 19 13 16 14 0 17 15 13 14 z= -- - ---- ')x -- l:X2 Standard Deviation From Regression (Sy.x ) 50.7 81.7 + 44.3+ z = 52.4 + z = 51.4+ z = 34.4+ z = 56.3+ z = 78.9z = 73.9+ z = 67.4z = 89.7z = 63.0 2.60x 5.00x 2.17x .83x 2.51x 4.60x 3.43x 4.13x 1.59x 3.32x s z.x 4.8 9.2 13.4 6.9 5.0 4.7 5.2 4.0 6.7 5.9 I I - l:x2 67 78 X3 77 81 79 77 90 92 74 - 3.02 6.6 80 1.40x 1.34X 1.29x 1.83x 3.54x 1.32x 2.69x .92x 2.60x 4.29x 5.5 5.2 7.0 6.0 8.8 5.0 6.8 6.0 7.0 5.8 2.12 6.3 77 1.46x 3.84x 2.98x 3.07x 3.85x 3.48x .04x 2.43x .35x 1.02x 4.2 8.J 6.5 3.4 3.0 4.4 7.5 4.3 4.5 4.0 107 85 90 111 82 94 72 83 71 93 1.97 s.o 102 95 75 72 54 95 76 79 57 69 --· ---- - 89 Whorl number - counted from tip of tree Between -tr ee v, ar i a t ion To estimate differences between trees, a single descrip­ tive value for each characteristic had to be determined for every tree in the study. The values are used in this section to describe variation between trees within the ten separate Douglas-fir populations, and in the succeeding section to examine apparent differences between population averages. Measures used as individual tree values are: (1) Length of the stem from whorl 1 to whorl 11. outside bark, found in whorls 4 through 10 of the tree. (2) Total number of branches above 0.350 inches diameter (3) Cross-sectional area of branch bases of all branches 4 through 10. with diameters greater than 0.350 inches located in whorls (4) Branch length and branch angle of a tree derived from a linear regression using the length (or angle) of the major stem length and number of branches as determined by combining correlation coefficients from nine areas to get combined r = 0.416)) and length of branches (combined cor­ relation coefficient of branch length and stem length from ten areas is r = 0.267)). Branch angle was not associ:tted = 0.07). with stem length (combined r for ten areas To reduce variation in branch length and number of branches, due only to size differences between trees, a lme­ ar regression was used to adjust all attribute values to the same tree size - as measured by stem length. On the other 5) Branch length, estimated at the eleventh whorl, includes a certain amount of bias. The reliability of values derived from the regression of branch length on whorl number depends on the correlation between the two variables in each tree. If correlation is strong, regression will estimate branch length precisely. If cor­ relation is weak, the regression coefficient is accordingly smaller and will cause branch length to be underestimated in lower whorls. Because branch length and whorl number are closely associated branches at a whorl plotted against the number of the (table 2 and figure 2), branch length bias is relatively small. For whorl. Regression formulae for each tree for the two char­ this study, the author wished to relate branch length at a given acteristics were obtained from these data. The length of the average branch at the eleventh whorl and the angle whorl to total stem length above the whorl. Interwhorl stem length is particularly subject to modification by year to year dif­ ferences in climate. To minimize between-tree stem length varia­ 1 11) of the average branch at the seventh whorl was calculatej tion caused by environmental differences, a ten-whorl stem seg­ from the regression formulae to be used as unit-values for a tree (see f i,g ure 2 for linear regression lines fitted to indi­ ment (whorl vidual tree data):") be desirable. Differences in size of tree within thirty-tree samples was associated with number of branches (association between to was measured. Correspondingly, branch length was estimated at the eleventh whorl. For future studies an esti­ mate at whorls more centrally located on the regression line may ") Significant at the 0.1 per cent level. ') Significant at the 1.0 per cent level. 113 - Table 3. Area No. I II IV v VI VII VIII IX X Ill Vnriation between trees, within areas, after variation due to different tree size, as expressed by stem length or surface 1 area of stem, has been removed by regression No. Trees 1 Mea sured I' I I I I 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 !1 : I I i Branch Length (Feet) _ Reg ression Formula L--a+bxl) L L 3.20 .255x 2.o1+.211x 7.82 I .087x L 3.25 + .238x L L --0.14 + .328x L7.04 + .123x L 12.04 - .108x L- 2. 75 1- .213x L 3.89 + . 160x L 5. 78 + . 115x I s l.x 1 x2 0.990 124.7 1.308 201.5 1.591 , 308.6 1.058 156.0 1.100 264.5 1.127 96.6 I 1.407 124.3 0.804 121.0 0.846 114 6 1.082 15t.8 1 I I 1 · --- - II No. Branches Regression Formula N a+bxl) - 36.0 + N 6.8 + NN - - 15.0 + 4.7 + N N 1.1 + · N 12.6+ N 27.0 + N 30.5 + N - 3\.t + - 0.40x 1.69x 1.67x 1.89x 2.36).. l.83x 1.20x 0.74x 1.54x , ,. x .... s n.x I I I I I 8.4: 8.47 7.87 8.94 6.90 8.67 5.96 5.17 8.96 - 2 - - - - -I Cross-sectional Area of Branch Bases (Square Inches) -- --·- - Regression Formula Y-­ --a+bzl) 201 5 308 6 156.0 264.5 96.6 124.3 t21.0 i 14.6 151.8 - I -12.99 + .012z y 3.02+ .0117 -10.16-+-.0t67 y 1y3.08 + .010z1 Y - - 2.95 + .018z Y -t9.79+.0t8z Y - 1.50 + .010z 1 jY - 2.43 + .OtOz .Y-=-· 3.63 + .012z 1 1 )L - Length of branch, per tree, at the eleventh whorl from tip, Y - -· ,, z 2 .... s y.z l _ 6.24 8.00 8.78 8.00 6.32 6.48 3.00 4.47 6.63 12.4 16.7 80 13.7 2.9 6.8 4.1 3.0 6.4 1 X 106 X 106 X 106 x ton X 106 X t06 x t06 X t06 X 106 in feet. N x Y Number of branches in whorls 4 through 10 per tree. Length of stem from whorl 1 to whorl 11 in feet. Cross-sectional area of the base of all branches above 0.350 inche.:> diameter per tree in whorls 4 through 10, in square inches. z Surface area of stem from whorl 1 to whorl 11 in square inches. hand, cross-sectional area of branch bases was adjusted its corresponding average stem length. On the other h::md, to an average surface area of stem (combined r for 10 1rea3 branch angle and stem length are apparently not associc:;ted 0.71!;)). Surface area of stem per tree was defined as the within the individual trees of a thirty-tree sample. Ten = surface area of a cone with height equal to the length of correlation coefficients, computed for the thirty trees in the stem from whorl 1 to whorl 11 and basal diameter each of the ten separate areas, were found not significantly equal to the diameter of the stem one inch above whorl 11. different. Accordingly, they were combined to provide a Tree age was not significantly correlated with any of the crown characteristics. Therefore, no adjustment was made for age differences between trees within areas. Ranges of differences between trees in branch length, number of branches, and cross-sectional area of branch single, more reliable estimate of the association between branch angle and stem length within areas (r = 0.07, non­ significant). It is plain that if area averages are considered, branch angle and stem length are associated; if individual trees growing within one area are considered, angle and bases are described by corresponding standard deviations stem lengths are not associated. In the absence of any by standard deviation from regression is difficult to inter­ fect upon branch angle of :growth differences between areas from regressions in table 3. Since variation as expressed plausible explanation for this, no adjustment for the ef­ pret, areas with greatest and least between-tree variation was considered to be justified. fi,gur e 3. Ninety-five per cent confidence limits of the indi­ compared to values adjusted for site quality differences in the three crown attributes are shown graphically in vidual observations (SNEDECOR 1956, pp. 138-139) are shown on these graphs. Table 4 summarizes between-tree varia­ tion in branch angle and stem length. B e t w e e n -Ar e a Var i a t io n Average measured values for other crown characteristics, (table 5), show the considerable effect of size differences between trees upon the quantitative expression of crown for differences between areas may be examined in figur e -4. charac eristics. Results of statistical tests of signific;:mce Tests for differences in the average number of branches, Averages for each crown attribute for each area wer2 length of branches, and cross-sectional area of branch bases calculated from individual tree values obtained as outlined are all based on analyses of covariance, using transformed in the between-tree variation study. Each average is b;1sed data. Differences in the average values for these attributes upon a thirty-tree sample. were judged significant if there was less than one ch'lnce Site quality of the ten areas, as measured by stem le11gth (table 4), was quite variable. ovariance analysis, using stem length as a measurement of environmental differences between areas, was used to partially eliminate the effect of site quality differences between areas from the crown­ characteristic averages. In the covariance analyses, crown characteristic variances for the several areas sometimes proved to be heterogeneous. Homogeneity was restored by square-root transformation of measurement values for the dependent variables (crown characteristics). With cross­ sectional area of branch bases, the surface area of the stem was used as a measure of environmental differences between areas. average branch angles and average stem lengths (table 4) The correlation coefficient (r = 0.808)), computed from of the ten areas, indicates a statistically highly-significant association between average branch angle for an area and ') Significant at the 1.0 per cent level. 114 in 100 that a comparable difference could occur due:! to chance. Analysis of variance was used on branch angle data. Branch angle data were extremely variable. Few distinctions between populations could have been made Table 4. - Average stem lengths (Whorls 1-11) and branch angles (Whorl I IV v VI VII VIII IX X from 30 tree samples of 10 areas. B<anCh Angle (Degrees) X Area I II Ill 7) I -------- ·---- I I I 69 77 71 71 77 7t 7t 64 67 76 I I s 7.5 7.9 8.5 7.9 9.8 7.8 9.6 6.4 8.0 8.6 I I I I I I I -- Stem Length (Feet) X 23.0 31.4 26.7 26.2 28.0 20.3 25.5 22.7 22.0 21\.9 I I I ·- s 2.t 2.6 3.3 23 3.0 1.8 2.t 2.0 2.0 23 _, using the same level of probability as above. MINIMUM Therefore, differences in average branch ang­ BRANCH les were judged significant if there were les3 13 than five chances in 100 for comparable diffe­ rences to occur due to chance. A modification of TUKEY's Q test was used to make all com­ parisons among population means (SNEDECOR, 1956). In f g'ure 4, all blank, small-squares indicate significant differences. Thus, only completely blank large-squares show that the two areas being compared belong to two distinct popula­ +Q) Q) ;: 0> c Q) _J _c; u c 0 .n tions for the four characteristics considered. 12 AREA VIII population ± (selection differential X herit­ = average phenotype of parent ability in the narrow sense) (RoBINSON, CoM­ STOCK, and HARVEY, 1949; WARWICK, 1951). Choice of an appropriate selection method, for any characteristic within any species, is impossible without cons,idering all components of this 9 9 8 y . 6 15 20 Dougl a s-F ir All methods used to estimate heritability depend on measuring how much more closely­ 25 Q) _c; u c 0 .n 0 80 30 :::l - . z 40 20 15 30 7 : '.·: . . . · 15 Stem Length(feet) / 20 30 25 £. Stem Length(teet) TOTAL CROSS-SEC TIONAL AREA OF BRANCH BASES 80 AREA VIII 80 70 AREAIV 60 50 40 20 breeders have developed a method which esti­ 10 mates the upper limit of heritability in the broad sense and does not require a knowledge 10 20 30 40 50 Surface Area ot Stem ( fV . 30 lation cannot be determined. However, animql This method applies only to characteristics for ------- 25 40 organisms, in the same environment. Hered­ between organisms. AREA X 50 itary relationship between trees in a wild popu­ relationship 20 60 30 25 . .. . Stem Length(feet) 70 related-organisms resemble each other, in a familial 15 80 70 .0 5 0 E . 7 given environment, than do less-closely-rehted of . 6 AREAIX 60 · . . 8 . . Stem Length(feet) Her ' i t a b il ity in W iLd P opula t ion s of AREA Ill NUMBER OF BRANCHES Ill VARIATION 10 7 performance formula. Est im a t ion of 12 II nism undergoing improvement breeding, can or the hereditary potential of progeny from 13 10 Performance, in any generation of an org l­ selected parents MAXIMUM LENGTH II Discussion be estimated by a general formula: performance, VARIATION 10 20 30 40 50 Surface Area o f which an animal may have a number of dis­ Figwre 3. - Areas, of the ten sampled, showing the greatest and least be­ crete production records throughout its life­ sectional area of branch bases. Regression lines and ninety-five per cent time, i. e., milk production per lactation, birth confidence limits of the individual tree values were computed from data tween-tree variation in branch length, number of branches and total cross­ presented in table 3. weight of calves, etc. The constancy of the pro­ duction records may be measured by intraclass correlation - LusH (1945) has termed this measurement sequently, repeatability is the upper limit of heritability "repeatability". in the broad sense (WHEAT and RIGGS, 1958). Since a new set of crown characteristics are produced It must be assumed that permanent environmental influ­ each growing season, the phenotype for crown manifests ences, differing from one individual to the next are much the joint action of the genotype, which remains constant more prevalent in forest trees than would be expected in in a tree, with the environment, which changes yearly from animal herds. Individual animals of a herd may move from site to site, tree to tree, and from whorl to whorl. If no place to place, perhaps sampling a different portion of the permanent non-random environmental differences existed environment at every movement. In contrast, the forest between trees, heritability estimates could be obtained by tree partakes only of environment that occurs in a limited, relating variation between trees (representing differences fixed area, e. g., it probably has much the same soil condi­ due to heredity) to variations between all whorls within all tions throughout its life. Certainly, the individual tree c:loes trees (representing differences due to heredity and envi­ not have ronment). Of course, this assumption cannot be made. How­ over an area as does the animal. Moreover the tree cannot ever, by correlating records for branch characteristics from choose its environment whereas the animal may to a limited successive whorls within a tree, an idea of the repeatability extent. For this reason, repeatability may under some of the trait may be obtained. circumstances far overestimate broad-sense heritability, Repeatability, therefore, a chance to average out environmental differe11ces equals heritability in the broad sense plus any between­ particularly in forest trees; it can never underestimate he­ tree environmental effects which persist over the period ritability values peculiar to any specific stand. Since he­ during which the measured whorls were produced. Con- ritability in the narrow sense seldom is greater than two­ 115 Table 6. LEGEND I I I >< X II v X X v X >< vI )< vII v Ill IX X X Angle tt±±:±tl tf±j xm Length of Branches I Branchbase Area VII IX X .3022) .020 .021 Number of brandies per whorl (whorls 6 through 11) .3852) .088 .142 Knottiness ratio (whorls 7 through 11) .3562) .163 .2331) 1: ) Significant at 95°/o level. 2) Significant at 99'0/o level. breeding progress per generation, when selecting on an --- ij >d!tIX X II Ill IV v VI V AREA (repeatabilities) of Stem interwhorl lengths (above whorls 5 through 11) 1 lm:t$1 m :m :m :mm :m m =ma:u: I Intraclass correlation coefficients Area Fmfm1m rm >< ialX IX Fm>< X m:m ><m m m ma><m :mm I Number of Branches Branch X m:m - three crown characteristics for ten trees from three areas. tt± X II average of n records per organism is 1/ + ( : l) r times as much as if selecting on only one record per organism. - Particularly where r (repeatability) is low, three or four observations per tree may foster a considerable increase Ill IX X obtained by consideration of repeatability in the design an :1 in efficiency of selection. Also substantial benefit may be measurement of progeny tests where a number of meas­ Area Averages Not Significantly Different urements might be made on a single organism instead of a single measurement on several. Area Averages Significantly Different No Comparison Figure 4. - Popu l a t ion Struct,u r e in Dou,gl as-Fir It is injudicious for several reasons to consider statisti­ Made cally significant differences between areas (Hgure 4) to be 'bona fide evidence for existence of hereditarily distinct Statistical significance of differences, for four crown local populations in Douglas-fir. First, although, admitt2dly, characteristics, between means of 30-tree samples of ten areas. estimates are based on limited quantitative evidence (t.a ble 6), it appears that heritabilities are low in wild populations thirds of the repeatability, even in relatively homogeneous - at least for crown characteristics collateral to branch size animal herds (LusH and ARNOLD, 1937; BoTKIN and WHATLEY, and number. 1953), the tree breeder will be fortunate if narrow-sense From this, and from other reported observations, it can heritability approaches one-half of repeatability. be gathered that crown phenotypes are particularly suscep­ Intraclass correlation coefficients, calculated from dab tible to environmental modifications. Stand density has used for the within-tree variation study, are shown in profound effect on crown characteristics. Branch diameter table 6. The coefficients indicate repeatability of branching (EvERSOLE, 1955) and number of branches (KuNz, 1953) are characteristics, hence heritabilities, to be low or lacking especially altered in the crown region where active com­ in the three stands sampled. From a topographic and soil petition between neighboring trees occurs. JAcoBs (1938) standpoint, IX and X were located on two of the least uni­ suggests that in Pinus r'CLdiat.a branch length is affected form areas, and VII was one of the most uniform areas of above the actual zone of contact as well; at the same time, the ten sampled for the study. Apparently intense individu'll cross-sectional area of branch bases is not. tree selection for crown chamcteristics will be effective Environment may also have a differential influence on only if practiced in stands located on extremely uniform the growth of separate crown attributes. GESSEL and WAL­ sites. Heritabilities may be so low in stands on varidble KER (1956), LEYTON (1956) and others have demonstrated posi­ sites that a high selection differential will be meaning­ tive correlation between length increase of the terminal shoot and nutrient concentration in the foliage. WILL (1957) less. showed that nutrient levels in the foliage of Pin,us radiata Low repeatability values further indicate that branching characteristics of a tree should not be estimated from meas­ vary considerably, but variation patterns within the crown urements taken at a single whorl. LusH (1945) predicts that are distinctive and fairly consistent for each nutrient. From Table 5. - Observed and adjusted thirty-tree average values for three crown characteristics. - Cross-sectional Area of Branch Bases (Square Inches) Area I II Ill IV v VI VII VIII IX X 116 - X - I -- -s ------ 35.91 40.89 44.88 40.89 41.58 33.56 20.91 17.84 41.33 9.79 11.52 12.09 10.54 8.34 10.57 4.82 5.45 8.62 1 x-- -- - 26.11 37.70 41.60 33.76 51.84 36.24 - 28.41 34.69 - - - - - Number of Branches Adjusted to Average to Average As - -------Measured - As Measured -- ------- Adjusted Stem Lengths Stem Lengths -- -X x x X s s - --- --- ---1.1 9.1 9.4 Adjusted to Average - - Stem - -Surface--Area of As Measured - Branch Length (Feet) - - - I -·- I 9.2 10.1 9.5 9.0 9.5 9.3 7.6 7.4 9.1 I I - 1.4 1.6 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.4 0.9 09 1.1 I 84 9.9 9.3 8.7 10.3 9.2 7.9 7.9 8.6 I 48.5 51.9 58.7 57.5 49.1 59.3 54.3 46.8 75.6 I I ! 8.5 10.0 8.6 10.5 8.0 9.3 6.3 5.3 9.5 I 40.6 50.0 57.8 53.9 56.7 59.1 S8.4 51.8 70.1 I these patterns it appears possible that a nutrient defici ncy III seem to represent a population center of long-branched may limit shoot elongation in one portion of the crown and, trees. Departure from the center in any direction produces at the same time, in another portion of the crown the same a decrease in average branch length. This may be evidence nutrient may not be limiting. An actual case, demonstrating the differential effect of for geographic clinal variation, or on the other hand, it may be evidence of a gradation in environment affecting a nutrient deficiency on branch elongation versus stem branch length. Similar population centers for high number elongation, is found in a study reported by HoLMBACH and of branches, and large average cross-sectional area of MALMSTROM (1 947). During an irrigation test, the nutritional branch bases can also be discerned. status of Pinus sylvestris . was increased on one plot relative to an adjacent plot which was not treated. Branch length was increased comparatively more than stem length on the S el ect ion f or Br a nch C har act er is t ics i n W il d P opu la t ions treated plot. The resulting trees had noticeably bro·:tder In theory, intensive selection is ineffective where he­ crowns. From this, it would appear that s oil environment ritabilities are very low ; in this case progeny tests should (nitrogen nutrition, in this ease) which limits branch elonga­ ,be used as aids to selection (LusH 1 948). So if heritabili ties tion does not always limit stem elongation to a like degree. ,for branching characteristics in Douglas-fir are as low as In the present study of variation in crown characteristics, some between-area differences could well be an expression of this phenomenon. In fact, a very reasonable hypothesis to explain phenotypically dissimilar trees growing on two of the adjacent study areas can be developed from this assumption. Although ,areas VI and VIII have very similar average stem lengths (table 4), they have quite divergent average branch lengths (table 5). For area VI, average branch length at the eleventh whorl is almost two feet greater than the average length of similarly located branch­ es in area VIII. Trees growing on area VIII have narrow, spire-like crowns with the light green foliage which typi­ cally indicates nitrogen deficiency in Douglas-fir (GEssEL, WALKER, and HADDOCK, 1951). Trees from area VI have a broad crown with dark green foliage. But area VI is located on a soil characterized by excessive drainage, and CARMEAN (1 956) suggests that in Douglas-fir stands on excessively drained soils height-growth practically ceases at 60 to 70 years. This indicates that soil moisture may be limiting height growth elongation in area VI. On the other hand, lower-branch elongation does not cease if the branches have no lateral competition. From these observations, it appears possible that branch and stem elongation may have been affected differentially by nutrient and soil moisture condi­ tions prevalent at the two areas. the repeatability data indicate, selection for these charac­ teristics should be based on progeny tests. Furthermore, "races" with desirable branching attributes should also be chosen on the basis of progeny tests or provenance trials. Clearly, if heritabilities are low, phenotypic differences between local populations are doubtful evidence for r::tcial or clinal variation. On the other hand, phenotypic selection is far less ex­ pensive than progeny testing. With forest trees, progeny tests are particularly costly in terms of space and time required to complete each test - far more so than with animals or agricultural crops. Consequently, fairly inten­ sive phenotypic selection may be justified as a preliminary step to progeny testing of forest trees. This may be i rue even under conditions where very low heritabilities gen­ erally prevail, if only to increase the probability that trees with better than average heredity will be tested. If pheno­ typic selection for branching characteristics of Douglas-fir is used to increase this probability, only the more desirable trees should be chosen from the phenotypically better local p opulations growing on extremely uniform sites. Larger heritabilities should be found in such populations, and genetic variation due to both racial and individual tree the better races (WRIGHT, et al., 1958) . differences is exploited by testing the better trees from Finally, in this study, there usually was a positive cor­ Summary relation between branch characteristics and tree size. When testing differences between areas, variation due to dif­ Three hundred 15 to 35 year old Douglas-firs, located in ferent average s,ize of tree can be partially removed by ten native stands in Southwestern Washington were meas­ statistical control. An attempt has been made to do this ured to provide quantitative estimates of phenotypic varia­ by using average stem length of an area as a measurement tion in branching characteristics. Measurements of stem of the environment of the area. But, if speculations in the length and diameter, branch diameter, angle, length md previous paragraph are correct, similar stem lengths may number were restricted to eight consecutive whorls in the be produced by very dissimilar environments which may upper crown of each tree. From these measurements, E:sti­ have radically different effects upon the expression of the mates of the variation to be expected within trees, between separate branch characteristics. Therefore, extreme caution trees within-populations, and between populations, have must be used in interpreting average differences in crown been calculated and are presented in tabular form to be characteristics where differences in size of tree exist be­ used as basic variation information, e . g., information that tween areas. It is probably equally unwise to consider all differences modification. Areas II and X, with almost identical height between populations as being due only to environmental growth and located at similar altitudes on similar f-oils, may be helpful in the proper design of Douglas-fir progeny tests. A method which may be used to estimate upper limits of broad sense heritabilities for crown characteristics in populations of trees for which parentages cannot be ascer­ have greatly different numbers of branches per whorl tained is also discussed. Application of this method (based ( tables 4, 5). It is extremely unlikely that this is due to upon the idea of "repeatability" used for many years by modification alone. Also, there is some slight evidence for animal breeders) to measurement data from ten trees the presence of clines or "papulation centers" for some from each of three widely separated stands indicates that branch characteristics. For example, when the areas with broad sense heritability of crown characteristics may be their corresponding adjusted branch length (table 5) are very low in wild populations of Douglas-fir. This suggests placed on an outline map ( f tgur e 1) to indicate their relative that intensive selection for phenotypic "plus" trees, where geographic position, a possible pattern arises. Areas VI and crown characteristics are being considered, is extremely 1 17 inefficient in species such as Douglas-fir which are found L'application d e cette methode (basee sur l'idee de »repe­ growing on many sites within a relatively small geographic tabilite« employee depuis de nombreuses annees en amelio­ range. ration du betail) aux mesures de 10 arbres pris dans trois peuplements Zusammenfassung Titel der Arbeit : Die phan.otY'pische Variation b ei Doug ­ Lasfi.chte u nd einige S chitzu n g en ub er die Wieder ho lb a,r ­ keit von Verzweigu ngsmer kmal en . Dreihundert 15- bis 35jahrige Douglasien aus 1 0 autochtho­ nen Bestanden Siidwestwashingtons eloignes wurden vermessen, urn quantitative Schatzungen phaenotypischer Verzwei­ populations naturelles messer, -winkel, -lange und -anzahl festgestellt. Aus die­ sen Werten wurden Schatzungen der Variation innerhalb der Baume, zwischen den Einzelbaumen innerhalb der Po­ pulation und zwischen den Populationen errechnet. Die­ urn als grundlegende Information tiber die Variation benutzt zu werden, d. h. de douglas. Cela suggere qu'une des caracteres de la cime est tout a fait inefficace pour des st·ations differentes a l'interieur d 'une region relativement peu etendue. Literature Cited T . , and AnNBORG, improvement. HADDEns, Society for G. : The society for practical forest Practical No. 59. Uppsala, Sweden (1953). Science 12 (3), 552-560 (1953). - konnte. Auf3erdem wird eine Methode diskutiert, mittels die obere Grenze der der Heritabilitat im weiteren Sinne von Kronenmerkmalen in Waldbaumpopulationen, deren Abstammung unsicher ist, geschatzt werden kann. Die Anwendung dieser Methode (die seit vielen Jahren von Tierziichtern benutzt wird und die auf der Wiederholbar­ keit = " repeatability" basiert) bei Vermessungswerten von ,je 10 Baumen von 3 weit auseinanderliegenden Bestanden zeigt, daf3 die Heritabilitat im weiteren Sinne der Kronen­ merkmale in einer Wi1dpopulation von Douglasien sehr W. 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Note No. 122 (1955) . - radiata. Part I. JAc o B s , M. R. : Notes on Pinus Observations on features which influence prun­ niedrig zu sein scheint. Dies legt die Vermutung nahe, daf3 ing. Comm. For. Bureau, Bull. 23. Comm. Govt. Printer, Canberra eine intensive phaenotypische Plusbaumselektion nach Kro­ (1938). - , nenmerkmalen in Arten wie Douglasie, die auf vielen Standorten in einem relativ kleinen geographischen Ver­ breitungsgebiet vorkommt, sehr unwirksam ist. JAcoB s , M. R. : Growth habits of the Eucalyptes. Forestry and Timber Bureau, Dept. of the Interior, Australia, 262 pp. (1955) . - JENSEN, H. : The establishment of forest tree seed orchards at RamlOsa 1941-54. Acta Horti Gotoburgensis 19 (5) , 157-192 (1954). - KuNz, R. : Morphologische Untersuchungen in nati.irlichen Foh­ rendickungen. Mitteil. Schweizer. Anstalt Forstl. Versuchswesen Resume Titre de l'article : Var iation phenotY'piqu e et estimat ion de cteTistiqu es de.s branches du ce dans les oara La con stan 300 douglas ages d e 15 a 35 ans situes dans 10 peuplements dou gla s . naturels dans le Sud-Ouest de l'Etat de Washington ont ete mesures dans le but d'obtenir une estimation de la variation phenotypique des caracteres des branches. Les mesures de longueur et diametre du tronc, diametre, angle d'insertion, longueur et nombre des branches n'ont porte que sur les 8 29 (2), 335-402 (1953). - LEYToN, L. : The relationship between the growth and mineral composition of the foliage of Japanese larch leptolepis Munn.). (Larix Plant and Soil 7 (2) , 167-177 (1956) . - LusH, J. L. : Animal breeding plans. 3rd Ed. Collegiate Press, Inc . , Ames, Iowa, U . S . A . , 443 pp. (1945). - Lusn, J. L. : Heritability of quantitative characters in farm animals. Eighth Int. Congress of Genetics, pp. 356-375 (1948). - Lu sH, J. 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