I Reprinted fro11i ·the .TOURN,\L OF FORESTRY "Vol. 56, No. 6, June 1958 Artificial Ripening of Douglas-Fir Cones Roy R. Silen1 Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Forest Service. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Portland, Oregon Doilm,AS-FIR (Pseudotsuga men­ ziesii [Mirb.] Franco) ·seed is sel­ do. m fully ripened on the tree be­ fore late August in the Pacific Northwest. Since natural seed fall may begin a§ early as the last week in that month, the cone collecting period is often short. Lengthening ·of this period is a worthwhile goal, for it would permit better organi­ zation of cone collection and allow skilled personnel to collect more of the crop. Artificial ripening of seed in cones picked in early Aug­ ust now appears to be a distinct possibility. The idea that cones might be ripened off the tree has probably been advanced many times. Dr. J. W. Duffield, Industrial Forestry Association ge-n e tic i s t, has sug­ gested that squirrels, in their stor- · age methods, might provide condi­ tions for ripening immature cones. The present study stems from an exploratory study of simulated squirrel caches in 1954 by the au­ . thor and Richard C. Koenig on the H. J. Andrews Experimental For- 1Cooperators in the study were Forrest Deffenbacher and James Hutchins of the U. S. Forest Service Nursery, Carson, Wash., who collected and extracted the seed. Germination tests were made at the Cooperative Seeil Testing Laboratory, Corvallis, Ore. William Scheuner made observations of the seedlings as a student project at O_regon State College. Seed weights were <leterininecl by Peter H. Geiger, U. S. F_orest _ S rvice. est. Cones collected early and stored in sandy soil were found to have an appreciable percentage of germinable seed. The Study A study was . begun during the s u m m e r of 1956 to d e t e rmine whether seed from ill:imature cones could be ripened artificially and-, if so, whether the seed and seedlings produced were normal in size alld weight. Five cone-bearing t r e e s ranging from 5 0 t o 100 feet tall were chosen near the Wind River Nursery in southwestern Washing­ ton;. cones 'vere collected from these trees on July 11 and at 10day intervals until August 30. A collection planned for September 10 could not be made because many of the cones had opened and shed their seed. Each collection consisted of 60 cones picked from over the whole . crown_ of each tree. These :were uniformly about 63°F. Peat moss was chosen to inhibit mold develop­ ment. 3. Wet storage. Cones were stored in hardware cloth enclosures and immersed in 'vell-aerated wa­ ter (about 56°F.) of the fish ladder on Tront Creek Dam, near the Wind River Nursery. This treat­ ment was begun with the August 1 collection, whereas the. other two treatments were begun with the Jnly 11 collection. The various lots were kept in storage until September 30 in· or-. der to allow the damp-stored cones. to mature. Then they were stored in air until October 11, when they were kiln dried at 110°F. maximum temperature. After drying, some of the cone scales reniained closed in some lots. In order to eliminate any_ possibl bias from the failure of some ,cone lots to shed their seed uniformly, all seed was extracted by h::\nd by breaking the scales - apart 1where necessary. ExcePt ·: for occ4sional small seeds in the 'tip or bhse of the cone1 eyery- seed: was ext acted. .. \ ' I The lots · were· clcianed_ in _ a-Da- mixed and divided into 3 lots of 20 cones, each lot to be stored sepa­ rately under 1 of 3 conditions: 1. Dry storage. Cones were spread on screen trays and stored in racks in a shed that was open to the air on all sides. Temperatures kota blower to rein9ve as mi,1ch of the debris as possible without los­ varied between 60° and 80°F. iu"g ·any o the seed.:- Then·; : 'ran­ 2. Damp storage. Cones were stored between layers of damp peat dom sample of 200 seeds was countmoss in po,vder boxes in a dark . ed by hand from each lot for a ger­ cellar, where temperatur· wer . ll1in.ation test.. .An additional slim_ 411 JUNE 1958 ple was set aside for a later seed .weight test. The g'ermination test '\Vas carried out with four 50-seed sub-samples from each lot placed on moist river sand in plastic dishes. Seeds were prechilled for 2 weeks at 3°0., then they were germinated at alter­ nating temperatures of 20° and 30° C. for 7 . weeks. To watch for evidence of possible abnormal de­ velopment in lots from early collec­ tions, half tbe germinated seedlings from each lot were planted in flats in river sand and grown in a green­ house for 5 weeks. Finally, in order to test whether ' or not the seed had gained weight during storage, five kernels from each dry-stored and damp-stored seed Jot were decoated and dried at 80° C. for 16 hours to obtain ovendry weight. Weights were not obtained for wet-stored seeds. Germination, seedling. data, and seed weight were tested by analysis of variance. During the course of the study, supplementary examinations were made to determine differences in embryo development for the three storage methods. Seeds from each lot were dissected August 2 and August 23. For cones receiving normal dry storage, '' endosperms'' (female gametophytes plus integuments) were usually shrunken and em­ bryos shriveled shortly after-pick­ ing. Embryos in cones receiving wet storage seemed to be develop­ ing normally on .August 23, except that some from the early collected lots appeared to be slightly more yellow than normal. TABLE l. GERMINATION PERCENTAGES OF _SEED FR01l[ CONES COLLEC'!'ED AT 10-DAY INTERVALS AND STORED UNDER DRY, DAMP, AND WET CONDITIONS Collee.tion date Cone July 11 July 21 1 2 3 4 5 Average 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Average 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tree No. storage method n,y Damp Wet1 0 0 0 2 4 1 28 32 40 35 50 36 22 6 27 59 40 31 38 39 14 38 30 32 18 48 15 23 48 30 18 33 32 24 40 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 39 0, 2 0 39 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 stored lots collected before August 30 did not. The wet storage meth­ od gave· eith'er poor or no germina­ tion (Table 1 and Fig. 1.). The low average germination percentages over the whole study are explained by the sampling pro­ cedure. Wormy or otherwise de­ fective cones were not culled. (Cones from individual trees showed insect damage ranging from 22 percent to 41 percent of the total.) During extraction a:lld cleiining every seed in the cone was recovered, whether fiat or hol­ low. A unifor1n procedure was ·nec­ essary to keep the lots strictly com­ parable for germination tests. The fact that germination percentage in no case exceeded 59 percent points up the high proportion of poor seed usually removed by se­ lective cone collection methods and · Results Germination. - Germination re­ sults were very clearcut. The damp­ stored lots collected from August 1 on gave good germination (29 per­ cent or better), whereas the dry10 MILLIGRAM.S ,/ f DAM p s oRAGE I , I •' a;, ,' , , , , WE' S , , •/ro DAMP STORA ,. / V ,<'DRY ./ ,' ,. fuRAGE Bho %0 DATE of CONE COLLECTION FIG. 1.-A verage germination percentages of seed, by collection date, from cones stored in dry, damp, and wet storage. --0 / 2 - - - -- 6 4 DRY STORAGE -- --- ---- 6 ' , , . , , , I y,,' 0 0 0 6 48 8 4 45 22 DRY WEIGHT;-PER SEED 30 % 0 0 0 0 5 0 1 Embryos continued to develop in all damp-stored lots. Except for the July 11 collection, embryos were nearly equal in length to those in freshly collected cones and slightly lighter in color. When examined on August 23, some de­ veloping embryos were even found in cones from the July 11 collec­ tion. Except in some of the lots from the July 11 collection, endo­ sperms were firm. There were large differences be­ tween the five parents in the per­ centage of seeds containing em­ ,bryos. ,• 0 0 Aug. 30 1Treatment begun with August 1 collection. 40 fiERCENT 10 0 0 Aug. 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 Average AVERAGE GERMINATION 20 0 Aug. 10 Aug. 1 - - --- -- ......... STORAG , , ' ·:, '0i 6ho .. DATE of CONE COLLECTION FIG. 2.-0ven·dry 'veight of decoated seed, by collection rlate, for damp and dry cone storage treatments. I ij 'I ! I ! 412 JOURNAL OF FORESTRY effective cleaning.in commercial op­ the numbers (few) lost to damping eratiohs. The germination percent­ off showed no apparent relation to ages reported here represent true - ger111ination capacity of seed without any n1echincal screen­ ing. Seed weight.-Dry-weight com­ parison after storage of seed ker­ nels from the same collection should Considering these results in great­ er detail, -dry cone storage gave no or insignificant germination for col­ indicate whether or not the seeds received nutrients from the cone while in storage. The dry-stored 11 to Au­ cones quickly became too dry for 10. The August 20 collection further development, whereas the lections made from July gust - date of collection. natural was significantly lower in germina­ 30 collection (21.7 percent compared to 36.2 per­ tion than the August cent). However, there was consid­ erable tree-to-tree variation. Seed obtained from one tree on August 20 germinated better than seed col­ lected on August 30. The germination o:f the damp­ 11 was 1.3 percent for the July stored lots collected on July zero and damp-stored cones stayed fresh and green. Kernels o:f seed from early col­ lections weighed placed in damp appreciably storage more after storage than kernels from corre­ As in the case o:f dry storage, variation with parentag0 \Vas , evident; some trees showed their highest germination in lots 1, oth­ collected as early as August ers not until August 30, and ·son1e at an· intermediate \late. .lection after August nificantly higher No col­ 1 gave average a sig­ result than others. Wet storage resulted _in no ger­ n1ination for the collections of Au­ g·ust l and August 10, only 0.3 per­ 20, and 17.3 per­ cent for August cent for the final collection on Au­ gust 30. At best, wet storage was poorer than dry storage. Seedling growth.-For the damp treatment, the seedlings showed slight but significant differences in growth as measured by length of cotyledons and epicotyl. On the average, epicotyl length was less 17 percent (0.48 inch vs. 0.58 inch) in the August 1 collec­ by about tion as compared with the August 30 collection. Cotyledon also was less by about length 14 percent (0.75 inch vs. 0.87 inch). The per­ centage of abnor1nal seedlings was very small in all collections. Data taken on relative numbers of seed­ 30. Apparently the development is available in the cones as early as August l_ and per­ haps earlier, but the cones must be kept moist for seed maturation tu take place. It appears also that oxygen lev­ els must be kept above those in well-aerated water. Lack of ger­ 1nination under wet storage condi­ based on wetting or spraying should can1e progressively less for later gains from damp storage as much collection. age September food necessary for continued seed tions most likely was due to oxygen er, a percentage not significantly 30 still green when removed from stor­ 2). The average difference in seed weig'ht was 1:4 milligrams for the July 21 collection but be­ (Fig. collections, as, '\vould be expected. dry storage with the August those· collected on July s_ponding lots of dry-stored cones 21 collection. Thereafter, germina­ tion climbed to 30 percent or high­ different from that obtained from 30 to 40 days. For instance, 11 were fresh until August 20, but the scales had died by August 30. Cones collected on August 30 were from This difference represents· weight a-. 37 percent over corresponding dry-stored lots, particularly in the case of the July 21 collection. An indication of nossible loss o-f vitality resultin2· from early col­ lection i8 provided by the con1pari­ son of dry weight of damp-stored lots collected on August 1 with that o:f lots collected when :fully ripe on 30. This difference aver­ 1.2 milligrams per seed (14 August aged percent) based '\veight on August on the average 30. purpose : to determine if seed in cones picked early in the season would ripen under some artificial The storage in damp peat moss proved to be effective whereas neither the more drastic wet treatn1ent nor normal dry stor­ ag-e \vas effective. With the possibilitv o:f early cone ro11ection established, there remains the problen1 of finding- a commer­ cial method. Some further develop­ .ments are suggested by this study. First, a successful method seems the cones fresh until the seed ripens. The · cones in this study that were indi­ lings with seed coat growth restric­ vidually packed in damp peat moss tions and abnormal stem color, and retained a fresh Mold may be one o:f the obstacles to extraction of seed from early cone collections. In this study,_ the earlier 'collections in damp storage became heavily August 20 and October molded between 11. For this reason, considerable differences '\vere observed in various lots dur­ ing s·eed extractions, even though the final germination percentages were similar. The wet-stored cones were by far the easiest to extract from because all the scales became widely extended. They showed no mo1d even though they were some­ what sliiny "'hen removed fro1n the 30. rrhe dry-stored cones opened uni­ The study :fulfills the immediate to depend on keeping be tested for possible oxygen defi­ ciencies. fish ladder September Discussion treatment. deficiencies. Any storage treatment appearance for formly, but the scales were not spread "\videly eno11gh for easy ex traction. Removal of seed from the damp-stored lots was even more difficult because mold had caused _m any of the scales to remain closed. Later collections were not as badly affected and the August 30 collec­ tion particularly, \vhich was still green at time of removal from stor­ 'ag·e on September difficulty. 30, g'ave little This points up the dis­ tinct possibility o:f eliminating such troubles from mold. As long as the cones remain alive they are free of mold. I:f they could be removed just before the scales die, mold might be avoided, and the cones would likely open \vithout serious hindrance. The second purpose o:f the study 413 JVNE 1958 was to determine whether or not would still extend the cone collec­ would produce good nursery stock. This is only partially answered. The weight curves of (Fig. 2) mination _ for collections made on August 1 and· rater. the seed from early picked cones ­ tion period considerably. oven-dry seed and germination running Storage in a stream gave lower ger­ mination than other methods. Nor­ Small but statistically significant percentages bear fur­ mal dry storage of cones in air growth differences were found in ther inspection. Little germination gave no appreciable germination (Table 1) the 5-week-old seedlings of the lots occurred from either dry- or damp­ for collections prior to August 20 picked on August 30 and those stored seed until kernels averaged and from the lots picked earlier. Mea­ over 7 milligrams; fully matured only about two-thirds of the ger­ surable differences in other charac­ seedlings were produced when the mination obtained from the collec­ teristics were not found. Insuffi­ kernels- averaged over 8 milligrams. tion cient seed was available to make Criteria have been soti.ght for as­ damp-storage method is shown to nursery tests. even on this collection August 30. Hence the in ripening the imma­ sessing the maturity of Douglas-fir be effective Data from the oven-dry seed ker­ seed during cone collection, such ture cones and their seeds. nel weights give a picture consist­ as .floatation _of cones in solvents, ent with cone color, or embryo size. seedling measurements. yielded Seeds in the damp-stored lots, Since however, Were more difficult to ex­ It is interesting that reductions none has been developed so far, the tract due to mold on the cones. _in epicotyl leveling off of the curve of average Seedlings growth, and dry seed weight be­ seed kernel dry weight is suggested picked as early as August 1 were t,veen the August 1 and August for further investigation. as a pos­ apparently showed sible criterion. slightly less cotyledon and epicotyl cotyledon g r -o w t h, 30 collections were 17, 14, and- 14 percent, respectively. Whether this similarity in growth. Sununa;y percentage between from damp-stored normal but Dry:-weight measurements of the seed kernels showed that damp storage of cones collected on measurements is accidental or re­ A study .to determine whether flects a meaningful reduction in or not Douglas-fir seed from cones August 1 _ seedling vigor 'vill require further picked early in the season could be slightly under full weight. testing for an answer. In these measurements, the re­ lots resulted in seed only artificially ripened was made on The artificial ripening of seed in cones collected _from :five trees near immature cones by some com1_ller­ duction in seed weight and seed­ the Wind River Nursery, Carson, cial method of damp storage ap­ ling growth was much less for the Wash. pears possible for Dougla.•-fir. This August 10 collection than for the July 11 and continued at 10-day may greatly lengthen the period of Aug·ust 1 collection. Hence the risk . of producing a lighter, less vigor­ intervals cone collection for this species, or September. Of three storage meth­ provide ous seedling would be reduced by ods tried, cones stored at al:iout 63° cones inadvertently picked before ( ollecting after August 10, which in damp peat moss gave full ger­ they are fully ripe. Collections were begun on until seedfall in early a method of handling